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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72932 Caesars dialogue or A familiar communication containing the first institution of a subiect, in allegiance to his soueraigne Nisbet, E. 1601 (1601) STC 18432.5; ESTC S113170 56,805 127

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onely to the good and gracious but also 1 Tim. 2.2 Iohn 14.15 though they be as cruell as Nero for whome Saint Paule commanded to pray for as God the Sonne sayth If ye loue me keepe my commandements So mee thinke God the Father from whome all power is giuen God the Sonne by whom all kings doe raigne God the holy Ghost framing the heartes tongues and handes of Princes say to all worshippers of the Deitie The Iniunction of the Trinity to all worshippers of the Deitie Rom. 13.2 The 2 Cable The haynousnes of Disloyaltie What a peaceable Kingdome VVhat a Rebellious multitude resembleth Thucid. In Rebellion all kinde of euill Rebellion the chanell where the 7. Capitall Sinnes doe flowe If ye loue me keepe my ordinance Sonne Though this first Cable be sufficient to hould any heart in Allegiance which hath any anchor-hold in God I desire to heare somewhat of the greatnesse of the Crime of Disobedience and Rebellion that the greatnes of it may make me to abhorre it Father Abhorre it abhorre it indéede my Sonne for where as a well gouerned Kingdome resembleth the frame of the world yea the Kingdome of Heauen where the holy Angels blessed soules glorifying God day and night liue in eternall blisse so Rebellion resembleth not only the Chaos but Hell it selfe where is no order but euerlasting horror that well saide the greeke Historiographer in that discourse in Rebellion is all kinde of euill It is not one sinne but the sincke of all sinne the Sea of all mischéefe will you sée the seauen Capitall sinnes Is not proude ambition or ambitious pride the first sparke of that fire Doth not enuie blow the coale Doth not wrath dayly increase the flame Doe they not séeke to bring al into the noysome ashes of slouth gluttony wantonnnes Will you looke into all the Commandements of God Rebellion transgresseth all the commandemēts ought wee not to honour the onely God but of Rebels and Seditious persons to their Soueraigne whom the God of heauen hath made a God on earth Psa 82.6 Doth God himself say 1. Sam. 8.7 as of the Israelites he did to Samuel They haue not cast thee away but they haue cast me away that I should not raigne ouer them Ought we not to vse the worship of God that God hath prescribed to the end hee hath prescribed it 1. kin 12.28 but the Rebell either reiecteth it or bringeth in as Ieroboam the Calues his owne deuises or pretendeth sacrifices and sermons O what affinitie hath Religion with Rebellion when Ahithophell is sent for the treason is great 2. Sam. 15.12 Ought we to take the name of the Lord in vaine but if it be so odious in the sight of God Eze. for a king to violate his oath to a King that hath vanquished him how odious and execrable is it for a subiect to violate his oath to his naturall Soueraigne For the Sabaoth how do they hallow it who either beginning or continuing Rebellion vpon that day doe themselues prophane it and hinder others from the vsuall sanctifying of it Can neither Gods owne example who rested the seuenth day nor his precept who commaunded vs to hallow it preuaile with those vngodly men In stéede of honouring their Parents they dishonour their Prince and in their Prince their parents and their Countrey In murdering which is abhorred of all men they offend most of all men For Adulterie they came to the height of Absolons impietie they committe it in the sight of Israel For stealing and theft théeues robbe priuate men priuily but the Rebels and seditious spoyle and burne many men yea the publike good of their Countrey of the Church of their Prince openly If they who beare false witnesse only against priuate men breake the lawe what doe the seditious who by false rumours flaunderous pretences and manifest deceites seeke to defame the faithfull Counsellours Est 16.13.14 and most assured seruants of their Soueraigne that they being taken out of the way they might lay wait for their Soueraigne nay who spare not their Soueraigne but say vnto euery bold and vniust petitioner See 2. Sam. 1 5.3 thy matters are good and righteous but there is no man deputed of the king to heare thee But to fill vp the measure of iniquitie doth not this false witnesse bearing against the Prince procéede from vniust desires desires not lodging onely in their hearts but breaking out at their mouthes 2. Sam. 15.4 Oh that I were made iudge in the land that euery man which hath any matter or controuersie might come to me But is it O Absolon O Absolon 2. Sam. 15.1.2 5.6 is it as thou pretendest that thou mightest doe him iustice wilt thou not when thy Charets and horses and many attendants and industrie and popularitie and embracing and dissimulations and kissing hath stolen the hearts of the men of Israel vnmaske thy selfe Thou pretendest the place of a Iudge to doe iustice to other but thine owne spies proclaime 2. Sam. 15.10 and thy trumpets sound that thou 200. in Ierusalem being receiued by thee aymest at the Crowne and Kingdome of thine owne father 2. Sam. 15.11 he sette thee vp wilt thou pull him down hee gaue thee life wilt thou take away his life he pardoned thy offence wilt thou persist in offending him Math. 5.9 Peacemaker and peace-breaker their difference portion and parentage Horace and in offending God peace-makers are blessed because they shall bee called the children of God O peace-breaker thou art accursed thou must be accounted the sonne of the Diuell It is sweete and comely to die for thy Countrey wilt thou by Rebellion séek to bring thy Countrey to nought Math. 12.25 Ecclus. 16.7 It was the impietie of the rebellious Giants to fight against God but the seditious are guiltie of the Giants impietie Rom. 13.2 for saith the Apostle hee that resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God If Gamaliel when the Iewes brast for anger yet with this reason least they should be found euen fighters against God Act. could cut of their consultation to slay the Apostles cānot the same reason bridle all the venemous rancour of thy heart who art in name a Christian and therefore oughtest to haue crucified the flesh Gal. 5.24 with the affections and the lusts But time not permitting me to speake the least part of that which might and should be said of this daughter of Lucifer know that this mother-vice breaketh out in Thought in Word and in Deed. Sonne Shall not thought be free Father God who is a spirit will himselfe be worshipped in spirite and truth Iohn 4.24 and will haue seruants obedient to their maisters with feare and trembling in singlenesse of heart as vnto Christ not with eye seruice as men pleasers but as the seruants of Christ Ephes 6.56 How we must seeue our soueraigne Gene. 6.5
modest and temperate I expect thou shouldest dayly returne not onely better lettered in thy booke but also more reformed in thy life and also of our Ambassadours for Christ as well in their Catechisings 2. Cor. 5.20 as in their Sermons Now therefore as my other affaires will giue mee leaue I will somewhat instruct thée of giuing vnto Caesar the things which are Caesars Sonne Because as the Kinges of Egypt were alwayes called Pharaos so I thinke the Romane Emperours were euer called Caesars and the Romane Emperours were most high mightie princes I take it that by the name of Caesar you vnderstand our high gracious and imperiall Soueraigne Father Our Soueraigne indéed my sonne do I vnderstand who neither as the Rhagusians to the Turke paying pencion to any nor as Bologna from the Pope expecting protection from any nor as the knights of Malta do of the Castilian holding in sée and fealtie of any nor as the Dukes of Venice to the Colledges of seuen and ten and to the Signiorie of Gentlemen God and her owne conscience excepted being countable to any but being so absolute a Soueraigne and so soueraigne an Empresse truly meriteth the true title of Caesar Sonne Since I haue heard there haue beene some in Germanie but I hope there be none in England who gather out of the Scripture but I thinke Spider-like they gather poison where the Bee would gather honie that we are not to be subiect to the authoritie of men I pray you shew mee since the Sonne of God hath said that no man can serue two maisters Matth. 6 26 how I can serue both God and Caesar Father My sonne as the souldior may at one time in the same seruice fulfill his dutie both to the Captaine of his band and the Generall of the field the one of them being not deuided from the other but deputed by the other so the subiect may in his whole life serue his Caesar and the King of kings because Caesar hath not though the Poet sung so commaund diuided with God but for the Scriptures teach so deputed of God And therfore my son because as among the Israelites Corah Dathan and Abiram told Moses and Aaron that they tooke too much vpon them Num. 16 3 séeing all the congregation is holy euery one of them the Lord is among them So there are among Christians which as S. Iude saith Despise gouernment Iude 8 and speake euill of them that are in authoritie as Saint Peter saith are presumptuous 2 Pet 2.10 and stand in their owne conceit and feare not to speake euill of them that are in dignitie 2 Tim. 3 4 as Saint Paul saith Be traitors headie high minded 2 Pet. 3 17 séeing thou knowest these things before beware least thou be also plucked away with the errour of the wicked Call to minde the charge of the Apostle of the circumcision Submit your selues to al maner of ordinance of man for the Lords sake 1. Pet 2 13.14 whether it be vnto the king as vnto the superior or vnto the gouernors as those that are sent of him Call to mind the doctor of the Gentiles both his decree Rom. 13.1 Titus 3.1 and his memento his decree Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers his memento Put them in minde that they bee subiect to the higher powers and that they be obedient Call to minde whereof I gaue thée a former charge that thrise recoūted precept of the King of kings and Lord of Lordes Giue vnto Caesar the things which are Caesars Math. 22.21 Mark 12 17. Luke 20.25 And God giue thee such grace as thou maist hearken to the charge obey the decree remember the memento and fulfil the precept From the which that thou mayst neuer slide either by the corruption of thy owne heart or the perswasion of men or the suggestion of the diuill I will only since the wisest either of kings or men affirmeth that a threefold Cable is not easily broken shewe thée a foure-folde Cable Preach 4 12 which may euer hold thy whole heart and soule in all allegiance to thy Soueraigne 1 The founder and confirmer of Caesar Rom. 13 1. 2 The haynousnesse of the crime of disloyaltie to Caesar 3 The punishments of disloyaltie to Caesar 4 The rewardes of loyaltie to Caesar Sonne Who I pray you is founder and confirmer of Caesar Father Neither any wicked spirit nor mortall man nor heauenly Angell but God himselfe God himselfe is the founder and confirmer of Caesar 1. Cable of allegiance is Caesars founder Effectual motiues vnto allegiance be the attributes of God and his benefits to vs. Attributes of God Heb 4.13 1. Infallible knowledge Rom. 11 33. 2. Inexplicable prouidēce In Caesars founder consider the attributes of him and his benefites to vs Among the attributes of him consider his knowledge infallible his prouidence inexplicable his iudgements ineuitable his decree immutable his wrath terrible his loue vnspeakable his mercie desyrable His knowledge infallible There is not any creature which is not manifest in his sight all things are naked and open vnto his eies O the deepnesse of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God His prouidence inexplicable hee reacheth with means without means against meanes from one end to another mightily and ordereth all things comely Wisd 8.1 His iudgements ineuitable Iob 10 7. Ineuitable iudgements Psal 139.6 7 8 9. None can deliuer me out of thy hand Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flie from thy presence If I ascend into heauen thou art there if I lie down in hell thou art here let mee take the wings of the morning and dwell in the vttermost parts of the sea yet thither shall thine hand lead me and thy right hande holde me His decrée immutable Iames 1.17 with him is no variablenesse neither shadowing by turning Num. 23 19 Immutable decree God is not as man that he should lie nor as the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it And hath he spoken and shall he not accomplish it His wrath terrible Rom. 1.18 Terrible wrath The wrath of God is reuealed from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men which withhold the truth in vnrighteousnesse His loue vnspeakable 1. Iohn 4 10 Vnspeakable loue Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to bee a reconciliation for our sinnes Ioel. 2.13 Desireable mercie His benefites Election Reuel 1 4 Gen. 1 27. Creation Iohn 3.16 Redemption His mercie desyrable Hee is gracious and mercifull slowe to anger and of great kindnesse His benefites to vs God himselfe chose vs before the foundation of the worlde that we should be holie When we were nothing Created vs in his owne image When we were worse thē nothing So loued vs that hee gaue his onely begotten