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A01956 The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her considered in some contemplations vpon part of the 12. chapter of the Hebrewes : together with certain other meditations and discourses vpon other portions of Holy Scriptures, the titles wherof immediately precede the booke : being the summe of diuerse sermons preached in S. Gregories London / by Thomas Adams ... Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. 1619 (1619) STC 121; ESTC S100417 558,918 846

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mouth of Christ. Let mee conclude with that sigh from his soule Could ye not watch with me one houre It will not bee long ere the glasse be runne the houre out Iudas is at hand iudgement is not farre off then may you sleepe and take your rest This day is neerer you now then when you first entred the Church Twice haue the blasted eares eat vp the full corne twice haue the leane kine deuoured the fatte Pharaohs dreame is doubled for the certainty and expedition Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry If wee shall haue comfort in this day when it is come wee must long for it before it doe come What comfort shall the Vsurer haue hee desires not this day for then the Angell sweares there shall bee no more time and his profession is to sell time He sels it deare very costly to anothers purse but most costly to his owne soule Such as bribe for Offices farme Monopolies contract an vsurious rent for life doe they desire it Woe vnto you that desire the day of the Lord to what end is it for you the day of the Lord is darkenesse and not light The soule groaning vnder sinne desires it Who shall deliuer me from the body of this death The suffering soule may desire it Come Lord Iesus The faithfull Spouse wedded to Christ desires this comming of her Husband she is now espoused that is the plenary consummation of the marriage Let vs be glad and reioyce and giue honour to him for the marriage of the Lambe is come and the Bride hath made her selfe ready Blessed are they that bee called to this marriage supper To the vngodly it will be a fearefull day Ignis vbique ferox ruptis regnabit habenis there shall follow an vniuersall dissolution Downewards goe Satan his angels and reprobates howling and shriking gnashing of teeth the effect of a most impatient fury to be bound hand and foote with euerlasting chaines of darkenesse Where fire shall torture yet giue no light wormes gnaw the heart yet neuer gnaw in sunder the strings eternall paines punire non finire corpora Small sorrowes grow great with continuance but O misery of miseries to haue torments vniuersall and withall eternall not to be endured yet not to be ended Vpwards goes Christ the blessed Angels and Saints singing with melodie as neuer mortall eare heard The onely song which that Quire sung audible to man was that which the Shepheards heard Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will towards men Yet Christ was then comming to suffer what may we thinke are those Halleluiahs euerlastingly chanted in the Courts of Heauen we know not yet we may know one speciall note which an vniuersall Quire of all nations kinred and tongues Angels Elders All shall sing Blessing and glory and wisedome and thankesgiuing and honour and power and might bee vnto our God for euer and euer Amen To the spirits of iust men made perfect The Citizens of he●…uen are of two sorts by Creation or Adoption Created and naturall Citizens are the Angels Adopted are Men. Of these be two kindes some Assumed and others Assigned The Assigned such as are decreed in their times to be Citizens said before to bee written in heauen The Assumed such as are already possessed of it here Spirits of iust men made perfect But how then is the Apostles meaning cleared How are the militant on earth said to be come vnto these iust spirits in heauen Yes wee haue a Communion with them participating in Spe what they possesse in Re. Now we are no more strangers and forreiners but fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of GOD. Onely our apprentiship of the flesh is not yet out but they haue their freedome But as wee haue all an vnion with Christ so a Communion vvith Christians the combatant on earth with the triumphant in heauen Spirits this word hath diuerse acceptions It is taken 1. Pro animo for the Mind Luke 10. 21. Iesus reioyced in spirit 1. Chron. 5. 26. God stirred vp the spirit of the King of Assyria 2. Pro sede rationis et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Cor. 2. 11. What man knowes the things of man saue the spirit of man which is within him 3. Pro Affectuvel Afflatu for the motion of the mind whether good or bad Luke 9. 55. Ye know not what maner spirit ye are of So there is called the spirit of lust the spirit of pride c. 4. Pro donis spiritus sancti for the gifts of Gods Spirit Act. 8. 15. Peter and Iohn prayed for the disciples at Samaria that they might receiue the holy Spirit meaning the graces of the holy Spirit Gala. 3. 2. Receiued yee the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith 5. Pro efficacia Euangelij for the effectuall working of the Gospel and so it is opposed to the letter 2. Cor. 3. 6. The letter killeth but the Spirit giueth life 6. Pro spiritualibus exercitijs for spirituall exercises Gala. 6. 8. He that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape euerlasting life Iohn 4. 23. True worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit truth 7. Pro regenerata parte for the regenerate part of a Christian and so it is opposed to the flesh Gala. 5. 17. The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh 8. Lastly Pro anima immortal●… for the immortall soule Eccl. 12. 7. Dust shall returne to the earth as it was and the spirit shall returne to God who gaue it This spirit did Steuen commend into the hands of Christ. Act. 7. 59. And Christ into the hands of his Father Math. 27. 50. yielding vp the spirit Thus it is taken here Spirits he doth not say bodies they lie in the dust vnder the hope of a better resurrection Spirits Wee find here what becomes of good mens soules when they forsake their bodies they are in the heauenly Citie There are many idle opinions what becomes of mans soule in death Some haue thought that the soules then though they die not yet are still kept within the body as it were asleepe vntill the last day But the Scripture speakes expresly the contrary for Diues his soule was in hell and Lazarus his soule in Abrahams bosome I saw vnder the Altar the soules of them that were slaine for the Word of God Some haue imagined a transmigration of soules forsakē of their owne bodies into other bodies Herod seemes to be of this opinion when newes was brought him concerning the fame of Iesus he said to his seruants This is Iohn the Baptist he is risen from the dead He thought that the soule of Iohn was put into the body of Iesus It is alleaged that Nebuchadnezzar liuing and feeding with beasts vntill seuen times were passed ouer him had lost his owne soule and the soule
that hee hath in all things But to shew that the Almighty God being tied to no meanes doth yet worke by meanes to vphold the weakenesse of our natures A Prince sees his little children besieged and sends his stronger sonnes able souldiers to relieue them Their helpe to vs is certaine though not visible we cannot describe it nor prescribe it but vvee feele it in the successe they preserue vs. Against the Syrian band the mountaine was full of horses and charets of fire to defend Elisha Neither is this all but to manifest his abundant goodnesse to mankind What is man O Lord or the sonne of man that thou so gardest and regardest him They are dust and vanity and rottennesse yet the Lord sends his glorious Angels his Pages of honour and Princes of his Court for their messengers and ministers As if a King should not onely giue his subiect a charter and Patent of safe conduct but also sends his own gard to attend him So the Lord honors vs with his own gard royall through Iesus Christ. 3. To enemies not for their safety but for the execution of Gods iudgements on them The huge Armie of Senacherib was ouerthrowne by an Angel Indeed they will not the destruction of any man further then the Iustice of God ordaines it But sometimes they are sent out for the protection of the very wicked so Daniel speakes of the Grecians Angel and of the Persians Angel The Romists allot a particular tutelar Angel to euery Colledge and Corporation yea to the generation of flies fleas and ants yea to euery Infidell kingdome such an Angel yea to Antichrist lastly euen to hell it selfe Sure then they vvill not pinch themselues they appoynt to the Pope two principall Seraphims Michael and Gabriel euer attending his Person For that Michael is the chiefest Victorellus produceth two very equall witnesses the Roman Liturgie and Tasso's Ierusalem as a worthy Diuine obserued To the Conclaue they assigne one speciall assistant Angel But mee thinks as they Ideate their Hierarchy this Angel should desire the roome and become a suter to the holy Ghost to name him Pope in the next Conclaue For by this meanes hee doth wonderfully enlarge his Diocesse hauing all the lower world vnder him all particular Angels of speciall Societies subiect to him yea all the Archangels and Principalities officed to seueral Estates must concurre to his gard and assistance The truth is God sometimes allowes the help of Angels to the very reprobates but to this scope purpose Populs sui promouere salutem to further the welfare of his owne people For all the atchieuements and victories which come to the heathen by helpe of Angels are intended not for their good but the good of the Saints It is for the Sonne of Gods sake they minister to vs and to none do they performe these comfortable seruices but to the Elect in Iesus Christ. Thus you see what these Angels are now let vs consider how many An innumerable company The originall is Myriades Myrias is tenne thousand innumerable a finite number is put for an indefinite Thousand thousands ministred vnto him and tenne thousand times ten thousand stoode before him I heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throue and the number of them vvas tenne thousand times tenne thousand and thousands of thousands Gregory thinks there are so many Angels as there are Elect. Super●…a illa ciuitas ex Angelis et hominibus constat ad quam tantum credimus humanum genus ascendere quantos illi●… contigit electos Angelos remansisse Vt scriptum est statuit terminos Gentium iuxta numerum Angelorum Dei So many Angels saith hee as fell from heauen so many soules shall goe vp to heauen It is a question much disputed whether besides the protection of Angels in common euery particular man haue one particular Angel for his Guardian I find many of the Fathers allotting euery one a particular Angel Isidor Singulae Gentes praepositos Angelos habere creduntur imo omnes homines Angelos suos Origen Basil Hierome Chrysostome Theophylact Gregory Nyssen Primasius Iustin Martyr Augustin most of the Schoolemen and some Protestant Diuines all conclude that euery man from his birth or especially from his Baptisme hath a particular Angel I will not dispute it yet I must doubt it because I see no cleare ground in the Scriptures to proue it The two chiefe places cited are these Math. 18. 10. Despise not these little ones for their Angels behold the face of my Father in heauen This place Caietan and others expound not that euery little one hath a peculiar guardant Angel but Omnes omnibus that all the Angels take care of all Gods little ones As the Scriptures construe it selfe All the Angels reioyce at the conuersion of one sinner The other place is Acts 12. 15. Peter being vnexpectedly deliuered out of prison came to Maries house where the Saints were gathered together Rhoda hearing his voice ranne in and told them how Peter stood at the gate They said to her Thou art mad but when shee constantly affirmed it they said It is his Angel I answere that the Disciples amazed at the strange report spake they knew not vvhat On the like reason because Peter transported in beholding Christ transfigured said Let vs build here three Tabernacles some might inferre that Saints departed dwell in Tabernacles Because the two sonnes of Zebede desired to sit one at Christs right hand the other on his left in his kingdome they might haue concluded that Christ was to be a temporall King Or because the Disciples seeing Iesus walking on the Sea in their troubled minds said It was a spirit others might proue that spirits walke Omne dictum sancti non est dictum sanctum All are not Christian truths that true Christians haue spoken Dicunt errores non Christiani sed homines they erre not as they are Christians but as they are men But it is obiected that they spake after the common opinion of men in that age Wee reply that in that age it was a common opinion that dead men walked so it appeares by Herod hearing the fame of Iesus This is Iohn the Baptist he is risen from the dead Uox populi is not euer vox Dei common errors are no rules of truth And if the place were so manifest as they could wish it why might it not rather be vnderstood thus It is his Angel that is some Angel that God hath sent for his deliuerance Sometimes many men haue but one Angel other times one man hath many Angels Exod. 14. 10. There was but one Angel for many people 2. King 6. 17. There were many Angels for one man Let vs now make some vses concerning this discourse of Angels These may be two-fold some for imitation others for application First for imitation there are three things specially to be obserued in Angels Purenesse of substance Readines of obedience
not see corruption How much lesse when he is dead recouer him to life againe Here was the finger of God Now to proceede in order with the myracles 1. Myracle The Vaile of the Temple c. This Vaile was the partition betwixt the Sanctum Sanctorum the Sanctum as it might be the vpper part of the Quire Into this went the high Priest alone once euerie yeare not without bloud which he offred for himselfe and for the errours of the people By the renting this Vaile were many things presignified 1. This serues for a confirmation of that Christ spoke on the Crosse It is finished The renting of the Vaile doth actually eccho to his wordes and indeede fulfils them Here is an end put to all the Sacrifices and Ceremonies of the law In the new Testament one onely reall and royall Sacrifice Christ crucified This was that obiect whereto all those legall rites looked to them all there is now giuen a Consu●…tum est So that now Coremonia mortua Lex mortifera Ceremonies are dead and the typicall law deadly Nouum Testamentum latet in veteri Vetus patet in nouo The Gospell lay hidden vnder the law the law is compleat in the Gospell Now after that you haue knowne God in his Gospell how turne you againe to the weake and beggarly Elements whereunto you desire againe to be in bondage Gods seruice is now simple and plaine in spirit and truth Christ is sayd to be the end of the law the morrall law he kept himselfe syncerely and satisfied for vs soundly The Ceremoniall was referred to him performed of him fulfilled in him extinguished by him They had all Vig●… a Christo relationem ad Christum consummationem in Christo. Hee gaue them their beginning hee hath also giuen them their end The Vaile rent to witnesse the cancelling of that rituall obligation Christ hath blotted out the hand-writing of ordinances that was against vs nailing it to his Crosse. That moment was their last gaspe they expired with Christ. But d●…d all Ceremonies then vtterly die No some were typicall prefiguring Christ those are dead Some are for decencie and order adminicula deuotionis these are not dead The law of Iewish ceremonies is abolished but some must be retained Christ came not to dissolue order Men consist of bodies as well as soules and God must bee serued with both now bodies cannot serue God without externall rites the Spouse of Christ cannot bee without her borders and laces On necessitie there must be some outward obseruances but thus qualified That they be for number few for signification plaine for obseruation simple farre from ostentation farther from superstition Christ his Spouse must not flaunt it like an harlot but be soberly attired like a graue matron Ceremoniae quasi care moniae wants a carendo as it were ordained to supply the defects of our nature Because we could not serue God in that simplicitie we ought therefore wee haue these helpes Hence it is that the nearer to perfection the fewer ceremonies as it were the more light the lesse shadow In the law were abundant ceremonies in the Gospell far fewer in heauen none at all This condemnes the Church of Rome for a glorious Harlot because shee loads her selfe with such a heape of gawdy ceremonies and their masse for meere Idolatry which they beleeue to bee a reall propitiatory Sacrifice of Christ made by the Priestes for the sinnes of quicke and dead This is to build vp the vaile here rent in pieces and to accuse Christ of falshood in his Consummatum est Is an end put to them and shall they still retaine them yea obtrude them as principall partes of Gods seruice yea worship them yea bind mens consciences to them on paine of damnation Therefore they are liable to Augustines censure who cals such Impios sepulturae viol●…tores Diggers into the graues of the dead for putrified and rotten reliques Yea to the Iudgement of God who sayth If ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though liuing in the world are ye subiect to Ordinances after the commaundements and doctrines of men They will say Dicit Papa sanxit Concilium thus sayth the Pope thus decrees the Councell but wee Dixit Dominus non Donatus wee heare what the Lord sayes in his Scripture concerning the law of ceremonies 2. The second thing signified by the renting the vaile is this The holy of holyes figured the third heauen where GOD sheweth himselfe in glory and maiestie to his Saints Salomons Temple hadde in it three Courts an vtter court whereinto the people were admitted an inner Court wherein onely the Priests and Leuites entred an inmost of all whereinto the high Priest alone and that but once a yeare and this was called Sanctum Sanctorum So there is a threefolde Heauen Coelum elementarium Stellatum Gloriosum First the Elementarie heauen wherein are cloudes windes raine dew and the birds are called the birds of heauen that is of this elementarie heauen The second is the Starrey heauen So the Sunne is sayd to goe from the end of the heauen and his circuite vnto the ends of it The last is the Glorious heauen the habitation of God himselfe and this was signified by the Holy of holyes The vaile signified the flesh of Christ the renting of the vaile the crucifying of Christ by this is made an entrance into that Sanctum Sanctorum the heauen of glory So expressely Heb. 10. Hauing therefore boldnesse to enter into the Holyest by the bloud of Iesus By a new and liuing way which he hath consecrated for vs through the vaile that is to say His Flesh. Heauen gate was shut vp by our sinnes none but our highest and holyest Priest had passage there but hee rent the vaile suffred his bodie to be torne by death that he might giue vs an entrance Paul speaking of the legall vse of that Holyest place in the Temple sayth thus Heb. 9. The holy Ghost this signifying that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing But now by Christ his renting the vaile Patet alti ianua Coeli the way of saluation is opened Let this reach forth to vs two comforts 1. There is no feare to be shut out of heauen if thou haue faith in Christ for to thee is the vaile rent the separation is abolished Christ is crucified For So sayth Saint Peter an entrance shall be ministred vnto you aboundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Indeede to vnbeleeuers and hypocrites to worldly wolues and luxurious goates the vaile is vp still How should they enter the Sanctum sanctorum that neuer approched the Sanctum How shall they see the glory of God who would neuer entertaine the grace of God No to these there are inaccessible barres and Cherubims with flaming swords to forbidde their entrance But to
immundus The world is mad that his dominion and damnation should be spoken against 2. Secretly he hinders the free preaching of the Gospell by corrupting their hearts that are deputed to that office And this he effecteth by infusion of these foure hellish ingredients Heresie against truth Schisme against peace Popularitie against simplicitie and couetice against Charitie 1. He poysons some hearts with hereticall poynts of doctrine which being lightly most pleasing to the flesh are drunke with thirstie attention Heresie is thus defined humanosensu electa Scripturae sacrae contraria palam docta pertinaciter defensa begot of mans braine contrary to the holy Scriptures openly taught and peremptorily defended By this so farre as the flesh in man preuailes against the Spirit Sathan preuailes against the truth So that if they must needs haue any of the pure gold of Gods word it shall be so sophisticated adulterate and mingled with the drosse of humane Traditions that they shall not be able to perceiue or receiue it 2. Those whom he cannot corrupt against truth he incenseth against peace Diuision shall accomplish that mischiefe which errour failed in Whom he cannot transport to Rome he ferries ouer to Amsterdam He will either keepe men on this side the truth or send them beyond it Errour on the right hand shall cast away soules if errour on the left cannot Some runne so farre from Babylon that they will not keepe neere Ierusalem as men that runne so eagerly from a Lyon that they refuge themselues in the hole of a Serpent The Schismaticke meets with the Romanist in superstition another way Thus Quibus nequit tollere veritatem negat permittere vnitatem It he cannot depriue vs of truth he will not permit vs peace 3. By perswading men to be temporisers and to catch at the fauours of great men Thus when a Preacher must measure his Sermon by his Lords humour the truth of the Lord of Hoasts is smoothered Against oppression he dares not speake because it is his Lords fault not against pride because it is his Ladies not against ryot because it is his young Masters nor against drunkennesse because they fauour it whom his Great-one fauours He must not meddle with those vlcers which he sees to sticke on his Patrons conscience That were the way to loose both present benefite and future benefice he dares not doe it Whiles he is their seruile chaplaine he must learne Turkie-worke to make thrum'd cushions of flatterie for their elbowes It seemes it was not Gods businesse that such a one made himselfe Minister for but his owne or worse He hath three Masters he serues his Lord hee serues himselfe hee serues the Deuill which of these will pay him the best wages Thus if Sathan can neither take away the truth nor peace yet he labours against simplicitie that for feare of men and hope of mens they forbeare to speake against wickednes What his kingdome looseth one way it recouers another 4. By infecting their hearts with couetousnesse and extending their desires to an insatiable wealth With this pill he poison'd Demas and Iudas before him and thousands after him The Chaire of Rome is filled with this pestilence England hath found it though many Princes will not find it When the reuenues of the Crowne amounted not to halfe the Popes yearly taxes But we are well eased of that vnsupportable burden Edward the 3. begun it for he first made the Premunire against the Pope and our succeeding Christian Princes haue quite throwne him out of the saddle God did not make his law so long but man might easily remember it comprising it all in ten Commandements But the Pope hath curtalled it made it far shorter abridging the ten commandements into two words Da pecuniam Giue money And for this the whole law shall be dispensed with Experience hath still proued that money was the Apostolicall arguments of Rome An Emperour paid for his absolution 120000. ounces of gold a deare reckoning for those wares that cost the Pope nothing In the raigne of Hen. 3. The Pope required the tenths of all the moueables in England Ireland Wales and because he feared that such moneys could not be speedily enough collected he sent ouer many vsurers into the land which were then called Caursini who would lend money to those of the Clergy that wanted but on so vnreasonable extortion that the debters were still beggar'd So that what by his violent exaction subtle circumuention by his owne vsurers for all they had was the Popes money he desired onely the tenth part but he got away also the other 9. And indeed the Pope had reason to maintain vsury for vsury maintained the Pope Neither is this infection bounded vp with that Bishop but dissipated among all his Clergie Not so much as the very Mendicant Fryers that professe wilfull pouertie but haue a wilfull desire to be rich They haue more holines in their hands then in their hearts their hands touch no money their hearts couet it But the great Belphegor somtimes giues them a purge Wherupon said W. Swinderby If the Pope may take from the Fryers to make them keepe Saint Frances rule why may not the Emperour take from the Pope to make him keepe Christs rule But whosoeuer gets the poore Laitie looseth all There was a booke called Poenitentiarius Asini The Asses Confessor wherein is mentioned this Fable The wolfe the foxe and the asse come to shrift together to doe penance The wolfe confesseth himselfe to the foxe who easily absolueth him The foxe doth the like to the wolfe and receiueth the like fauour After this the asse comes to confession and his fault was that being hungry he had taken out one straw from the sheafe of a Pilgrim to Rome whereof he was heartily repentant But this would not serue the law was executed seuerely vpon him he was slaine and deuoured By the wolfe is meant the Pope by the foxe his Cardinals Iesuites Priestes these quickly absolue one another how haynous euer their offences were But when the poore Asse that 's the Laitie comes to shrift though his offence be not the waight and worth of a straw yet on his backe must the law be seuerely executed and the holy Father the wolfe makes a great matter of it Immensum scelus est iniuria quam peregrin●… Fecesti stramen surripiendo sibi O the insatiable gulfe of that Sea God grant that none of that infection euer come ouer amongst the ministers of the Gospell There is nothing more absurd then that those which teach others to seeke the kingdome of heauen and to despise the world should be found to embrace the world with the neglect of heauen These are the generall fires this malicious Incendiary kindles There are also too particular and speciall which he enflameth in priuate mens hearts whereby he prepossesseth them with a preiudiciall dises●…mation of the Gospell for causes either direct or oblique Directly for it selfe or obliquely and by
the musician of crotchers the Seminary of equivocations The glutted Epicure dreames of dainty dishes and fat morsells The thirsty drunkard dreames of his licour and behold he drinketh but awake his thirst is not satisfied The vsurer dreames of his trunckes that he is telling his gold and starts as if euery rat were a thiefe breaking in vpon him The timorous dreame that they are flying before ouertaking danger The Lustfull imagines his desired embracings The angry that he is fighting killing spoyling The secure that they are wilstling singing dancing The ielous man dreames of his wiues errors when she lyes chastly by his side The ambitious that he is kissing the kings hand and mounted into the saddle of honour The ouercharged mind dreames of his employment For a dreame commeth through the multitude of businesse 2. Preternaturall and these are either Ad Errorem Terrorem Whereof the first is wrought by Satan Permittente Deo God suffering it The second by God mediante Diabolo Satan being a mediate instrument 1. There are Dreames for Error wrought by the meere illusion of Satan whom God once suffered to be a lying Spirit in the mouth of 400. Prophets Hee working vpon mans affections inclinations and humours causeth in them such dreames as seduce them to wickednes and induce them to wrechednes They write of one Amphiaraus an Argiue Soothsayer that by a dreame hee was brought to the Theban voyage wher 's Hiatu terrae absorbetur he was swallowed vp of the earth So Pharaohs Baker was encouraged to hopefull error by a dreame So was that monstrous hoste of Midian ouerthrowne by a Dreame of a Barley cake that hit a Tent and ouerwhelmed it which was interpreted the Sword of Gideon 2. For Terror Iob sayes that Deus terret per somnia per visiones horrorem incuiit God strikes terror into the hearts of the wicked by Dreames As a Malus genius is said to appeare to Brutus the night before his death or as the face of Hector was presented to Andromache Polydore virgil records the dreame of that bloudy tyrāt Richard 3. that in a dreame the night before the battaile of Bosworth field he thought all the deuils in hell were haling and tugging him in pieces and all those whom he had murdered crying shricking out vengeance against him Though hee thinkes this was more then a dreame Id credo non fuisse somnium sed conscientiam seelerū He iudged it not so much a dreame as the guiltie conscience of his own wickednes So to Robert Winter one of the powder-traytors in a dreame appeared the gastly figures and distracted visages of his cheefe friends and confederates in that treason not vnlike the very same maner wherin they after stood on the pinnacles of the Parliament house 3. Supernaturall such as are sent by diuine inspiration and must haue a diuine interpretation Such were the dreames of Pharaoh expounded by Ioseph the dreames of Nebuchadnezzar declared by Daniel Of these were two sortes 1. Some were mysticall such as those two kings dreames and Pharaohs two officers whose exposition is onely of God So Ioseph answers Are not interpretations of the Lord So Nebuchadnezzar to Daniel Thou art able for the spirit of the holy God is in thee The Sorcerers and Astrologers dearly acknowledged their ignorance with their liues Thus Pharaoh may dreame but it is a Ioseph that must expound it It is one thing to haue a representation obiected to the fantasie another thing to haue an intellectuall light giuen to vnderstand it 2. Others are demonstratiue when the Lord not onely giues the dreame but also withall the vnderstanding of it Such were Daniels dreames these Wisemens Iosephs in this chapter Wherein was a Vision Pro uision a vision what to doe a prouision that no harme might come to Iesus These dreames were most specially incident to the new Testament when God at the very rising of the Sunne began to expell the shadowes of darke my steries And it shall come to passe in the last dayes saith God I will powre out of my Spirit vpon all flesh and your sons your daughters shall prophecie your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dreame dreames Now the Sunne is gotten vp into the midst of heauen the Gospel into the ful strength these shadowes vanish the more light the lesse shadow So that now to expect reuelation of things by dreames were to intreat God to lend vs a candle whiles wee haue the bright Sun The superstitious Papists are s●…ill full of these dreames and find out more mysteries in their sleepe then they can well expound waking The Abbot of Glastenbury when Ethelwold was Monke there dreamt of a tree whose branches were al couered with Monks cowles on the highest bough one cowle that ouertop'd all the rest which must needs be expoūded the future greatnes of this Ethelwold But it is most admirable how the Dominicke Friers make shift to expoūd the dreame of Dominickes mother which she had when she was with child of him that she had in her wombe a wolfe with a burning torch in his mouth Say what they will a wolfe is a wolfe still that order hath euer carried a burning torch to scorch their mother the Church But there is no dreame of theirs with out an interpretation without a prediction And if the euent answere not their foretelling they expound it after the euent If one of them chance to dreame of a greene garden he goes presently and makes his will Or if another dreame that he shakes a dead friend by the hand he is ready to call to the Sexton for a graue takes solemne leaue of the world and sayes hee cannot liue Beloued God hath not grounded our fayth vpon dreames nor cunningly deuised fables but on the holy Gospell written by his seruants in bookes and by his spirit in the tables of our hearts They that will beleeue dreames and Traditions aboue Gods sacred word let them heare and feare their iudgement For this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should beleeue a lye That they all might be dāned who beleeue not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes Banish from your hearts this superstitious follie to repose any confidence expectant on dreames But if you desire to make any vse of dreames let it be this Consider thy selfe in thy dreaming to what inclination thou art mostly carried and so by thy thoughts in the night thou shalt learne to know thy self in the day Be thy dreames lustfull examine whether the addictions of thy heart run not after the byas of concupiscence Be they turbulent consider thy owne contentious disposition Be they reuengefull they point to thy malice Runne they vpon gold and riches they argue thy couetousnesse Thus God may be said to teach a man by his dreames still non quid erit sed qualis est not what shall be but what
euen to them that beleeue on his Name By one offering hee hath perfected for euer them that are sanctified This is sure comfort to vs though hee dyed almost 1600. yeares agoe his bloud is not yet dry his wounds are as fresh to doe vs good as they were to those Saints that beheld them bleeding on the Crosse. The vertue of his merits is not abated though many thousand hands of Faith haue taken large portions out of his treasurie The riuer of his Grace which makes glad the citie of God runnes ouer the bankes though infinite soules haue drunke heartie draughts and satisfied their thirst But because we cannot apprehend this for our selues of our selues therefore he hath promised to send vs the Spirit of truth who will dwell with vs and applie this to vs. for euer Thus you haue seene the first Triplicitie how he is the Same Obiectiuely in his Word Now he is Subiunctiuely in his Power the Same and that Yesterday for he made the world To day for he gouerns the world For euer for he shall iudge the world Yesterday in the Creation All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made By him were all things created that are in heauen and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him All things euen the great and faire booke of the world of three so large leaues Coelum Solum Salum Heauen Earth and Sea The Prophet cals him the Everlasting Father Daniel Auntient of dayes Salomon sayes that the Lord possessed him in the beginning of his way before his workes of old So himselfe told the vnbeleeuing Iewes Before Abraham was I am We owe then our selues to Christ for our creation but how much more for our redemption Si totum me debeo pro ine facto quid addam iam pro me refecto In primo opere me mihi dedit in secundo se mihi dedit If I owe him my whole selfe for making me what haue I left to pay him for redeeming me In the first worke he gaue my selfe to me in the second he gaue himselfe to me By a double right we owe him our selues we are worthy of a double punishment if we giue him not his owne To day in the Gouerning Hee vpholdeth all things by the word of his power Hee is Paterfamilias and disposeth all thinges in this vniuerse with greater care and p●…ence then any house-holder can menage the bu●…nesse of his priuate familie Hee leaues it not as the Carpenter hauing built the frame of a house to others to perfect it but lookes to it himselfe His Creation and Prouidence is like the Mother and the Nurse the one produceth the other preserueth His creation was a short prouidence his prouidence a perpetuall creation The one sets vp the frame of the house the other keepes it in reparation Neither is this a disparagement to the Maiestie of God as the vaine Epicures imagined curare minima to regard the least things but rather an honour curare infinita to regard all things Neither doth this extend onely to naturall things chained together by a regular order of succession but euen to casuall and contingent things Oftentimes cùm aliud volumus aliud agimus the euent crosseth our purpose Which must content vs though it fall out otherwise then we purposed because God purposed as it is falne out It is enough that the thing attaine the owne end though it misse ours that Gods will be done though ours be crossed But let me say Hath God care of fo●…les and flowers and will he not care for you his owne Image Yea let me goe further Hath God care of the wicked Doth he powre downe the happie influences of heauen on the vniust mans ground And shall the faithfull want his blessing Doth hee prouide for the Sonnes of Beliall and shall his owne children lacke He may giue meate and rayment to the rest but his bountie to Beniamin shall exceed If M●…b his Wash-pot tast of his benefites then Iudah the signet on his finger cannot bee forgotten The King gouernes all the Subiects in his Dominions but his seruants that waite in his Court partake of his most Princely fauours God heales the sores of the very wicked but if it be told him Lord hee whom thou louest is sicke 〈◊〉 enough hee shall bee healed The wicked may h●…●…utward blessings without inward and that is Esau's pottage without his Birth-right but the elect haue inward blessings though they want outward and that is Iacobs inheritance without his pottage For euer because he shall iudge the world GOD hath appoynted a day in the which he will iudge the world in righteousnesse by that M●…n whom he hath ordained In the day that God shall iudge the secrets of m●…n by Iesus Christ. Let the wicked flatter themselues that all is but talke of any comming to Iudgement non aliud videre patres aliudve n●… p●…tes aspic●…nt all is but terriculamenta nutricum meere scar-babes Scribar●…m pe●… mendaces they haue written lies there is no such matter But when they shall see that Lambe whom they haue pearced and scorned they shall cry to the mountaines and rockes Fall vpon vs and couer vs. Now they flatter themselues with his death mortuus est hee is dead and gone and Mortuum Caesarem quis ●…etuit Who feares euen a Caesar when he is dead But he that was dead liueth behold I am aliue for euermore Amen Iesus Christ yesterday and to day and for euer Qu●…sitor sc●…erum veniet vindexque reorum Here is matter of infallible comfort to vs. Lift vp your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh Here wee are imprisoned martyred tortured but when that great Assise and generall goale-deliuery comes M●…s non ●…rit vltra there shall be no more death nor sorrow but all teares shall be wiped from our eyes For it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you And to you who are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shall be reuealed from heauen with his mightie Angels We shall then find him the S●… the same Lambe that bought vs shall giue vs a venit●… beati Co●…e ye blessed receiue your kingdome Surely I come quickly A●…on Euen so Come Lord Iesus Effectually in his Grace and Mercie so he is the Same Yesterday to our fathers To day to our selues For euer to our children Yesterday to our Fathers All our Fathers whose soules are now in heauen those Spirits of iust men made perfect Hebr. 12. were as the next words intimate saued by Iesus the mediatour of the new Couenant and by the bloud of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abell Whether they liued vnder Nature or vnder the Law Christ was their expectation and
that this mourning for Gods absence is an euident demonstration of his presence 2. Of Reprehension to others that say they are sure of the purchase before they euer gaue earnest of the bargaine Presumption is to be auoided so well as despaire For as none more complaine that they want this assurance then they that haue it so none more boast of it then they that haue it not The fond hypocrite takes his owne presumption for this assurance he liues after the flesh yet brags of the Spirit This false opinion ariseth partly from his owne conceite partly from Satans deceite 1. From his owne Conceit he dreames of the Spirit and takes it granted that it euer rests within him but when his soule awakes he finds there no such manner of guest the holy Spirit neuer lodged there There is a generation that are pure in their owne eyes yet are not washed from their filthinesse These pure people so vaunt the●… assurance of saluation that they will scarce change places in heauen with St. Peter or St. Paul without boote The infallible marke of distinction which the Apostle sets on the Sonnes of God is this they are led by the Spirit Rom. 8. So many as are led by the Spirit of God 〈◊〉 sonnes of God The holy Ghost is their God and their guide●… and this Spirit 〈◊〉 them into all truth and guides them into the land of righteousnes But these men will Spiritum d●…ere lead the Spirit They are not ductible they will not be led by the Spirit into truth and pence but they will lead the Spirit as it were ouer-rule the holy Ghost to patronize their humours Let them be adulterers vsurers bribe-corrupted sacrilegious c. yet they are still men of the Spirit But of what Spirit Nes●…tis we may say to them as Christ to hit two hote disciples ye know not of what Spirit you are It is enough they thinke to haue oculos in coelo though they haue manus in fundo animos in profund●… It is held sufficient to haue eyes fixed on heauen though couetous hands busie on earth and crafty minds deepe as hell This ouer-venturous conceite that heauen is theirs how base and debauched liues so euer they liue is not assurance but presumption 2. This ariseth from Satans Deceite who cryes like Corah Ye take too much vpon you seeing all the congregation is ●…ily euery one of them You are holy enough you are sure of heauen what would you more You may sit downe and play your worke is done Hereupon they sing peace and Requiems to their soules and begin to wrappe vp their affections in worldly ioyes But Tranquilitas ista tempestas est this calme is the most grieuous storme This is carnall securitie not heauenly assurance As the Iewes went into captiuitie with Templum Domini the Temple of the Lord c. in their lips so many go to hell with the water of Baptisme on their faces and the assurance of saluation in their mouthes 3. Of Instruction teaching vs to keepe the euen-way of comfort eschewing both the rocke of presumption on the right hand and the gulfe of desperation on the left Let vs neither be Tumidi nor Timidi neyther ouer bold nor ouer-fainting But endeuour by faith to assure our selues of Iesus Christ and by repentance to assure our selues of faith and by an amended life to assure our selues of repentance For they must here liue to Gods glory that would hereafter liue in Gods glory 3. In the next place obserue the meanes how we may come by this assurance This is discouered in the text Dic animae Say vnto my Soule Who must speake God To whom must he speake to the Soule So that in this assurance God and the Soule must meet This St. Paul demonstrates The Spirit it selfe beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God The word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 contestari to beare witnesse together Neither our spirit alone nor Gods spirit alone makes this Certificate but both concurring Not our spirit alone can giue this assurance for mans heart is alwayes euill often deceitfull At all times euill Euery imagination of the thoughts of his heart is onely euill continually At some times deceitfull The heart is deceitfull aboue all things and desperately wicked Who can know it Non noui animam meam sayth Iob. I know not my owne soule though I were perfect And Paul concerning his Apostleship I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby iustified And if Dauids soule could haue made a sufficient testimony alone what needed he pray Dic animae say Thou to my soule Some haue a true zeale of a false Religion and some a false zeale of a true Religion Paul before his conuersion had a true zeale of a false Religion I was exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my Fathers The Laodiceans had a false or rather no zeale of a true Religion I know thy works that thou art neither hote nor cold So that when about this certificate a man deales with his heart singly his heart will deale with him doubly No nor doth Gods spirit alone giue this Testimony least a vaine illusion should be taken for this holy perswasion But both Gods spirit and our spirit meeting together are Concordes and Contestes ioynt witnesses Indeed the principall worke comes from Gods spirit he is the primary cause of this assurance Now he certifies vs by word by deed and by seale By word terming vs in the Scripture Gods children and putting into our mouthes that filiall voyce whereby wee cry Abba Father By deed the fruit of the spirit is loue ioy peace long-suffering c. By these is our Election made sure sayth Saint Peter By Seale Grieue not the holy spirit of God by whom you are sealed to the day of redemption Now our spirit witnesseth with him from the sanctitie of our life faith and reformation He that beleeueth on the sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe 4. Lastly this is the sweetest comfort that can come to a man in this life euen an heauen vpon earth to be ascertained of his saluation There are many mysteries in the world which curious wits with perplexfull studies striue to apprehend But without this he that encreaseth knowledge encreaseth sorrow Vnum necessarium this one thing is onely necessary whatsoeuer I leaue vnknowne let me know this that I am the Lords Qui Christum discit satis est si caetera nescit He may without danger be ignorant of other things that truely knows Iesus Christ. There is no potion of miserie so embittered with gall but this can sweeten it with a cofortable rellish When enemies assault vs get vs vnder triumph ouer vs imagining that saluation it selfe cannot saue vs what is our comfort Noui in quem credidi I know whom I haue beleeued I am sure the Lord will not forsake me Deficit
but the goates are not written in his booke The foundation of God standeth sure hauing the seale the Lord knoweth them that are his It is a goodly thing to be famous and remarkable in the world Est pulchrum digito monstrari dicier hic est It is a goodly thing to bee sayd this is the man whom the world honours but perhaps this is not he whom God honours He that suffers and does according to the will of God the Lord will take that man into his boso●… Such honour haue all his Saints It is no great matter for men to be knowne to kings and nobles if the Lord know them not nothing to ride in the second Coach as Ioseph to be next to the Prince if they bee strangers to the Court of heauen Therefore let vs all lay hold on well-doing that we may haue comfort in well-dying Wee desire to shut vp our last scene of life with In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum Lord Into thy handes I commend my spirit Behold while we liue GOD sayes to vs In manus tuas homo commendo spiritum meum Man into thy hands I commend my spirit As we vse Gods Spirit in life God will vse our Spirit at death If we open the doores of our hearts to his Spirit he will open the doores of heauen to our Spirit If we feast him with a supper of Grace he will feast vs with a supper of Glory If wee grieue his Spirit he will grieue all the veines of our hearts When such shall say Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules no sayth God I will none of your Spirit for you would none of my Spirit You shut him out when hee would haue entred your hearts hee shall shut you out when you would enter heauen Let vs therefore here vse Gods Spirit kindly that hereafter hee may so vse our spirits Let vs in life entertaine him with Faith that in death he may embrace vs with mercy So Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules keepe and receiue them O thou faithful Creator and God of truth through Iesus CHRIST Amen FINIS a 2 Cor. 3. 9. b Mal. 4. 2. c Iohn 1. 8. d Ioh. 1. 17. Heb. 3. 6. e Paraeus f Ioh. 6. 44. g Can. 1. 4. h Psal. 143. 10. i 2. Kin. 25. 7. k Acts 3. 2. Ber. l Heb. 11. 6. m Rom. 8. 24. n Iohn 5. 24. o Phil. 3. 20. 1 p Psal. 87. 2. q Math. 4. 8. r Deu. 34. 4. 2 s Ioh. 14. 2. t Gen. 30. 8. u Psal. 36. 6. x Ion. 3. 3. y Psal. 106. 28. a Heb. 9. 14. b Mat. 22. 32. c Psal. 49. 11. d Mat. 24. 2. 3 4 e Reu. 21. 27. 5. 6. f Rom. 4. 25. 7. Aug. g Iohn 3. 16. h Psal. 87. 2. i Psa. 78. 60. k Psal. 107. 34. l 2. Pet. 3. 10. m Mat. 7. 27. n 1. Pet. 2. 6. o Psal. 30. 8. p Amos 6. 1. q Esa. 21. 11. r 1. King 20. 23. s Ierem. 3. 6. t Luk. 12. 19. u Esay 40. 4. x Luk. 23. 30. a Psal. 125. 1. b Sen. c Iohn 14. 2. d Esay 2. 2. e Psal. 149. 9. f Mat. 5. 14. g Psal. 48. 2. h Rom. 2. 24. i 1. Pet. 2. 12. k Exod. 10. 23. l Iud. 6. 37. m Psal. 4. 6. n Reu. 2. 17. Sen. Greg. o Iob. 31. 24. p Dan. 4. 30. Ambr. Aug. q Gal. 4. 29. r Rom. 5. 1. s 1. Iohn 3. 2. t Ioh 16. 22. Aug. u Psal. 84. 10. x Mat. 17. 2. y Psal. 84. 1. a Mat. 25. 23. b Psal. 2. 6. c Reu. 14. 1. d Acts 8. 32. e Psal. 121. 4. f Psal. 97. 5 8. g Psal. 114. 4. h Psal 78. 68. i Psal. 132. 13. k Psal. 48. 4. c l Gene. 19. 20. m Gen. 4. 17. n Gene. 11. 4. o Psal. 127. 1. p Iere. 22. 15. q Acts 12. 23 r Psal. 122. 3. s Psal. 101. 8. t Mat. 10. 23. u Luk. 13. 23. x Rom. 8. 29. y Rom. 7. 9. a Mat 10. 16. b Luke 12. 32 c Esay 1. 9. d Esay 6. 13. e Esay 17. 6. f Esay 24. 13. g Mich. 7. 1. h Iere. 3. 14. i Amos 3. 12 k Gene. 6. 12. l Esay 8. 18. m Ioh. 7. 51. n 2 Tim. 4. 16 o Act. 19. 34. p Reu. 13. 16. q 1. Kin. 20. 27. r Rom. 9. 27. s Reue. 3. 1. t 2. Esdr. 5. 23. u Luk. 13. 14. x 2. Esd. 7. 6. Aug. a Reu. 18. 2. b Gal. 4. 26. c Psal. 2 6. d Ephes. 2. 2. e 2. Tim. 2. 19. f 1. Ich. 2. 16. Greg. g Hebr. 11. 10. h Iud. ver 14. i Psal. 49. 13. Aug. k 2. Cor. 5. 19. l 1. Iohn 5. 29. m Mat. 24. 51. a Hebr. 1. 6. b Rom. 8. 29. c Rom. 13. 4. d 2. Cor. 5. 20. e 1. Thes. 4. 3. f Mat. 6. 32. g Mat. 5. 34. h Rom. 6. 23. n Luk. 10. 16. o Mark 11. 17. p Mala. 3. 8. q Act. 8. 19. r Gala. 5. 22. s Ioh. 6. 63. Theodoret. t Prou. 20. 25. u 2. Chr. 26. 19. x Psal. 80. 13. y Iudg. 7. 22. a Iudg. 4. 9. b 1. King 21. 19 c Ier. 5. 29. 1 Sam. 5. 11. Exod. 12. 31. Aug. e Mark 12. 17. Aug. f Psal. 116. 12. g Psal. 51. 15. h Luk. 10. 39. i Gal. 1. 2. k Eph. 3. 14. l Act. 7. 60. m Luk. 6. 38. n 1. Cor. 8. 5. o Psal. 82 6. p Rom. 13. 1. q Ioh. 19. 11. r Rom. 13. 2. s Acts 17. 18. t Acts 14. 11. u Psal. 106. 28. x 1. Cor. 8. 4. y Psal. 135. 17. a 1. Thes. 1. 9. b 2. Cor. 4. 4. c Iohn 16. 11. d Rom. 16. 20. e Eph. 4. 27. f 〈◊〉 Cor. 6. 13. g Esa. 2. 20. * 1. Tim 6. 16. h Psal 104. 3. i Gal. 2. 20. k Col. 3. 3. l Ver. 4. m Prou. 23. 5. n Luk. 6. 25. o Mat. 27. 53. p Gene. 22. 14. q Heb. 7. 2. r Gala. 5. 12. s 2. Cor. 13. 11. t Gala. 4. 25. u Reu. 21. 2. x Gala. 4. 26 Hugo Card. y Psal. 132. 13. a 1. Pet. 2. 9. b Esay 5. 2. c Eph. 4. 3. d 1. Tim. 3. 15. e Psal. 122. 5. f Reue. 3. 7. g Iam. 1. 18. Phil. 3. 20. Ambr. h Ephe. 1. 3. i Iob 4. 19. k Iohn 17. 24. Plato l Gen. 12. 1. m Iere. 22. 29. n Hebr. 13. 14 Damasc. o Gene. 18. 8. Caluin p Gen. 18. 2. q Luk. 24. 4. r Iude. ver 6. s Col. 1. 20. t Esa. 6. 2. Greg. u Eph. 3. 10. x 1. Tim. 3. 16. a Mat. 24. 36. b Acts 1. 24. c Psal. 103. 20. d 2. Thes. 1. 7. 2. Kings 19. 35. e Reu. 12. 8. f Hos. 12. 9. g Gen. 19. 22. h Exod. 32. 10. i 2. Pet. 2. 4. k Mat. 18. 10. l Heb. 2. 16. m Greg. n Gene. 48. 16. o Exo. 14. 19. p Mal. 3.