Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n boil_v pound_n syrup_n 4,627 5 11.6798 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46696 Artificiall embellishments, or Arts best directions how to preserve beauty or procure it. Jeamson, Thomas, d. 1674. 1665 (1665) Wing J503; ESTC R17155 74,151 210

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scruple_n pound_n all_o small_a and_o steep_v they_o in_o as_o much_o common_a lie_n as_o may_v cover_v they_o four_o finger_n then_o boil_v they_o as_o the_o former_a take_v quick_a lime_n half_a a_o pound_n steep_v it_o in_o common_a lie_n or_o urine_n add_v to_o it_o half_o a_o ounce_n of_o orpiment_n boil_v it_o to_o the_o consistence_n of_o a_o syrup_n as_o for_o the_o use_n of_o the_o forego_n medicine_n you_o be_v to_o foment_n the_o place_n with_o warm_a water_n a_o little_a before_o you_o apply_v they_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n after_o wash_v with_o hot_a water_n and_o when_o the_o hair_n be_v take_v away_o anoint_v the_o place_n with_o some_o cool_a oil_n as_o oleum_fw-la rosat_n oil_n of_o henbane_n the_o ointment_n of_o rhasis_n camphorate_v after_o that_o the_o hair_n be_v take_v from_o any_o part_n if_o you_o will_v keep_v it_o from_o grow_v again_o take_v the_o gall_n of_o a_o hedgehog_n the_o ash_n of_o muscle_n shell_n burn_v mix_v they_o with_o bat_n blood_n and_o use_v it_o as_o a_o ointment_n or_o else_o bat_n blood_n the_o juice_n of_o ivy_n and_o radish_n root_n goat_n gall_n mix_v and_o use_v they_o or_o take_v opium_n and_o henbane_n fine_o beat_v mix_v they_o with_o vinegar_n so_o anoint_v therewith_o any_o of_o these_o will_v keep_v the_o hair_n from_o ever_o grow_v the_o same_o effect_n have_v these_o follow_v take_v the_o blood_n of_o frog_n terra_fw-la sigillata_fw-la sumach_n rose_n of_o each_o as_o much_o as_o shall_v be_v sufficient_a beat_v they_o together_o and_o steep_v they_o in_o the_o juice_n of_o nightshade_n for_o four_o &_o twenty_o hour_n then_o distil_v they_o &_o wash_v with_o the_o water_n the_o depilated_a place_n take_v ivy_n gum_n emmet_n egg_n orpiment_n colophony_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n leech_n burn_v half_o a_o ounce_n grind_v and_o mingle_v they_o with_o frog_n blood_n and_o make_v a_o ointment_n take_v juice_n of_o henbane_n sanguis_fw-la draconis_fw-la gum_n arab_n frankincense_n of_o each_o three_o dram_n juice_n of_o nightshade_n as_o much_o as_o will_v suffice_v to_o make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n chap._n xiii_o how_o to_o make_v the_o hair_n curl_n twining_n curl_n be_v now_o much_o the_o mode_n and_o none_o think_v paragon_n for_o beauty_n save_o those_o who_o graceful_a lock_n do_v reach_v the_o breast_n and_o make_v spectator_n think_v those_o ivory_n globe_n of_o venus_n be_v uphold_v by_o the_o friendly_a aid_n of_o their_o crispy_a twirl_v if_o any_o affect_v the_o fashion_n they_o may_v serve_v themselves_o with_o these_o direction_n so_o advantageous_o that_o none_o shall_v desire_v to_o be_v free_a that_o may_v have_v the_o glory_n to_o be_v fetter_v with_o their_o curl_a hair_n take_v gall_n nut_n file_n of_o steel_n cypress_n leave_v quince_n seed_n as_o much_o as_o you_o please_v quick_a lime_n half_a as_o much_o as_o either_o of_o the_o first_o steep_v they_o in_o water_n wherein_o rye_n have_v be_v boil_v let_v it_o stand_v one_o day_n then_o boil_v it_o to_o the_o thickness_n of_o honey_n anoint_v the_o hair_n therewith_o and_o curl_v it_o up_o go_v to_o bed_n boil_v salt_n in_o water_n gather_v the_o scum_n thereof_o &_o mix_v it_o with_o myrrh_n it_o be_v marvellous_a in_o curl_v the_o hair_n some_o to_o make_v their_o hair_n curl_v wind_n it_o up_o go_v to_o bed_n upon_o a_o hot_a tobacco_n pipe_n or_o iron_n other_o dissolve_v gum_n arabic_a or_o mouth_n glue_v in_o water_n moisten_v the_o hair_n with_o it_o afterward_o they_o let_v it_o dry_v some_o instead_o thereof_o use_v the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n or_o else_o bear_v or_o ale_n but_o to_o give_v you_o far_o &_o better_a direction_n first_o rub_v the_o hair_n well_o with_o lie_n or_o urine_n that_o so_o it_o may_v be_v wash_v very_o clean_o then_o take_v 20_o oak_n gall_n maiden_n hair_n two_o ounce_n and_o as_o much_o salt_n water_n boil_v to_o the_o consistence_n of_o honey_n work_v they_o all_o well_o together_o and_o for_o two_o day_n anoint_v the_o hair_n therewith_o on_o the_o three_o wash_v it_o with_o this_o follow_a bath_n boil_v firn_n root_n beet_n leave_v of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n so_o long_o in_o water_n till_o a_o three_o part_n of_o the_o water_n be_v consume_v then_o take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n put_v in_o a_o little_a gum_n arabic_a and_o when_o it_o be_v cool_a use_n it_o take_v oil_n of_o fenugreek_n oil_n of_o white_a henbane_n mix_v therewith_o myrrh_n and_o gum_n arabic_a and_o use_v it_o for_o a_o ointment_n or_o take_v beet_n and_o myrtle_n a_o like_a quantity_n dry_v they_o in_o the_o shade_n powder_v they_o then_o mingle_v one_o ounce_n of_o the_o powder_n with_o two_o ounce_n of_o oil_n olive_n and_o use_v it_o as_o the_o other_o take_v mallow_n root_n seed_n of_o flax_n and_o psyllium_fw-la boil_v they_o a_o long_a time_n together_o strain_v it_o and_o wash_v the_o hair_n therewith_o or_o make_v lie_v with_o oak_n ash_n boil_v therein_o nutgal_n root_n of_o dane_a wort_n maiden_n hair_n afterward_o dissolve_v therein_o a_o little_a litharge_n bowl_n armeniake_n gum_n dragant_a wash_v the_o hair_n with_o it_o when_o it_o be_v dry_v in_o anoint_v with_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n chap._n fourteen_o to_o make_v the_o hair_n lank_a and_o flag_n the_o bushy_a forest_n of_o the_o head_n be_v sometime_o labarinth_v with_o mazie_a and_o rude_a maeander_n while_o the_o lock_n themselves_o retreat_n in_o such_o recoil_n twirl_v as_o if_o they_o rook_n the_o breast_n for_o a_o pair_n of_o snowy_a mountain_n and_o be_v afraid_a their_o tender_a top_n shall_v touch_v they_o they_o may_v be_v force_v to_o extend_v themselves_o to_o a_o please_a length_n if_o you_o follow_v these_o prescription_n take_v oil_n of_o lily_n oil_n of_o rose_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n oil_n of_o violet_n two_o ounce_n green_a marsh_n mallow_n fine_o beat_v three_o ounce_n boil_v they_o altogether_o anoint_v the_o hair_n thorough_o therewith_o comb_v it_o afterward_o very_a well_o take_v borage_n mallow_n beat_v they_o small_a and_o work_v they_o well_o together_o with_o common_a oil_n let_v they_o stand_v together_o in_o a_o warm_a place_n a_o day_n &_o a_o night_n next_o morning_n put_v they_o in_o a_o alimbeck_n &_o distil_v they_o over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n the_o water_n that_o you_o draw_v from_o they_o keep_v the_o hair_n from_o frizzle_a and_n make_v it_o flag_n and_o smooth_a take_v oil_n of_o rose_n four_o ounce_n work_v it_o well_o together_o in_o a_o great_a bottle_n with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o fair_a spring_n water_n then_o anoint_v the_o hair_n twice_o a_o day_n therewith_o chap._n xv._o to_o lengthen_v the_o hair_n hair_n though_o a_o excrement_n be_v yet_o careful_o cherish_v as_o a_o plant_n of_o value_n for_o most_o fancy_n it_o to_o be_v the_o microcosmical_a flax_n whereof_o cupid_n twist_v his_o bowstring_n to_o see_v it_o i_o confess_v in_o the_o female_a sex_n of_o a_o more_o than_o usual_a length_n be_v a_o please_a spectacle_n and_o if_o therebe_n any_o lady_n that_o desire_v it_o she_o may_v by_o these_o mean_n efffect_v her_o wish_n use_v first_o this_o unguent_n take_v a_o wild_a gourd_n hollow_a it_o within_o fill_v it_o with_o oil_n of_o laurel_n orpiment_n henbane_n leave_v boil_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n and_o anoint_v therewith_o then_o use_v once_o a_o week_n this_o bath_n follow_v take_v agrimony_n elm_n bark_n vervaine_z boil_v all_o in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o water_n till_o the_o three_o part_n of_o the_o water_n be_v consume_v and_o wash_v therewith_o while_o it_o be_v warm_a take_v the_o hard_a and_o stiff_a honey_n boil_v it_o for_o some_o while_n over_o the_o fire_n into_o three_o pound_n of_o this_o honey_n while_o it_o be_v over_o the_o fire_n break_v 20_o egg_n take_v they_o out_o when_o they_o be_v hard_a and_o put_v in_o so_o many_o more_o at_o last_o take_v only_o the_o yolk_n of_o the_o egg_n and_o beat_v they_o with_o the_o honey_n into_o a_o past_a then_o put_v they_o into_o a_o alembick_a and_o with_o a_o gentle_a heat_n draw_v from_o thence_o a_o liquor_n to_o wash_v the_o hair_n withal_o if_o you_o will_v increase_v its_o length_n take_v lavender_n white_a sander_n cardamon_n costus_fw-la of_o each_o one_o ounce_n in_o the_o spring_n time_n steep_v all_o these_o for_o 24_o hour_n in_o a_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o best_a white_a wine_n than_o set_v it_o on_o the_o fire_n that_o you_o may_v receive_v the_o vapour_n of_o the_o decoction_n up_o into_o the_o hair_n afterward_o wash_v the_o head_n with_o it_o take_v old_a white_a lard_n three_o pound_n mince_v and_o beat_v it_o small_a till_o it_o come_v to_o a_o past_a then_o distil_v it_o in_o a_o limbick_a and_o keep_v the_o water_n that_o arise_v from_o it_o to_o anoint_v the_o hair_n it_o will_v make_v
sometime_o be_v dry_v on_o wash_v with_o rose_n water_n or_o often_o bathe_v the_o face_n with_o rose_n water_n camphorate_v it_o be_v exceed_o good_a to_o prevent_v those_o inconvenience_n which_o may_v happen_v from_o the_o use_n of_o such_o thing_n as_o too_o much_o dry_a and_o parch_v the_o face_n slice_v four_o orange_n and_o as_o many_o limmons_n take_v white_a sugar_n and_o rock_n alum_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n infuse_v they_o three_o or_o four_o hour_n in_o a_o quart_n of_o milk_n then_o distil_v they_o in_o b._n m._n and_o wet_a some_o fine_a cloth_n in_o the_o water_n to_o lay_v over_o the_o face_n when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_n or_o take_v goat_n milk_n one_o quart_n juice_n of_o citron_n one_o pint_n white_a wine_n vinegar_n half_a a_o pint_n the_o flower_n of_o bean_n water_n lily_n fumitory_n of_o each_o three_o handful_n the_o white_n of_o half_a a_o dozen_o egg_n camphor_a two_o dram_n distil_v and_o use_v they_o as_o the_o other_o oil_n of_o myrrh_n be_v singular_a good_a to_o preserve_v the_o beauty_n if_o when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_v you_o wash_v your_o face_n with_o the_o distil_a water_n of_o bean_n flower_n and_o afterward_o anoint_v it_o with_o that_o oil_n it_o be_v thus_o prepare_v take_v new_o lay_v egg_n and_o boil_v they_o hard_o slit_v they_o and_o take_v out_o the_o yolk_n then_o fill_v they_o up_o with_o powder_a myrrh_n close_v they_o together_o lay_v they_o in_o a_o moist_a cool_a place_n and_o the_o myrrh_n will_v dissolve_v into_o a_o water_n which_o be_v the_o oil_n after_o the_o same_o manner_n you_o may_v prepare_v oil_n of_o tartar_n if_o you_o calcine_v and_o put_v it_o into_o the_o egg_n it_o be_v a_o exceed_o good_a cosmetick_n take_v unguentum_fw-la citrinum_fw-la three_o ounce_n sperma_fw-la coeti_fw-la a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a salt_n of_o ceruse_n half_a a_o ounce_n oil_n of_o egg_n as_o much_o mash_n they_o together_o and_o make_v a_o lineament_n to_o make_v salt_n of_o ceruse_n you_o must_v powder_v the_o ceruse_n very_o fine_a and_o mix_v it_o with_o some_o distil_a vinegar_n so_o that_o to_o one_o ounce_n of_o ceruse_n there_o may_v be_v four_o ounce_n of_o vinegar_n let_v it_o infuse_v three_o or_o four_o day_n then_o draw_v it_o off_o by_o filtration_n and_o and_o set_v that_o which_o be_v draw_v off_o over_o the_o fire_n in_o a_o earthen_a pot_n well_o glaze_v and_o dry_v till_o it_o become_v a_o salt_n as_o they_o make_v their_o cautery_n take_v prepare_v snail_n that_o be_v draw_v out_o of_o their_o shell_n and_o wash_v so_o long_o in_o salt_n and_o water_n till_o they_o lose_v their_o slime_n than_o pound_n they_o and_o lay_v one_o bed_n of_o they_o in_o the_o bottom_n of_o a_o alembicke_n and_o on_o they_o make_v a_o other_o bed_n of_o shall_fw-mi gem_n alum_n frankincense_n borace_n camphire_n of_o each_o pound_a two_o dram_n then_o pour_v on_o so_o much_o juice_n of_o limmon_n as_o may_v cover_v they_o two_o finger_n so_o let_v they_o macerate_v 5_o or_o 6_o hour_n together_o and_o then_o distil_v they_o in_o bal._n maris_n take_v twelve_o lemon_n as_o many_o hen_n egg_n half_o a_o pound_n of_o turpentine_n well_o wash_v put_v the_o turpentine_n in_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o alembick_a boil_v the_o egg_n hard_a and_o distil_v all_o in_o b._n m._n this_o water_n be_v excellent_a to_o whiten_v the_o skin_n and_o change_v the_o complexion_n if_o you_o wash_v wish_v spring_n watar_n and_o dry_a the_o face_n and_o after_o wash_v with_o this_o without_o wipe_v this_o bath_n be_v very_o good_a take_v two_o handful_n of_o sage_a leaf_n the_o like_a quantity_n of_o lavender_n flower_n and_o rose_n a_o little_a salt_n boil_v they_o in_o spring_n water_n and_o therewith_o bathe_v your_o body_n remember_v that_o you_o be_v never_o to_o bathe_v after_o meal_n for_o it_o will_v occasion_v many_o infirmity_n bath_n therefore_o two_o or_o three_o hour_n before_o dinner_n it_o will_v clear_v the_o skin_n revive_v the_o spirit_n and_o strengthen_v the_o body_n the_o same_o effect_n have_v this_o follow_v take_v rose_n water_n vinegar_n salt_n boil_v all_o together_o in_o fair_a water_n take_v thereof_o a_o pint_n mix_v some_o bran_n with_o it_o and_o wash_v the_o body_n all_o over_o with_o it_o let_v it_o dry_v on_o then_o wash_v it_o off_o nothing_o can_v be_v better_a to_o mundify_v the_o body_n some_o lady_n delight_n much_o in_o sweet_a bath_n therefore_o into_o half_a a_o pint_n of_o water_n they_o put_v 5_o or_o 6_o drop_n of_o oil_n of_o spickenard_n some_o beside_o this_o add_v musk_n amber_n civet_n lignum_fw-la aloe_n benjamin_n storax_n myrrh_n clove_n rose_n limmon_a and_o orange_n flower_n rosemary_n lavender_n mint_n pennyroyal_a but_o your_o chemical_a extract_n far_o excel_v all_o these_o if_o you_o mix_v but_o half_a a_o dozen_o drop_n with_o your_o bath_n such_o be_v the_o oil_n of_o orange_n clove_n mace_n nutmeg_n and_o the_o like_a when_o your_o bath_n be_v provide_v remember_v if_o you_o prize_v your_o health_n or_o beauty_n that_o it_o be_v not_o too_o hot_a for_o than_o it_o scorch_v the_o skin_n and_o make_v it_o rough_a and_o cause_n very_o many_o untoward_a infirmity_n thus_o much_o for_o the_o mean_n to_o gain_v a_o good_a complexion_n i_o come_v in_o the_o next_o place_n to_o give_v some_o special_a remedy_n how_o to_o correct_v the_o more_o particular_a vice_n of_o a_o ill_a complexion_n as_o a_o pale_a and_o swart_a colour_n a_o rough_a harsh_a gross_a or_o sluttish_a skin_n sweat_n spot_n itch_n scab_n leprosy_n scurf_n and_o the_o like_a chap._n iu._n how_o to_o beautify_v a_o white_a and_o pallid_a complexion_n such_o colour_n when_o they_o annoy_v the_o complexion_n principal_o proceed_v from_o ill_a humour_n which_o abound_v in_o the_o body_n &_o be_v expel_v forth_o to_o the_o external_a superficies_n of_o the_o skin_n wherefore_o those_o that_o desire_v to_o correct_v any_o vicious_a colour_n that_o offend_v their_o body_n must_v in_o the_o first_o place_n by_o some_o purgation_n evacuate_v that_o humour_n whereto_o their_o distemper_n owe_v its_o original_n now_o the_o paleness_n of_o the_o complexion_n in_o woman_n be_v principal_o occasion_v by_o obstruction_n of_o the_o spleen_n and_o liver_n which_o cause_n in_o they_o a_o suppression_n of_o their_o monthly_a purgation_n which_o cause_n be_v by_o a_o orderly_a course_n of_o physic_n remove_v the_o body_n must_v be_v replenish_v by_o a_o good_a and_o commendable_a diet_n if_o this_o do_v not_o recover_v their_o decay_a beauty_n they_o may_v proceed_v to_o external_a application_n and_o to_o make_v their_o cheek_n and_o lip_n ruddy_a and_o lively_a with_o good_a success_n use_v these_o thing_n follow_v dissolve_v the_o shave_n of_o brasil_n and_o orkanet_n in_o alum_n water_n wherewith_o after_o you_o have_v sufficient_o cleanse_v the_o face_n with_o water_n of_o lily_n or_o bean_n flower_n bathe_v the_o cheek_n and_o lip_n let_v it_o dry_a on_o or_o else_o bathe_v the_o cheek_n lip_n or_o any_o other_o part_n that_o be_v too_o pale_a and_o white_a with_o alum_n water_n wherein_o a_o pciee_n of_o red_a turnsoile_n have_v be_v often_o steep_v or_o rub_v those_o part_n with_o a_o piece_n of_o sheepskin_n colour_v red_a to_o chafe_v the_o part_n often_o with_o the_o hand_n or_o a_o course_n cloth_n make_v they_o look_v red_a and_o lively_a for_o such_o friction_n draw_v the_o blood_n and_o spirit_n outward_a or_o in_o case_n of_o necessity_n use_v pomatum_n and_o vermilion_n make_v of_o cinnaberis_fw-la or_o take_v red_a saunders_n bruise_v and_o steep_v it_o for_o 3_o day_n in_o aqua_fw-la vitæ_fw-la then_o boil_v it_o for_o a_o hour_n over_o a_o gentle_a sire_n add_v a_o little_a alum_n and_o gum_n arabic_a than_o strain_v it_o and_o bathe_v the_o part_n therewith_o take_v rock_n alum_n unc_fw-la 1._o boil_v it_o in_o a_o pint_n of_o run_a water_n when_o it_o be_v dissolve_v take_v it_o off_o from_o the_o fire_n let_v it_o cool_v then_o add_v to_o it_o vermilion_a fine_o powder_v one_o ounce_n boil_v they_o again_o to_o a_o consumption_n of_o half_a strain_n the_o decoction_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o your_o use_n take_v brasil_n one_o ounce_n clove_n half_a a_o score_n grain_n of_o paradise_n two_o scruple_n boil_v they_o with_o a_o pint_n of_o rectify_a aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la in_o a_o cover_a vessel_n use_v it_o when_o it_o be_v cold_a chap._n v._o to_o smooth_v a_o rough_a and_o uneven_a skin_n the_o skin_n be_v the_o body_n native_a shirt_n which_o if_o it_o be_v of_o a_o courser_n thread_n it_o be_v some_o of_o nature_n homespun_a housewifry_n careless_o huddle_v up_o when_o she_o be_v in_o haste_n to_o finish_v a_o fine_a piece_n to_o smooth_v such_o rugged_a canvas_n and_o bring_v it_o to_o a_o please_a evenness_n that_o may_v vie_v with_o the_o polish_a alabaster_n be_v here_o
present_v a_o inventory_n of_o of_o its_o best_a direction_n so_o often_o prove_v that_o i_o presume_v any_o course_n skin_v lady_n who_o will_v be_v so_o much_o her_o own_o friend_n to_o use_v they_o may_v soon_o be_v free_v from_o do_v penance_n in_o nature_n sackcloth_n take_v peel_v almond_n six_o pound_n mastic_n prepare_v ceruse_n and_o gum_n dragant_a of_o each_o four_o ounce_n the_o white_n of_o 4_o egg_n pound_n all_o together_o very_o careful_o let_v it_o stand_v 5_o or_o 6_o day_n pound_v it_o every_o day_n once_o then_o put_v they_o in_o a_o press_n and_o keep_v the_o oil_n that_o come_v forth_o to_o anoint_v the_o skin_n withal_o take_v hempseed_n pound_n it_o small_a moisten_v it_o with_o a_o little_a aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la then_o heat_v it_o in_o a_o fry_a pan_n make_v very_o clean_o so_o hot_a that_o you_o cant_fw-mi endure_v to_o touch_v afterward_o put_v it_o into_o a_o bag_n and_o press_v it_o the_o oil_n that_o come_v from_o it_o be_v exceed_o good_a for_o the_o roughness_n of_o the_o skin_n anoint_v any_o part_n that_o be_v too_o rough_a with_o oil_n of_o rape_n seed_n or_o bitter_a almond_n or_o oil_n of_o wheat_n or_o take_v sweet_a almond_n cleanse_v and_o peel_v four_o pound_n moisten_v they_o with_o the_o spirit_n of_o wine_n &_o rose_n water_n mix_v together_o of_o each_o one_o ounce_n beat_v they_o together_o and_o fry_v they_o when_o they_o begin_v to_o smoke_v put_v they_o in_o a_o bag_n so_o press_v they_o and_o there_o will_v come_v forth_o a_o oil_n very_o clear_a which_o you_o must_v put_v into_o a_o pot_n of_o rain_n water_n and_o beat_v it_o together_o till_o it_o become_v exceed_o white_a then_o keep_v it_o as_o a_o rare_a secret_n to_o smooth_a and_o polish_v the_o skin_n chap._n vi_o how_o to_o clean_v the_o sweaty_a and_o sluttish_a complexion_n the_o microcosm_n through_o the_o sordid_a sluttishness_n of_o some_o be_v often_o drown_v in_o a_o nast_a deluge_n of_o sweat_n out_o a_o design_n perhaps_o to_o take_v cupid_n captive_a and_o birdlime_n his_o wing_n with_o such_o clammy_a excrement_n but_o if_o they_o have_v no_o other_o tempt_a bait_n than_o the_o greasy_a pomatum_n which_o their_o own_o ill_a stuff_a body_n supply_v they_o with_o i_o be_o afraid_a though_o be_v blind_a he_o can_v see_v they_o he_o will_v smell_v they_o a_o mile_n off_o and_o so_o keep_v his_o distance_n they_o will_v do_v much_o better_a to_o break_v off_o this_o petty_a plot_n upon_o cupid_n and_o scour_v their_o body_n well_o with_o these_o abstersives_n take_v bryony_n root_n half_o a_o handful_n serpentary_a the_o less_o or_o friar_n cowl_n pellitory_n of_o the_o wall_n elecampane_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n whole_a bean_n rice_n white_a vetch_n french_a barley_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a flower_n of_o camomile_n melilot_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n boil_v all_o these_o together_o in_o rain_n water_n &_o receive_v the_o fume_n up_o in_o the_o face_n if_o you_o will_v have_v it_o for_o your_o whole_a body_n double_v the_o quantity_n boil_v they_o pour_v they_o forth_o into_o a_o bath_n set_v a_o stool_n in_o the_o bath_n cast_v a_o sheet_n over_o you_o and_o so_o receive_v the_o vapoure_n vnguentum_fw-la citrinum_fw-la be_v of_o great_a efficacy_n to_o help_v this_o distemper_n if_o you_o add_v thereto_o a_o little_a sublimate_n careful_o prepare_v or_o a_o little_a white_a hellebore_n fine_o powder_v the_o fume_n of_o the_o decoction_n of_o the_o shave_n of_o guajacum_fw-la be_v exceed_v good_a take_v bean_n meal_n white_a vetch_n sweet_a almond_n blanch_v gum_n dragant_a bryony_a root_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n pound_n they_o a_o part_n then_o mix_v they_o and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o white_n of_o egg_n make_v they_o up_o into_o little_a ball_n when_o you_o have_v occasion_n to_o use_v they_o dissolve_v they_o in_o barley_n water_n and_o bathe_v the_o skin_n therewith_o go_v to_o bed_n next_o day_n wash_v with_o water_n wherein_o the_o fine_a flower_n have_v be_v steep_v take_v the_o root_n of_o serpentary_a slice_a dry_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n powder_n and_o sift_v they_o next_o incorporate_v they_o with_o rose_n water_n into_o a_o past_a dry_v they_o again_o in_o the_o sun_n and_o powder_n they_o then_o add_v a_o three_o part_n of_o ceruse_n prepare_v so_o as_o be_v direct_v in_o the_o 2._o part_n c._n 1._o then_o work_v all_o together_o with_o rose_n water_n dry_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n and_o at_o last_o bring_v it_o with_o beat_v it_o in_o a_o mortar_n to_o a_o very_a fine_a powder_n when_o you_o will_v use_v it_o mix_v it_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o limmons_n and_o so_o make_v it_o into_o a_o lineament_n for_o a_o sweaty_a part_n take_v barley_n half_o ripe_a two_o pound_n goat_n milk_n three_o pint_n the_o white_n of_o a_o dozen_o egg_n mix_v and_o distil_v they_o in_o balneo_fw-la maris_fw-la then_o use_v it_o or_o take_v sift_v bran_n the_o best_a leaven_n two_o pound_n as_o much_o vinegar_n as_o shall_v be_v requisite_a the_o white_n of_o eight_o egg_n mingle_v they_o and_o make_v it_o into_o a_o paste_n then_o distil_v it_o in_o b._n m._n take_v thirty_o snail_n prepare_v a_o quart_n of_o goat_n milk_n hog_n suet_n three_o ounce_n camfre_v powder_v two_o dram_n beat_v they_o together_o and_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o alembick_a the_o sluttishness_n and_o sweat_n of_o the_o skin_n may_v proceed_v either_o from_o a_o external_a cause_n as_o negligence_n to_o wipe_v and_o cleanse_v the_o face_n from_o that_o filth_n and_o ordure_n which_o may_v be_v engender_v by_o the_o air_n or_o any_o other_o accident_n and_o then_o there_o need_v no_o more_o to_o beautify_v it_o than_o a_o constant_a wash_n and_o rub_v it_o or_o from_o a_o internal_a as_o fuliginous_a vapour_n detain_v betwixt_o the_o cutis_fw-la and_o epidermis_fw-la by_o reason_n of_o its_o density_n this_o be_v the_o more_o frequent_a cause_n and_o for_o the_o more_o general_a cure_n of_o it_o the_o body_n must_v thorough_o be_v purge_v of_o those_o humour_n which_o produce_v such_o excrement_n and_o for_o topical_a application_n you_o be_v to_o use_v such_o thing_n as_o be_v set_v down_o in_o this_o chapter_n or_o you_o may_v scour_v and_o cleanse_v the_o body_n with_o water_n wherein_o fine_a wheat_n flower_n or_o the_o crumb_n of_o white_a bread_n have_v be_v infuse_v add_v to_o it_o a_o small_a quantity_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o limmons_n or_o with_o the_o decoction_n of_o mallow_n root_n or_o lily_n as_o also_o with_o the_o infusion_n of_o the_o root_n of_o briony_n with_o the_o juice_n of_o the_o root_n of_o showbread_n or_o wild_a cucumber_n incorporate_v with_o bean_n meal_n with_o the_o oil_n of_o sulphur_n or_o tartar_n mix_v either_o with_o clear_a fountain_n water_n or_o else_o with_o any_o of_o the_o former_a decoction_n thus_o far_o concern_v the_o nasty_a sweat_n of_o the_o skin_n the_o next_o inconvenience_n that_o damage_n the_o beauty_n and_o which_o we_o intend_v to_o give_v remedy_n how_o to_o correct_v be_v itch_n and_o scab_n chap._n vii_o how_o to_o repair_v the_o beauty_n of_o a_o itchy_a or_o scabby_a skin_n i_o be_o afraid_a lady_n that_o whilst_o i_o prescribe_v remedy_n for_o so_o loathsome_a a_o skin-defiling_a malady_n you_o will_v think_v i_o have_v forget_v you_o and_o be_o now_o address_v myself_o to_o your_o kitchen_n maid_n i_o must_v confess_v these_o fret_a exulceration_n be_v more_o frequent_o incident_a to_o such_o as_o be_v force_v to_o content_v themselves_o with_o courser_n commons_o as_o among_o the_o fleecy_a troop_n those_o be_v soon_a scabby_n that_o feed_v in_o unwholesome_a pasture_n yet_o the_o high_a and_o best_a feed_v be_v not_o always_o exempt_v from_o the_o infection_n nor_o be_v the_o most_o delicate_a lady_n especial_o if_o any_o thing_n irregular_a or_o intemperate_a whole_o secure_v that_o they_o shall_v be_v no_o full_a of_o ill_a humour_n than_o their_o skin_n can_v hold_v if_o ever_o then_o your_o ill_n dispose_v humour_n grow_v so_o strong_a to_o break_v their_o way_n through_o the_o enclose_v skin_n it_o will_v do_v you_o no_o harm_n to_o have_v something_o in_o readiness_n that_o may_v check_v their_o presumption_n take_v fumitory_n water_v a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a succory_n water_n three_o ounce_n syrup_n of_o fumitory_n and_o succory_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n mix_v altogether_o and_o take_v it_o for_o your_o morning_n draught_n use_v it_o for_o five_o day_n together_o then_o use_v this_o excellent_a medicine_n take_v scena_fw-la two_o dram_n rhubarb_n one_o scruple_n annis_fw-la seed_n half_o a_o scruple_n white_a wine_n half_a a_o pint_n put_v all_o into_o a_o earthen_a bottle_n stopit_v close_o and_o set_v it_o over_o warm_a ember_n all_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n strain_v it_o out_o and_o drink_v it_o if_o the_o stomach_n be_v weak_a
and_o love_v not_o potion_n you_o may_v use_v these_o follow_a pill_n take_v citrine_n mirabolan_n rhubarb_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n aloe_n wash_v in_o the_o decoction_n of_o sena_fw-la one_o scruple_n make_v they_o up_o into_o pill_n with_o syrup_n of_o fumitory_n then_o anoint_v yourself_o go_v to_o bed_n with_o this_o ointment_n take_v brimstone_n a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a salt_n and_o salad_n oil_n one_o ounce_n grind_v the_o salt_n and_o sulphur_n exceed_v small_a mix_v they_o with_o the_o oil_n and_o when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_n use_v it_o for_o three_o or_o four_o night_n only_o chafe_v it_o very_o well_o into_o the_o palm_n of_o the_o hand_n then_o draw_v on_o a_o pair_n of_o glove_n and_o keep_v they_o on_o all_o night_n it_o will_v cure_v all_o itch_n and_o scab_n throughout_o the_o body_n take_v as_o much_o man_n urine_n as_o will_v serve_v to_o bathe_v the_o disease_a up_o to_o the_o knee_n add_v thereto_o charecoal_n of_o oak_n powder_v and_o black_a hellebore_n but_o more_o hellebore_n than_o coal_n bath_n therewith_o the_o leg_n for_o fifteen_o morning_n together_o and_o long_o if_o need_v requite_v this_o have_v its_o effect_n on_o every_o member_n of_o the_o body_n so_o that_o whether_o it_o be_v totter_v leprosy_n itch_n or_o run_v scab_n in_o short_a time_n it_o be_v cure_v with_o this_o medicine_n mercur._n and_o other_o experience_a physician_n commend_v the_o success_n that_o these_o ointment_n have_v if_o they_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o pulse_n take_v oleum_fw-la laurinum_fw-la six_o dram_n quicksilver_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a borace_v three_o dram_n ceruse_n one_o dram_n cumin-seed_n one_o scruple_n make_v they_o into_o a_o ointment_n or_o take_v equal_a part_n of_o borace_n and_o aloe_n a_o three_o part_n of_o prepare_a quicksilver_n as_o much_o oil_n of_o laurel_n make_v they_o into_o a_o unguent_n and_o with_o either_o of_o these_o anoint_v the_o pulse_n go_v to_o bed_n after_o you_o have_v bathe_v your_o arm_n for_o some_o while_n in_o warm_a water_n i_o find_v these_o much_o extol_v but_o i_o will_v not_o have_v you_o use_v they_o before_o you_o have_v try_v something_o else_o because_o of_o the_o quicksilver_n before_o you_o practice_n with_o any_o medicine_n remember_v to_o purge_v the_o body_n of_o that_o humour_n which_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o your_o distemper_n i_o shall_v here_o only_o add_v two_o or_o three_o odoriserous_a water_n which_o cure_v all_o such_o infirmity_n and_o make_v the_o skin_n smooth_a and_o delicate_a take_v bawm_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v beat_v it_o well_o then_o set_v it_o to_o macerate_v one_o night_n in_o white_a wine_n the_o next_o morning_n draw_v off_o the_o water_n in_o a_o glass_n still_o it_o be_v exceed_o sweet_a and_o in_o a_o short_a time_n cure_v all_o scab_n throughout_o the_o body_n if_o you_o add_v a_o grain_n of_o musk_n and_o bathe_v it_o therewith_o mix_v with_o natural_a balsam_n and_o anoint_v on_o the_o face_n it_o will_v make_v it_o of_o a_o lively_a rose_n colour_n take_v dry_v sage_a eight_o ounce_n nutmeg_n five_o ounce_n ginger_n clove_n cinnamon_n grain_n of_o paradise_n of_o each_o four_o ounce_n bruise_v they_o and_o then_o set_v they_o to_o digest_v for_o twenty_o four_o hour_n in_o good_a white_a wine_n afterward_o distil_v they_o according_a to_o art_n in_o a_o alembick_a the_o water_n draw_v from_o thence_o be_v so_o excellent_a that_o if_o you_o drink_v it_o in_o a_o small_a quantity_n for_o three_o day_n fast_v it_o cure_v all_o tetter_n and_o scab_n breed_v good_a blood_n and_o cause_v a_o lovely_a complexion_n take_v turpentine_n a_o quarter_n of_o a_o pound_n honey_n two_o ounce_n aquae_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la three_o ounce_n wood_n of_o aloe_n beat_v small_a sweet_a sander_n of_o each_o three_o dram_n gum_n arabic_a one_o dram_n nutmeg_n two_o dram_n ambergris_n one_o dram_n powder_n all_o small_a and_o distil_v they_o with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n and_o in_o your_o operation_n you_o shall_v draw_v three_o several_a sort_n of_o liquor_n the_o first_o be_v clear_a the_o second_o when_o the_o fire_n be_v increase_v fall_v in_o drop_n like_o burn_a coal_n the_o three_o descend_v a_o little_o black_a and_o thick_a than_o honey_n the_o first_o be_v call_v mother_n of_o balsam_n the_o second_o oil_n of_o balsam_n and_o the_o three_o artisicial_a balsam_n if_o you_o anoint_v yourself_o with_o the_o first_o of_o these_o it_o be_v exceed_o good_a for_o spread_a scab_n or_o itch_a tetter_n keep_v in_o the_o mouth_n it_o sweeten_v the_o breath_n fasten_v preserve_v and_o whiten_n the_o tooth_n anoint_v the_o face_n therewith_o it_o make_v it_o smooth_a and_o ruddy_a the_o second_o and_o three_o liquor_n recover_v complexion_n lose_v be_v good_a for_o any_o bruise_n cure_v all_o distemper_n arise_v from_o the_o blood_n or_o phlegm_n corrupt_v chap._n viii_o to_o adorn_v the_o scurffie_a and_o mealy_a complexion_n that_o complexion_n be_v say_v to_o be_v mealy_a and_o scurffie_a which_o appear_v full_a of_o little_a white_a scale_n that_o fall_v off_o like_o small_a bran_n when_o the_o face_n or_o other_o part_n be_v rub_v with_o a_o woollen_a cloth_n the_o thin_a and_o meager_a constitution_n be_v most_o frequent_o trouble_v with_o this_o distemper_n and_o it_o proceed_v from_o thick_a and_o gross_a humour_n detain_v betwixt_o the_o cuticle_n and_o the_o under_o skin_n which_o corrupt_v after_o some_o continuance_n and_o then_o corrode_v that_o slender_a cover_n into_o a_o scaly_a dust_n to_o embellish_v such_o a_o complexion_n the_o chief_a care_n must_v be_v to_o dislodge_v those_o humour_n that_o lie_v betwixt_o the_o epidermis_fw-la and_o the_o grosser_n skin_n for_o which_o intent_n you_o may_v use_v urine_n or_o white_a wine_n wherein_o slice_a limmon_n have_v be_v boil_v a_o lixivium_n make_v with_o the_o ash_n of_o beet_n and_o colewort_n wherein_o boil_v lupin_n and_o bean_n and_o in_o the_o strain_v liquor_n dissolve_v a_o spoonful_n or_o two_o of_o honey_n or_o gall_n or_o something_o of_o the_o like_a nature_n to_o bathe_v the_o face_n withal_o if_o the_o face_n be_v very_o lean_a instead_o of_o the_o forego_n fomentation_n you_o may_v use_v this_o that_o be_v not_o so_o dry_v take_v the_o leaf_n of_o buglosse_n borage_n pellitory_n mallow_n fumitory_n violet_n cichory_n endive_n lettuce_n poppy_n fengreek_n cleanse_v barley_n boil_v they_o together_o in_o water_n add_v a_o little_a bran_n bind_v up_o in_o a_o bag_n after_o the_o face_n have_v be_v bathe_v wash_v it_o with_o this_o water_n take_v bitter_a almond_n the_o meal_n of_o bean_n and_o vetch_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n alum_n borace_n mastic_n olibanum_fw-la gum_n tragant_a of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n juice_n of_o limmons_n seven_o ounce_n water_n of_o plantain_n rose_n and_o white_a lily_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n new_a goat_n milk_n four_o ounce_n mix_v all_o together_o and_o distil_v they_o with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n take_v mel_n rosatum_fw-la rose_n water_n juice_n of_o limmons_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n gum_n tragagant_a mastic_n ceruse_n prepare_v starch_n olibanum_fw-la of_o each_o three_o dram_n alum_n white_a coral_n cuttle_n bone_n borace_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n shall_fw-mi gem_n a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a bean_n meal_n one_o ounce_n the_o white_n of_o three_o egg_n snail_n beat_v with_o their_o shell_n six_o ounce_n camphire_n half_a a_o dram_n cinnamon_a half_a a_o ounce_n mix_v they_o and_o distil_v they_o in_o balneo_fw-la maris_fw-la then_o apply_v the_o water_n to_o the_o face_n take_v enula_n campan_n burdock_n root_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n boil_v they_o in_o strong_a vinegar_n pound_n they_o and_o pass_v they_o through_o a_o streiner_n add_v solphur_n vive_fw-la two_o dram_n salt_n calcine_v a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a juice_n of_o limmons_n two_o ounce_n dip_v a_o cloth_n in_o this_o composition_n and_o so_o bathe_v the_o skin_n with_o it_o take_v the_o water_n that_o be_v find_v in_o cavity_n of_o oak_n wash_v the_o skin_n therewith_o or_o take_v the_o juice_n that_o be_v new_o press_v from_o agrimony_n incorporate_v with_o salt_n and_o vinegar_n or_o the_o juice_n of_o burdock_n mix_v with_o sulphur_n vive_fw-fr the_o decoction_n of_o scabious_a drink_v for_o some_o morning_n together_o cure_v the_o skin_n of_o this_o infirmity_n or_o take_v the_o root_n of_o scrofulary_a out_o of_o the_o ground_n in_o autumn_n beat_v they_o together_o with_o fresh_a butter_n put_v it_o into_o a_o earthen_a pot_n close_o stop_v set_v it_o in_o a_o moist_a place_n twelve_o or_o fifteen_o day_n the_o butter_n will_v soon_o dissolve_v strain_v it_o and_o keep_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o body_n chap._n ix_o how_o to_o polish_v the_o skin_n when_o it_o be_v disfigure_v with_o scar_n or_o mark_n of_o the_o small_a pox._n various_a be_v the_o supprise_a casualty_n that_o deform_v a_o polish_a skin_n each_o wound_n be_v a_o
four_o ounce_n flower_n of_o bean_n pellitory_n of_o the_o wall_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n flower_n of_o water_n lily_n two_o handful_n steep_v they_o in_o white_a wine_n then_o mix_v they_o with_o goat_n milk_n after_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o alembick_a and_o keep_v the_o water_n to_o wash_v the_o spot_n for_o white_a spot_n these_o proceed_v common_o from_o a_o pituitous_a humour_n abound_v in_o the_o body_n and_o be_v thus_o remedy_v take_v barley_n lupin_n red_a vetch_n the_o root_n of_o the_o great_a and_o less_o dragon_n wort_fw-mi of_o each_o one_o ounce_n pound_n they_o and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n make_v they_o up_o in_o little_a ball_n and_o dry_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n when_o you_o have_v occasion_n to_o use_v they_o dissolve_v one_o or_o two_o in_o rose-water_n and_o so_o anoint_v the_o spot_n go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o the_o infusion_n of_o the_o crumb_n of_o white_a bread_n take_v the_o ash_n of_o asphodill_n root_n mix_v they_o with_o vinegar_n and_o apply_v they_o or_o steep_v the_o rind_n of_o caper_n root_n in_o strong_a vinegar_n or_o verdegreece_n fine_o powder_v &_o macerate_v a_o day_n and_o a_o night_n in_o juice_n of_o limmons_n wet_v a_o linen_n cloth_n therein_o and_o bathe_v the_o spot_n for_o green_a spot_n powder_n the_o dry_a root_n of_o dragon_n wort_n to_o two_o ounce_n of_o this_o powder_n add_v ceruse_n half_a a_o ounce_n and_o as_o much_o cuttle_n bone_n powder_v work_v they_o together_o with_o rose_n water_n and_o make_v they_o into_o little_a ball_n dry_v they_o and_o keep_v they_o for_o your_o use_n when_o you_o have_v occasion_n dissolve_v a_o couple_n in_o a_o quantity_n of_o rose_n water_n and_o therewith_o anoint_v the_o skin_n take_v the_o juice_n of_o chelandine_n &_o strong_a vinegar_n make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n and_o apply_v it_o or_o take_v brimstone_n myrrh_n frankincense_n camphre_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n steep_v they_o in_o rose_n water_n the_o space_n of_o 8_o day_n stir_v it_o once_o a_o day_n then_o let_v it_o settle_v and_o use_v it_o to_o wash_v the_o face_n for_o red_a tawny_a spot_n take_v venetian_a ceruse_n one_o ounce_n lapis_fw-la calaminaris_fw-la litharge_v of_o each_o two_o dram_n prepare_v tutia_fw-la spodium_fw-la of_o each_o one_o dram_n powder_n they_o very_o small_a then_o add_v the_o water_n of_o plantain_n housleek_n red_a rose_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n mingle_v they_o and_o keep_v it_o for_o your_o use_n in_o the_o morning_n fast_v chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n a_o bit_n of_o mastic_n as_o soon_o as_o you_o perceive_v it_o to_o dissolve_v anoint_v the_o spot_n therewith_o or_o powder_n pigeon_n dung_n flax_n seed_n french_a barley_n soak_v they_o in_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o anoint_v the_o spot_n chap._n xi_o to_o reduce_v the_o body_n that_o be_v too_o fat_a to_o a_o mean_a and_o handsome_a proportion_n it_o can_v be_v no_o please_a sight_n to_o see_v a_o soul_n press_v under_o a_o mountain_n of_o flesh_n and_o the_o body_n stretch_v to_o such_o dimension_n that_o make_v it_o represent_v a_o walk_a barrel_n be_v there_o nothing_o more_o than_o this_o it_o be_v sufficient_a to_o deter_v any_o from_o such_o a_o unwildie_a magnitude_n that_o it_o always_o prove_v its_o own_o accuser_n expose_v in_o too_o legible_a character_n sloth_n to_o every_o one_o that_o can_v but_o read_v for_o when_o ere_o the_o carcase_n swell_v itself_o into_o a_o bulk_n too_o voluminous_a idleness_n be_v there_o describe_v in_o folio_n have_v a_o care_n lady_n then_o to_o keep_v your_o body_n in_o a_o mean_a proportion_n and_o if_o ever_o they_o enlarge_v themselves_o to_o extravagant_a limit_n use_v these_o direction_n to_o reduce_v they_o to_o their_o former_a bound_n so_o you_o may_v regain_v your_o credit_n and_o your_o beauty_n too_o rise_v early_o in_o the_o morning_n and_o use_v some_o violent_a exercise_n to_o sweat_v often_o fast_o much_o rise_v half_o satisfy_v from_o your_o meal_n let_v your_o first_o course_n be_v oily_a and_o fatty_a thing_n that_o the_o appetite_n may_v be_v soon_o satiate_v and_o the_o body_n keep_v soluble_a the_o second_o course_n sharp_a salt_n and_o bitter_a thing_n out_o all_o your_o meat_n with_o vinegar_n pepper_n mustard_n juice_n of_o orange_n and_o limmon_n sleep_v at_o night_n on_o a_o quilt_n it_o be_v good_a to_o bleed_v large_o twice_o a_o year_n the_o right_a arm_n in_o the_o spring_n the_o left_a in_o the_o autumn_n purge_v the_o body_n in_o those_o season_n with_o strong_a physic_n once_o a_o week_n take_v some_o laxative_n as_o pillulae_fw-la ●●uffi_n extractum_fw-la rudii_n every_o morning_n chief_o in_o winter_n use_v this_o powder_n take_v the_o feed_v of_o annis_fw-la fennel_n agnus_fw-la castus_fw-la rue_n carroway_o cummin_n pepper_n ginger_n mace_n nutmeg_n galingale_n smallage_n dry_a marjerom_n gentian_n round_a birthwort_n of_o each_o equal_a part_n take_v one_o dram_n of_o this_o powder_n in_o a_o glass_n of_o white_a wine_n half_a a_o hour_n before_o meal_n cooling_n application_n may_v be_v lay_v to_o the_o heart_n or_o liver_n as_o the_o juice_n or_o decoction_n of_o plantain_n shepherd_n purse_n horstaile_n lettuce_n white_a henbane_n add_v the_o powder_n of_o camfre_o myrtle_n or_o the_o like_a if_o any_o one_o particular_a part_n be_v too_o corpulent_a for_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o body_n you_o may_v bring_v it_o to_o a_o correspondent_a proportion_n if_o you_o use_v this_o unguent_n take_v fuller_n earth_n ceruse_n and_o lead_n mix_v they_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o white_a henbane_n and_o the_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n anoint_v the_o part_n therewith_o have_v first_o bathe_v it_o with_o vinegar_n wherein_o brimstone_n salt_n nitre_n and_o rock_n alum_n have_v be_v dissolve_v some_o use_n with_o ligament_n to_o bind_v those_o passage_n whereby_o the_o member_n be_v supply_v with_o nourishment_n chap._n xii_o to_o make_v the_o body_n or_o any_o part_n thereof_o plump_a and_o fat_a that_o be_v before_o too_o lean_a in_o a_o contrary_a extreme_a to_o corpulency_n be_v those_o breathe_a skeleton_n that_o carry_v lend_v in_o their_o face_n at_o a_o christmas_n feast_n and_o look_v so_o meager_o that_o their_o confessor_n since_o they_o have_v nothing_o leave_v but_o skin_n and_o bone_n dare_v not_o for_o fear_v of_o a_o solecism_n enjoin_v they_o penance_n to_o mortify_v the_o flesh_n no_o part_n about_o they_o thrive_v so_o well_o as_o their_o bone_n and_o these_o look_v as_o lusty_a as_o if_o they_o have_v eat_v up_o the_o flesh_n and_o be_v ready_a to_o leap_v of_o the_o skin_n to_o fall_v upon_o other_o true_o lady_n such_o leanness_n be_v a_o ravenous_a guest_n and_o will_v keep_v you_o bare_a to_o maintain_v he_o if_o you_o have_v a_o mind_n to_o be_v rid_v of_o his_o company_n observe_v these_o prescription_n follow_v and_o i_o dare_v engage_v he_o shall_v not_o long_o disturb_v you_o let_v your_o chamber_n in_o the_o summer_n time_n be_v keep_v something_o cool_a and_o moist_a with_o violet_n lily_n or_o the_o like_a fresh_a flower_n before_o you_o eat_v chafe_v the_o body_n till_o it_o look_v red_a then_o walk_v and_o stir_v about_o some_o housewife_n employment_n when_o you_o eat_v take_v nothing_o that_o be_v salt_n or_o sharp_a bitter_a or_o too_o hot_a but_o let_v your_o meat_n be_v sweet_a and_o of_o good_a nourishment_n as_o fresh_a egg_n mutton_n veal_n capon_n and_o for_o three_o hour_n after_o meat_n take_v your_o recreation_n in_o dance_v sing_a discourse_v &c._n &c._n use_v some_o bath_n twice_o a_o month_n and_o in_o the_o morning_n this_o electuary_n sweet_a almond_n pistach_v nut_n white_a poppy_n seed_n butter_n and_o sugar_n beat_v they_o up_o into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o electuary_n take_v thereof_o morning_n and_o evening_n the_o quantity_n of_o a_o walnut_n it_o quick_o fatten_v and_o give_v a_o good_a complexion_n take_v twelve_o or_o thirteen_o lizard_n or_o out_v cut_v off_o their_o head_n and_o tail_n boil_v they_o and_o let_v the_o water_n stand_v to_o cool_v take_v of_o the_o grease_n mix_v it_o with_o wheaten_a flower_n feed_v a_o hen_n therewith_o till_o she_o be_v fat_a then_o kill_v she_o and_o eat_v she_o this_o often_o use_v will_v make_v you_o exceed_v sit_v keep_v it_o for_o a_o rare_a and_o true_a secret_a take_v a_o young_a capon_n the_o flesh_n of_o veal_n four_o calf_n foot_n white_a wine_n fair_a water_n of_o both_o 3_o quart_n boil_v all_o in_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n scum_v of_o all_o the_o fat_a then_o put_v this_o broth_n into_o a_o new_a vessel_n with_o a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o sugar_n cinnamon_a half_n a_o ounce_n a_o dozen_o clove_n boil_v it_o gentle_o again_o then_o add_v thereto_o the_o white_n of_o two_o egg_n reboil_v it_o and_o pass_v it_o through_o a_o streiner_n before_o it_o cool_v mix_v a_o little_a musk_n and_o
amber_n dissolve_v in_o rose-water_n take_v the_o flower_n of_o rice_n half_a a_o pound_n dissolve_v it_o in_o as_o much_o milk_n as_o be_v sufficient_a add_v thereto_o the_o flesh_n of_o a_o young_a capon_n boil_v tender_a sweet_a almond_n 24._o beat_v they_o well_o in_o a_o mortar_n then_o mix_v they_o with_o the_o milk_n and_o rice_n strain_n all_o through_o a_o course_n cloth_n put_v thereto_o what_o quantity_n of_o sugar_n you_o please_v boil_v all_o over_o a_o soft_a fire_n till_o it_o coagulate_v into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o jelly_n when_o it_o begin_v to_o cool_v add_v of_o amber_n and_o musk_n dissolve_v in_o rose_n water_n as_o much_o as_o will_v give_v it_o a_o grateful_a odour_n often_o take_v a_o small_a quantity_n of_o it_o if_o one_o part_n fall_v away_o and_o be_v be_v no_o proportion_n to_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o body_n you_o may_v bring_v it_o to_o even_a term_n thus_o take_v oil_n of_o fox_n a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a oil_n of_o lily_n the_o grease_n of_o capon_n and_o goose_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n greek_n pitch_n pine_v rosin_n and_o turpentine_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n boil_v all_o these_o together_o in_o a_o earthen_a glaze_v vessel_n add_v oil_n of_o elder_n one_o ounce_n then_o take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n and_o add_v new_a wax_n as_o much_o as_o will_v suffice_v to_o make_v it_o into_o a_o stiff_a cerecloth_n when_o it_o be_v almost_o cold_a spread_v it_o upon_o a_o strong_a cloth_n as_o much_o as_o will_v wrap_v up_o the_o member_n then_o apply_v it_o and_o leave_v it_o on_o all_o night_n if_o you_o find_v any_o inconvenience_n in_o it_o use_v this_o follow_a bath_n boil_v in_o claret_n wine_n half_o a_o handful_n of_o rose_n wormwood_n stoecha_v calamint_n squinanth_fw-mi rosemary_n sage_a cammomile_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n let_v a_o three_o part_n of_o the_o wine_n be_v consume_v while_o it_o be_v warm_a bathe_v the_o place_n where_o the_o cerecloth_n be_v apply_v this_o bath_n do_v draw_v nourishment_n to_o the_o part_n and_o strengthen_v its_o retentive_a virtue_n thus_o much_o of_o what_o concern_v the_o beautify_v of_o the_o body_n in_o general_n part_n ii_o of_o the_o head_n neck_n and_o breast_n you_o that_o intend_v lady_n to_o subdue_v heart_n and_o command_v with_o sovereignty_n in_o the_o mint-house_n of_o other_o affection_n must_v be_v careful_a to_o keep_v in_o tune_n the_o harmony_n of_o these_o part_n remember_v that_o they_o be_v intend_v for_o beauty_n glorious_a frontispiece_n to_o allure_v spectator_n eye_n and_o with_o a_o phoebeau_n lustre_n make_v they_o its_o obsequious_a heliotrope_n by_o what_o mean_v you_o be_v to_o preserve_v their_o splendour_n you_o may_v be_v instruct_v in_o this_o second_o part._n where_o you_o shall_v learn_v how_o to_o give_v the_o face_n such_o a_o command_a beauty_n that_o all_o who_o view_v it_o shall_v yield_v obedience_n and_o none_o rebel_v but_o those_o who_o can_v see_v how_o your_o eye_n may_v be_v make_v cupid_n crystal_n burn_v glass_n to_o kindle_v devotion_n in_o your_o captive_n heart_n and_o your_o bushy_a hair_n venus_n grove_n in_o who_o twyne_a maeander_n a_o please_a imprisonment_n shall_v breed_v a_o dislike_n of_o former_a freedom_n in_o a_o wotd_n how_o to_o advance_v your_o feature_n to_o such_o a_o pitch_n of_o dazzle_a glory_n that_o shall_v make_v beauty_n itself_o out_o of_o countenance_n and_o put_v cupid_n hardly_o to_o it_o among_o so_o many_o fair_a one_o to_o know_v his_o mother_n chap._n i._o to_o cure_v redness_n and_o fiery_a pimple_n in_o the_o face_n a_o inundation_n of_o crimson_a blood_n often_o drown_v the_o flowery_a elysium_n of_o a_o charm_a face_n disfigor_v it_o with_o such_o a_o flame_a hue_n as_o if_o the_o juycie_a god_n have_v make_v it_o his_o vineyard_n and_o plant_v it_o with_o ruby_n grape_n to_o abate_v the_o fury_n of_o such_o high_a colour_n and_o fright_v they_o into_o a_o please_a paleness_n call_v to_o your_o assistance_n the_o follow_a receipt_n as_o to_o the_o general_a cure_n you_o be_v to_o abstain_v from_o wine_n except_o it_o be_v very_o well_o qualify_v as_o also_o from_o all_o meat_n which_o heat_n the_o blood_n as_o those_o which_o be_v sharp_a or_o spicy_a or_o be_v easy_a to_o be_v corrupt_v in_o the_o stomach_n as_o milk_n cheese_n etc._n etc._n use_v in_o your_o broth_n lettuce_n spinage_n purslain_a sorrel_n and_o the_o like_a blood-letting_a be_v exceed_v good_a chief_o in_o the_o median_n vein_n in_o both_o the_o arm_n some_o day_n be_v interpose_v then_o in_o the_o vein_n of_o the_o forehead_n afterward_o in_o the_o neck_n apply_v cupping-glass_n to_o the_o shoulder_n and_o neck_n especial_o under_o the_o chin_n and_o sometime_o to_o the_o thigh_n and_o leg_n you_o may_v also_o apply_v leech_n to_o the_o cheek_n and_o chin_n to_o evacuate_v the_o blood_n that_o be_v amass_v under_o the_o skin_n for_o more_o particular_a remedy_n if_o the_o malady_n be_v inveterate_a begin_v with_o emolient_n digestive_n and_o thing_n that_o do_v attenuate_v not_o only_o to_o rarify_v the_o skin_n but_o also_o to_o subtilise_v the_o humour_n for_o if_o at_o first_o you_o use_v cold_a thing_n and_o repercussive_n you_o will_v condense_a the_o skin_n through_o which_o the_o humour_n ought_v to_o exhale_v and_o impact_v the_o humour_n into_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o flesh_n and_o make_v it_o the_o more_o contumacious_a to_o be_v dissolve_v whereby_o the_o complexion_n be_v make_v more_o black_a and_o swart_a prepare_v then_o a_o decoction_n of_o fig_n raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n wash_v and_o stone_v oatmeal_n soap_n french_a barley_n the_o leaf_n of_o pellitory_n of_o the_o wall_n camomile_n mallow_n violet_n receive_v the_o fume_n of_o this_o decoction_n up_o into_o the_o face_n cover_v the_o face_n and_o neck_n with_o a_o napkin_n to_o keep_v the_o fume_n from_o dissipate_v continue_v this_o three_o or_o four_o time_n that_o the_o face_n may_v be_v supple_a and_o the_o skin_n fit_v to_o receive_v the_o virtue_n of_o your_o medicine_n the_o better_a instead_o of_o this_o decoction_n you_o may_v spread_v on_o the_o visage_n the_o warm_a blood_n of_o a_o pigeon_n pullet_n or_o capon_n draw_v new_o from_o under_o their_o wing_n let_v the_o blood_n lie_v on_o all_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v it_o off_o with_o warm_a water_n or_o the_o decoction_n of_o soap_n oatmeal_n or_o the_o like_a or_o else_o in_o the_o place_n of_o these_o remedy_n take_v fresh_a flesh_n of_o a_o neck_n of_o beef_n veal_n or_o mutton_n cut_v two_o or_o three_o thin_a slice_n lay_v they_o on_o the_o red_a place_n and_o change_v they_o often_o or_o else_o they_o will_v stink_v and_o in_o case_n you_o have_v no_o fresh_a flesh_n you_o may_v take_v slice_n of_o stale_a put_v they_o on_o the_o coal_n and_o so_o apply_v they_o warm_v to_o the_o redness_n the_o next_o morning_n wash_v the_o face_n with_o fine_a rag_n dip_v in_o the_o forementioned_a decoction_n when_o you_o find_v that_o those_o remedy_n do_v something_o mitigate_v the_o fiery_a colour_n of_o your_o face_n and_o assuage_v the_o pimple_n you_o may_v proceed_v to_o other_o medicine_n that_o have_v virtue_n to_o repercuss_v the_o thin_a and_o subtle_a blood_n and_o bind_v the_o skin_n that_o it_o may_v not_o be_v so_o apt_a to_o receive_v such_o noxious_a vapour_n nor_o long_o retain_v they_o such_o be_v these_o that_o follow_v take_v a_o pint_n of_o rose_n water_n put_v it_o into_o a_o glass_n and_o steep_a therein_o camphire_n and_o sulphur_n fine_o powder_v of_o each_o one_o ounce_n myrrh_n and_o frankincense_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n set_v it_o in_o the_o sun_n twelve_o or_o fifteen_o day_n often_o wash_v the_o face_n with_o water_n take_v brimstone_n one_o ounce_n ceruse_n wash_v two_o dram_n juice_n of_o limmon_n half_o a_o pint_n juice_n of_o onion_n two_o ounce_n cuttle_n bone_n and_o camphire_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n pound_n what_o be_v to_o be_v pound_v and_o incorporate_v your_o powder_n with_o your_o juice_n anoint_v the_o face_n therewith_o go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v it_o off_o with_o the_o decoction_n of_o bran_n take_v the_o root_n of_o the_o great_a and_o lesser_a serpentary_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n bruise_v they_o &_o boil_v they_o with_o as_o much_o water_n of_o plantain_n rose_n water_n lily_n and_o vinegar_n as_o will_v suffice_v to_o bring_v they_o to_o a_o mash_n then_o beat_v they_o in_o a_o mortar_n with_o oil_n of_o rose_n two_o ounce_n add_v the_o fine_a powder_n of_o burn_a oyster_n shell_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a camfre_v one_o scruple_n venetian_a ceruse_n two_o dram_n salt_n powder_a brimstone_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n juice_n of_o citron_n one_o ounce_n make_v all_o these_o into_o a_o lineament_n for_o your_o use_n take_v litharge_n of_o gold_n sulphur_n vive_fw-fr of_o each_o
clean_o pound_n and_o boil_v they_o to_o a_o mash_n in_o rain_n water_n mix_v it_o with_o the_o oil_n of_o tartar_n and_o dear_n suet_n add_v a_o little_a camphre_n and_o make_v it_o into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o unguent_n take_v the_o kernel_n of_o peach_n pound_v four_o ounce_n gore_v seed_n two_o dram_n mix_v and_o pound_v they_o together_o then_o press_v out_o the_o juice_n or_o rather_o oil_n you_o shall_v find_v it_o exceed_v good_a for_o any_o black_a and_o blue_a bruise_n take_v yellow_a arsenic_n sal_fw-la ammoniacum_fw-la one_o scruple_n and_o a_o half_a mix_v they_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o coriander_n seed_n in_o quantity_n about_o three_o ounce_n bathe_v the_o bruise_a place_n with_o it_o aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la heat_v and_o apply_v to_o the_o bruise_n present_o after_o the_o stroke_n with_o two_o sponge_n change_v they_o as_o fast_o as_o they_o cool_v will_v take_v away_o all_o sign_n of_o the_o bruise_n chap._n vi_o to_o smooth_a the_o face_n disfigure_v with_o wrinkle_n the_o smile_a glory_n of_o beauty_n spring_n be_v often_o nip_v with_o a_o early_a autumn_n when_o sharp_a sithed_a time_n cut_v those_o flowery_a grace_n down_o and_o shroud_n they_o in_o the_o furrow_n of_o a_o wrinkle_a face_n now_o to_o make_v your_o verdant_a feature_n flourish_v in_o spite_n of_o envious_a time_n or_o after_o their_o decay_n to_o smooth_v the_o face_n for_o a_o new_a plantation_n take_v oil_n of_o bitter_a almond_n two_o ounce_n lily_n root_v fine_o powder_v one_o ounce_n make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n with_o the_o oil_n of_o rose_n and_o a_o little_a wax_n and_o so_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o face_n take_v oil_n of_o s._n john_n wort_n one_o ounce_n oil_n of_o myrtle_n quince_n water_n lily_n jesmine_n mastic_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n melt_v all_o together_o in_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n then_o take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n add_v a_o convenient_a quantity_n of_o rose_n water_n then_o let_v it_o cool_v and_o use_v it_o take_v thin_a shave_n of_o ivory_n make_v a_o decoction_n thereof_o in_o water_n strain_n it_o and_o keep_v the_o thick_a to_o mix_v with_o a_o equal_a part_n of_o incense_n and_o mouth_n glue_v make_v it_o into_o a_o unguent_n anoint_v the_o face_n therewith_o go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o fair_a warm_a water_n wash_v the_o wrinkle_a place_n with_o a_o decoction_n make_v with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o bryony_a root_n and_o fig_n or_o take_v incense_n the_o scum_n of_o silver_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n white_a pepper_n a_o ounce_n powder_n all_o apart_o incorporate_v they_o with_o mouth_n glue_v make_v they_o up_o into_o small_a bal●_n dissolve_v these_o in_o rise_v water_n &_o make_v a_o lineament_n for_o the_o face_n take_v the_o juice_n of_o sweet_a almond_n draw_v without_o fire_n honey_n the_o root_n of_o lily_n roast_v under_o the_o ember_n and_o pound_v white_a wax_n wash_v with_o rose_n water_n make_v it_o into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o salve_n soak_v a_o piece_n of_o linen_n therein_o for_o a_o cerecloth_n &_o make_v a_o mask_n of_o it_o to_o lay_v over_o the_o face_n go_v to_o bed_n boil_v pomegranate_n pill_v in_o white_a wine_n and_o whey_n till_o the_o wine_n be_v consume_v and_o the_o whole_a remain_n like_o a_o lineament_n or_o dry_a in_o the_o sun_n wild_a cucumer_n &_o bryony_a root_n powder_v they_o and_o often_o wash_v the_o face_n with_o the_o powder_n steep_v in_o wine_n afterward_o wash_v with_o cold_a water_n chap._n vii_o how_o to_o cure_v chap_n in_o the_o face_n when_o the_o injurious_a violence_n of_o wind_n or_o weather_n have_v rend_v your_o silken_a skin_n if_o you_o intend_v to_o unite_v the_o separate_a part_n you_o will_v find_v these_o your_o serviceable_a cement_v take_v staggs_n suet_n and_o goat_n suet_n of_o of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n burn_v borace_v two_o dram_n new_a wax_n half_o a_o ounce_n oil_n of_o rose_n two_o dram_n make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n and_o use_v it_o or_o else_o take_v capon_n grease_v and_o camfre_v mix_v they_o and_o anoint_v the_o chap_n therewith_o every_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o bran_n and_o water_n some_o dissolve_v mouth_n glue_v in_o warm_a rose_n water_n and_o anoint_v the_o face_n therewith_o distil_v oil_n of_o turpentine_n be_v very_o good_a so_o be_v fresh_a butter_n if_o you_o take_v three_o ounce_n of_o it_o and_o mix_v it_o with_o the_o mucilage_n of_o gum_n tragaganth_n of_o fleawort_n seed_n and_o of_o quince_n seed_n of_o each_o a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a and_o so_o make_v it_o into_o the_o fashion_n of_o a_o ointment_n for_o your_o use_n take_v kid_n suet_n one_o ounce_n oil_n of_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n of_o sweet_a almond_n and_o of_o press_a henbane_n seed_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n goose_n and_o hen_n fat_a of_o each_o as_o much_o litharge_v of_o silver_n prepare_v wash_a ceruse_n prepare_v tuttie_a red_a lead_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n saffron_n one_o scruple_n camfre_o half_a a_o scruple_n mix_v they_o and_o with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o white_a wax_n make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n chap._n viii_o remedy_n for_o the_o face_n when_o it_o be_v burn_v or_o scald_v if_o the_o face_n that_o magazine_n of_o beauty_n be_v supprize_v by_o catch_v flame_n and_o blow_v up_o into_o blister_n your_o secure_a way_n will_v be_v to_o allay_v the_o fury_n of_o that_o offensive_a element_n thus_o take_v lead_v burn_v and_o wash_v two_o ounce_n goat_n suet_n white_a wax_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a turpentine_n six_o dram_n prepare_v lapis_fw-la calaminaris_fw-la wash_v ceruse_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n myrrh_n mastic_n olibanum_fw-la of_o each_o one_o dram_n aloe_n epat_o camphre_n nitre_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n mix_v they_o and_o make_v a_o plaster_n to_o draw_v out_o the_o fire_n and_o take_v away_o the_o inflammation_n take_v the_o white_n of_o two_o egg_n oil_n of_o rose_n and_o rise_v water_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n work_v they_o together_o and_o then_o apply_v they_o or_o take_v two_o raw_a onion_n salt_n venice_n soap_n bowl_n armenick_n of_o each_o a_o ounce_n beat_v they_o together_o in_o a_o mortar_n add_v by_o degree_n as_o much_o oil_n of_o rose_n as_o as_o will_v suffice_v to_o make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n to_o hinder_v the_o rise_n of_o blister_n and_o take_v away_o pain_n you_o may_v use_v this_o hen_n dung_n the_o white_a and_o fresh_a you_o can_v get_v three_o ounce_n fresh_a butter_n six_o ounce_n sage_a leaf_n one_o handful_n plantain_n leave_v two_o handful_n fry_v they_o a_o while_n over_o the_o fire_n and_o anoint_v the_o affect_a part_n therewith_o several_a time_n a_o day_n or_o else_o you_o may_v take_v old_a lard_n melt_v it_o with_o rose_n water_n than_o strain_n it_o through_o a_o clean_a cloth_n when_o it_o be_v cold_a wash_n it_o 6_o or_o 7_o time_n in_o plantain_n water_n and_o to_o half_a a_o pound_n of_o this_o lard_n add_v the_o yolk_n of_o 4_o egg_n if_o the_o pain_n be_v vehement_a you_o may_v mix_v a_o dram_n of_o opium_n with_o it_o in_o case_n the_o ulcer_n be_v sordid_a and_o purulent_a make_v application_n of_o this_o take_v the_o inner_a rind_n of_o green_a elder_n oil_n of_o rose_n of_o each_o half_n a_o pound_n boil_v they_o with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n strain_v they_o and_o add_v oil_n of_o the_o yolk_n of_o egg_n two_o ounce_n frankincense_n two_o dram_n tuttie_v one_o dram_n wax_n enough_o to_o make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n to_o make_v the_o cicatrice_n smooth_a and_o fair_a wash_v the_o ulcer_n after_o it_o be_v sufficient_o cleanse_v with_o plantain_n water_n have_v first_o dissolve_v therein_o a_o little_a alum_n be_v wash_v strew_v thereon_o some_o metallique_n powder_n either_o of_o tuttie_n ceruse_n litharge_v burn_v and_o wash_v chap._n ix_o to_o beautify_v the_o face_n howsoever_o disfigure_v this_o chapter_n lady_n make_v you_o a_o present_a of_o universal_a remedy_n that_o will_v fortify_v your_o face_n against_o any_o distemper_n and_o in_o spite_n of_o all_o the_o malady_n that_o beauty_n be_v subject_a too_o make_v they_o matchless_a the_o only_a inconvenience_n that_o i_o fear_v from_o they_o be_v that_o some_o of_o you_o when_o you_o look_v in_o your_o glass_n may_v fall_v in_o love_n with_o your_o own_o shadow_n and_o so_o linger_v away_o martyr_n to_o yourselves_o the_o oil_n or_o water_n of_o talque_fw-fr apply_v to_o the_o face_n make_v it_o as_o white_a as_o alablafter_o the_o manner_n of_o prepare_v it_o be_v this_o take_v talque_fw-fr the_o most_o tender_a &_o transparent_a you_o can_v get_v what_o quantity_n you_o please_v slit_v it_o into_o thin_a slice_n put_v they_o into_o a_o glass_n viol_n for_o the_o space_n of_o ten_o or_o twelve_o day_n with_o the_o juice_n of_o limmons_n during_o the_o frost_n
dissolve_v they_o in_o rose-water_n to_o wash_v your_o face_n withal_o at_o night_n the_o next_o morning_n wash_v with_o water_n of_o lily_n this_o ceruse_n be_v exceed_o good_a to_o take_v away_o all_o stain_n spot_n and_o freckle_n from_o the_o face_n after_o the_o same_o manner_n be_v make_v the_o ceruse_n of_o the_o root_n of_o briony_n wild_a cucumber_n water_n lily_n thus_o much_o concern_v the_o preparation_n of_o ceruse_n take_v litharge_n of_o silver_n and_o gold_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n put_v they_o into_o strong_a white_a wine_n vinegar_n add_v camfre_o and_o alum_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n musk_n and_o clove_n to_o send_v the_o composition_n boil_v all_o in_o a_o little_a vinegar_n than_o filter_n and_o keep_v it_o then_o boil_v a_o little_a rock_n alum_n in_o water_n keep_v it_o a_o part_n for_o your_o use_n mingle_v these_o two_o water_n together_o and_o bathe_v the_o face_n neck_n or_o breast_n take_v camfre_o one_o dram_n alum_n borace_v two_o dram_n oil_n of_o tartar_n one_o ounce_n all_o be_v fine_o powder_v boil_v they_o in_o two_o quart_n of_o rose-water_n strain_n and_o keep_v it_o it_o be_v excellent_a to_o whiten_v the_o face_n neck_n or_o breast_n take_v bitter_a almond_n peel_v one_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a the_o white_n of_o thirty_o egg_n with_o their_o shell_n the_o tender_a branch_n of_o a_o figtree_n cut_v into_o small_a bit_n incorporate_v they_o together_o and_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o glass_n alembick_a over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n add_v to_o the_o water_n which_o you_o draw_v sugar_n candy_n borace_n and_o camphre_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n olibanum_fw-la two_o ounce_n pound_v all_o small_a then_o still_o they_o again_o and_o preserve_v the_o water_n that_o you_o draw_v as_o a_o secret_a to_o beautify_v either_o the_o face_n or_o breast_n chap._n x._o how_o to_o fasten_v the_o hair_n and_o keep_v it_o from_o fall_v off_o hair_n lady_n be_v the_o silken_a fringe_n to_o beauty_n bed_n or_o if_o you_o will_v the_o slender_a sleave_v that_o nature_n spin_v for_o cupid_n thereof_o to_o weave_v his_o heart-surprising_a net_n if_o once_o it_o fail_v that_o amorous_a god_n lose_v a_o considerable_a part_n of_o his_o artillery_n and_o after_o never_o act_v but_o weak_o for_o you_o so_o that_o it_o concern_v you_o who_o triumph_v over_o entangle_v captive●_n to_o tender_v its_o preservation_n you_o may_v keep_v that_o you_o already_o have_v a_o fast_a friend_n to_o you_o thus_o take_v myrtle_n berry_n gall_n emblick_a myrobalan_n of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n boil_v they_o in_o oil_n of_o rose_n it_o be_v a_o receipt_n as_o old_a as_o galen_n but_o as_o good_a as_o most_o if_o it_o do_v not_o succeed_v use_v the_o next_o take_v myrrh_n pine_v bark_n myrtle_n leave_v maiden_n hair_n pound_n they_o together_o very_o well_o then_o add_v a_o double_a quantity_n of_o labdanum_n pound_v put_v all_o into_o white_a wine_n and_o oil_n of_o radish_n seed_n anoint_v the_o head_n very_o well_o with_o it_o go_v to_o bed_n next_o morning_n wash_v it_o with_o this_o bath_n sorrel_n leave_v maiden_n hair_n emblick_a myrobalan_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n and_o add_v a_o little_a pound_a myrrh_n it_o very_o much_o fasten_v the_o hair_n or_o else_o take_v the_o leaf_n of_o willow_n plantain_n rock_n alum_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n add_v a_o little_a powder_a tutty_n and_o myrrh_n make_v a_o bath_n and_o wash_v therewith_o take_v the_o juice_n of_o the_o young_a myrtle_n leave_v two_o ounce_n juice_n of_o wild_a olive_n four_o ounce_n red_a rose_n dry_v two_o ounce_n roman_a wormwood_n two_o dram_n boil_v all_o these_o in_o a_o quart_n of_o white_a wine_n till_o half_o be_v consume_v then_o strain_v it_o and_o add_v a_o little_a powder_a labdanum_n and_o use_v it_o to_o wash_v the_o head_n the_o golden_a water_n draw_v from_o honey_n in_o a_o glass_n still_o be_v much_o commend_v or_o take_v the_o leaf_n and_o root_n of_o vervaine_z put_v they_o into_o oil_n of_o green_a grape_n set_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n many_o day_n than_o strain_n it_o and_o keep_v it_o for_o your_o use_n take_v a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o labdanum_n wormwood_n juniper_n berry_n nigella_o seed_n vervaine_z bound_v they_o up_o in_o a_o linen_n cloth_n and_o macerate_v they_o five_o day_n in_o oil_n there_o be_v nothing_o better_a to_o fasten_v the_o hair_n or_o to_o make_v hair_n grow_v chap._n xi_o remedy_n for_o the_o want_n of_o hair_n how_o to_o make_v it_o grow_v on_o any_o bald_a place_n or_o there_o where_o it_o never_o come_v before_o if_o some_o disaster_n lady_n have_v tread_v too_o hard_o on_o your_o head_n &_o kill_v those_o pleasant_a plant_n that_o use_v to_o flourish_v there_o you_o may_v again_o attire_v they_o with_o their_o native_a beauty_n and_o repair_v all_o former_a ruin_n thus_o take_v marsh_n mallow_n seed_n boil_v it_o in_o salad_n oil_n '_o till_o it_o become_v thick_a with_o this_o oil_n anoint_v the_o head_n 6_o or_o 7_o time_n in_o a_o hour_n go_v to_o bed_n when_o that_o be_v do_v take_v what_o quantity_n you_o please_v of_o the_o same_o seed_n boil_v it_o well_o with_o water_n and_o wash_v the_o head_n therewith_o it_o make_v the_o hair_n come_v exceed_o thick_a the_o same_o effect_n have_v this_o which_o follow_v boil_v in_o white_a wine_n oil_n of_o mastic_n tree_n myrtle_n and_o labdanum_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n maiden_n hair_n macerate_v two_o day_n in_o the_o same_o wine_n four_o ounce_n set_v they_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o the_o wine_n be_v evaporate_v after_o apply_v it_o as_o a_o ointment_n to_o the_o head_n nigella_n romana_fw-la burn_v &_o incorporate_v with_o honey_n bee_n and_o wasp_n burn_v and_o incorporate_v with_o oil_n gall_n and_o the_o ash_n of_o hazel_n nut_n mix_v with_o honey_n the_o kernel_n of_o peach_n pound_v and_o boil_v in_o vinegar_n the_o cinder_n of_o cantharides_fw-la southernwhod_n maidenhair_n lily_n root_n mix_v with_o bear_n grease_n be_v exceed_o good_a for_o those_o that_o have_v but_o thin_a hair_n take_v euphorbium_n laurel_n berry_n rocket_n seed_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n sulphur_n vive_fw-fr white_a hellebore_n burn_v of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n make_v a_o linement_n with_o wax_n dissolve_v in_o oil_n of_o laurel_n if_o apply_v it_o will_v soon_o supply_v you_o with_o hair_n if_o you_o will_v cause_v hair_n to_o grow_v on_o any_o bald_a place_n do_v thus_o pound_v elm_n root_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n till_o there_o remain_v a_o slimy_a scum_n on_o top_n gather_v that_o for_o your_o use_n then_o rub_v the_o bald_a place_n with_o a_o cloth_n till_o it_o look_v red_a and_o after_o anoint_v it_o with_o that_o scum_n or_o take_v pumice_n stone_n beat_v exceed_v fine_a rub_v the_o skin_n therewith_o so_o long_o as_o you_o can_v endure_v it_o then_o bathe_v it_o with_o vinegar_n mix_v with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o nitre_n shall_fw-mi armoniac_a sulphur_n vive_fw-fr your_o own_o experience_n will_v approve_v it_o take_v barley_n bread_n and_o salt_n role_n they_o up_o in_o parchment_n burn_v they_o in_o a_o crucible_n and_o reduce_v they_o to_o a_o powder_n which_o make_v into_o a_o ointment_n with_o bear_n grease_n it_o be_v a_o secret_a of_o nature_n or_o take_v cantharides_fw-la fling_v away_o the_o head_n and_o foot_n rub_v they_o on_o the_o bald_a place_n and_o so_o leave_v they_o blister_n will_v rise_v first_o and_o then_o hair_n chap._n xii_o how_o to_o take_v away_o hair_n and_o keep_v it_o from_o grow_v again_o when_o the_o lily_n and_o rose_n of_o your_o face_n elysium_n be_v o'ertop_v by_o the_o hasty_a growth_n of_o superfluous_a excrescency_n you_o may_v secure_v the_o glorious_a hue_n of_o your_o beauty_n pride_n and_o eradicate_v those_o aspire_a weed_n that_o disturb_v you_o by_o take_v quick_a lime_n four_o ounce_n auripigmentum_fw-la one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a florentine_z iris_fw-la root_n one_o ounce_n sulphur_n nitre_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n lie_v make_v with_o the_o ash_n of_o bean_n stalk_v one_o quart_n mix_v all_o together_o and_o boil_v it_o so_o long_o in_o a_o glaze_v earthen_a pot_n till_o put_v a_o pen_n therein_o all_o the_o feather_n peel_v off_o then_o add_v half_a a_o ounce_n of_o the_o oil_n of_o spike_n or_o any_o other_o perfume_n and_o from_o what_o part_n of_o the_o body_n soever_o you_o be_v mind_v to_o take_v away_o the_o hair_n anoint_v it_o with_o this_o unguent_n and_o in_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n you_o shall_v find_v the_o effect_n but_o remember_v when_o the_o hair_n fall_v away_o to_o anoint_v with_o oil_n of_o rose_n take_v orpiment_n and_o quick_a lime_n of_o each_o a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a the_o seed_n of_o fleawort_n and_o henbane_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n sublimate_n two_o dram_n ivy_n gum_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a opium_n one_o
half_o a_o ounce_n make_v a_o mass_n with_o the_o decoction_n of_o nutgall_n and_o walnut_n shell_n oil_n of_o camomile_n two_o ounce_n or_o take_v litharge_n of_o gold_n two_o ounce_n ash_n of_o calcine_v tartar_n half_a a_o ounce_n quick_a lime_n a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a dissolve_v all_o in_o man_n urine_n till_o it_o come_v to_o be_v as_o thick_a as_o a_o ointment_n then_o use_v it_o for_o the_o hair_n take_v privet_fw-la and_o vitriol_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v put_v they_o in_o oil_n &_o set_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o it_o begin_v to_o boil_v anoint_v the_o hair_n therewith_o have_v a_o care_n that_o it_o do_v not_o touch_v the_o skin_n for_o it_o will_v make_v it_o very_o black_a dog_n urine_n keep_v in_o glass_n four_o or_o five_o day_n if_o you_o anoint_v your_o hair_n therewith_o will_v die_v it_o of_o dark_a black_a colour_n take_v litharge_n of_o silver_n quick_a lime_n burn_a lead_n crude_a antimony_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n pound_n and_o infuse_v they_o in_o the_o distil_a water_n of_o walnut_n or_o take_v sulphur_n vitriol_n nutgal_n quick_a lime_n litharge_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n powder_n they_o fine_a and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o run_v water_n to_o make_v a_o mass_n wherewith_o rub_v the_o hair_n go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v it_o off_o with_o warm_a water_n and_o white_a wine_n chap._n xix_o how_o to_o cleanse_v the_o hair_n of_o scurf_n or_o dandruff_n dandruff_n or_o scurf_n be_v a_o mealy_a dust_n that_o over-cloud_n the_o hair_n of_o the_o head_n brow_n and_o beard_n it_o proceed_v from_o corrupt_a serous_a humour_n which_o by_o reason_n of_o their_o acrimony_n corrode_v the_o cuticle_n from_o the_o subjacent_a skin_n and_o fret_v it_o into_o little_a piece_n like_o bran_n those_o who_o be_v subject_a to_o this_o distemper_n if_o they_o will_v ease_v themselves_o must_v use_v this_o method_n if_o the_o body_n abound_v with_o ill_a humour_n first_o purge_v it_o with_o some_o convenient_a medicine_n afterward_o wash_v the_o head_n or_o other_o part_n affect_v with_o this_o lie_n take_v the_o ash_n of_o the_o root_n of_o beet_n and_o colewort_n make_v a_o lixivium_n therewith_o wherein_o boil_v lupin_n and_o bean_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n then_o strain_v the_o decoction_n and_o add_v a_o six_o part_n of_o honey_n when_o the_o head_n have_v be_v well_o wash_v with_o this_o dry_v it_o careful_o with_o a_o warm_a course_n cloth_n then_o anoint_v it_o with_o this_o unguent_n take_v bitter_a almond_n light_o heat_v in_o a_o oven_n old_a walnut_n of_o each_o six_o ounce_n sulphur_n half_a a_o ounce_n vitriol_n two_o dram_n honey_n of_o squill_n two_o ounce_n the_o dregs_o of_o old_a wine_n three_o ounce_n make_v it_o into_o a_o lineament_n for_o your_o use_n with_o red_a wax_n take_v the_o ash_n of_o figtree_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n and_o vinegar_n till_o the_o three_o part_n be_v consume_v then_o add_v lupin_n and_o bean_n boil_v they_o again_o till_o a_o three_o part_n be_v consume_v take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n strain_n and_o use_v it_o or_o boil_v the_o root_n of_o wild_a cucumber_n in_o vinegar_n to_o the_o consistence_n of_o honey_n anoint_v the_o head_n with_o it_o all_o over_o take_v ox_n gall_n and_o salt_n temper_v they_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o beet_n anoint_v therewith_o two_o or_o three_o day_n then_o wash_v with_o this_o follow_a lie_n take_v the_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o fair_a water_n two_o pound_n set_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n and_o when_o it_o begin_v to_o boil_v put_v in_o a_o little_a salt_n and_o flower_n of_o camomile_n wash_v the_o head_n often_o therewith_o take_v oil_n of_o rue_n one_o pound_n soap_n one_o ounce_n salt_n fine_o beat_v half_a a_o ounce_n work_v they_o together_o into_o one_o mass_n then_o wash_v with_o this_o follow_v boil_v beet_n fengreek_n briony_n root_n bean_n meal_n in_o fair_a spring_n water_n set_v all_o together_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o half_o be_v boil_a away_o then_o take_v it_o off_o and_o when_o it_o be_v cool_v use_v it_o to_o bathe_v the_o head_n withal_o chap._n xx._n how_o to_o beautify_v the_o forehead_n the_o forehead_n be_v the_o ivory_n throne_n where_o beauty_n sit_v in_o state_n it_o must_v therefore_o be_v smooth_a and_o raise_v to_o a_o decent_a height_n for_o if_o it_o be_v too_o low_a it_o be_v much_o beneath_o the_o grandeur_n of_o her_o command_a majesty_n and_o if_o furrow_a with_o wrinkle_n it_o will_v put_v she_o too_o much_o in_o mind_n of_o humane_a frailty_n to_o let_v she_o take_v a_o please_a recreation_n there_o to_o make_v the_o forehead_n high_a eradicate_v the_o hair_n which_o encroach_v too_o much_o upon_o its_o bo●nds_n thus_o take_v as_o much_o mastic_n as_o you_o shall_v have_v occasion_n to_o use_v steep_v it_o in_o warm_a water_n till_o it_o be_v so_o soft_a that_o you_o can_v spread_v it_o upon_o a_o filler_z then_o bound_v that_o fillet_n to_o the_o forchead_n all_o night_n and_o in_o the_o morning_n twitch_v it_o off_o so_o you_o may_v take_v hair_n from_o any_o part_n of_o the_o body_n and_o when_o they_o be_v thus_o pull_v away_o that_o they_o grow_v not_o again_o use_v these_o medicine_n take_v a_o pretty_a quantity_n of_o henbane_n seed_n wrap_v it_o in_o a_o colewort_n lease_n and_o roast_v it_o under_o the_o cinder_n then_o beat_v it_o in_o a_o mortar_n and_o press_v out_o the_o liquor_n add_v to_o it_o a_o little_a orpiment_n powder_v and_o make_v thereof_o a_o lineament_n to_o apply_v to_o the_o part_n or_o else_o take_v the_o gall_n of_o a_o eel_n mix_v it_o with_o oil_n of_o rose_n or_o the_o blood_n of_o a_o bat_n and_o use_v it_o or_o take_v quick_a lime_n lizard_n dung_n boil_v they_o in_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o vinegar_n and_o oil_n of_o henbane_n till_o the_o vinegar_n be_v consume_v make_v it_o into_o a_o unguent_n for_o your_o use_n to_o smooth_a and_o polish_v the_o forehead_n when_o it_o be_v wrinkle_v take_v the_o shave_n of_o hartshorn_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n till_o there_o come_v a_o kind_n of_o oiliness_n on_o top_n with_o the_o scum_n of_o the_o water_n and_o bean_n meal_n make_v a_o paste_n which_o you_o must_v make_v into_o small_a ball_n keep_v the_o water_n wherein_o you_o do_v boil_v the_o hartshorn_n and_o when_o you_o have_v occasion_n to_o use_v it_o dissolve_v so_o many_o little_a ball_n in_o a_o small_a quantity_n of_o the_o water_n as_o will_v make_v it_o into_o the_o thickness_n of_o a_o cerecloth_n apply_v it_o to_o the_o forehead_n all_o night_n and_o in_o the_o morning_n when_o you_o take_v it_o off_o wash_v with_o warm_a water_n use_v this_o method_n often_o or_o else_o take_v your_o white_a mutton_n suet_n wash_v it_o half_o a_o score_n time_n in_o cold_a water_n mix_v it_o with_o the_o froth_n of_o white_n of_o egg_n make_v in_o a_o mortar_n beat_v they_o together_o with_o a_o pestle_n and_o a_o little_a butter_n then_o add_v a_o little_a mastic_n and_o frankincense_n beat_v to_o powder_n and_o anoint_v the_o face_n often_o therewith_o chap._n xxi_o how_o to_o beautify_v and_o adorn_v the_o brow_n the_o two_o brow_n be_v cupid_n grove_n of_o pleasure_n where_o he_o shelter_n himself_o from_o the_o too_o violent_a heat_n of_o the_o inflame_a eye_n or_o rather_o as_o a_o control_a intelligence_n make_v superintendent_n to_o the_o crystal_n sphares_n below_o he_o he_o keep_v his_o residence_n there_o that_o he_o may_v with_o the_o more_o facility_n direct_v their_o beamy_a influence_n when_o and_o whither_o he_o please_v you_o may_v ladies_z by_o these_o mean_n make_v they_o beautiful_a if_o the_o hair_n on_o the_o brow_n grow_v too_o thick_a or_o irregular_a you_o may_v pull_v they_o up_o by_o the_o rootr_n with_o a_o pair_n of_o mullet_n and_o afterward_o use_v those_o mean_n which_o we_o have_v former_o describe_v to_o keep_v the_o hair_n from_o grow_v if_o the_o brow_n themselves_o fall_v too_o low_a over_o the_o eye_n you_o must_v work_v a_o little_a mastic_n together_o with_o the_o joyce_v of_o colewort_n and_o go_v to_o bed_n put_v the_o brow_n up_o into_o its_o place_n and_o apply_v the_o mastic_n to_o it_o all_o night_n in_o form_n of_o a_o plaster_n when_o the_o hair_n shed_v from_o the_o brow_n the_o use_n of_o those_o thing_n be_v good_a which_o we_o have_v already_o give_v you_o to_o fasten_v the_o hair_n or_o else_o take_v the_o small_a file_n of_o lead_n and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o goose_n grease_n to_o anoint_v the_o brow_n withal_o or_o if_o you_o please_v take_v black_a henbane_n seed_n two_o dram_n maiden_n hair_n one_o dram_n unguentum_fw-la irinum_fw-la three_o spoonful_n bruise_v what_o be_v to_o be_v bruise_v afterward_o make_v it_o up_o with_o oil_n into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o unguent_n to_o anoint_v the_o brow_n withal_o after_o
you_o have_v lady_n to_o get_v yourselves_o in_o fame_n immortalise_a calendar_n canonize_v for_o beauty_n it_o be_v one_o to_o study_v the_o ornament_n of_o these_o part_n which_o though_o they_o seem_v the_o outbranche_n only_o of_o rational_a tree_n yet_o conduce_v much_o to_o the_o splendour_n of_o beauty_n paradise_n chap._n i._o to_o remedy_v sweat_v of_o the_o armpit_n and_o other_o inconvenience_n proceed_v thence_o something_o be_v seem_v of_o miracle_n that_o lady_n arm_n shall_v keep_v those_o they_o once_o encircle_v such_o fast_a prisoner_n that_o few_o of_o they_o be_v ever_o know_v to_o regain_v their_o former_a freedom_n nothing_o inferior_a to_o cupid_n magic_a spell_n they_o never_o surround_v any_o but_o by_o their_o enchantment_n work_v on_o they_o so_o strange_a a_o metamorphosis_n that_o they_o leave_v they_o nothing_o may_v speak_v they_o man_n but_o humane_a shape_n if_o any_o lady_n find_v that_o her_o embrace_n have_v no_o such_o powerful_a charm_n she_o may_v just_o suspect_v there_o be_v something_o that_o fright_v the_o amorous_a vermin_n from_o the_o bait_n before_o they_o have_v leisure_n to_o be_v intoxicate_v such_o scent_n be_v thus_o remove_v after_o the_o body_n have_v be_v purge_v use_v a_o bath_n make_v with_o bawme_n myrtle_n lavender_n and_o other_o herb_n of_o a_o good_a send_v in_o wine_n or_o water_n wherewith_o bath_n the_o place_n affect_v or_o else_o bathe_v they_o with_o wine_n and_o rose_n water_n wherein_o you_o have_v boil_v alum_n myrrh_n calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la lignum_fw-la aloe_n clove_n if_o you_o bathe_v the_o armpit_n with_o any_o sort_n of_o alum_n dissolve_v in_o water_n it_o will_v condense_a the_o pore_n and_o hinder_v the_o sweat_n from_o strein_v through_o the_o skin_n or_o else_o you_o may_v often_o wash_v the_o arm_n pit_n with_o white_a wine_n wherein_o nutmeg_n or_o mace_n have_v be_v boil_v or_o wherein_o three_o grain_n of_o musk_n have_v be_v dissolve_v it_o hinder_v the_o transpiration_n of_o sweat_n and_o give_v a_o please_a odour_n to_o the_o body_n mounseur_fw-fr liebault_n a_o french_a man_n advise_v to_o keep_v this_o pomander_n under_o the_o armpit_n take_v styrax_n calamite_n laudanum_n benjamin_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n clove_n mace_n lignum_fw-la aloe_n lavender_n flower_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n musk_n one_o grain_n with_o gum_n tragagant_a dissolve_v in_o rose_n water_n and_o a_o little_a turpentine_n make_v they_o up_o for_o use_n as_o for_o internal_a remedy_n to_o alter_v the_o ill_a constitution_n of_o your_o body_n i_o will_v commend_v this_o to_o you_o take_v the_o best_a marmalade_n of_o quince_n two_o ounce_n candid_a ginger_n one_o ounce_n green_a calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la preserve_v half_o a_o ounce_n nutmeg_n cassia_n lignea_fw-la the_o lesser_a galingale_n mace_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n the_o seed_n of_o coriander_n prepare_v of_o bishop_n weed_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n oil_n of_o clove_n and_o cinnamon_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n the_o white_a sugar_n dissolve_v in_o cinnamon_a water_n one_o pound_n mix_v all_o these_o and_o according_a to_o art_n make_v they_o into_o pectoral_a lozenge_n a_o dram_n whereof_o take_v in_o a_o morning_n do_v wonderful_o strengthen_v a_o cold_a stomach_n repair_v a_o decay_a complexion_n and_o utter_o take_v away_o all_o foetid_v fume_n that_o use_v to_o exhale_v from_o the_o body_n chap._n ii_o for_o chap_n and_o wart_n in_o the_o arm_n or_o hand_n your_o alabaster_n arm_n and_o hand_n lady_n be_v the_o fleshy_a altar_n whereon_o your_o superstitious_a inamorato_n offer_n to_o you_o as_o female_a deity_n the_o first_o fruit_n of_o their_o devotion_n in_o zealous_a kiss_n your_o care_n shall_v be_v to_o keep_v they_o in_o such_o a_o soul-inchanting_a symmetry_n that_o may_v confirm_v your_o idolize_v lover_n in_o the_o opinion_n they_o have_v conceive_v that_o you_o be_v more_o than_o mortal_a if_o the_o hand_n or_o arm_n be_v chap_v in_o the_o morning_n as_o soon_o as_o you_o be_v up_o bathe_v the_o chap_n with_o spittle_n then_o anoint_v they_o with_o capon_n or_o duck_n grease_n well_o wash_v with_o rose_n water_n or_o else_o take_v a_o little_a mastic_n fine_o powder_v incorporate_v it_o with_o oil_n of_o rose_n and_o white_a wax_n you_o may_v likewise_o mix_v powder_v mastic_n with_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n and_o anoint_v the_o chap_a place_n with_o it_o or_o take_v olibanum_n mastic_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n oil_n of_o rose_n new_a wax_n and_o capon_n grease_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n make_v they_o into_o a_o unguent_n and_o use_v it_o if_o the_o chap_n proceed_v from_o heat_n take_v hen_n grease_v and_o camfre_v mix_v they_o to_o anoint_v the_o chap_n withal_o every_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o bran_n and_o water_n if_o the_o hand_n be_v chap_v with_o cold_a use_n this_o litharge_v of_o silver_n myrrh_n ginger_n powder_v a_o like_a quantity_n of_o each_o mix_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o rose_n and_o new_a wax_n make_v a_o unguent_n first_o bath_n the_o chap_n with_o spittle_n then_o anoint_v with_o this_o ointment_n let_v it_o lie_v on_o all_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o warm_a water_n it_o heal_v the_o chap_n and_o make_v the_o skin_n fair_a and_o clear_a to_o free_v yourself_o from_o wart_n apply_v to_o they_o a_o plaster_n of_o cantharides_n but_o let_v it_o touch_v no_o part_n else_o and_o it_o will_v eat_v they_o away_o by_o little_a and_o little_a or_o bathe_v they_o often_o with_o the_o milk_n that_o issue_v from_o the_o figtree_n take_v litharge_n one_o pound_n quick_a lime_n half_a a_o pound_n shall_fw-mi ammoniac_a half_n a_o ounce_n common_a vitriol_n three_o dram_n boil_v all_o in_o water_n to_o the_o consumption_n of_o three_o part_n of_o the_o water_n then_o strain_v it_o and_o bathe_v the_o wart_n therewith_o the_o best_a way_n be_v to_o touch_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o vitriol_n very_o slight_o for_o if_o you_o lay_v on_o any_o great_a quantity_n it_o will_v quick_o eat_v to_o the_o bone_n wart_n when_o they_o come_v first_o and_o be_v tender_a may_v be_v remove_v with_o black_a soap_n mix_v with_o burn_a salt_n salt_n of_o nitre_n milk_n of_o spurge_n juice_n of_o celondine_n juice_n of_o wild_a cucumber_n powder_n of_o cantharides_n some_o rub_v they_o with_o a_o piece_n of_o raw_a beef_n and_o afterward_o bury_v it_o other_o use_v marigold_n leave_v chap._n iii_o how_o to_o make_v the_o hand_n fair_a and_o white_a and_o to_o lessen_v the_o vein_n when_o they_o appear_v too_o big_a if_o any_o lady_n be_v already_o the_o cynosure_n to_o neighbour_a eye_n and_o will_v be_v elevate_v to_o the_o high_a altitude_n in_o people_n estimation_n beside_o the_o attractive_a lure_n of_o a_o please_a face_n she_o ought_v to_o have_v hand_n who_o radiant_a whiteness_n may_v dazzle_v spectator_n eye_n that_o so_o they_o may_v go_v on_o blindfolded_a in_o the_o fond_a humour_n of_o admire_v she_o and_o then_o i_o dare_v secure_v she_o man_n will_v be_v such_o close_a captive_n to_o her_o imperious_a tyranny_n that_o she_o need_v never_o fear_v be_v disdain_v by_o any_o apostate_n lover_n the_o best_a mean_n to_o bring_v the_o hand_n to_o such_o a_o lillied_a splendour_n follow_v here_o take_v the_o press_n of_o sweet_a and_o bitter_a almond_n which_o remain_v after_o the_o oil_n be_v draw_v from_o they_o of_o each_o four_o ounce_n bean_n meal_n two_o ounce_n your_o fine_a french_a barley_n ground_n and_o sift_v meal_n of_o lupin_n of_o each_o a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a powder_n of_o florentine_a iris_fw-la one_o ounce_n red_a rose_n dry_v benjamin_n of_o each_o six_o dram_n salt_n of_o white_a tartar_n the_o white_a chalk_n wash_v and_o prepare_v burn_a ivory_n fresh_a sperma_fw-la coeti_fw-la of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n oil_n of_o rhodium_n one_o scruple_n oil_n of_o clove_n and_o lavender_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n mix_v they_o all_o well_o together_o and_o with_o a_o little_a of_o the_o mixture_n often_o rub_v and_o wash_v the_o hand_n it_o be_v of_o a_o excellent_a send_v and_o make_v the_o hand_n exceed_v white_a smooth_a and_o soft_a take_v venice_n soap_n dissolve_v in_o juice_n of_o limmons_n one_o pound_n white_a virgin_n honey_n four_o ounce_n prepare_v sublimate_n white_a sugar_n candy_n the_o root_n of_o florentine_a iris_fw-la of_o each_o one_o ounce_n salt_n of_o white_a tartar_n white_a sperma_fw-la coeti_fw-la sugar_n alum_n venetian_a borace_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n true_a scent_v balsam_n of_o peru_n two_o dram_n gallia_fw-la moschata_fw-la one_o dram_n oil_n of_o rhodium_n cinnamon_n clove_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n use_v the_o mixture_n to_o wash_v and_o rub_v the_o hand_n withal_o it_o be_v of_o the_o same_o efficacy_n with_o the_o former_a take_v venice_n soap_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v cut_v it_o in_o small_a plece_n set_v they_o so_o long_o to_o
grave_n where_o love_v dumb_a orator_n lie_v enshrine_v and_o surgeon_n usual_o the_o unskilful_a plasterer_n that_o make_v a_o ill-raised_a cicatrice_n the_o swell_a monument_n to_o depart_a beauty_n the_o feature_n fret_v pox_n if_o it_o set_v but_o a_o foot_n within_o that_o paradise_n of_o perfection_n the_o face_n it_o leave_v more_o disfigure_a impression_n there_o than_o a_o coridon_n clout_a shoe_n on_o a_o cedar_n floor_n now_o to_o smooth_a lady_n and_o polish_v your_o skin_n after_o such_o disaster_n prize_v the_o medicine_n commend_v to_o you_o in_o this_o chapter_n as_o rarity_n they_o will_v make_v the_o hill_n and_o dale_n of_o uneven_a face_n meet_v without_o a_o miracle_n level_v they_o to_o such_o a_o smoothness_n that_o little_a cupid_n though_o blind_a may_v sport_v himself_o there_o and_o never_o stumble_v take_v mastic_n two_o ounce_n gum_n arabic_a one_o ounce_n saffron_n half_a a_o ounce_n turpentine_n three_o ounce_n old_a salad_n oil_n two_o ounce_n make_v the_o mastic_n and_o gum_n arabic_a into_o a_o gross_a powder_n than_o put_v they_o into_o the_o oil_n and_o turpentine_n distil_v all_o together_o in_o a_o glass_n alembick_a and_o anoint_v the_o face_n with_o the_o water_n go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o warm_a water_n wherein_o the_o fine_a flower_n have_v be_v infuse_v it_o be_v exceed_o good_a for_o any_o disfigure_a scar_n that_o appear_v after_o the_o consolidation_n of_o a_o wound_n of_o the_o same_o nature_n be_v the_o next_o that_o follow_v take_v oil_n of_o tartar_n and_o the_o mucilage_n of_o psyllium_n seed_n extract_v with_o rose_n water_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n ceruse_n dissolve_v in_o oil_n of_o rose_n as_o much_o borace_n and_o shall_fw-mi gem_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n incorporate_v they_o well_o together_o and_o make_v a_o ointment_n or_o take_v tartar_n well_o burn_v boil_v egg_n hard_a take_v out_o the_o yolk_n after_o you_o have_v slit_v they_o and_o fill_v up_o the_o cavity_n with_o the_o burn_a tartar_n put_v they_o in_o a_o moist_a place_n and_o keep_v the_o water_n that_o come_v from_o thence_o as_o excellent_a for_o scar_n take_v litharge_n of_o gold_n two_o ounce_n ceruse_n and_o salt_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n vinegar_n rose_n and_o plantain_n water_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n camphire_n half_a a_o dram_n mingle_v and_o filter_n it_o so_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n or_o take_v wild_a cucumer_n root_v fine_o powder_v one_o ounce_n alum_n two_o dram_n sulphur_n vive_fw-fr nitre_fw-fr of_o each_o one_o dram_n incorporate_v all_o together_o with_o lard_n well_o wash_v use_v it_o as_o a_o ointment_n these_o two_o be_v of_o the_o same_o virtue_n with_o the_o former_a take_v oil_n of_o lily_n capon_n grease_n oil_n of_o rose_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a wash_v these_o well_o in_o rose_n and_o lily_n water_n then_o add_v to_o they_o the_o white_n of_o four_o or_o five_o egg_n half_o boil_v in_o their_o shell_n oil_n of_o sweet_a and_o bitter_a almond_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n incorporate_v they_o together_o in_o a_o marble_n mortar_n and_o in_o the_o work_v put_v in_o the_o mucilage_n of_o melon_n seed_n litharge_v of_o gold_n and_o chalk_n powder_v of_o each_o two_o dram_n make_v they_o into_o a_o unguent_n apply_v to_o the_o face_n it_o take_v away_o all_o those_o scar_n the_o small_a pox_n too_o frequent_o make_v there_o hare_n blood_n if_o you_o bathe_v the_o skin_n often_o with_o it_o warm_a fill_v the_o cavity_n with_o flesh_n and_o make_v the_o skin_n even_o and_o plain_a it_o be_v likewise_o a_o approve_a experiment_n that_o the_o water_n which_o come_v from_o sheep_n or_o goat_n hoof_n burn_v be_v very_o good_a for_o the_o same_o or_o use_v this_o follow_v take_v litharge_n of_o gold_n wash_v nine_o time_n in_o rose_n water_n and_o sift_v as_o often_o two_o dram_n reed_n root_v dry_v and_o pound_v rice_n meal_n powder_n of_o burn_a bone_n bean_n meal_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n beat_v all_o together_o very_a small_a then_o sift_v it_o through_o fine_a tiffiny_n incorporate_v it_o with_o the_o mucilage_n of_o flax_n seed_n fengreek_n and_o psyllium_fw-la extract_v in_o lily_n water_n and_o so_o bring_v it_o into_o the_o form_n of_o a_o unguent_n apply_v it_o to_o the_o face_n go_v to_o bed_n on_o the_o morrow_n wash_v with_o barley_n water_n bath_n the_o place_n with_o warm_a water_n then_o strew_v thereon_o the_o cinder_n of_o burn_a tartar_n either_o alone_a or_o with_o myrrh_n or_o bath_n the_o place_n with_o water_n wherein_o cinnamon_n have_v a_o long_a time_n boil_v then_o put_v thereon_o the_o powder_n of_o litharge_n it_o will_v in_o short_a time_n take_v away_o all_o mark_n of_o the_o small_a pox._n take_v wheaten_a starch_n blanch_a almond_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n sweet_a costus_fw-la gum_n tragacanth_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n reed_n root_v half_o a_o ounce_n barley_n meal_n whole_a melon_n seed_n bean_n dry_v and_o pound_v three_o dram_n saffron_n one_o scruple_n powder_n and_o sift_v the_o whole_a mingle_v they_o with_o equal_a part_n of_o rose_n water_n and_o juice_n of_o orange_n peel_n make_v a_o lineament_n and_o with_o a_o feather_n anoint_v the_o scar_n of_o the_o pox_n leave_a it_o so_o all_o night_n on_o the_o morrow_n wash_v with_o the_o decoction_n of_o camomile_n and_o mellilot_n chap._n x._o how_o to_o remove_v spot_n in_o what_o part_n of_o the_o body_n soever_o i_o have_v see_v face_n from_o who_o feature_n beauty_n herself_o may_v have_v take_v copy_n have_v not_o nature_n study_v too_o much_o neatness_n play_v the_o courtesan_n and_o spoil_v that_o which_o be_v handsome_a before_o by_o two_o much_o patch_v yet_o most_o lady_n never_o think_v themselves_o venus_n for_o beauty_n except_o they_o have_v some_o artificial_a mole_n though_o such_o stellae_fw-la nebulosae_fw-la eclipse_v more_o than_o increase_v the_o native_a lustre_n and_o especial_o where_o nature_n be_v too_o free_a in_o her_o spot_n they_o be_v always_o repute_v blemish_n not_o ornament_n those_o than_o that_o have_v beauty_n character_n deface_v with_o such_o blot_n if_o they_o have_v recourse_n to_o these_o follow_a direction_n shall_v find_v themselves_o quick_o free_v and_o their_o feature_n so_o ravish_v that_o be_v it_o the_o mode_n of_o this_o age_n to_o dedicate_v shrine_n to_o beauty_n there_o be_v no●e_v of_o they_o but_o will_v have_v their_o altar_n where_o the_o most_o generous_a heart_n shall_v glory_v to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n to_o take_v away_o any_o spot_n whatever_o bathe_v they_o for_o three_o morning_n together_o with_o alum_n dissolve_v in_o oil_n of_o tartar_n wash_v after_o with_o lie_n and_o lupine_n meal_n or_o take_v two_o part_n of_o plantain_n water_n and_o one_o of_o rose-water_n sulphur_n vive_fw-fr powder_v two_o ounce_n rock_n alum_n beat_v small_a one_o ounce_n boil_v they_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o a_o five_o part_n be_v consume_v then_o take_v it_o off_o and_o stir_v it_o well_o till_o it_o be_v cool_a afterward_o strain_v it_o through_o a_o fine_a cloth_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n it_o take_v away_o all_o kind_n of_o spot_n take_v sugar_n candy_n white_a frankincense_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n dissolve_v they_o in_o juice_n of_o limmon_n half_o a_o pint_n boil_v they_o gentle_o in_o a_o little_a skillet_n then_o anoint_v the_o spot_n with_o it_o after_o they_o have_v be_v wash_v with_o barley_n water_n take_v lie_v make_v of_o vine_n ash_n juice_n of_o colewort_n oxgall_n of_o each_o a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a dissolve_v therein_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o alum_n and_o three_o whole_a egg_n beat_v wet_a a_o cloth_n in_o this_o composition_n and_o bathe_v the_o spot_n therewith_o take_v turpentine_n and_o mastic_n tutia_fw-la prepare_v of_o each_o two_o ounce_n camphor_a half_o a_o ounce_n steep_v they_o three_o day_n in_o strong_a vinegar_n distil_v they_o in_o a_o alembick_a and_o keep_v the_o water_n for_o use_v to_o clear_v the_o skin_n of_o black_a spot_n take_v the_o distil_a water_n of_o dock_n and_o melon_n root_n of_o each_o one_o quart_n ten_o swallow_n egg_n salt_n nitre_n half_a a_o ounce_n white_a tartar_n two_o ounce_n pound_n the_o nitre_n and_o tartar_n then_o mix_v they_o altogether_o let_v they_o stand_v 24_o hour_n then_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o alembick_a in_o b._n m._n wash_v the_o black_a spot_n with_o the_o water_n in_o the_o morning_n at_o night_n wash_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o tartar_n and_o sweet_a almond_n mix_v together_o take_v mastic_n powder_v sulphur_n vive_a of_o each_o one_o ounce_n bay_a berry_n as_o many_o steep_v they_o in_o warm_a water_n for_o the_o space_n of_o ten_o day_n stir_v they_o careful_o once_o or_o twice_o a_o day_n then_o wash_v the_o black_a place_n with_o that_o water_n take_v root_n of_o iris_fw-la florent_fw-la wild_a cucumber_n briony_n of_o each_o two_o pound_n dittany_n
half_n a_o ounce_n powder_n and_o put_v they_o into_o a_o glass_n with_o vinegar_n and_o rose-water_n moisten_v a_o fine_a rag_n in_o this_o water_n apply_v it_o to_o the_o face_n all_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o bran_n and_o water_n take_v sulphur_n vive_fw-la one_o ounce_n litharge_n and_o ceruse_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n powder_n and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o two_o ounce_n of_o fresh_a lard_n well_o wash_v with_o the_o juice_n of_o citron_n add_v a_o little_a camphire_n beat_v they_o sometime_o in_o a_o mortar_n then_o keep_v it_o stop_v in_o a_o glass_n for_o your_o use_n or_o boil_v strong_a vinegar_n with_o bean_n and_o rose_n water_n soak_v white_a rag_n therein_o and_o apply_v they_o to_o the_o face_n if_o your_o red_a pimple_n yield_v to_o none_o of_o these_o external_a remedy_n you_o must_v have_v recourse_n to_o thing_n more_o violent_a some_o use_n vesicatories_n make_v of_o cantharides_n and_o soap_n mix_v together_o other_o flay_v the_o epidermis_fw-fr or_o superficial_a skin_n of_o the_o face_n with_o aqua_fw-la fortis_fw-la and_o after_o skin_n it_o with_o other_o water_n but_o such_o medicine_n be_v too_o offensive_a to_o the_o face_n by_o reason_n of_o inflammation_n and_o great_a redness_n that_o happen_v too_o often_o through_o such_o tamper_n it_o be_v better_a if_o necessity_n compel_v you_o to_o apply_v sublimate_n and_o quicksilver_n for_o they_o be_v much_o safe_a than_o vesicatory_n or_o aqua_fw-la fortis_fw-la so_o they_o be_v prepare_v after_o that_o fashion_n which_o i_o shall_v here_o describe_v to_o prepare_v quicksilver_n choose_v that_o which_o be_v most_o clear_a white_a and_o fluid_a strain_v it_o through_o a_o sheepskin_n it_o will_v cleanse_v it_o of_o all_o its_o dross_n the_o often_o you_o strain_v it_o the_o pure_a it_o will_v be_v then_o boil_v it_o in_o vinegar_n with_o sage_a rosemary_n time_n camo_fw-la mile_n melilot_n then_o strain_v it_o again_o through_o a_o sheepskin_n at_o last_o mortify_v it_o with_o juice_n of_o limmon_n or_o fast_a spittle_n be_v thus_o prepare_v it_o may_v with_o little_a danger_n be_v mix_v with_o ointment_n plaster_n or_o water_n other_o steep_a quicksilver_n in_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o salt_n for_o ten_o or_o twelve_o day_n change_v the_o vinegar_n and_o salt_n every_o day_n than_o they_o purify_v it_o with_o the_o crumb_n of_o hot_a white_a bread_n in_o a_o earthen_a pot_n three_o or_o four_o time_n than_o they_o pass_v it_o nine_o or_o ten_o time_n through_o a_o sheepskin_n and_o at_o last_o mortify_v it_o with_o juice_n of_o limmons_n sublimate_n be_v prepare_v divers_a way_n the_o most_o assure_a preparation_n for_o our_o purpose_n be_v this_o follow_v take_v sublimate_n four_o ounce_n bray_v it_o in_o a_o mortar_n with_o a_o wooden_a pestle_n till_o you_o make_v it_o so_o fine_a that_o it_o do_v not_o grate_v betwixt_o your_o finger_n then_o moisten_v it_o with_o juice_n of_o limmon_n beat_v it_o all_o the_o while_n then_o take_v quicksilver_n prepare_v careful_o as_o you_o be_v teach_v before_o one_o ounce_n work_v it_o together_o with_o the_o sublimate_n in_o the_o mortar_n wherein_o you_o shall_v have_v first_o pound_v half_o a_o dozen_o almond_n to_o make_v the_o mortar_n slippery_a and_o the_o sublimate_n more_o easy_a to_o powder_v after_o this_o work_v they_o well_o together_o with_o a_o wooden_a pestle_n for_o the_o space_n of_o 3_o or_o 4_o day_n without_o cease_v especial_o the_o first_o day_n take_v no_o rest_n when_o you_o have_v beat_v it_o one_o whole_a day_n add_v one_o pound_n of_o the_o white_a salt_n calcind_n the_o next_o two_o day_n work_v and_o incorporate_v they_o together_o so_o that_o of_o black_a or_o grey_a it_o may_v become_v white_a as_o snow_n and_o if_o at_o 3_o day_n end_v it_o be_v not_o sufficient_o white_a continue_v your_o trituration_n till_o it_o be_v so_o when_o this_o be_v do_v put_v it_o into_o a_o pot_n well_o glaze_v pour_v thereon_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o spring_n water_n stir_v it_o about_o with_o a_o wooden_a spattula_n then_o cover_v it_o and_o let_v it_o settle_v till_o the_o water_n become_v clear_a change_v the_o water_n three_o or_o four_o time_n for_o the_o four_o first_o day_n then_o stir_v and_o change_v the_o water_n once_o a_o day_n for_o nine_o day_n follow_v set_v it_o all_o the_o while_n in_o some_o shady_a and_o moist_a place_n when_o this_o be_v do_v and_o the_o water_n clear_a draw_v it_o off_o by_o inclination_n and_o put_v the_o sublimate_n in_o some_o vessel_n to_o dry_a in_o the_o sun_n stir_v it_o up_o and_o down_o that_o it_o may_v dry_v the_o better_a then_o keep_v it_o in_o a_o leaden_a pot_n the_o use_n of_o quicksilver_n prepare_v as_o you_o be_v teach_v before_o be_v thus_o take_v lard_n often_o wash_v in_o vinegar_n two_o ounce_n prepare_v quick_a silver_n two_o dram_n alum_n sulphur_n vive_a of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n beat_v they_o together_o in_o a_o leaden_a mortar_n and_o make_v they_o into_o a_o unguent_n take_v lillie_n root_n roast_v under_o the_o ember_n three_o ounce_n pound_n and_o strain_n they_o fresh_a butter_n and_o lard_n wash_v in_o vinegar_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n sulphur_n vive_fw-la three_o dram_n juice_n of_o limmon_a six_o dram_n common_a salt_n half_o a_o ounce_n camfre_v one_o scruple_n work_v altogether_o and_o make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n the_o most_o efficacious_a remedy_n for_o this_o distemper_n be_v make_v of_o sublimate_n the_o best_a way_n of_o use_v it_o be_v these_o take_v vnguentum_fw-la citrinum_fw-la pomatum_n wash_v in_o juice_n of_o limmon_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n sublimate_n well_o prepare_v half_o a_o ounce_n ceruse_n wash_v in_o rose_n water_n and_o borace_n both_o fine_o powder_v on_o a_o marble_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n camphre_n powder_v half_o a_o dram_n incorporate_v these_o together_o then_o steep_v they_o 2_o or_o 3_o day_n in_o distil_a vinegar_n take_v sublimate_n prepare_v half_o a_o ounce_n burn_v borace_v two_o dram_n grind_v they_o on_o a_o marble_n after_o make_v they_o into_o little_a ball_n with_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n bring_v to_o a_o water_n which_o upon_o occasion_n you_o may_v dissolve_v in_o rose_n water_n to_o wash_v the_o face_n but_o since_o sublimate_n and_o mercury_n though_o never_o so_o well_o prepare_v often_o injure_v the_o tooth_n and_o cause_n a_o stink_a breath_n it_o will_v be_v good_a when_o you_o apply_v they_o to_o the_o face_n to_o take_v something_o that_o may_v withstand_v such_o inconvenience_n as_o often_o as_o you_o use_v they_o to_o wash_v the_o mouth_n with_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n or_o else_o to_o keep_v a_o piece_n of_o gold_n in_o the_o mouth_n when_o you_o make_v any_o application_n of_o quicksilver_n or_o sublimate_n consider_v whether_o the_o face_n be_v gross_a and_o corpulent_a or_o lean_a and_o meager_a if_o it_o be_v gross_a you_o must_v mix_v they_o with_o such_o thing_n as_o dry_v exceed_o as_o borace_n ceruse_n calcine_v tartar_n unguentum_fw-la citrinum_fw-la if_o it_o be_v lean_a you_o must_v use_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n pomatum_n mucilage_n of_o gourd_n seed_n etc._n etc._n chap._n ii_o how_o to_o free_a the_o face_n from_o freckle_n freckle_n be_v the_o product_n of_o fuliginous_a vapour_n and_o like_o smoke_n usual_o molest_v those_o most_o that_o have_v the_o fair_a skin_n as_o if_o beauty_n jealous_a of_o be_v outvy_v by_o too_o clear_a complexion_n do_v bestow_v that_o yellow_a livery_n on_o other_o which_o she_o deserve_v to_o wear_v herself_o the_o best_a mean_n to_o remove_v such_o disfigure_a spot_n be_v these_o take_v oil_n of_o tartar_n one_o dram_n milk_n of_o the_o figtree_n honey_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n incorporate_v they_o well_o together_o and_o bathe_v the_o face_n therewith_o or_o take_v cummin_n seed_n beat_v three_o ounce_n salt_n two_o ounce_n brimstone_n one_o ounce_n put_v they_o in_o a_o marble_n mortar_n and_o beat_v altogether_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o celandine_n and_o urine_n make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n &_o wash_v the_o face_n there_o with_o go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n wash_v with_o fair_a water_n take_v root_n of_o wild_a cucumber_n lily_n briony_n borage_n daffodil_n dragonwort_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n date_n stone_n bitter_a almond_n of_o each_o as_o much_o white_a coral_n meal_n of_o lupin_n and_o bean_n crystal_n cuttle_n bone_n nitre_n shall_fw-mi gem_n white_a marble_n burn_v sarcocolla_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n ceruse_n five_o ounce_n beat_v all_o these_o into_o a_o exceed_a fine_a powder_n make_v they_o into_o little_a ball_n with_o the_o juice_n of_o limmons_n and_o dry_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n when_o you_o will_v use_v they_o take_v one_o or_o two_o and_o mix_v they_o with_o ox_n or_o sheep_n gall_n and_o so_o anoint_v the_o face_n let_v it_o lie_v on_o three_o or_o four_o hour_n then_o wash_v
it_o off_o with_o warm_a water_n take_v what_o quantity_n you_o please_v of_o juice_n of_o limmons_n put_v it_o into_o a_o glass_n bottle_n add_v thereto_o fine_a sugar_n and_o borace_n pound_v set_v it_o in_o the_o sun_n eight_o day_n shake_v it_o well_o together_o once_o a_o day_n after_o use_v it_o or_o fill_v a_o thick_a &_o strong_a glass_n bottle_n with_o rosemary_n flower_n bury_v it_o half_o a_o year_n in_o a_o dunghill_n have_v stop_v it_o close_o in_o that_o time_n the_o flower_n will_v be_v turn_v to_o water_n wash_v the_o face_n therewith_o it_o be_v exceed_o good_a against_o the_o freckle_n take_v calcine_v tartar_n one_o pound_n mastic_n one_o ounce_n camphre_n half_a a_o ounce_n incorporate_v they_o with_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n and_o apply_v it_o where_o it_o be_v needful_a beat_v radish_n seed_n and_o dragon_n root_v together_o put_v they_o in_o aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la and_o set_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n eight_o day_n together_o then_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o limbeck_n and_o you_o shall_v draw_v a_o water_n admirable_a against_o all_o spot_n in_o the_o face_n boil_v litharge_n in_o white_a wine_n vinegar_n till_o half_o be_v consume_v than_o strain_n the_o vinegar_n take_v a_o little_a thereof_o mix_v it_o with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o oil_n of_o tartar_n it_o will_v be_v as_o white_a as_o milk_n bath_n the_o freckle_n therewith_o wash_v the_o face_n with_o soap_n and_o warm_a water_n then_o moisten_v the_o freckle_n with_o oil_n of_o tartar_n or_o oil_n of_o alum_n continue_v this_o for_o some_o week_n beat_v as_o much_o sandarack_n with_o honey_n as_o will_v make_v it_o pretty_a thick_a apply_v it_o to_o the_o freckle_n &_o keep_v it_o on_o so_o long_o till_o it_o scorch_v the_o skin_n then_o dissolve_v galbanum_fw-la with_o a_o little_a nitre_n in_o vinegar_n and_o bathe_v therewith_o and_o when_o any_o of_o these_o medicine_n offend_v the_o skin_n wash_v it_o with_o warm_a water_n or_o anoint_v with_o oil_n of_o rose_n or_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n chap._n iii_o to_o whiten_v a_o tan_a visage_n and_o to_o keep_v the_o face_n from_o sunburn_n amber_n haired_a hyperion_n spy_v face_n to_o dawn_n with_o a_o world_n of_o dazzle_a feature_n that_o may_v rob_v he_o of_o his_o persian_a votive_n or_o withdraw_v the_o heliotrope_n from_o its_o wont_a homage_n to_o secure_v his_o brightness_n from_o be_v eclipse_v by_o such_o teem_a beauty_n cloud_n they_o in_o the_o shady_a coverture_n of_o night_n while_o he_o make_v day_n to_o all_o the_o world_n beside_o but_o to_o make_v your_o beam_n of_o beauty_n break_v through_o such_o sable_a curtain_n take_v these_o prescription_n follow_v white_a bryony_n water_n two_o dram_n rise_v water_n one_o ounce_n the_o white_a of_o one_o egg_n oil_n of_o tartar_n two_o dram_n verjuice_n one_o ounce_n mix_v they_o and_o wash_v the_o face_n therewith_o then_o dip_v a_o linen_n cloth_n in_o it_o and_o lay_v it_o to_o the_o face_n all_o night_n mix_v ceruse_n with_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n and_o white_a wine_n bath_n the_o face_n therewith_o go_v to_o bed_n or_o take_v rose_n water_n two_o ounce_n woman_n milk_n one_o ounce_n pound_v mirth_n two_o dram_n the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n beat_v they_o together_o go_v to_o bed_n wash_v the_o tan_a place_n with_o it_o make_v pomatum_n with_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n wax_n and_o camfre_v else_o take_v the_o root_n of_o showbread_n scrape_v they_o &_o press_v out_o the_o juice_n boil_v it_o to_o the_o consistence_n of_o honey_n then_o use_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o face_n or_o mix_v the_o powder_n of_o burn_a cuttle_n bone_n with_o honey_n apply_v it_o in_o form_n of_o a_o unguent_n to_o the_o face_n to_o keep_v the_o face_n from_o sunburn_n you_o have_v best_o wash_v with_o water_n draw_v from_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n or_o juice_n of_o sour_a grape_n or_o anoint_v the_o visage_n with_o a_o lineament_n make_v of_o powder_a mastic_n and_o oil_n omphacine_n or_o take_v goat_n suet_n well_o wash_v in_o clear_a water_n beat_v it_o in_o a_o mortar_n with_o rose_n water_n strain_v it_o through_o a_o thick_a cloth_n then_o take_v oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n one_o ounce_n sugar_n candy_n two_o dram_n camfre_o half_a a_o dram_n boil_v they_o all_o together_o stir_v they_o continual_o that_o they_o may_v be_v white_a when_o it_o have_v boil_v a_o pretty_a while_n put_v it_o into_o a_o glass_n for_o your_o use_n if_o you_o go_v abroad_o in_o the_o sun_n or_o wind_n anoint_v the_o face_n with_o it_o and_o it_o will_v preserve_v your_o complexion_n take_v pepper_n wort_n root_n of_o basill_n serpentary_a the_o less_o of_o each_o three_o ounce_n boil_v they_o in_o a_o quart_n of_o water_n make_v a_o lineament_n to_o apply_v to_o the_o face_n for_o a_o hour_n then_o take_v it_o off_o and_o wash_v with_o warm_a water_n it_o be_v exceed_o good_a to_o clear_v the_o face_n from_o sunburn_n briony_n root_v boil_v in_o oil_n or_o cuttle_n bone_n burn_v and_o mix_v with_o honey_n if_o they_o be_v apply_v have_v the_o same_o effect_n chap._n iv_o to_o remove_v run_v tetter_n or_o spread_a pustules_fw-la tetter_n which_o some_o call_v ringworm_n be_v the_o noxious_a vermin_n that_o great_o damage_n beauty_n paradise_n and_o crap_n its_o fair_a flower_n deface_v quite_o the_o lily_n and_o rose_n that_o use_v to_o flourish_v with_o a_o lovely_a grace_n in_o the_o fruitful_a soil_n of_o a_o comely_a cheek_n to_o secure_v your_o face_n flowery_a elysium_n from_o such_o wasteful_a infect_v take_v vinegar_n of_o squill_n two_o ounce_n aloe_n powder_v two_o dram_n juice_n of_o dock_n root_n oil_n of_o tartar_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n incorporate_v they_o together_o in_o form_n of_o a_o ointment_n then_o apply_v it_o make_v a_o decoction_n of_o dock_n root_n mallow_n fengreek_n in_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o use_v it_o then_o apply_v leech_n or_o make_v small_a scarification_n that_o some_o quantity_n of_o blood_n may_v issue_v forth_o then_o anoint_v the_o place_n with_o the_o oil_n of_o tartar_n or_o apply_v dock_n root_v steep_v in_o vinegar_n take_v sublimate_n prepare_v three_o grain_n put_v it_o to_o half_a a_o pint_n of_o water_n put_v it_o in_o a_o glass_n into_o a_o boil_a pot_n till_o the_o sublimate_n dissolve_v keep_v the_o water_n as_o a_o choice_a experiment_n for_o any_o spread_a tettar_n or_o pustule_n take_v tartar_n two_o dram_n burn_a alum_n three_o dram_n powder_n and_o incorporate_v they_o with_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n for_o a_o ointment_n or_o take_v sulphur_n vive_fw-la two_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a nettle_n seed_n one_o dram_n camfre_o half_a a_o dram_n fresh_a butter_n two_o ounce_n make_v a_o ointment_n wash_v it_o in_o rose_n water_n then_o use_v it_o take_v plantain_n water_n two_o ounce_n white_a vitriol_n two_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a burn_a alum_n one_o dram_n mix_v they_o to_o bathe_v your_o tetter_n or_o pimple_n withal_o or_o else_o take_v grain_n of_o paradise_n half_a a_o dram_n clove_n gum_n tragaganth_n ginger_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n brimstone_n six_o dram_n reduce_v all_o to_o a_o fine_a powder_n to_o be_v work_v well_o together_o with_o lard_n to_o make_v a_o ointment_n chap._n v._o how_o to_o help_v the_o complexion_n when_o it_o be_v mar_v with_o blue_a and_o congeal_a blood_n or_o black_a and_o blue_a proceed_v from_o a_o stroke_n or_o bruise_n there_o often_o happen_v a_o effusion_n of_o the_o blood_n betwixt_o the_o flesh_n and_o the_o skin_n where_o it_o stay_v and_o be_v congeal_v to_o the_o great_a disadvantage_n of_o the_o face_n the_o cause_n of_o this_o distemper_n may_v be_v either_o internal_a as_o corrupt_a blood_n in_o the_o body_n or_o external_a as_o a_o cold_a chill_a air_n stroke_n or_o fall_n if_o the_o cause_n be_v internal_a powder_n rhubarb_n steep_v it_o some_o day_n in_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o bathe_v the_o face_n therewith_o or_o chew_v in_o the_o morning_n fast_v cummin_n or_o mustard_n seed_n or_o calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la and_o anoint_v the_o face_n with_o it_o turnip_n boil_v in_o honey_n aloe_n mix_v with_o honey_n or_o honey_n incorporate_v with_o the_o ash_n of_o burn_a garlic_n be_v exceed_o good_a in_o this_o case_n when_o this_o blewness_n of_o the_o visage_n proceed_v from_o cold_a there_o be_v nothing_o better_a than_o to_o chafe_v the_o face_n often_o with_o the_o hand_n or_o a_o course_n cloth_n or_o else_o which_o be_v more_o effectual_a you_o may_v use_v for_o a_o fomentation_n aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la warm_v if_o after_o a_o fall_n or_o bruise_v the_o face_n or_o any_o other_o part_n remain_v bluish_a it_o will_v be_v convenient_a to_o discuss_v the_o congeal_a blood_n which_o may_v convenient_o be_v do_v thus_o take_v the_o root_n of_o marsh_n mallow_n of_o the_o great_a and_o lesser_a serpentary_n of_o white_a lily_n wash_v they_o
the_o hair_n of_o a_o fair_a length_n &_o soft_a take_v willow_n peel_n wormwood_n and_o southernwood_n dry_a rose_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n steep_v they_o in_o a_o quart_n of_o fair_a water_n for_o a_o night_n or_o two_o then_o set_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o a_o three_o part_n of_o the_o water_n be_v evaporate_v keep_v it_o and_o often_o wash_v the_o hair_n with_o it_o take_v the_o ash_n of_o maidenhair_n politrik_v reed_n root_n flax_n seed_n make_v a_o lie_n of_o all_o these_o ash_n wherein_o dissolve_v a_o little_a myrrh_n add_v thereto_o a_o three_o part_n of_o whitewine_n and_o then_o use_v it_o chap._n xvi_o to_o soften_v the_o hair_n when_o too_o harsh_a and_o stiff_o the_o hair_n on_o some_o hang_v like_o thatch_n on_o a_o country_n cottage_n and_o serve_v more_o for_o use_v then_o ornament_n to_o secure_v they_o from_o the_o impetuous_a injury_n of_o wind_n and_o weather_n rather_o than_o with_o its_o soft_a and_o tender_a sleave_v to_o delight_v admire_v eye_n such_o stiff_a bristle_n be_v usual_a attendant_n to_o churlish_a corydon_n who_o be_v represent_v by_o nothing_o better_a than_o the_o parallel_n emblem_n of_o surly_a swine_n those_o then_o who_o desire_v a_o more_o graceful_a cover_n and_o and_o will_v alter_v the_o harsh_a conceit_n that_o other_o be_v apt_a to_o entertain_v of_o their_o hoggish_a nature_n may_v to_o their_o great_a advantage_n use_v these_o direction_n take_v the_o root_n of_o galingale_n fig_n leave_v camomile_n melilot_n myrtle_n berry_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v make_v thereof_o a_o decoction_n wherein_o dissolve_v salt_n nitre_n and_o rock_n alum_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n add_v the_o like_a quantity_n of_o pumice_n stone_n and_o cuttle_n bone_n set_v all_o over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n and_o while_o it_o be_v warm_a bathe_v the_o head_n therewith_o before_o the_o fire_n or_o else_o in_o the_o sun_n take_v the_o root_n of_o white_a and_o black_a hellebore_n briony_n birthwort_n round_a and_o long_o wake_v robin_n dry_a and_o then_o powder_v they_o afterward_o rub_v the_o hair_n well_o therewith_o or_o else_o make_v a_o lie_n of_o vine_n twig_n ash_n wherein_o boil_v the_o meal_n of_o bean_n vetch_n barley_n and_o lupin_n strain_n the_o lie_n and_o add_v thereto_o a_o little_a white_a wine_n then_o use_v it_o take_v emmet_n egg_n henbane_n seed_n rock_n alum_n psyllium_fw-la and_o opium_n of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n boil_v they_o in_o distil_a water_n of_o vinegar_n bathe_v the_o hair_n well_o therewith_o when_o you_o have_v do_v this_o make_v this_o powder_n take_v salt_n nitre_n four_o ounce_n pumice_n stone_n powder_v two_o ounce_n lily_n root_n and_o cuttle_n bone_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n beat_v they_o all_o very_a fine_a and_o rub_v the_o hair_n with_o it_o after_o you_o have_v do_v this_o use_v again_o the_o former_a decoction_n take_v white_a saunders_n and_o rhodium_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n myrrh_n and_o white_a amber_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n gentian_a root_n one_o dram_n powder_n these_o and_o use_v it_o if_o it_o be_v for_o any_o person_n of_o quality_n you_o may_v add_v two_o or_o three_o grain_n of_o musk._n this_o powder_n be_v excellent_a good_a for_o the_o hair_n chap._n xvii_o remedy_n for_o the_o hair_n when_o it_o split_v when_o nature_n have_v spin_v the_o slender_a hair_n to_o its_o utmost_a length_n if_o it_o be_v not_o careful_o keep_v it_o will_v be_v fray_v and_o raveled_a at_o end_n by_o sundry_a accident_n which_o seem_v to_o envy_v that_o work_n they_o can_v better_v your_o best_a provision_n against_o such_o injury_n be_v these_o when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_n take_v oil_n and_o water_n a_o like_a quantity_n put_v they_o into_o a_o bottle_n and_o incorporate_v they_o well_o together_o anoint_v the_o hair_n well_o with_o it_o go_v to_o bed_n next_o morning_n wash_v it_o with_o this_o follow_v take_v marsh_n mallow_n fleabane_n willow_n bark_n boil_v they_o in_o spring_n water_n and_o use_v it_o to_o wash_v the_o head_n this_o will_v keep_v the_o hair_n from_o split_v but_o if_o it_o be_v split_v already_o you_o must_v use_v this_o take_v myrtle_n and_o willow_n leave_v of_o each_o two_o ounce_n powder_a labdanum_n six_o scruple_n emblick_a myrobalan_n powder_v half_o a_o dram_n oil_n of_o myrtle_n four_o ounce_n white_a wine_n two_o ounce_n boil_v all_o these_o over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n to_o a_o consumption_n of_o the_o three_o part_n then_o use_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o extremity_n of_o the_o hair_n therewith_o take_v the_o juice_n of_o willow_n leave_v and_o myrtle_n leave_v of_o each_o one_o ounce_n boil_v and_o evaporate_v half_a a_o way_n after_o add_v powder_v labdanum_n one_o ounce_n then_o mix_v all_o with_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n keep_v it_o for_o your_o hair_n chap._n xviii_o to_o make_v the_o hair_n of_o what_o colour_n you_o please_v yellow_a hair_n be_v much_o in_o request_n among_o the_o ancients_n whence_o the_o poet_n forma_fw-la placet_fw-la nivensque_fw-la colour_n flavique_fw-la capilli_fw-la yet_o now_o this_o colour_n be_v load_v with_o obloquy_n for_o it_o be_v a_o fancy_n general_o receive_v that_o the_o lock_n can_v never_o sparkle_v with_o golden_a flame_n without_o except_o there_o be_v some_o cherish_a heat_n of_o lust_n within_o so_o that_o of_o late_a black_a be_v more_o the_o fashion_n be_v look_v upon_o as_o a_o quality_n congregate_a not_o the_o sight_n only_o but_o heart_n and_o affection_n too_o to_o make_v the_o hair_n yellow_a if_o any_o lady_n be_v in_o love_n with_o this_o colour_n she_o may_v order_v her_o hair_n thus_o take_v shave_n of_o box_n stecha_v cedar_n liquorice_n root_v scrape_v and_o bruise_v coltsfoot_n root_n maiden_n hair_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n and_o a_o little_a saffron_n set_v all_o these_o over_o the_o fire_n till_o two_o part_n of_o the_o water_n be_v consume_v then_o strain_v it_o and_o wash_v the_o hair_n therewith_o or_o take_v rock_n alum_n sandarach_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n saffron_n one_o ounce_n mad_a four_o ounce_n vine_n twig_n ash_n two_o dram_n beat_v the_o ash_n very_o small_a with_o the_o mad_a boil_v the_o mixture_n in_o water_n till_o half_o be_v consume_v then_o take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n and_o strain_v it_o afterward_o add_v the_o saffron_n sandarack_n and_o alum_n keep_v it_o close_o in_o a_o bottle_n when_o you_o will_v use_v it_o first_o comb_n the_o hair_n very_o well_o then_o take_v a_o sponge_n and_o bathe_v it_o with_o this_o composition_n when_o it_o be_v dry_a wash_v it_o with_o water_n wherein_o fengreek_n barley_n cumin_n and_o soap_n have_v be_v boil_a make_v lie_n with_o the_o ash_n of_o ivy_n bark_n wherein_o boil_v over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n mad_a root_n gentian_n celendine_n shave_v of_o box_n yellow_a saunders_n liquorice_n cleanse_v from_o its_o outward_a bark_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n orange_a peel_n and_o the_o inner_a rind_n of_o barberry_n tree_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n green_a lupin_n pound_v two_o ounce_n broom_n flower_n yellow_a stoechas_n moth_n mullein_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o each_o bath_n the_o hair_n with_o a_o sponge_n dip_v in_o this_o decoction_n then_o dry_v it_o gentle_o in_o with_o warm_a clothes_n evening_n and_o morning_n use_v likewise_o a_o comb_n steep_v in_o this_o decoction_n it_o give_v a_o graceful_a colour_n to_o young_a people_n hair_n take_v the_o first_o bud_n of_o the_o black_a poplar_n pound_n they_o with_o fresh_a butter_n set_v they_o in_o the_o sun_n for_o five_o day_n then_o strain_v they_o and_o press_v out_o the_o butter_n wash_v it_o with_o lie_v make_v of_o the_o ash_n of_o box_n tree_n then_o use_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o hair_n to_o make_v the_o hair_n or_o beard_n black_a though_o before_o grey_a the_o hair_n either_o of_o head_n or_o beard_n will_v be_v as_o black_a as_o jet_v if_o you_o take_v the_o shell_n of_o green_a walnut_n bark_n of_o oak_n root_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n the_o old_a and_o deep_a colour_a red_a wine_n eight_o ounce_n boil_v they_o to_o the_o consumption_n of_o half_a then_o strain_v the_o juice_n and_o press_v it_o hard_o whereunto_o add_v one_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n set_v in_o six_o day_n in_o the_o sun_n in_o a_o leaden_a mortar_n and_o stir_v it_o with_o a_o leaden_a pestle_n then_o use_v it_o take_v burn_v lead_v three_o ounce_n nutgal_n walnut_n shell_n of_o each_o four_o ounce_n terra_fw-la sigillata_fw-la the_o like_o quantity_n roman_a vitriol_n six_o ounce_n shall_fw-mi gem_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a nutmeg_n clove_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n shall_fw-mi amoniac_a aloe_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n powder_n and_o steep_v they_o three_o day_n in_o sharp_a vinegar_n then_o distil_v it_o in_o a_o alembick_a and_o afterward_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n take_v quick_a lime_n one_o ounce_n of_o both_o the_o litharge_n
you_o have_v first_o bathe_v they_o with_o water_n wherein_o myrtle_n berry_n have_v be_v boil_a the_o hair_n that_o be_v fall_v from_o the_o brow_n may_v be_v make_v to_o come_v again_o if_o you_o burn_v bee_n or_o wasp_n and_o mix_v they_o with_o honey_n but_o have_v a_o care_v you_o touch_v no_o other_o place_n for_o wheresoever_o it_o light_v it_o make_v the_o hair_n grow_v if_o the_o kickshaw_n be_v of_o a_o red_a or_o white_a colour_n you_o may_v make_v they_o of_o a_o lovely_a black_a by_o these_o mean_n take_v red_a filberd_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v calcine_v they_o thorough_o in_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n or_o crucible_n work_v they_o together_o with_o goat_n grease_n anoint_v the_o hair_n therewith_o and_o if_o it_o foul_a the_o skin_n wash_v it_o off_o with_o warm_a water_n this_o will_v make_v the_o brow_n very_o black_a the_o same_o effect_n have_v this_o which_o follow_v take_v maiden_n hair_n powder_v one_o ounce_n labdanum_n two_o ounce_n beat_v they_o well_o together_o with_o bear_n grease_n and_o rub_v the_o brow_n therewith_o many_o use_v black_a lead_v only_o to_o rub_v the_o brow_n withal_o and_o if_o you_o do_v it_o without_o soil_v the_o skin_n it_o will_v give_v they_o a_o very_a please_a dark_a colour_n chap._n xxii_o remedy_n for_o inflammation_n bloodshot_a or_o spot_n in_o the_o eye_n and_o yellowness_n of_o the_o eyelid_n sparkle_v eye_n be_v the_o starry_a jewel_n of_o a_o heavenly_a face_n which_o with_o their_o active_a influence_n and_o amorous_a motion_n rule_v the_o restless_a fate_n of_o every_o lover_n when_o once_o those_o twinkle_a twin_n make_v break_v of_o day_n through_o their_o enclose_v lid_n their_o pierce_a beam_n of_o glory_n amuse_n spectator_n and_o make_v they_o pay_v a_o tributary_n devotion_n to_o those_o crystal_n orb_n from_o whence_o they_o flow_v the_o beauty_n of_o the_o eye_n be_v much_o impaird_v by_o inflammation_n bloodshot_a dusky_a spot_n which_o much_o eclipse_n and_o cloud_v their_o splendour_n such_o vice_n may_v thus_o be_v remedy_v if_o the_o eye_n be_v inflame_v you_o be_v first_o to_o begin_v with_o a_o good_a diet_n and_o never_o eat_v or_o drink_v any_o thing_n that_o may_v send_v fumet_n to_o the_o head_n than_o you_o must_v be_v careful_a either_o to_o evacuate_v or_o divert_v that_o humour_n which_o cause_v the_o malady_n by_o purge_v blood-letting_n draw_v blister_n in_o the_o neck_n in_o the_o next_o place_n apply_v they_o that_o may_v alter_v and_o digest_v the_o humour_n if_o it_o be_v hot_a it_o be_v to_o be_v do_v with_o cold_a thing_n as_o fndive_n purslane_n nightshade_n rosewater_n woman_n milk_n if_o it_o be_v a_o cold_a rheum_n that_o fall_v into_o the_o eye_n boil_v laurel_n leave_v in_o white_a wine_n bound_v they_o in_o form_n of_o a_o plaster_n to_o the_o eye_n or_o make_v a_o pultice_n of_o celondine_n with_o white_a wine_n apply_v it_o to_o the_o eye_n it_o both_o ease_v the_o pain_n and_o take_v away_o inflammation_n or_o take_v rue_n and_o fennel_n root_n beat_v they_o well_o in_o a_o mortar_n then_o boil_v they_o in_o white_a wine_n and_o bathe_v the_o eye_n with_o the_o decoction_n if_o the_o pain_n and_o prick_n be_v extreme_a take_v the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n beat_v it_o together_o with_o some_o poppy_n water_n you_o may_v make_v a_o very_a good_a plaster_n for_o all_o inflammation_n thus_o take_v a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o saffron_n myrrh_n opium_n gum_n arabic_a powder_n and_o dissolve_v they_o in_o rosewater_n make_v a_o plaster_n and_o dry_v it_o and_o when_o you_o have_v occasion_n soften_v it_o with_o rosewater_n or_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n when_o the_o pupil_n or_o sight_n of_o the_o eye_n be_v cover_v with_o any_o spot_n after_o you_o have_v purge_v the_o body_n bath_n the_o eye_n with_o liquor_n press_v from_o sow_n or_o wood_n louse_n be_v bruise_v in_o a_o mortar_n and_o in_o less_o than_o thirty_o day_n it_o will_v be_v take_v away_o or_o apply_v to_o the_o eye_n a_o bag_n full_a of_o cummin_n seed_n steep_a in_o warm_a white_a wine_n take_v prepare_v tuttie_a sugar_n candy_n ginger_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n sarcocol_n white_a tartar_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n musk_n half_a a_o scruple_n powder_n sift_v and_o mix_v they_o altogether_o and_o put_v now_o and_o then_o a_o little_a of_o it_o in_o the_o eye_n take_v the_o seed_n of_o fennel_n parsley_n wild_a parsnip_n anise_v carroway_o root_n of_o celendine_n sorrel_n betony_a leave_v of_o agrimony_n tormentil_n rue_v vervaine_z of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n pound_n they_o all_o and_o the_o first_o day_n steep_v they_o in_o white_a wine_n the_o second_o in_o woman_n milk_n on_o the_o three_o distil_v they_o keep_v the_o liquor_n close_o stop_v in_o a_o vessel_n and_o put_v two_o drop_n of_o it_o into_o the_o eye_n every_o day_n it_o will_v take_v away_o all_o spot_n whatever_o to_o help_v the_o eye_n when_o they_o be_v bloodshot_a take_v green_a wormwood_n pound_n and_o mix_v it_o with_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n bound_v it_o warm_a to_o the_o eye_n the_o second_o time_n that_o it_o be_v apply_v it_o will_v core_fw-mi you_o mix_v the_o crumb_n of_o warm_a white_a bread_n with_o the_o yolk_n of_o a_o egg_n shut_v the_o eye_n and_o lay_v it_o upon_o it_o or_o soak_v unwashed_a wool_n in_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o oil_n of_o violet_n white_n of_o egg_n juice_n of_o rue_n and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o eye_n if_o the_o low_a lid_n of_o the_o eye_n in_o the_o cavitie_n of_o it_o be_v of_o a_o tawny_a swart_a colour_n you_o may_v by_o these_o mean_v remedy_n it_o first_o let_v the_o physician_n remove_v the_o principal_a cause_n then_o take_v oil_n of_o fenugreek_n and_o anoint_v the_o discolour_a place_n with_o all_o or_o else_o anoint_v they_o with_o the_o oil_n of_o cedar_n which_o be_v exceed_o good_a to_o take_v away_o such_o ill_a colour_n take_v some_o pomegranate_n peel_v and_o press_v they_o anoint_v the_o lid_n with_o the_o juice_n and_o it_o will_v make_v they_o return_v to_o their_o former_a colour_n chap._n xxiii_o to_o alter_v the_o ill_a colour_n of_o the_o eye_n and_o how_o to_o make_v they_o big_a or_o less_o all_o colour_n do_v not_o equal_o grace_v the_o eye_n they_o be_v cupid_n torch_n that_o shall_v shine_v with_o a_o splendent_a flame_n and_o never_o burn_v too_o blue_a which_o be_v a_o colour_n look_v upon_o as_o fatal_a and_o never_o more_o apt_o place_v then_o in_o bellona_n mars_n grim-lookt_a sister_n eye_n neither_o again_o do_v all_o dimension_n suit_n with_o their_o office_n they_o be_v cupid_n crystal_n quiver_n and_o must_v not_o be_v too_o big_a for_o that_o little_a archer_n nor_o yet_o so_o small_a as_o not_o to_o contain_v his_o magazeen_n of_o shaft_n those_o that_o have_v eye_n of_o a_o ill_a colour_n if_o they_o will_v have_v they_o black_a let_v they_o take_v antimony_n wash_v and_o dry_v five_o ounce_n lapis_fw-la lazuli_fw-la one_o ounce_n musk_n camfre_o of_o each_o three_o grain_n wood_n of_o aloe_n two_o ounce_n frankincense_n three_o ounce_n saffron_n half_a a_o ounce_n make_v a_o very_a fine_a powder_n of_o all_o these_o at_o night_n when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_v put_v a_o little_a of_o it_o into_o the_o eye_n in_o the_o morning_n they_o will_v be_v black_a as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v so_o natural_o gioranni_fw-la marienallo_n a_o italian_a say_v he_o have_v often_o make_v proof_n of_o this_o which_o be_v communicate_v to_o he_o by_o a_o armenian_a take_v acacia_n gall_n of_o each_o a_o equal_a quantity_n powder_n they_o exceed_o small_a then_o mix_v they_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o anemonie_n or_o wind_n flower_n make_v it_o up_o in_o the_o thickness_n of_o honey_n then_o pass_v it_o through_o a_o streiner_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o your_o use_n in_o a_o glass_n the_o same_o author_n exceed_o commend_v this_o follow_v take_v henbane_n flower_n dry_v they_o in_o the_o shade_n and_o keep_v they_o when_o you_o have_v occasion_n to_o use_v they_o put_v they_o into_o white_a wine_n and_o bathe_v the_o eye_n therewith_o it_o will_v make_v they_o black_a if_o the_o eye_n be_v too_o little_a through_o the_o waste_n of_o the_o whole_a body_n or_o any_o other_o distemper_n have_v respect_n to_o the_o humour_n which_o cause_v it_o and_o purge_v that_o afterward_o bathe_v they_o frequent_o with_o a_o sponge_n dip_v in_o warm_a water_n or_o in_o woman_n milk_n new_o come_v from_o the_o breast_n if_o they_o be_v too_o big_a and_o bear_v too_o large_a a_o proportion_n to_o other_o part_n make_v a_o issue_n behind_o in_o the_o neck_n purge_v the_o head_n and_o body_n drink_v water_n and_o abstain_v as_o much_o as_o can_v be_v from_o meat_n that_o be_v strong_o nourish_v after_o this_o take_v cotton_n anoint_v it_o with_o honey_n mix_v together_o with_o saffron_n
belong_v to_o her_o kitchen_n the_o stomach_n if_o they_o happen_v through_o any_o mischance_n to_o be_v rust_v over_o the_o best_a way_n to_o scour_v they_o will_v be_v every_o morning_n to_o rub_v the_o tooth_n with_o powder_a tartar_n after_o wash_v they_o with_o white_a wine_n if_o it_o be_v in_o the_o spring_n or_o with_o cold_a water_n if_o it_o be_v in_o the_o summer_n take_v rock_n alum_n salt_n nitre_n of_o each_o four_o ounce_n pound_n and_o dissolve_v they_o in_o vinegar_n then_o distil_v they_o to_o one_o ounce_n of_o this_o water_n add_v juice_n of_o limmons_n three_o ounce_n and_o rub_v the_o tooth_n therewith_o take_v rock_n alum_n burn_v powder_a coral_n sanguis_fw-la draconis_fw-la pumice_n stone_n powder_v they_o all_o pretty_a fine_a and_o rub_v the_o tooth_n therewith_o or_o take_v white_a coral_n cuttle_n bone_n white_a tartar_n dry_a root_n of_o florentine_a iris_fw-la of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n a_o little_a burn_a alum_n make_v of_o they_o all_o a_o fine_a powder_n and_o keep_v it_o dry_a to_o rub_v the_o tooth_n take_v caleined_a salt_n three_o dram_n galingale_n two_o dram_n hartshorne_n burn_v four_o dram_n flower_n of_o schoenanthum_n and_o rose_n dry_v one_o dram_n make_v they_o into_o a_o powder_n to_o rub_v the_o tooth_n with_o if_o the_o tooth_n be_v very_o black_a you_o may_v touch_v they_o slight_o with_o oil_n of_o sulphur_n or_o vitriol_n but_o not_o too_o often_o when_o the_o tooth_n be_v loose_a your_o best_a way_n to_o fasten_v they_o will_v be_v to_o take_v gall_n pomegranate_n flower_n cyperus_n rose_n sumach_n a_o like_a quantity_n of_o each_o take_v half_o the_o quantity_n of_o these_o in_o rock_n alum_n powder_n all_o and_o rub_v the_o tooth_n and_o gum_n therewith_o or_o else_o take_v gall_n one_o ounce_n myrrh_n half_a a_o ounce_n pomegranate_n bark_n one_o scruple_n boil_v they_o in_o vinegar_n and_o make_v a_o gargarism_n to_o wash_v the_o mouth_n some_o dissolve_v alum_n in_o vinegar_n to_o wash_v the_o mouth_n withal_o to_o keep_v the_o tooth_n from_o rot_v take_v calcine_v hartshorne_n cypress_n leave_v of_o each_o one_o dram_n cinkfoyle_n root_v two_o dram_n maiden_n hair_n burn_v one_o dram_n rose_n leave_v a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a bring_v all_o into_o a_o powder_n and_o use_v it_o as_o a_o dentifrice_n to_o rub_v the_o tooth_n with_o it_o make_v they_o white_a and_o keep_v they_o sound_a if_o the_o tooth_n be_v already_o rot_v and_o corrode_v take_v opium_n myrrh_n storax_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n white_a pepper_n galbanum_fw-la saffron_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n beat_v they_o together_o and_o apply_v they_o to_o the_o corrode_v tooth_n or_o take_v pepper_n pellitory_n of_o spain_n juice_n of_o spurge_n galbanum_fw-la of_o each_o a_o like_a mix_v altogether_o and_o put_v it_o into_o the_o rot_a tooth_n boil_v sage_n leave_v in_o wine_n wash_v the_o tooth_n well_o therewith_o then_o take_v black_a hellebore_n mix_v it_o with_o honey_n and_o put_v it_o into_o the_o hollow_a tooth_n other_o only_o put_v burn_v alum_n into_o it_o and_o find_v much_o good_a by_o it_o chap._n xxviii_o to_o sweeten_v the_o breath_n when_o your_o breath_n lady_n by_o reason_n of_o exulcerate_v lung_n or_o rot_a tooth_n send_v forth_o a_o staunch_a more_o noisome_a than_o old_a satur_n sweaty_a sock_n make_v your_o application_n to_o these_o follow_a medicine_n and_o you_o shall_v embalm_v the_o air_n with_o so_o rare_a a_o scent_n that_o all_o the_o aromatic_a fume_n of_o flora_n garden_n shall_v never_o enrich_v it_o with_o a_o more_o delicious_a sweetness_n take_v cloves_n nutmeg_n cinnamon_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n mace_n sweet_a saunders_n of_o both_o half_a a_o ounce_n wood_n of_o aloe_n a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a musk_n half_a a_o dram_n after_o you_o have_v powder_v these_o make_v they_o up_o with_o rose-water_n sugar_n and_o gum_n tragant_a into_o small_a bullet_n to_o hold_v in_o the_o mouth_n take_v wood_n of_o aloe_n galingale_n myrtle_n leave_v three_o sort_n of_o myrabolan_n prepare_v cinnamon_n mace_n pepper_n ginger_n nutmeg_n cardamon_n laurel_n berry_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n musk_n amber_n camfre_v of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n sugar_n two_o ounce_n make_v all_o into_o a_o powder_n and_o take_v one_o dram_n thereof_o in_o a_o morning_n it_o be_v exceed_o good_a to_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n and_o sweeten_v the_o breath_n or_o else_o take_v gum_n tragant_a one_o ounce_n sanguis_fw-la draconis_fw-la two_o dram_n sleep_v they_o two_o day_n in_o rosewater_n than_o put_v they_o into_o a_o mortar_n add_v a_o ounce_n of_o sugar_n starch_n half_a a_o ounce_n musk_n dissolve_v in_o rosewater_n one_o scruple_n pound_n they_o well_o then_o mix_v they_o together_o with_o a_o spatula_fw-la and_o make_v they_o up_o into_o little_a pellet_n as_o big_a as_o barley_n corn_n dry_v they_o and_o after_o that_o they_o be_v thorough_o dry_v put_v one_o now_o and_o then_o into_o your_o mouth_n and_o let_v it_o dissolve_v take_v cinnamon_n half_a a_o ounce_n clove_n two_o dram_n nutmeg_n mace_n citron_n pill_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n florentine_n iris_fw-la the_o lesser_a galingale_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n yellow_a saunders_n wood_n of_o aloe_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n ambergris_n musk_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n steep_v they_o when_o they_o be_v powder_v in_o a_o quart_n of_o the_o best_a malmsey_n wine_n ten_o or_o twelve_o day_n then_o strain_v it_o through_o a_o woollen_a cloth_n afterward_o put_v it_o into_o a_o bottle_n and_o keep_v it_o close_o stop_v for_o your_o use_n take_v a_o spoonful_n or_o two_o of_o it_o in_o the_o morning_n fast_v it_o sweeten_v the_o breath_n exceed_o and_o strengthen_v the_o heart_n and_o stomach_n if_o the_o breath_n be_v infect_v by_o rot_a tooth_n take_v the_o best_a styrax_n two_o dram_n sweet_a asa_n one_o dram_n the_o best_a iris_fw-la root_n half_o a_o dram_n gallia_fw-la moschata_fw-la yellow_a sander_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n distil_v oil_n of_o rose_n half_a a_o scruple_n mix_v they_o and_o with_o a_o little_a gum_n tragant_a dissolve_v in_o cinnamon_a water_n make_v a_o mass_n out_o of_o which_o you_o may_v form_v little_a long_a pill_n to_o put_v into_o the_o hollow_a tooth_n when_o the_o breath_n smell_v of_o garlic_n onion_n or_o any_o thing_n else_o that_o be_v eat_v take_v coriander_n seed_n or_o zedoary_a chew_v they_o in_o the_o mouth_n and_o drink_v a_o good_a draught_n of_o wine_n after_o it_o will_v take_v away_o the_o send_v of_o any_o thing_n that_o be_v eat_v before_o the_o same_o effect_n have_v mint_n if_o it_o be_v chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n fennel_n seed_n or_o galingale_n champt_v after_o the_o drink_n of_o wine_n take_v away_o the_o smell_n of_o the_o wine_n so_o do_v sour_a apple_n and_o quince_n chap._n xxix_o how_o to_o beautify_v the_o neck_n nothing_o more_o commend_v the_o neck_n for_o comely_a than_o to_o be_v white_a and_o smooth_a for_o it_o be_v a_o part_n usual_o expose_v to_o sight_n and_o aught_o to_o represent_v a_o pillar_n of_o polish_v ivory_n that_o support_v the_o head_n with_o a_o lustre_n become_v that_o place_n where_o the_o understand_a seat_n his_o throne_n it_o be_v usual_o impaird_v by_o kernel_n king_n evil_a hard_a tumor_n and_o swell_n for_o kernel_n which_o usual_o breed_v in_o those_o place_n where_o the_o emunctuary_n of_o the_o noble_a part_n be_v if_o they_o come_v in_o the_o neck_n after_o the_o body_n have_v be_v purge_v and_o the_o cephalic_a vein_n open_v in_o the_o arm_n apply_v mollify_a and_o discussive_a fomentation_n with_o sponge_n dip_v in_o strong_a vinegar_n then_o apply_v a_o plaster_n of_o oxycroceum_fw-la add_v a_o little_a gum_n ammoniac_a bdellium_fw-la sagapenum_fw-la opoponax_fw-la powder_n of_o euphorbium_fw-la for_o the_o cure_n of_o the_o king_n evil_a the_o powder_n of_o sarsaparilla_n drink_v to_o the_o quantity_n of_o half_a a_o dram_n for_o forty_o day_n morning_n and_o evening_n in_o white_a wine_n avail_v marvellous_o the_o like_a operation_n have_v all_o your_o nitrous_a and_o vitriolic_a water_n for_o a_o external_a plaster_n you_o may_v use_v emplastrum_fw-la divinum_fw-la in_o autumn_n take_v the_o root_n of_o scrofulary_a beat_v it_o together_o with_o fresh_a butter_n put_v it_o into_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n well_o cover_v in_o a_o moist_a place_n leave_v it_o so_o fifteen_o day_n then_o melt_v the_o butter_n over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n strain_v it_o and_o use_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o place_n take_v a_o live_a mole_n skin_v three_o or_o four_o serpent_n skin_n the_o root_n of_o scrofulary_a solomon_n seal_n briony_n wild_a cucumber_n of_o each_o three_o ounce_n boil_v they_o together_o in_o a_o equal_a part_n of_o wine_n and_o water_n so_o long_o till_o the_o liquor_n be_v evaporate_v add_v at_o last_o a_o little_a white_a wine_n vinegar_n first_o anoint_v the_o place_n with_o two_o sponge_n dip_v
in_o strong_a vinegar_n and_o apply_v as_o hot_a as_o you_o can_v endure_v then_o make_v use_v of_o the_o ointment_n the_o swell_n and_o tumor_n of_o the_o neck_n i_o mean_v those_o which_o arise_v betwixt_o the_o skin_n and_o the_o aspera_fw-la arteria_fw-la be_v thus_o to_o be_v order_v first_o purge_v the_o body_n with_o cephalic_a pill_n use_v a_o dry_n and_o temperate_a diet_n then_o take_v shall_fw-mi gem_n amber_n alum_n burn_v cuttle_n bone_n nutgall_n long_o and_o black_a pepper_n cinnamon_n ginger_n pellitory_n of_o spain_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n powder_n all_o very_a fine_a and_o add_v four_o ounce_n of_o rosewater_n take_v every_o morning_n in_o the_o wain_n of_o the_o moon_n a_o spoonful_n of_o this_o powder_n and_o so_o continue_v use_v it_o with_o your_o meat_n when_o it_o be_v go_v make_v it_o again_o and_o use_v it_o foment_n the_o place_n with_o the_o decoction_n of_o briony_n wild_a cucomer_n beet_n sage_n camomile_n melilot_n or_o put_v they_o all_o into_o a_o bag_n and_o apply_v they_o as_o hot_a as_o the_o patient_n can_v endure_v then_o put_v on_o the_o part_n affect_v a_o plaster_n of_o diachylum_fw-la to_o which_o you_o may_v add_v euphorbium_fw-la sulphur_n verdigreece_n if_o the_o beauty_n of_o the_o neck_n be_v any_o whit_n impair_v by_o freckle_n spot_n wrinkle_n or_o leanness_n you_o may_v use_v the_o same_o remedy_n which_o we_o have_v before_o prescribe_v for_o these_o malady_n in_o the_o ten_o and_o twelve_o chapter_n of_o the_o first_o part_n and_o the_o second_o and_o sixth_o in_o this_o second_o part._n chap._n xxx_o how_o to_o keep_v the_o breast_n from_o grow_v too_o big_a and_o to_o make_v they_o plump_a and_o round_a your_o care_n lady_n to_o preserve_v the_o the_o beauty_n of_o these_o part_n must_v not_o be_v inferior_a to_o that_o wherewith_o you_o cherish_v any_o for_o the_o breast_n must_v be_v make_v remarkable_a with_o a_o outvy_v splendour_n that_o so_o the_o graceful_a rise_n of_o those_o snowy_a hill_n may_v like_o a_o pair_n of_o stately_a promontory_n tempt_v wander_a lover_n and_o make_v they_o take_v your_o microcosme_n for_o the_o only_a fortunate_a island_n if_o you_o fear_v they_o will_v grow_v too_o big_a you_o may_v be_v these_o mean_n keep_v they_o within_o their_o bound_n put_v as_o much_o pound_v cummin_n seed_n into_o water_n as_o will_v suffice_v to_o make_v it_o into_o the_o consistence_n of_o a_o plaster_n bound_v it_o when_o you_o be_v young_a somewhat_o straight_o to_o the_o pap_n with_o a_o fillet_n dip_v in_o water_n and_o vinegar_n let_v it_o remain_v three_o day_n then_o take_v away_o the_o cummin_n and_o apply_v the_o root_n of_o white_a lily_n incorporate_v with_o water_n bound_v it_o likewise_o to_o the_o breast_n pretty_a straight_o and_o keep_v it_o on_o other_o three_o day_n use_v this_o plaster_n often_o bath_n the_o pap_n with_o rosewater_n and_o vinegar_n whereto_o you_o may_v add_v a_o little_a camfre_o and_o tutty_n or_o powder_n rock_n alum_n mix_v it_o with_o oil_n of_o rose_n and_o anoint_v the_o pap_n with_o it_o or_o with_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n and_o juice_n of_o henbane_n mix_v together_o some_o use_n to_o drink_v in_o their_o beer_n half_o a_o score_n grain_n of_o hare_n dung_n to_o keep_v the_o breast_n from_o grow_v too_o big_a if_o the_o breast_n have_v already_o exceed_v their_o dimension_n the_o diet_n that_o you_o use_v must_v be_v more_o spare_v and_o dry_v that_o there_o be_v not_o too_o great_a plenty_n of_o blood_n care_n must_v likewise_o be_v have_v to_o draw_v the_o blood_n downward_o from_o the_o breast_n you_o may_v apply_v this_o to_o hinder_v the_o breast_n from_o receive_v too_o much_o blood_n take_v the_o juice_n of_o hemlock_n with_o the_o water_n of_o myrtle_n &_o prunella_n a_o small_a quantity_n of_o vinegar_n and_o alum_n dip_v a_o linen_n cloth_n therein_o and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o breast_n when_o the_o breast_n be_v flaccid_a and_o hang_v down_o too_o low_a you_o may_v make_v they_o round_o and_o plump_a thus_o take_v quince_n green_a grape_n a_o like_a quantity_n beat_v they_o well_o together_o add_v a_o little_a bowl_n seed_n of_o plantain_n annis_n fennel_n cummin_n with_o the_o juice_n of_o plantain_n and_o vinegar_n mix_v spread_v it_o upon_o the_o breast_n in_o form_n of_o a_o plaster_n the_o same_o effect_n have_v dry_v fig_n incorporate_v well_o with_o cummin_n and_o a_o little_a vinegar_n you_o may_v likewise_o dissolve_v pitch_n mix_v it_o together_o with_o oil_n and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o breast_n chap._n xxxi_o remedy_n for_o inflammation_n or_o hardness_n of_o the_o breast_n and_o chap_n in_o the_o nipple_n when_o some_o intestine_a heat_n impair_v the_o radiant_a whiteness_n of_o those_o snowy_a hill_n or_o curdle_n the_o milky_a nectar_n of_o the_o breast_n into_o such_o a_o hard_a and_o compact_a thickness_n that_o not_o be_v able_a to_o get_v forth_o it_o must_v of_o necessity_n lie_v and_o generate_v sharp_a corrode_a stream_n which_o fret_v the_o tender_a outlet_n of_o cupid_n fountain_n you_o may_v ladies_z in_o this_o chapter_n furnish_v yourselves_o with_o recuring_a remedy_n for_o your_o breast_n when_o they_o be_v first_o inflame_v take_v the_o green_a leaf_n of_o plantain_n mallow_n of_o each_o four_o handful_n earthworm_n new_o prepare_v six_o handful_n oil_n of_o rose_n three_o ounce_n oil_n of_o camomile_n and_o mellilot_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n barley_n meal_n three_o ounce_n boil_v all_o these_o together_o and_o with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o this_o decoction_n add_v bdellium_n dissolve_v in_o vinegar_n two_o dram_n make_v a_o plaster_n and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o breast_n or_o else_o take_v the_o crumb_n of_o white_a bread_n barley_n meal_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a the_o meal_n of_o bean_n and_o fengreek_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n rose_n and_o the_o flower_n of_o camomile_n powder_v of_o each_o two_o dram_n boil_v they_o then_o add_v rose_n vinegar_n one_o ounce_n oil_n of_o camomile_n and_o rose_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n make_v it_o into_o a_o pultiss_n and_o apply_v it_o take_v the_o leaf_n of_o lettuce_n purslane_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n red_a rose_n half_a a_o handful_n boil_v they_o in_o water_n and_o add_v to_o the_o decoction_n two_o ounce_n of_o vinegar_n dip_v clothes_n therein_o and_o apply_v they_o to_o the_o breast_n if_o great_a pain_n do_v accompany_v the_o inflammation_n you_o may_v use_v this_o as_o a_o singular_a remedy_n take_v album_fw-la graecum_fw-la powder_n it_o very_o fine_a make_v it_o into_o a_o plaster_n with_o white_a wine_n or_o vinegar_n and_o apply_v it_o warm_v to_o the_o breast_n sometime_o there_o be_v hardness_n in_o the_o breast_n which_o accompany_v the_o inflammation_n in_o such_o a_o case_n take_v bean_n &_o barley_n meal_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n the_o meal_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o flax_n &_o fenugreek_n of_o each_o half_n a_o handful_n the_o oil_n of_o rose_n three_o ounce_n saffron_n one_o scruple_n mix_v they_o together_o and_o make_v a_o ointment_n if_o after_o this_o the_o pap_n remain_v hard_a apply_v some_o repercussive_a medicine_n that_o the_o breast_n may_v not_o draw_v more_o blood_n than_o they_o can_v digest_v anoint_v the_o breast_n and_o under_o the_o armpit_n with_o this_o medicine_n take_v bowl_n arm_n one_o ounce_n with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o oil_n of_o rose_n of_o myrtle_n and_o vinegar_n make_v a_o unguent_n to_o the_o pap_n apply_v this_o discussive_a cataplasm_n take_v dry_a mint_n two_o handful_n worm_n wood_n one_o handful_n boil_v they_o to_o marsh_n strain_v they_o add_v the_o meal_n of_o bean_n lupin_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n make_v a_o pultis_fw-la with_o the_o oil_n of_o lily_n and_o apply_v it_o if_o the_o blood_n be_v curdle_v dissolve_v it_o with_o this_o take_v smallage_n four_o ounce_n oxymel_v two_o ounce_n meal_n of_o red_a vetch_n &_o lupin_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n make_v they_o into_o a_o cataplasm_n when_o the_o pap_n be_v subject_a to_o chap_n and_o cleft_n use_v thing_n mollify_a and_o attenuate_a before_o the_o milk_n come_v to_o the_o breast_n wherefore_o it_o will_v be_v good_a for_o marry_a lady_n before_o they_o lie_v in_o to_o use_v some_o mollify_a poultise_n or_o to_o anoint_v the_o pap_n with_o wax_n work_v well_o together_o with_o oil_n or_o fresh_a lard_n or_o else_o take_v bole_n arm_n myrrh_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n ceruse_n two_o scruple_n with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o duck_n fat_a make_v a_o unguent_n for_o the_o pap_n or_o else_o you_o may_v anoint_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n the_o pomatum_n describe_v in_o the_o 25_o chap._n of_o this_o part_n be_v exceed_o good_a in_o this_o case_n part_n iii_o how_o to_o beautify_v the_o arm_n hand_n leg_n and_o foot_n a_o among_o those_o best_a mean_n that_o
dry_v in_o the_o sun_n that_o you_o may_v bring_v they_o into_o a_o powder_n afterward_o take_v one_o pound_n of_o this_o powder_n iris_fw-la root_n and_o saunders_n powder_v of_o each_o four_o ounce_n starch_v six_o ounce_n beat_v they_o altogether_o in_o a_o mortar_n add_v liquid_a storax_n and_o oil_n of_o benjamin_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v anoint_v the_o hand_n with_o this_o composition_n and_o it_o will_v marvellous_o whiten_v smooth_a and_o send_v they_o take_v half_o a_o pound_n of_o fig_n as_o many_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n stone_v and_o a_o like_a quantity_n of_o bitter_a almond_n beat_v they_o all_o several_o in_o a_o mortar_n as_o small_a as_o you_o can_v then_o mix_v they_o together_o add_v two_o limmons_n pare_v and_o mince_v and_o two_o good_a handful_n of_o bean_n meal_n boil_v all_o these_o in_o a_o pint_n of_o white_a wine_n vinegar_n stir_v they_o continual_o when_o it_o have_v boil_a so_o long_o that_o it_o stick_v no_o more_o to_o the_o posnet_n than_o put_v it_o forth_o into_o a_o galley_n pot_n and_o keep_v it_o use_v some_o quantity_n of_o it_o to_o scour_v your_o hand_n every_o time_n you_o wash_v take_v labdanum_n four_o ounce_n styrax_fw-la calam_fw-la three_o ounce_n benjamin_n two_o ounce_n put_v they_o into_o a_o brazen_a mortar_n heat_v work_v they_o together_o with_o a_o hot_a pestle_n till_o they_o be_v pretty_a soft_a add_v powder_v soap_n two_o pound_n then_o strew_v thereon_o liquid_a storax_n two_o ounce_n make_v it_o into_o a_o composition_n with_o a_o little_a rosewater_n and_o keep_v it_o to_o scour_v your_o hand_n take_v starch_n meal_n of_o bean_n lupin_n rice_n iris_fw-la root_n of_o each_o four_o ounce_n powder_n they_o very_o small_a searce_v they_o and_o then_o mix_v they_o together_o when_o you_o wash_v your_o hand_n take_v a_o little_a of_o this_o powder_n and_o moisten_v to_o rub_v they_o withal_o if_o you_o like_v a_o ointment_n do_v thus_o take_v oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n four_o ounce_n take_v a_o little_a white_a wax_n and_o put_v to_o it_o boil_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n add_v one_o dram_n of_o camfre_o and_o make_v it_o into_o a_o unguent_n it_o will_v both_o keep_v the_o hand_n from_o sun-burn_a and_o make_v they_o exceed_o white_a when_o the_o milky_a whiteness_n of_o the_o hand_n be_v eclypse_v by_o the_o azure_a vein_n that_o swell_v too_o big_a chaff_n they_o well_o with_o water_n wherein_o alum_n have_v be_v dissolve_v then_o wash_v they_o in_o warm_a water_n present_o after_o anoint_v they_o with_o a_o unguent_n make_v of_o ceruse_n take_v wax_n a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a turpentine_n three_o ounce_n frankincense_n fenugreek_n mastic_n of_o each_o two_o ounce_n &_o a_o half_a three_o grain_n of_o musk_n dissolve_v the_o wax_n and_o turpentine_n in_o a_o new_a pipkin_n then_o add_v half_a a_o pound_n of_o common_a oil_n when_o it_o begin_v to_o boil_v strew_v in_o the_o mas●ick_n frankincense_n senugreek_n all_o be_v powder_v incorporate_v they_o together_o and_o make_v a_o ointment_n chap._n iu._n for_o the_o hand_n when_o they_o be_v swell_v and_o look_v red_a or_o blow_v with_o cold_a if_o your_o hand_n like_o the_o flowery_a field_n dismantle_v themselves_o of_o their_o rich_a livery_n at_o the_o approach_n of_o the_o crabbed_a winter_n &_o lay_v aside_o their_o youthful_a loveliness_n do_v shelter_n themselves_o under_o some_o more_o serious_a colour_n that_o may_v better_a suit_n with_o the_o humour_n of_o that_o grave_a decrepit_a season_n you_o may_v i_o ady_n reapparell_v they_o with_o their_o native_a whiteness_n by_o the_o help_n of_o these_o direction_n follow_v often_o bathe_v your_o hand_n in_o wine_n wherein_o you_o have_v boil_v nettle_n rosemary_n time_n rue_v penny_n royal_a the_o frequent_a use_n of_o this_o decoction_n will_v keep_v they_o from_o swell_a as_o soon_o as_o they_o begin_v to_o swell_v and_o rise_v into_o knob_n apply_v a_o repercussive_a plaster_n make_v of_o barley_n meal_n and_o juice_n of_o limmon_n or_o take_v litharge_n oil_n of_o rose_n and_o vinegar_n work_v they_o well_o together_o into_o a_o lineament_n to_o anoint_v the_o affect_a place_n if_o the_o swell_n do_v not_o yield_v to_o these_o medicine_n take_v the_o yolk_n of_o five_o egg_n calcine_v they_o and_o mix_v they_o well_o with_o barrow_n grease_n anoint_v the_o hand_n well_o therewith_o go_v to_o bed_n draw_v on_o a_o pair_n of_o smooth_a glove_n and_o so_o lie_v all_o night_n take_v turpentine_n mix_v it_o with_o half_a its_o quantity_n of_o salt_n stir_v they_o well_o together_o till_o they_o be_v pretty_a thick_a then_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o swell_a hand_n take_v oil_n of_o dil_n &_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n mucilage_n of_o gum_n tragaganth_v make_v with_o pennyroyal_n water_n three_o dram_n powder_a starch_n eight_o dram_n mix_v and_o make_v they_o into_o a_o ointment_n it_o take_v away_o the_o cold_a swell_n of_o the_o hand_n and_o reduce_v they_o to_o their_o former_a colour_n chap._n v._o remedy_n for_o those_o vice_n which_o be_v incident_a to_o the_o nail_n the_o nail_n be_v pearlie_o helmet_n wherewith_o prudent_a nature_n have_v arm_v the_o active_a finger_n to_o which_o if_o they_o be_v neat_o burnish_a they_o give_v a_o command_a comeliness_n and_o may_v at_o a_o press_a exigencie_n be_v fit_a material_n to_o head_n cupid_n pierce_a shaft_n their_o oriental_a beauty_n be_v thus_o preserve_v when_o the_o nail_n be_v spot_v remove_v the_o spot_n with_o these_o medicament_n incorporate_v myrrh_n with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o turpentine_n and_o apply_v it_o or_o else_o take_v sulphur_n vive_fw-fr work_n it_o together_o with_o a_o convenient_a quantity_n of_o pitch_n and_o tar_n use_v it_o as_o a_o plaster_n you_o may_v if_o you_o please_v add_v a_o little_a vinegar_n mix_v flax_n seed_v beat_v with_o honey_n and_o wax_n put_v it_o to_o the_o nail_n that_o be_v spot_v if_o the_o nail_n be_v bruise_v and_o become_v black_a by_o reason_n of_o the_o blood_n that_o congeal_v underneath_o apply_v a_o cerecloth_n that_o be_v make_v of_o capon_n grease_n &_o sheep_n grease_n with_o oil_n of_o cammomile_n or_o dil_n afterward_o to_o dissolve_v the_o settle_a blood_n use_v goat_n dung_n temper_v with_o sulphur_n or_o incorporate_a cummin_n seed_n with_o diachylum_fw-la ireatum_fw-la and_o oil_n of_o camomile_n in_o form_n of_o a_o unguent_n duck_n grease_n mix_v with_o euphorbium_n be_v singular_a good_a to_o discuss_v the_o condense_a blood_n by_o some_o mischance_n or_o other_o the_o top_n of_o the_o finger_n be_v oftentimes_o so_o bruise_v that_o the_o nail_n come_v off_o to_o make_v it_o come_v again_o foment_n the_o part_n with_o wine_n wherein_o date_n have_v be_v steep_v take_v flaxseed_n one_o ounce_n cardamon_v three_o dram_n as_o much_o honey_n as_o will_v make_v it_o into_o a_o plaster_n this_o will_v make_v a_o nail_n that_o be_v cleave_v or_o rot_v to_o come_v away_o the_o same_o effect_n have_v the_o juice_n of_o stink_a orach_n when_o the_o nail_n by_o these_o mean_n be_v fall_v off_o to_o make_v it_o grow_v again_o you_o may_v use_v that_o which_o be_v before_o prescribe_v if_o the_o flesh_n or_o skin_n grow_v too_o much_o over_o the_o nail_n milk_n of_o spurge_n drop_v thereon_o be_v very_o good_a or_o take_v salt_n barley_n meal_n and_o costus_fw-la powder_v mix_v they_o with_o so_o honey_n as_o will_v make_v they_o into_o a_o plaster_n and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o flesh_n chap._n vi_o remedy_n for_o the_o gall_a fret_a and_o sweat_v of_o the_o foot_n the_o body_n that_o fleshy_a palace_n of_o a_o deathless_a guest_n will_v sink_v beneath_o its_o own_o magnificence_n be_v it_o not_o uphold_v by_o the_o foot_n those_o beauteous_a pedestal_n to_o the_o sister_n column_n that_o more_o immediate_o support_v the_o structure_n if_o they_o be_v once_o fret_v or_o stand_v on_o too_o moist_a a_o foundation_n they_o may_v chance_v to_o slip_v and_o so_o the_o whole_a aedefice_n of_o beauty_n hazard_v itself_o by_o catch_v a_o fall_n your_o wise_a way_n will_v be_v to_o secure_v they_o thus_o when_o the_o foot_n be_v gall_v take_v emplastrum_fw-la diachalcit_fw-la dissolve_v it_o in_o oil_n of_o myrtle_n and_o use_v it_o to_o anoint_v the_o foot_n oil_n of_o egg_n make_v by_o expression_n or_o else_o oil_n press_v from_o wheat_n betwixt_o two_o iron_n plate_n be_v very_o good_a you_o may_v likewise_o use_v those_o thing_n which_o have_v be_v former_o commend_v to_o take_v away_o chap_n vnguentum_fw-la album_fw-la or_o diapomphol_a be_v not_o apply_v without_o good_a success_n the_o like_a may_v be_v say_v of_o the_o oil_n of_o flax_n fresh_a butter_n &_o the_o yolk_n of_o a_o egg_n make_v into_o a_o unguent_n the_o foot_n if_o they_o be_v often_o subject_a to_o troublesome_a sweating_n may_v thus_o be_v order_v bathe_v they_o in_o warm_a water_n wherein_o
alum_n have_v be_v dissolve_v or_o else_o wash_v your_o foot_n in_o water_n wherein_o the_o flower_n and_o berry_n of_o myrtle_n the_o leaf_n of_o cypress_n tamarisk_a mint_n marjoram_n and_o after_o you_o have_v wash_v they_o well_o anoint_v they_o with_o litharge_n powder_a and_o mix_v with_o honey_n there_o be_v yet_o another_o distemper_n incident_a to_o the_o foot_n which_o i_o have_v almost_o forget_v they_o be_v often_o apt_a to_o be_v numb_v with_o a_o kind_n of_o pinch_a chillness_n you_o may_v lady_n free_v yourselves_o from_o this_o distemper_n thus_o make_v a_o decoction_n of_o the_o root_n of_o enula_fw-la campana_fw-la angelica_fw-la flower_n of_o camomile_n melilot_n and_o once_o or_o twice_o a_o week_n bathe_v your_o foot_n in_o it_o you_o may_v likewise_o boil_v mint_n marjoram_n sage_a laurel_n pepper_n wort_n in_o white_a wine_n and_o use_v it_o as_o the_o former_a decoction_n chap._n vii_o remedy_n whereby_o to_o be_v free_v from_o kibe_n and_o corn_n the_o servile_a foot_n though_o they_o vail_v bonnet_n to_o all_o the_o noble_a part_n and_o be_v level_v with_o that_o below_o which_o they_o can_v well_o fear_v a_o fall_n yet_o seem_v to_o have_v something_o of_o pride_n while_o they_o often_o swell_v into_o tumor_n and_o to_o those_o dimension_n they_o can_v reach_v themselves_o they_o arrive_v in_o needless_a excressency_n you_o may_v check_v this_o their_o petty_a ambition_n and_o secure_o trample_v upon_o they_o if_o your_o hand_n will_v take_v but_o the_o pain_n to_o walk_v to_o your_o foot_n and_o apply_v these_o medicine_n for_o the_o kibe_n or_o those_o red_a hard_a itch_a tumor_n that_o be_v troublesome_a to_o the_o foot_n in_o frosty_a weather_n bathe_v they_o well_o till_o they_o be_v very_o soft_a in_o warm_a water_n wherein_o mallow_n or_o senugreek_n have_v be_v boil_v or_o in_o hot_a grain_n or_o oat_n boil_v in_o aqua_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la then_o apply_v to_o they_o a_o unguent_n make_v of_o oil_n of_o mastic_n oil_n of_o spike_n and_o wax_n of_o each_o a_o like_a quantity_n take_v the_o powder_n of_o gum_n tragaganth_n incorporate_v it_o with_o oil_n of_o mastic_n and_o use_v it_o for_o a_o lineament_n or_o take_v goat_n suet_n one_o pound_n gall_n powder_v one_o ounce_n melt_v and_o strain_v the_o suet_n then_o add_v the_o gall_n use_v it_o as_o a_o unguent_n or_o take_v neat_n foot_n oil_n two_o ounce_n galbanum_fw-la half_a a_o ounce_n boil_v they_o till_o they_o be_v pretty_a thick_a then_o anoint_v the_o kibe_n therewith_o have_v first_o well_n bathe_v they_o boil_v half_o a_o ounce_n of_o litharge_n in_o oil_n stir_v it_o continual_o then_o add_v three_o dram_n of_o galbanum_fw-la and_o make_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n take_v ammoniack_a half_n a_o ounce_n rosin_n one_o ounce_n mastic_n frankincense_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n meal_n of_o fenugreek_n half_o a_o ounce_n wax_n and_o oil_n as_o much_o as_o shall_v be_v sufficient_a dissolve_v the_o gum_n ammoniac_a and_o the_o rosine_n over_o hot_a ember_n then_o add_v the_o wax_n and_o the_o oil_n when_o it_o be_v all_o melt_v add_v the_o meal_n of_o fenugreek_n and_o the_o frankincense_n powder_v make_v it_o into_o a_o unguent_n bear_n grease_n sea_n water_n the_o decoction_n of_o leek_n frankincense_n incorporate_v with_o lard_n pomegranate_n peel_v boil_v in_o wine_n all_o these_o if_o they_o be_v apply_v be_v very_o good_a but_o if_o the_o kibe_n be_v break_v and_o exulcerate_v anoint_v they_o with_o unguen●um_fw-la apostolorum_fw-la strew_v thereon_o powder_n of_o mastic_n incense_n myrrh_n then_o bound_v up_o the_o part_n affect_v with_o a_o fillet_n steep_v in_o hot_a white_a wine_n and_o cover_v it_o with_o a_o warm_a cloth_n corn_n in_o the_o toe_n or_o foot_n may_v be_v remove_v by_o the_o same_o mean_n which_o we_o have_v prescribe_v for_o wart_n or_o take_v pure_a galbanum_fw-la new_a wax_n soften_v they_o with_o your_o breath_n and_o work_v they_o together_o apply_v they_o as_o close_o to_o the_o corn_n as_o you_o can_v first_o soften_v the_o corn_n with_o some_o fomentation_n then_o apply_v a_o cautery_n some_o use_n leaven_n other_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o root_n of_o rest_n harrow_n wash_v the_o foot_n and_o apply_v to_o the_o corn_n the_o milk_n of_o fig_n leave_v then_o shave_v they_o with_o a_o razor_n to_o the_o quick_a and_o if_o there_o happen_v any_o inflammation_n anoint_v they_o with_o unguentum_fw-la rosatum_fw-la bruise_v the_o leaf_n of_o rue_n and_o bind_v they_o to_o the_o corn_n quick_a lime_n likewise_o kill_v they_o or_o take_v water_n of_o tartar_n three_o ounce_n black_a soap_n one_o ounce_n quicksilver_n half_a a_o ounce_n boil_v these_o nine_o time_n &_o every_o time_n when_o they_o begin_v to_o boil_v make_v it_o cease_v by_o pour_v in_o cold_a water_n then_o wash_v the_o corn_n with_o this_o water_n morning_n and_o evening_n then_o shave_v they_o to_o the_o quick_a then_o wash_v they_o again_o as_o before_o then_o shave_v they_o and_o they_o will_v be_v quite_o take_v away_o some_o apply_v ox_n gall_n change_v it_o every_o day_n till_o the_o corn_n fall_v away_o part_n iv_o send_fw-mi and_o perfume_v fit_v for_o several_a occasion_n you_o have_v hear_v lady_n how_o to_o furnish_v yourselves_o with_o a_o beauty_n so_o transcendent_a that_o shall_v puzzle_v rhetoric_n to_o study_v hyperbole_n to_o express_v it_o by_o so_o captivate_v that_o none_o shall_v dare_v stile_n himself_o a_o platonic_a or_o at_o most_o he_o only_o who_o your_o divine_a feature_n shall_v make_v believe_v that_o you_o be_v more_o than_o mortal_a the_o former_a receipt_n shall_v furnish_v each_o of_o you_o with_o loveliness_n enough_o for_o your_o whole_a sex_n &_o make_v you_o pearl_n in_o beholder_n eye_n these_o follow_v shall_v make_v you_o walk_v garden_n so_o that_o you_o shall_v lead_v your_o servant_n by_o the_o nose_n after_o you_o they_o shall_v all_o turn_v camoeleon_n and_o live_v on_o that_o air_n which_o you_o perfume_v chap._n i._n perfume_a pomander_n for_o bracelet_n question_v not_o madam_n but_o pomander_n bracelet_n conduce_v much_o to_o the_o make_n of_o your_o captive_n numerous_a though_o they_o bound_v only_o your_o arm_n yet_o they_o take_v man_n your_o prisoner_n for_o none_o can_v have_v the_o courage_n to_o resist_v that_o once_o see_v how_o much_o bracelet_n make_v you_o woman_n of_o your_o hand_n the_o best_a direction_n for_o make_v they_o be_v such_o take_v two_o ounce_n of_o the_o best_a damask_n rise_v bud_n the_o white_n be_v cut_v off_o musk_n ambergris_n of_o each_o forty_o grain_n civet_o twenty_o grain_n let_v your_o rose_n be_v beat_v fine_a as_o be_v usual_a for_o conserve_n then_o add_v the_o former_a thing_n with_o a_o little_a labdanum_n beat_v they_o well_o together_o and_o make_v they_o up_o with_o gum_n tragaganth_v dissolve_v in_o rose-water_n take_v styrax_n calamite_n labdanum_n of_o each_o a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a benjamin_n one_o dram_n clove_n mace_n wood_n of_o aloe_n lavender_n flower_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n musk_n ambergris_n of_o each_o four_o grain_n a_o little_a turpentine_n gum_n traganth_v dissolve_v in_o rose-water_n as_o much_o as_o will_v suffice_v mix_v they_o well_o together_o in_o a_o warm_a mortar_n and_o make_v all_o into_o a_o pomander_n according_a to_o art_n take_v florentine_n iris_fw-la root_n clove_n mace_n cinnamon_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n yellow_a saunders_n styrax_fw-la calam_fw-la sweet_a asa_n of_o each_o two_o dram_n ambergris_n one_o dram_n musk_n of_o alexandria_n half_a a_o dram_n sweet_a balsam_n of_o peru_n oil_n of_o rhodium_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n mix_v all_o well_o together_o and_o add_v two_o dram_n of_o civet_n this_o composition_n will_v be_v dear_a but_o you_o may_v make_v it_o in_o less_o quantity_n take_v either_o half_a or_o a_o quarter_n of_o the_o dose_n beside_o the_o exceed_a pleasant_a smell_n it_o be_v good_a in_o pestilential_a time_n and_o in_o fit_n of_o the_o mother_n take_v the_o shave_n of_o the_o green_a cypress_n wood_n one_o ounce_n florentine_n iris_fw-la six_o ounce_n clove_n three_o ounce_n calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la three_o dram_n wood_n of_o aloe_n fix_v dram_n pound_n they_o altogether_o in_o a_o still_a place_n take_v three_o or_o four_o hundred_o red_a damask_n rose_n clean_o pick_v beat_v they_o in_o a_o mortar_n with_o a_o wooden_a pestle_n when_o they_o be_v half_o beat_v put_v in_o the_o former_a powder_n than_o pound_n they_o again_o moisten_v they_o with_o a_o little_a damask_n rose_n water_n and_o when_o they_o be_v well_o mix_v make_v they_o up_o into_o small_a trochick_n and_o dry_v they_o in_o the_o shade_n of_o this_o composition_n you_o may_v make_v musk_n soaps_o sweet_a powder_n and_o pomander_n and_o to_o make_v the_o composition_n more_o excellent_a you_o may_v put_v what_o musk_n &_o ambergris_n you_o please_v so_o that_o you_o powder_v the_o musk_n and_o
m._n keep_v the_o water_n that_o you_o draw_v from_o thence_o in_o a_o glass_n close_o stop_v it_o may_v be_v serviceable_a to_o queen_n and_o empress_n take_v rose_n water_n three_o quart_n assa_fw-la dulcis_fw-la powder_v one_o ounce_n storax_n clove_n wood_n of_o aloe_n camfre_v of_o each_o one_o dram_n musk_n and_o civet_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n put_v all_o these_o into_o a_o glass_n bottle_n close_o stop_v which_o boil_v for_o the_o space_n of_o four_o hour_n in_o water_n then_o take_v the_o vessel_n wherein_o the_o water_n be_v and_o let_v it_o cool_v by_o degree_n when_o it_o be_v cold_a strain_n it_o through_o a_o thick_a cloth_n than_o put_v it_o into_o another_o glass_n vessel_n with_o fifteen_o grain_n of_o musk_n stop_v it_o close_o and_o set_v it_o in_o the_o sun_n five_o day_n this_o perfume_n be_v so_o strong_a that_o if_o you_o mix_v one_o part_n thereof_o with_o twelve_o of_o water_n it_o will_v be_v exceed_v sweet_a take_v lavender_n flower_n seven_o handful_n rosemary_n flower_n clove_n july_n flower_n orange_n peel_n of_o each_o three_o handful_n mint_n sage_a bay_a leaf_n elder_a flower_n pennyroyall_n of_o each_o one_o handful_n clove_n four_o ounce_n galingale_n nutmeg_n calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la ginger_n cinnamon_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n the_o best_a scent_v white_a wine_n three_o quart_n powder_n all_o the_o spice_n and_o steep_v they_o in_o white_a wine_n put_v all_o into_o a_o glass_n vessel_n stop_v set_v it_o in_o the_o sun_n eight_o day_n than_o put_v it_o into_o a_o glass_n alembick_a with_o musk_n and_o distil_v all_o in_o b._n m._n whether_o it_o be_v distil_v or_o not_o it_o be_v a_o very_a sweet_a water_n excellent_a to_o wash_v the_o hand_n if_o you_o mix_v one_o drop_n of_o it_o with_o a_o hundred_o of_o common_a water_n if_o it_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o face_n it_o will_v free_v it_o from_o spot_n and_o freckle_n take_v twenty_o grain_n of_o musk_n nutmeg_n clove_n galingale_n spikenard_n grain_n of_o paradise_n mace_n cinnamon_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n powder_n all_o very_a small_a and_o put_v they_o all_o into_o a_o pint_n bottle_n of_o rise_v water_n let_v they_o steep_v four_o day_n then_o pour_v on_o more_o rose_n water_n and_o after_o distil_v they_o in_o b._n m._n or_o tie_n in_o a_o very_a fine_a rag_n musk_n and_o civet_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n put_v the_o bag_n into_o a_o three_o quart_n bottle_n fill_v with_o rose_n water_n expose_v it_o some_o day_n to_o the_o sun_n and_o you_o shall_v have_v a_o rich_a scent_v water_n take_v the_o pure_a benzoin_v twelve_o ounce_n powder_n it_o very_o fine_a then_o take_v liquid_a styrax_n as_o much_o as_o will_v suffice_v to_o make_v it_o into_o a_o past_a when_o it_o be_v well_o mix_v put_v it_o into_o a_o glass_n alembick_a with_o a_o glass_n head_n which_o you_o must_v set_v in_o ash_n or_o sift_v sand_n and_o cement_v a_o receiver_n to_o the_o nose_n of_o the_o alembick_a with_o potter_n clay_n and_o the_o white_n of_o egg_n very_o close_o that_o the_o vapour_n may_v have_v no_o vent_n forth_o which_o if_o they_o have_v they_o will_v be_v so_o strong_a that_o to_o most_o they_o will_v seem_v a_o stink_n rather_o than_o a_o perfume_n and_o to_o some_o person_n may_v be_v very_o prejudicial_a when_o thing_n be_v thus_o fit_v kindle_v fire_n under_o it_o by_o degree_n afterward_o make_v the_o fire_n strong_a at_o first_o you_o shall_v draw_v a_o yellow_a water_n in_o a_o small_a quantity_n and_o worth_n little_a but_o present_o after_o there_o will_v arise_v a_o vapour_n white_a as_o snow_n that_o will_v stick_v to_o the_o alembick_a when_o you_o perceive_v that_o this_o rise_v no_o more_o than_o make_v the_o fire_n strong_a but_o not_o too_o violent_a then_o will_v a_o oil_n ascend_v that_o be_v sweet_a than_o the_o former_a and_o according_a to_o the_o colour_n of_o your_o oil_n remember_v to_o change_v your_o receiver_n your_o last_o oil_n will_v be_v a_o excellent_a balsam_n but_o to_o make_v a_o exact_a perfume_n take_v a_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o white_a snow_n oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n new_o draw_v four_o ounce_n melt_v both_o over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n stir_v it_o continual_o with_o a_o spattula_n till_o the_o snowy_a part_n be_v dissolve_v and_o to_o give_v it_o a_o red_a colour_n put_v in_o a_o small_a piece_n of_o the_o root_n of_o alkanet_n so_o you_o may_v have_v a_o perfume_n of_o a_o excellent_a send_v be_v you_o will_v have_v this_o oil_n of_o a_o rich_a odour_n you_o may_v dissolve_v therein_o one_o scruple_n of_o amber_n grease_n the_o black_a oil_n that_o remain_v at_o the_o bottom_n of_o your_o alembick_a be_v of_o a_o very_a strong_a smell_n but_o mix_v with_o liquid_a styrax_n will_v make_v excellent_o scent_v pomander_n if_o you_o keep_v it_o by_o itself_o you_o be_v best_a to_o keep_v it_o open_a that_o so_o the_o strong_a scent_n may_v evaporate_v chap._n iu._n sweet_a candle_n and_o perfume_v to_o burn_v you_o be_v much_o behold_v lady_n to_o ordinary_a candle_n for_o when_o the_o sooty_a night_n will_v befriend_v your_o chambermaid_n and_o make_v they_o seem_v as_o handsome_a as_o yourselves_o that_o which_o discover_v the_o cheat_n and_o make_v you_o be_v prefer_v before_o they_o be_v the_o friendly_a light_n those_o candle_n lend_v they_o show_v the_o difference_n betwixt_o a_o beauty_n and_o the_o foil_n that_o usual_o attend_v she_o but_o if_o those_o common_a one_o do_v you_o much_o service_n these_o will_n more_o for_o if_o you_o can_v once_o procure_v these_o ignes_fw-la fatui_fw-la to_o lead_v they_o you_o may_v be_v sure_a to_o make_v fool_n of_o man_n and_o never_o fear_v but_o you_o shall_v have_v servant_n after_o you_o have_v get_v such_o enamour_v flame_n take_v labdanum_n two_o ounce_n storax_n one_o ounce_n benjamin_n and_o cloves_n of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n mace_n a_o quarter_n of_o a_o ounce_n beat_v all_o to_o a_o powder_n in_o a_o brazen_a mortar_n and_o when_o they_o be_v fine_o powder_v set_v the_o mortar_n over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n and_o work_v they_o well_o together_o then_o take_v rose-water_n eight_o spoonful_n dissolve_v therein_o musk_a and_o civet_n of_o each_o three_o grain_n afterward_o put_v it_o with_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o ingredient_n into_o the_o mortar_n when_o you_o have_v mix_v all_o thorough_o together_o make_v the_o whole_a mass_n into_o small_a long_a roll_n when_o they_o be_v dry_a you_o may_v put_v they_o into_o a_o silken_a bag_n and_o lay_v they_o among_o linen_n or_o burn_v they_o in_o your_o chamber_n or_o any_o where_o else_o at_o your_o pleasure_n they_o be_v a_o please_a perfume_n and_o will_v last_v good_a seven_o year_n take_v labdanum_n two_o dram_n styrax_fw-la calam_fw-la a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a benjamin_n frankincense_n white_a amber_n wood_n of_o aloe_n red_a rose_n wood_n of_o cypress_n cinnamon_n clove_n of_o each_o two_o scruple_n amber_n musk_n of_o each_o five_o grain_n make_v they_o up_o into_o small_a cake_n with_o gum_n tragaganth_v dissolve_v in_o spirit_n of_o rose_n one_o whereof_o cast_v upon_o the_o coal_n sents_z your_o chamber_n with_o a_o delightful_a vapour_n take_v labdanum_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a dry_a charcoal_n make_v of_o willow_n one_o ounce_n myrrh_n wood_n of_o aloe_n styrax_fw-la calam_fw-la of_o each_o one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a amber_n musk_n of_o each_o seven_o grain_n dissolve_v half_o a_o ounce_n of_o gum_n tragant_a in_o rose-water_n with_o a_o little_a spirit_n of_o wine_n and_o make_v they_o up_o into_o roll_n like_o small_a candle_n take_v gum_n styrax_fw-la calam_fw-la benjamin_n of_o each_o equal_a quantity_n dissolve_v they_o in_o the_o best_a rose-water_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v dissolve_v strain_v they_o hard_o through_o a_o thick_a cloth_n afterward_o dry_v they_o and_o powder_v they_o and_o keep_v the_o powder_n for_o your_o use_n take_v of_o this_o powder_n thus_o prepare_v one_o ounce_n the_o weighty_a wood_n of_o aloe_n powder_v two_o dram_n red_a rose_n dry_v ambergris_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n zibet_n musk_n of_o each_o half_n a_o dram_n sweet_a balsam_n of_o per●_n oil_n of_o rhodium_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n ivory_n burn_v till_o it_o be_v black_a as_o much_o as_o will_v suffice_v powder_n what_o be_v to_o be_v powder_v then_o mix_v all_o with_o rose_n water_n and_o work_v they_o together_o into_o a_o kind_n of_o black_a paste_n &_o make_v it_o into_o small_a ball_n which_o you_o must_v wrap_v in_o rose_n leaf_n and_o dry_v they_o in_o the_o shade_n then_o keep_v they_o well_o stop_v in_o glass_n this_o be_v a_o perfume_n for_o person_n of_o quality_n one_o or_o two_o of_o they_o cast_v upon_o coal_n or_o put_v into_o a_o quantity_n of_o rose_n water_n that_o be_v set_v over_o the_o coal_n will_v fill_v the_o room_n with_o a_o ravish_a and_o celestial_a vapour_n that_o refresh_v the_o brain_n and_o vital_a spirit_n and_o correct_v the_o malignity_n of_o any_o contagious_a air_n take_v styrax_n calam_fw-la prepare_v as_o before_o benzoin_v of_o each_o half_n a_o ounce_n your_o best_a wood_n of_o aloe_n two_o dram_n zibet_n that_o be_v not_o adulterate_a one_o dram_n gallia_n moscata_fw-la one_o scruple_n oil_n of_o rose_n and_o of_o clove_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n mix_v they_o according_a to_o art_n and_o with_o damask_n rise_v water_n make_v they_o into_o little_a ball_n they_o be_v of_o the_o same_o virtue_n with_o the_o former_a and_o use_v in_o the_o same_o manner_n chap._n v._o how_o to_o perfume_v glove_n to_o add_v the_o rose_n sweetness_n to_o the_o lillied_a loveliness_n of_o your_o snowy_a hand_n send_v your_o glove_n with_o these_o perfume_n and_o they_o who_o take_v you_o by_o the_o hand_n shall_v find_v all_o pleasure_n grasp_v in_o a_o handful_n wherein_o all_o ravish_a object_n be_v that_o can_v convey_v those_o charm_a delight_n to_o the_o admire_a fancy_n that_o both_o please_v the_o sight_n and_o feast_v the_o other_o sense_n too_o first_o then_o perfume_v your_o glove_n thus_o take_v a_o pair_n of_o smooth_a new_a cordavan_n glove_n wash_v they_o well_o for_o two_o or_o three_o day_n once_o a_o day_n in_o good_a white_a wine_n press_v they_o well_o and_o smooth_a they_o after_o every_o wash_n after_o the_o last_o wash_n when_o they_o be_v almost_o dry_a wash_v they_o in_o rose_n water_n wherein_o musk_n have_v be_v dissolve_v let_v they_o lie_v in_o that_o water_n for_o one_o day_n then_o pull_v one_o of_o the_o glove_n on_o your_o hand_n and_o with_o your_o other_o hand_n smooth_a and_o dry_v it_o then_o do_v the_o same_o to_o the_o other_o glove_n when_o this_o be_v do_v steep_a in_o water_n for_o four_o or_o five_o day_n four_o ounce_n of_o gum_n tragagant_a the_o white_a you_o can_v get_v musk_n amber_n dry_a marjoram_n of_o each_o one_o scruple_n boil_v they_o gentle_o altogether_o and_o in_o the_o boil_a add_v half_o a_o scruple_n of_o zibet_n put_v these_o into_o a_o cover_v vessel_n till_o they_o be_v cold_a than_o chaff_n and_o rub_v it_o well_o into_o the_o glove_n afterward_o lay_v they_o in_o some_o place_n to_o dry_v or_o wash_v those_o glove_n you_o intend_v to_o perfume_v first_o well_o in_o white_a wine_n then_o dry_v they_o in_o the_o shade_n after_o wash_v they_o in_o a_o pint_n of_o rose_n water_n scent_v with_o oil_n of_o clove_n jasmine_n nutmeg_n labdanum_n of_o each_o half_n a_o scruple_n then_o take_v musk_n zibet_n ambergris_n of_o each_o five_o grain_n beat_v they_o together_o in_o a_o mortar_n with_o a_o little_a oil_n of_o spike_n and_o mucilage_n of_o gum_n tragagant_a dissolve_v in_o rose_n water_n chaff_n this_o composition_n into_o the_o wash_a glove_n before_o the_o fire_n finis_fw-la