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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68217 The history of the woman of great faith Recorded by Saint Matthew, ch. 15. v. 22. &c. and by Saint Mark, ch. 7. 24. where three very strong encounters are beaten back by her vnmatchable faith. Treatised and expounded for some help to the weake in faith. By Robert Horn, a Minister of Iesus Christ. Horne, Robert, 1565-1640. 1632 (1632) STC 13822; ESTC S116726 104,742 350

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that the plague brake in Psal 106.29 So in the dayes of Ames they put words of their owne pleasures into the mouths of his Prophets and gane them their text therefore the Lord saith that hee was pressed vnder them as a cart full of sheaues Am. 2.12.13 and cold hee bee more wearied therefore it is a vexation to him when a people is more zelous of traditions or of mens inuentions then of him The reasons Reasons what Master will not to a vexation bee weary of that seruant that will not doe what hee shall command but what himselfe listeth wee are Gods seruants not to follow our owne head but to follow him When therefore wee walke in our owne deuices not in the steps of his word must it not needs vexe him and so cause him to leaue vs when we leaue him first Secondly such spillings are but strange fire as all els are which in worshipping hee commandeth not and such fire the Lord will deuoure with fire from heauen as he did Nahab and Abihn the Sonnes of Aaron Leuit. 10.1.2 And would he so do if such acts of presumption did not greatly prouoke him Saul sought the Lord in his owne way and found his owne destruction He would not obey as he was commanded but as hee listed therefore the Lord had no pleasure in him nor in any of his offerings 1 Sam. 15 22. Thirdly God is pleased when we do his will and obey his word And obedience in this sense is as the salt of the offering that keepes it in good taste without which it stincks before God 1 Sam. 15.22 as before Ier. 7.22.23 and is God pleased when his word is obeyed then it must needs vexe him when it is not Such seruants and they that so serue doe but mocke God with a shew without substance and hee will not be mocked Galat. 6.7 The vse is first for instruction teacheth that to complement with religion Vse 1. is to driue away Christ and religion Hee is no good Christian whose Christianitie stands all in outwardnes Rom. 2.28 neither he who flides into a visible garbe of Christianitie onely by custome and the imitation of times The lewes did so and had glorious words for a cloake of their falshood Ier. 7.4 They had as most of our ignorants now haue a spiced conscience in vaine things but no conscience of worshipping in Spirit and truth Such worshippers were the Samaritans they stood vpon the formalitie of Iacobs Well when there was no water in it such as Iacob drank of when hee drank of the Spirit Ioh. 4.12 So nature and custome taught them their religion and haue the most of our people any other teachers at this day If they pray it is in words without any heart euen when their lippes march as Iehn 2 King 9.20 they care not if hee that is the Salt of the Parish the Minister keepe his whitenes whether hee haue any sauour in him or no. Math. 5 13. and so they loue rather to see then heare a Preacher This is not to doe after the doctrine here but contrarily and will Christ tarie where hee hath but an outside and not the inwards of a true welcom in the Gospel One saith well he that is maried to a fleshly religion or religion of no Spirit cannot haue Christ for his Husband All ceremonious worshippers are of this stamp moulded into no religion but what is carnall and standeth in worldly matters therefore the marriage bond is broken betweene Christ and them Against this doctrine offend the Papists who hold of Peter by succession if so but not by doctrine not hauing the faith of Peter they catch at his chaire and keepe the bones of the Saints though no marrow bee in them Yea they make crosses 〈◊〉 while yet they make the Crosse of Christ of no effect and will Christ tarie there where he is so dallied with An admonition therefore Vse 2. if we would keepe Christ to keepe in with him by bearing vpon substance in religion and not vpon formes only God is a Spirit and a liuing substance Ioh. 4.24 will be worshipped substantially Now to worship substantially is to serue God by his word where his seruice must be learned of himselfe who left making after hee had made his last testamēt hence the second commandement sends vs to God the only Maker in the frame of religion Exod. 20.4 In making of the tabernacle euery thing was precisely commanded the silke the colour the smallest Goats-haire the least pinne was striken in with Gods owne hammer Exod. And then shall wee thinke to please God when wee vse not his hammer but our owne for the pinnes we hang our faith vpon all good meanings the spring of our owne braine what are they but our vnreasonable seruice of God and what is that but the sinne of witch-craft 1 Sam. 15.15.23 what vpon this but a prouoking of Christ to a departure The Lord seekes such to serue him who scrue in spirit and truth Ioh. 4.23 And doth hee seeke such worshippers questionlesse he is delighted with such a worship and further hee seeketh this seruice that hath no need of our seruice and it is to our owne profit not his and then shall hee not haue it that wee may haue him euer Quest. but what is it to worship in Spirit truth Answ To worship in Spirit is to worship spiritually not carnally and in ceremonie and to worship in truth is to worship otherwayes then the lewes who worshipped in shadowes of things to come Heb. 9.9.10 Where it appeareth that the seruice of God in the Gospel must bee in manner wholly inward spirituall whence I inferre that they who vse Gods worship or any part of it as matter of ceremonie and forme only do with Saul go to graues to enquire at the dead 1 Sam. 28 7.8 but then the Lord was departed from him ver 16. that the Deuil said truely and then he will leaue vs which would be considered of those Christians who so 〈◊〉 heere a forme of Gods seruice never care whether it edifie the conscience or no never seeke for Gods seale vpon it that it may imprint blessings never hold Christ with the right hand that he may not go away as here from the Pharises whose deuotion was all set in a ceremonie of religion But whither did Christ goe going from the Iewes departing from them hee went as farre as well he might he went to the hithermost coaste of the Gentils whereof hee was the appointed light Luc. 2.32 And so as the Sunne of the heauens he sends forth some beames of his approach before him as the messengers of his comming not long before he came The Sunne went low in Iudea but was not down and Christ was going away but not gone therefore Christ departed but into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon and not farre into the countrie Here he desired to repose himselfe and was receiued where his owne
receiued him not Doct. 2 Math 4.15.16 And heere we learne that when Gods owne people will not receiue the truth a strange people shall For Princes shall come out Egypt Ethiopia shall soone stretch out her hands to God Psal 68.31 as God said to Elijah so he hath not only seuen but seuentie times seuen thousands wherewith to seed Israel in the thinne spring of true worshippers 1 King 19.18 and he is able out of the seed of stones to raise vp ehildren to Abraham Math. 3.9 when Ieresalem wold not receiue Christ Egypt did Math. 2.13 and here Tyre Sidon open their dores when Iewry shut hers against Christ and Christ saith that hee hath other sheepe then those of the fold of Iudah Ioh. 10.16 reasons Reasons the first may be taken from Gods vnquestionable right and propertie in all things for all are his made or not made Ioh. 1.3 Heb. 1 2. Now hee that is Lord ef all may chuse where hee will For may not the King abide with vs or set his throne in Scotland Secondly hee that can make stones can as was said of stones raise vp children to Abraham Math. 3.9 if one world will not he can make another that shall for hee is All-mightie Psal 115. 3. and so from the power of creation in God wee draw a second strong-binding consequent 3. A reason may bee drawne from the inconuenience that would follow if it were otherwayes for it could not but make a people exceedingly arrogant proud if God could not bee God without them For would they not then say let him go whither hee will he must come againe The vse is for correction Vse some in their prosperitie think it cannot be otherwayes and Dauid in some of his good dayes thought he should neuer bee remoued Psal 30.6 But he found the contrarie and repented ver 7. Ierusalem was impenitently proud of her strong foundation and Ierusalem the speach of al the world was made an heape Lament 1. Rahel despising Leah became barren and Leah fruitfull Gen. 29 31. so when the Gentils were reputed vile and the proud Iewes despised them the Leah of them became a fruitfull mother of children After the yonger Sons had more honour than the elder in the house Luc 15.29.30 This is written for our learning that haue drunk so deep of Gods mercies in the cup of the Gospell The Gospel hath been a rich wise vnto England But as some that marey for welth so many among vs that marie not the power of the Gospel but the good dayes of it behaue themselues in it as if they had said the mariage were good if the wife were away and these Gadarens loue their hogges better then Christ who therefore will go from such without bidding to be gone Math. 8.34 As therefore when Aholah and Aholibah being sisters did partake one with anothers sinnes lerusalem with the sinnes of Samaria they drank both of one cup Ezech. so if we of this nation proue Aholah and iustifie Aholibah in hers and her sisters sinnes wee must look to pledge them in the same cup of destruction that was their death many hundreds gone therfore let vs not flatter our selues with a shewing promise of long dayes in the Gospel if wee walke not more worthie of it for if we refuse Christs supper hee will without vs haue ghests to fill his house Luc. 14.21.23 and hee cannot want a Church though England were vnder ground God is bound to no nation and in euery nation hee that feareth God and worketh righteousnes is accepted of him Act. 10.35 our glorie is not in this that wee haue the name of God in our mouths and Churches but that we glorie in God Ier. 9.23 The rather to moue vs consider wee that the Lord hath change of ground which hee may at his pleasure turne vp with the plow of the Gospel and if it lose edge among vs hee can whet it at the grinde stone of the Sauages in America Againe he spared not our elder sister the Church of the lewes when shee sinned against him Psal and shall we the yonger Sister think to fare better not doing better or doing worse then she that first opened the wombe by an elder calling what ground in reason for such presumption thirdly againe let it bee thought vpon that to whom much is committed of him or them much will be required Luc. 12.48 If it may be said of vs as it well may and as it was said of the house of Israel you haue I know of all the families of the earth for all Europ being at this day in combustion and blood wee enioy our selues and know no warre then what followeth is a conclusion proper to vs therefore will I visit your iniquities vpon you Am. 3.2 For will he suffer such pieces to go from him not know how Luc. 19.13.15 But is Christ among the Gentiles his saluation doth therefore belong to them Which thirdly teacheth that saluation is of the Gentiles Doct. 3. We heard before out of Iohn 10.16 that God hath more in the bunch than I●dah and the second Psalme doth prophecie of an other inheritance euen that of the heathen who shall come vnto Christ from one end of the earth to another Psal 2.8 Isaias saith that nations shall offer themselues to the root of Ishai which was not Dauid but Dauids Lord that hee hath a remnant of people out of Ashur out of Egypt out of other places and out of the Isles of the sea Esa 11.10 11. And further that he shall bring forth his iudgement that is his Law to the Gentiles who should receiue it Esa 42.1 After S. Peter had preached to the Gentiles they of the Circumcision the lewes contended with him to whom he made answer that God would haue it so and that hee was not to forbid the winde of God to blowe where it listed for saith he could I let God Act 11.2.17 18. The Apostle S. Paul calleth this the riches of the world and the riches of the Gentiles Rom. 11.12 rich indeed when for so few cast off and yet all were not so so many were called to Christ as then were in the broad field of the nations And thus it is plaine that Gods saluation goeth now farther than the wall of Israel Reasons The reasons for else Noahs propheticall prayer should be fruitlesse Gen. 9.27 and many propheticall texts in Esa and others false Secondly then God should haue respect of persons where there is no such thing with him Act 10.34 Thirdly the first fruits of the heathen this woman with others make it euident from effect that the whole crop of the Gentiles did belong to God Fourthly and therefore did God shut vp all in vnbeleefe as in some common gaole that he might haue mercy vpon all that is vpon the kindes of all Rom. 11.32 wherein hee had failed if he had kept the Gentiles in ward perpetually But the vaile