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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06909 A newe pathway vnto praier ful of much godly frute and christe[n] knowledge, lately made by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1734; ESTC S101290 98,046 290

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vnto deathe Dyd not Ieremye praye vnto God when he was in prysonne Dyd not Christ customably praye on y e mountaynes in the feld Dyd he not pray in the gardyns Dyd he not praye hangynge vpon the crosse Dyd not Stephen pray to God whā ne was stoned vnto death Dyd not y e Apostles wyth certayne women Mari the mother of Iesu his brothers praye togither after Christes ascencion in a parloure Dyd not Cornelius the Centurion pray at home in his house Dyd not Peter praye in the ouer parte of the house of Symon the Cāner Dyd not Paule w t his cōpanyons praye in dyuers places as cities townes felde s see bāckes shyppes prysons c Were not all these heard yes verely theyr peticions graunted them mercifully What do we learne of all these Histories Certes that a faythfull christian is boūd to no place Wher soeuer a faithful mā prayeth he shal vndoutedly beheard Christ sayd to the womā of Samaria Womā beleue me y e houre cōmeth whā neither in this mountayne nor at Ierusalē ye shall worshyp the Father Ye worshyp ye knowe not what We worshyp that we knowe For helth is of the Iues. But the houre cōmeth nowe it is whā true worshyppers shall worship the father in spiryte trueth For y e father also seketh suche y e maye worshyp hym For God is a spiryte and they that worshyp hym muste worshyp him in spirite trueth Saynt Paule also sayth I wyll that men praye in euery place lyftynge vppepure handes wythout wrath contēcion But let vs heare what Chrisostome sayth ¶ The. xxiii Chapter LEt vs not excuse our selues sayenge that it is no easye thynge for a man beynge entāgled w t worldly businesses to praye seynge that he hath no oratory nor house fytte for prayer nygh vnto hym For wher so euer thou be thou mayst make and appoynt thyne altare For the place hyndereth nothynge neyther dothe the tyme let but though thou doste not bowe thy knees nor knocke thy brest nor stretche out thy handes to heauen yet mayst thou pray aright make thy prayer perfecte so that thou only shewest bryngest forth a feruēt mynde For thou mayst whā thou goest vnto markette walkest by thy selfe alone make longe prayers Thou mayst also syttynge ī thy shoppe sowynge skynnes dedicate thy soule vnto the LORDE The seruaunt also that byeth or goeth vp downe the Cooke doyng his office whan he can not go to chyrche may make a prayer longe discrete For God disdaineth not the place but requyreth one thynge that is to saye a feruent mynde a pure soule For Paule also not in an Oratory but in the prison lyenge wyde open nor stondynge ryghte vp nor bowynge his knees for the clogge wherwyth his feete were bound dyd not suffer hym yet seynge that he lyenge prayed feruently he shaked the prysonne vnlosoned the foundacions dydde bynd the keper of the pryson afterward brought hym vnto holy religion And Ezechias not stōding right vp nor bowynge hys knees but lyeng wyde open in his bedde bycause of his syckenes whā he turned hymselfe vnto the wall in asmuche as he called vpon God feruently wyth a pure soule he both called agayne the sentence pronoūced obtayned much beneuolence was restored to hys olde helth And the these beyng stretched out vpon the crosse wyth fewe wordes purchased the heauēly kyngdome And Ieremy in the myre and lake Daniel in the prysone and amonge the wylde beastes And Ionas in the belly of a whale prayeng vnto God dyd both dissolue all maner of euels wherwith they were beseged cōpassed set about and also found fauoure at the hande of God what than oughteste thou to saye when thou prayest Uerely euen the same thynge that the woman of Canane dyd For euē as she sayd Haue meroye on me my doughter is greuously vexed of a dyuell so say thou lykewyse haue mercye vpon me my soule is very greuously vexed of a diuell For synne is a great dyuell she y ● had the dyuell dyd fynde mercy yet was she hated whā she dyd syn Haue mercy on me is but a short saienge yet doth it contayns an whole see of mercy For wher soeuer mercy is ther are all good thīges Though thou be without the chyrch cry sayeng haue mercy on me though thou dost not moue thy lyppes but onlye crye in thy mynde For God also heareth them that holde theyr peace Ther is no place to be sought but a begynnyng of a place Ieremy was in the myre he made God bounteous vnto hym by prayer Iob was on y e dunge hyll he made God mercyfull vnto hym Ionas was in the whales bellye he had God gentle to hym Though thou be in a vayne praye Wher so euer thou be praye Thou arte the temple seke no place The see was before the Iewes and the Egipcians behynd at theyr backes Moses in the myddes speking nothynge for he was greatlye troubled in his prayer yet sayd God vnto hym what cryest thou to me In lyke maner thou therfore whan soeuer temptacion shal come vpon the flye vnto God call on the LORDE Is he a mā that thou shouldest seke after a place God is euer at hande For thou yet spekynge he wyll say Beholde here I am presente Thou hast not yet made thy praier and he bryngethe helpe For yf thou haste a mynde pure from vncleane mociōs though thou be in the market or in way or in the consystory or in y e see or in the ynne or in the shyppe or in onye other place of the worlde loke where so euer thou calleste on God there mayest y u obtayne thy peticiō Hytherto haue I rehersed y e wordes of S. John Chrisostome Lyke vnto this wryteth Sayncte Austē sayenge Why dost y u seke for a fytte and holy place whan thou shouldest make thy supplicaciō to God make cleane thy inward partes all eue● lustes expulsed from thence prepare thy selfe a secrete place in the peace of thy herte Thou wyllyng to pray in the temple praye in thy selfe and so behaue thy selfe alway that thou mayste be the tēple of God For God heareth there where he dwelleth Thus se●we both by the authoryte of the holy scriptures the auncient fathers that a faythfull Chrysten man may praye lawfully in euery place in asmuch as he is the temple of God as S. Paule sayeth Do ye not knowe that ye are the Tēple of God the spiryte of God dwelleth in you The Temple of God is holy which you are And this is it y e christ sayth Whan thou shalt praye enter into thy closette the dore sparred praye to thy father whiche is in secrete Therfore let hym y e shall pray nothynge feare to praye vnto God in euery place boldly wyth this perswasion y ● God wil heare hī
herte vnto God he was hearde For the LORDE God sayd vnto him ▪ What cryest y u vnto me ▪ His cryeng was not the voice of the mouth but the affeccion of the herte He cryed w t a pure mynde to God therfore was he hearde though the mouthe kepte sylence In lyke maner Anne the wyfe of Helcana when she had ben long baren w tout fruyte prayed God that he woulde take awaye from her opprobry and shame and gyue her chyldrē wich thynge she obtayned And yet sayth the scripture she spake in her herte Her lippes only moued but her voyce was hearde nothynge at all Mary Magdalene also prayed not wyth her lyppes mouthe when she wasshed Christes fete w t y ● teares of her eyes wyped them with the heere of her head kyssynge annoynted thē full tenderly in the house of Symon the Pharyse she only lamēted in her herte her synfull lyuynge dissolute cōuersacion desyryng in her mynde to haue remission of her synnes she hearde this swete voyce of Christ. Her synnes are forgynē her bicause she hath loued much ●ea immediatly after Christ sayde to her Thy fayth hath saued the go thy way ī peace Christē also the selfe trueth wisdom of his father sayd to the woman of Samaria whan they talked togyther of worshyppyng God Woman beleue me the hour cōmeth whan neyther in this mountayne nor yet at Ierusalem ye shall worship the father ●e worshyp that ye knowe not we worshyp that we knowe For helth is of the Iewes But the houre cōmeth nowe it is whan the true worshyppers shall worshyp the father in spirite trueth For the father sekethe such y t shoulde worshyp hym God is a spirite they that worshyp hym must worshyp hī in spiryte trueth Here christ which is y ● very trueth can not lye sheweth vs two notable thynges One that God his father is a spirite another that as he is a spiryte so wyll he be worshypped in the spirite who perceyueth not thā that it is the Spirite the herte the mynde I meane the inwarde spirituall man that must worshyp God ▪ It is a common sayeng among vs lyke wyll to lyke And euery one desyreth suche as he is hīselfe Trueth it is Now is God a spirite therfore requireth he a spirituall manner of worshyppynge which doubtles procedeth from the herte not from y ● stētoreous voyce of the mouth The pure affeccion of the herte not the whysperynge noyse of y ● lyppes doth God requyre God which is the searcher of the herte seaketh to be worshypped in the herte as he sayth by Salomō sonne gyue me thy herte Moreouer S. Paule sayth God is my witnes whom I worshyp in my spirite In my spirite sayth he and not in the vnfruytefull bablyng of my lyppes Agayne Speake amōg yourselues in Psalmes Hymnes spirituall songes syngyng and makynge melody in youre hertes to the LORDE Lostyll he maketh mencion of the herte wyllynge y ● all prayses songes melody be done in our hertes to y e LORD our God As though he shoulde saye all that euer is done w tout the herte is vayne vnfruytefull yea playne abhominacion before God rather workynge dānaciō then saluacion to the doers of it as Christ sayeth This people honoure me w t theyr lyppes but theyr herte is farre from me Uerely they worshyp me in vayne Thus se we proued by the scripture that Prayer is the worke of the herte of the spiryte of the mynde not of mouth lyppes But let vs heare what the Doctors saye to this matter ¶ The fyfte Chapter SAynt Cipriane y ● blessed martyre sayth which Fulgentius also recyteth that God is not the hearer of the voyce but of the herte neyther is he to be admonysshed w t exclamacions outecryes whiche seeth the thoughtes as the LORDE proueth sayth what do ye thinke wyckednes in youre hartes ▪ in another place All congregacions shall know that I am the searcher of the raynes and harte that is to saye of the inward parte Also S. Ambrose sayeth take hede that thou doste not babble out rasshely the mysteries of the Crede or of the LORDES prayer Doste thou not knowe howe greuous a thynge it is to heape vppe synne in Prayer where thou trusteste to haue remedy ▪ Certes y ● LORDE taught by the Prophet y e this is a greuous cursse sayeng His praier is becōe euē very synne Excepte peraduenture thou recoūtest it but a tryfle to mistrust It is surely a great incredulite and vnfaythfulnes to thynke thus of y ● power of God y ● thou canste not be heard excepte thou cryest oute Let thy worke crye let thy fayth cry let thy mynde crye let thy passions and suffrynges cry let thy bloud as the bloud of holy Abell cry wherof god sayde to Caym the voyce of thy brothers bloud cry vnto me For he heareth in secrete which maketh cleane in secrete We can not heare a mā excepte he speaketh vnto vs but vnto God not wordes but thoughtes do speake Agayne S. Gregory sayth vndoubtedly true prayer consysteth not in the voyce of the mouthe but in the thoughtes of the herte For our wordes do not make the voyces the more pythethy and valeaunt to come vnto the moost secrete eares of God but our desyre and affeccions Therfore sayth the LORDE in y ● Gospell Enter into thy closet sparre thy dore He sparreth y ● dore prayeth in his closet whiche holdeth his peace w t his mouth powreth oute the affecciō of his mynde in y ● syghte of God aboue Moreouer S. Austē ●ayeth Thou knowest I am sure y ● ●t is commaunded vs for none other thynge that we should praye in our closettes ▪ being sparred wherby the secrete partes of the mynde are signifyed but that God seaketh not to be monyshed or taught by oure speakynge of that thynge whiche we co●uyt that he shoulde gyue vs. For he that speaketh gyueth outwardely a sygne or token of his wyl by some articulate playne euidente sounde But God is both to be soughte to be prayed vnto euen in the very secrete partes of a reasonable soule whiche is called the inward mā For he wylleth that these be his Tēples Wherfore we nede no speakyng whē●●e praye that is to saye no wordes that shall make any sounde excepte peraduenture as y ● prestes do for to vtter theyr mynde not y ● God but that man shoulde heare thē wyth a certayne consent be drawen to cōtēplacion by remēbrynge thē Here● to agreeth the sayēg of S. Jerome● we ought sayth he to syng to make melody to prayse y e LORDE rather in mynde then in voyce And this is it that is sayd syngynge makyng melody to the LORDE ● your hertes Let yong men heare these thyr●ges