TheanthrÅpos or The great mysterie of godlines opened by way of antidote against the great mysterie of iniquity, (now awork in the Romish Church.) In a sound and seasonable treatise; wherein 1. The incarnation of the Son of God (and evangelicall love, wisdome, humility, &c. expressed in that contrivance) is fully explicated and displayed. 2. Ceremonies in poynt of divine worship are concluded to be by Christ (the true Messiah) abrogated; and examined whether they are not since Christ, Jewish-anti-Christian; where the Jew and Judaizing Christian are deservedly taxed. 3. Christian liberty with its VIII steps and V boundaries, is modestly and briefly asserted; and many other matters of consequence and moment are imparted; but now published for vindication of the truth and its assertor. By Thomas Douglas, M.A. minister of the Gospel at Olaves-Silverstreet, in London.
Douglas, Thomas, fl. 1661.
Wing D2040; ESTC R212841