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truth_n spirit_n woman_n worship_v 2,570 5 9.5989 5 true
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A51669 The spiritual vvorship exalted. Or A treatise concerning the worship and service of God shewing how uncapable men are in their natural and unconverted state of worshipping and serving God acceptably in this Gospel day. And that it is the light, grace and spirit of Christ revealed in men, which doth renew, fit, prepare and [q]ualifie them for performing that pure spiritual and acceptable worship which was instituted by our Lord, and practiced by his disciples and followers. As also several other things here inserted, worthy of observation. By a lover of truth, and wel-wisher of the souls of all men, George Myers. Myers, George, 1653?-1714. 1687 (1687) Wing M3174; ESTC R213894 43,291 111

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law_n which_o be_v deliver_v unto_o the_o child_n of_o israel_n by_o the_o ministry_n of_o moses_n it_o please_v he_o according_a to_o his_o determinate_a will_n and_o everlasting_a counsel_n to_o send_v his_o own_o son_n the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n who_o be_v bear_v of_o the_o virgin_n mary_n in_o bethlehem_n of_o judea_n of_o who_o moses_n and_o the_o prophet_n do_v write_v and_o who_o john_n testify_v of_o to_o be_v the_o lamb_n of_o god_n who_o take_v away_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o world_n john_n 1.29_o he_o perfect_o fulfil_v the_o law_n and_o the_o righteousness_n thereof_o and_o give_v witness_n unto_o the_o dispensation_n of_o the_o gospel_n draw_v religion_n into_o the_o secret_a of_o the_o heart_n he_o make_v it_o to_o consist_v in_o a_o high_a state_n of_o righteousness_n then_o that_o of_o the_o law_n call_v evangelical_n he_o also_o approve_v himself_o and_o the_o excellency_n of_o his_o doctrine_n by_o many_o great_a and_o wonderful_a sign_n and_o miracle_n and_o seal_v it_o with_o his_o blood_n for_o that_o after_o he_o have_v preach_v that_o heavenly_a doctrine_n and_o wrought_v many_o miracle_n among_o the_o jew_n he_o be_v apprehend_v and_o by_o wicked_a hand_n be_v crucify_a and_o slay_v yet_o god_n raise_v he_o up_o again_o so_o that_o he_o triumph_v over_o death_n of_o which_o it_o be_v impossible_a for_o he_o to_o be_v hold_v and_o after_o he_o be_v so_o raise_v up_o from_o the_o dead_a he_o appear_v to_o his_o disciple_n and_o follower_n who_o have_v believe_v in_o he_o comfort_v they_o with_o the_o hope_n and_o assurance_n of_o the_o pour_v forth_o &_o attendance_n of_o his_o spirit_n by_o which_o he_o be_v to_o be_v with_o they_o unto_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n and_o by_o which_o they_o and_o all_o such_o as_o afterward_o shall_v come_v to_o believe_v in_o his_o holy_a name_n may_v be_v render_v capable_a of_o bear_v and_o hold_v forth_o a_o true_a certain_a and_o faithful_a testimony_n for_o he_o who_o god_n have_v appoint_v for_o salvation_n unto_o the_o end_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o also_o of_o perform_v that_o worship_n and_o service_n which_o be_v institute_v by_o he_o which_o worship_n be_v spiritual_a and_o can_v be_v true_o perform_v by_o the_o art_n strength_n wisdom_n and_o policy_n of_o man_n in_o their_o natural_a and_o unconverted_a state_n but_o only_o by_o those_o who_o be_v spiritual_o quicken_v and_o renew_v unto_o god_n in_o some_o measure_n and_o who_o heart_n and_o soul_n be_v fit_v and_o prepare_v by_o the_o light_n grace_n spirit_n &_o power_n of_o our_o bless_a lord_n and_o saviour_n jesus_n christ_n that_o the_o worship_n institute_v by_o christ_n be_v spiritual_a be_v very_o plain_a from_o his_o own_o word_n unto_o the_o woman_n of_o samaria_n john_n 4.21_o 22_o 23_o 24._o jesus_n say_v unto_o she_o woman_n believe_v i_o the_o hour_n come_v when_o you_o shall_v neither_o in_o this_o mountain_n nor_o yet_o at_o jerusalem_n worship_v the_o father_n you_o worship_v you_o know_v not_o what_o we_o know_v what_o we_o worship_v for_o salvation_n be_v of_o the_o jew_n but_o the_o hour_n come_v and_o now_o be_v when_o the_o true_a worshipper_n shall_v worship_v the_o father_n in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n for_o the_o father_n seek_v such_o to_o worship_v he_o god_n be_v a_o spirit_n and_o they_o that_o worship_v he_o must_v worship_v he_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n this_o be_v the_o chief_a and_o most_o ample_a testimony_n that_o christ_n give_v of_o the_o christian_a worship_n as_o different_a and_o contradistinguish_v from_o that_o under_o the_o law_n he_o ty_v not_o his_o people_n to_o the_o temple_n at_o jerusalem_n nor_o unto_o any_o other_o place_n but_o plain_o hold_v out_o that_o the_o season_n be_v now_o come_v wherein_o the_o worship_n must_v be_v in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n he_o also_o give_v the_o reason_n for_o it_o and_o excellent_o argue_v from_o the_o anology_n that_o ought_v to_o be_v betwixt_o the_o object_n and_o the_o worship_n direct_v thereunto_o viz._n god_n be_v a_o spirit_n therefore_o he_o must_v be_v worship_v in_o spirit_n this_o testimony_n of_o our_o lord_n be_v so_o clear_a in_o the_o case_n that_o i_o need_v not_o enlarge_v much_o further_a upon_o it_o but_o only_o add_v the_o say_n of_o the_o apostle_n paul_n to_o the_o church_n at_o philippi_n we_o be_v the_o circumcision_n that_o worship_n god_n in_o the_o spirit_n and_o rejoice_v in_o christ_n jesus_n have_v no_o confidence_n in_o the_o flesh_n phil._n 3.3_o by_o which_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o saint_n and_o people_n of_o god_n in_o those_o day_n be_v in_o the_o practice_n of_o that_o worship_n which_o be_v institute_v by_o our_o lord_n as_o aforesaid_a section_n ii_o concern_v man_n incapacity_n of_o worship_v and_o serve_v god_n acceptable_o in_o his_o natural_a and_o unconvert_v state._n that_o man_n in_o their_o natural_a and_o unconverted_a state_n be_v uncapable_a of_o perform_v this_o spiritual_a worship_n be_v certain_o true_a for_o that_o whilst_o they_o remain_v in_o that_o state_n they_o can_v do_v any_o thing_n that_o be_v real_o good_a and_o acceptable_a unto_o god_n be_v subject_a unto_o that_o deprave_a and_o ungodly_a spirit_n which_o lead_v people_n into_o iniquity_n and_o rule_n in_o all_o the_o child_n of_o disobedience_n it_o come_v to_o pass_v that_o not_o only_o their_o word_n and_o deed_n but_o also_o the_o imagination_n of_o their_o heart_n be_v evil_a continual_o their_o thought_n notion_n and_o conception_n concern_v divine_a and_o spiritual_a matter_n be_v unprofitable_a both_o to_o themselves_o and_o other_o which_o thing_n do_v yet_o further_o appear_v from_o divers_a testimony_n in_o the_o scripture_n of_o truth_n moses_n say_v that_o god_n see_v the_o wickedness_n of_o man_n be_v great_a in_o the_o earth_n and_o that_o every_o imagination_n of_o the_o thought_n of_o his_o heart_n be_v only_o evil_a continual_o and_o that_o it_o repent_v the_o lord_n that_o he_o have_v make_v man_n on_o the_o earth_n and_o it_o grieve_v he_o at_o his_o heart_n gen._n 6.5_o 6._o david_n say_v the_o lord_n look_v down_o from_o heaven_n upon_o the_o child_n of_o man_n to_o see_v if_o there_o be_v any_o that_o do_v understand_v and_o seek_v god_n and_o say_v they_o be_v all_o go_v aside_o they_o be_v altogether_o become_v filthy_a there_o be_v none_o that_o do_v good_a no_o not_o one_o psal_n 14.2_o 3._o and_o again_o but_o unto_o the_o wicked_a god_n say_v what_o have_v thou_o to_o do_v to_o declare_v my_o statute_n or_o that_o thou_o shall_v take_v my_o covenant_n into_o thy_o mouth_n psal_n 50.16_o jeremiah_n say_v the_o heart_n be_v deceitful_a and_o desperate_o wicked_a who_o can_v know_v it_o jer._n 17.9_o our_o lord_n say_v a_o evil_a man_n out_o of_o the_o evil_a treasure_n bring_v forth_o evil_a thing_n matth._n 12.35_o also_o the_o apostle_n paul_n allude_v to_o the_o say_n of_o david_n say_v thero_n be_v none_o righteous_a no_o not_o one_o there_o be_v none_o that_o understand_v there_o be_v none_o that_o seek_v after_o god_n they_o be_v all_o go_v out_o of_o the_o way_n they_o be_v altogether_o become_v unprofitable_a there_o be_v none_o that_o do_v good_a no_o not_o one_o rom._n 3.10_o 11_o 12._o thus_o it_o be_v to_o be_v observe_v that_o what_o be_v thus_o speak_v relate_v to_o man_n in_o their_o natural_a and_o unconverted_a state_n wherein_o their_o soul_n be_v dead_a unto_o god_n and_o the_o thing_n of_o his_o kingdom_n and_o can_v live_v unto_o he_o nor_o do_v any_o such_o lively_a act_n as_o to_o serve_v he_o until_o they_o receive_v the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n and_o know_v the_o virtue_n and_o power_n of_o his_o grace_n &_o spirit_n inward_o to_o quicken_v they_o unto_o god_n that_o so_o they_o may_v serve_v he_o in_o the_o newness_n of_o the_o spirit_n and_o not_o in_o the_o oldness_n of_o the_o letter_n rom._n 7.6_o for_o alas_o it_o be_v not_o the_o bare_a performance_n of_o such_o thing_n as_o be_v suppose_v to_o be_v religious_a duty_n that_o bring_v into_o acceptance_n with_o god_n unless_o the_o heart_n soul_n and_o spirit_n of_o man_n be_v renew_v fit_v prepare_v and_o qualify_v by_o that_o which_o be_v holy_a and_o pure_a it_o be_v the_o rise_n of_o the_o performance_n that_o god_n look_v at_o more_o than_o the_o outward_a act_n he_o that_o search_v the_o heart_n and_o try_v the_o reins_o of_o man_n before_o who_o all_o thing_n be_v naked_a and_o bare_a look_v not_o so_o much_o upon_o the_o external_a fabric_n as_o the_o internal_a frame_n of_o the_o soul_n unto_o this_o man_n will_v i_o look_v say_v the_o lord_n even_o to_o he_o that_o be_v poor_a and_o of_o a_o contrite_a spirit_n and_o tremble_v at_o my_o word_n isa_n 66.2_o we_o read_v that_o although_o the_o jew_n be_v in_o the_o practice_n
the_o spiritual_a worship_n exalt_v or_o a_o treatise_n concern_v the_o worship_n and_o service_n of_o god_n show_v how_o uncapable_a man_n be_v in_o their_o natural_a and_o unconverted_a state_n of_o worship_v and_o serve_v god_n acceptable_o in_o this_o gospel_n day_n and_o that_o it_o be_v the_o light_n grace_n and_o spirit_n of_o christ_n reveave_v in_o man_n which_o do_v renew_v fit_a prepare_v and_o qualify_v they_o for_o perform_v that_o pure_a spiritual_a and_o acceptable_a worship_n which_o be_v institute_v by_o our_o lord_n and_o practise_v by_o his_o disciple_n and_o follower_n as_o also_o several_a other_o thing_n here_o insert_v worthy_a of_o observation_n by_o a_o lover_n of_o truth_n and_o wellwisher_n of_o the_o soul_n of_o all_o man_n george_n myers_n but_o the_o natural_a man_n receive_v not_o the_o thing_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n for_o they_o be_v foolishness_n unto_o he_o neither_o can_v he_o know_v they_o because_o they_o be_v spiritua_o discern_v 1_o cor._n 2.14_o but_o the_o hour_n come_v and_o now_o be_v when_o the_o true_a worshipper_n shall_v worship_v the_o father_n in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n for_o the_o father_n seek_v such_o to_o worship_v he_o john_n 4.23_o god_n be_v a_o spirit_n and_o they_o that_o worship_v he_o must_v worship_v he_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n john_n 4.24_o give_v unto_o the_o lord_n the_o glory_n due_a unto_o his_o name_n worship_n the_o lord_n in_o the_o beauty_n of_o holiness_n psal_n 29.2_o the_o preface_n to_o the_o reader_n forasmuch_o as_o divine_a worship_n be_v the_o supreme_a act_n of_o man_n life_n and_o a_o duty_n incumbent_n upon_o all_o for_o that_o thereby_o we_o answer_v the_o end_n of_o our_o creation_n and_o pay_v those_o respect_n and_o acknowledgement_n which_o we_o owe_v to_o the_o divine_a majesty_n for_o all_o his_o bounty_n and_o favour_n towards_o we_o it_o great_o behoove_v all_o people_n to_o be_v very_o serious_a and_o weighty_a in_o that_o respect_n and_o true_o to_o inform_v themselves_o what_o that_o worship_n be_v which_o be_v acceptable_a unto_o god_n and_o how_o people_n ought_v to_o be_v qualify_v for_o perform_v the_o same_o the_o want_n of_o a_o right_a understanding_n upon_o these_o account_n have_v occasion_v great_a miscarriage_n and_o defect_n among_o people_n in_o religion_n matter_n and_o be_v one_o great_a reason_n why_o there_o be_v so_o many_o jar_n and_o division_n about_o the_o several_a form_n and_o way_n of_o worship_n now_o extant_a in_o the_o world._n the_o consideration_n of_o these_o thing_n together_o with_o the_o drawing_n of_o divine_a love_n have_v induce_v i_o to_o the_o publication_n of_o this_o follow_a treatise_n wherein_o divers_a thing_n relate_v to_o the_o worship_n and_o service_n of_o god_n be_v declare_v and_o hold_v forth_o and_o whereby_o it_o be_v manifest_a that_o it_o be_v the_o light_n grace_n and_o spirit_n of_o christ_n reveal_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o son_n and_o daughter_n of_o man_n that_o right_o renew_v fit_n prepare_v and_o qualify_v they_o for_o worship_v and_o serve_v god_n acceptable_o and_o open_v their_o understanding_n in_o divine_a and_o spiritual_a matter_n insomuch_o that_o in_o all_o act_n of_o worship_n and_o service_n unto_o god_n the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v to_o have_v the_o precedency_n so_o as_o to_o move_v act_n influence_n and_o assist_v the_o person_n exercise_v therein_o whether_o it_o be_v in_o public_a preach_v testimony_n and_o declaration_n for_o god_n and_o his_o truth_n or_o in_o prayer_n praise_n and_o thanksgiving_n unto_o he_o and_o also_o that_o those_o who_o in_o their_o own_o will_n and_o time_n do_v go_v about_o to_o perform_v act_n of_o worship_n and_o service_n unto_o god_n in_o their_o natural_a and_o vnconverted_a state_n whilst_o they_o be_v despise_v and_o dis-regarding_a the_o counsel_n drawing_n and_o direction_n of_o the_o light_n and_o spirit_n of_o christ_n in_o themselves_o such_o worshipper_n in_o that_o state_n and_o under_o those_o circumstance_n may_v please_v themselves_o with_o such_o pretence_n but_o can_v no_o way_n perform_v that_o divine_a and_o spiritual_a worship_n which_o be_v acceptable_a unto_o god_n in_o this_o gospel_n day_n although_o i_o may_v have_v produce_v divers_a testimony_n both_o of_o ancient_n and_o modern_a author_n in_o favour_n of_o this_o discourse_n yet_o for_o several_a reason_n i_o rather_o choose_v to_o keep_v close_o to_o the_o holy_a scripture_n inasmuch_o as_o i_o conceive_v those_o who_o be_v incline_v to_o be_v religious_a will_v not_o dare_v to_o make_v exception_n against_o that_o which_o be_v conclude_v to_o proceed_v from_o the_o divine_a spirit_n let_v none_o be_v offend_v that_o i_o do_v not_o admit_v of_o human_a learning_n and_o natural_a art_n and_o science_n to_o be_v of_o such_o absolute_a necessity_n for_o the_o qualification_n of_o a_o gospel_n minister_n as_o some_o will_v have_v they_o for_o by_o what_o be_v here_o write_a i_o do_v no_o way_n intend_v to_o undervalue_v human_a learning_n or_o lessen_v its_o esteem_n in_o the_o mind_n of_o such_o as_o be_v incline_v to_o make_v a_o right_a use_n thereof_o for_o i_o do_v grant_v that_o it_o be_v good_a and_o serviceable_a in_o its_o place_n yea_o it_o be_v and_o may_v be_v serviceable_a upon_o many_o account_n to_o a_o gospel_n minister_n where_o it_o be_v reduce_v to_o a_o bless_a subordination_n and_o conformity_n to_o the_o spirit_n of_o truth_n but_o then_o if_o people_n will_v attempt_v to_o exalt_v it_o above_o the_o teach_n of_o the_o divine_a spirit_n and_o lay_v that_o stress_n upon_o it_o for_o open_v the_o mystery_n of_o truth_n which_o the_o holy_a ghost_n will_v not_o admit_v of_o in_o that_o case_n i_o find_v myself_o concern_v to_o bear_v a_o testimony_n for_o the_o truth_n and_o against_o the_o vanity_n of_o such_o as_o will_v extol_v human_a learning_n and_o natural_a art_n and_o science_n above_o their_o proper_a use_n and_o service_n albeit_o the_o consideration_n of_o those_o many_o treatise_n which_o have_v be_v write_v by_o other_o hand_n upon_o these_o account_n do_v at_o first_o seem_v to_o divert_v i_o from_o this_o undertake_n yet_o for_o clear_v of_o my_o conscience_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n and_o in_o performance_n of_o that_o duty_n and_o service_n which_o i_o owe_v to_o he_o i_o think_v fit_a to_o cast_v my_o mite_n into_o the_o treasury_n desire_v that_o what_o i_o have_v here_o write_v in_o humility_n may_v be_v read_v and_o expound_v in_o charity_n and_o that_o god_n almighty_a who_o be_v the_o author_n of_o all_o our_o blessing_n may_v by_o his_o grace_n and_o goodness_n make_v this_o small_a treatise_n effectual_a for_o inform_v the_o mind_n of_o people_n upon_o these_o account_n and_o for_o reduce_v they_o into_o that_o pure_a and_o spiritual_a worship_n which_o be_v acceptable_a unto_o he_o through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_n so_o desire_v and_o so_o pray_v thy_o christian_a friend_n george_n myers_n the_o content_n content_n 1._o concern_v the_o worship_n that_o be_v institute_v by_o jesus_n christ_n and_o practise_v by_o his_o people_n pag._n 1._o 1._o 2._o concern_v man_n incapacity_n of_o worship_v and_o serve_v god_n acceptable_o in_o his_o natural_a and_o unconvert_v state._n pag._n 4._o 4._o 3._o concern_v the_o necessity_n of_o receive_v the_o light_n grace_n and_o spirit_n of_o christ_n in_o order_n to_o quicken_v and_o renew_v to_o god_n and_o so_o to_o prepare_v and_o qualify_v people_n for_o his_o worship_n and_o service_n pag._n 10._o 10._o 4._o concern_v the_o gospel_n church_n and_o evangelical_n temple_n pag._n 15._o 15._o 5._o concern_v silent_a wait_v upon_o god_n for_o the_o help_n and_o concurrence_n of_o his_o holy_a spirit_n in_o the_o performance_n of_o divine_a worship_n pag._n 20._o 20._o 6._o concern_v the_o preparation_n call_v and_o ordination_n of_o gospel_n minister_n pag._n 25._o 25._o 7._o concern_v woman_n preach_v pag._n 34._o 34._o 8._o concern_v the_o rise_n of_o gospel_n performance_n &_o the_o qualification_n of_o gospel_n minister_n show_v that_o they_o be_v not_o from_o human_a learning_n worldly_a wisdom_n and_o natural_a art_n and_o science_n but_o from_o the_o divine_a spirit_n pag._n 43._o 43._o 9_o concern_v outward_a force_n and_o violence_n in_o religious_a matter_n and_o the_o unlawfulness_n of_o forceable_a resist_v the_o temporal_a magistracy_n p._n 55._o 55._o 10._o concern_v the_o maintenance_n of_o gospel_n minister_n pag._n 63._o 63._o 11._o concern_v prayer_n pag._n 75._o 75._o 12._o concern_v singing_n of_o psalm_n and_o artifical_a music_n pag._n 88_o the_o conclusion_n pag._n 98._o the_o spiritual_a worship_n exalt_v section_n i._o concern_v the_o worship_n that_o be_v institute_v by_o jesus_n christ_n and_o practise_v by_o his_o people_n after_o the_o lord_n god_n in_o his_o own_o appoint_a time_n see_v meet_v to_o put_v a_o end_n to_o the_o dispensation_n of_o the_o
shall_v prophesy_v &_o what_o not_o but_o he_o be_v speak_v of_o that_o order_n and_o decency_n which_o such_o as_o prophesy_v aught_o to_o observe_v he_o be_v treat_v of_o spiritual_a gift_n and_o of_o speak_v and_o pray_v in_o a_o unknown_a tongue_n and_o of_o the_o method_n that_o such_o shall_v use_v if_o any_o man_n say_v he_o speak_v in_o a_o unknown_a tongue_n let_v it_o be_v by_o two_o or_o at_o the_o most_o by_o three_o and_o that_o by_o course_n and_o let_v one_o interpret_v but_o if_o there_o be_v no_o interpreter_n let_v he_o keep_v silence_n in_o the_o church_n and_o let_v he_o speak_v to_o himself_o and_o to_o god_n let_v the_o prophet_n speak_v two_o or_o three_o and_o let_v the_o other_o judge_n and_o if_o any_o thing_n be_v reveal_v to_o he_o that_o sit_v by_o let_v the_o first_o hold_v his_o peace_n for_o you_o may_v all_o prophesy_v one_o by_o one_o etc._n etc._n then_o he_o add_v let_v your_o woman_n keep_v silence_n in_o the_o church_n for_o it_o be_v not_o permit_v unto_o they_o to_o speak_v but_o they_o be_v command_v to_o be_v under_o obedience_n as_o also_o say_v the_o law_n and_o if_o they_o will_v learn_v any_o thing_n let_v they_o ask_v their_o husband_n at_o home_n for_o it_o be_v a_o shame_n for_o a_o woman_n to_o speak_v in_o the_o church_n and_o so_o he_o go_v on_o and_o conclude_v that_o chapter_n with_o these_o word_n let_v all_o thing_n be_v do_v decent_o and_o in_o order_n by_o all_o which_o it_o be_v very_o clear_a &_o plain_a that_o the_o apostle_n drift_n be_v to_o advise_v they_o unto_o a_o decent_a comely_a and_o orderly_a method_n in_o the_o church_n and_o that_o he_o do_v not_o intend_v a_o general_a prohibition_n unto_o woman_n howsoever_o they_o be_v call_v or_o qualify_v for_o than_o have_v he_o not_o only_o oppose_v their_o approve_a practice_n in_o the_o church_n but_o even_o his_o own_o testimony_n in_o the_o very_a same_o epistle_n where_o he_o say_v every_o woman_n that_o pray_v or_o prophesi_v with_o her_o head_n uncover_v dishonour_v her_o head_n chap._n 11.5_o thus_o he_o be_v so_o far_o from_o disallow_v of_o woman_n pray_v or_o prophese_v that_o he_o advise_v how_o they_o shall_v be_v cover_v and_o demean_v themselves_o in_o the_o performance_n of_o such_o service_n and_o devotion_n again_o the_o apostle_n say_v you_o may_v all_o prophesy_v one_o by_o one_o and_o if_o all_o than_o woman_n as_o well_o as_o man_n forasmuch_o as_o without_o any_o restriction_n he_o direct_v his_o epistle_n to_o the_o church_n of_o god_n at_o corinth_n which_o no_o question_n consist_v of_o woman_n as_o well_o as_o man_n if_o then_o these_o word_n you_o may_v all_o prophecy_n have_v relation_n unto_o they_o to_o who_o the_o apostle_n direct_v that_o epistle_n as_o be_v certain_a then_o woman_n may_v prophesy_v as_o well_o as_o man_n provide_v they_o be_v true_o call_v and_o qualify_v by_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n and_o that_o any_o thing_n be_v reveal_v and_o enjoin_v upon_o they_o to_o declare_v and_o hold_v forth_o unto_o people_n from_o he_o who_o be_v and_o aught_o to_o be_v the_o sole_a orderer_n and_o disposer_n of_o the_o heart_n and_o spirit_n of_o all_o his_o people_n and_o as_o for_o that_o say_n of_o he_o unto_o timothy_n it_o be_v much_o to_o the_o same_o purpose_n for_o he_o be_v speak_v how_o woman_n shall_v adorn_v themselves_o and_o how_o they_o shall_v not_o adorn_v themselves_o than_o he_o subjoin_v let_v the_o woman_n learn_v in_o silence_n with_o all_o subjection_n but_o i_o suffer_v not_o a_o woman_n to_o teach_v nor_o to_o usurp_v authority_n over_o the_o man_n but_o to_o be_v silent_a 1_o tim._n 2.9_o 10_o 11_o 12._o there_o be_v no_o question_n but_o there_o be_v such_o woman_n at_o ephesus_n where_o timothy_n then_o be_v who_o have_v need_n of_o this_o care_n to_o be_v take_v concern_v they_o and_o at_o corinth_n too_o such_o as_o be_v unlearned_a proud_a and_o tattle_a woman_n not_o come_v to_o the_o true_a silence_n and_o therefore_o he_o say_v let_v the_o woman_n learn_v in_o silence_n with_o all_o subjection_n again_o its_o probable_a there_o may_v be_v such_o as_o will_v be_v teach_v and_o usurp_a authority_n over_o the_o man_n such_o have_v need_n to_o be_v silent_a indeed_o that_o be_v without_o dispute_n for_o if_o they_o be_v for_o usurp_a authority_n over_o the_o man_n they_o be_v very_o unfit_a to_o be_v teacher_n of_o other_o but_o what_o of_o all_o this_o although_o proud_a vain_a tattle_a ignorant_a and_o unlearned_a woman_n be_v not_o to_o be_v permit_v to_o speak_v in_o the_o church_n nor_o to_o make_v disturbance_n there_o with_o their_o unseasonable_a and_o unlearned_a question_n and_o discourse_n but_o be_v to_o learn_v in_o silence_n with_o all_o subjection_n and_o to_o be_v under_o obedience_n as_o also_o say_v the_o law_n yet_o it_o do_v not_o therefore_o follow_v but_o that_o such_o woman_n as_o be_v become_v meek_a humble_a sober_a grave_a temperate_a wise_a and_o discreet_a and_o keep_v their_o place_n and_o station_n in_o the_o bless_a truth_n and_o have_v be_v content_a to_o learn_v in_o silence_n with_o all_o subjection_n may_v do_v and_o perform_v such_o service_n and_o devotion_n in_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n as_o they_o may_v be_v call_v unto_o and_o have_v a_o necessity_n from_o the_o lord_n lay_v upon_o they_o to_o be_v find_v in_o the_o practice_n of_o whether_o it_o be_v in_o public_a declaration_n and_o testimony_n for_o god_n and_o his_o truth_n or_o in_o prayer_n praise_n and_o thanksgiving_n unto_o he_o the_o scripture_n do_v afford_v we_o divers_a testimony_n that_o woman_n as_o well_o as_o man_n have_v be_v concern_v upon_o these_o account_n to_o pass_v by_o divers_a that_o may_v be_v mention_v who_o name_n be_v record_v in_o the_o writing_n of_o the_o old_a testament_n in_o who_o the_o spirit_n of_o the_o lord_n have_v be_v so_o prevalent_a that_o they_o have_v appear_v zealous_a for_o the_o god_n of_o israel_n we_o shall_v only_o speak_v of_o those_o mention_v in_o the_o writing_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n who_o have_v be_v concern_v in_o the_o work_n and_o service_n of_o the_o gospel_n we_o read_v that_o anna_n the_o daughter_n of_o phanuel_n be_v a_o prophetess_n and_o preach_v to_o the_o people_n in_o the_o temple_n at_o jerusalem_n the_o clorious_a day_n of_o israel_n redemption_n luke_n 2.36_o 37_o 38._o the_o next_o be_v the_o woman_n of_o samaria_n with_o who_o christ_n himself_o converse_v she_o be_v teach_v of_o christ_n himself_o that_o he_o be_v the_o messiah_n and_o then_o she_o go_v and_o publish_v the_o same_o in_o the_o city_n sychar_n john_n 4.26.28_o 29._o again_o we_o find_v that_o riding_n of_o christ_n resurrection_n be_v first_o publish_v by_o a_o woman_n viz._n marry_o magdalen_n and_o that_o she_o be_v command_v by_o christ_n himself_o to_o go_v to_o his_o brethren_n and_o say_v unto_o they_o i_o ascend_v unto_o my_o father_n and_o your_o father_n and_o to_o my_o god_n and_o your_o god_n john_n 20.17_o 18._o and_o also_o philip_n the_o evangelist_n who_o be_v one_o of_o the_o seven_o mention_a act_n 6.5_o have_v four_o daughter_n virgin_n which_o do_v prophesy_v act_v 21.8_o 9_o moreover_o the_o apostle_n paul_n himself_o be_v so_o far_o from_o discourage_a woman_n upon_o these_o account_n that_o he_o mention_n several_a be_v concern_v with_o he_o in_o the_o work_n and_o service_n of_o gospel_n he_o begin_v the_o 16_o chapter_n to_o the_o romnus_n thus_o i_o commend_v unto_o you_o phebe_n our_o sister_n which_o be_v a_o servant_n of_o the_o church_n which_o be_v at_o cenchrea_n again_o greet_n priscilla_n and_o aquila_n my_o fellow_n helper_n in_o christ_n jesus_n salute_v tryphena_n and_o tryphosa_n who_o labour_n in_o the_o lord_n salute_v the_o belove_a persis_n which_o labour_v much_o in_o the_o lord_n rom._n 16.3_o 12._o all_o these_o be_v woman_n except_o aquila_n also_o the_o same_o apostle_n in_o his_o epistle_n to_o the_o philippian_n write_v thus_o and_o i_o entreat_v thou_o also_o true_a yoke-fellow_n help_v those_o woman_n that_o labour_v with_o i_o in_o the_o gospel_n with_o clement_n also_o and_o other_o my_o fellow_n labourer_n who_o name_n be_v write_v in_o the_o book_n of_o life_n phil._n 4.3_o thus_o it_o be_v manifest_v that_o serious_a godly_a and_o well-disposed_n woman_n who_o the_o lord_n by_o his_o grace_n and_o spirit_n stire_v up_o in_o former_a age_n to_o serve_v he_o and_o to_o bear_v a_o testimony_n for_o his_o name_n and_o truth_n be_v own_v by_o the_o apostle_n in_o their_o service_n and_o accept_v of_o in_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n and_o indeed_o they_o ought_v to_o be_v so_o still_o wherein_o it_o be_v manifest_a that_o their_o exercise_n and_o service_n stand_v in_o the_o truth_n and_o in_o the_o fellowship_n
to_o the_o ephesian_n say_v and_o you_o have_v he_o quicken_v who_o be_v dead_a in_o trespass_n and_o sin_n yea_o god_n who_o be_v rich_a in_o mercy_n for_o his_o great_a love_n wherewith_o he_o love_v we_o even_o when_o we_o be_v dead_a in_o sin_n have_v quicken_v we_o together_o with_o christ_n by_o grace_n be_v you_o save_v and_o have_v raise_v we_o up_o together_o and_o make_v we_o sit_v together_o in_o heavenly_a place_n in_o christ_n jesus_n ephes_n 2.1_o 4_o 5_o 6._o from_o whence_o it_o be_v very_o clear_a and_o plain_a that_o it_o be_v the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n that_o quicken_v the_o soul_n of_o those_o who_o have_v be_v dead_a in_o trespass_n and_o sin_n and_o that_o if_o any_o man_n have_v not_o the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n he_o be_v none_o of_o he_o and_o if_o he_o be_v none_o of_o christ_n he_o be_v none_o of_o the_o true_a church_n and_o consequent_o no_o true_a worshipper_n again_o he_o say_v that_o as_o many_o as_o be_v lead_v by_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n they_o be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o if_o son_n than_o heir_n and_o member_n of_o the_o true_a church_n who_o worship_n god_n in_o the_o spirit_n moreover_o as_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n by_o his_o divine_a spirit_n and_o power_n do_v thus_o work_v upon_o the_o heart_n and_o soul_n of_o those_o that_o receive_v he_o in_o order_n to_o cleanse_v from_o sin_n and_o iniquity_n and_o to_o raise_v up_o into_o newness_n of_o life_n so_o also_o it_o be_v he_o only_o by_o his_o holy_a light_n and_o spirit_n that_o true_o prepare_v and_o dispose_v the_o heart_n of_o people_n for_o the_o service_n of_o god_n and_o open_v the_o mystery_n of_o truth_n unto_o the_o son_n and_o daughter_n of_o man_n he_o it_o be_v that_o have_v the_o key_n of_o david_n that_o open_v and_o no_o man_n shut_v and_o shut_v and_o no_o man_n open_v rev._n 3.9_o and_o without_o he_o the_o vision_n of_o divine_a thing_n be_v as_o a_o book_n that_o be_v seal_v and_o hide_v from_o the_o wisdom_n of_o man_n in_o the_o fall_n and_o no_o man_n be_v worthy_a to_o open_v the_o seal_n thereof_o for_o which_o cause_n it_o seem_v john_n weep_v as_o we_o read_v in_o the_o revelation_n and_o i_o see_v in_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o he_o that_o sit_v on_o the_o throne_n a_o book_n write_v within_o and_o on_o the_o backside_n seal_v with_o seven_o seal_n and_o i_o see_v a_o strong_a angel_n proclaim_v with_o a_o loud_a voice_n who_o be_v worthy_a to_o open_v the_o book_n and_o to_o loose_v the_o seal_n thereof_o and_o no_o man_n in_o heaven_n nor_o in_o earth_n neither_o under_o the_o earth_n be_v able_a to_o open_v the_o book_n neither_o to_o look_v thereon_o and_o i_o weep_v much_o because_o none_o be_v find_v worthy_a to_o open_v the_o book_n neither_o to_o look_v thereon_o and_o one_o of_o the_o elder_n say_v unto_o i_o weep_v not_o behold_v the_o lion_n of_o the_o tribe_n of_o judah_n the_o root_n of_o david_n have_v prevail_v to_o open_v the_o book_n and_o to_o loose_v the_o seven_o seal_n thereof_o rev._n 5.1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 5._o by_o the_o lion_n of_o the_o tribe_n of_o juda_n be_v to_o be_v understand_v the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n who_o prevail_v with_o the_o father_n to_o open_v the_o book_n of_o truth_n and_o to_o loose_v the_o seal_n thereof_o without_o who_o no_o man_n be_v able_a to_o open_v the_o same_o be_v he_o never_o so_o wise_a in_o worldly_a wisdom_n and_o never_o so_o learned_a in_o natural_a art_n and_o science_n as_o may_v hereafter_o in_o its_o due_a and_o proper_a place_n more_o full_o and_o at_o large_a appear_v section_n iv_o concern_v the_o gospel_n church_n and_o evangelical_n temple_n as_o it_o be_v the_o light_n spirit_n and_o power_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n that_o true_o quicken_v and_o renew_v people_n unto_o god_n and_o render_v they_o capable_a of_o perform_v that_o spiritual_a worship_n which_o be_v acceptable_a unto_o he_o so_o also_o it_o be_v by_o the_o virtue_n and_o influence_n of_o the_o same_o spirit_n and_o power_n that_o the_o lord_n people_n have_v be_v and_o be_v state_v in_o a_o joint_a fellowship_n and_o communion_n and_o be_v draw_v into_o a_o outward_a and_o visible_a society_n and_o so_o come_v under_o the_o name_n of_o a_o church_n yet_o for_o a_o better_a understanding_n of_o the_o word_n church_n or_o what_o be_v mean_v thereby_o it_o may_v be_v consider_v in_o a_o two_o fold_v respect_n first_o as_o it_o comprehend_v all_o whatsoever_o of_o every_o nation_n kindred_n tongue_n and_o people_n who_o the_o lord_n god_n by_o his_o universal_a spirit_n and_o power_n reveal_v and_o make_v manifest_a in_o and_o through_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n do_v true_o call_v and_o gather_v out_o of_o the_o life_n and_o spirit_n of_o the_o world_n and_o the_o pollution_n and_o defilement_n thereof_o into_o that_o pure_a holy_a and_o righteous_a state_n of_o faith_n and_o life_n wherein_o they_o be_v cccept_v of_o god_n and_o own_a by_o he_o as_o his_o child_n and_o people_n which_o make_v up_o that_o one_o true_a universal_a or_o catholic_a church_n out_o of_o which_o indeed_o there_o be_v no_o salvation_n second_o the_o word_n church_n may_v be_v take_v for_o a_o certain_a number_n of_o person_n who_o be_v member_n of_o this_o universal_a church_n be_v gather_v into_o a_o outward_a and_o visible_a society_n and_o do_v meet_a and_o assemble_v themselves_o together_o real_o to_o wait_v upon_o and_o worship_n the_o live_a god_n and_o to_o bear_v a_o testimony_n for_o the_o truth_n against_o error_n the_o church_n in_o the_o first_o sense_n in_o scripture_n term_n be_v call_v the_o new_a holy_a and_o heavenly_a jerusalem_n the_o general_a assembly_n and_o church_n of_o the_o first-born_a the_o lamb_n bride_n and_o the_o city_n of_o the_o live_a god_n heb._n 12.22_o 23._o rev._n 19.7_o and_o 21.2_o 9_o 10._o the_o church_n in_o the_o latter_a sense_n we_o have_v it_o often_o mention_v in_o the_o scripture_n as_o appear_v mat._n 18.17_o 1_o cor._n 1.2_o gal._n 1.2_o 1_o thes_n 1.1_o also_o rev._n 1.4_o john_n writ_v to_o the_o seven_o church_n in_o asia_n thus_o it_o be_v not_o the_o outward_a house_n frabrick_n or_o building_n of_o wood_n or_o stone_n that_o be_v or_o can_v be_v true_o term_v the_o church_n or_o house_n of_o god_n in_o this_o gospel_n day_n as_o some_o vain_o do_v conceive_v and_o therefore_o do_v ascribe_v some_o imaginary_a sanctity_n or_o holiness_n thereunto_o but_o it_o be_v the_o assembly_n of_o believer_n in_o this_o sense_n gather_v together_o as_o aforesaid_a who_o be_v the_o evangelical_n temple_n gospel_n church_n and_o house_n of_o god_n the_o ornament_n whereof_o be_v not_o the_o embroidery_n and_o furniture_n of_o worldly_a art_n and_o wealth_n but_o the_o gift_n and_o grace_n of_o the_o holy_a spirit_n love_n meekness_n faith_n patience_n long-suffering_a humility_n self-denial_n and_o charity_n with_o other_o christian_a virtue_n it_o be_v true_a the_o jew_n under_o the_o old_a covenant_n and_o dispensation_n of_o the_o law_n have_v a_o outward_a temple_n where_o they_o be_v to_o worship_n as_o in_o 1_o king_n 9_o and_o 2_o chron._n 7._o and_o because_o the_o lord_n be_v please_v to_o hollow_o it_o for_o his_o name_n and_o honour_v it_o with_o his_o presence_n as_o also_o to_o cause_v a_o outward_a glory_n and_o majesty_n to_o appear_v there_o by_o cause_v fire_n from_o heaven_n to_o consume_v their_o sacrifice_n etc._n etc._n therefore_o it_o be_v call_v the_o house_n of_o god_n as_o be_v manifest_a in_o the_o writing_n of_o the_o old_a testament_n and_o also_o the_o lord_n jesus_n before_o he_o be_v offer_v up_o give_v it_o that_o name_v mat._n 21.13_o joh._n 2.16_o but_o then_o after_o christ_n be_v offer_v up_o and_o the_o pure_a spiritual_a worship_n and_o service_n come_v to_o be_v exalt_v and_o bear_v testimony_n unto_o by_o the_o apostle_n and_o servant_n of_o christ_n that_o outward_a temple_n be_v leave_v desolate_a of_o the_o glory_n and_o presence_n of_o god_n it_o come_v to_o ruin_n according_a to_o the_o say_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n and_o the_o true_a minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n plain_o testify_v that_o the_o most_o high_a dwell_v not_o in_o teinples_n make_v with_o hand_n act_n 7.48_o and_o 17.24_o 25._o neither_o be_v he_o worship_v with_o man_n hand_n as_o though_o he_o need_v any_o thing_n see_v he_o give_v to_o all_o life_n and_o breath_n and_o all_o thing_n but_o he_o be_v worship_v in_o spirit_n john_n 4.24_o his_o tabernacle_n be_v with_o man_n he_o will_v dwell_v with_o they_o and_o they_o shall_v be_v his_o people_n rev._n 21.3_o therefore_o the_o apostle_n thus_o write_v to_o the_o church_n at_o corinth_n know_v you_o not_o that_o you_o be_v the_o temple_n of_o god_n and_o that_o the_o spirit_n
of_o god_n dwell_v in_o you_o if_o any_o man_n desile_v the_o temple_n of_o god_n he_o shall_v god_n destroy_v for_o the_o temple_n of_o god_n be_v holy_a which_o temple_n you_o be_v 1_o cor._n 3.16_o 17._o again_o you_o be_v the_o temple_n of_o the_o live_a god_n as_o god_n have_v say_v i_o will_v dwell_v in_o they_o and_o walk_v in_o they_o and_o i_o will_v be_v their_o god_n and_o they_o shall_v be_v my_o people_n 2_o cor_fw-la 6.16_o and_o also_o the_o apostle_n peter_n say_v you_o also_o as_o lively_a stone_n be_v build_v up_o a_o spiritual_a house_n a_o holy_a priesthood_n to_o offer_v up_o spiritual_a sacrifice_n acceptable_a to_o god_n by_o jesus_n christ_n 1_o pet._n 2.5_o again_o the_o author_n to_o the_o hebrew_n express_v himself_o thus_o moses_n very_o be_v faithful_a in_o all_o his_o house_n as_o a_o servant_n for_o a_o testimony_n of_o those_o thing_n which_o be_v to_o be_v speak_v after_o but_o christ_n as_o a_o son_n ever_o his_o own_o house_n who_o house_n we_o be_v if_o we_o hold_v fast_o the_o confidence_n and_o the_o rejoice_v of_o the_o hope_n from_o unto_o the_o end_n heb._n 3.5_o 6._o by_o all_o which_o testimony_n its_o plain_o manifest_a that_o the_o saint_n and_o child_n of_o god_n be_v that_o spiritual_a house_n and_o evangelical_n temple_n wherein_o the_o glory_n and_o presence_n of_o god_n be_v spiritual_o know_v and_o witness_v in_o this_o gospel_n day_n which_o be_v yet_o further_o confirm_v and_o hold_v forth_o in_o that_o remarkable_a passage_n of_o the_o apostle_n paul_n to_o the_o church_n at_o ephesus_n now_o therefore_o you_o be_v no_o more_o stranger_n and_o foreigner_n but_o fellow_n citizen_n with_o the_o saint_n and_o of_o the_o household_n of_o god_n and_o be_v build_v upon_o the_o foundation_n of_o the_o apostle_n and_o prophet_n jesus_n christ_n himself_o be_v the_o chief_a corner_n stone_n in_o who_o all_o the_o building_n fit_o frame_v together_o grow_v unto_o a_o holy_a temple_n in_o the_o lord_n in_o who_o you_o also_o be_v build_v together_o for_o a_o habitation_n of_o god_n through_o the_o spirit_n ephes_n 2.19_o 20_o 21_o 22._o howbeit_o christian_n have_v meeting-place_n though_o not_o in_o jewish_a or_o heathen_a pomp_n and_o state_n but_o plain_a and_o suitable_a for_o that_o purpose_n answerable_a to_o the_o simplicity_n of_o the_o life_n and_o doctrine_n of_o their_o bless_a lord_n who_o teach_v humility_n plainness_n and_o moderation_n upon_o all_o account_n it_o be_v not_o simple_o the_o place_n but_o the_o person_n there_o assemble_v that_o he_o have_v a_o regard_n unto_o who_o meet_v in_o his_o name_n and_o fear_v such_o do_v he_o honour_n with_o his_o bless_a presence_n wheresoever_o they_o be_v meet_v together_o to_o wait_v upon_o he_o and_o by_o the_o virtue_n of_o his_o grace_n and_o spirit_n he_o do_v strengthen_v and_o confirm_v his_o child_n and_o people_n enable_v they_o to_o perform_v that_o worship_n and_o service_n which_o be_v acceptable_a unto_o god_n in_o this_o gospel_n day_n section_n v._o concern_v silent_a wait_v upon_o god_n for_o the_o help_n and_o concurrence_n of_o his_o holy_a spirit_n in_o the_o performance_n of_o divine_a worship_n inasmuch_o as_o those_o who_o have_v receive_v the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n and_o make_v profession_n of_o his_o bless_a name_n and_o truth_n be_v so_o draw_v into_o a_o outward_a and_o visible_a society_n as_o that_o they_o do_v meet_a and_o assemble_v themselves_o together_o at_o seasonable_a and_o convenient_a time_n and_o place_n according_a to_o the_o practice_n of_o the_o true_a believer_n in_o the_o primitive_a time_n so_o when_o they_o be_v assemble_v it_o ought_v to_o be_v the_o care_n of_o all_o to_o abstain_v from_o their_o own_o act_n thought_n and_o imagination_n and_o to_o be_v inward_o retire_v in_o their_o mind_n in_o a_o holy_a watchfulness_n and_o dependency_n upon_o the_o lord_n that_o so_o be_v gather_v together_o in_o his_o name_n they_o may_v be_v sensible_a of_o his_o bless_a presence_n among_o they_o according_a to_o his_o promise_n where_o two_o or_o three_o say_v he_o be_v gather_v together_o in_o my_o name_n there_o will_v i_o be_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o they_o this_o name_n be_v not_o only_o a_o outward_a and_o literal_a name_n but_o a_o precious_a live_v &_o powerful_a name_n wherein_o true_a comfort_n strength_n &_o safety_n be_v nor_o be_v it_o a_o outward_a gather_n only_o but_o a_o inward_a gather_n in_o heart_n mind_n and_o spirit_n unto_o that_o which_o be_v pure_a and_o holy_a therefore_o say_v the_o apostle_n i_o beseech_v you_o brithren_n by_o the_o come_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n and_o by_o our_o gather_v together_o unto_o he_o 2_o thes_n 2.1_o by_o which_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o saint_n gather_v be_v unto_o christ_n his_o spirit_n and_o power_n and_o as_o every_o one_o be_v thus_o gather_v in_o spirit_n as_o well_o as_o outward_o in_o person_n the_o secret_a power_n and_o virtue_n of_o the_o divine_a spirit_n be_v frequent_o know_v to_o revive_v and_o refresh_v their_o soul_n and_o the_o pure_a motion_n and_o breathe_n thereof_o be_v witness_v from_o which_o as_o word_n of_o declaration_n prayer_n or_o praise_n to_o god_n do_v arise_v the_o pure_a spiritual_a and_o acceptable_a worship_n and_o service_n of_o god_n be_v know_v yea_o though_o there_o be_v not_o a_o word_n speak_v yet_o in_o possible_a that_o the_o true_a spiritual_a worship_n may_v be_v perform_v and_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n edify_v howbeit_o although_o this_o inward_a silence_n and_o spiritual_a wait_v upon_o god_n be_v a_o very_a great_a &_o necessary_a duty_n and_o in_o order_n precede_v all_o real_a act_n of_o divine_a worship_n forasmuch_o as_o it_o be_v a_o inward_a retirement_n of_o the_o mind_n from_o all_o its_o own_o motion_n working_n imagination_n and_o vain_a speculation_n and_o a_o mere_a dependence_n upon_o god_n for_o the_o help_n and_o influence_n of_o his_o grace_n and_o spirit_n yet_o it_o be_v very_o strange_a and_o opposite_a to_o the_o natural_a will_n and_o wisdom_n of_o man_n who_o rove_a imagination_n and_o run_v worldly_a desire_n vavity_n and_o delight_n be_v not_o easy_o subject_v and_o bring_v to_o silence_n and_o such_o be_v ready_a to_o think_v all_o time_n lose_v wherein_o there_o be_v not_o something_o speak_v that_o be_v obvious_a to_o the_o outward_a sense_n not_o consider_v that_o so_o long_o as_o the_o natural_a spirit_n of_o man_n be_v the_o first_o and_o chief_a author_n and_o actor_n of_o he_o in_o his_o devotion_n towards_o god_n so_o as_o that_o he_o do_v not_o first_o wait_v for_o a_o divine_a guide_n to_o direct_v he_o he_o can_v worship_v acceptable_o nor_o bring_v forth_o any_o thing_n of_o himself_o but_o the_o fruit_n of_o the_o fall_v natural_a and_o corrupt_a root_n and_o indeed_o this_o be_v one_o great_a reason_n why_o many_o sober_a and_o discreet_a person_n in_o this_o our_o age_n can_v join_v with_o the_o several_a form_n of_o worship_n now_o extant_a in_o the_o world_n but_o under_o a_o conscientious_a exercise_n and_o concern_v do_v dissent_n from_o they_o not_o in_o any_o stubbornness_n as_o some_o will_v charge_v they_o but_o real_o for_o conscience_n sake_n lest_o they_o shall_v offend_v god_n in_o join_v with_o that_o which_o he_o by_o his_o spirit_n have_v make_v they_o sensible_a of_o that_o he_o take_v no_o delight_n in_o for_o what_o be_v a_o heap_n of_o the_o most_o pathetical_a word_n that_o can_v be_v utter_v unto_o god_n almighty_a when_o they_o be_v both_o begin_v carry_v on_o and_o conclude_v in_o man_n own_o natural_a will_n and_o strength_n without_o the_o motion_n or_o influence_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n which_o be_v and_o must_v needs_o be_v of_o absolute_a necessity_n for_o enable_v people_n to_o perform_v that_o spiritual_a worship_n which_o be_v institute_v by_o our_o lord_n and_o be_v now_o practise_v by_o his_o people_n yet_o nevertheless_o although_o this_o inward_a retiredness_n and_o spiritual_a wait_v upon_o god_n be_v almost_o a_o mystery_n to_o the_o world_n and_o very_o hard_a &_o difficult_a unto_o man_n in_o their_o natural_a &_o unregenerate_a sit_v yet_o it_o be_v that_o whereby_o the_o spiritual_a man_n renew_v his_o strength_n in_o the_o lord_n &_o it_o be_v frequent_o command_v &_o bear_v testimonyunto_o in_o the_o holy_a scripture_n as_o appear_v by_o the_o follow_a text_n which_o the_o reader_n may_v peruse_v at_o his_o leisure_n job_n 14.14_o psal_n 40.1_o and_o 62_o 5._o and_o 69.3_o prov._n 20.22_o isa_n 40.31_o lam._n 3.25_o 26._o hos_fw-la 12.6_o hab._n 2.1_o mat._n 24.42_o and_o 25.13_o and_o 26.41_o mar._n 13.37_o 2_o tim._n 4.5_o see_v also_o ezra_n 9.4_o ezek._n 3.15_o 16._o zech._n 2.13_o job_n 2.13_o moreover_o this_o silence_n or_o silent_a wait_v for_o a_o season_n before_o word_n be_v speak_v relate_v to_o the_o worship_n
and_o service_n of_o god_n do_v not_o thus_o only_o appear_v to_o be_v agreeable_a to_o scripture_n testimony_n but_o also_o be_v answerable_a even_o to_o reason_n &_o natural_a experience_n in_o other_o thing_n for_o he_o that_o will_v learn_v of_o a_o master_n any_o art_n or_o science_n ought_v not_o to_o fall_v on_o speak_v or_o act_v immediate_o of_o his_o own_o mind_n and_o will_n &_o so_o continue_v unquiet_a but_o rather_o shall_v be_v silent_a for_o a_o season_n to_o hear_v his_o master_n instruct_v he_o what_o and_o how_o he_o shall_v door_n say_v and_o then_o proceed_v so_o also_o he_o that_o undertake_v to_o serve_v a_o master_n shall_v not_o run_v hasty_o on_o to_o do_v thing_n in_o his_o own_o time_n and_o will_n nor_o yet_o to_o deaffen_v his_o master_n with_o discourse_n though_o it_o be_v in_o praise_n of_o he_o but_o he_o ought_v rather_o to_o wait_v to_o hear_v his_o master_n speak_v and_o inform_v he_o what_o and_o how_o to_o do_v and_o then_o proceed_v to_o act_v according_a to_o his_o direction_n even_o so_o those_o that_o desire_v to_o be_v teach_v of_o god_n and_o instruct_v by_o he_o in_o righteousness_n ought_v not_o to_o keep_v themselves_o continual_o busy_v with_o their_o own_o imagination_n and_o invention_n but_o patient_o to_o wait_v upon_o god_n that_o so_o he_o by_o his_o grace_n and_o spirit_n may_v teach_v and_o instruct_v they_o and_o also_o those_o that_o desire_v to_o serve_v god_n in_o this_o gospel_n day_n ought_v not_o to_o run_v hasty_o about_o the_o same_o in_o their_o own_o corrupt_a forward_a and_o unrenewed_a will_n and_o mind_n but_o diligent_o to_o attend_v upon_o god_n to_o feel_v the_o strength_n and_o counsel_n of_o his_o spirit_n in_o such_o undertake_n section_n vi_o concern_v the_o preparation_n call_v and_o ordination_n of_o gospel_n minister_n as_o it_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o every_o christian_n to_o wait_v upon_o god_n for_o the_o help_n and_o strength_n of_o his_o holy_a spirit_n in_o order_n to_o sit_v prepare_v &_o qualify_v they_o for_o the_o worship_n &_o service_n of_o god_n so_o it_o be_v by_o the_o power_n and_o virtue_n of_o the_o divine_a spirit_n that_o every_o true_a evangelist_n and_o gospel_n minister_n be_v ordain_v prepare_v and_o supply_v in_o the_o work_n of_o the_o ministry_n otherwise_o he_o can_v be_v true_o say_v to_o be_v a_o minster_n of_o the_o spirit_n for_o as_o none_o can_v be_v minister_n of_o the_o letter_n who_o have_v thence_o no_o ground_n of_o their_o call_n nor_o direction_n therefrom_o how_o when_o nor_o after_o what_o manner_n they_o shall_v minister_v neither_o can_v any_o be_v real_a minister_n of_o the_o spirit_n who_o be_v not_o call_v ordain_v fit_v and_o prepare_v by_o it_o nor_o be_v acquaint_v with_o the_o motion_n and_o direction_n thereof_o in_o order_n to_o draw_v move_z act_n influence_n assist_v and_o go_v before_o they_o in_o the_o work_n and_o service_n of_o the_o gospel_n as_o for_o the_o service_n of_o the_o jew_n under_o the_o dispensation_n of_o the_o law_n there_o be_v a_o certain_a tribe_n allot_v for_o the_o ministry_n which_o be_v the_o tribe_n of_o levi_n so_o that_o then_o people_n need_v not_o to_o question_v who_o shall_v be_v priest_n and_o minister_n of_o holy_a thing_n for_o that_o the_o lord_n god_n by_o his_o servant_n moses_n do_v set_v apart_o divers_a of_o the_o aforesaid_a tribe_n for_o the_o priesthood_n and_o other_o office_n as_o also_o he_o do_v direct_v how_o and_o after_o what_o manner_n their_o worship_n and_o service_n be_v to_o be_v perform_v as_o may_v be_v see_v at_o large_a in_o the_o writing_n of_o moses_n and_o beside_o that_o it_o please_v god_n at_o divers_a time_n under_o that_o dispensation_n by_o the_o immediate_a testimony_n of_o his_o holy_a spirit_n to_o raise_v up_o several_a person_n to_o teach_v instruct_v and_o reprove_v the_o people_n as_o samuel_n nathan_n elias_n elisha_n jeremiah_n amos_n and_o other_o of_o the_o prophet_n but_o now_o under_o the_o new_a covenant_n and_o dispensation_n of_o the_o gospel_n there_o be_v no_o such_o tribe_n of_o people_n allot_v &_o set_v a_o part_n particular_o for_o the_o ministry_n as_o be_v under_o the_o law_n neither_o be_v the_o worship_n and_o service_n of_o christian_n celebrate_v after_o the_o manner_n of_o the_o jew_n in_o divers_a respect_n nor_o be_v it_o attend_v with_o those_o outward_a ceremony_n and_o shadow_a performance_n as_o be_v that_o of_o the_o jew_n for_o the_o christian_a worship_n &_o service_n be_v perform_v in_o spirit_n &_o in_o truth_n as_o have_v be_v before_o and_o still_o yet_o may_v be_v further_o observe_v and_o therein_o it_o great_o excel_v and_o far_o transcend_v that_o under_o the_o law_n be_v under_o the_o administration_n of_o life_n and_o glory_n wherein_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n be_v alone_o exalt_v as_o high_a priest_n and_o prophet_n of_o his_o people_n who_o be_v the_o lord_n of_o true_a divinity_n do_v spiritual_o call_v ordain_v constitute_v and_o qualify_v the_o minister_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n and_o instruct_v they_o in_o the_o spiritual_a law_n which_o be_v the_o delight_n of_o god_n people_n that_o the_o apostle_n and_o servant_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o primitive_a time_n be_v call_v and_o qualify_v by_o the_o divine_a spirit_n to_o and_o for_o the_o work_n of_o the_o ministry_n be_v so_o plain_a and_o clear_a that_o none_o need_v question_v it_o unless_o it_o be_v such_o who_o at_o this_o day_n will_v assume_v and_o arrogate_v unto_o themselves_o the_o name_n and_o title_n of_o gospel_n minister_n by_o virtue_n of_o some_o outward_a ordination_n without_o the_o call_n help_v and_o influence_n of_o the_o holy_a spirit_n unto_o such_o i_o say_v it_o great_o behoove_v they_o to_o consider_v how_o and_o when_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n do_v transfer_v that_o power_n unto_o man_n which_o be_v only_o peculiar_a unto_o himself_o i_o know_v that_o those_o who_o despise_v the_o motion_n and_o diclare_v of_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n in_o themselves_o and_o yet_o will_v be_v esteem_v minister_n be_v apt_a to_o deny_v that_o the_o power_n and_o influence_n of_o the_o holy_a spirit_n be_v of_o absolute_a necessity_n for_o the_o call_v and_o qualification_n of_o a_o gospel_n minister_n and_o therefore_o do_v whole_o betake_v themselves_o to_o a_o outward_a ordination_n for_o a_o refuge_n otherwise_o such_o will_v have_v nothing_o to_o stand_v upon_o in_o that_o respect_n for_o what_o they_o pretend_v to_o it_o be_v certain_a and_o always_o grant_v that_o those_o who_o god_n be_v please_v to_o call_v and_o qualify_v by_o his_o grace_n and_o spirit_n to_o and_o for_o the_o work_n and_o service_n of_o the_o gospel_n be_v to_o be_v own_v and_o approve_v of_o by_o his_o church_n and_o people_n but_o than_o it_o do_v not_o therefore_o follow_v that_o any_o who_o have_v only_o attain_v unto_o some_o degree_n of_o humane_a learning_n &_o knowledge_n in_o art_n &_o science_n can_v be_v thereby_o fit_v for_o the_o gospel_n ministry_n or_o that_o such_o person_n under_o those_o circumstance_n can_v be_v right_o qualify_v for_o that_o work_n &_o service_n by_o the_o power_n of_o man_n without_o the_o call_n help_v influence_n and_o assistance_n of_o the_o bless_a and_o holy_a spirit_n and_o power_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n wherein_o the_o true_a power_n of_o ordination_n stand_v and_o not_o in_o man_n as_o man_n but_o in_o the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n which_o ought_v to_o have_v the_o supreme_a government_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n and_o those_o who_o be_v true_o call_v ordain_v and_o qualify_v by_o the_o divine_a spirit_n for_o the_o work_n and_o service_n of_o the_o gospel_n be_v accept_v of_o god_n and_o approve_a of_o by_o his_o church_n and_o people_n as_o the_o apostle_n say_v he_o that_o in_o these_o thing_n serve_v christ_n be_v acceptable_a to_o god_n and_o approve_v of_o man_n rom._n 14.18_o also_o we_o read_v that_o the_o apostle_n paul_n when_o he_o take_v his_o leave_n of_o the_o elder_n of_o the_o church_n of_o ephesus_n he_o thus_o express_v himself_o take_v heed_n therefore_o unto_o yourselves_o and_o to_o all_o the_o flock_n over_o which_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v make_v you_o overseer_n to_o feed_v the_o church_n of_o god_n which_o he_o have_v purchase_v with_o his_o own_o blood_n act_v 20.28_o and_o again_o the_o holy_a ghost_n say_v unto_o the_o prophet_n &_o teacher_n which_o be_v in_o the_o church_n at_o antioch_n separate_a i_n barnabas_n and_o saul_n for_o the_o work_n whereunto_o i_o have_v call_v they_o and_o when_o they_o have_v fast_v and_o pray_v and_o lay_v their_o hand_n on_o they_o they_o send_v they_o away_o so_o it_o be_v say_v they_o be_v send_v forth_o by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n depart_v unto_o soleucia_n and_o from_o thence_o they_o sail_v to_o cyprus_n and_o
deep_a thing_n of_o god_n for_o what_o man_n know_v the_o thing_n of_o a_o man_n save_o the_o spirit_n of_o a_o man_n which_o be_v in_o he_o even_o so_o the_o thing_n of_o god_n know_v no_o man_n but_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n further_o add_v that_o the_o natural_a man_n receive_v not_o the_o thing_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n for_o they_o be_v foolishness_n unto_o he_o neither_o can_v he_o know_v they_o because_o they_o be_v spiritual_o discern_v moreover_o if_o the_o lord_n have_v intend_v human_a learning_n and_o art_n and_o science_n to_o have_v be_v absolute_o necessary_a for_o the_o qualification_n of_o a_o gospel_n minister_n its_o probable_a he_o will_v not_o only_o have_v recommend_v the_o same_o &_o the_o necessity_n thereof_o in_o those_o respect_n by_o some_o of_o his_o servant_n but_o also_o will_v have_v choose_v more_o of_o the_o learned_a doctor_n &_o rabbi_n of_o the_o time_n to_o have_v be_v publisher_n of_o his_o mind_n &_o will_n unto_o the_o people_n in_o time_n past_a but_o on_o the_o contrary_a we_o find_v very_o