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world_n deny_v present_a ungodliness_n 1,811 5 10.9823 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79734 A grave and serious advice of the ministers of the Kirk of Scotland to masters of families that they may govern according to the word of God. Church of Scotland.; Ker, A. 1650 (1650) Wing C4227AB; ESTC R492291 4,380 4

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conceive and their tongues to express convenient desires to God for their family and in the mean time for their greater encouragement let these materials of Prayer be meditated upon and made use of as followeth Let them confess to God how unworthy they are to come in his presence and how unfit to worship his Majesty and therefore earnestly ask of God the Spirit of Prayer They are to confess their sins the sins of the family accusing judging and condemning thēselvs for them till they bring their souls to some measure of true humiliation They are to pour out their souls to God in the name of Christ by the Spirit for forgiveness of sins for grace to repent to beleeve and to live soberly righteously and godly and that they may serve God with joy and delight walking before him They are ro give thanks to God for his many mercies to his People and to themselves and especially for his love in Christ and for the light of the Gospel They are to pray for such particular benefits Spiritual and Temporal as they stand in need of for the time whether it be Morning or Evening as health or sicknesse prosperity or adversity They ought to pray for the Kirk of Christ in general for all the Reformed Kirks and for this Kirk in particular and for all that suffer for the Name of Christ for all our Superiors and their Children for the Majestrates Ministers and whole body of the Congregation whereof they are Members as well for their Neighbours absent in their lawful affairs as for those that are at home The Prayer may be closed with an earnest desire that God may be glorified in the coming of the Kingdom of his Son and in the doing of his Will and with assurance that themselves are accepted and what they have asked according to his Will shall be done X. These exercises ought to be performed in great sincerity without delay laying aside all exercises of worldly businesse or hinderances notwithstanding the mockings of Atheists and prophane men in respect of the great mercies of God to this Land and of his severe Correction wherewith lately he hath exercised us And to this effect persons of eminency and all Elders of the Kirk not onely ought to stir up themselves and their Families to diligence herein but also to concur effectually that in all other families where they have power and charge the said exercises be conscionably performed XI Besides the ordinary duties in Families which are above mentioned extraordinary duties both of Humiliation and Thanksgiving are to be carefully performed in Families when the Lord by extraordinary occasions private or publick calleth for them XII Seeing the Word of God requireth That we should consider one another to provoke unto love and good works Therefore at all times and specially in this time wherein prophanesse abounds and Mockers walking after their own lusts think it strange that others run not with them to the same excesse of riot Every Member of this Kirk ought to stir up themselves and one another to the duties of mutual Edification by Instruction Admonition Rebuke exhorting one another to manifest the grace of God in denying ungodlinesse and worldly lusts and in living godlily soberly and righteously in this present world by comforting the feeble-minded and praying with or for one another Which duties respectively are to be performed upon special occasions offered by Divine Providence as namely when under any calamity grosse or great difficulty counsel or comfort is sought or when an Offender is to be reclaimed by private Admonition and if that be not effectual by joyning one or two more in the Admonition according to the rule of Christ that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established XIII And because it is not given to every one to speak a word in season to a wearied or distressed conscience it is expedient that a person in that case finding no ease after the use of ordinary means private and publick have their addresse to their own Pastor or some experienced Christian But if the person troubled in Conscience be of that condition or of that sex that Discretion Modesty or fear of scandal requireth a godly grave and secret Friend to be present with them in their said addresse it is expedient that such a Friend be present XIV When Persons of divers Families are brought together by Divine Providence being abroad upon their particular Vocations or any necessary occasions as they would have the Lord their God with them whithersoever they go they ought to walk with God and not neglect the duties of Prayer and Thanksgiving but take care that the same be performed by such as the Company shall judge fittest and that they likewise take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the Hearers The drift and scope of all rhese directions is no other but that upon the one part the power and practice of godlinesse among all the Ministers and Members of this Kirk according to their several places and vocations may be cherished and advanced and all impiety and mocking of religious Exercises suppressed And upon the other part that under the name and pretext of Religious Exercises no such Meetings or Practices be allowed as are apt to breed Error Scandal Schism contempt or misregard of the publick ordinances and Ministers or neglect of the duties of particular callings or such other evils as are the works not of the Spirit but of the Flesh and are contrary to truth and peace A. KER FINIS