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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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heare me ye shall eate the good fruites of y ● earth If that ye will not but prouoke me to anger the sworde shall deuoure you for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Put your burnt offerings to your sacrifices eate the flesh For when I brought your Fathers out of the lande of Egypt I spake not one word vnto them of burnte offeringes and sacrifyces but thys I commaunded them saying heare my voyce and I shall be your God and ye shall be my people See ye walke in all the wayes that I haue commaunded you that ye may prosper I hate and vtterly defie your holy daies and where as ye sense me when ye come together I will not accept it And though ye offer me burnt offeringes yet will not I receaue your giftes Awaye from me with the noyse of thy songes for I can not abyde the hearyng of thy playeng at the Organs Prouide that equitie may followe as the water and righteousnesse as a mightie streame for in these thinges haue I delight and pleasure sayeth the Lorde I will mercy and no sacrifice sayth the Lord and the knowledge of God do I set more by then burnt offeringes What shall I offer worthy the Lorde Shall I bowe my knee to y ● hie god Shall I offer vnto him burnt sacrifices calues of a yeare olde May the Lorde be pleased with a thousande fat Weathers Or with many thousandes of lustie Goates Shall I geue my first begotten for my wickednesse Euen the fruite of my wombe for the sinne of my soule I will shewe the●… Oman what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee verely to do iudgement to loue mercy and carefully to walke with thy God How long will ye halte on both partes If the Lord be God follow him If Baall be God follow him ☞ Examples out of the old Testament NAdab and Abihu of a good entent offered incense to the Lord w t straunge fyre yet for all their good zeale they were consumed with fyre so that they dyed before the Lord. King Saule thought that he had done great worship vnto God when in the absence of Samuell he offered burnt offeringes but Samuell said vnto him thou hast done folishly neither hast kept the cōmaundements of the Lord thy God which I commaunded thee Saule also of a good zeale contrarye to the commaundement of God spared Agag the kyng of Ameleche aliue with the best and fattest flockes of sheepe oxen ●…c Pretending that he reserued them for to offer vnto the Lorde But Samuell sayd vnto him for asmuche as thou hast caste away the word of the Lord the Lord hath cast away thee that thou be no more king Willeth the Lorde burnt offringes and sacrifices and not rather that it maye be obeyed vnto his worde Obedience is better then sacrifices and to geue eare to the lordes commaundement is more then to offer the fatte of Weathers Oza thought y ● he had done God highe seruice when he stayed the Arke of God in the waine being in ieoperdie of falling but yet was y ● Lord angry with him because he touched it contrarye to hys word in so muche that he was striken and sodenlye dyed King Ozias toke vpon him to burne incense vnto the Lord thinking that by this meanes he should highlye please God but for all his pretensed holines he was strikē with leaprosie and so being cast out of the house of the Lorde he continued a leper euen vnto his death ¶ Sentences out of the new Testament THese people draw nighe vnto me with their mouthes honour me with their lippes but their hartes are farre from me Beholde they worship me in vaine teaching doctrines euen the cōmaundements of men Woe be vnto you ye Scribes Pharisees yea very ipocrites which deuour widowes houses vnder the pretence of long prayer ye shall therefore receiue the more greuous dampnation God hath deliuered vs from the hand of our enemies that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our life The houre commeth and now it is whē true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirite and truth for the father seketh such that should worship him God is a spirite they y ● worship hym must worship him in spirite and truth The time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you shall thinke that they do vnto God an hie good seruice God is my witnesse whom I serue in my spirite Be ye fulfylled with the spirit speaking with your selues in psalmes and hymnes spiritual songes and making melodie to the Lord in your hartes geuing thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ. Unto god king euerlasting immortall inuisible and wise only be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Examples out of the new Testament OUr Sauiour Christ whan he liued in thys worlde dyd all thinges according to hys heauenly fathers commaundementes as he hym selfe sayth as my father hath geuen me commaundement so doe I thys dyd he to geue vs example that in matters of religion we shoulde attempte nothing as due seruice vnto god but that only which we haue learned out of his holy worde The apostles of Christe bothe taughte and wroughte that onelye whiche they had receaued of their Lorde and maister Iesus Christ. Of these aforesaid Scriptures histories maiest thou learne that God is not worshipped as carnall reason and fleshly wisdome imagineth and prescribeth but as god by his holy worde biddeth appointeth and commaundeth A Christen man oughte to followe Christes steps and to walke as he hath walked Against mens traditions and vnwritten verities IF Sathan or any of his impes vnto the derogation of Gods glorye shall at any time tempt thee with mans tradicions or vnwritten veryties for to geue no les credite vnto them than vnto the word of God auoyde him with these scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament YE shall not ad vnto the worde that I speake nor take ought from it Ye shall not turue vnto the right hand nor vnto the left hād but by the way that the Lord your god hath commaunded you ye shall walke that ye may liue and haue good luck Keepe the commaundementes of the Lord thy god and the testimonies and ceremonies whiche hee hathe commaunded thee and do that whiche is pleasaunt and good in the Lordes sight that thou maiest haue good luck That I cōmaūd thee do y ● only neither put to any thing nor take ought away Put nothing to his wordes least thou be reproued and found a lier Wo bee vnto them that cal euill good good euil which make darknes lighte and light darknes that make sower swete and sweet sower Wo be to them that are wise in their own sight and think them selues to haue vnderstanding Wo be vnto you that make vnrighteous lawes and
yet if I haue no loue it profiteth me nothing at all Brethren if any mā be fallen by chance into any fault ye which are spiritual helpe to amende him in the spirite of mekenes consideringe thy selfe least thou also be attempted Beare ye one an others burden and so fulfill ye the law of Christ. Let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath Be gentle one to another mercifull forgeuing one another euen as GOD for Christes sake hath forgeuen you Let euery man be slow vnto anger For the wrath of man worketh not that which is righteous before God Aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among you For loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes If anye man saye I loue God and hateth his brother he is a lyer For he that lo ueth not his brother whom he hath seene god whome he hathe not seene how can he loue And this commaundement haue we of him that he that loueth god shoulde al so loue his neighbour He that loueth not his brother a●…ideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a murtherer And ye know that no murthe rer hathe euerlasting life abidinge in him ▪ My babes let vs not loue in worde nor in tongue but in worke and truthe Examples out of the new●… Testament Christ so dearly loued vs yea and that when we●… were yet his enemies that hee gaue him self euen vnto the death for our sake Yea he hanginge on the cros prayed for his very●… enemies vnto his heauenly●… Father Blessed Stephen in the middest of his tormentes prayed for his enemies S. Paule wished him self to be cursed from Christ●… so that his kinsmen might●… be saued Against the bitter stormes of persecution of Gods worde IF at a●…y time thorow the frailti of nature thou be troubled in thy minde when the cros ●…f persecution is laid vpon thee for the word of God looke that thou shrinke not backe from the truthe nor discourage thy selfe but think thy selfe blessed of G●…d call these scriptures that follow vnto rei membrance for thy comfort Sentences out of the old Testament THe Lorde killeth and geeueth life again●… hee bringeth euen to Hell and back agayne The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh vnto them that ar of a troubled heart and wil saue such as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of thē all He kepeth all his bones so that not one of them is broken But misfortune shall flea the vngodly and they that hate the righteous shal be desolate The Lorde deliuereth the soules of his seruauntes and all they that put theyr trust in him shall not be comfortles For thy sake O Lord are we killed all the day long and are counted as shepe ap pointed to be slaine Up Lord why sleepest thou awake and be not absent from vs for euer Wherfore hidest thou thy face and for gettest our misery and trouble For oure soule is brought low euen vnto the duste our belly cleaueth vnto the ground Arise and helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy mercies sake Thou O god hast proued vs thou also hast tryed vs like as siluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into the snare and laydest trouble vpon our loynes Thou suffredest men to ride ouer our heades we went thorow fire and water and thou broughtest vs out into a comfortable place I beleued and therefore haue I spoken but I was sore troubled Righte deare in the sighte of the Lorde is the death of his saintes The way of the righteous is iudged to be vtter destruction but they are in rest Althoughe they suffer paine before men yet is their hope ful of immortality They are punished but in few things neuertheles in many thinges shall they be well rewarded For God proueth them and findeth thē mete for hym selfe yea as the golde in the furnace dooth ●…e try them and receyueth them as a burnt offring and when y e time commeth they shal be loked vpon My sonne if thou wilt come into the seruice of god stand fast in righteousnes and feare and arme thy soule to temptation Setle thine heart be patient ●…ow down thine eare receiue the wordes of vnderstāding and shrink not away when thou art entised Holde thee faste vpon god ioyne thy selfe vnto him and suffer that thy life may encrease at the last Whatsoeuer happeneth vnto thee receyue it suffer in heauines and be paciēt in thy trouble For like as gold and siluer are tried in fire euen so are acceptable mē in the fornace of aduersity Beleue in God and he shal helpe thee For righteousnesse take payne with all thy soule and for the truth striue thou vnto death and God shall fyghte for thee against thy enemies Examples out of the olde Testament Abell was cruelly slaine of his brother Cayne whome he neuer offended Ioseph was cast into prison because he woulde not leane to the fy●…thy requeste of his lordes wyfe Moses Aaron and the Israelites were greuously entreated persecuted of King Pharao Saule with great diligence soughte to destroy Dauid Quene Iezabel pursued the Prophete Helias Zachary the sonne of Barachias was stoned to death for telling the king truth Achymeleche with certayne other holy men of god was slaine at king Saules commaundement because he shewed kind nes to Dauid the harty beloued seruant of God Sydrac Misac and Abdenago were cast into a firye fornace because they wouldnot worship the golden Image that king Nabuchodonosor had made but only the God of Israell Daniel was cast into the den of Lions because that contrary to king Darius commaundement he had prayed vnto his Lord God the God of Israel At an other time also he was caste into the den of Lions because he sayde that Bell and the Dragon were no Gods The vertuous and chast woman Susan was at the point to be stoned vnto death because she woulde not breake the commaundement of god and consent to the vn lawfull and filthy requests of the two Elders Eleazarus was miserably put to death because at the kinges commaundemente he woulde not eate swines flesh contrary to the lawe of god A certaine woman also with her vii sonnes were with moste extreme cruelty put to death because they would not obey the wicked precepte of the moste wicked kyng The prophets were vnmercifullye slain because they rebuked synne and taught●… the wyll of God The most excellent Prophet Esay for his libertye of speach in re●…uking the sins of the princes and of the people and prophe●…iyng of Gods vengeaunce to fall vpō the countrye and people was cut in two partes asunder with a saw and buried vn der an Oke Ieremy after much enprisonment was stoned onto death of his people at Taphu as in Egipc●… because he warned them of
their wicked liuing and exhorted them vn to repentaunce Amos at the commaundement of kinge Amassas for his preching was cruelly bea●…en and greuously formented At the laste Ochozias sonne of Amasias caused him to be thurste into the temples with a great nayle and being half deade he was caryed into his own countrye where he sone after died Micheas was buffeted emprisoned and fed with bread and water Examples out of the olde Testament BLessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousnes for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuile you perse●…ute you and 〈◊〉 speak all eu●…l sayings against you for my sake Reioyce and be mery for great is your rewarde in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets before you The scoler is not aboue the maister nor the seruant aboue his Lorde If they haue called the Father of the housholde Belzebub how much more shall they so cal them that are of his houshold Be not afrayed of them that ●…il the body but rather feare him whiche is able to destroy both body and soule in hel fire Euery one that shall confesse me before men I shall confesse him also before my fa ther whiche is in heauen But whosoeuer shal deny me before men I shall also deny him befyre my Father that is in heauen Ye shal be hated of all men for my sake Whosoeuer wil follow me let him forsake him self and take vp hys crosse and folow me For whosoeuer wil saue hislife shall lose it But whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake and the gospelles the same shall saue it For what shall it profite a man if he winne all the world and lose his owne soule or what shall a man geue to redē his soul w tal agaī whosoeuer fore shal be ashamed of me and my wordes in this whorish and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of his Father with the holy angels The seruaunt is not greater thē his Lord. If they haue persecuted me they will also persecute you If the world hate you know ye that it hated me before you If ye were of the world the world wold loue that is his But forasmuch as ye are not of the world but I haue chosē you out of the world therfore doth the world hate you The tyme shall come that who so euer killeth you wyll thinke that he doth God seruice Ye shal lamēt and wepe but the world shal reioyce In the world ye shal haue trouble but be on a good comfort I haue ouercom the world If we suffer with Christ we shall also be glorifyed together with him I suppose that the afflictions of thys life are not worthy of the glorye whiche shal be shewed vpon vs. Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which is the father of 〈◊〉 and the God of al comfort which comforteth vs in all our tribulations As the afflictions of Christ are plenteous in vs euen so is our consolation pleuteous by Christ. We are not weried but though our out ward man perishe yet the in ward man is renued day by day For our trouble which is shorte and lighte prepareth an exceding and an eternall waight of glorye vnto vs while we loke not on the things which are sene but on the things which are not sene For thinges whiche are seene are temporal but things which ar not sene are euerlasting We know that if our earthly mansion of this dwelling were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitatiō not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Unto you it is geuen not only to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Suffer affliction as a good souldiour of Christ. If we dy wyth Christ we shal liue with him If we suffer w e him we also shalreig●… with him if we deny him he will also dny vs. All that wil liue godly in Christe Iesu shall suffer persecutions This is thanke woorthy●… if a man for conscience toward god endure grefe and suffer wrong vndescrued If when ye do wel ye suffer wrong and take it patientlye then is there thankes with God For here vnto verely were ye called Blessed are ye if any trouble happen vn to you for righteousnes sake Dearly beloued maruel not that ye are proued by fire which thing is to trye you as though some straung thing hapned vnto you but reioyce in as muche as ye are partakers of Christes passion that when his glorye appereth ye may be merye and glad If ye be railed vpon for the name of Christ happy are ye For the glory and the spirite of God resteth vpon you On theyr parte he was euill spoken of but on your parte he is glorified If any man suffer as a christian man let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god in this behalfe Let them that be trooubled according to he wil of god commit their saules to him with wel doyng as vnto a faithfull creatour Iesus to sāctify the people with his own bloud suffered without the gate Let vs go forth therfore out of the tentes and suf fer rebuk wyth him For here haue we no continuyng city but we seke on to come By many trybulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen The holy ghost witnesseth in euery city saying that bandes and trouble abide me But none of these things moue me neyther is my lyfe dear vnto my selfe that I mighte fulfill my course with ioy and the ministration of the word whith I haue receiued of the Lord Iesu to testify the Gospell of the grace of God I am ready not to be bounde only but also to dy for the name of the Lord Iesu. Blessed are the deade that dye in the Lorde euen so sayth the spirite that from henceforth they reaste from their labours But theyr worke folow them Examples out of the new Testamen IOhn Baptist for truth telling to kinge Herod was cast into prisō beheaded Iesus Christ our Lord and sauiour after many blasphemies rebukes slaunders and bitter tormentes suffered the moste spitefull deathe of the crosse and so entred into glory The holy marter S. Stephen was stoned vnto death Iames y ● brother of Iohn was beheded What kindnes Peter and Paule wyth the apostles found at the handes of them whose saluatiō they most diligētly sought the histories make mencion Neither I heare speak of those blessed Marters which sence their dayes haue dyed for the confession of gods truthe so that the gospell is not without a cause called of blessed Paul the word of the crosse For all that wil liue godly in Christ Ie su saith he shall suffer persecution I saw saith Sainct Iohn vnder the altar the soules of them that were killed for the woord of god and for the testimony●… whiche they
end Sentences out of the olde Testament CAine the figure of all wicked and blou dy Tirantes slew his brother Abel while he liued he was a runnagate and a vagabound hauing an vnquiet conscience and now being dead he is a dampned soul in Hel. The Tirauntes and mighty Giaunts with all the world besides 8. persons were drowned after they had liued long in plea sure and in all the filthy desires of the wic ked flesh without repentaunce The filthy Sodomites liued in all kind of voluptuous abhominacion the conclusion was that they were consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen Pharao handled the people of God very cruelly entending vtterly to destroy thē all but the ende was that bothe he and all his army were drowned in the sea and the people of Israel harmeles preserued Sisar and Abimelech beinge greuous enemies of gods people were slayne of wo men Holophernes for all his proud lokes en tending to destroy the Israelits was slain him self of a woman Saule persecuted Dauid the seruant of God entending to slea him but Dauid escaped Saule was slaine with the sword Achitophel remembringe what wicked councel he had genen Absalon against his Father Dauid perceiuing that it wold not come to passe so mighty is God to destroye the wicked councels of the vngodly he went home and hanged him self ●…bsolon pursuing and sekinge his Fathers death in the midst of his furye was hanged by the heare of his head on a tree and so dyed Ioab was slaine because he killed two good men euen Abner and Amasa The house of Hieroboam because hee made Israell to sin was destroyed by the sword of Baasa king of Israel Quene Iesabel that great enemy to the seruantes and Prophets of the Lorde was throwne downe hedlonge out of an highe windewe and troden downe with horses feet and at the last deuoured and eaten vp of dogs Iehu slew the house of Achab for the Prophets that were slaine King Ioas was slaine of his owne seruauntes because he slewe Zachary the sō of the hyghe Priest Ioiada wythoute a cause The wicked king Sedechias whiche so cruelly handled the Prophet Ieremy had both his eyes put out and being fettered with chaines of Iron he was caryed priso ner into Babilon where hee miserablye died Amon that most proud accuser and inuentour of mischiefes against the Iewes preparing a paire of galows for good Mar docheous that faithful Israelite was han ged vpon them him self They that accused Daniell to y ● kinge and sought his death were caste into the dongeon and deuoured of the Lions The vngracious and wicked Iudges which sought the deathe of that godly woman Susan were slayne them selues Andronicus which s●…ew that good man Onias was slayne him selfe Sentences out of the new Testament WO be to you that are rich that haue therin your consolation Wo bee to you that are full for ye shall honger Wo be to you that now laugh for ye shal wail and wepe Wo bee to you when all men shall prayse you for so dyd their fathers to the false Prophetes Many walk of whome I haue told you often and now I tel you wepyng that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ who se ende is damnation whose God is their belly and whose glory is their shame whiche are worldly mynded Go to now ye rich men wepe and houle one your wretchednesse that shall come vp on you Your riches is corrupte your garmentes are motheaten your golde and siluer is cankered and the ruste of the●… shal be a witnesse vnto you and shall eate your flesh as it were fyre c. I heard a voyce from heauen sayinge●… O my people come awaye from Babilon that greate whore and mighty strompet the mother of the abhominacions of the whole earth Come away I say from her that ye be not pertakers of her sinnes that ye receaue not of her plages for her sinnes are gone vp to heauen and god hath remēbred her wickednes ▪ Reward her as she re warded you and geue her double accor●…dinge to her woorke And pooer in double to her in the same cuppe whiche she filled vnto you And asmuch as she glorifyed her selfe and liued wantonly so muche poure ye in for her of punishmente and sorowe For she sayd in her selfe I sitte beinge a Queene and am no widow and shal see no sorow Therfore shal her plagues come at one day death and sorow and hunger and shal be brent wyth fyre For stronge is the Lord god which iudgeth her Examples out of the new Testament The riche and proud glutton which was gorgeously apparelled and fared daintely euery day and yet woulde haue no pity on the poore Lazare dyed and was caryed in to hell Iudas that betrayed Christ hanged him selfe Herode which greatly vexed the congregation of Christ and slew Iames the brother of Iohn euen in the middes of his pomp and glory was smitten down of the Lords angel and was eatē with wormes and so miserably perished Elimas the sorcerer and false Prophete resisted Paules preaching but he therfore was stretght wayes striken blynd thorow the mightye power of God Against the most horible and damnable sinne the synne against the holy ghost IF the Deuill which seketh nothing but thy des●…ruction labour so to harden thy harte that thou contrary to thy knowledge euen of a pretensed wilful malice shouldst impugn the truth of Christs gospel and persecute the same in his menbers and so sinne against the holye ghost and blaspheme the Lorde thy God vnto the damnation both of thy bodye and soule loke that aboue al thinges in this be halfe thou leauest not vnto his wicked temtations if thou ●…enderest thyne owne saluation but rather withal thy power resist him by calling these holye scriptures vnto thy remembraunce Examples out of the olde Testament I will put him oute of the booke that sinneth against me A man that speaketh euill of his God shall beare his sinne and he that blasphemeth the name of the Lorde●… let him dy●… the death All the people shall stone him whether he be a citezen or a straūger what soeuer he be that blasphemeth the name of the lord let him dye the death If one man sinneth against another God maye be mercifull vnto him but if a ny manne sinne againste God who shall pray for him The soule that dothe oughte presumt●… ously whether he be an Israelite or a straū ger the same blasphemeth the lord And that soule shal be rooted out from amonge his people because he hath despised the worde of the Lorde and hath broken his cōmaundemente That soule therfore shal perish and hys sinne shal be vpon him They reioyce in doyng euil and delight in wicked thinges They make boast of theyr sinnes them selues as the Sodomites did and hide thēnot Wo
liue by faithe Christ hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe whyle he was made accursed for vs. As manye of you as are iustified by the lawe are fallen from grace We loke for and hope in the spirite to be iukified thorowe fayth Christ is our peace he hath broken down the walle that was a stop betwene vs he hath also put awaye thorow his fleshe the cause of hatred that is to say the lawe of commaundementes contained in the lawe written be so making peace hath reconciled vs to God thorow his crosse Christe hath put oute the band wrighting that was agaynst vs contained in the lawe written and that hath he taken out of the way and hath fastned it to his crosse and hathe spoyled rule power and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouor them in his owne person Be it knowne to you ye men and brethren that thorowe this manne Christ Is preached vnto you the forgeuenes of sinnes and that by him all that beleue at iustified from al things from the whiche ●… could not be iustified by the law of Moses Examples out of the new Testament MAthew was a tol gatherer The Apostles were ambicious and did striue amōg them who should be highest and of greatest authoritye Mary Magdalen was a greuouse sinner Peter denied and forsoke Christ thrise Paule persecuted the congregation of Christe Al these yea and why not transgressed the lawe of God for as Christ sayth Moses hath geuen you a law and yet none of you do fulfil it not with standing for theyr repentance and fayth in Christes bloud they obteyned remission for their sinnes and are made the sonnes of God heires of God felow heyres with christe of euerlastinge glory For if righteousnes come by the lawe then died Christ in vayne but euerl●…sting life is y ● gieft of God thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Against disperation for thy late conuersion and turning vnto God IF Sathan lay to thy charge that thou commest very late and turneste vnto God out of tyme and therefore there is no hope to bee looked 〈◊〉 set these scriptures before thine eyes and euer remember that there is no conuersion vnto God to late in this life ●…f it come of faith but at whatsoeuer houre a sinne●… repenteth beleueth and turneth vnto God he is well accepted and freely receiueth remission of all his sinnes ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament Let the vngodly man forsake hys owne wayes and the vnrighteous his owne imaginat ions and turne againe vnto the Lord so shal he be merciful vnto him to our God for he is very ready to forgeue Returne O thou rebel Israel saith the lord and I wil not turne awaye my face from you For I am holy sayth the lord I wil not turne away my face from you For I am holy saith the Lorde and I wyll not be angry for euermore As truely as I liue saith the Lord god I haue no pleasure in the death of the wic ked but much rather that the wicked turne from his way and liue Turne you turne you from youre vngodlye waies O ye of the house of Israell Oh wherefore will ye die The wickednes of the wicked shal not hurt him whensoeuer hee conuerteth from his vngodlines If the wicked shal repente him and turn from al his sins which he hath wroughte and shal kepe all my precepts and do iudg ment and righteousnes he shall liue and shall not dye I will not remember all his iniquities which he hath wronght In his righteousnes which he hath wroght shall he liue It is not my will saith the lorde that the wicked should dye and not rather that he shoulde turne from hys wayes and liue Turne and repent ye from al your iniquities and your iniquityes shall work you no displeasure Cast away from you all youre wickednesse wherein ye haue offended make you a newe hearte and new spirite And wherfore wyl ye die O ye house of Israell For I wyll not that any man should dye sayeth the Lord. Returne therfore and liue Turne to the Lord youre God for he is great and merciful pacient and of much kindnes and redye at all tymes to forgeue yea euē whē he is at the point to punish At all tymes when a sinner turneth vnto me sayth the lord I wyll no more beare hys iniquityes in my mynde but freely forgeue them God appointeth here no time of our cō uersion but whensoeuer we turne he pro miseth vs fauour life mercy and forgeuenes of sinne Examples out of the olde Testament After that the Prophete Nathan at the cōmaundement of god had rebuked kinge Dauid for his dissolute manner of liuing Dauid strait waies with a sorowful repen taunt hart turned vnto the Lord and hūbly confessed his sinnes saying I haue offended the Lord. The Prophet immediatly answered the Lord also hath put away thy sinne Dauid did not so sone conuerte but that he was as sone forgeuen to signifie vnto vs that at what so euer time wee vnfainedly turne vnto the Lorde our god he will haue mercy on vs and forgeue vs. The Niniuites for theire abhominable liuyng were thretned vtterly to be destroi ed within forty dayes but they falling vnto repentaunce and turning vnto the lord theire GOD were forgeuen spared and not destroyed Sentences out of the new Testament They that are whole haue no nede of a Phisicion but they that are sicke I came not to call the righteous but sinners vnto repentaunce Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I shall refreshe you Heere Christ prescribeth no time he only biddeth vs come and be the burthens of our sinnes neuer so greuous and heauy yet wyll be ease vs of them The Sonne of man came to seeke and saue that which was lost God wil haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truthe If any man sinneth we haue an aduocate with god the father Iesus Christ y e righte ous one And he it is that obtaineth mercy for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but for all the worldes Examples out of the new Testament The labourers in the Lordes vineyarde that came last of all receiued their peny s●…wel as they that came in the morning nei ther had one more then another The history of the thefe which was ful of wicked deedes and neuer turned vnto God vntil the very houre of his deathe declareth manifestlye that there is no con uersion in this life to late if it be accompanied with true repentaunce and vnfained fayth The thief hanging on the crosse and at the poynt of death onlye sayd to Christ Lorde remenber me when thou cōmest into thy kingdome And Christ wel acceptīg his conuersion sayd vnto him truly I say vnto thee this day shalt thou be with me
and likenes in righteousnes true holines Suffer vs not to geue ouer our selues againe vnto our olde lusts and conc●…piscences where with we were led when we knewe not thee nor thy So●… Christe but euē as thou whiche hast called vs art holy so likewise graunt y t we may●… be holy in all our conuersation O mercyful god not the hearers of thy law but th●… ful●…llers of it shal be iustified Neither sha●… euery one that saith vnto thee Lord Lord enter into the kingdom of heauē but the that do the wil of thee our Father which art in Heauen To confes thee with our mouth and to deny thee with our deedes worketh rather our damnation then saluation For the true knowledge of thee consisteth not in talking but in working not in fauouringe but in folowinge not in louinge but in liuinge To promise thee by mouth that we wil worke in thy vineyarde and yet worke nothing at all declareth not vs to bee thy sonnes but rather bastardes To bragge of the iustification of faith and not to bringe forthe the fruites therof to glorye in the merites of thy sonne Christe in his bloude death and passion and not to liue worthy in his kind nesse to profes thy holy gospel and not to walk according to the doctrine thereof to be baptised in thy name and not to morti●…y our members which are of the earth nor to walke in a new life to be partakers of the deuine misteries and not to bee made one spyryte wyth thee what auayleth it Wee are thy freendes if wee doo those thinges that thou commaundest vs. We are thy seruauntes if we be obediente to thy will Wee are thy Sonnes if we honour and reuerence thee according to thy woord We seeke thy glory if we attempt nothing whereof thou shouldest be dyshonoured Leadinge a life confirmable to thy blessed will wee shall prouoke the ve ry enemies of thy truth to prayse thee but cōtrariwise thou shalt be euel spoken of Graunt therfore we beseech thee that our life may answer to our professiō and that the light of our good workes may so shine before men that they seinge our godly cōuersation may gloryfye thee our heauenly father Amen ¶ A short praier to be sayd at the receiuing of the mystery of Christes bodye at the holy communnion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee most harty thanks for all thy benefites which thou hast shewed vnto me most wretched sinner but specially for y ● most swete smeling sacrifice which thy only begotten son offred vnto thee on the aulter of the crosse by geuing his most pure and vndefiled body vnto the deth for the redemption of mankind in the remenbraunce wherof according to thy welbeloned sonnes ordinance I now receiue this holy bread most entierly beseching thee y e I may both be partaker of the merites of thy deare sonnes body breaking and also lead a life worthy of so great a benefit vnto the glorye of thy name Amen A Prayer to be sayd at the receyuing of the mistery of Christs bloud in the holy communion O Blessed and merciful Father thy loue toward me sinful creature is so exceading great and vnspeakeable that I cannot but geue vnto thee most hūble thāks ▪ namely for the sheding of the moste precious bloud of thy dear Sonne Iesu Christ by the vertue wherof thy wrath stirred vp against mee wretched sinner is pacified My raunsome is payed the lawe is fulfilled my enemies are ouercome and put to flight In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and of so great a benefite I am come to this thy table O mercifull father to drink of this cup. Desiring thee that as my outward man is comforted by the drinking of this wine so likewise my inward man may be comforted and made stronge by true faith in the precious bloude of thy moste deare son O Lord my heauenly father geue me thy holy spirit which may so rule and gouerne my hart that I neuer be vnthankful nor forgetful of this thine exceading great kindnesse But so traine my life according to thy blessed wil that what soeuer I do speake or thinke may be vnto the glory of thy blessed name and the helth of my soule thorowe Iesu Christe oure Lord. Amen For all them whiche lye in the extreme panges of death or otherwise O Pitiful Phisicion and healer bothe of soul and body Christ Iesu Uouch safe to cast thine eyes vpon this poore sinfull creature N●… who lyeth heere captiue and boūd with sicknes turning his weaknes to thy glory and to his helth And bout safe good Lorde to send him pacience and sufferance that he maye with a true and perfect faith fight manfully against all tētations of the Deuil that he maye no longer continue So be it ☞ A confession for all people to be sayd in the morning O Merciful and most louing father whose loue is infinite whose mercy endurethe for euer We sinful creatures trustinge in thine vnspeakable goodnes and loue towards vs do appeare this morninge before thy deuine maiesty most lowlye confessing our manifolde sinnes and in innumerable transgressions of thy commaundements and fatherly wil. Against thee onlye against thee O Lorde haue we sinned therfore we confesse our sinnes we knowledge our offences we accuse our selues vnto the O mercifull Lord and wil not hied our vnrighteousnes We find in our selues nothing but ignoraunce of thy wil disobedience mistrust doubtfulnes in thy goodnes incredulitie hatred and con tempt of al spiritual thinges selfloue con fidence in our selues and f●…ruent lustinge after carnal thinges of this worlde And this tree of our corrupt nature bringethe forthe continually in vs none other fruit but rotten and vnsauery workes of the flesh in thoughtes wordes ▪ and doinges vnto condemnation Wherfore we humbly besech thy fatherly goodnes euen for thy sonne Iesus christes sake whom thou hast set forth for a purchaser tōwardes vs of mercy throughe faithe in his bloude to make our hearts cleane Take away our stony hartes and geue vnto vs a true and a liuelye taith whichshal worke continually by loue through Christe Haue mercy vpon vs forgeue vs our sins for thy sons sake Certefy our cōscience of remission of the same by thy holy spirit by whose operation we maye so mortefye in vs our old man the whole body of sinne that we continually dyinge vnto sinne may walke in newnes of life to the glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it Then say this 86. Psalme treatably BOw downe thyne eare O Lord and heare me for I am pore and in misery O preserue my soule for I am holye my God saue thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde for I will call dayly vpon thee Comforte the soule of thy seruaunt vnto thee O lord do I lift vp my soule For thou lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them that cal vpon thee