Selected quad for the lemma: work_n

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work_n faith_n justify_v meaning_n 4,398 5 9.4322 5 false
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A40216 A New-England-fire-brand quenched being something in answer unto a lying, slanderous book, entituled, George Fox digged out of his burrows, &c. printed at Boston in the year 1676, of one Roger Williams of Providence in New-England ... : of a dispute upon XIV, of his proposals held and debated betwixt him, the said Roger Williams, on the one part, and John Stubs, William Edmundson, and John Burnyeat on the other at Providence and Newport in Rode-Island, in the year 1672 where his proposals are turn'd upon his own head, and there and here he was and is sufficiently confuted : in two parts : as also, something in answer to R.W.'s Appendix, &c. with a post-script confuting his blasphemous assertions ... : also, the letters of W. Coddington of Rode-Island, and R. Scot of Providence in New-England concerning R.W. and lastly, some testimonies of ancient & modern authors concerning the light, Scriptures, rule & the soul of men / by George Fox and John Burnyeat. Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Burnyeat, John, 1631-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing F1864; ESTC R3637 449,863 526

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such_o thing_n who_o rule_v in_o our_o heart_n by_o faith_n and_o in_o his_o grace_n and_o light_n power_n and_o spirit_n and_o truth_n that_o come_v by_o he_o that_o in_o the_o spirit_n we_o come_v to_o sit_v down_o in_o he_o as_o the_o saint_n do_v of_o old_a our_o rest_n yea_o in_o heavenly_a place_n in_o christ_n jesus_n and_o so_o can_v praise_v god_n through_o jesus_n christ_n yea_o and_o amen_o the_o first_o and_o the_o last_o g._n f._n i._o b._n a_o index_n of_o the_o priest_n &_o professor_n false_a principle_n &_o assertion_n which_o r._n w._n bring_v in_o his_o book_n from_o g._n f.'s_n fol._n with_o his_o own_o reply_v and_o other_o matter_n contain_v in_o the_o first_o part_n a_o abraham_n they_o can_v discern_v and_o see_v in_o those_o day_n that_o abraham_n command_n to_o kill_v his_o child_n be_v the_o command_n of_o god_n which_o we_o can_v now_o in_o these_o day_n r._n w._n pag._n 32_o alienation_n they_o be_v alienate_v from_o god_n and_o enemy_n until_o faith_n joseph_n kellet_n pag._n 218_o angel_n he_o make_v the_o angel_n protection_n a_o ground_n of_o christ_n fling_v himself_n down_o from_o the_o pinnacle_n of_o the_o temple_n r._n w._n pag._n 114_o shall_v we_o say_v the_o angel_n too_o be_v quaker_n and_o that_o christ_n have_v enlighten_v they_o pag._n id._n 106_o apostate_n who_o do_v these_o whorish_a brood_n thus_o brand_v for_o apostate_n pag._n id._n 122_o anoint_v p._n 33.80_o 81_o 83_o 88_o apparel_n see_v garment_n b._n be_v of_o good_a cheer_v thy_o sin_n be_v forgive_v thou_o how_o to_o obtain_v this_o sound_n from_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o mediator_n be_v the_o great_a dispute_n etc._n etc._n baptism_n see_v supper_n r._n w._n pag._n 6_o 7_o bewitch_v many_o at_o providence_n with_o his_o sorcery_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 17_o c._n carve_v they_o condemn_v carve_v embroider_v &_o paint_v commend_v by_o god_n himself_o in_o scripture_n cain_n 231_o r.w._n pag._n 158_o christ_n the_o son_n of_o mary_n god-man_n be_v absent_a from_o his_o church_n john_n bunyan_n pag._n 40_o christ_n be_v not_o in_o his_o disciple_n when_o he_o say_v i_o be_o the_o light_n of_o the_o world_n pag._n id._n ib._n that_o that_o man_n that_o be_v crucify_a his_o body_n be_v now_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o father_n and_o absent_a from_o his_o people_n as_o touch_v his_o bodily_a presence_n 60_o 123_o john_n burton_n pag._n 49_o those_o believer_n that_o be_v in_o the_o body_n at_o this_o day_n be_v absent_a from_o the_o lord._n pag._n id._n 50_o they_o say_v he_o be_v absent_a from_o they_o as_o touch_v his_o flesh._n pag._n id._n ib._n christ_n be_v absent_a from_o we_o while_o we_o be_v in_o this_o mortal_a body_n thomas_n moor._n 60_o pag._n 53_o they_o mean_v such_o a_o christ_n as_o have_v no_o individual_a bodily_a presence_n as_o we_o and_o all_o man_n have_v 41_o r._n w._n pag._n 122_o 123_o they_o cry_v up_o a_o false_a and_o hellish_a christ._n pag._n id._n 123_o they_o rob_v he_o christ_n the_o king_n of_o king_n of_o his_o crown_n and_o life_n and_o all_o pag._n id._n 61_o a_o false_a christ_n have_v a_o new_a false_a faith_n to_o apprehend_v this_o crucify_a christ_n within_o 36_o jo._n burton_n pag._n 51_o it_o be_v a_o scripture_n of_o the_o devil_n be_v make_v to_o apprehend_v this_o crucify_a christ_n within_o 52_o pag._n id._n ib._n that_o their_o christ_n be_v not_o the_o true_a lord_n jesus_n christ._n pag._n id._n 36_o the_o lord_n jesus_n be_v a_o far_o in_o his_o bodily_a presence_n john_n bunyan_n pag._n 39_o the_o saint_n have_v not_o christ_n in_o the_o flesh._n 34_o sam_n eton_n pag._n 38_o they_o have_v juggle_v away_o the_o flesh_n of_o christ._n 41_o r._n w._n pag._n 134_o there_o be_v not_o any_o heaven_n within_o into_o which_o the_o man_n christ_n be_v ascend_v or_o can_v any_o man_n contain_v a_o man_n four_o foot_n long_o john_n burton_n pag._n 51_o it_o be_v blasphemy_n to_o say_v that_o christ_n be_v in_o man_n as_o god_n man._n e._n howet_n pag._n 42_o christ_n god-man_n r._n w._n pag._n 57_o the_o saint_n do_v not_o see_v christ_n the_o heaven_n contain_v he_o s._n eton_n pag._n 39_o christ_n go_v away_o into_o heaven_n from_o his_o disciple_n and_o so_o not_o within_o they_o john_n burton_n pag._n 50_o if_o the_o very_a christ_n of_o god_n be_v within_o those_o that_o be_v call_v quaker_n he_o can_v come_v down_o from_o heaven_n thomas_n collier_n pag._n 57_o christ_n humane_a nature_n etc._n etc._n 43_o 56._o franc._n higginson_n pag._n 55_o to_o talk_n of_o this_o immediate_a christ_n without_o the_o scripture_n and_o mean_n be_v antichristian_a r._n w._n pag._n 102_o that_o he_o do_v believe_v in_o a_o christ_n that_o die_v at_o jerusalem_n but_o not_o in_o a_o christ_n within_o 47_o 56._o richard_n mayo_n pag._n 45_o let_v any_o of_o these_o juggler_n answer_v if_o they_o speak_v honest_o and_o bona_fw-la fide_fw-la if_o there_o be_v real_o such_o a_o man_n call_v jesus_n at_o jerusalem_n etc._n etc._n 34_o 35_o 44_o 47-49_a 54-56_a 117_o r._n w._n pag._n 113_o where_o be_v the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n now_o pag._n id._n 160_o the_o protestant_n cry_v up_o christ_n in_o the_o scripture_n pag._n id._n 189_o we_o shall_v not_o see_v christ_n until_o he_o come_v to_o judgement_n then_o and_o not_o before_o we_o shall_v see_v he_o 106_o daniel_n gawdry_n pag._n 43_o the_o body_n of_o christ_n be_v out_o of_o the_o sight_n of_o all_o his_o saint_n j._n bunyan_n pag._n 40_o christ_n that_o be_v themselves_o etc._n etc._n 156_o 166_o 135_o r._n w._n pag._n 153_o they_o make_v christ_n a_o type_n a_o example_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 155_o what_o be_v more_o common_a with_o they_o than_o christ_n in_o you_o the_o hope_n of_o glory_n pag._n id._n 237_o they_o etc._n etc._n to_o run_v through_o the_o heart_n and_o bowel_n of_o christ._n pag._n id._n 99_o to_o say_v christ_n within_o be_v never_o to_o mention_v christ_n without_o they_o deny_v christ_n without_o r._n w._n 55_o quaker_n cause_v pag._n 48_o christ_n be_v without_o his_o saint_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o bodily_a presence_n christ_n distinct_a see_v distinct._n 47._o hosanna_n etc._n etc._n pag._n 121_o confession_n see_v sin_n congregation_n they_o deny_v the_o gather_v of_o the_o saint_n into_o visible_a congregation_n see_v minister_n r._n w._n pag._n 127_o conversion_n pag._n 77_o command_n of_o god_n since_o the_o deadly_a fall_v not_o one_o be_v able_a pag._n id._n 148_o contradiction_n r._n w'_v p._n pag._n 144_o 177_o church_n they_o deny_v any_o church_n but_o that_o invisible_a pag._n id._n 117_o d_o desire_n r._n w'_v unchristian_a mind_n and_o desire_n pag._n 12_o devil_n what_o light_n have_v the_o devil_n etc._n etc._n 19_o r._n w._n pag._n 108_o distinct_a that_o god_n the_o creator_n be_v distinct_a from_o all_o creature_n that_o christ_n be_v god_n only_o in_o one_o person_n remein_v distinct_a from_o all_o man_n and_o angel_n 61_o ralph_n farmer_n pag._n 218_o it_o be_v a_o expression_n of_o a_o dark_a delude_a mind_n to_o say_v that_o god_n be_v not_o distinguish_v from_o his_o saint_n enoch_n howet_n pag._n ib._n that_o christ_n the_o father_n and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o one_o but_o three_o and_o distinct_a 85_o 86_o priest_n fergison_n pag._n 167_o christ_n be_v distinct_a from_o every_o one_o of_o we_o and_o without_o we_o in_o our_o particular_a person_n discern_v 32_o thomas_n moor._n pag._n 53_o e_o eat_v be_v the_o eat_v of_o the_o flesh_n of_o christ_n etc._n etc._n corporal_a or_o spiritual_a ●2_n 38_o r._n w._n pag._n 121_o eagle_n their_o eagles_n lion_n and_o fox_n skin_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 180_o effect_n the_o merchant_n desire_n to_o see_v effect_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 99_o election_n a_o certain_a number_n of_o god_n elect_n choose_v by_o mercy_n pag._n id._n 154_o enlighten_v p._n 14_o 15._o see_v light_n lt_n angel_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d within_o pag._n 205_o equal_a that_o one_o shall_v say_v he_o be_v equal_a with_o god_n 220_o francis_n higginson_n pag._n 165_o f_o faith_n be_v a_o receive_n of_o christ_n as_o only_a king_n priest_n and_o prophet_n etc._n etc._n 115_o 132_o 138_o 150_o r._n w._n pag._n 134_o justify_v by_o faith_n alone_o without_o good_a work_n 142_o g._n willingt_fw-fr pag._n 141_o fall_n away_o from_o grace_n and_o desertion_n etc._n etc._n 200_o r._n w._n pag._n 147_o farewell_n some_o of_o they_o will_v say_v farewell_n pag._n id._n 157_o fast_o that_o james_n parnel_n fast_v 40_o day_n etc._n etc._n 200_o pag._n id._n 229_o fire_n their_o paint_a fire_n and_o hammer_n that_o never_o break_v nor_o burn_v up_o sin_n pag._n id._n 202_o first-day_n why_o they_o do_v not_o proceed_v on_o the_o first-day_n pag._n id._n
68_o flame_n they_o will_v give_v up_o their_o life_n to_o the_o flame_n see_v martyr_n trial._n pag._n id._n 200_o form_n you_o call_v all_o man_n dead_a and_o carnal_a in_o the_o serpent_n nature_n in_o what_o form_n soev_a they_o differ_v from_o you_o hen._n haggar_n pag._n 209_o fullness_n of_o the_o godhead_n see_v god_n g._n garment_n their_o cry_v out_o against_o ornament_n of_o garment_n r._n w._n pag._n 158_o god_n it_o be_v say_v that_o god_n have_v shine_v in_o our_o heart_n pag._n id._n 84_o they_o hold_v no_o god_n no_o christ_n no_o angel_n etc._n etc._n 162._o pag._n id._n 161_o the_o fullness_n of_o god_n be_v one_o thing_n and_o our_o partake_n of_o that_o fullness_n etc._n etc._n 164_o 166_o 187_o 219._o pag._n id._n 163_o god_n manifest_a in_o the_o flesh_n etc._n etc._n 167._o pag._n 56_o god_n speed_n see_v receive_v godly_a they_o will_v call_v the_o godly_a viper_n serpent_n pharisee_n etc._n etc._n 8._o pag._n id._n 207_o gospel_n they_o predicate_v a_o false_a and_o hellish_a gospel_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 192_o the_o gospel_n be_v the_o letter_n samuel_n eton_n pag._n 213_o see_v new-england_n pag._n 214_o 215._o government_n their_o spirit_n tend_v to_o bring_v in_o arbitrary_a government_n 226_o 230._o r._n w._n pag._n 224_o grace_n sufficient_a 126._o see_v angel_n growth_n see_v leaven_n guide_n see_v scripture_n j._n green_a ask_n etc._n etc._n r._n w._n pag._n 161_o h._n hand_o their_o new_a way_n of_o feel_v the_o hand_n instead_o of_o kiss_v 222._o pag._n id._n 157_o hat_n their_o noise_n about_o the_o hat_n and_o knee_n lace_n paint_v etc._n etc._n 181-183_a pag._n id._n 151_o heaven_n and_o hell_n to_o witness_v heaven_n and_o hell_n and_o resurrection_n within_o be_v the_o mystery_n of_o iniquity_n 51_o j._n clapham_n pag._n 169_o to_o say_v the_o heaven_n and_o glory_n be_v within_o man_n which_o be_v before_o man_n be_v they_o be_v sottish_a and_o blind_a 163._o pag._n id._n 170_o heavenly_a place_n 39●_n 121punc_fw-la heathen_a g._n f._n exalt_v his_o heathen-light_n above_o the_o scripture_n 118._o r._n w._n pag._n 76_o hebrew_n the_o hebrew_a word_n of_o everlasting_a father_n the_o father_n of_o age_n r._n w._n pag._n 57_o they_o want_v hebr._n greek_n &_o latin_a help_n 204_o 205._o pag._n id._n 177_o henry_n iu_o of_o france_n that_o he_o be_v stab_v by_o a_o friar_n pag._n id._n 229_o heresy_n the_o quaker_n religion_n be_v heresy_n and_o themselves_o heretic_n pag._n id._n 126_o hitchcock_n pag._n 69_o 71_o 138_o hope_n they_o overthrow_v the_o nature_n of_o hope_n pag._n id._n 137_o humane_a nature_n god_n the_o father_n never_o take_v upon_o he_o humane_a nature_n 155._o the_o word_n humane_a 208._o chr._n wade_n pag._n 167_o i._n image_n their_o new_a upstart_a image_n 34._o ●●fallible_a see_v spirit_n inspiration_n see_v revelation_n r._n w._n pag._n 14_o interpretation_n they_o allow_v of_o no_o interpretation_n of_o scripture_n 184_o pag._n id._n 149_o invisible_a they_o affirm_v the_o church_n minister_n baptism_n and_o supper_n invisible_a 40-44_a 61-63_a 189._o pag._n id._n 127_o judaisme_n there_o be_v much_o judaisme_n in_o their_o religion_n pag._n id._n 156_o judgement_n see_v spirit_n 115_o 155_o 160_o 168_o 169_o 230._o pag._n id._n 139_o justification_n it_o be_v a_o error_n to_o say_v we_o be_v justify_v by_o that_o which_o christ_n do_v in_o we_o 150_o 144_o josh._n miller_n pag._n 141_o it_o be_v not_o faith_n and_o work_n that_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n but_o its_o faith_n and_o good_a work_n which_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n only_o etc._n etc._n see_v faith_n john_n bunyan_n pag._n 215_o k._n kingdom_n the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n that_o be_v in_o the_o saint_n be_v not_o in_o the_o pharisee_n jam._n brown_n pag._n 124_o 126_o the_o kingdom_n be_v not_o come_v nor_o the_o refresh_n from_o the_o spirit_n of_o the_o lord_n thomas_n collier_n pag._n 168_o they_o profess_v christ_n and_o spirit_n and_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n in_o the_o pharisee_n the_o very_a same_o the_o saint_n have_v r._n w._n pag._n 117_o they_o deny_v that_o visible_a kingdom_n and_o church_n of_o christ._n pag._n id._n 62_o korah_n pag._n 106_o l._n law_fw-fr god_n write_v law_n for_o israel_n etc._n etc._n see_v government_n item_n magistrate_n pag._n id._n 224_o leaven_n can_v there_o be_v such_o a_o mustardseed_n or_o leaven_n and_o yet_o not_o grow_v pag._n id._n 125_o 126_o liberty_n 11_o 24_o 183._o liberty_n to_o do_v 225._o liberty_n to_o speak_v robert_z williams_z pag._n 71_o lie_n r._n w._n be_v lie_v p._n 1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 8_o etc._n etc._n 16_o 17_o 18_o and_o child_n say_v thou_o lie_v etc._n etc._n r._n w._n pag._n 157_o lift_v up_o the_o quaker_n and_o papist_n lift_v up_o themselves_o against_o the_o child_n of_o god_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 184_o light_n their_o pretend_a light_n pag._n id._n 185_o he_o make_v the_o light_n to_o be_v natural_a and_o bear_v with_o every_o man._n 31_o 32_o 211._o pag._n id._n 84_o isa._n 8._o they_o have_v no_o true_a light_n within_o they_o pag._n id._n 140_o they_o maintain_v that_o the_o light_n within_o be_v that_o great_a prophet_n pag._n id._n 61_o what_o simplicity_n be_v it_o to_o stoop_v down_o to_o pen_n and_o ink_n when_o the_o light_n be_v sufficient_a pag._n id._n 58_o m._n magistrate_n the_o magistrate_n be_v not_o to_o level_n the_o law_n with_o the_o light_n in_o every_o man_n be_v conscience_n john_n stallam_n pag._n 119_o 120_o that_o the_o magistrate_n ought_v to_o subject_v to_o his_o light_n etc._n etc._n r._n w._n pag._n 229_o martyr_n as_o the_o martyr_n fire_n grow_v hot_a so_o their_o prayer_n etc._n etc._n 176_o 196_o 199._o pag._n id._n 94_o mean_n they_o talk_v of_o no_o mean_n but_o immediate_a revelation_n 74_o 78_o 81_o 82_o 102_o 103._o pag._n id._n 146_o meeting_n their_o dumb_a meeting_n etc._n etc._n sing_v etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 87_o ministry_n there_o be_v nothing_o in_o man_n to_o be_v minister_v unto_o but_o man._n enoch_n howet_n pag._n 76_o 77_o murder_n god_n may_v suffer_v he_o to_o murder_n i_o etc._n etc._n r._n w._n pag._n 21_o music_n they_o cry_v down_o music_n the_o gift_n of_o god_n &_o musician_n pag._n id._n 158_o n._n naked_a they_o appear_v in_o public_a street_n and_o assembly_n stark_o naked_a 28_o 32_o 87_o 224_o 174._o r._n w._n pag._n 9_o w._n s._n go_v naked_a pag._n 196_o name_n his_o most-ho_o name_n tread_v in_o the_o dirt_n by_o satan_n etc._n etc._n 23._o pag._n id._n 24_o the_o papist_n change_v their_o name_n etc._n etc._n pag._n id._n 152_o new-england_n church_n actual_a believer_n true_a disciple_n and_o convert_v live_v stone_n etc._n etc._n this_o be_v and_o i_o hope_n be_v the_o principle_n of_o the_o new-english_a church_n 4_o 190._o pag._n id._n 63_o 64_o 65_o new-england_n priest_n r._n w._n prove_v himself_o and_o his_o new-england_n priest_n hypocrite_n and_o one_o with_o mahomet_n and_o with_o the_o papist_n pag._n 193_o new-england_n priest_n and_o professor_n gospel_n need_v a_o rope-maker's-shop_n etc._n etc._n pag._n 192_o o._n oath_n the_o pope_n dispense_n of_o oath_n &_o marriage_n r._n w._n pag._n 183_o office_n they_o deny_v the_o person_n of_o christ_n and_o his_o office_n overseer_n 62_o 63_o 111_o 127._o pag._n id._n 61_o old_a man_n your_o say_n often_o old_a man_n old_a man._n rob._n w._n pag._n 72_o oracle_n of_o hell_n 4._o apollo_n oracle_n r._n w._n pag._n 185_o p._n parnel_n j._n parnel_n imprisonment_n suffering_n &_o death_n 229_o pag._n 95_o paunch_n peter_n tell_v we_o satan_n end_n be_v to_o fill_v his_o hellish_a paunch_n with_o soul_n r._n w._n pag._n 7_o 8_o pendleton_n vow_v etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o to_o mass_n he_o go_v pag._n id._n 232_o perfection_n the_o spirit_n of_o just_a man_n make_v perfect_a the_o quaker_n say_v here_o we_o say_v in_o the_o life_n to_o come_v pag._n id._n 73_o they_o know_v not_o absolute_a perfection_n that_o be_v admit_v of_o measure_n and_o degree_n 150_o 186_o 220._o hosanna_n etc._n etc._n pag._n 120_o surely_n they_o can_v be_v perfect_a in_o equality_n but_o only_o in_o quality_n 220._o daniel_n gawdry_n pag._n 165_o to_o say_v that_o any_o be_v perfect_a and_o without_o sin_n be_v the_o devil_n speak_v in_o man._n richard_n baxter_n pag._n 219_o persecution_n the_o quaker_n and_o papist_n be_v firebrand_n both_o in_o the_o matter_n of_o persecution_n etc._n etc._n 184_o 229_o 232._o r._n w._n pag._n 153_o persecutor_n pag._n 11_o 13_o 14_o 24_o 94_o 118_o 178_o 179_o pag._n 199_o 202_o pope_n and_o mahomet_n if_o the_o most-high_a please_v old_a &_o new-england_n may_v flourish_n when_o the_o pope_n and_o mahomet_n rome_n and_o constantinople_n be_v in_o their_o ash_n 16_o pag._n id._n 4_o 5_o 6_o 153_o pope_n 121_o 182_o 183._o pag._n id._n
christ_n in_o the_o saint_n the_o hope_n of_o glory_n have_v not_o be_v you_o his_o nature_n neither_o appear_v in_o r._n w._n nor_o in_o the_o new-england_n priest_n &_o professor_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v can_v the_o eternal_a god_n in_o any_o literal_a sense_n be_v call_v the_o hope_n of_o israel_n jer._n 4._o 121_o answ._n do_v not_o jeremy_n call_v he_o the_o hope_n of_o israel_n and_o the_o saviour_n and_o be_v he_o not_o so_o and_o be_v not_o god_n israel_n saviour_n and_o be_v not_o his_o people_n to_o hope_n and_o trust_v in_o he_o for_o it_o and_o the_o hope_n of_o israel_n to_o wit_n god_n be_v the_o hope_n of_o all_o his_o people_n comfort_n and_o mercy_n etc._n etc._n and_o the_o say_v of_o the_o apostle_n if_o in_o this_o life_n only_o we_o have_v hope_n etc._n etc._n be_v own_a and_o so_o we_o have_v both_o the_o hope_n in_o this_o life_n and_o that_o which_o be_v to_o come_v r._n w._n and_o when_o thou_o have_v utter_v a_o many_o false_a charge_n thou_o say_v it_o be_v true_a they_o will_v pretend_v to_o own_o scripture_n christ_n resurrection_n judgement_n faith_n hope_n repentance_n etc._n etc._n and_o as_o true_a and_o sound_a as_o any_o protestant_n answ._n pretend_a be_v thy_o own_o thrust-in_a for_o we_o do_v real_o and_o more_o true_o own_o christ_n resurrection_n judgement_n faith_n hope_n repentance_n and_o scripture_n than_o such_o protestant_n as_o thou_o and_o the_o new-england-priest_n do_v and_o r._n w._n thou_o say_v it_o be_v report_v that_o some_o of_o we_o at_o our_o death_n have_v use_v these_o word_n lord_n jesus_n receive_v my_o spirit_n and_o some_o have_v judge_v charitable_o of_o i●_n our_o go_n present_o to_o christ_n jesus_n but_o r._n w._n say_v but_o as_o to_o the_o truth_n and_o bottom_n however_o they_o blind_v the_o world_n and_o weak_a follower_n etc._n etc._n and_o so_o thou_o go_v on_o rail_v with_o more_o false_a and_o lie_a charge_n which_o we_o never_o think_v on_o answ._n here_o r._n w._n have_v manifest_v his_o false_a love_n and_o false_a charity_n for_o when_o a_o man_n be_v die_v in_o a_o sense_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o desire_v the_o lord_n jesus_n to_o receive_v his_o spirit_n do_v he_o think_v that_o man_n will_v dissemble_v at_o this_o time_n and_o do_v it_o in_o hypocrisy_n what_o a_o senseless_a man_n be_v r._n w._n and_o what_o a_o malicious_a spirit_n have_v he_o manifest_v here_o and_o we_o own_o the_o resurrection_n as_o the_o scripture_n speak_v and_o be_v not_o the_o soul_n a_o part_n of_o god_n breath_n which_o he_o have_v breathe_v into_o man_n and_o have_v not_o thou_o confess_v thyself_o that_o it_o go_v unto_o god_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v 122._o this_o say_v lord_n jesus_n receive_v my_o spirit_n be_v no_o more_o then_o lord_n jesus_n receive_v thyself_o answ._n these_o be_v r._n w.'s_n forgery_n for_o where_o do_v he_o prove_v it_o out_o of_o any_o of_o our_o book_n and_o so_o go_v on_o with_o rail_a and_o scoff_v at_o god_n people_n on_o their_o deathbed_n when_o they_o say_v lord_n jesus_n receive_v my_o spirit_n and_o therefore_o thou_o say_v their_o say_n be_v lord_n jesus_n receive_v thyself_o well_o r._n w._n thou_o may_v do_v the_o work_n that_o thy_o father_n set_v thou_o about_o but_o we_o do_v abhor_v thy_o forge_a word_n r._n w._n bring_v john_n bunyon_n g._n f._n fol._n p._n 127._o his_o say_n it_o be_v a_o counterfietlng_n as_o thou_o call_v it_o of_o a_o new_a birth_n to_o follow_v the_o light_n wherewith_o man_n come_v into_o the_o world_n be_v enlighten_v g._n f._n answer_v which_o none_o come_v to_o the_o new-birth_n but_o who_o come_v to_o the_o light_n wherewith_o every_o man_n that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n be_v enlighten_v which_o believe_v in_o be_v a_o child_n of_o the_o light_n by_o believe_v and_o receive_v christ_n they_o come_v to_o receive_v power_n to_o be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o r._n w._n quote_v his_o book_n for_o g._n f.'s_n fol._n 127._o where_o there_o be_v no_o such_o thing_n in_o that_o page_n but_o we_o have_v so_o much_o charity_n to_o overlook_v r._n w.'s_n mistake_n and_o not_o rail_v at_o he_o as_o he_o do_v at_o g._n f._n but_o this_o be_v full_o answer_v in_o the_o appendix_n where_o he_o bring_v it_o again_o in_o his_o page_n 5_o 6._o as_o for_o the_o word_n counterfieting_n whether_o it_o be_v the_o printer_n or_o the_o orator_n mistake_n we_o shall_v leave_v that_o but_o thou_o confess_v here_o that_o christ_n be_v the_o author_n and_o finisher_n of_o faith_n and_o in_o another_o place_n thou_o say_v with_o f._n d._n that_o the_o scripture_n be_v the_o ground_n of_o christ_n faith_n and_o the_o saint_n pag._n 102_o 103._o in_o thy_o book_n and_o thou_o ask_v if_o this_o light_n be_v christ_n the_o mediator_n answ._n we_o tell_v thou_o christ_n enlighten_v every_o man_n that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n and_o john_n tell_v thou_o that_o this_o be_v the_o true_a light_n which_o enlighten_v every_o man_n that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n which_o be_v the_o life_n in_o the_o word_n which_o become_v flesh_n etc._n etc._n and_o thou_o be_v no_o believer_n according_a to_o christ_n word_n until_o thou_o believe_v in_o his_o light_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v fox_n say_v this_o turn_v to_o the_o light_n within_o be_v the_o new-birth_n and_o call_v it_o our_o new_a light_n as_o they_o false_o and_o foolish_o prate_v 123_o but_o isa._n 8._o they_o have_v no_o true_a light_n but_o a_o false_a and_o paint_a light_n within_o they_o answ._n thou_o abuse_v isa._n 8._o as_o well_o as_o we_o he_o do_v not_o say_v of_o a_o false_a paint_a light_n within_o but_o read_v the_o margin_n and_o thou_o will_v see_v it_o say_v there_o be_v no_o morning_n in_o they_o and_o there_o be_v light_n before_o they_o come_v to_o the_o morning_n but_o thou_o call_v it_o a_o new_a light_n and_o a_o false_a new_a birth_n here_o thy_o malice_n appear_v against_o christ_n doctrine_n so_o thy_o doctrine_n be_v false_a and_o thy_o preach_v for_o christ_n say_v believe_v in_o the_o light_n that_o you_o may_v become_v child_n of_o the_o light_n so_o its_o clear_a thou_o be_v no_o preacher_n of_o christ_n nor_o messenger_n nor_o know_v not_o repentance_n that_o speak_v so_o much_o evil_n of_o they_o that_o turn_v people_n from_o darkness_n to_o light_n as_o the_o apostle_n do_v and_o believe_v not_o in_o the_o light_n so_o thou_o be_v no_o child_n of_o light_n but_o be_v in_o thy_o own_o false_a birth_n and_o so_o it_o be_v thou_o count_v it_o false_a and_o foolish_a prate_v to_o bid_v thou_o repent_v and_o believe_v in_o the_o light_n that_o thou_o may_v become_v a_o child_n of_o light_n but_o the_o light_n be_v true_a thou_o shall_v find_v it_o that_o believe_v not_o in_o the_o light_n but_o call_v it_o a_o fancy_n which_o will_v be_v thy_o condemnation_n r._n w._n and_o he_o bring_v g._n willington_n saying_n that_o he_o be_v justify_v by_o faith_n alone_o without_o good_a work_n 124._o g._n f._n answ._n fol._n p._n 44._o what!_o without_o the_o faith_n that_o work_v by_o love_n have_v thou_o conclude_v those_o work_n the_o work_n of_o popery_n which_o be_v the_o work_n of_o faith_n that_o work_v by_o love_n which_o faith_n give_v the_o victory_n for_o faith_n and_o work_n by_o love_n be_v own_v and_o he_o that_o believe_v be_v cease_v from_o his_o own_o work_n as_o god_n do_v from_o his_o and_o have_v enter_v into_o his_o rest._n and_o faith_n give_v victory_n over_o all_o the_o popish_a murder_v spirit_n and_o both_o thou_o and_o their_o work_n be_v out_o of_o it_o r._n w._n reply_v and_o fall_v a_o rail_n that_o g._n f._n make_v true_a justify_v faith_n to_o be_v not_o one_o hair_n breadth_n more_o than_o the_o faith_n that_o may_v be_v to_o god_n in_o the_o first_o covenant_n answ._n in_o this_o thou_o wrong_v g._n f.'s_n word_n as_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v and_o rom._n 3._o therefore_o we_o conclude_v that_o a_o man_n be_v justify_v by_o faith_n and_o not_o by_o the_o work_v of_o the_o law_n but_o r._n w._n leave_v out_o james_n who_o say_v show_v i_o thy_o faith_n by_o thy_o work_n and_o these_o be_v the_o work_n of_o the_o gospel_n but_o r._n w._n thou_o believe_v there_o be_v a_o god_n and_o the_o new-england-priest_n thou_o do_v well_o the_o devil_n also_o believe_v and_o tremble_v for_o as_o the_o body_n be_v dead_a without_o the_o spirit_n so_o faith_n without_o work_n be_v dead_a jam_fw-la 2._o and_o so_o it_o be_v clear_a r._n w._n and_o his_o new-england-priest_n and_o professor_n profess_v faith_n but_o it_o be_v dead_a without_o the_o work_n of_o faith_n which_o work_v by_o love_n and_o purify_v the_o heart_n but_o your_o dead_a
faith_n work_v by_o envy_n malice_n persecution_n bloodshed_n and_o murder_n and_o so_o poor_a bancrupt_v you_o may_v apply_v to_o yourselves_o and_o if_o you_o be_v in_o the_o grace_n which_o come_v by_o jesus_n your_o practice_n and_o thy_o word_n will_v have_v be_v more_o gracious_a which_o testify_v you_o be_v not_o in_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n which_o the_o apostle_n be_v in_o but_o have_v turn_v it_o into_o wantonness_n r._n w._n bring_v joseph_n miller_n say_v it_o be_v a_o error_n to_o say_v we_o be_v justify_v by_o that_o which_o christ_n do_v in_o we_o g._n f._n fol._n p._n 47._o answ._n contrary_a to_o the_o apostle_n who_o say_v we_o be_v justify_v by_o faith_n in_o his_o blood_n and_o the_o faith_n be_v in_o the_o heart_n and_o the_o blood_n be_v in_o the_o heart_n that_o purify_v it_o and_o the_o mystery_n of_o faith_n be_v hold_v in_o a_o pure_a conscience_n and_o the_o word_n of_o faith_n be_v within_o rom._n 10_o and_o faith_n give_v victory_n over_o the_o world_n and_o that_o which_o give_v victory_n justify_v and_o christ_n be_v within_o who_o be_v justification_n sanctification_n etc._n etc._n and_o if_o either_o of_o they_o be_v find_v within_o thou_o be_v in_o a_o error_n and_o not_o fit_a to_o talk_v of_o these_o thing_n thou_o understand_v not_o r._n w._n reply_v and_o say_v grant_v that_o in_o a_o true_a respect_n and_o sense_n faith_n be_v within_o and_o the_o blood_n etc._n etc._n and_o then_o he_o say_v 125._o will_v it_o therefore_o follow_v twice_z over_z answ._n and_o do_v g._n f._n say_v that_o they_o be_v not_o without_o before_o they_o be_v within_o or_o else_o how_o shall_v they_o come_v within_o and_o do_v g._n f._n say_v any_o such_o word_n that_o they_o be_v one_o in_o his_o answer_n so_o as_o for_o thy_o babilonish_a mystery_n jumble_v and_o blending_a thou_o may_v have_v keep_v at_o home_n who_o have_v confess_v to_o the_o truth_n and_o can_v not_o own_v it_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v it_o be_v true_a christ_n dwell_v in_o our_o heart_n by_o believe_v the_o apostle_n say_v by_o faith_n ephes._n 3._o and_o thou_o say_v consequent_o his_o cross_n his_o manger_n his_o grave_n his_o literal_a bloodshed_n be_v within_o etc._n etc._n and_o his_o spear_n soldier_n high-priest_n scribe_n pharisee_n pilate_n roman_n jerusalem_n be_v literal_o within_o we_o answ._n this_o be_v thy_o own_o brutish_a fancy_n as_o thou_o call_v it_o to_o talk_v at_o this_o rate_n which_o neither_o we_o nor_o the_o apostle_n preach_v such_o a_o false_a doctrine_n and_o therefore_o thou_o may_v take_v it_o home_o again_o as_o a_o forge_v by_o thy_o own_o spirit_n and_o can_v christ_n be_v preach_v by_o the_o apostle_n and_o his_o servant_n now_o in_o the_o heart_n of_o his_o saint_n without_o all_o these_o outward_a thing_n as_o thou_o malicious_o bring_v hear_v and_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v there_o be_v nothing_o in_o g._n f.'s_n answer_v for_o he_o to_o bring_v these_o word_n for_o we_o own_o the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n real_o shed_v his_o blood_n without_o the_o gate_n of_o outward_a jerusalem_n etc._n etc._n and_o a_o many_o vnsavoury_a word_n thou_o have_v here_o which_o thou_o may_v take_v home_o again_o but_o can_v christ_n jesus_n be_v blow_v up_o and_o vanish_v together_o with_o the_o scripture_n as_o thou_o affirm_v and_o according_a to_o thy_o consequence_n here_o o_o no_o he_o be_v ascend_v far_o above_o thy_o blow_v up_o but_o thy_o antichrist_n may_v be_v blow_v up_o who_o call_v the_o light_n of_o the_o true_a christ_n a_o idol_n and_o a_o fancy_n and_o r._n w._n bring_v john_n bunyan_n g._n f._n fol._n 10._o say_v it_o be_v not_o faith_n and_o work_n that_o justify_v a_o man_n before_o god_n but_o it_o be_v faith_n and_o good_a work_n which_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n only_o and_o such_o work_n will_v not_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n and_o he_o say_v that_o work_n be_v only_o to_o justify_v their_o faith_n to_o be_v true_a before_o men._n g._n f._n answer_v abraham_n be_v not_o justify_v only_o to_o man_n by_o his_o obedience_n 126._o but_o to_o god_n and_o where_o be_v faith_n there_o be_v justification_n which_o work_v by_o love_n and_o the_o saint_n faith_n and_o work_n be_v not_o only_o to_o justify_v they_o in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n for_o the_o work_n of_o god_n be_v to_o do_v what_o he_o say_v and_o his_o will_n which_o who_o do_v not_o be_v not_o justify_v in_o so_o do_v but_o be_v to_o be_v beat_v with_o stripe_n who_o seek_v to_o be_v justify_v by_o their_o faith_n and_o work_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n be_v in_o a_o dead_a faith_n and_o work_n both_o for_o such_o seek_v to_o please_v man_n more_o than_o god_n and_o r._n w._n reply_v and_o fall_v a-railing_a and_o say_v g._n f._n maintain_v a_o covenant_n of_o work_n answ._n but_o there_o be_v no_o such_o thing_n as_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v but_o the_o faith_n which_o work_v by_o love_n as_o the_o apostle_n speak_v of_o the_o new_a covenant_n and_o this_o r._n w._n who_o be_v so_o envious_a can_v see_v but_o he_o maintain_v the_o faith_n of_o christ_n jesus_n and_o also_o the_o faith_n of_o abraham_n and_o the_o apostle_n say_v they_o be_v of_o abraham_n who_o walk_v in_o the_o step_v of_o the_o faith_n of_o abraham_n who_o be_v the_o father_n of_o the_o faithful_a r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v the_o work_n of_o god_n according_a to_o christ_n doctrine_n be_v to_o believe_v in_o he_o who_o god_n have_v send_v it_o be_v true_a it_o be_v the_o command_n of_o god_n to_o keep_v his_o command_n but_o since_o the_o deadly_a fall_n of_o man_n none_o not_o one_o be_v able_a etc._n etc._n answ._n what!_o none_o can_v keep_v the_o command_n of_o god_n neither_o in_o the_o old_a testament_n nor_o in_o the_o new_a that_o come_v to_o christ_n and_o do_v the_o work_n of_o god_n to_o believe_v in_o his_o son_n who_o god_n have_v send_v then_o none_o love_v god_n nor_o believe_v for_o be_v not_o this_o the_o command_n and_o work_n of_o god_n to_o believe_v in_o his_o son_n what!_o be_v the_o command_v of_o god_n in_o the_o new_a testament_n only_o to_o be_v talk_v of_o because_o they_o do_v not_o keep_v they_o in_o the_o old_a now_o do_v not_o the_o apostle_n say_v the_o law_n be_v fulfil_v in_o one_o word_n love_n god_n and_o thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o we_o know_v r._n w._n and_o his_o new-england-priest_n etc._n etc._n have_v not_o keep_v this_o command_n for_o if_o they_o have_v love_v god_n they_o will_v not_o have_v kill_v his_o people_n for_o love_n do_v not_o kill_v nor_o envy_n and_o also_o r._n w._n if_o he_o have_v love_v god_n and_o keep_v in_o his_o love_n we_o shall_v not_o have_v have_v this_o envious_a evil_a work_n bring_v forth_o and_o r._n w._n say_v they_o that_o do_v not_o god_n will_n be_v not_o justify_v in_o so_o do_v and_o therefore_o r._n w._n conclude_v they_o that_o do_v god_n will_n be_v justify_v in_o so_o do_v and_o that_o their_o sin_n be_v pardon_v as_o paul_n and_o david_n by_o pardon_n of_o sin_n describe_v justification_n 127._o and_o thou_o say_v that_o there_o be_v divers_a signification_n of_o this_o latin_a word_n justification_n answ._n what_o be_v this_o to_o the_o purpose_n as_o to_o christ_n word_n they_o that_o do_v not_o the_o will_n of_o god_n be_v un-justified_n in_o so_o do_v and_o wa_o not_o pawles_n etc._n etc._n sin_n pardon_v by_o christ_n through_o faith_n who_o justify_v he_o but_o do_v thou_o justify_v the_o papist_n and_o the_o new-england_n priest_n and_o professor_n drink_v the_o blood_n of_o the_o saint_n and_o thyself_o who_o will_v have_v we_o to_o be_v punish_v so_o thou_o will_v have_v we_o beat_v and_o the_o new-england_n man_n do_v beat_v we_o because_o we_o do_v not_o do_v your_o wi_n but_o you_o cry_v pardon_v of_o sin_n by_o christ_n jesus_n and_o be_v do_v the_o devil_n work_n and_o not_o christ_n will_n and_o command_n which_o be_v to_o love_v one_o another_o and_o to_o love_v enemy_n thou_o say_v r._n w._n do_v it_o follow_v therefore_o that_o they_o that_o do_v not_o steal_v whore_n murder_n etc._n etc._n by_o this_o abstain_v from_o sin_n and_o by_o this_o their_o work_n they_o obtain_v their_o pardon_n and_o stand_v by_o this_o their_o work_n legal_o right_a and_o justify_v in_o the_o court_n of_o heaven_n answ._n r._n w._n be_v they_o justify_v that_o run_v on_o in_o their_o sin_n steal_v whoredom_n and_o murder_n which_o the_o true_a faith_n that_o christ_n be_v the_o author_n of_o lead_v from_o purify_v from_o and_o giveth_z victory_n over_o such_o evil_n and_o see_v christ_n the_o author_n of_o their_o faith_n who_o he_o have_v buy_v with_o his_o
god_n figure_n forth_o prove_v it_o by_o scripture_n and_o can_v the_o jew_n receive_v the_o gospel_n but_o by_o the_o power_n of_o god_n and_o then_o by_o revelation_n and_o we_o question_v whether_o r._n vv._n and_o his_o new-england-priest_n ever_o know_v the_o gospel_n for_o if_o he_o do_v we_o shall_v not_o have_v such_o foul_a language_n of_o he_o and_o we_o own_o the_o gospel_n rom._n 2._o as_o the_o apostle_n call_v it_o rom._n 1._o for_o the_o gospel_n be_v not_o call_v the_o power_n of_o god_n figurative_o but_o proper_o according_a to_o the_o apostle_n word_n and_o if_o the_o declaration_n of_o the_o gospel_n can_v be_v call_v the_o gospel_n that_o be_v figurative_a as_o when_o the_o description_n or_o map_n of_o england_n be_v call_v england_n and_o g._n f._n have_v good_a reason_n to_o oppose_v the_o priest_n call_v the_o letter_n the_o gospel_n because_o thereby_o they_o will_v assume_v to_o themselves_o the_o privilege_n of_o be_v preacher_n of_o the_o gospel_n because_o of_o their_o preach_v the_o letter_n which_o at_o best_o be_v but_o figurative_o so_o while_o they_o be_v both_o stranger_n and_o enemy_n to_o that_o which_o be_v real_o the_o gospel_n to_o wit_n the_o power_n of_o god_n and_o as_o for_o paul_n call_v the_o gospel_n his_o gospel_n it_o make_v nothing_o for_o r._n vv.'s_n purpose_n no_o more_o than_o david_n call_v god_n his_o god_n which_o any_o saint_n may_v do_v for_o david_n mean_v god_n real_o there_o and_o not_o figurative_o and_o paul_n be_v a_o minister_n of_o the_o power_n of_o god_n and_o of_o god_n and_o christ_n and_o the_o spirit_n and_o therefore_o god_n and_o christ_n and_o the_o power_n and_o the_o spirit_n may_v in_o a_o true_a sense_n be_v say_v to_o be_v his_o as_o free_o give_v he_o of_o god_n and_o the_o story_n of_o the_o three_o fox_n be_v whole_o impertinent_a and_o serve_v only_o to_o show_v thy_o folly_n and_o malice_n where_o do_v we_o deny_v a_o distinction_n in_o such_o a_o case_n that_o fox_n a_o beast_n shall_v be_v distinguish_v from_o fox_n a_o man_n and_o how_o apply_v thou_o that_o to_o the_o present_a matter_n and_o be_v not_o thy_o malice_n great_a to_o upbraid_v g._n fox_n with_o his_o name_n while_o thou_o commend_v john_n fox_n as_o a_o heavenly_a man_n have_v the_o same_o surname_n how_o be_v it_o a_o reproach_n to_o the_o one_o and_o not_o to_o the_o other_o thy_o comparison_n of_o the_o traitor_n and_o the_o king_n pardon_n as_o apply_v to_o the_o gospel_n etc._n etc._n be_v lame_a and_o silly_a because_o thy_o pardon_n to_o the_o traitor_n be_v positive_a and_o particular_a and_o there_o need_v nothing_o further_a but_o the_o write_n and_o the_o seal_n to_o make_v it_o effectual_a but_o the_o letter_n be_v general_n and_o conditional_a and_o a_o testimony_n only_o of_o the_o gospel_n which_o be_v the_o power_n of_o god_n which_o bring_v the_o true_a pardon_n where_o it_o be_v receive_v in_o the_o soul_n which_o the_o letter_n do_v not_o r._n vv.'s_n example_n of_o g._n f.'s_n write_v news_n to_o his_o friend_n may_v be_v the_o same_o way_n answer_v and_o show_v his_o light_n and_o malicious_a mind_n and_o whereas_o thou_o acknowledge_v that_o some_o may_v have_v the_o letter_n and_o form_n without_o the_o power_n as_o g._n f._n affirm_v there_o thou_o have_v thereby_o over-turned_n thyself_o for_o so_o some_o may_v have_v the_o letter_n 194._o and_o want_v the_o gospel_n which_o be_v the_o power_n of_o god_n and_o such_o whatever_o they_o pretend_v to_o be_v but_o still_a picture_n and_o not_o member_n of_o christ._n the_o rest_n of_o thy_o work_n to_o thy_o five_o instance_n pag._n 195._o be_v nothing_o but_o falsehood_n and_o malice_n as_o to_o say_v that_o g._n f._n preach_v a_o imaginary_a and_o allegorical_a christ_n that_o he_o account_v himself_o or_o other_o call_v he_o the_o only_a true_a christ_n which_o be_v return_v upon_o thy_o head_n as_o lie_v neither_o do_v we_o divide_v the_o letter_n from_o the_o mean_v nor_o the_o instrument_n from_o the_o husbandman_n we_o refuse_v not_o to_o call_v good_a news_n good_a news_n but_o we_o know_v it_o be_v one_o thing_n to_o talk_v of_o good_a thing_n and_o another_o thing_n to_o enjoy_v and_o possess_v they_o and_o as_o for_o thy_o malicious_a talk_n that_o we_o will_v be_v glad_a to_o have_v the_o bible_n burn_v we_o return_v it_o upon_o thou_o as_o a_o malicious_a lie_n and_o dare_v thou_o to_o prove_v it_o we_o honour_v the_o scripture_n in_o their_o due_a place_n and_o by_o they_o can_v prove_v r._n vv._n and_o such_o as_o he_o to_o be_v false_a teacher_n and_o enemy_n to_o christ_n and_o his_o gospel_n and_o r._n vv._n bring_v in_o john_n bunyan_n g._n f._n fol._n p._n 10._o it_o be_v not_o faith_n and_o work_n 195._o that_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n ●ut_v its_o faith_n and_o good_a work_n which_o justify_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n only_o etc._n etc._n and_o g._n f._n answ._n abraham_n be_v not_o justify_v to_o man_n only_o by_o his_o obedience_n but_o to_o god_n and_o where_o faith_n be_v there_o be_v justification_n which_o work_v by_o love_n and_o the_o saint_n faith_n and_o work_n be_v not_o only_o to_o justify_v they_o in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n but_o the_o work_n of_o god_n be_v to_o do_v what_o he_o say_v and_o his_o will_n which_o who_o do_v not_o be_v not_o justify_v in_o so_o do_v but_o to_o be_v beat_v with_o stripe_n who_o seek_v to_o be_v justify_v by_o their_o faith_n and_o work_n in_o the_o sigh_v of_o man_n be_v in_o a_o dead_a faith_n and_o work_n both_o this_o r._n vv._n have_v bring_v in_o his_o book_n p._n 150._o and_o 195._o and_o also_o he_o bring_v it_o p._n 125._o and_o 126._o in_o the_o same_o book_n which_o be_v full_o answer_v pag._n 142_o 143._o and_o in_o p._n 125._o he_o call_v he_o john_n bunyar_n and_o pag._n 195._o he_o call_v he_o john_n bunian_n and_o yet_o they_o be_v both_o one_o man_n saying_n as_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v in_o g._n f.'s_n fol._n p._n 110._o and_o he_o himself_o quote_v they_o both_o of_o this_o page_n and_o if_o g._n f._n shall_v have_v say_v bunyar_n for_o bunyan_n as_o r._n vv._n who_o call_v himself_o orator_n do_v he_o will_v have_v cry_v simple_a and_o lame_a and_o tautology_n to_o answer_v the_o same_o man_n word_n twice_o over_o in_o one_o and_o the_o same_o book_n and_o r._n w._n thou_o say_v for_o what_o be_v justification_n but_o a_o pardon_v write_v and_o seal_v and_o declare_v from_o the_o king_n of_o heaven_n to_o poor_a condemn_a traitor_n that_o this_o pardon_n may_v be_v merit_v by_o any_o price_n that_o either_o we_o or_o any_o in_o the_o world_n can_v offer_v be_v deny_v by_o true_a protestant_n etc._n etc._n answ._n what_o must_v we_o understand_v from_o r._n w.'s_n word_n but_o that_o every_o one_o protestant_a papist_n arminian_n as_o he_o cry_v against_o etc._n etc._n that_o have_v the_o write_a scripture_n which_o they_o may_v purchase_v for_o a_o small_a price_n have_v both_o pardon_n and_o justification_n without_o faith_n and_o spirit_n and_o then_o the_o papist_n arminian_n and_o socinian_o that_o he_o cry_v so_o much_o against_o as_o well_o as_o we_o have_v the_o justification_n and_o write_v pardon_n and_o seal_n though_o they_o know_v not_o the_o son_n and_o father_n but_o by_o revelation_n then_o why_o do_v the_o apostle_n say_v they_o be_v justify_v by_o faith_n and_o what_o be_v this_o to_o overthrow_v james_n word_n that_o say_v our_o father_n abraham_n be_v justify_v by_o work_n be_v this_o in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n r._n w._n or_o in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n which_o work_n be_v wrought_v by_o faith_n and_o the_o apostle_n tell_v thou_o that_o as_o the_o body_n be_v dead_a without_o the_o spirit_n so_o be_v faith_n without_o work_n jam._n 3._o and_o the_o apostle_n say_v rom._n 3_o 28._o therefore_o we_o conclude_v that_o a_o man_n be_v justify_v without_o the_o deed_n of_o the_o law_n be_v justify_v free_o by_o his_o grace_n but_o this_o do_v not_o prove_v abraham_n be_v justify_v by_o his_o work_n only_o but_o by_o his_o faith_n and_o do_v not_o the_o apostle_n say_v have_v you_o receive_v the_o spirit_n by_o the_o work_n of_o the_o law_n or_o hear_v of_o faith_n now_o where_o be_v this_o voice_n to_o be_v hear_v if_o not_o within_o and_o many_o may_v cry_v out_o of_o their_o sin_n and_o may_v have_v the_o write_a pardon_n or_o justification_n and_o may_v have_v the_o outward_a write_a pardon_n which_o thou_o call_v justification_n and_o some_o may_v cry_v out_o of_o their_o sin_n and_o some_o may_v not_o be_v sensible_a of_o their_o sin_n but_o thou_o confess_v it_o be_v the_o lord_n that_o open_v lydias_n heart_n to_o give_v
by_o instance_n out_o of_o g._n f.'s_n book_n all_o along_o that_o he_o confound_v and_o make_v all_o one_o both_o faith_n and_o justification_n etc._n etc._n and_o make_v believe_v in_o christ_n but_o a_o mere_a babel_n 118._o and_o fall_v a_o rail_v because_o that_o g._n f._n say_v he_o that_o have_v faith_n have_v repentance_n have_v justification_n sanctification_n etc._n etc._n answ._n but_o do_v not_o thou_o confound_v thyself_o for_o thou_o say_v that_o repentance_n be_v a_o turn_v of_o the_o whole_a soul_n from_o all_o sin_n as_o sin_n to_o all_o of_o god_n as_o god_n as_o this_o be_v r._n w.'s_n form_n of_o word_n and_o yet_o r._n w._n have_v not_o they_o then_o that_o have_v repentance_n faith_n justification_n and_o sanctification_n and_o g._n f.'s_n word_n be_v he_o that_o have_v faith_n have_v repentance_n can_v any_o have_v faith_n without_o repentance_n or_o any_o justification_n without_o repentance_n and_o faith_n or_o any_o have_v sanctification_n without_o repentance_n &_o faith_n &_o thou_o will_v have_v justification_n &_o sanctification_n without_o faith_n and_o repentance_n thou_o may_v keep_v thy_o babel_n to_o thyself_o and_o christ_n jesus_n that_o preach_v repentance_n say_v believe_v in_o the_o light_n that_o you_o may_v become_v child_n of_o light_n and_o this_o light_n thou_o call_v a_o idol_n and_o a_o fancy_n and_o so_o have_v plain_o manifest_a thou_o be_v no_o true_a believer_n in_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n nor_o true_a christian_a and_o who_o will_v have_v faith_n justification_n and_o sanctification_n without_o repentance_n have_v neither_o true_a faith_n justification_n sanctification_n and_o so_o as_o for_o babel_n nonsense_n confusion_n monstrous_a thou_o may_v keep_v at_o home_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v thou_o told_v we_o that_o we_o and_o the_o papist_n talk_v of_o faith_n and_o g._n f._n talk_v much_o of_o faith_n answ._n as_o for_o the_o papist_n faith_n thou_o and_o the_o new-england-priest_n may_v have_v apply_v at_o home_n but_o for_o the_o saint_n faith_n it_o be_v the_o true_a which_o jesus_n christ_n be_v the_o author_n of_o and_o we_o have_v receive_v it_o from_o he_o and_o not_o from_o men._n and_o thou_o in_o disprove_v our_o faith_n thou_o have_v prove_v thyself_o out_o of_o the_o true_a faith_n in_o christ_n which_o thou_o oppose_v r._n w._n and_o so_o thou_o say_v they_o have_v put_v out_o the_o true_a and_o live_a faith_n and_o have_v put_v in_o a_o paint_a or_o glass-eye_n in_o the_o room_n of_o it_o answ._n this_o be_v thy_o own_o condition_n who_o deny_v the_o faith_n in_o christ_n jesus_n that_o he_o be_v the_o author_n and_o finisher_n of_o which_o in_o all_o this_o work_n thou_o go_v about_o to_o overthrow_v but_o thou_o can_v not_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v true_a faith_n be_v receive_v of_o christ_n jesus_n as_o only_a king_n priest_n and_o prophet_n it_o be_v believe_v on_o and_o receive_v of_o christ_n distinct_a from_o god_n joh._n 14._o and_o this_o true_a lord_n jesus_n christ_n the_o quaker_n turn_v into_o a_o mere_a fiction_n dream_n or_o imaginary_a christ_n in_o the_o mind_n of_o man_n etc._n etc._n and_o thou_o fall_v a-railing_a and_o tell_v we_o we_o be_v like_o the_o papist_n and_o say_v the_o quaker_n transubstantiation_n be_v worse_a than_o the_o fantastic_a transubstantiation_n of_o the_o papist_n answ._n how_o can_v r._n w._n receive_v christ_n jesus_n as_o a_o priest_n king_n and_o prophet_n and_o believe_v in_o he_o who_o call_v the_o true_a light_n of_o christ_n a_o idol_n which_o john_n bear_v witness_n unto_o or_o be_v a_o believer_n as_o christ_n command_v and_o say_v be_v a_o believer_n in_o the_o light_n and_o he_o call_v this_o light_a a_o fancy_n so_o no_o believer_n in_o the_o true_a christ_n nor_o no_o receiver_n of_o christ_n king_n priest_n and_o prophet_n neither_o be_v r._n w._n in_o the_o true_a faith_n which_o christ_n jesus_n be_v the_o author_n and_o finisher_n of_o who_o maintain_v the_o scripture_n be_v the_o ground_n of_o christ_n faith_n and_o the_o saint_n yet_o he_o say_v christ_n be_v afore_o scripture_n and_o he_o confess_v that_o abel_n enoch_n noah_n abraham_n &c_n &c_n have_v faith_n afore_o scripture_n and_o again_o he_o say_v that_o true_a faith_n be_v receive_v of_o christ._n but_o let_v r._n w._n and_o his_o new-england-priest_n prove_v by_o scripture_n that_o god_n the_o creator_n of_o all_o thing_n and_o the_o true_a lord_n jesus_n christ_n his_o son_n who_o we_o believe_v in_o according_a to_o scripture_n as_o the_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n do_v can_v be_v turn_v into_o a_o fiction_n and_o dream_n let_v he_o make_v this_o blasphemy_n good_a by_o scripture_n if_o he_o can_v and_o r._n w._n who_o call_v himself_o orator_n do_v the_o apostle_n turn_v christ_n into_o a_o imaginary_a christ_n dream_n and_o fiction_n when_o they_o preach_v christ_n in_o you_o except_o you_o be_v reprobate_n and_o be_v this_o worse_o than_o the_o papist_n transubstantiation_n prove_v this_o by_o scripture_n and_o thou_o be_v degenerate_v and_o the_o new-england-priest_n if_o this_o be_v their_o doctrine_n and_o preach_v of_o christ_n and_o the_o apostle_n in_o the_o primitive_a time_n r._n w._n and_o then_o thou_o say_v that_o we_o say_v all_o spirit_n and_o no_o body_n and_o so_o not_o consist_v of_o flesh_n and_o spirit_n and_o yet_o thou_o contradict_a thyself_o and_o say_v we_o be_v of_o his_o flesh_n &c_n &c_n and_o then_o thou_o fall_v a-railing_a and_o thou_o say_v that_o we_o say_v all_o must_v die_v and_o rot_v and_o never_o rise_v again_o and_o say_v so_o you_o have_v blow_v up_o and_o juggle_v away_o the_o flesh_n of_o christ_n jesus_n both_o he_o and_o your_o own_o altogether_o and_o further_o thou_o say_v we_o can_v give_v no_o account_n of_o the_o flesh_n of_o the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n and_o thou_o fall_v a-railing_a answ._n do_v not_o thou_o see_v how_o thou_o contradict_a thyself_o but_o instead_o of_o prove_v thy_o false_a charge_n thou_o have_v utter_v forth_o many_o more_o false_a charge_n where_o do_v ever_o we_o say_v in_o any_o of_o our_o book_n that_o we_o shall_v not_o rise_v again_o or_o that_o christ_n be_v not_o rise_v the_o same_o that_o descend_v be_v the_o same_o that_o be_v ascend_v and_o at_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o god_n do_v not_o we_o confess_v this_o before_o thou_o at_o newport_n and_o yet_o thou_o wicked_o say_v that_o we_o can_v give_v no_o account_n of_o when_o we_o give_v account_n according_a to_o scripture_n as_o the_o apostle_n say_v and_o do_v not_o we_o say_v that_o we_o believe_v the_o resurrection_n as_o the_o apostle_n do_v and_o as_o we_o have_v bear_v the_o image_n of_o the_o earthly_a so_o we_o shall_v bear_v the_o image_n of_o the_o heavenly_a 1_o cor._n 15._o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v the_o quaker_n which_o grant_v christ_n jesus_n to_o have_v be_v bear_v live_v and_o die_v as_o we_o etc._n etc._n and_o here_o thou_o overthrowe_v thy_o babel_n of_o false_a charge_n and_o then_o thou_o contradict_a thyself_o and_o say_v 119._o and_o yet_o now_o transubstantiate_v into_o a_o spirit_n and_o the_o quaker_n flesh_n so_o that_o in_o the_o upshot_n the_o christ_n in_o who_o they_o believe_v be_v vanish_v by_o a_o hellish_a chemistry_n into_o themselves_o etc._n etc._n answ._n r._n w._n how_o far_o be_v thou_o degenerate_v from_o the_o apostle_n doctrine_n do_v the_o apostle_n say_v so_o when_o they_o preach_v christ_n within_o and_o say_v they_o be_v flesh_n of_o his_o flesh_n and_o bone_n of_o his_o bone_n and_o christ_n say_v except_o you_o eat_v my_o flesh_n and_o drink_v my_o blood_n you_o have_v no_o life_n in_o you_o etc._n etc._n and_o will_v thou_o keep_v we_o from_o our_o heavenly_a food_n by_o which_o we_o have_v life_n and_o be_v not_o thou_o worse_o than_o the_o jew_n that_o load_v the_o manna_n from_o heaven_n who_o adde_v lie_v unto_o lie_n to_o prove_v thy_o false_a charge_n but_o the_o father_n of_o lie_n have_v set_v thou_o at_o work_n and_o the_o day_n will_v come_v when_o christ_n will_v reward_v thou_o who_o blaspheme_v he_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v they_o do_v believe_v on_o themselves_o and_o that_o lie_a spirit_n within_o they_o answ._n r._n w._n thou_o can_v not_o speak_v truth_n thou_o be_v not_o like_a indeed_o this_o be_v another_o false_a charge_n for_o we_o believe_v in_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n as_o he_o have_v teach_v and_o the_o apostle_n and_o deny_v ourselves_o and_o thy_o lie_a spirit_n within_o thou_o and_o we_o know_v thy_o condition_n where_o thou_o be_v and_o the_o new-england-priest_n better_a than_o thyself_o and_o if_o you_o have_v be_v good_a we_o will_v not_o have_v forsake_v you_o and_o r._n w._n confess_v that_o j._n b._n have_v deliver_v many_o holy_a truth_n of_o god_n and_o yet_o thou_o say_v at_o
change_v from_o glory_n to_o glory_n till_o they_o come_v into_o the_o image_n of_o god_n and_o the_o apostle_n see_v etc._n etc._n and_o so_o you_o may_v read_v at_o large_a in_o g._n f.'s_n folly_n which_o be_v to_o large_a to_o be_v set_v down_o here_o but_o r._n w._n have_v take_v about_o three_o line_n of_o it_o and_o leave_v out_o the_o rest_n and_o r._n w._n reply_v as_o the_o swinish_a epicure_n and_o dives_n of_o this_o world_n whatever_o they_o formal_o and_o loose_o profess_v have_v no_o solid_a hope_n of_o peace_n and_o joy_n to_o come_v after_o this_o life_n and_o therefore_o like_a brute_n beast_n practical_o confess_v it_o say_v in_o their_o heart_n and_o life_n let_v we_o eat_v and_o drink_v for_o to_o morrow_n we_o must_v die_v etc._n etc._n answ._n what_o be_v this_o to_o the_o purpose_n for_o g._n f.'s_n answer_n r._n w._n may_v have_v put_v himself_o among_o his_o company_n and_o judge_v himself_o as_o well_o as_o other_o for_o it_o be_v his_o own_o condition_n 154._o r._n w._n thou_o say_v thou_o know_v that_o same_o of_o the_o quaker_n will_v not_o believe_v that_o g._n f._n and_o other_o of_o they_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n etc._n etc._n answ._n and_o why_o shall_v they_o believe_v a_o lie_n as_o thou_o do_v and_o why_o shall_v not_o we_o stand_v by_o g._n f.'s_n word_n when_o he_o speak_v scripture_n and_o thou_o that_o do_v not_o deny_v scripture_n and_o the_o light_n of_o christ_n and_o call_v it_o a_o fancy_n and_o the_o resurrection_n we_o own_o according_a to_o scripture_n r._n w._n and_o here_o thou_o bring_v the_o nine_o false_a charge_n viz_o all_o that_o the_o quaker_n religion_n require_v external_o and_o internal_o to_o make_v convert_v or_o proselyte_n amount_n to_o no_o more_o than_o what_o a_o reprobate_n easy_o may_v attain_v to_o and_o perform_v answ._n this_o be_v false_a for_o reprobate_n do_v not_o believe_v in_o the_o light_n and_o become_v not_o child_n of_o light_n and_o receive_v not_o christ_n in_o they_o from_o whence_o the_o light_n come_v r._n w._n and_o thou_o hope_v many_o of_o we_o will_v come_v to_o abraham_n bosom_n but_o then_o why_o do_v thou_o rail_v at_o we_o and_o how_o can_v we_o come_v to_o abraham_n bosom_n and_o attain_v to_o no_o further_a then_o to_o what_o a_o reprobate_n may_v and_o then_o thou_o say_v thousand_o may_v have_v get_v all_o their_o religion_n require_v or_o perform_v yea_o all_o that_o their_o principle_n call_v for_o outward_o or_o inward_o and_o yet_o not_o be_v accept_v but_o reject_v from_o the_o holy_a presence_n of_o god_n answ._n how_o now_o roger_n and_o yet_o come_v to_o abraham_n bosom_n o_o roger_n thy_o darkness_n can_v comprehend_v the_o light_n that_o see_v not_o our_o condition_n no_o more_o than_o thou_o see_v the_o saint_n in_o the_o apotles_a day_n thou_o will_v have_v say_v the_o same_o of_o they_o have_v thou_o be_v in_o their_o day_n we_o know_v our_o assurance_n of_o god_n and_o our_o acceptation_n through_o jesus_n christ_n his_o belove_a son_n through_o who_o we_o have_v peace_n with_o god_n and_o we_o do_v know_v the_o son_n by_o revelation_n and_o god_n that_o send_v he_o which_o be_v eternal_a life_n bless_a be_v his_o name_n for_o ever_o and_o be_v graft_v into_o he_o and_o build_v upon_o he_o the_o rock_n and_o foundation_n of_o the_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n and_o thy_o word_n be_v but_o chaff_n r._n w._n and_o then_o thou_o tell_v a_o story_n of_o perkins_n and_o apply_v that_o to_o we_o which_o he_o speak_v of_o the_o papist_n but_o thou_o have_v better_a to_o have_v apply_v this_o to_o thyself_o and_o thou_o fall_v a_o judge_a the_o common_a protestant_n and_o quaker_n and_o tell_v of_o their_o great_a reformation_n and_o joy_n etc._n etc._n their_o endure_a great_a persecution_n and_o burn_a of_o their_o body_n 155._o etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o be_v far_o from_o the_o true_a protestant_a religion_n either_o in_o the_o true_a doctrine_n and_o principle_n or_o in_o the_o true_a life_n and_o practice_n of_o it_o answ._n how_o can_v roger_n williams_n tell_v why_o do_v he_o judge_v such_o that_o they_o be_v not_o in_o the_o true_a religion_n who_o be_v this_o protestant_n not_o in_o new-england_n nor_o r._n w_n he_o never_o feel_v the_o flame_n nor_o be_v brand_v with_o a_o hot_a iron_n his_o religion_n will_v not_o lead_v he_o to_o undergo_v such_o suffering_n for_o why_o do_v he_o not_o stand_v but_o go_v in_o the_o wood_n when_o he_o be_v try_v in_o boston-colony_n but_o r._n w._n will_v make_v people_n believe_v he_o be_v a_o high_a protestant_n beyond_o all_o these_o but_o plain_o he_o be_v nothing_o but_o a_o railer_n as_o his_o book_n do_v make_v manife_a but_o let_v the_o reader_n see_v how_o he_o have_v lose_v himself_o and_o go_v from_o g._n f.'s_n answer_v and_o r._n w._n term_n our_o faith_n to_o rot_a nature_n &c_n &c_n and_o our_o prayyer_n and_o fast_n and_o suffering_n to_o woman_n filthy_a clout_n and_o dung_n of_o man_n and_o beast_n put_v into_o the_o balance_n of_o god_n infinite_a justice_n instead_o of_o the_o infinite_a righteousness_n and_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n etc._n etc._n answ._n as_o for_o the_o papist_n they_o may_v answer_v for_o themselves_o but_o our_o faith_n jesus_n christ_n be_v the_o author_n and_o finisher_n of_o we_o have_v it_o not_o from_o man_n nor_o rot_a nature_n and_o we_o pray_v as_o we_o be_v move_v by_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n and_o ●ast_n as_o we_o be_v order_v by_o his_o divine_a wisdom_n and_o our_o suffering_n among_o the_o new-england-professor_n have_v be_v for_o the_o truth_n and_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n sake_n in_o who_o our_o poor_a soul_n have_v have_v satisfaction_n and_o we_o know_v christ_n word_n to_o be_v true_a bless_a be_v they_o that_o suffer_v for_o righteousness_n sake_n for_o they_o be_v the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n matth._n 5._o and_o for_o all_o thy_o ungracious_a word_n the_o lord_n will_v rebuke_v thou_o in_o one_o day_n and_o in_o that_o day_n of_o thy_o torment_n remember_v thou_o have_v wrong_v we_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o scoff_o say_v that_o if_o a_o notorious_a drunkard_n be_v convince_v and_o come_v to_o hearken_v to_o a_o spirit_n within_o to_o say_v thou_o and_o thou_o and_o think_v himself_o equal_a and_o above_o all_o his_o former_a superior_n etc._n etc._n he_o be_v justify_v sanctify_a etc._n etc._n and_o so_o holy_a that_o he_o can_v sin_v in_o thought_n and_o word_n etc._n etc._n thus_o they_o pretend_v repentance_n faith_n and_o a_o change_n of_o heart_n because_o they_o have_v change_v their_o talk_n and_o garment_n answ._n the_o spirit_n of_o god_n within_o lead_v to_o no_o such_o sudden_a thing_n neither_o be_v the_o work_n so_o easy_o do_v as_o r._n w._n here_o will_v foist_v into_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o world_n to_o make_v they_o load_v the_o truth_n neither_o shall_v he_o find_v it_o so_o easy_a himself_o if_o ever_o he_o shall_v see_v a_o day_n of_o repentance_n and_o the_o spirit_n of_o the_o lord_n lead_v to_o humility_n and_o that_o be_v a_o good_a spirit_n that_o lead_v to_o modesty_n in_o apparel_n and_o to_o true_a word_n and_o from_o evil_a thought_n and_o from_o drunkenness_n for_o after_o a_o man_n be_v restrain_v from_o actual_a sin_n without_o he_o than_o he_o come_v to_o know_v the_o put_v off_o the_o body_n of_o it_o within_o and_o cry_v as_o paul_n do_v to_o christ_n for_o no_o man_n can_v help_v he_o then_o but_o he_o that_o do_v help_v paul_n who_o thanks_o god_n in_o victory_n in_o the_o end_n but_o why_o shall_v r._n w._n be_v so_o against_o the_o spirit_n within_o in_o say_v thou_o and_o thou_o and_o put_v off_o our_o needless_a apparel_n see_v it_o be_v the_o practice_n of_o the_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n in_o the_o scripture_n have_v not_o he_o prove_v himself_o that_o he_o be_v degenerate_v from_o the_o spirit_n life_n and_o practice_n of_o the_o primitive_a church_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v john_n bradford_n say_v unto_o god_n lord_n thou_o be_v heaven_n and_o i_o be_o hell_n answ._n and_o be_v not_o this_o hell_n within_o he_o think_v thou_o and_o if_o so_o why_o do_v thou_o find_v fault_n with_o the_o quaker_n r._n w._n then_o thou_o fall_v on_o a_o preach_n but_o to_o no_o purpose_n to_o thy_o position_n nor_o g._n f.'s_n answer_n and_o do_v thou_o not_o say_v 156._o the_o blood_n of_o god_n do_v cleanse_v and_o redeem_v they_z answ._n and_o yet_o do_v thou_o not_o find_v fault_n with_o the_o quaker_n for_o mention_v the_o blood_n of_o god_n and_o the_o 2_o cor_n 7._o do_v not_o evidence_n thy_o true_a repentance_n from_o a_o pharisee'_v and_o r._n w._n thou_o say_v that_o no_o papist_n nor_o quaker_n by_o
and_o thou_o be_v as_o dark_a about_o christ_n that_o enlighten_v every_o one_o that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n as_o thou_o be_v about_o the_o temple_n who_o call_v they_o excellent_a natural_a gift_n in_o noah_n moses_n and_o solomon_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o go_v on_o and_o say_v what_o be_v those_o to_o a_o sight_n of_o my_o utter_a inability_n to_o pay_v or_o all_o the_o creation_n for_o i_o one_o farthing_n to_o god_n justice_n &_o c_o answ._n it_o be_v christ_n that_o have_v shed_v his_o blood_n and_o taste_v death_n for_o all_o man_n and_o enlighten_v all_o man_n and_o he_o be_v above_o the_o heathen_a philosopher_n in_o the_o first_o adam_n and_o so_o all_o must_v believe_v in_o he_o the_o light_n who_o have_v enlighten_v they_o for_o life_n and_o salvation_n and_o many_o more_o slight_a word_n there_o be_v in_o thy_o pretend_a answer_n which_o be_v not_o worth_a mention_v and_o how_o do_v thou_o magnify_v the_o gift_n of_o god_n to_o many_o who_o thou_o say_v neither_o thou_o nor_o g._n f._n be_v worthy_a to_o hold_v the_o candle_n to_o when_o thou_o be_v set_v up_o the_o wisdom_n of_o the_o heathen_a philosopher_n with_o the_o light_n in_o they_o which_o be_v the_o first_o adam_n above_o than_o any_o man_n have_v now_o as_o i._o m._n think_v and_o what_o be_v this_o to_o know_v christ_n and_o the_o new_a creature_n and_o he_o the_o quicken_a spirit_n and_o the_o new-covenant_n for_o they_o that_o magnify_v christ_n will_v do_v as_o john_n do_v bear_v witness_n to_o christ_n who_o enlighten_v every_o man_n that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v who_o know_v not_o how_o full_a the_o world_n be_v of_o admirable_a man_n and_o woman_n that_o be_v not_o christian_n and_o yet_o what_o a_o base_a esteem_n have_v this_o proud_a spirit_n of_o all_o man_n yea_o of_o all_o christian_n too_o that_o dance_v not_o after_o his_o foolish_a pipe_n etc._n etc._n answ._n here_o thou_o abuse_v g._n f._n and_o the_o quaker_n again_o if_o it_o be_v they_o thou_o mean_v who_o hold_v forth_o the_o universal_a love_n of_o god_n to_o all_o mankind_n through_o christ_n jesus_n who_o shed_v his_o blood_n and_o die_v for_o all_o and_o enlighten_v all_o and_o his_o grace_n have_v appear_v to_o all_o and_o we_o exhort_v they_o to_o believe_v in_o the_o light_n that_o they_o may_v become_v child_n of_o the_o light_n and_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n will_v teach_v they_o and_o bring_v their_o salvation_n if_o they_o do_v not_o turn_v it_o unto_o wantonness_n and_o do_v thou_o call_v this_o sound_a doctrine_n foolish_a pipe_n r._n w._n and_o whereas_o thou_o bring_v i_o m_n word_n the_o prophet_n be_v more_o certain_a than_o any_o other_o revelation_n and_o g._n f._n answer_n be_v not_o the_o son_n of_o god_n reveal_v 24._o etc._n etc._n and_o do_v not_o he_o come_v in_o the_o volumn_n of_o the_o book_n to_o do_v the_o will_n of_o god_n and_o so_o they_o that_o have_v the_o prophet_n and_o the_o law_n to_o wit_n the_o jew_n know_v not_o the_o son_n etc._n etc._n and_o r._n w._n answer_v and_o say_v to_o pass_v by_o g._n f_o s._n un-english_a and_o nonsense_n etc._n etc._n answ._n it_o be_v like_a this_o may_v be_v nonsense_n to_o he_o though_o there_o may_v be_v some_o fault_n in_o the_o printer_n but_o charity_n will_v have_v pass_v this_o by_o as_o i_o have_v often_o do_v in_o r._n w.'s_n book_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v that_o g._n f._n know_v not_o that_o the_o question_n be_v not_o here_o whether_o christ_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n etc._n etc._n and_o whether_o christ_n be_v not_o more_o reveal_v at_o his_o come_n &c_n &c_n but_o whether_o the_o write_a word_n of_o the_o prophet_n of_o which_o peter_n speak_v be_v not_o a_o more_o sure_a word_n of_o command_n and_o comfort_n to_o we_o than_o any_o now_o to_o be_v expect_v etc._n etc._n answ._n i._o m._n say_v the_o prophet_n be_v more_o certain_a than_o any_o other_o revelation_n and_o what_o be_v this_o to_o r._n w_n question_n and_o i_o say_v christ_n be_v reveal_v which_o be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o prophet_n and_o the_o law_n etc._n etc._n he_o be_v a_o more_o and_o a_o certain_a revelation_n etc._n etc._n for_o he_o be_v the_o salvation_n and_o the_o foundation_n that_o the_o law_n type_v forth_o and_o the_o prophet_n prophesy_v of_o for_o he_o be_v the_o substance_n for_o many_o may_v have_v the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n in_o word_n as_o the_o jew_n have_v and_o not_o receive_v the_o great_a revelation_n of_o christ_n jesus_n and_o many_o have_v the_o new_a testament_n of_o the_o apostle_n and_o christ_n but_o christ_n say_v plain_o none_o know_v the_o father_n but_o the_o son_n and_o to_o who_o he_o reveal_v he_o though_o they_o may_v have_v the_o prophet_n like_o jew_n and_o know_v he_o not_o but_o thou_o say_v but_o whether_o the_o write_a word_n of_o the_o prophet_n of_o which_o peter_n speak_v be_v not_o a_o more_o sure_a word_n of_o command_n and_o comfort_n to_o we_o than_o any_o now_o can_v be_v expect_v what_o be_v this_o to_o the_o revelation_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o thou_o wrong_v peter_n word_n for_o peter_n say_v also_o we_o have_v a_o more_o sure_a word_n of_o prophecy_n not_o of_o the_o prophet_n as_o thou_o have_v thrust_v in_o whereunto_o you_o do_v well_o that_o you_o take_v heed_n unto_o as_o unto_o a_o light_n that_o shine_v in_o a_o dark_a place_n until_o the_o day_n dawn_n and_o the_o daystar_n arise_v in_o your_o heart_n and_o be_v this_o sure_a word_n of_o the_o prophet_n of_o command_n and_o comfort_n to_o you_o more_o than_o any_o can_v be_v expect_v what_o do_v thou_o not_o own_o christ_n the_o end_n of_o the_o prophet_n a_o great_a comfort_n and_o a_o revelation_n then_o the_o prophet_n who_o be_v the_o foundation_n of_o the_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n but_o what_o dark_a place_n be_v this_o that_o the_o light_n shine_v in_o that_o people_n must_v take_v heed_n unto_o until_o the_o day_n dawn_n and_o the_o daystar_n arise_v in_o their_o heart_n for_o we_o say_v that_o all_o the_o prophet_n of_o god_n do_v foretell_v of_o christ_n which_o the_o apostle_n and_o peter_n preach_v christ_n the_o fulfil_v of_o they_o praise_v be_v his_o name_n for_o ever_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v that_o god_n call_v his_o mind_n his_o word_n his_o work_n his_o word_n his_o write_n his_o word_n and_o his_o providence_n of_o mercy_n and_o judgement_n his_o word_n in_o a_o way_n of_o condescension_n to_o our_o capacity_n &c_n &c_n and_o this_o thou_o compare_v with_o ruler_n and_o master_n of_o ship_n word_n etc._n etc._n or_o record_n and_o deed_n with_o hand_n and_o seal_n etc._n etc._n and_o then_o thou_o say_v the_o word_n of_o god_n in_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o prophet_n write_v for_o after-generation_n etc._n etc._n and_o then_o thou_o tell_v that_o the_o jew_n have_v their_o talmud_n and_o the_o turk_n their_o alcoran_n and_o the_o pope_n his_o decretal_n and_o the_o protestant_n the_o write_a word_n or_o scripture_n answ._n thou_o have_v make_v many_o word_n here_o if_o god_n work_n his_o creation_n etc._n etc._n be_v his_o word_n and_o if_o scripture_n which_o signify_v write_n be_v his_o word_n and_o thou_o confess_v the_o word_n be_v in_o the_o prophet_n which_o be_v true_a none_o oppose_v that_o but_o the_o scripture_n of_o truth_n be_v call_v the_o word_n of_o god_n as_o exod._n 20._o and_o in_o the_o revelation_n and_o christ_n call_v they_o word_n joh._n 5_o 47._o and_o if_o any_o man_n hear_v my_o word_n joh._n 12_o 47_o 48._o 14_o 23._o john_n 15_o 7._o my_o word_n abide_v in_o you_o jer._n 5_o 14._o i_o will_v make_v my_o word_n in_o thy_o mouth_n fire_n isa._n 51_o 16._o i_o will_v put_v my_o word_n in_o thy_o mouth_n and_o job_n 42_o 7._o after_o the_o lord_n have_v speak_v all_o these_o word_n so_o here_o you_o may_v see_v they_o be_v call_v the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o christ_n name_n be_v call_v the_o word_n of_o god_n now_o the_o apostle_n say_v through_o faith_n we_o understand_v that_o the_o world_n be_v frame_v by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n but_o where_o do_v r._n w._n prove_v that_o god_n work_n be_v call_v his_o word_n he_o have_v give_v no_o scripture_n for_o this_o and_o why_o do_v the_o schoolmaster_n make_v book_n for_o child_n and_o tell_v they_o that_o scripture_n signify_v write_n as_o in_o the_o english_a schoolmaster_n and_o other_o book_n and_o you_o say_v they_o be_v the_o word_n and_o give_v they_o the_o title_n that_o belong_v to_o christ_n and_o why_o can_v you_o give_v they_o the_o title_n that_o the_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n give_v to_o they_o which_o give_v they_o
and_o the_o apostle_n doctrine_n and_o plead_v for_o it_o and_o why_o shall_v the_o parliament_n and_o all_o lawyer_n search_n well_o and_o appoint_v a_o committee_n to_o examine_v if_o their_o law_n upon_o new_a appearance_n from_o heaven_n have_v not_o need_v of_o rectify_v 60._o etc._n etc._n and_o as_o r.w._n say_v if_o swear_v be_v a_o part_n of_o god_n worship_n &c_n &c_n then_o do_v not_o r._n w._n sin_n in_o not_o swear_v in_o the_o chancery_n in_o england_n in_o leave_v off_o a_o part_n of_o god_n worship_n which_o he_o say_v swear_v be_v but_o in_o this_o you_o may_v see_v how_o r._n w._n contradict_v himself_o and_o have_v manifest_v what_o love_n he_o have_v to_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n who_o pervert_v their_o word_n as_o he_o do_v g._n f_n and_o slight_v their_o doctrine_n who_o say_v swear_v not_o at_o all_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o bring_v t._n moor_n say_v it_o be_v not_o proper_o nor_o in_o a_o full_a sense_n that_o god_n be_v manifest_v in_o the_o flesh_n of_o his_o saint_n but_o roger_n have_v quote_v no_o page_n for_o this_o g._n f._n answ._n the_o saint_n be_v the_o temple_n of_o god_n and_o god_n dwell_v in_o they_o and_o they_o come_v to_o witness_v the_o flesh_n of_o christ_n and_o they_o glorify_v he_o in_o their_o soul_n and_o body_n and_o the_o lord_n be_v glorify_v in_o their_o bring_v forth_o much_o fruit_n and_o they_o witness_v his_o seed_n to_o wit_n christ_n the_o one_o offer_v for_o sin_n to_o be_v manifest_v within_o and_o such_o be_v not_o reprobate_n that_o witness_v the_o one_o offer_v christ_n jesus_n and_o they_o that_o have_v not_o he_o within_o they_o be_v reprobate_n r._n w._n reply_v and_o say_v a_o great_a design_n of_o the_o devil_n in_o all_o age_n have_v be_v to_o cavil_v at_o and_o hinder_v god_n love_n to_o mankind_n answ._n what!_o do_v this_o hinder_v the_o love_n of_o god_n to_o mankind_n and_o to_o have_v christ_n manifest_v within_o they_o which_o be_v god_n love_n to_o the_o world_n and_o be_v it_o not_o the_o devil_n design_n to_o deceive_v man_n and_o keep_v his_o house_n and_o will_v suffer_v he_o to_o talk_v of_o christ_n as_o long_o as_o he_o will_v but_o will_v not_o suffer_v the_o strong_a one_o to_o be_v bind_v and_o cast_v out_o and_o they_o that_o be_v marry_v to_o christ_n who_o bruise_v the_o serpent_n head_n be_v they_o not_o of_o his_o flesh_n and_o of_o his_o bone_n and_o they_o that_o have_v the_o son_n can_v praise_v god_n for_o his_o love_n to_o fall_v mankind_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v against_o this_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n this_o old_a serpent_n hiss_v and_o rage_v before_o his_o birth_n at_o his_o birth_n and_o after_o his_o birth_n etc._n etc._n answ._n we_o who_o have_v christ_n form_v in_o we_o have_v feel_v the_o rage_n of_o the_o old_a serpent_n in_o this_o age_n both_o in_o r.w._n and_o the_o new_a england-priest_n and_o professor_n as_o christ_n and_o the_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n do_v in_o their_o age_n by_o the_o professor_n of_o christ_n in_o word_n as_o the_o jew_n profess_v he_o to_o come_v in_o word_n and_o whereas_o thou_o rank_a the_o people_n of_o god_n call_v quaker_n among_o the_o libertine_n manichaean_n adamite_n ranter_n etc._n etc._n these_o r._n w._n and_o the_o new-england-priest_n may_v very_o well_o apply_v at_o home_n 61._o who_o have_v manifest_v your_o order_n in_o the_o dragon_n power_n thou_o speak_v of_o persecute_v with_o tongue_n and_o hand_n as_o michael_z the_o archangel_n when_o contend_v with_o the_o devil_n he_o dispute_v about_o the_o body_n of_o moses_n dare_v not_o bring_v against_o he_o a_o rail_a accusation_n but_o say_v the_o lord_n rebuke_v thou_o and_o now_o be_v not_o thou_o with_o thy_o rail_a accusation_n dispute_v about_o the_o body_n and_o flesh_n of_o christ_n as_o thou_o may_v see_v in_o judas_n and_o zach_n 3._o r._n w._n and_o whereas_o thou_o tell_v we_o what_o the_o arrian_n hold_v but_o thou_o have_v better_a to_o see_v what_o thou_o hold_v and_o do_v possess_v of_o christ_n thyself_o and_o thou_o say_v but_o with_o christ_n manhood_n and_o the_o scripture_n the_o devil_n and_o the_o papist_n and_o the_o quaker_n for_o the_o most_o part_n of_o they_o can_v with_o all_o their_o heart_n make_v a_o everlasting_a part_n the_o devil_n be_v end_n be_v to_o destroy_v this_o saviour_n and_o salvation_n to_o poor_a lose_a man_n she_o quaker_n pretend_v their_o end_n to_o be_v the_o exalt_v and_o glorify_v god_n in_o the_o flesh_n of_o his_o saint_n answ._n as_o for_o what_o the_o papist_n and_o the_o devil_n do_v thou_o may_v apply_v that_o at_o home_n who_o so_o often_o have_v the_o devil_n in_o thy_o mouth_n and_o as_o for_o part_a christ_n jesus_n from_o his_o godhead_n that_o be_v not_o our_o work_n for_o he_o be_v call_v the_o heavenly_a man_n the_o second_o adam_z a_o quicken_a spirit_n and_o the_o scripture_n we_o own_o and_o also_o be_v to_o glorify_v god_n with_o our_o soul_n and_o body_n which_o be_v he_o and_o we_o tell_v thou_o the_o devil_n can_v destroy_v our_o saviour_n christ_n jesus_n for_o he_o destroy_v the_o devil_n and_o his_o work_n but_o it_o be_v like_a he_o may_v destroy_v your_o imaginary_a christ_n or_o antichrist_n and_o set_v up_o another_o for_o christ_n be_v dead_a and_o be_v alive_a and_o live_v for_o evermore_o revel_v 1_o 18_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v that_o g._n f._n play_n upon_o the_o various_a meaning_n of_o the_o word_n flesh_n he_o play_v also_o upon_o those_o holy_a scripture_n viz_o god_n be_v glorify_v in_o the_o soul_n and_o body_n of_o his_o saint_n etc._n etc._n answ._n as_o for_o say_v g._n f._n play_n that_o thou_o may_v have_v apply_v at_o home_n for_o his_o word_n be_v scripture-phrase_n for_o must_v not_o all_o the_o child_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n witness_v their_o body_n the_o ●_z of_o god_n and_o he_o to_o dwell_v in_o they_o and_o wa●k_v in_o they_o by_o his_o spirit_n and_o they_o to_o bring_v forth_o fruit_n of_o his_o spirit_n and_o to_o glorify_v god_n in_o their_o body_n and_o soul_n &_o c_o and_o we_o do_v know_v what_o the_o protestant_n do_v hold_v and_o what_o you_o do_v hold_v in_o word_n concern_v christ_n who_o persecute_v we_o that_o do_v possess_v he_o and_o you_o have_v better_o possess_v he_o and_o let_v he_o rule_v in_o your_o heart_n by_o faith_n and_o not_o the_o dragon_n the_o old_a persecutor_n for_o we_o own_o christ_n in_o the_o promise_n in_o the_o prophecy_n who_o be_v bear_v of_o a_o virgin_n his_o suffering_n resurrection_n in_o who_o the_o fullness_n of_o the_o godhead_n dwell_v bodily_a and_o of_o his_o fullness_n have_v we_o receive_v grace_n for_o grace_n col._n 4_o r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v that_o g._n f_o know_v his_o opposite_a intend_v such_o a_o manifestation_n of_o god_n in_o the_o flesh_n that_o render_v the_o one_o single_a person_n christ_n jesus_n the_o head_n of_o the_o church_n and_o that_o they_o hold_v there_o be_v as_o much_o difference_n between_o that_o one_o individual_a person_n christ_n jesus_n the_o head_n and_o his_o follower_n as_o between_o our_o head_n and_o our_o body_n etc._n etc._n answ._n if_o you_o hold_v this_o this_o be_v a_o nighness_n betwixt_o christ_n and_o his_o church_n but_o do_v you_o possess_v it_o and_o g._n f_o know_v his_o opposite_n in_o the_o other_o power_n be_v day_n it_o be_v a_o wonder_n to_o they_o to_o hear_v of_o christ_n dwelling_n in_o people_n so_o g._n f._n know_v their_o meaning_n very_o well_o and_o must_v not_o god_n that_o be_v manifest_v in_o the_o flesh_n of_o christ_n that_o one_o single_a person_n must_v not_o he_o and_o his_o father_n be_v manifest_a in_o his_o people_n by_o his_o spirit_n and_o he_o to_o dwell_v in_o they_o now_o as_o he_o do_v in_o the_o apostle_n day_n r._n w._n and_o thou_o say_v how_o poor_a and_o lame_a be_v it_o that_o because_o the_o saint_n be_v god_n temple_n therefore_o they_o must_v be_v god_n himself_o 62._o answ._n let_v the_o reader_n see_v if_o there_o be_v any_o such_o word_n as_o these_o in_o g._n f_n answer_n for_o g_z f_n word_n be_v the_o saint_n be_v the_o temple_n of_o god_n and_o god_n will_v dwell_v in_o they_o as_o 1_o cor._n 6._o and_o 2_o cor._n 6._o g._n f._n do_v not_o say_v the_o saint_n be_v god_n as_o thou_o have_v false_o forge_v and_o do_v not_o the_o apostle_n exhort_v the_o saint_n that_o christ_n may_v dwell_v in_o their_o heart_n by_o faith_n eph._n 3._o and_o therefore_o thou_o say_v they_o say_v they_o be_v christ_n himself_n let_v the_o reader_n see_v if_o there_o be_v any_o such_o word_n in_o g._n f_n answer_v and_o whether_o he_o have_v not_o abuse_v g._n f_n word_n here_o