Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

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truth_n scripture_n speak_v word_n 9,140 5 4.5911 4 true
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A60663 A true, short, impartial relation, containing the substance of the proceedings at the assize held the 12th and 13th day of the moneth called August, 1664, at the town of Hertford (Orlando Bridgman being judge) chiefly with and against nine prisoners called Quakers : as it was then noted and observed first in short-writing, and now made publick, partly to prevent various reports, and partly to inform people of the illegal proceedings of the said court against the prisoners aforesaid, eight of which were sentenced to be transported beyond the seas, there to remain for seven years / W.S. Smith, William, d. 1673.; G. W. 1664 (1664) Wing S4341; ESTC R8663 9,398 12

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righteous_a and_o just_a we_o must_v answer_v for_o that_o have_v you_o any_o more_o to_o say_v pris_fw-fr nothing_o but_o that_o we_o be_v innocent_a i._o b._n hear_v your_o sentence_n you_o shall_v be_v transport_v beyond_o the_o sea_n to_o the_o island_n of_o jamaico_fw-la be_v one_o of_o his_o majesty_n plantation_n foreign_a there_o to_o remain_v seven_o year_n proceed_n i._o b._n now_o i_o have_v this_o one_o thing_n to_o acquaint_v you_o with_o that_o if_o you_o and_o either_o of_o you_o will_v pay_v down_o here_o into_o the_o court_n a_o hundred_o pound_n before_o the_o court_n rise_v you_o and_o every_o of_o you_o shall_v be_v discharge_v and_o clear_o acquit_v for_o what_o be_v past_a and_o i_o will_v show_v you_o this_o favour_n as_o not_o to_o discharge_v the_o court_n at_o this_o present_a but_o shall_v adjourn_v it_o till_o two_o in_o the_o afternoon_n it_o be_v then_o within_o one_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n of_o two_o the_o crier_n make_v proclamation_n the_o court_n be_v adjourn_v and_o meet_v again_o about_o three_o and_o the_o judge_n send_v to_o the_o prisoner_n condemn_v to_o know_v if_o they_o will_v pay_v down_o the_o hundred_o of_o pound_n but_o answer_v nay_o the_o court_n be_v soon_o discharge_v the_o name_n of_o the_o prisoner_n under_o their_o sentence_n be_v francis_n pryor_n nicholas_n lucas_n henry_n feast_n henry_n martial_n jeremiah_n herne_n thomas_n wood_n john_n blindale_n samuel_n traherne_n now_o let_v all_o people_n weigh_v and_o consider_v the_o manner_n and_o intent_n of_o these_o proceed_n and_o to_o what_o purpose_n law_n and_o justice_n be_v pretend_v in_o their_o proceed_n against_o these_o innocent_a person_n who_o have_v be_v carry_v as_o lamb_n dumb_a before_o the_o shearer_n have_v innocency_n on_o their_o side_n and_o nothing_o contrary_a thereunto_o prove_v against_o they_o who_o when_o their_o plea_n of_o innocency_n may_v not_o be_v receive_v have_v commit_v their_o cause_n to_o the_o lord_n and_o so_o far_o acquiesce_v in_o their_o spirit_n as_o not_o to_o say_v much_o for_o themselves_o see_v the_o judge_n intent_n against_o they_o both_o by_o his_o evade_n the_o reason_n of_o the_o law_n and_o proceed_v in_o his_o own_o will_n contrary_a to_o the_o very_a word_n and_o form_n of_o the_o law_n pretend_v against_o they_o concern_v the_o colour_n or_o pretence_n of_o religious_a exercise_n etc._n etc._n which_o plain_o imply_v some_o evil_a intend_a as_o sedition_n plot_v or_o contrive_v insurrection_n according_a to_o the_o very_a plain_a word_n of_o the_o preamble_n of_o the_o act_n which_o can_v not_o at_o all_o be_v prove_v against_o they_o as_o also_o by_o his_o endeavour_v to_o instigate_v and_o prejudice_v the_o jury_n against_o the_o prisoner_n by_o go_v about_o to_o prepossess_v they_o with_o his_o own_o supposition_n or_o imagination_n of_o gesture_n which_o there_o be_v no_o proof_n of_o which_o have_v either_o christianity_n law_n or_o justice_n or_o his_o oath_n enjoin_v thereto_o or_o reason_n or_o equity_n or_o if_o so_o much_o as_o humanity_n have_v but_o any_o place_n in_o his_o heart_n there_o will_v not_o have_v be_v such_o proceed_n against_o a_o innocent_a and_o harmless_a people_n for_o wait_v together_o in_o silence_n upon_o the_o lord_n god_n in_o his_o spiritual_a worship_n as_o it_o be_v well_o know_v for_o no_o other_o end_n we_o meet_v and_o there_o have_v be_v long_a experience_n of_o we_o in_o that_o case_n and_o have_v you_o of_o the_o jury_n that_o bring_v they_o in_o guilty_a have_v any_o regard_n to_o your_o oath_n or_o to_o the_o help_n of_o god_n or_o your_o own_o salvation_n or_o the_o good_a of_o the_o country_n you_o will_v not_o have_v be_v so_o bias_v and_o prejudice_v mere_o upon_o a_o man_n own_o supposition_n against_o such_o your_o innocent_a neighbour_n and_o countryman_n for_o which_o assure_o god_n will_v call_v both_o you_o and_o he_o to_o judgement_n for_o your_o proceed_n who_o have_v show_v yourselves_o so_o silly_a as_o to_o please_v man_n more_o than_o god_n and_o to_o gratify_v man_n perverse_a will_n and_o the_o covert_a design_n of_o the_o court_n more_o than_o to_o regard_v the_o country_n good_a and_o what_o do_v juror_n signify_v if_o a_o judge_n must_v be_v both_o judge_n accuser_n and_o jury_n in_o effect_n also_o and_o now_o let_v all_o sober_a and_o moderate_a people_n consider_v such_o proceed_n and_o the_o end_n of_o they_o and_o where_o ever_o there_o be_v such_o a_o precedent_n especial_o among_o profess_a christian_n as_o that_o innocent_a people_n or_o person_n shall_v be_v sentence_v for_o transportation_n or_o banishment_n for_o innocent_o sit_v together_o in_o silence_n wait_v upon_o the_o lord_n when_o no_o evil_a or_o injury_n against_o any_o man_n person_n nor_o any_o unlawful_a act_n can_v in_o the_o least_o be_v evidence_v against_o they_o so_o as_o they_o be_v sufferer_n for_o worship_v of_o god_n without_o any_o colour_n or_o pretence_n for_o any_o evil_a design_n whatsoever_o in_o which_o case_n we_o must_v only_o appeal_v to_o the_o lord_n god_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n by_o who_o man_n action_n be_v weigh_v for_o justice_n and_o right_n which_o we_o can_v have_v from_o man_n g._n vv._n postscript_n in_o the_o second_o page_n the_o judge_n say_v the_o prisoner_n have_v transgress_v the_o late_a act._n at_o the_o three_o page_n he_o affirm_v the_o meet_n at_o which_o the_o prisoner_n be_v take_v to_o be_v that_o which_o they_o call_v their_o worship_n and_o at_o the_o four_o page_n he_o say_v the_o law_n mean_v the_o say_a act_n be_v not_o a_o law_n against_o conscience_n nor_o touch_v conscience_n at_o all_o by_o which_o it_o may_v be_v see_v how_o this_o judge_n be_v acquaint_v either_o with_o worship_n or_o conscience_n for_o in_o what_o be_v conscience_n concern_v if_o not_o about_o worship_n yea_o though_o mistake_v else_o bp._n gauden_n say_v not_o true_a in_o say_v conscientia_fw-la errans_fw-la obligat_fw-la but_o no_o marvel_n if_o this_o judge_n mistake_v in_o divinity_n while_o he_o miss_v the_o law_n in_o a_o approve_a maxim_n a_o verbo_fw-la legis_fw-la in_o criminibus_fw-la &_o paenis_fw-la non_fw-la est_fw-la recedendum_fw-la i._n e._n in_o criminal_a case_n the_o letter_n of_o the_o law_n be_v to_o be_v keep_v unto_o as_o in_o dr._n bonams_n case_n speak_v of_o the_o law_n say_v it_o shall_v be_v take_v strict_o because_o against_o the_o liberty_n of_o the_o subject_a but_o this_o judge_n enforce_v a_o intent_n and_o meaning_n of_o the_o law_n upon_o the_o jury_n not_o keep_v to_o the_o letter_n which_o in_o a_o case_n of_o this_o nature_n as_o transport_v man_n out_o of_o their_o native_a country_n only_o for_o sit_v still_o without_o any_o overt_a act_n by_o they_o either_o of_o word_n or_o deed_n let_v the_o wise_a judge_n for_o it_o have_v be_v say_v that_o penal_a law_n can_v admit_v of_o no_o construction_n or_o inference_n for_o penalty_n be_v to_o persuade_v the_o keep_n of_o know_a law_n not_o law_n conjectural_a ambiguous_a and_o by_o consequence_n for_o judge_n and_o justice_n be_v minister_n not_o maker_n of_o law_n the_o end_n end_n not_o of_o any_o evil_n do_v nor_o yet_o according_a to_o the_o plain_a word_n or_o letter_n of_o the_o law_n the_o fact_n which_o it_o reach_v be_v never_o yet_o prove_v against_o they_o as_o may_v be_v make_v appear_v if_o either_o reason_n or_o truth_n may_v be_v hear_v in_o the_o case_n case_n how_o then_o do_v he_o say_v this_o law_n be_v not_o against_o conscience_n if_o other_o law_n be_v which_o enjoin_v come_v to_o the_o church_n as_o he_o say_v afterward_o afterward_o mark_v but_o when_o the_o evidence_n will_v not_o serve_v his_o turn_n he_o will_v prepossess_v they_o with_o his_o own_o supposition_n against_o the_o prisoner_n as_o after_o appear_v appear_v what_o law_n of_o any_o nation_n punish_v any_o man_n if_o he_o speak_v no_o evil_n nor_o do_v no_o evil_n evil_n and_o what_o evil_a have_v they_o ever_o do_v or_o their_o meeting_n produce_v it_o be_v neither_o place_n nor_o number_n that_o in_o reason_n can_v make_v a_o meet_v unlawful_a where_o no_o evil_n be_v do_v or_o intend_v intend_v note_v though_o they_o be_v swear_v and_o charge_v to_o bring_v in_o their_o verdict_n according_a to_o evidence_n yet_o the_o judge_n bid_v they_o not_o expect_v any_o plain_a evidence_n against_o the_o prisoner_n for_o any_o matter_n of_o fact_n they_o do_v but_o strong_o possess_v the_o jury_n with_o supposition_n &_o imagination_n of_o what_o they_o may_v do_v though_o they_o do_v it_o not_o not_o in_o that_o they_o speak_v the_o truth_n as_o the_o scripture_n witness_v that_o god_n be_v a_o spirit_n and_o be_v worship_v in_o the_o spirit_n the_o christian_n do_v and_o do_v know_v one_o another_o in_o spirit_n and_o discern_v spirit_n be_v this_o now_o become_v so_o high_a a_o crime_n to_o profess_v to_o deserve_v the_o sentence_n of_o transportation_n even_o for_o worship_v god_n indeed_o and_o in_o truth_n and_o for_o deny_v all_o hypocrisy_n colour_n and_o pretence_n whatsoever_o whatsoever_o they_o that_o meet_v to_o read_v and_o speak_v and_o hear_v divine_a word_n and_o do_v and_o practice_v the_o devil_n work_n their_o worship_n be_v indeed_o under_o colour_n and_o pretence_n and_o do_v not_o the_o lyturgy_n allow_v of_o the_o worship_n of_o god_n in_o the_o spirit_n spirit_n a_o cruel_a imposition_n imposition_n how_o many_o thousand_o have_v the_o priest_n and_o lawyer_n destroy_v by_o their_o meaning_n meaning_n no_o experience_n of_o any_o evil_n contrive_v by_o those_o call_v quaker_n therefore_o unjust_o urge_v upon_o the_o jury_n against_o they_o they_o if_o that_o law_n be_v not_o against_o practice_n perform_v in_o a_o conscientious_a duty_n to_o god_n then_o be_v it_o high_o pervert_v by_o the_o executor_n of_o it_o it_o why_o be_v these_o law_n than_o prosecute_v against_o many_o innocent_a man_n conscience_n conscience_n how_o do_v this_o law_n leave_v man_n conscience_n free_a when_o it_o be_v their_o conscience_n to_o meet_v apart_o from_o those_o place_n call_v church_n where_o drunkard_n swearer_n etc._n etc._n meet_v and_o how_o be_v his_o former_a word_n contradict_v herein_o herein_o how_o can_v they_o then_o bring_v in_o any_o verdict_n upon_o a_o indictment_n which_o have_v relation_n both_o to_o law_n and_o fact_n fact_n note_v that_o this_o their_o plea_n of_o innocency_n may_v not_o be_v accept_v of_o though_o nothing_o contrary_a thereto_o can_v be_v prove_v against_o they_o according_a to_o the_o reason_n of_o the_o law_n here_o plead_v by_o the_o prisoner_n though_o altogether_o pervert_v and_o wave_v by_o their_o persecutor_n persecutor_n can_v he_o expect_v any_o other_o but_o that_o the_o jury_n will_v find_v the_o bill_n when_o before_o he_o put_v they_o upon_o it_o it_o mark_v that_o and_o where_o then_o do_v god_n command_v he_o so_o severe_o to_o sentence_v innocent_a person_n for_o meet_v peaceable_o together_o nay_o have_v he_o not_o plain_o judge_v for_o man_n and_o against_o god_n in_o this_o matter_n whenas_o the_o person_n he_o sentence_v do_v meet_v in_o the_o worship_n of_o god_n to_o wait_v upon_o he_o and_o if_o he_o judge_v for_o god_n why_o do_v he_o not_o show_v some_o law_n of_o god_n for_o what_o he_o do_v do_v can_v this_o be_v either_o justice_n or_o reasonable_a thus_o to_o go_v about_o to_o prepossess_v the_o jury_n against_o a_o innocent_a man_n beyond_o their_o evidence_n and_o with_o such_o a_o unfit_a instance_n or_o can_v this_o be_v a_o fit_a parallel_n in_o a_o matter_n of_o conscience_n or_o worship_n wherein_o they_o be_v concern_v let_v all_o that_o be_v but_o rational_a judge_n judge_n now_o judge_n bridgman_n thou_o have_v discover_v thy_o spirit_n and_o what_o be_v in_o the_o bottom_n and_o all_o sober_a people_n may_v take_v notice_n of_o thy_o proceed_n