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truth_n love_n receive_v unrighteousness_n 1,627 5 10.8118 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15370 An exposition of the 13. chapter of the Revelation of Iesus Christ. By Iohn Wilkison Wilkinson, John, dissenter. 1619 (1619) STC 25647; ESTC S103078 38,953 38

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the chiefest of the Prelates and Clergie of diverse dominions should be gathered togither to make lawes and canons which all men should be constreyned by penall lawes to observe and yeild obedience unto that so peace and vnitie might be preserved and kept amongst them And in short time it came to passe that whatsoever these Synods or Counsells did agree upon and set downe how false soever was to be held canonicall and those that contradicted the same were therfore cast out and condemned as Heretickes This was the manner the occasion of the rising of this Beast out of this turbulent Sea And here by the way observe That * Every good giving and perfect gift is from above Iames 1. 17. from the father of lightes But this beast is from the Sea beneath not from above and therfore not belonging to the kingdome of Christ but an adversary and enemie thereof Of this Beast it is sayd that he had 7. heads a thing which is monstrous in nature And therfore by this was foreshewed that the dominion represented by this Beast should be a monstrous dominion Concerning these heads let this be considered That the whole state or societie of the Antichristian Sea is of two sorts of people the one sort they call the Clergie the other sort the Layetie Of these the Clergie are as heads and guides to direct and goe before And the Layetie as the body or rather the tayle to follow after Agayne by the same policie their clergy are sorted into 7. orders or degrees namely to speak in their language 1. Ianitores seu ostiarij 2. Lectores 3. Exorcistae 4. Acolithi 5. Subdraconi 6. Diaconi 7. sacerdotes These are the 7. orders of the Antichristian Clergy As for Popes Cardinalls Patriarchs Arch Bishops Bishops Arch deacons c. they are titles of dignitie and not of orders For the Pope is but a Preist concerning his orders and when he stands at the Altar and sayth Masse he doth that as a Preist and not as a Pope and so of all other degrees This considered it way well be saide of the Antichristian Sinagogue and State that it is as a Monster with 7. heads As for the Ministers which God hath ordeyned to be in his Church they are first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly Teachers c. 1 Cor. 12. 28. c. See also Rom. 12. 6. 7. 8. Ephes 4. 11. 12. 13. And these onely were given for the gathering together of the Saincts for the work of the Ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ Not some to have a bunch of keys with a charge of the doores of this or that Temple or Cathedrall Church Another to have a booke to read to the people things which neither he nor they did understand A third to have a booke of Coniurations or Charmes with charge to read them or say by heart to such as were distracted of their witts or possessed with divills and to put their hands vpon them A fourth to have a Taper or wax candle with a candlestick to carry before the preists and deacons in doeing their service A fift to receive of the people oblations and offrings and to deliver them to the Deacon to carry to the Altar To reade the Epistle and to stand by the Preist while he was saying the Masse A sixth to be the Bishops spye and intelligencer to informe him of such as be irregular and observe not their orders To read the Gospell attend the preist at the Altar c. A seventh to consecrate the Hoast as they call it and then to offer it as a sacrifice propitiatory for the quick and dead These are not they which God hath given to be in the Church But these are they wherof the Antichristian clergy consisteth for whosoever is one of that clergy is one of these 7. orders be he Pope Prelate or els whatsoever and to note and foreshewe this point of policie this Beast which Iohn saw had seven heads If any shall think this to be a vaine frivolous and straunge interpretation to understand by the 7. heads of the beast these 7. orders of the Clergie as thinking those heades to betoken things of greater note and importance Let such consider what account and reckoning is made of such persons as have received the Sacrament of Orders and holy tonsure in the kingdome of the Beast and they shall find the interpretation not impertinent but very agreable For a time there was since the writing of this prophecy * when the meanest shrimpe that was within these holy orders as they call them was held to be of that dignitie that Vide Concil Matisconen secundum Canon 9. 10. the chiefest and worthiest secular Iudge in a kingdome was held vnworthie to judge or censure them for any trespasse or fact how notorious wicked and manifest soever because they had received holy Tonsure were therby consecrated and set a part unto God to be his portion and heritage to pray for the people and therfore were exempted from all secular jurisdiction and power such was their dignitie accounted to be and still is where that kingdome prevayleth and hath the dominion yea even in this land that quarrell hath cost the King his Crowne as is to be seen in the Historyes of the Reigne of King Iohn and not his Crowne onely but his life also Now if the meanest of them be above the dominion of any King or secular Iudge and secular Iudges be the heads of the people whome God hath appointed to beare rule over them well may these be said to be as heads in the kingdome of the Beast wherin these shavelings are holden to be so holy and high in dignitie and degree As this Beast which Iohn saw had 7. heads so likewise it had 10. hornes whereby was foreshewed that as the kings of the Medes and Persians were shewed and represented to Daniel by the 2. hornes of the Beast which he saw in his vision so the kings of many kingdomes should be as guarders and defenders of the Antichristian kingdome and state And that this scripture hath beene fulfilled to the vttermost by the kings of the Nations is so manifest that none can be ignorant of it that are of judgment and experience And it was just with the Lord to make the Kings of the earth vassels to this Beast because they received not the love of the truth but tooke pleasure in unrighteousnesse they would not forsake their sinnes to liue godlily righteously and soberly as all must doe that will attaine salvation but they would liue after their lusts and for their sinnes they would make satisfaction by building of Churches and Monasteries c. and endowing them with lands rents and other revenewes by meanes whereof those which traded like Marchants in those many waters the kingdome of the Beast grew rich and wealthy and became the great men of the earth Furthermore Iohn saith of the Beast which hee saw that it was
knowne unbeleevers to the end to meete together for the mutuall edification and comfort one of another by doctrine breaking of bread and prayer and to practise all other Ordinances of Christ set downe in his Testament as they shall haue occasion and to companies of Beleeuers hauing such fellowship and communion one with another the title of the Churches of Christ doth in our use of speech properly and of right belong but for beleevers to doe this apart by themselues is adiudged contempt of authority factious novelty making of Conventicles and unlawfull Assemblies dangerous to the State and not to be suffered in any Kingdome or Common-wealth and so they blaspheme the Tabernacle of God in a high degree as if Gods people were a company of ungodly rebels and wicked conspirators but the righteous Lord will in due time visit his people rebuke his enemies And on the other side for Gods people now to deny the kingdome of the Beast that is as they call it the holy Catholick church Militant to be the true Church of Christ To refuse to partake and communicate with them in their abominations delusions and unfruitfull workes of darknesse is adjudged disobedience schisme and contempt of the power and authoritie of the Church To speak against their proceedings sedition disturbance of the peace of the Church heresie impietie and what not Thus they adorne the Harlott which corrupteth the earth with her fornications with the title of the Church and spouse of Christ and Tabernacle of God And so blaspheme the Tabernacle of God as if it were not a communion of Saincts by calling and profession but an habitation of Divells an hold of Fowle spirits and a cage of every uncleane hatefull bird Further it is sayd of the Beast that it did blaspheme those that dwelt in heaven that is the Saincts departed this life Those that dwell in heaven are then blasphemed when it is sayd of them that they take it as honour done unto them when we make them our Patrones build them Temples set up their images offer and pray unto them and make them Mediators between Christ and us for by this they are made not onely idolls but also favorers and cheife maynteyners of idolatrie They are also blasphemed when the doctrine which they taught and practised is condemned for heresie or when erronious doctrines vayne traditions superstitious rites ceremonies and customes are fathered upon them as received from them by Tradition as unwritten verities but the world hath been brought to beleeue that Saints in heaven might by these meanes bee as it were bought and fold betweene Priest and people wherein they haue been highly blasphemed Moreover it is said that it was given to the Beast to make warre with the Ver. 7. Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all Kindreds and Tongues and Nations Warre is made with the Saints when they are accused to Rulers and Governours to be Hereticks Schismaticks wicked and ungodly persons and they may then be said to bee overcome when their accusers are iustified and they condemned according to this this Scripture hath been fulfilled and verified Great and of long continuance haue been the warres which the Beast hath made with the Saints and many haue been the victories of this kinde which the Beast hath had against them as the Histories and other records of the Nations do plentifully witnesse It was given to the Beast to make warre with the Saints when Rulers and Governours gaue way to the Beast to devise and make lawes at their own pleasure concerning Religion and the worship of God and then to condemne for delinquents and euill doers all that would not obserue those lawes How free and forward Rulers and Governours haue been to giue such power unto the Beast they themselues haue felt by long and wofull experience for much woe hath the Beast wrought not to the poore and meaner sort of the Saints onely but even to Emperours and Kings and all degrees of people and therefore it is said in the words following that power was given unto this Beast over every Kindred Tongue and Nation So that the exaltation thereof was such as to be as a father aboue all fathers to every Kindred a Lord aboue all Lords to every Tongue a King aboue all Kings to every Nation Thus was this Beast exalted and sate as a Queene triumphing over them having all of all degrees brought in bondage unto her dominion which was a just recompence upon their heads that gaue such power unto this Beast yet see how the world was herein deluded they were not as captiues against their wills but in blinde devotion had this Beast in most high reverence as being a Divine Power ordained and given by God and not from the Dragon Thus did the Lord giue them over to bee deluded by this Beast as a iust reward of their ungodlinesse in that they received not the loue of the truth but tooke pleasure in unrighteousnesse Further it is declared in the words following That all that dwelt upon Ver. 8. the earth shall worship him that is the Beast whose names are not written in the Booke of the life of the Lamb slayne from the foundation of the world By those that dwell on the earth is meant those that haue set their habitation there and choose rather to enioy the prosperitie of the world and the pleasures of sinne together with the Beast then to suffer affliction for the truth and for witnessing against the Beast These are they that worship him that is receiue their precepts and rules for doctrine and wholesome instruction and obserue their ordinances and lawes as perfect rules of equitie and righteousnesse casting the Word of God declared in the holy Scriptures behind their backes and treading his Ordinances under their feete making farre more conscience not to eate an Egge on a Friday then to steale or commit adulterie But of such it is said that their names are not written in the Booke of life of the Lamb which was slaine from the beginning of the world That is they are not of the number of Gods Elect and Chosen in Christ and given unto him for his portion and heritage whose condition is to be hated despised persecuted and afflicted in the world for righteousnes sake in whom the Lamb Christ Iesus as in his members hath been slaine since the beginning of the world which condition those which cannot brooke and indure but count it a pleasure to liue deliciously for a season and take delight to inioy the pleasures of sinne may thereby bee discerned not to haue their names written in the Book of Life Concerning these things it is added If any man haue an eare let him heare Ver. 9. As if it should be said few there bee which haue an eare to heare these things For who can indure to heare that Catholike Church which they account to bee spirituall holy and heavenly to bee compared to a Beast