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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20720 An abstract of the duties commanded, and sinnes forbidden in the Law of God. By the Right Reuerend Father in God, George Dovvname, Doctor of Diuinity, and Lord Bishop of Derry Downame, George, d. 1634.; Nicoll, Basill. 1620 (1620) STC 7104; ESTC S117549 56,996 192

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of God it selfe 1. Pet. 1. 17. 2. Cor. 7. 1. Act. 9. 31. Luk. 1. 74. 2. Tim. 1. 7. Secondarily the effects of his anger which are his iudgements and chastisements Psalm 119. 120. Hab. 3. 16. Deut. 5. 29. Opp. as the Disorder which is preposterous feare of God in regard of the time Past which is the horrour of the wicked auerting them from him as from a seuere or cruell Iudge Gen. 3. 10. Heb. 10. 29. Iam. 2. 19. Mat. 8. 29. To come when men feare not the displeasure of God it selfe but onely the effect of it which is punishment this is seruile feare 1. Ioh. 4. 18. Rom. 4. 15. Other things more than of God Luk. 12. 4 5. 1. Pet. 3. 14. Esa. 51. I2 I3 Apoc. 21. 8. Extremes in the Excesse fearfulnes 2. Tim. 1. 7 working either Superstition or scrupulous care to serue God according to mens inuentions Esa. 29. 13. Act. 17. 22. Despaire Esa. 12. 2. ● 43. 1 5. or astonishment Exod. 20. 20. Luk. 5. 9. Defect Carnall security when men destitute of true faith and repentance doe notwithstanding promise to themselues impunity Prou. 28. 14. Psal. 36. 1 2. Esa. 28. 15. Rom. 3. 18. Gen. 20. 11. Humility to be added to the former as another duty of the soule which we owe to God Mic. 6. 8. and as a meanes and signe of all the former Mat. 11. 29. 1. Pet. 5. 5. Math. 18. 1 4. Where consider the Nature of humility which is to humble a man and as it were to make him euen with the ground stripping himselfe of all praise and renouncing all conceit of his owne worthinesse that all praise may wholly be ascribed to God Psa. 115. 1. Dan. 9. 7 8 9. 1. Chr. 29. 14. Gen. 32. 10. 1. Cor. 15. 10. Cause of it the acknowledgement of Our owne vilenesse and vnworthinesse in respect of our Mould wee being but dust and ashes Gen. 18. 27. Ecclus. 10. 12. Miserable estate in our selues in regard of Our sinne Luk. 18. 13●15 19. Punishmēt due to vs for the same Ga. 3. 10. Mercy and bounty of God so vndeseruedly vouchsafed vnto vs. Genes 32. 10. Lam. 3. 22. 1. Cor. 4. 7. Outwardly and in the whole man we are to haue God by honouring him Mal. 1. 6. 1. Cor. 6. 20. We are to honour God with the honor of the Signe which is religious adoration and is to be performed to the Lord alone Math. 4. 10. Esa. 45. 23. Deed which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worship or seruice ●● 〈…〉 c. Deu. 6. 13. ●10 20. 〈◊〉 Opp. Counterfeit humility Mat. 6. 16. Esa. 58. 5. Pride Pro. 16. 5. in Assuming to our selues that praise which is due to God Dan. 4. 27. Act. 12. 22 23. Not acknowledging either Our owne vnworthines but arrogating to our selues such or so great good things as wee haue not Gal. 6. 3. Luk. ● 8. 9 11. Pro. 30. 12. Bounty of God towards vs but ascribing y e good things wee haue to our selues 1. Cor. 4. 7. Opp. Not honouring of God which is profanenesse and contempt of God Mal. 3. 14. Iob 21. 14 15. Not honouring him alone which is idolatry whether it bee with the honour of the Signe Psalm 44. 20. Act. 10 25 26. Apo. 19. 10. Deed. Deut. 13. 13. ● 17. 3. Exod. 22. 20. The second Commandement The Affirmatiue part Commanding vs to worship God by such meanes after such a manner as he hath prescribed in his W●rd and is agreeable to his nature Deut. 12. 30 31 32. that is to say in Spirit and in truth Ioh. 4. 23 24. His Nature is spirituall his Word is truth and therefore hee is to bee worshipped in Spirit that is By spirituall meanes After a spirituall manner Truth that is By true meanes After a true manner that is such as is prescribed in the Word The speciall duties concerne the Parts and sorts of Gods worship Circumstances and ceremonies The Parts The worship of God is partly Inward of the soule which the Lord chiefly respecteth Outward with which the inward is euer to be ioyned Heere therefore is commanded vprightnesse in Gods worship Luk. 1. 75. Ioh. 4. 23 24. Psalm 119. 7. 1. Thes. 2. 4. Act. 10. 33. Luk. 8. 15. The common affections The worsh. of God is Priuate Publike in which are required Inwardly vnanimity Act. 1. 14. ●2 1. ●8 6. Mat. 18. 19. Outwardly vniformity Psal. 34. 3. The Negatiue part Forbidding all will-worship and superstition whereby men worship God according to their owne inuentions Col. 2. 8 23. Num. 15. 39. whether it bee in regard of the Meanes Leuit. 10. 1 2. Ioh. 22. 10. 2. Kin. 16. 10. Manner Esa. 1. 11 12 13. ● 66. 3. But here especially are forbidden as the grossest sinnes against this commandement vnder which the Lord would forbid the rest Making Images to our selues vnder which he forbiddeth all meanes deuised by our selues 1. Ioh. 5. vlt. Deut. 27. 15. Worshipping him by Images whereby all counterfeit and corrupt worship is forbidden Deut. 4. 12 15. Exod. 32. 1 4. 5. Psal. 97. 7. Opp. Hypocrisie in the worship of God Esa. 29. 13. Mic. 6 7. 8. Psal. 17. 1. Ezech. 33. 31. Opp. Schisme and diuision 1. Cor. 11. 18. Confusion 1. Cor. 11. 21. The sorts The worship of God is either Inuocation of the name of God Ministery and hearing of the Word Administration and receiuing of the Sacraments 1. Of Inuocation and that it is to bee vsed 1. Thes. 5. 17. Luk. 21. 36. Iam. 4. 2. Dan. 6. 10. The things generally required in Inuocation are partly Essentiall Accidentall Essentiall as 1. To whom 2. In whose name 3. How or in what manner 4. By whose helpe 5. For what things 1. To whom namely to God and to him alone which is prescribed in the first Cōmandement Ps. 50. 15. ● 65. 3. Luk. 11. 2. And of him wee are to conceiue as hee hath reuealed himselfe in his Word 2. In whose name viz. in the name of Christ. Eph. 3. 12 Ioh. 16. 24. Dan. 9. 17. And in his name alone as being the onely Mediator as of Redemption Act. 4. 12. so also of Intercession 1. Tim. 2. 5. 3. The manner according to the will of God reuealed in his Word 1. Ioh. 5. 14. Rom. 8. 27. viz. Before we call vpon God wee are to prepare our selues by meditation Psal. 108. 1. Eccl. 4. 17. ● 5. 1. In the action it selfe there are duties required Generally in the soule Specially in the Mind Heart Opp. Neglect of Prayer Psal. 14. 1 4. Iob 21. 15. Opp. Prayer to Saints or Angels Esa. 63. 16. Act. 10. 26. Apoc. 19. 10. Ier. 2. 13. Misconceiuing of God and so worshipping they know not what Ioh. 4. 22. in respect of the Nature As the Anthropomorphites and ignorant persons who conceiue God vnder the shape of a man Persons For the true God is the Father the Son and the holy Ghost He therefore who denyeth any
one Person doth not worship the true God as the Iewes 1. Ioh. 2. 23. Turks Opp. Not to pray in the name of Christ alone but in the name and mediation of Saints and Angels Opp. To pray amisse Iam. 4. 3. Opp. To be rash in speaking to God Eccl. 5. 1. Ecclus. 18. 22. In the soule generally it is required that our prayer be● speech of the soule and not of the mouth onely a liftin● vp of our hearts Psal. 25. 1. and a powring forth of the soule Psal. 62. 8. a praying in spirit Ephes. 6. 18. and in truth Psal. 145. 18. and therefore with the Attention of the minde Intent and desire of the heart In the mind is required that we pray with Vnderstanding Psal. 47. 8. Col. 3. 16. Faith that is with Perswasion that wee and our prayers are accepted of God in Christ. 1. Ioh. 5. 14. Ephes. 3. 12. In the heart it is required that we pray with Humility in respect of our owne vnworthinesse Gen. 18. 27. Luk. 18. 13. Gen. 32. 10. Reuerence towards the Maiesty of God Eccl. 5. 1. 4. By whose helpe viz. by the helpe of the holy Ghost who is the Spirit of supplication and helpeth our infirmities Rom. 8. 26 27. Zach. 12. 10. Ephes. 2. 18. 5. For what things viz. good things onely Math. 7. 11. which may concerne Gods glory The good of The Church Our brethrē Our selues The things Accidental are the circumstances of Persons in respect wherof Prayer is either Priuate Mat. 6. 5 6. Publike Math. 18. 20. Place for we may pray in all places both Openly 1. Tim. 2. 8. Secretly Time for wee are to pray alwayes 1. Thes. 5. 17 18. Ephes. 6. 18. that is both Ordinarily at set times Psal. 55. 17. Dan. 6. 10. Extraordinarily as occasion is offered Col. 3. 17. Opp. Not to pray from the heart but with the mouth onely a lip-labour Hos. 7. 14. To pray with Wandring thoughts Fained lips the desire and intent of the heart not agreeing with the words of the mouth Psal. 17. 1. Psal. 78. 36. Opp. To pray without Knowledge Mat. 20. 22. Faith Rom. 10. 14. Opp. To pray With a conceit of our owne worthinesse Luk. 18. 9 11. With lesse reuerence than if wee spake to a mortall man Opp. To pray for euill and vnlawfull things for that is to make God the author of euill The things specially required are such as concerne the seuerall kinds of Inuocation viz. Prayer Thankesgiuing which in vse are to be ioyned Col. 4. 2. Phil. 4. 6. In Prayer three things are required Sence of our want Psal. 63. 2. Iam. 1. 5. Ioh. 7. 37. Feruency of desire to haue our want supplied Iam. 5. 16. Lam. 2. 17. Rom. 8. 26. ● 15. 30. Speciall faith in the promises made to our prayer that is that our particular requests shall be granted vnto vs. Mat. 21. 22. Mark 11. 24. Iam. 1. 6. The things specially required in thankesgiuing belong to the Action it selfe wherein are required Thankefulnesse Colos. 3. 16. Psal. 9. 1. ● 111. 1. Cheerfulnesse Philip. 1. 4. Psal. 9. 2. ● 100. 1. ● 81. 1. Obiect for wee are to giue thankes for all things and in all estates 1. Thes. 5. 18. Eph. 5. 20. 2. Of the Ministery of the Word where we are to consider the duty of the Minister in reading and preaching the Word of God People in hearing the Word Opp. To neglect the duty of prayer Iam. 4. 2. Opp. to pray Without feeling as Secure persons that feele no want Apoc. 3. 17 18. Proud persons that thinke thēselues full Luk. 18. 9. ● 1. 55. Coldly Without faith Iam. ● 6 7. Opp. To neglect the duty of thankesgiuing Luk. 17. 17. To giue thanks without Thankfulnesse and therefore in hypocrisie Cheerfulnesse and so without sence of Gods bounty towards vs. Not to be thankfull in all estates As touching preaching consider the Person Obiect Parts Manner The Person ought to bee a Minister Heb. 5. 4. Rom. 10. 15. called by God and therfore indu●d with Sufficiency of gifts 1. Tim. 3. 2. Mat. 13. 52. Mal. 2. 7. Willingnesse to imploy them Esa. 6. 8. Rom. 1. 15. The Church The Obiect is the Word of God Deut. 18. 18 20. as the onely meanes of this part of Gods worship 1. Thes. 2. 13. 1. Pet. 4. 11. 2. Cor. 2. 17. Ioh. 7. 16. 1. Pet. 4. 11. The parts of preaching Explication of the Scripture by the Scripture according to the analogi● of faith Neh. 8. 9. Rom. 12. 6. Orthotomy or right diuiding of the Word 2. Tim. 2. 15. which is partly The right diduction or collection of doctrines and obseruations out of the text Applicatiō of them to the vse of y e hearers by the way of Doctrine Confutatiō Exhortatiō Reproofe Consolatiō Luk. 12. 42. 2. Tim. 3. 16. Opp. Intruders into the ministery not called Ier. 14. 14 15. Nor furnished with gifts Esa. 56. 10. Mal. 2. 9. Hos. 4. 6. Or not willing to imploy them Mat. 5. 15. Opp. Teaching other doctrine than is contained in the Word 1. Tim. 1. 3. ● 6. 3. as Errours Fables and inuentions of men 1. Tim. 1. 4. ● 4. 7. Making merchandize of Gods Word or mingling it with the doctrines and inuentions of men 2. Cor. 2. 17. Ier. 23. 28. The manner of preaching viz. In Demonstration of the Spirit 1. Cor. 2. 4. Mic. 3. 8. that is of spirituall graces both of the Mi●istery Person Simplicity 1. Cor. 1. 17 21. ● 2. 4 5. Sincerity 2. Cor. 4. 2. ● 2. 17. Integrity 2. Cor. 2. 17. ● 4. 2. 2. Tim. 2. 15. 1. Thes. 2. 4. Gal. 1. 10. Fidelity without respect of persons Deut. 33. 9. 1. Cor. 4. 2. Ier. 23. 28. Iudgement and discretion Mich. 3. 8. Mat. 24 45. Grauity Tit. 2. 7. Authority and power Mat. 7. 29. Mic. 3. 8. Tit. 2. 15. Courage and freedome of speech I●r 1. 8 17. Ezech. 3. 8 9. Ephes. 6. 19 20. Zeale of Gods glory Ioh. 7. 18. Mal. 2. 2. The saluatiō of the People 2. Cor. 11. 2. Gal. 4. 19. 2. Cor. 2. 15. The duties which concerne the hearing of the Word Luk. 8. 18. And these are to be performed both Before we hear Preparation Exod. 19. Eccl. 4. 17. looking to our feet that is affectious this preparation consisteth in Remouing the impediments as it were the putting off our sho●es Exo. 3. 5. as Carnall security which maketh men come to the hearing of the Word without any desire or care to profit this maketh hearers like the high way Luk. 8. 13. Impenitency which causeth men to come without purpose of amendment but rather with purpose to goe on in sin whatsoeuer the Minister shall say to the contrary We must purge the vessell of our hart before it will bee fit to receiue the pure liquor of Gods Word 1. Pet. 2. 1 2. and we must plough vp the fallow ground of our hearts before the seed of Gods Word be cast into it Ier. 4. 4. Iam.
1. 21. Worldly cares which cause men to receiue the seed as it were among thorns Luk. 8. 14. Ier. 4. 4 Eze. 33. 31 Excesse in diet surfetting and drunkennesse Luk. 21. 34. Conceit of our owne knowledge that wee may heare with meeknesse Iam. 1. 21. Psal. 25. 9. Prou. 26. 12. Preiudicate opinions that wee may heare with docility Luk. 18. 34. Hypocrisie which maketh men like the stony ground Luk. 8. 13. Curiosity that wee may come to learne rather than to iudge censure Act. 17. 20. 21. Hatred of the Ministers person or mislike 1. King 22. 7 8. Itching of y ● eares affectiō to heare such as delight the eares and please their fancies 2. Tim. 4. 3. Mica 2. 11. Schismatical affectiō to hear some Ministers in comparison of them to contemne others 1. Cor. 1. 11. 12 ● 3. 4 Vsing helps See A. While we heare B. After wee haue heard C. A. The helps which we are to vse are Meditation Whither we goe to wit to the place of Gods presence to appeare before him To what end to Performe an holy and vpright seruice vnto God Vse religiously the meanes of our saluation What our wants be in regard of Knowledge Faith Obedience c. How necessary profitable and effectuall the Word of God is for relieuing our wants that wee may come with hungring and thirsting desires to the hearing of the Word 1. Pet. 2. 2. Prayer for The Minister that God would assist him and direct him by his Spirit c. Ephes. 6. 9. Col. 4. 3. Our selues that the Lord would illuminate our mindes open our hearts strengthen our memories subdue our affections transforme our liues into the obedience of his truth c. Psalm 119. B. Duties while we heare 1. To set our selues in Gods presence and to behaue our selues as before him Act. 10. 33. 2. To acknowledge the Minister to be the Embassador of God 2. Cor. 5 20 and to heare the Word preached as the Word of God 1. Thes. 2. 13. Deut. 3 2. 3. Ionas 3. 5. 3. To heare with Reuerence and feare Esa. 66. 2. Silence Men are silent to heare but their Superiour speake Iob 29. 9. Readinesse and desire to heare Act. 17. 11. Attention Act. 8. 6. Luk. 4. 20. ● 19. 48. ● 8. 8. Faith Heb. 4. 2. Act. 13. 48. Alacrity and not with wearinesse Constancy not departing before the end Meeknesse and submission Iam. 1. 21. accommodating our selues to euery part or passage of the Sermon as whē the Minister Teacheth with teachablenesse to learne Confuteth to lay aside our errour that wee may be found in the faith Tit. 1. 13. Exhorteth or reprooueth c. to receiue y ● words of exhortation Heb. 13. 22. Prou. 15. 31 32. Not as Act. 5. 33. ● 7. 54 ● 22. 22 23. And not With wandring minds Ezech. 33. 31. Reading or being otherwise occupied Sleeping Act. 20. 9. 4. To receiue it into a good and honest heart with desire to retaine it and with purpose to practise it Luk 8. 15. 5. To lay it vp in the treasure of our hearts Luk. 2. 19. 51. Prou. 4. 21. and to heare for afterwards Esa. 42. 23. Not to let it slip from vs. Heb. 2. 1. C. Duties after wee haue heard To Meditate of that which we haue heard and as it were to chew the cud Act. 17. 10 11. Psalm 1. 2. Conferre with others especially such as are committed to our charge Deut. 6. 7. Call it to mind as occasion shall bee offered and not to bee hearers of forgetfulnesse Iam. 1. 25. Endeuour to practise it Luk. 8. 15. ● 6. 48. ● 11. 28. Iam. 1. 22. 3. The administration and vse of the Sacraments Wherein we are to follow the direction of Gods Word viz. that wee vse Those Sacraments and no other which the Lord hath instituted in his Word Them after that manner which God hath prescribed in his Word The Sacraments of the New Testament for the Old appertaine not to vs are onely two viz. Baptisme The Lords Supper In the right vse of Baptisme there are duties required in the Party baptizing in whom it is required that he Be a lawfull Minister Doe administer it according to Christs institution where consider What viz. the Element which is water only Sacramental word To whom viz. to those who are within the couenant whether Growne persons Infants Party baptized viz. faith and repentance Truly professed by him that is of yeeres Promised in behalfe of the Infant and performed when he comes to yeeres People To be present to receiue the party baptized into the congregation To ioyne in prayer for the party baptized Otherwise we Build vpon the sand Luk. 6. 49. Aggrauate our sinne and encrease our punishment Ioh. 15. 22. To these the Papists adde fiue other The Papists permit priuate persons yea Midwiues to baptize The Papists adde Oyle Salt and Spittle c. The Papists suppresse it in an vnknowne language Opp. To breake the Vow of Baptisme Opp. To depart 1. Cor. 11. 23. In the right vse of the Lords Supper there are duties required in The Minister that he administer it according to Christs institution where consider What hee is to administer viz. The elements both Bread Wine The Sacramentall Word How with such Sacramentall rites and actions as were ordained by Christ. To whom to the faithfull in profession at the least And not to Profane persons Heretikes or excōmunicat persons Such as cānot prepare themselues To what end that it might be a Sacrifice of praise to God Memoriall of Christs death Meanes to confirme the faith of the receiuer c. The faithfull among the people viz. to Receiue the Communion when it is administred Receiue it worthily Whereunto are duties required Before viz. due preparation consisting in A triall of our selues how wee stand towards God in regard of our Knowledge Faith Repentance Neighbours in regard of brotherly loue Prayer Confessing our sins and wants Desiring Gods blessing vpon his owne ordinance At the Communiō some thing is to be Considered the sacramentall vnion of the signe and the thing signified Done viz. the bread the wine are to bee receiued with Faith Thanksgiuing shewing ●orth the death of Christ. Afterwards to Be thankfull to God Labour to feele the fruit and benefit of the Sacrament Performe y ● repētance w ch in the time of our preparatiō we either purposed or promised The Papists with hold the Cup from the people The Papists powre water into their wine They mutter the words as a charme ouer the bread They vse diuers gesticulations partly Ridiculous Idolatrous as Eleuation Adoration Carrying about the Bread The Popish Priests distribute nothing to others but are the onely receiuers in their priuate Masses The Papists consecrate their Eucharist that it may bee Adored and carried about in pompe and not to be receiued A sacrifice propitiatory for the quicke and the dead An Idoll which they worship in stead of Christ. And these were the parts