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A04847 The spirituall architecture. Or, the balance of Gods sanctuary to discerne the weigh and solidity of a true and sincere, from the leuitie, and vanitie of a false and counterfeit profession of Christianity. Wherein also the sandy foundations of the papisticall faith are briefely discouered. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 16. of Nouember, 1623. by Robert Barrell, Master of Arts, and minister of Gods word at Maidstone in Kent Barrell, Robert. 1624 (1624) STC 1498; ESTC S120643 59,486 84

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shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation distresse or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or swords no in all these we are more than conquerours through him that loued vs. Not that Gods Saints and Martyrs are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 altogether sencelesse like stoicks or stocks rather for they feele the smart and paine of their tortures els they could not be valiant Martyrs seeing true fortitude consistes in the patient bearing of those things which are most afflictiue to flesh and bloud but they are comforted 1. In the sense of Gods present mercies a Psal 94.19 whose comforts doe refresh their soules 2. In the certaine expectation of their future glory b 2 Cor. 4.17 for we know that these light afflictions which are but for a moment doe cause vnto vs a farre more excellent and aeternall weight of glory So that in all their afflictions persecutions faith supports them that they fall not hope comforts them that they despaire not patience quiets them that they murmure not and their inward peace of conscience sweetens their outward troubles with comfortable cordials that they faint not c Chrys in Loc. As he therefore that beates vpon an Adamant is himselfe beaten with his owne blowes for he is wearied but the Adamant not pierced which is impenetrable And the waues that dash against a rocke are themselues broken but the rocke standeth immooueable and hee that d Act. 9.5 kickes as gainst the pricks is himself wounded with his own stroaks so he that persecutes Gods faithfull children hurts himselfe not them for he makes them haue fellowship with Iesus in being partakers of his sufferings and bearing in their bodies stigmata Christi that is the prints of his precious wounds while himselfe hath fellowship with Iudas in betraying and persecuting Christ in his members e Phil. 1.8 Be nothing therefore terrified with your aduersaries which to them is a token of perdition but to you of saluation and that of God Ratio The reason of this immooueable constancy and stability of Gods Saints is f V. 25. Because the spirituall aedifice of their soules and bodies is built vpon a rocke for they haue these three rocks to support and strengthen them in all their rroubles 1. The might and mercy of God the Father who is the maine pillar of power and fountaine of goodnesse of whose fauour they doubt not because he hath passed it vnto them in his holy word by promise indenture couenant and g Heb. 6.13 c. oath and that before immooueable h 1 Ioh. 5.7 8 witnesses the best in heauen and the best on earth 2. The merits of Christ for their true and sauing faith doth rest it selfe in the precious wounds of Christ as the k Cant. 2.14 doues in the clefts of the rocks that it cannot bee remooued 3. The comforts of the holy Ghost who dwells in them as in his l 1 Cor. 6.19 temples and reignes in their hearts as in his kingdome directing them into all truth and goodnesse and comforting them in all their troubles as being the a Eph. 1.13 14. seale of their adoption and earnest of their aeternall inheritance And with these impregnable bulwarks the fortresse of their faith is so strengthened that neither raine flouds nor wind b Rom. 8.38 39 height nor depth life nor death principalities nor powers c. nor the gates of hell nor the whole force and power of the kingdome of darknesse can once shake much lesse ouerthrow it because it is builded vpon a rocke For though Gods Saints bee troubled on euery side yet are they not distressed c 2 Cor. 4.8 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 .i. Haesitantes non haerentes Arr. Mont. perplexed but not in despaire persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but not cast away or destroied But if any build vpon the sand of humane Traditions 1 Casus malorum or their owne fancies or the worlds vanities both building and builders fall together like d Dan. 2.35 Nebuchadnezzars Image when the stone hewen out of the mountaine without hands fell vpon it and become like the chaffe of the summer threshing floures or the sand they build vpon or the dust which the wind scatters from the face of the earth Iust prim● 1. He that goes to build vp the ruines of Babell in his soule shall with it fall to ruine for as one Angell cryed concerning Babilon e Apoc. 14 8 9 10 Cecidit cecidit It is fallen it is fallen so another angell immediately following the former cryed wieh a loud voice If any man worship the beast and receiue his marke in his forehead or his hand the same shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God powred out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone for euer Maruaile not therefore at the Apostacy of many to Popery in these dayes they are such as neuer built on the rock of truth and right but on the sands of their owne fancies or the world by presumption securitie worldlinesse or hypocrisie and therefore God suffers them to fall into errors as a iust punishment of their sinnes and they shall at length fall into the fierie lake as an aeternall punishment both of their sinnes and errors f 2 Thes 2.10.21 12. Because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued for this cause God shal send them a strong delusion that they should beleeue a lye that they might be damned who beleeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes For a Cypr. imperfectum in Loc. how should he abide in Christ that neuer was in Christ or how should the truth hold him that neuer held the truth or righteousnesse preserue him that neuer kept the wayes of righteousnes No no such buildings though they be built as high as the tower of Babell b Gen. 11.4 whose top did euen reach to heauen or as the tombe of Manseolus or Pyramides of Aegypt and be as faire and stately for outward shew as the temple of c Act 19.27 Diana at Ephesus the wonderment of the world or the costly palace of Alcinoous the walls whereof were brasse the gates gold and the entries siluer yet downe they must they and their builders shall fall and d Iinex v. 27 Ruina magna their fall shall be great The fall of an house is great first when it falls not in part but totaly that is not the roofe or a wal or a roome onely but is turned topsey-turuey from the very foūdation 2. when it falls finally and irrecouerably neuer to be raysed vp againe like the walls of Iericho e Ios 6.26 Such I am persuaded shall in Gods due time bee the fall of Babilon as a f M. Higgo●s in his mysticall Babilon learned Diuine of ours hath of late euidently prooued though the Babilonish
stones and in them were written the names of the Lambes twelue Apostles And herein Peter had no preheminence aboue the rest except a primacy of order onely for a Su●er omnes ●quo Eccles fortitudo solidatu● 〈◊〉 in Jo● li. 1 Saint Hierome saith th● Church is aequally founded on the doctrine of all the Apostles for these words b Mat. 16.18 Tu es Petrus super hanc Petram aedificabo Ecclesiam were not spoken personally to Peter but generally to all the Apostles who as well as Peter did beleeue and confesse the same faith though in token of vnity they were vttered to one which in vnity did appertaine to all the Apostles c Vnus pro multis vnitas pro ●niuersis Aug. in Psal 88. in whose names Peter alone made this confession Moreouer not Peters person or place but the faith which he confessed is that rocke on which the Church is built as both the whole streame of the Fathers and the generall counsell of Chalcedon doe testifie Vide Aug. de ver dom Ser. 13. Hil. de Trin li. 6. Chrysost inc 16 Mat. Theod. in Cant. Pag 235. Ambros in cap. 2. ad Eph. Epist in Appendice Conc. Chalced 13. Seeing therefore he was called d Aug Retract li. 1. c. 21. Petrus a petra from that rocke of faith which he confessed Thou art the Christ the Sonne of the liuing God which faith the rest of the Apostles held taught and confessed as well as he and sealed it with their blood wee may truely inferre with S. Jerome e Hieron in Amos li. 3. c. 6. that in this respect they were rocks as well as he whereon the Church is founded Yea f Petrus gessit personam Ecclesicut Iudas inimicorum Christi Aug. in Psal 108. S. Aug. saith farther that Peter in confessing Christ and receiuing the power of the keyes sustained the person not onely of the Apostles but of the whole Church Militant as Iudas did of the Church malignant g Jdem 50. in Ioh c. 12. Vnus malus corpus malorum significat quomodo Petrus corpus bonorum corpus ecclesiae As one Iudas signified the whole societie of the wicked so one Peter the whole company of good men the body of the Church Therefore from those words of Christ to Peter Thou art Peter c. who represented not the Apostles onely but the whole Christian Church confessing the same faith it cannot bee inferred that S. Peter and his successors are that rocke on which the Church is founded Those therefore that build their faith on that foundation of the Prophets and Apostles whereof Christ is the chiefe corner-stone by beleeuing confessing and practizing are those wise builders here specified which build their houses on a rocke For the entire and sincere beleefe profession Nota Eccles infa●●biler● and practise of those supernaturall verities which God hath reuealed in his Sonne Christ by the ministery of the Prophets and Apostles and that in veritie is an infallible note of the true Church and of a true member of the true Church All other notes without this are false and counterfeite and may deceiue vs. Notae fall●biles 1 Antiquitas 1. Antiquitie without truth is nothing els but a Cypr. epist 74. 63 Vetustas erroris for we must not so much attend vnto or consider what others haue done or thought fit to be done before vs as what Christ hath done who is before all we must not follow the custome of man but the truth of God for the true antiquity is truth it selfe deriued from Christ b Esa 9.6 the Father of aeternitie 2. Successio 2. Personall succession without doctrinall is but as c Mat. 26.1 c. Caiaphas succeeded Aaron and yet was an enemy to the true High Priest Christ Iesus d Naz in laudem Athanasis Such false Pastors or bad members of the visible Church succeeded the true and good as darknesse succeedes the light or sicknesse health or a tempest faire weather or madnesse the right vse of reason 3. Vnitas 3. Vnity without truth is but a diuelish faction and like that of thieues and rebells an accu●sed confederacie and wicked conspiracie against the God of truth e Apoc. 19 16. Who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Such though they combine and v … themselues neuer so strongly are but like f Gen. 49.5 Simeon and Leui brethren in euill or like g Luc. 23 12. Herod and Pilate that vnited themselues in a league of friendship to persecute Christ Iesus 4. Vniuersalitas Vniuersalitie or multitude without truth is nothing for one h 1 Reg. 18.19 Elias teaching and professing Gods truth and truely worshiping the true God of Israel is to be preferred befo●e foure hundred Proph●ts of Baal though brought vp in Ahabs Court and eating bread at Iezabells table and one i Luc. 23 42. poenitent thiefe confessi●g Christ before the high Priests and Elders Scribes Pharises Sadduces and thousands of Iewes persecuting him 5. Nom●n Catho Nor the specious titles of holy Catholike Apostolike c for that Church which hath these titles without truth is like a boxe in an Apothecaries shop which without hath the title of a soueraigne antidote written in faire Characters and within is full of deadly poyson Bare titles will not serue the turne for those haeretikes in Saint Bernards time who in truth were Apostatici because they reuolted from the Catholike faith tearmed themselues Apostolici though they could shew no signe of their Apostleship a Ber. Ser. 64. in Cant. and in our dayes Popish Catholikes tearme themselues Catholikes and Iebusites Iesuites and the Synagogue of lust the family of loue Applicat Be not therefore carryed away from the rocke of Christs Sacred truth with any or all those glistering shewes which that painted whore of Babylon makes of antiquitie succession vnitievniue rsalitie or the goodly titles of holy Catholike Apostolike c. for all these are but the b 2 Reg. 9.30 painted face of that whorish Iezabell or her c Apoc. 17.4 golden cup glistering without but within full of the wine of her abhominations and filthinesse of her fornications the truth of Gods word alone is that firme and immnoueable rocke on which euery wise Christian must build the spirituall aedifice of his soule and conscience 1 Petra regenerat 1. This is that rocke out of which wee are spiritually hewen Esa 51.2 that is the Rocke of our regeneration for d 1 Pet. 1.23 we are borne againe not of corruptible seed but incorruptible by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer 2 Nutrit 2. The rocke of our spirituall nourishment vnto saluation whence doe flowe 1. the waters of life to refresh our fainting soules as e Exod. 17 16. streames of Waters flowed from the rocke in Rephidim to refresh the thirsting bodies of the Israelites 2. The