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A12709 The mystery of godlinesse a generall discourse of the reason that is in Christian religion. By William Sparke divinity reader at Magd: Coll: in Oxford, and parson of Blechly in B[uck]ingham-shire. Sparke, William, 1587-1641. 1628 (1628) STC 23026; ESTC S100099 133,807 175

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is b Heb. 11.1 v. 27. the evidence of things not seene we may discerne being now otherwise vnto vs invisible And wheresoever we are if we beleeue in Christ we shall neuer bee far to seeke where and how to worship God c Ioh. 4.21.23 The houre is now come when as our Saviour told the superstitious woman neither on that mount nor at Ierusalem but the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth d 1 Ioh. 5.20.21 In hoc quod fecit hunc mundū coelo terraque conspicuum antequam imbuereatur in side Christi not us omnibus gentibus Deus In hoc autem quod non est iniuriis suis cum dtis falsis colendus not us in Iudaea Deus In hoc verò quod pater est huius Christi per quem tollit peccatum mundi hoc nomen cius prius eccultum omnibus aunc manifestavit iis quos ded● ei pater ipse de mundo Aug. tract 105. super Iohan. The Father in the sonne who is the truth by the holy Ghost For we know that the sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs an vnderstanding that we may knowe him that is true and wee are in him that is true even in his sonne Christ Iesus This is the true God and eternall life Babes keepe your selues from Idols e Phil. 2.10 11 At the name of Iesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father At his name not at his picture in his name not by his image all prayers and praises offered vp to God the Father are accepted with him f 1. Tim. 2.8 And now we pray every where lifting vp holy hands g Mal. 1.11 and from the rising of the sun vnto the going downe of the same the name of the Lord is great among the Gentiles And in every place incense is offered and a pure offering euen h Rev. 8.4 the prayers of the Saints by the hand of the Angell of the couenant Christ Iesus at the altar of God his presence For the i Ps 141.2 powring out of our prayers is as the incense and the lifting vp of our hands as the evening sacrifice But k Lev. 10.3 God will be sanctified of all that come nigh vnto him Prophanesse Hypocrisie Blasphemy l 2. Tim. 2.19 Let everyone therefore that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquitie m Heb. 12.29 For our God is a consuming fire and will consume those with fire of his indignation n Le. 10.1 that offer strange fire vpon his altar He is a iealous God and will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Which we doe if either we take notice of his word and works without due affection whereby he makes his name knowne or if we vse any notification of him but in his worship or to his honour with true religion and devotion The Philosophers o Rom. 1.21.22 who professed themselues wise became fooles Because when they knewe God by his workes of creation they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull But the due notice of God his workes by his word thorough the working of his spirit begets faith in vs and that faith restraines from all evill by feare and prouokes by loue to p Igitur qui innotentiam colit domino supplicat qui iustitiam deo libat qui frandibus abstinet oropitiat deum quihominē pericuto surripit opimam victiimam caedit Min. Fael oct good workes that we may q 2. Cor. 6.1 not receiue the grace of God in vaine nor take his name in vaine cause it to be euilspoken of r Is 29.14 Mat. 25 8. Hypocrites draw neare God with their mouthes and honour him with their lips but their hearts are farr off ſ Ezek. 33.31 running after couetousnesse t Ps 66.18 But if I regard iniquity the lord will not heare me u Ps 50.16.17 To the wicked God saith what hast thou to declare my statutes or to take my couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to bee reformed * Prov. 28.9 The very prayer of the wicked is abominable euen a mocking of God to his face as the x Mat. 27.29.30 souldiers bowing the knee mocked Christ saying haile king of the Iewes and smote him with their hands Wherefore Solomons counsell is god y Eccl. 5.1 v. 2. keepe thy foot when thougoest into the house of God and bee more ready to heare then to offer the sacrifice of fooles for they consider not that they doe euill And that our mouthes be not rash nor our hearts hasty to vtter any thing before God Dauid his resolution is good in our greatest passions and perturbations z psal 39.1 I said I will take heed to my waies that I offend not with my tongue Least by cursing swearing forswaring wee pull downe the curse of God vpon vs and cause a Zach. the flying roule to come forth to enter into our houses to consume thē with the timber therof the stones thereof to cut vs off on this side on that side according to it Yet are there greater prophanations then these whereby the name of God is blasphemed b Iob. 34.18.19 Is it fit to say to a king thou art wicked and to princes yee are vngodly How much lesse to him that accepteth not the persons of princes Yet desperat forelorne malecontents c Es 8.21 will curse their God and their king and looke vpwards when they are hardly bestead And there are worse blasphemers then these the bloody persecutors of God his seruants sticke d Iames 2.7 not to blaspheme that worthy name of Christ whereby wee are called e 1 Cor. 12.3 But no man speaking by the spirit of God calleth Iesus accursed And yet there are worse blaspheamers then they f Heb. 6.4 who hauing beene made partakers of the holy ghost fall away desperately malitiously to blaspheme g Manifestꝰ est a side lapsus crimen maximae superbiae vel a scripto recedere vel non scriptum admittere Basil sermo de fide the known truth the spirit of truth being possessed with a spirit of contradictions for whō there is no mercy h Heb. 6.6 no place for repētance The prophane vnbeleeuer i Acts. 7.51 resisteth the spirit of God the formall professor k Eph. 4 30. greiues the spirit of god the lewde liuer l 1 Thes 5.19 quencheth the spirit of God but the blasphemous apostata m Heb. 10.29 doth despite vnto the spirit of grace But if we beleeue indeed as wee were baptised haue professed in the name of the Father Sonne and Holy ghost our hearts and tongues and deeds will all ioyne together with the blessed Angels and all the powers of heauen crying holy holy holy lord God of saboth
abrogated by Christ Nor by his Apostles The Iewes typicall vse thereof abolished The Christian sabbath day within the compasse of the commandement The Lords day designed by himselfe for our sabbath It hath euer beene obserued as the sabbath by the Church It respects the kingdome of God The Perfect will of God to bee done on earth The heauenly conuersation How doth faith worke by loue According to the law teaching vs to doe what God hath commanded The law established by faith Although faith rest not in our workes which the law requireth yet are a Eph. 2.10 wee Gods workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God had before ordained not only in his counsell but by his law that we should walk in them And b Gal. 3.12 although the law bee not of faith that is of things to bee only beleiued but to be done for the man that doeth them shall liue in them yet doth the law require faith c Heb. 11.6 without which it is impossible to please God Therefore the law prescribeth faith in the first place and throughout namely that wee acknowlege god the lawgiuer to be the lord our God the only true God and performe that faith vnto him by an vniuerfall vniforme obedience to the whole law and euery title thereof in regard of him that commandeth Which iustifieth our faith to be in God when it answereth his d Servus qui ex domini iussu ea facit tantummodò quae vult facere non dominicam implet voluntatem sed suam Salv. l. 4. de guber Die whole will as well of command as of promise as well in one duety as in another When God gaue the law to the Israelites hee made himselfe knowne vnto them by his wonderfull deliuery of them out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage thereby to binde their obedience in faith to him the only true God Which was but a type and figure of the great saluation from the power of satan by Christ Iesus By faith in whose name thorough his spirit wee truely know and rightly acknowledge the only true God And the faith of God his loue to vs in Christ knits our hearts againe in loue to God and for his sake towards all men as he hath commanded improues the formall worship of God vnto all sincerity in spirit and in trueth and the common ciuility of the world vnto Christian charity zealous of good workes for his glory that hath called vs to the knowledge of his grace For if God so loued vs as wee beleiue then ought we also to loue one another much more him who is the God of all grace and loue Neither doe we beleiue indeed if wee loue not Wee beleiue not Christ his incarnation death passion resurrection and ascension c. Vnlesse e Phil. 2.5 c the like minde bee in vs that was in Christ Iesus Who to redeeme the glory of god in vs laide aside his owne glory equall with the father and humbled himselfe in the forme of a seruant vnto the death of the crosse As the fathers loue to the sonne begat in him the like affection towards vs so doth Christ his f Nullaest maior ad amorem inuitatio quam praeuenire amando Nimisque durus est animus qui delectionem si nolebat impendere nolit rependere August de catèch rud cap. 4. loue if wee embrace it by a true and a liuely faith worke in vs the like loue towards our bretheren for his sake g Iohn 15.9.10 As the father saith hee hath loued mee so haue I loued you continue you in my loue If you keepe my commandements ye shall abide in my loue euen as I haue kept my fathers commandements and abide in his loue It is all one in the law to loue God and to keepe his commandements And h Iohn 14.23.24 if you loue mee saith Christ keepe my commandements Which because we can in no sort doe of our selues Gods law our prayer i 2. Cor 3.5 who are not able as of our selues so much as to thinke any good therefore being preuented with his grace k Phil. 2.13 who worketh in vs both to will and to doe of his good pleasure wee desire of God by prayer as Christ hath taught vs what he doth require of vs by the law l In omnibus enim monitis dei atque mandatis vna cademque ratio est divinae gratiae humanae ebedientiae Nec ob aliud vnquam datur praeceptum nisi vt quaetatur praecipientis auxilium Prosp Who therefore commandeth that wee may know what to craue of him And it is our faith which by prayer obtaineth what the law requireth The graces inspired of God faith hope and loue breathe all againe vnto godby prayer m Rom. 8.26 the spirit helping our infirmities with groanes that cannot be expressed For as the naturall life so the spirituall confists in respiration by hearing and praying without the which there can be no true life and well doing Therefore n Phil. 1.9.10 this we pray that our loue may abounde yet more more in knowledge and in all iudgement that wee being instructed out of the law may approue the things that are more excellent that wee may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ being filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and praise of God o Rom. 10.14 But how shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeved By faith in the sonne of God wee know and beleeue in him the only true God and worship him in spirit and in truth p Gal. 4.6 Who hath sent downe the spirit of his sonne into our hearts Faith in the trinity denyes not the vnity of God crying Abba father Doth our faith now in the trinity contradict the vnity transgresse the commandements Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Nay the trinity of persons establisheth the vnity of the Godhead whilest himselfe is acknowledged the author mediator and doer of all in all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plato in Philebo in Timaeo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quo sensu vide Proclum Is autem dicit Triadem exse omnia efficere Who being infinit is not confined by any person and the persons being distinct are not confounded in God ſ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Serapidis responsum Thuli in Aegipto De his vide August lib 10. de civ Dei cap. 23. In deo vnasubstantia sed tres personae in Christo duae substantiae sed vna persona In Trinitate alius atque alius non asiud atque aliud In saluatcre aliud atq aliud non alius atque alius Vincent Ler inens cont Her cap. 19. The father is God in his infinit essence or being the sonne the same God in his infinit presence and glorious appearing the holy ghost the same
the Christian Reader a Synopsis or full view at once of our religion in the vvhole contexture thereof for his better resolution Which lest I should obscure or confound by incident discourses I haue beene forced to passe it may be too cursorily thorough most particulars which would require so many and far larger tracts then this little model of the vvhole And because I seeke not herein to perswade or convince Infidels which seemes to bee the scope of h Iustin Martyr Tertul. in their Apologies Arnob. Aug. de Civit. Dei Morn Viues Raimundus de Sabunde others who haue written of this argument but to resolue and confirme our selues in the present truth with whom it were a folly not to dispute ex praecognitis concessis I haue laide the foundation of this little Fabricke in the receiued principles of Religion And lastly that I may not build heterogeneous stuffe thereon i Cor. 3.12 wood hay stubble but rather gold siluer pretious stones I haue vsed so much as might be the very wordes and phrases of Scripture not onely for proofe but for expression which being the Word of GOD can best speake his owne meaning howsoeuer to some it may make the stile seeme not so aequable and pleasing The Word of God is it not k 1 Pet. 2.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the rationall milke of our reasonable soules whereby they are nourished to eternall life And our faith hath such force of reason thereby that it is l Heb. 11.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the cleare euidence and most evicting argument of things not seene most sublime abstruse And it is able to convince and perswade m 1 Cor. 14.23 c. vnbeleeuers neuer so vnlearned and n 2 Cor 10.5 to cast downe all contrary reasonings of the most subtile adversaries that exalt themselues against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity euery thought to the obedience of Christ. The o Rom. 12.1 service of God thereby prescribed vnto vs is it not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a reasonable seruice to all that are not p 2 Thes 3.2 vnreasonable and wicked men To whom howsoeuer they take it wee must and can giue q 1 Pet. 3.15 a reason of the hope that is in vs. The Lineaments whereof I haue indeavoured to draw and shadow out in a new but I hope not vnnaturall method which beeing done seemes to mee rather a bare skeleton then any compleat systeme of that solide body which I tooke in hand Yet it sufficeth mee if as in r Ezek. Ezekiels vision in the valley of dead bones the bones become together bone to its bone For the sinewes and the flesh shall come vpon them and the skinne shall couer them about when the breath of GOD shall come from the foure vvindes and blovv vpon them and they shall liue Howsoeuer I am willing to bee deliuered of this meditation as it is after a longer and more painefull travell by fitts then such an imperfect embrio and vnshapen birth may seeme worthy of And by his helpe ſ Iohn 15.5 vvithout vvhom vve can doe nothing I may heereafter polish perfect what I haue now conceiued not altogether I hope without his Spirit When I shall haue better discerned thereof at a distance and may happely haue gained some farther or clearer discouery by information or obtrectation of others For although I haue no reason to expect an adversary herein hauing not willingly irritated or provoked any yet because trueth many times findes foes where it makes none if any shall trouble themselues to quarrell this little peece what shall be justly found amisse I shall most willingly amend easily neglecting what shall bee petulantly carped and submitting my selfe in all things to my blessed Mother this faithfull Church of CHRIST IESVS † Tertul. Difficilium facilis est venia The Contents BOOKE I. CHAP. I. The bond of Nature The glory of God The author of our good The true zelotes of his glory To glorifie the Creator is the glory of the creature How wee should glorifie God prescribed by the Law of Nature Naturall reason of the Law The covenant of Nature The Law euer in force The case CHAP. II. The Covenant of Grace The Articles and Authors of Grace The Sonne of God the Mediator The Sonne of man The offices of Christ The grace of our Lord Iesus The spirit of Grace Preventing Grace The state of Grace The praise of the glory of Gods Grace CHAP. III. The Testaments The Will of God The Word The Scripture That the Scripture is the Word of God The intent of it The consent in it The olde legall Testament The new Evangelicall Testament The event of prophesies The power of the Gospell The Church The administrators and ouerseers Scripture the absolute Canon of faith and life BOOKE II. CHAP. I. The Stipulation of Faith by the Sacraments The answere of a good conscience toward God The Creed The Sacraments Baptisme Poedobaptisme Anabaptisme Confirmation and penance Communion No transubstantiation Participation by faith Cōmunion in loue The Law conditioned The Covenant indissoluble CHAP. II. Faith working by loue according to the Law The Law established by faith Gods Law our prayer Faith in the Trinity denyes not the vnity of God Christ the onely Image of God to be worshipped by faith in his Name By Prophanenes Hypocrisie Blasphemy the Name of God vnhallowed The Christian Sabbath of the holy Catholike Church The Sabbath not abrogated by Christ. Nor by his Apostles The Iewes typicall vse thereof abolished The Christian Sabbath day within the compasse of the Commandement The Lords day designed by himselfe for our Sabbath It hath euer beene obserued as the Sabbath by the Church It respects the Kingdome of God The Perfect will of God to bee done on earth The heauenly conversation CHAP. III. The Refuge of Hope We are saued by Hope The Law perfect we imperfect Good workes not vvell done Grace and merite incompetible The Christian hope Our daily bread Forgiuenesse of sinnes No immunity to sinne Temptations Preservation Resurrection Life everlasting and glorious BOOKE I. CHAP. I. The bond of Nature The glory of God The authour of our good The true zelotes of his glory To glorifie the Creator is the glory of the creature How we should glorifie God prescribed by the law of Nature Naturall reason of the Law The covenant of nature The fall The Law ever in force The case What is chiefely to be desired THat God may bee glorified in our salvation The glory of God Wherein trusting him for our parts we are principally to intend his glory For vnlesse we wil mocke God and deceiue our own soules we must desire as we pray first that the name of God may bee hallowed by the advancement of his Kingdome in the vniuersall subjection of all to his holy will then that wee may bee saued through his grace by pardon of our sinnes protection in temptations and
for grace but every grace in its order first faith then those that are of faith to wit loue and hope x 2. Cor. 3.18 For we all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of God namely y c. 4.6 in the face of Iesus Christ z v. 4. by the light of his glorious Gospell a c. 3.18 are changed into the same image frō glory to glory euen as by the spirit of the Lord. God that spake things at the first when he spake them their being still b Rom. 4.17 calleth things that are not is if they were anon they are so c Hos 2.23 ● Pet. 2.10 He saith to thē that were ' not his people thou art my people and they moued by the holy Ghost say Thou art my God d Gal. 4.9 Now we know God by faith * Ab initio fidei misericordiam consecutisumus non quia fideles eramus sed vt essemus August ep 105 ad Sixtum Fidem vocat Clemens Alexand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 primam salutis inclinationem l. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Fides est prima quae subjugat animum Deo August lib. de agone Christiano c. 9. or rather we are knowne of God in Christ e 2. Tim. 2.19 hauing this seale The Lord knoweth who are his f 1. Iohn 4.10 And herein is loue not that wee loued him but that he loued vs sent his son to be a propitiation for our sins a Non habet homo vnde diligat Deum nisi ex Deo Aug. l. 15. de tri c. 17. Tales nos amat Deus qualesfuturi sumus ipsius dono non quales sumus nostro merito Conciliū Arausicanū 2. can 12. vid. plur c. 25. Amor Dei quo pervenitur ad Deum non est nisi à Deo patre per Iesum cum Spiritu Sancto Per hunc amorem creatoris benè quisque vtitur creaturis Auglib 4. cont Iul. c. 3. ad caleem When wee were not louing vnto him nor any thing louely in our selues but b Ezek. 16.6 lay weltring in our blood were c Colos 1.21 enemies in our minds by evill workes then he reconciled vs vnto himselfe in Christ d Ezech. 16.6 passing by said vnto vs liue yet now having e Rom. 5.5 the loue of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs f 1. Pet. 1.8 we loue him also though wee haue not seene him g Rom. 5.2.3 wee reioyce not onely ' in hope of his glory but in our afflictions for his sake with ioy vnspeakeable and full of glory h 1. Pet. 4.14 because the spirit of glory of God resteth vpon vs. And still wee follow after in hope God succouring vs with his grace i Phil. 3.11.12 if hauing not yet attained wee may be any meanes apprehend that for the which wee are apprehended of Christ Iesus k Eph. 1.13.14 In whō after that we beleiued we were sealed with that holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possessiō vnto the praise of his glory l Reu. 22.17 Now the spirit the bride say come let him that heareth say come And let him that is a thirst come and whosoeuer will let him take the water of life m Ideogratia quia gratis datur ideo gratis datur quia non quasimerces redditur post discussionem metitorum sed donum datur post delictorum veniam August de verbis Domini serm 61. freely If it were in man to prevēt God by preparing disposing himselfe vnto grace or any way to make himself more worthy thereof thē others why should not m Rom. 9.13 Israel that followed after the law of righteousnes haue attained to the law of righteousnesse Because they sought it not by faith True but why did they not beleeue because they n 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrisost homil 30. in acta At post had not the grace o Matth. 13.11 For to them it was not giuen to know the mysteries of of the kingdome of heaven And for them who receiued the Gospell vnto salvation Saint Paul who was p Phil. 3.5.6 an Hebrew of the Hebrewes and concerning the righteousnesse which is by the law blamelesse professeth saying q Tit. 3.5 not by the worke of righteousnes which we haue done but according to his mercy he saved vs. And how did r Rom. 9.30 The Gentiles which followed not after righteousnes attaine vnto righteousnes evē the righteousnes which is by faith ſ Rom 10.20 Esaias is bold saith I was found of those that t Fides erat quę data est non oranti quae vtique nisi data esset orare non posset quomodo enim invocabunt c. Aug. ep 105. ad Sixtum sought mee not I was made manifest to those that asked not after mee v 1. Cor. 1.26 And why are not many wise called * Deum praeterijsse multos philosophos homines acuti ingenij eximiae eruditionis praeteriisse etiam multos qui si civiles mores spectes innocentes erant vitae probatae vt enim divitias misericordiae suae patefaceret id magis consequitur si eos adducat qui magis reluctentur propter vitae merita ab ea magis sint alieni quam si eos qui humanae rationi videntur esse aptiores August 1. lib. ad Simplicianum quaest 2. many who haue the same meanes and far better naturall parts helpes of art and commendations of life then some poore Publicans and sinners Wee see our calling How that x Mat. 20.16 many are called but few are chosen as it pleaseth him y 2. Tim. 1.9 who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was given vs in Christ Iesus * Electi sunt ante mundi constitutionem ea praedestinatione in qua Deus sua futura facta praescivit electi autem lunt de mundo ea vocatione qua Deus id quod praedestinavit implevit August de praedest sanct c. 17. before the world began z 2. Thess 2.13 Wee are bound therefore to giue thankes vnto God alwaies for the beloued of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen them vnto salvation through sanctification of the spirit and beliefe of the trueth wherevnto wee are called by the Gospell Whilest many others stand a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iud. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 proscripti Plutarch in Syll. p. 825. 863. proscribed by the law whereby they were of old fore written to condemnation For the law remaineth an b Col. 2.14 hand-writing against them vncancelled c 2. Thess 2.10 who receiue not the loue of the truth that they might be saued d Hab. 2.4 Now
the other Evangelicall At first it was only a promise by word of mouth The Word f Gen. 3.15 The seed of the Woman shall breake the Serpents head Which GOD afterwards drew in forme of Covenant with Abraham saying g c. 12.3 In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed h Rom. 4.11 And he receiued the signe of circumcision a seale of the righteousnesse of faith It pleased the Son of GOD in personall appearances to converse with men more familiarly to acquaint them with his Fathers will and purpose by liuely voyce whilest yet they walked with him in their vprightnes simplicity i Habet vocalis traditio nescio quid latentis onergiae Hier. Such kind of instruction by the Word himself in person did best befit the infancy of the Church that wee might betrayned vp by degrees to spell his grace when it should afterward be committed vnto vs in writing And it was needfull for the first beleeuers to haue a more immediate conference with God that they might beginne to vs in the faith with a full assurance Who also being long liued faithfull might more safely transfer the will of GOD committed to their trust by tradition to their posterity for many generations k Gen. 18.17.18 19. Shall I hide from Abraham sayth the Lord that thing which I will doe seeing that Abraham shall become a great mighty nation all the Nations of the earth shall be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keepe the way of the Lord. But when once the Church was growne by the blessing of GOD The Scripture as he had promised into a nation then confirming the covenant with them which he had made with their Father Abraham GOD gaue them the copy of his Will in writing l Exod. 31.18 the ten commandements written with his owne finger the whole Lavv written by Moses with the history of the Creation of his prouidence from the beginning of the world And after Moses was gone m c. 33.11 vvith vvhom God spake face to face he continually stirred vp other Prophets whom he instructed n Numb 12.6 by dreams visions secret inspirations rising vp early sending them day by day vnto his people Israel whom they acquainted in the name of the Lord with his will frō time to time according to the Lavv the testimony Whose prophesies or sermons were recorded by themselues other o Quihaec scripserit valdè supervacue quaeritur Ipse haec scripsit qui haec scribenda dictavit Quid aliud agimus nisi legentes literas magni eujusdam viri de calamo perscrutamur Graeg praef in Iob. c. 1. Haec prius per prophetas deinde per seipsum posteà per Apostolos quantum satis esse judicavit locutus etiam scripturam condidit quae canonica nominatur eminentissimae authoritatis Cui fidem habemus de his rebus quae ignorare non expedit nec per nosmetipsos scire idonei sumus August de civ Dei lib. 11. cap. 3. publike notaries to the same spirit of truth were receiued by the people of God p Hos 8.12 to vvhō he had vvritten the great things of his lavv whereby they might try examine the same q Rom. 3.2 to vvhō his Oracles vvere committed in trust their chiefest prerogatiue advantage aboue all nations vntill himself came and confirmed all saying r Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for they testifie of mee ſ 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God the prophesie came not in old time by the vvill of man but the holy men of GOD spake as they vvere moued by the Holy Ghost t Heb. 1.2 But in these last dayes God hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne in the flesh For u c. 2.3 the great saluation began to be spoken by the Lord himselfe as it is reported in * Act. 1.1 the Gospell a treatise of all that Iesus began both to doe and teach and x Heb. 2.3.4 it was confirmed to vs by those that heard him God also bearing them witnes both with signes wonders diuers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his ovvn vvill y 2. Pet. 1.15 Apostolos idem Evangelium quod praeoncionaverant postea per Dei voluntatem in Scripturis no bis tradidisse fundamentum columnam fidei nostrae suturum dicit Irenaeus l. 3. c. 1. Who also provided that after their decease the Church might alwayes haue a memoriall of those things which they had preached And therefore after their acts it was not greiuous vnto them to write the same things which they had taught for vs it vvas a safe thing that by their severall epistles some of them to the Church in general which were accordingly dispersed in many places others to certaine particular Churches which they also z Coloss 4.16 were to communicate vnto others as it were so many copies in so many mens hands to be a Ipsi sanè pauci esse debuerunt ne multitudine vilesceret quod clarum religione esse oporteret nec tamen ita paucivt corum non sit micanda consensio Aug. de Civ D. produced all consenting in the same truth we might be asfured of God his will confirmed in the present truth And last of all S. Iohn who was as wee may say of Christ his bosome besides his Gospell and Epistles continued on by revelation vntill his comming againe foretelling all things cōcerning the Church of God in the mean time which experience makes good dayly in our eyes Now wee may bee sure that the Scripture is the Word of God That the Scripture is the Word of God Not only because it saith so but proues it by a threefold argument not to be eluded The intent of it The consent in it The event by it b Non ex sapiencia sapiena Deus sedex sapiente Deo sapientia procedit Orig. ad Rom. in calce Theologie is not the inventiö of humane study but as the name imports it is the Word of God which he spake and which speakes of him For God is both the author and the matter thereof all in Christ c Col. 2.3 in vvhom are hid all the treasures of vvisdome knovvledge Which mystery provided in the counsell of God from everlasting it was needfull for vs to know from the beginning that we might haue the benefit thereby and God the glory by vs. d Edocuit autem Dominus quoniam Deum scire neme possit nisi Deo docente hoe est sine Deo non cognosci Deum Irenaeus l 4 c. 14 And that could not be but by God his owne vvord who onely was priuie to his owne purpose Therefore the eternal vvord and vvisdome of the Father e Prov. 8 31. Who
Phil. 2.16 For the sonnes of God shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life Especially the faithfull ministers of the word whom Christ therefore calleth e Mat 5.14 the light of the world And if their f Reu. 2.5 candlesticke be set vp in a setled and flourishing Church great and glorious is the light thereof especially in the holy assemblies and most principally in generall counsels A faire way-marke and a forcible inducement to way-fairing men to bend their course that way But yet all this cannot make one true beleeuer g Quis enim imponat mihi necessitatem vel colendi quod nolim vel quod velim non colendi Lact. lib. 5. de vera sap cap. 14. Religionis non est cogere religionē quae sponte suscipi debet non vi Tertul. ad Scapulam No authority of the Church can command faith in a man vnlesse h Hos 2.14 Cathedram habet in coelo qui corda docet Aug. God speake to his heart muchlesse doth it giue truth to the word They both are the proper worke of the same i Sicut Christus legis prophetarum impletio est ita spiritus Evangelij Chrisost 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil in ps 95. spirit of truth expressed in the Scripture impressed on the heart of euery true beleeuer k 1. Iohn 5.6 It is the spirit that beareth witnesse because the spirit is trueth l 1. Cor. 14.37.38 Wherefore if any one thinketh himselfe to be spirituall let him acknowledge the things that are written even the scripture to be the word of God But if any will be ignorant let him be ignorant still m 1. Corinth The comming together of the whole Church in some place suppose it be in counsell or for diuine service occasioneth one that beleeueth not or that is vnlearned to come in but it is the word there preached that entereth into him and convinceth him and iudgeth him that openeth the secrets of his heart and then falling downe on his face he worshippeth reporteh that God is in them of a truth n Euangelio non crederem nisi me Catholicae Ecclesiae commoueret authoritas August The Church being more sensible may happily first moue a man but o Ego solis canonicis Scripturis sine vlla recusatione debeo consensum Idem August contr Pelag. de natura grat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ego in sola Scriptura acquiesco Theodoret Dial. 1. c. 6. the Scripture being most certaine doth at last resolue every beleeuer They who liue in some low bottome may take notice that the Sunne is risen by the shining thereof vpon some high and eminent Church but who so getteth vp thither sees the Sunne it selfe risen and perceiues with his owne eyes that hee is in the hemisphere of light and sayth as the men to the woman of Samaria p Iohn 4.42 Now I beleeue not because of thy saying I haue heard it my selfe and know it indeed that it is the word of life q 1. Ioh. 5.9 If we receiu the testimony of men the testimony of God is greater r v. 10. He that beleeueth hath the Testimony in himselfe he that leeueth not hath the testimony against himselfe because ſ Iohn 12.48 the word that hath beene spoken that shall iudge him at the last day In the meane time Christ the Testator hath appointed some with power and authority in his Church to publish and require his word The Administrators and overseers as administrators and ouerseers to his Will and Testament The ministers of the Gospell are to administer the the same with the Sacraments as the t 2 Cor. 5.20 Ambassadours of Christ and u 1 Cor. 4.1 stewards of the mysteries of God hauing charge * 1 Tim. 4.16 Act. 20.28 to looke to themselues and their doctrine and to all the flock ouer which the holy Ghost maketh them ouerseers For the commission once giuen by Christ to the Apostles was not to cease with them but to continue euen x Mat. 28.19.20 so long as the precept bindeth and as his promise supporteth which is vnto the worlds end Wherefore they ordeined others by laying on of hands to succede them in that office and ministery with power also to doe the like so to deriue the same by a perpetuall succession to all posterity y Per ministros dispares Dei munus aequale est quia non illorum sed ejus est August contra Crescon lib. 3. c. 6. loquitur de Bapt. Now though the ministers of the Gospell be all of the same order with equall power to administer yet are they not all of the same degree as ouer-seers But some are in higher place z 2 Tim. 5.22 Tit. 1.5 to ordeine Elders a 1 Tim. 1.3 to charge the Pastours to teach no various doctrine b ch 5.19.20 to heare and to censure them c Tit. 1.11 to stop their mouthes and to silence them d ch 3.30 And after the first and second admonition vtterly to reiect a man that is an hereticke Who hauing this speciall power of Iurisdiction reserued to them for e 1 Cor. 14.40 decency and order sake are therefore called Bishops by an excellency that is f Speculatores Inspectores Vid. Duaren de sacr Eccl. minist ac benef lib. 1. cap. 7. ouerseers Besides these whose speciall office is in the Gospell God hath also ordayned the civill Magistrate from the beginning g 1 Pet. 2.13.14 whether the King as supreame or the governours that are sent by him h Custos vtriusque tabulae Vid. Duarenum de sacr Eccl. Minist ac benef l. 1. c. 5. 6. to administer his Law and to ouersee the due performance and execution thereof with power of life and death according to the Lavv of Nature euer in force i 1 Pet. 2.14 for the punishment of euill doers for the praise of them that doe well Whereunto all Nations euen by the light of Nature haue submitted k V. 13. but wee must submit our selues to euery ordinance of man for the Lords sake l Rom. 13.4 The Magistrate is the m Hoc jubent Imperatores quod jubet Christus quia cùm bonum jubent per illos non jubet nisi Christus Aug. ep 166. Minister of God to thee for thy good if thou doe that which is good but if thou doe that which is euill bee afraide for hee beareth not the sword in vaine These two ministrations the one ciuill the other Ecclesiasticall doe by mutual offices as the Law and the Gospell jointly and mutually support one another for the building vp of the body of Christ his Church and kingdome The * Vos Episcopi estis corum quae in Ecclesia sunt agenda ego verò episcopus extra Ecclesiam a Deosum constitutus Constantinus Imperator vt refert Eusebius in ejus
that beare witnesse in earth The spirit and the water and blood and these three agree in one For Christ m Eph. 5.26 sanctifieth clenseth his Church with the washing of water by the word that is by his blood thorough the spirit whereof the water and the word are the most significant signes and instrumentall meanes n 1. Iohn 5.6 This is he that came by water and blood euen Iesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood and o Es 53.12 poured out his soule which is in the blood for vs. And now he a V. 10. seeth his seed b Psal 22.30 a seed that serveth him accounted to him for a generation c Ioh. 6.63 It is the spirit that quickneth them euen the renewing of the holy Ghost by the washing of regeneration And d 1 Ioh. 5.6 it is the spirit that beareth witnesse vnto them because the spirit is trueth For e Eph. 1.13.14 Vnde tanta virtus aquę vt corpus tangat cor abluat nisi faciente verbo Non quiadicitur sed quia creditur Aug. tract 80. in Iohan. after that wee beleeue we are sealed with that holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance the pledge of our adoption The minister indeed baptiseth in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost by vertue of God his word and of the commission giuen by Christ Iesus But it is God himselfe that giues the blessing As by Aaron and his sonnes he ordained the blessing of the children of Israel saying f Num. 6.27 They shall put my name vpon them and I will blesse them In a Church once planted Poedobaptisme baptisme is administred vnto all that come or are brought therevnto even to new borne infants by Christ his ordinance and may not be neglected or needlesly deferred First because we haue g Omnis anima eousque in Adam censetur donec in Christo recenseatur Tert. lib. de anima c. 40. need to bee regenerated so soone as wee are borne being still borne in sinne which h Crescit cum aetatibus culpa Ambr. lib. de Noe Arca c. 22. groweth every day stronger and stronger vpon vs. Secondly children haue right of admission into the couenant and Church of Christ Iesus so soone as they are borne i Act. 2.39 For the promise is made to vs and to our children I will be thy God and the God of thy seed and not to ours only but to all afar off For now all nations are called and by baptisme to be admitted k Math. 28.19 Goe teach all nations baptising them So that in what nation soeuer the Gospell is preached generally receaued all therein may be baptised being presented therevnto by the Church Wherein some especially who a Accommodat illis mater Ecclesia aliorum pedes vt veniant aliorum cor vt credant aliorum linguam vt confiteantur Aug. ser 10. de verb. Apostoli present them vndertake for them as it were new parents in the Lord. For he is a father that doth a fathers part as in the Gospell b Luc. 10.29 c. he is a neighbour that doth the part of a neighbour Thirdly baptisme is presently due because Christ hath set no time for it whereas the eight day was appointed for circumcision but hath indefinitely commanded saying c Mark 10.14 suffer little children to come vnto me for to such belongeth the kingdome of heauen And so it seemes the Apostles did for they baptised whole d 1. Cor. 1.16 housholds amongst whom it is more then likely there were some children Lastly as children haue need and are capable of baptisme so is it profitable vnto them principally as a meanes of regeneration ordained by Christ through the grace of God and withall because their godly parents they who sustaine that place are bound thereby and made more carefull to teach them and themselues are occasioned to enquire and learne what d As the Israclites of the Passover Exod 12.26 that solemne service meanes and to performe the same As for the vow in baptisme g Sicut ergà secundum quendam modum sacramentum corporis Christi corpus Christi est sacramētum sanguinis Christi sanguis Christi est ita et sacramentum fidei fides est Aug. ep 23. ad Bonifac. it e Sequitur in corde conversio cuius mysterium pracessit in corpore Aug. l. 4. de bapt c. 24. respecteth the time to come whereof we are capable from the first as f 1. Sam. 1.11 Samuel was vowed by his mother before he was borne and wherein we must bee answerable to the last For the faith required wee are baptised into it For God preventeth vs with his grace and thereby inableth vs to be his schollers h Tit. 2.11.12 The grace of God that bringeth salvation teacheth vs i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 28.19 Goe teach saith Christ or make Disciples baptising them and bee k Act. 2 38. baptised say they every one of you and you shall receaue the gift of the holy Ghost And so likewise for repentance it is indeed conditioned in baptisme a Ibid. Repent and bee baptised Whereof such as be of age must giue present b Vid. Mat. 3.6 testimony with c Act. 8.37 confession of their faith But for little children they are baptised innocents in Christ as they are borne peccants in Adam and for actuall transgressions which repentance doth properly respect they are called innocents I am sure their cause is much better in that respect then in elder age when by repentance we must vndoe as much as is done of our liues Wherefore Christ saith d Mat. 18 3. Quantò magis à baptismo probiberi non debet infans qui recens natus nihil peccauit nisi quod secundum Adam carnaliter natus contagium mortis antiquae prima natiuitate c●ntraxit Qui ad remission em peccatorum ac●ipiendam hoc ipso facilius accedit quod illiremittuntur non propria sed aliena peccata Cypt. in ep ad epis Fidum de infant bapt Except yee become as little children yee cannot enter into the kingdome of heaven Baptisme being the Sacrament of inititation is but once into the couenant and state of grace Anabaptisme which is but one for all men being once administred as Christ hath instituted Not e 1. Cor 1. one of Paul an other of Apollo another of Cephas an other of Christ as if Christ were divided or we baptised into any mans name sect or faction We beleeue one baptisme for the remission of sinnes f Eph. 4.5 One Lord one faith one baptisme And that but once g Sicut generatio carnalis vna est nec repeti vterus potest ita regeneratio spiritualis Semel enim nascimur semel quoque renascimur Aug. tract in Iohan 11. cap. 12. Once