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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14708 Certaine godlie homelies or sermons vpon the prophets Abdias and Ionas conteyning a most fruitefull exposition of the same. Made by the excellent lerned man, Rodolph Gualter of Tigure. And translated into Englishe, by Robert Norton. Minister of the worde in Suffolke. Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Norton, Robert, minister of the worde in Suffolke. 1573 (1573) STC 25010; ESTC S103038 125,106 338

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wold be worshipped and had promised that he woulde there heare the prayers of such as cried vnto him It is truth in déed yet had hée neuer forbiddē but the in other places also prayers might be offred vnto him But as we euery where haue néede of his helpe so hath he giuen vs frée libertie to crie vnto him euery where Examples are extant which testifie howe holie men that reuerenced God prayed in all places whensoeuer occasion was offred The Israelites cryed betwéene the bricke and the claye and were hearde of god Moyses made his supplication at the redde sea shoare and forthewith heareth God saying vnto him Moyses vvherefore cryest thou And it appeareth euidently inough out of the Psalmes and holie historie that Dauid made his petitions in woods in dennes and vpon his couche We reade also that Daniels companions which wer in the fornace and Daniel himself being enuironed with Lyons were perfectely heard What néedeth it to speake here of Christe who as in his owne person he often prayed in the mountaines so he also sayth vnto vs Thou vvhen thou prayest enter into thy chamber c. This is excéedingly to our consolation that we are sure of Gods eares alwayes open to them that crie vnto him and therwithal it reproueth them that wold bind bothe Praying and Gods grace to certaine places This hath ben an olde errour and Christe himselfe confuteth it when as to the woman of Samaria mouing a question as touching this matter he answereth VVoman beleeue me the houre commeth vvhen as neither in this mountayne nor yet at Ierusalem ye shall vvorship the father But the houre commeth and novv is vvhen the true vvorshippers shall vvorship the father in spirite and truth And Paule commaundeth men to pray in all places and lifte vp pure hands vnto God. 1. Tim. 2. I knowe in dede that God in times past adorned his temple with excéeding ample promises and that Gods Churche hath their oratories wherein prayers may be made but those olde promises had respecte vnto Christ whome al that seruice of the temple did shadowe and at this day for the continuing of holy assemblies and publike prayers it is requisite to haue some certaine place which it is conueniente to kepe holy and sundred from all prophane vses Yet in the meane season we must constantly retaine that libertie whiche God hath granted to euery one whereby to call vppon him priuately at home and abroade as ofte as necessite heautly oppressing vs or the holy spirite secretly inspiring vs doth stirre vs vp to pray Thirdly is expressed very diligently at what time Ionas prayd In my trouble saith he I cried vnto the Lorde And againe Out of the bellie of the graue or of hell for the Hebrew word whiche he vseth here signifieth both did I crie This setteth out the most grieuous streightes and afflictions wherewith the Prophete was assailed at that season whereof at this time we néede not to speake for that he himselfe wyll afterwarde with more words set out at large what thoughts he had in his minde This one thing let vs diligently note that the distresses whiche he felte both of body and minde were so much the heuter bycause that he knewe God had laide them vppon him as being offended with hys sinne But he cried vnto the Lorde and was heard We sée then that afflictions are no lette but that we may call vppon God yea that then also is it lawfull for vs euen when we suffer punishemente as oure heynous sinnes haue deserued For as GOD in laying hys rodde vppon vs goeth not aboute oure destruction but amendement and as it is not the least token of oure amendement if wée tourne vnto him when he striketh vs crauing helpe at his hande So doth God also neuer caste them off who in this maner behaue themselues And bicause prayer appertayneth to the confession of our faith which fayth shineth out so muche the cléerer as the troubles wherout we couet to be deliuered are the gréeuouser it followeth that God can not but verie well accept suche kynde of prayers Let this then be oure consolation and staye vs vp when so euer the weighing eyther of our punishmentes or of oure sinnes shall goe aboute to withstand our prayers and accuse vs as vnworthie to be heard of god For euen then is it laufull tyme to pray yea then most of all is it conuenient to lifte vp our minds wholly and instantely to wearie the eares of God neyther must we doubt at all of the fatherly goodnesse of God whiche then chiefly extendeth it selfe when hée perceyueth that his owne children are in dangerous estate of miscarying Fourthly let vs also mark the maner of Ionas prayer Héerevnto belongeth it that is mēcioned of Ionas how he prayed vnto God whome afterward also he nameth his god This is an excéeding argument of Faith sith that although hée knewe he had gréeuously offended yet euen in the middest of his punishmentes he acknowledgeth GOD for his owne whiche thing fleshely reason will neuer be hable to doe vnlesse it be lyghtened with the light of fayth Againe he sayth that he not onely prayed but also cryed yea that he brayed out or rather began a tumult in himselfe For he vseth suche a worde here as dothe not signifie simply to crye but to be troublesome to one with crying and yelling It expresseth therfore his feruente and vncessant prayers as wherwithall if any suche thing mighte truly be applyed vnto God he euen tired God himselfe Notable was this change and full of admiration which hapned in Ionas For he who not long before fled from the presence of God and slepte in carelesse securitie nowe béeing found out in his vngraciousnesse cryeth and yelleth out vnto him And by this example we are admonished that in praying before al other thinges faith is required without the which it is vnpossible for vs to drawe néere vnto god Hovv shall they call vpon him sayth Paule on vvhome they haue not beleeued Rom. 10. And Iames in his first chapter testifieth that they shall obtaine nothing which pray without faith It will therfore greatly be auaylable for vs diligently to be conuersant in the consideration of Gods promises and benefites done of olde tyme therby to confirme our selues in faithe But for that God sometime deferreth his ayde when as he séeth it néedfull eyther to haue vs longer corrected or our faith still exercised together with this confidence in praying there is also a constant inuincible perseuerance required Therof doth Christe put vs in remembrance whereas he willeth vs not only to pray but also to knock and séeke And hereto chiefly tendeth the parable of the widowe who by hir importune and continuall crie at length ouercame the eares euen of the wicked iudge Heinous therfore and verie hurtfull is their errour which will prescribe God certaine limites and if they be not fauourably heard incontinently dare call in doubt the goodnesse and power of