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A17215 Of the end of the world and iudgement of our Lord Iesus Christe to come, and of the moste perillous dangers of this our moste corrupt age, and by what meanes the godly may auoid the harmes thereof, sermons preached in latin in the assembly of the clergie by Henry Bullinger, and now lately englished by Thomas Potter Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Potter, Thomas, fl. 1580. 1580 (1580) STC 4070; ESTC S109532 41,593 112

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end of the world that the Church cleueth only to him honoreth him in Spirite and trueth that the same worshippeth him not in elements or corruptible things but in glory at the right hand of God the father If thou doo thus beleeue doo thus plainly and simply cōfesse thy faith thou shalt be accounted nothing Catholick yea suspected of heresy or rather a very Heretick indéed For héerunto thou must ad that Christe indeed dooth iustifie vs but not fréely For Our merits must come to and so our saluation therby is made perfect And therfore by all menes possible they impugne and persecute this proposition as hereticall namely That Sinners are iustified by onely faith in Christe and not by the vvorks of the lawe Moreouer they teach vs to speake more Catholikly and to frame our talke in this wise namely that men haue their sinnes in déed forgiuen thorow Christe but not without the Key graunted vnto the Préests which is lawfully employed in Confessions That mennes sinnes are indéed pardoned as touching the fault but not as touching the pain which pain say they is taken away or ministred by Satisfaction or by the Popes pardons And the beléeuers are saued indeed but yet their soules must first be wel sodden and purged with Fire and Holy vvater They ad moreouer that in very deed the Gospel of Iesus Christe is the rule of true faith and good life but not altogither perfect But that the want therof is patched vp with liuely Traditions and by the decrees of the councels and Fathers That the rule of Munks are moste alowable and moste perfect because forsooth they are in the state of perfectiō That Christ in déed is the hiest hed in Heauē but that he in earth hath placed in his-sted the Bishop of Rome with fulnes of power to be the hed of his Church So that they which doo not acknowledge this hed cannot inioy Christe in Heauen for that we ought vnder pain of damnation to be subiect to the Bishop of Roome So they graunt that Christe is in déed in Heauen with his Father an intercessor and mediator for the faithful yet they ad by and by But he is not a mediator alone For the same thing also is graūted vnto the merits of the Saints in Heauē so that by their menes also they cause our Lord to extend his mercy vnto sinners calling vpon the names of the Saints So they graunt that Christe is to be worshipped in spirit trueth but yet they affirme that he is neuerthelesse to be worshiped with golde with siluer and all kindes of precioꝰ things Iohn 4. Daniel 11. Acts. 17. that are to be offered and dedicated to the ornament of temples So they say that the faithful doo indéed worship Christe at the right hand of the father in glory but that he neuerthelesse must be adored also and worshipped vnder the forme of bread in their Chappelꝭ in their Alters in their Temples in their store boxes and Pixes when by the power of God and of the woords of consecration the substance of bread and wine is turned yea transubstantiated in to the substance of the body and blood of Christe no one iot of the substance of the bread and wine remaining but onely the very accidents and outward shewes that appéer Therfore that Christe is to be worshipped héer euen héer on the earth and vnder the elements and outwarde creatures they doo ernestly affirme by the traditions of the Popes Innocencius Honorius and Vrbanus and doo euen poynt him out as it were with the finger in the earth heere and there moreouer in the desert in the secret places in their Clausters in those their monasteries Yea farthermore to th' intent that the admonition of Iesus Christe our Lord might not be obscure or dark saying in the Gospel They shall saye vnto you beholde heere is Christe beholde he is there beholde he is in the desert beholde he is in the store boxes or in the secret places roūd about the Pix or litle Sacrament box they write in great golden letters Heer vvorship thou God If in any place out of Roome they doo open their Romain pilgremage Ein Romfart that is to say if any where they happen to lay out those their indulgences and Pardons to sale for merchandise then again in the forefrunt of their Scrips satchels boxes and shops of pardons they write in great golden letters Heer is ful remission of all sinnes and these things truely are wel knowen to all men throughout Christendome But what dooth Christe our Lord ad moreouer vnto those things Go not forth do not beleeue them beholde I haue tolde you before Furthermore we haue heard and séene in more then a thousand places great fearful Miracles to haue beē wrought before dum Images and before the bread turned into God And all things were doon to this end that these new Doctor like decrées of the trāsubstantiatiō of the bread of the worshipping of Images of the inuocation of Saints and the purchasing the merits of Saints The persecution of the Church of Christe might be set foorth commēded to the faithful But he that wil not beléeue these things or shall in any iot speake against them is by and by snatched vp to prison to execucion of death We haue learned out of histories that there hath béen neuer at any time stirred vp against the people of God any persecution more greeuous of longer continuance and finally also more cruel then this last by Antichrist The affliction of the people of God in Egipt continued not abooue two hundred yeres It is written in déed that they were in Egipt and on their iourney iij. hundred yeeres But all this time is not ascribed to the persecution of the Israelits But the persecutions which they sustained vnder the Iudges and Kings were very short The captiuitie of Babilon was ended within the space of lxx yeeres The affliction of Antioche and Greece was contained within certain bonds Moreouer the ten persecutions of the primatiue church lasted thrée hundred yéeres euen to the reign of Constantine the great And they had in the mean while certain breathing spaces certain respits and quiet times But since the time in which the Bishop of Rome inuaded the kingdom of Christe began vsurpingly to take vpon him the rule of the Church and lastly to chalenge to him self the fulnes of power there was then no rest at the end of lxx yéeres abooue None or very short truces but continuall laying of trappes and snares perpetuall practises and torments as it were euerlasting The sharp and cruel Inquisicion was written with the blood of the faithful that is to say a more rigorus way to enquire against the faithful then euer was practised by the Emperour Dioclesian such as was neuer séen in any age or time from the beginning of the world Heervnto is mixed Excommunication the strong sinew of persecution This kinde of persecution hath
suddain destructiō shall come vpon thē as the pain of childe bearing vp on a vvoman in trauail and they shall not escape But our Lord in his Gospel procedeth with his Prophetical exposition Luke 18. saith moreouer Iniquitie shall abound and the loue of many shall wax colde so that the sonne of man vvhen he commeth shall scarcely finde faith vpon the earth Saint Peeter also fortelling of the extreme wickednes of this last age 2. Peeter 3. I stir vp your mindes saith hée to remēber the vvords that haue beene spokē heertofore by the holy Prophets and also the cōmaundement of vs the Apostles of our Lord and ●auiour This vnderstand ye first that in the last daies shall come mockers vvhich vvil vvalke after their ovvne lust and say VVhere is the promise of his comming For sins our fathers died all things continevv in the same estate from the beginning as they vvere first made Our Lord also in the gospel addeth moreouer to all these things That hee vvil come in his glory sudainly and vnloked for to iudge the quick the dead that hee vvil giue revvards of life to the godly vvil commit the vvicked to euerlasting Hel fire For as the lightning saith he cōmeth forth of the east and shineth euen vnto the vvest so shal be the cōming of the sonne of man Take heed therfor vnto your selues lest your harts bee oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and with the cares of this life and so that day steale sudainly vppon you For truely it shall come vpon all the inhabitants of the earth like vnto a snare VVatch therfore praying at all times that ye may be counted vvorthy to escape all these things that are to come and to stand before the sonne of man Verily in this place our Lord is earnest vrgeth so as in no other place more vehemently exhorting all people of all kindes and of all ages vnto a sober watchfulnes In Saint Mark. VVatch saith he for ye knovve not when your Lord vvil come Mark 13. vvhether in the euening or at midnighr whether at the cock crowing or in the dawning lest if he come sudainly he finde you sleeping In S Mathew hée setteth foorth very many parables so the intent hee might the more déeply fasten this thing in the mindes of all men For he setteth before vs An householder that vvatcheth lest the théef in the night breaking in to his house should steale away all his substance He setteth foorth A faithfull and wise seruaunt that ministreth meat in due time to the whole housholde committed to his charge On the other side he setteth against him a noughty Seruant vnthriftliy wasting his maisters goods and also very vniustly dealing against his felowe seruants moreouer drunken and vnwatchful not any whit regarding his maisters comming whom taken with the fault he dooth rent in péeces like a Traitor He setteth before vs Ten Virgins wherof fiue were sober and wise but th' other v. were foolish and slouthful and therfore shut out of the ioyes of the wedding Furthermore hée setteth before vs a certain Noble house holder that looke his iourney into a far countrey and yet first before his departure distributed his goods by Talents which he left to be occupied in merchandise for his gaines who boūd with euerlasting chaines his vnthrifty seruant wicked and slouthful And to euery parable he ioyneth a sentence right worthy méet to be grauen déeply in our harts VVatch therfore be cause ye knowe neither the day nor the houre in which the sonne of man vvil come But moreouer This doctrine of our Lord is to be vrged beare ● in to our mindes who can say that this doctrine vttered by our Lord and Sauiour concerning the last age and the iudgement to coome is combersome or obscure It is surely more cleere then the noone day vnto them that desire to be wise But vnto them that are blinde alwaies all things become darknes because of their owne accorde they procure vnto them selues euē very extreme darknesse But this diligent carefulnes of our Lord and also this wholesome example ought to stir vp all vs his seruants vnto like desire of godlines to th' intent that wée may with great faithfulnesse and diligence stir vp also euē the whole world béeing almost all in these our daies deeply fallen a sleep stir thē vp I say shake them and sharply with ernest calling on vrge them to watch pray and to consider throughly the doctrime of our Sauiour and finally to mark wel those things that haue béen doon in times past and those things also that are now doon in these our daies Verily those things that were foretolde by our Lord By a comparison the prophecy of Christe is made manifest we haue seen them euen in the very things them selues continually in long course of time to haue béen fulfilled For the holy Citie weried with the gréeuous séege of the Gentils at the length was taken spoiled set on fire vtterly destroyed scarcely any few tokens or prints remaining therof But those Iewes that perished not by famin pestilence and the sword were taken captiue by the Romains and dispersed into all nations throughout the whole world And also the Gospel of the kingdome in despite of the Iewes Gentiles and euen in despite of hel gates hath béen receiued throughout the whole world Furthermore we haue seen that there hath burst out of the déep pit of hel Apoca. 9. those great hepes of false prophets those deadly locusts which with moste corrupt and new kinde of doctrine he hath troubled vexed rent in péeces seduced yea and all so replenished with moste vnspeakable calamities the whole Church of Christe But if you as yet sée not these things consider more ernestly what I shall now say The foundnesse of doctrine is corrupted The simplicitie and integritie of the olde and Apostolike doctrine was in that deadly time vtterly corrupted It semed and is yet now adiudged by those Doctors to be a doctrine very vile vnséemly and nothing Catholik which béeing taken out of the moste sacred Gospell and moste simply and plainly set foorth vnto all men according to the example of the Apostles dooth teach that the faithful are iustified by the onely grace of God thorew faith in Christe or that sinners are acquited from damnation their sinnes forgiuen thē and euerlasting life obtained by the death of the sōne of God which benefits they receiue by faith onely and doo shew foorth testify their true faith by good woorks So shall it séem vnto thē a matter vnaduised and nothing plain if thou say that the rule of Christe alone is a moste absolute rule of true faith and good life also that Christe alone suffiseth vnto the godly And that he alone remaineth the Hed the King the high preest of the Churche in which he is present and which he ruleth very wel with his spirite and power euen vnto the