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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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and it shal be geuē you Seke ye shal finde knocke it shall opened vnto you For whosoeuer asketh receaueth and he that seketh findeth and to him that knocketh shall it be opened yf the son aske bread of any of you y ● is a father wyll he geue hym a stone therfore Or yf he aske a fishe wyl he for y e fish offer him a serpent or yf he aske an egge wil he profer him a scorpion Yf ye then which are euyll can geue your chyldren good gyftes howe much moore shall the father of heauen geue the holy spirite to theym that aske hym ¶ The thyrde parte of the seconde Booke contaynynge what Iesus dyd and sayde in the two and thyrty yeare of hys age ☞ Of the woman of Samaria Iohn iiii Cap. xlvii HE lefte the lande of Iewrye and departed agayne into Galile But he muste nedes goe thorowe Samaria Then came Iesus into a cytye of Samaria called Sichar nye vnto the pece of lande that Iacob gaue vnto Ioseph hys sonne And ther was Iacobs well Nowe whē Iesus was w●ry of his iourney he sat him downe so vpon the well and it was about the syxt houre Then came ther a woman of Samaria to drawe water Iesus sayd vnto her geue me drinke for his disciples wer gone their way into the Cytye to bye meate So the woman of Samaria sayde vnto hym Howe is it that thou askest dryncke of me seynge thou arte a Iewe and I a woman of Samaria For the Iewes meddle not wyth the Samaritans Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto her Yf thou knewest the gyft of GOD and who it is that sayeth vnto thee geue me dryncke thou wouldest aske of hym and he woulde geue thee the water of lyfe Th● woman sayde vnto hym Syr thou haste nothynge to drawe wyth all and the Welle is depe frome whence ●hen haste thou that water of lyfe Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob whych gaue vs thys Wel And he hym selfe drancke thereof and hys Chyldren and hys Catell Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto her Whosoeuer drynketh of thys water shall thyrste agayne But whoso euer shall dryncke of the Water that I shall geue hym shall neuer be moore a thyrste But the water that I shall geue hym shall be in hym a Welle of water whyche spryngeth vp into euerlastynge lyfe The woman sayde vnto hym Syr geue me that same water that I thyrste not nother nede to comme hyther to drawe Iesus sayde vnto her Goe call thy Husbande and comme hyther The woman aunswered and sayde vnto hym I haue no Husbande Iesus sayde vnto her Thou haste sayde well I haue no Husbande for thou haste hadde fyue Husbandes And he whome thou haste nowe is not thyne Husbande There saydest thou ryghte The woman sayde vnto hym Syr I see that thou arte a Prophete Oure father 's worshypped vpon this Mountayne And ye saye that at Ierusalem is the place where menne oughte to worshyppe Iesus sayd vnto her Woman beleue me the tyme commeth and is nowe all ready that the true Worshyppers shall worshyp the father in Spirite and in y e trueth For the father wyll haue suche so to worshyppe hym GOD is a Spirite and they that worshyppe hym must worship hym in Spirite and the trueth The woman sayde vnto him I wotte that Messyas shall come whyche is called Christe When he commeth he shall tell vs all thynges Iesus sayde vnto her I that speake vnto thee am he And in the meane season came his disciples and they meruayled that he talketh with the woman Yet sayde no manne what askest thou Or what talkest thou wyth her Then the woman lette her Potte stande and went into the Cytye and sayde vnto the people Come see a manne that hathe tolde me all that euer I dydde Is not he CHRISTE Then wente they oute of the Cytye and came vnto hym In the meane whyle hys Disciples prayed hym and sayde Maister eate but he sayde vnto them I haue meate to eate that ye knowe not of Then sayde the Disciples amonge theym selues hathe anye manne broughte hym meate Iesus sayde vnto theym My meate is thys that I doe the wyll of hym that s●nte me to fynyshe hys worke Saye not ye youre selues there are yet foure Monethes and then commeth the Harueste Beholde I saye vnto you Lyfte vp your Eyes and looke vppon the Felde for it is Whyte all readye vnto the Harueste And he that reapeth receaueth rewarde and gathereth fruite to euerlastynge Lyfe that bothe he that soweth and he that reapeth maye enioye together For herein is the Prouerbe true One soweth another reapeth I haue sente you to reape that whereon ye bestowed no laboure other haue laboured and ye are comme into theyr laboures Manye of the same Citye beleued on hym For the sayinge of the woman whyche testifyed He hathe tolde me all that euer I dydde Now whan the Samaritans came to hym they besought hym y ● they would tarye with them And he abode there two dayes and many mo beleued because of his worde and sayde vnto the woman We beleue now henceforthe not because of thy sayinge we haue hearde hym our selues and know that this of a trueth is Christ the Saueour of the worlde After two dayes he departed thence and wente into Galyle For Iesus hym selfe testifyed that a Prophet is nothing set by in his owne countrey ☞ Of the Rulers Sonne Iohn iiii Capitulo xlviii ANd Iesus came againe into Cana in Galile where he turned the water vnto wyne And there was a certayne ruler whose sonne lay sycke at Capernaum This heard that Iesus came out of Iewry in to Galyle and went vnto hym and besoughte hym that he woulde come downe and helpe hys sonne for he laye dead sicke And Iesus sayde vnto hym excepte ye se tokens and wonders ye beleue not The ruler said vnto him Come down Sir or euer my childe dye Iesus sayd vnto him Go thy waye thy sonne lyueth The man beleued the word that Iesus said vnto hym went his way And as he was goynge downe his seruaunt met hym and tolde hym and sayde The chylde liueth Then enquired he of them the houre wherin he beganne to amende and they sayde vnto hym yesterday about the seuēth houre the feuer left hym Then the father perceaued that it was aboute y ● same houre wherin Iesus sayde vnto hym thy sonne lyueth And he beleued with hys whole house This is nowe the seconde token that Iesus dyd when he came from Iewry to Galyle ¶ Of the women whyche ministred vnto Christe And of the parable of the sower and the exposicion there of Luke viii Math. xiii Marke iiii Capi. xlix ANd it fortuned afterwarde that he went thorow the cities townes preached shewed the gospel of the kyngdome of God and the twelue with him and certayne wemen also whome he had healed from euel spirites and infyrmities namely Mary whiche is called Magdalene out of whome went
● workes Beleue me y t I am in y e father y t y e father is in me or els at y ● leest beleue for the workes sake Uerely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth in me shal do the woorkes that I do and shall do greater then these for I go to my father And whatsoeuer ye aske my father in my name that wyl I do that the father may be praysed in the sonne yf ye aske any thynge in my name I wyll do it Yf ye loue me kepe my commaūdementes and I wil praye the father and he shall geue you another comforter that he maye byde with you for euer euen the spirite of truthe whome the worlde cannot receaue for it seith him not nother dothe it knowe hym but ye know him for he abideth w t you shal be in you I wil not leaue you cōfortles I come vnto you it is yet alitle while thē shall y e world se me nomore but ye shal se me for I lyue you shal lyue also In y t day shal ye know that I am in y e father ye in me I in you He that hath my cōmaundementes kepeth them y ● same is he y t loueth me he that loueth me shal be loued of my father and I wyll loue hym and wyll shewe my owne selfe vnto him Iudas sayd vnto him not the Iscarioth Lord what is the cause then that thou wylte shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the worlde Iesus answered and sayde vnto him he that loueth me will kepe my worde and my father wyll loue hym and we wyll come vnto hym and wyll make oure dwellynge with him bu● he that loueth me not kepeth not my sayinges And the worde that ye heare is not myne but the fathers whiche hath sent me This haue I spoken vnto you while I was wyth you but that comforter euē the holy goost whome my father hath sēt in my name he shall teache you all thinges bryng all to youre remembraunce what soeuer I haue tolde you Peace I leue vnto you my peace I geue you I geue not vnto you as the worlde geueth Let not youre heart be troubled nother let it be afrayed ye haue heard that I said vnto you I go and come agayne vnto you yf ye loued me ye would reioyce because I sayde I go to the father for the father is greater than I and nowe haue I tolde you before it come that whā it is come to passe ye maye beleue Here after wyl I not talke much with you for the prynce of this worlde commeth and hathe nothinge in me but that the worlde may know that I loue the father and as the father hath commaunded me so do I. Aryse let vs god The remnaunt of the Lordes sermone whiche he spake after his departure from the citie somtimes goynge and some times standinge Iohn xv xvi xvii capi viii I Am the true vyne and my father is an husband man euery braūch that bringeth not fourth frute in me shal he cut of and euerye one that bringeth fourth frute shal be pourged that it maye bringe fourthe more frute Nowe are ye cleane because of the word that I haue spoken vnto you byde ye in me and I in you Lyke as the braunch cannot bring fourth frute of it selfe excepte it byde in the vyne euen so nother ye also excepte ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are the braunches He that abydeth in me and I in him y e same bringeth forth much frute for withoute me ye can do nothing He that abydeth not in me is caste out as a vyne braunch it withereth men gather it vp cast it in to y e fier it burneth yf ye abide in me my wordes abide in you ye shall aske what ye wyll and it shal be done vnto you Herein is my father praysed that ye bringe fourthe much frute and become my disciples Lyke as my father hathe loued me euen so haue I loued you continue in my loue yf ye kepe my commaundemētes ye shal cōtinue in my loue like as I haue kept my fathers cōmaundementes continue in his loue These thinges haue I spoken vnto you that my ioye myght remayne in you and that youre ioy might be perfect This is my commaundemente that ye loue together as I haue loued you No mā hathe greater loue then to set hys lyfe for his frende ye are my frendes if ye do that I commaūde you hence fourth call not I you seruauntes for a seruaunte knoweth not what hys Lorde doth But I haue said ye are frendes for all that I haue heard of my father haue I shewed vnto you ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you that ye goo and brynge fourthe frute and that youre frute continue that whatsoeuer ye aske the father in my name he should geue it you Thys I commaunde you that ye loue one another Yf the worlde hate you then knowe that it hathe hated me before you yf ye were of the worlde the worlde woulde loue hys owne Howe be it because ye are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you from the world therfore theworlde hateth you Remēber my worde that I sayde vnto you the seruaunte is not greater then hys Lord yf they haue persecuted me they shall persecute you also yf they haue kept my word they shal kepe yours also But al this they shal do vnto you for my names sake because thei know not him y t sent me yf I had not come spoken vnto them thē should they haue no sinne but nowe haue they nothynge to cloke their s●ne withal He y t hateth me hateth my father also yf I hadde not done amonge them the workes which none other man dyd they shoulde haue no sinne But nowe haue they sene it and yet haue they hated bothe me and my father Neuerthelesse that the sayinge myght be fulfylled which is written in their lawe they haue hated me withoute a cause But whan the comforter commeth whome I shall sende you from the father euen the spirit of truthe whiche proceadeth of the father he shall testifye of me and ye shall beare wytnesse also for ye haue bene with me from the beginninge These thinges haue I sayde vnto you that ye shoulde not be offended They shall excommunicate you the tyme cōmeth that whosoeuer putteth you to deathe shal thinke that he doth seruice vnto God And suche thynges shal they do vnto you because they haue nother knowen the father nor yet me But these thinges haue I sayde vnto you that whan the tyme commeth ye maye thinke thereon that I tolde you but these thinges haue I not said vnto you from the beginninge for I was with you but nowe I go vnto him that sent me none of you asketh me whether goest thou But because I haue sayde these thinges vnto you your hearte is full of sorowe
Neuerthelesse I tel you the truethe it is better for you that I go awaye for yf I go not awaye that comforter commeth not vnto you but yf I depart I wyl send him vnto you And whan he commeth he shall rebuke the worlde of synne and of ryghteousnesse and of iudgemente Of synne because they beleue not on me Of ryghteousnesse because I goo to the father and ye shall se me no more Of Iudgemente because the ●rince of this world is iudged already I haue yet muche to saye vnto you but ye cannot nowe beare it awaye how be it Whan the spirite of truthe commeth he shall leade you in to all trueth For he shall not speake of hym selfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake and he shall shewe you what is to come he shall gloryfe me for he shall receaue of myne and shall shewe vnto you All that the father hath is myne therefore haue I sayde he shall receaue of myne and shewe vnto you After a lyttel whyle and ye shall not se me and agayne after a lytle while and ye shall se me for I goo to the father Then sayde some of hys disciples amonge them selues What is thys that he sayeth vnto vs after a lytle while and ye shall not se me and agayne after a lytle whyle and ye shall se me For I goo to the father Then sayde they What is this that he sayth after a lytle whyle We canne not tell what he sayeth Then perceaued Iesus that they wold aske him and he sayde vnto them Ye enquire of this amonge youre selues that I sayde After a lytle while and ye shall not se me and againe after a lytle while and ye shall se me Uerely verely I saye vnto you ye shall wepe lament but the world shall reioyce ye shal be sory but your sorowe shal be turned into ioye A woman whan she traueleth hathe sorow for her houre is come but whan she is delyuered of her childe she thinketh nomore of the anguyshe for ioye that a man is borne in the worlde And nowe haue ye sorowe also but I wyl se you againe and your hearte shall reioyce and your ioye shal noman take from you And in that day shall ye aske me no question verelye verelye I saye vnto you yf ye aske the father ought in my name he shall geue it you Hetherto haue ye asked nothing in myne name aske and ye shall receaue that youre ioye may be perfect these thinges haue I spoken vnto you by prouerbes neuerthelesse the tyme commeth that I shall speake nomore by prouerbes but I shall shewe you plainlye of my father In that daye shall ye aske in my name and I saye not vnto you that I wyll praye vnto the father for you for the father hym selfe loueth you because ye haue loued me and beleued that I am come oute from God I wente oute from the father and came into the worlde againe I leue the world and go to the father His disciples sayde vnto him beholde nowe talkest thou playnelye and speakest no prouerbe now are we sure that thou knowest all thinges and nedest not that any man should aske the therfore beleue we that thou camst out frō God Iesus answered them Nowe ye do beleue beholde the houre draweth nye and is come already that ye shal be scattered euery man vnto his owne and shall leaue me alone and yet am I not alone for the father is with me These thinges haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye myghte haue peace in the worlde ye haue trouble but be of good comforte I haue ouercome the worlde These thinges sayde Iesus lyfte vp his eyes towarde heauen and said father the houre is come that ●hou glorify thy sonne y ● thy sonne also may gloryfie the. Lyke as thou haste geuen him power ouer all flesh that he should geue euerlastinge lyfe to as many as thou hast geuen him But this is the lyfe euerlastinge that they know thee that thou onely arte the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. I haue gloryfied the vpon earth and fynished the worke that ●hou gauest me to do And now glorifie thou me father by thy owne selfe with the glory which I had or euer the worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto y ● men whome thou gauest me from the world They were thine and thou gauest them vnto me and they haue kepte thy worde Now know they y t al thinges whatsoeuer thou hast geuen me are of the for the wordes whiche thou gauest me haue I geuē vnto them and they haue receaued them and knowen of a truth that I am come forth from thee and haue beleued that thou haste sent me I pray for them and not for the world● but for them whome thou haste geuen me for they are thine and all that is myne is thine and what thine is that is m●ne and I am glorified in the and now I am no more in y e worlde they are in the world and I come the holy father kepe ī thy name those whome thou hast geuen me y t they may be one lyke as we are While I was with thē in the world I kept them in thy name Those y t thou gauest me haue I kepte and none of them is loste but that loste childe that the scripture mighte be fulfylled but nowe came I vnto thee and this I speake in the world y t they may haue my ioye parfit in thē I haue geuen them thy worde and the world hateth them for they are not of the world euen as I also am not of the worlde I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou kepe thē from euell they are not of the worlde as I also am not of the worlde Sanctifie them in thy trueth thy word is the truth Lyke as thou hast sent me in to y e world so haue I sent thē into y e world and for their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they may also be sanctified in the truth Neuerthelesse I pray not for thē onely but also for those which thorow their word shall beleue in me that they al may be one like as y u father artīme I in the y t they also maye be in vs y ● y e world may beleue that y u hast sēt me And the Glory which thou gauest me haue I geuen them that they may bee one lyke as we are one I in them and thou in me that they maye be perfecte in one and that the world may know that thou haste sente me and haste loued them as thou haste loued me Father I wyll that they whome thou hast geuen me be with me where I am that they may se my glory which thou haste geuen me for thou haste loued me or euer the world was made Ryghteous father the world hath not knowen the but I haue knowen thee and these haue knowen that thou haste sent me