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A17154 Christian praiers and holie meditations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Whereunto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.; Christian praiers and holy meditations Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. Godlie instruction, conteining the summe of all the divinitie necessary for a Christian conscience. aut 1596 (1596) STC 4032; ESTC S120490 133,439 444

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worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sight SanctifiE vs thoroughout and keepe our whole spirit soule and bodie faultlesse vnto the comming of thy dear sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Thou art faithful O Father who hast promised this who also shall bring it to passe to thee therfore be giuen euerlasting praise honour and glorie Amen A thankesgiuing after meales LEt al nations magnifie the Lord let all people reioyce in praysing and extolling his greate mercies For his fatherly kindnesse is plentifully shewing foorth vpon vs and the truth of his promise endureth for euer Wee render thankes vnto thee O Lord God for thy manifold benefits which we continually receiue at thy bountifull hand not onely for that it hath pleased thee to feede vs in this present life giuing vnto vs al things necessarie for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercie fashioned vs anewe into an assured hope of a farre better life the which thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holie Gospel Therefore we humbly beseech thee Oh heauenly father that thou wilt not suffer our affections to bee so intangled and ro●ted in these earthly corruptible things but that we may alwayes haue our mindes directed to thee o● high continually watching for the cōmming of our lord Isesus Christ what time he shal appeare for our full redemption To whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee all honor and glorie for euer and euer So bee it Another thankesgiuing after meales GLorie praise and honour be vnto thee most mercifull and omnipotent Father who hastfed and daylie doest feede of thy most bountifull goodnesse al liuing creatures we beseech thee that as thou hast nourished these our mortal bodies with corporall food so thou wouldest replenish our souls with the perfect knowledg of the liuely word of thy beloued son Iesus Christ to whom with thee the holy Ghost be praise glorie and honour for euer So be it Another MOst bountifull and gratious God which feedest all flesh and hast promised that asking of thee we shall not lacke if wee first seeke thy kingdome the righteousnes thereof we feeling presently the benefit of this thy gratious promise in feeding our bodies with this corporal foode do rendervnto thee most harty thanks for the same beseeching thee likewise to feed our soules with that heauenlie foode which perisheth not but abideth vnto euerlasting life so that we being norished by thy goodnesse both in bodie soule may be apt readie to do al good workes which thou hast prepared for vs to walke in through Iesus Christ our Lord. Vnto him that loueth vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud and made vs Kings and Priestes vnto God his father be all glory power and dominion for euermore Amen Another THe God of glorie who hath created redeemed and presently fed vs be blessed for euermore Amen The God of all power who hath called from death the greate pastor of the sheepe our Lord Iesus comfort defend the flock which he hath redeemed by the bloud of the eternall Testament increase the number of true preachers represse the rage of obstinate tyrants lighten the harts of the ignorant releeue the pains of such as be afflicted but specially of those that suffer for the testimonie of thy truth and finally confound Sathan by the power of our Lord Iesus Christe So be it Prayers commonly called Lydleys prayers with certayne godly additions Before thou prayest forgiue if thou hast any thing against any man and come not to GOD with a double heart but lift vp pure handes without wrath or doubting 1. Tim. 2. AL mightie and most mercifull Father I thy poore creature work of thy hands acknowledge confes vnto thee my manifolde sinnes and ●ffences which I frō my youth vp vnto this day haue committed against thee in thoughte word deede beseeching thee for Iesus Christ thy deere sonnes sake to haue mercie vpon mee and to pardon the same according to thy greate mercie which hast promised that At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart thou wilt put his wickednesse out of thy remembrance O Lord I confesse that I was borne in sinne and conceiued in wickednesse and am by nature a childe of wrath for in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and of my selfe I am not able to thinke a good thought much lesse to doe that thou in thy lawe requirest of mee saying Cursed is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the lawe to doe them Againe thy lawe is spirituall but I am carnall sould vnder sinne Therefore O LORD I come vnto thee for grace which hast said Aske ye shal haue seeke ye shall find knock it shal be opened vnto you to preuent draw my will vnto all goodnesse for none can come vnto thee except he be drawn except we be borne from aboue we cannot see the kingdom of God Therefore O Lord renew in mee a right spirit that I may receiue strength and ablenes to doe thy righteous will Grant that I may euer desire and will that which is most pleasing and acceptable to doe thy will Thy will be my will and my will be alwayes to follow thy will Let there be euer in mee one will one desire with thee and let me neuer desire to will or not to will but as thou wilt Graunt mee that aboue all things I may rest in thee and fully quiet pacifie my heart in thee for thou Lord art the true peace of the heart and the perfect rest of the soule Thou knowest Lord what is most profitable expedient for me where fore doe with mee in al things as it shall seeme best vnto thee For it may not be but well that thou dost which doest most iustly and blessedly dispose al things after thy most godly wisedome Therefore whether it be by prosperitie or aduersitie losse or gain sicknesse or health life or death thy will be done Cast out of my heart al vnprofitable cares of worldly thinges and suffer me not to be lead with the vnstable desires of earthly vanities but giue me grace that all worldlye and carnal affections may bee mortified die in mee Graunt vnto mee the strength of thy holie spirite to subdue this body of sinne with the whole lustes thereof that it may be obedient both in wil minde and members to do thy holy wil Assist me with thy grace O Lord that I may be strenthened in the inwarde man and bee armed with thy holy armor which is the breast-plate of righteousnesse the shielde of faith the hope of saluation for an helmet and the sworde of the spirit which is thy holy word that I may stand perfect in all that is thy will be found worthy through Christ to receiue the crowne of life which thou hast promised to all them that loue thee Giue me grace that I may esteeme
the Lorde is and are becom new creatures by the heauenlie regeneration through the doctrine of the gospell should like holie and innocent babes lay aside all such workes of the flesh which do depriue a man of the kingdome of God And Saint Paule commaundeth vs that laying aside those cursed vvorkes of darknesse vve should in the steed thereof put on euen as the elect of God holie and beloued tender mercie kindness humblenesse of minde meeknesse long suffering forbearing one another forgiuing one another if anie haue a quarrell to another as Christ forgaue vs end aboue all these things saith he put on loue vvhich is the bond of perfection let the peace oh God rule in your hearts vvhen ye shall stand and praie saith S● Marke forgiue if ye haue anie thing against anie man that your Father also vvhich is in heauen maie forgiue you your trespasses● for if yee vvill not forgiue your father vvhich is in heauen vvill not pardon you your trespasses Moreouer we must haue such a feeling of our owne miserie and wretehednes as may worke in vs an earnest sorrowe and vexation of minde for the same Example whereof wee may see in the deare seruantes of God when they say that out of the deep deepenesse and out of the middes of the iawes of death they vtter vnto the Lord a sorrowfull voice He that desireth mercy must haue a feeling of his owne miserie And therefore saith Dauid Heale my soule O Lord for I haue sinned against thee There is nothing in my flesh saith hee because of thy displeasure neither in there any rest in my bones because of my sin This anguish and sorrowe stirreth vp in Gods children a feruent desire to obtain cōfort help and succour at Gods hande and therfore such as f●ele themselues oppressed with great calamities hauing by the help of man no hope of deliuerance doe crie vnto God with afflicted hearts as Dauid did in his distresse My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God and as the hart being vvounded brai●th for the riuers of vvater so panteth my soule after thee O God This is that godlie sorrow which S. Paule saith worketh in Gods children repentaunce to saluation The Lorde is nigh to them saith Dauid that are of a contrite heart and vvill saue all such as are afflicted in spirite To him vvill I looke euen vnto him saith the Lord that is afflicted and broken hearted and trembleth at my vvordes Therefore Dauid calleth the time of trouble the fit and conuenient time for the faithful to fly vnto God by prayer And albeit they be not at al times in like distresse or continuallie groning vnder the burthen of present euils yet must they needes bee euer in dread of new daungers and carefully ●ffraid of further troubles to follow As trouble and feare therfore are the verie spurs to ●ir them vp to heartie and feruent prayer ●o by occasion thereof they haue more free accesse vnto God as though he did therby call them vnto him This godly sorrow for sinne and feruent desire and longing for Gods louing mercie and fauour commeth not of our selues but of the speciall goodnesse of God for we are of our selues dul and without al lust to pray ●ea so great is our imperfection that wee know not howe to pray as wee ought and therefore the spirite helpeth our infirmities inst●ucteth vs what is right and guideth our affections Hee maketh intercession for the Saintes saith 〈◊〉 Paule according to the vvill of God and that vvith Vighes and gr●anings vvhich cannot be expressed that is hee stirreth vp our he arts giueth vs a desire and boldnesse to pray causeth vs to mourn when we are by any meanes hindred from it and feele not our selues moued therunto with such feruent zeale and affection as we should be Now although wee knowe that it is the only work of the holie Ghost thus to mo●e and incline our heartes to prayer notwithstanding we may not be negligent slouthfull to dispose and stirre vp our selues therevnto but rather contrariwise so often as we feele our selues colde and not disposed to praier as we ought to be wee must make our supplication vnto the Lorde that it woulde please him to inflame vs with his holie spirit wherby we may be framed to pray with such feruencie of mind as we ought to doe When we are cast downe by the sence feeling of our owne infirmity sinne aud miserie Yet must we pray notwithstanding in sure and stedfast hope to obtaine our requests These be things in deed contrarie in shewe to ioyne with the feeling of the iust vengeance of God sure affiance of fauour which things doe yet verie wel agree in that it is the goodnesse of God onlie that raiseth vs vp being oppressed with our owne euils from the which of our selues we cannot rise For as repentance and faith are knit as companions together albeit the one driueth vs downe with feare and the other lifteh vs vp again with comfort so in praying they must needs go together And this agreement Dauid expresseth in few wordes I vvill saith he in the multitude of thy mercies enter into thy house and in the temple of thy holinesse I vvill vv●rship thee vvith feare Therefore when wee are once touched with true repentance and feling of our own miserie we must withall haue such a perswasion of Gods fauor and mercie towards vs in all our praiers that they shall be accepted of God so far foorth as it shall be necessary for ●s This is the assurance saith S. Iohn that vve haue in God that if vve aske anie thing according to his vvill he heareth vs. If we haue not a sure ●rust and confidence in the mercie and promises of God it is vnpossible to make our praier to him aright and whosoeuer doubteth whether God heareth his prayer that man obteineth nothing to such praiers God hath made no promise But contrariwise he saith vvhatsoeuer ye shall a●ke in praier if ye beleeue ye shall receiue it And againe VVhatsoeuer yee desire beleeue that yee shall obtaine it and it shal be done vnto you Ask saith Saint Iames in faith and vvauer not for hee that vvauereth is like to the vvaues of the sea vvhich are tossed of the vvind and caried avvaie And why should wee wauer or doubt seeing the holie scriptures testifie of God that he is faithful iust and true in all his wordes and promises saying The Lord is faithfull in all his vvordes hee vvill euer bee mindfull of his couenant the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer And although our faith be not so strong and therfore our prayer so hearty and zealous as it ought to be yea though our faith be faint and cold yet let vs hold fast this principle that our praiers are not frustrate or in vaine For our comfort herein we haue an example in the father which brought his sonne first to the Apostles and
do appertaine vnto this commaundement Thou shalt not ●ake the name of the Lord thy God in vaine and so praier is a worke and chiefe seruice belonging to this commandement Wee may not therefore thinke that there are no sins but Idolatrie murther theft whoredome and such like but that it is vndoubtedlie a great sin also not to render this seruice to GOD that is not to praie not to aske not to looke for helpe from God in our necessities not to render thanks for the benefits we haue receiued Therefore if our vnworthines at any time do crie out against vs stop or feare vs in such ●orte that our consciences are astonied and flie from God if we doubt whether God hath respect to our paiers groannings and teares we must set before our eies how that we are commanded though we be neuer so vnworthy and our sinnes neuer so manie and great to pray for reconciliation Gods fauour and forgiuenes of our sinnes For els whereas God commaundeth vs to abstain from theft murther whordome c. we maie in like sort excuse our selues and say that we are vnworthie to obeie Gods commandements great is our iniquitie manifest is our contempt and despising of God when wee neglect and delaie to call for his help Such as flie vnto God therefore to call vpon him in their necessities obeie his will and find therein no small consolation knowing that therby they doe vnto him most acceptable seruice for as much as he pronounceth that nothing is to him more acceptable then obedience to his wil and commandement As wee are commanded of God boldlie and without all respect of our owne vnworthinesse to come vnto him as a mercifull father and one that knoweth our necessity pittieth our miserie so hath he promised verie gratiously to heare vs and graunt our requestes And hereof riseth yet a farre more comfortable and greater consolation wherin con●isteth our whole co●●idence and trust of obtaining succour and mercie at Gods hand VVherefore he allureth vs with manie sweete promises to call vppon him Aske saith he and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you yee shall crie vnto me and I vvill heare you ye shall seeke me and ye shall find me Call vpon me in the daie of trouble and I vvill deliuer thee The Lord is nigh to all them that call vpon him that cal vpon him in truth hee doth the vvil of them that feare him and hee vvill heare their prayers Hee shall call vpon me and I vvill heare him I vvill bee vvith him in his trouble I vvil deliuer him and glorifie him At the voice of thy crie hee vvill certainlie haue mercie on thee vvhen he heareth thee he vvill ansvvere thee He that is lorde ouer all is rich and bountifull tovvardes them that call vpon him Hee vvill fulfill the desire of them that feare him he vvil heare their crie and vvill saue them And God to declare his readinesse in hearing of sinners saith Before they cry I vvill ansvvere and vvhiles they are yet thinking vvhat to speak I vvil heare Among many sweete promises of GOD though these might be sufficient to prouoke vs to feruent and hearty prayer yet there be certaine other notable and most comfortable promises which we shuld speciallie hauein remembrance as these If yee vvhich are euill can giue good giftes to your children havv much more shall your heauenlie father giue the holie Ghost to them that desire him Consider the olde generation and marke them vvell vvas there euer anie confounded that put their trust in the Lord or vvho hath continued in his feare and vvas forsaken or vvhom did he euer despise that called vpon him And of all other that is the most notable which by the Prophet Ioel is added immediatlie after the prophesie of that horrible destruction that was at hande saying VVhosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued Heere let vs consider the order of promises which pertaine either outwardlie to the bodie or inwardly to the soule Which parte the soule I mean because it is much more precious than the other wee must firste craue such things as properlie belong to the saluation thereof But first of all confessing our sinnes vnto God with most humble and penitent hearts let vs set before vs the promises of remission of the same For this sentence is true God heareth no sinners that is such as delight and continue in sin Wherfore in all other praiers yea when we bee about to aske any other thinges whatsoeuer they be let vs first thinke of the remission of sinnes hauing alway in our sight some comfortable promises thereof as this If vve confesse and acknovvledge our sinnes hee is faithfull and righteous to forgiue our offences and to cleanse vs frō all iniquities And hereunto let vs craue the light of the holie Ghost to kindle and confirme in vs the true knowledge of God Let vs pray for the continuance of Gods holie word and Gospel among vs for the enlarging of his kingdome and the aduancing of his glorie Let vs beg the gift of faith repentance feare patience prayer hope loue ioy peace of conscience with such other fruites of the spirit and for euerlasting lyfe And here also we must remember that we do not onely call our selues continuallie to account for our new sinnes crauing at gods hand mercie and forgiuenes of the same but also for those sinnes which might seeme to haue been long agoe forgotten as Dauid hauing confessed an hainous offence by that occasion returneth euen to his mothers wombe wherein he had gathered the infetion heaping together the sins of the whole life Euen so in another place when hee asketh another thing hee saith Remember not the sinnes of my youth remember me according to thy mercie for thy goodnesse sake O lord Againe Looke vpon mine affliction and trauell and forgiue all my sinnes VVhen we haue thus prayed for thinges pertaining to the soule and to the kingdom of God we must praie also for corporall benefits as well common as priuate as peace and tranquillitie of those Countries which giue harbrough to the true professors of the gospel and godlie congregations being in this life as Daniell in the mids of the Lyons Pray for the peace of Ierusalem saith Dauid Also for defence from miserie deliuerance frō trouble for happy successe in the workes of our vocation for health liuing protection of life goods name c. And although the Lorde knoweth before we aske what we haue need of and is ready to giue liberally yea doth giue oftentimes vndesired and furthermore hath promised that seeking first the kingdome of god the righteousnes thereof all other things should be giuen vs yet he commaundeth vs to aske corporall benefits and that for three causes First that wee shoulde knowe that hee is the author and giuer thereof and
and made such fatherlie prouision for vs poore sinners that of thy louing kindnesse we haue rich portions not onely in the creatures of heauen and earth but also in that plentifull redemptiō which thy most deare Sonne Iesus Christ hath purchased for vs grant vnto vs O merciful father the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that as our bodies shall nowe take their natural rest euen so our soules and mindes at the beholding of thy goodnesse towardes vs may quiet themselues in thee conceiue such inward pleasure heauēly sweetnes in thy loue that whatsoeuer we shal from henceforth either thinke speak or we it may be all to the honour of thy holy name through Iesus christ thy deare sonne our Lorde and onely Sauiour Amen Thy mightie hand and outstretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercie and s●●ing kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy deare sonne bee our saluation thy trueth and holy worde out instruction thy grace and holy spirite our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the ende A prayer for the remission of sinnes O Almightie and euer liuing Lord God the deare father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which hast made heauen and earth the sea and al that therein is which art the only ruler and gouernour conseruer keeper of all things together with thy dearely beloued Sonne Christ Iesus our Lord and with the holy Ghost our comforter O holy righteous a wise O strong terrible mightie fearefull Lord God gouernor of the whole world iudge of al me●● O exorable patient most gracious Father whose eies are vpon the wayes of all men and are so clean'● that they cannot abide impietie thou searchest the hearts and triest the verie thoughtes and reines of all men thou hatest sinne abhorrest iniquitie For sinnes sake thou hast greeuously punished mākinde thy most deare creature as thou hast declared by the penalty of death laide vpon all the children of Adam by the casting of Adam and his ofspring out of Paradise by the cursing of the earth by the drowning of the worlde by the burning of Sodom and Gomor by hardening the heart of Pharao so that no miracle could conuert him by the drowning of him and his people in the red sea by the ouerthrowing of the Israelites in the wildernesse so that of fire hundreth thousand there were but two that entred into the land of promise by reiecting King● Saul by the punishmentes vpon thy seruant Dauid notwithstanding his heartie repentance by greeuously afflicting Salomon in himselfe and his posteritie by the captiuitie of the ten tribes and by the thraldome of the Iewes wherein vntill this present day they continue a notable spectacle of thy wrath to the worlde against and for st●ne But of a●● spectacles of thy anger against sinne the greatest and most notable is the death and bloudie passion of thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesu Christ Great was thine anger against sinne when in heauen earth nothing could be found which might appease thy wrath saue the bloudshedding of thine onely most dearely beloued sonne in whom was and is all thy delight Great was the sore of sinne that needed such a salue mightie was the maladie that needed such a medicine If in Christ in whome was no sin thy wrath was so fierce for our sins that he was constrayned to cry My God my God why hast thou forsaken me How great importable then is thine anger against vs which art nothing but sinfull They that are thy children through the contemplation of thine anger against sinne set forth most euidently in the death of Christ doe tremble and are afraide lamenting themselues vpon him and heartily crying for mercy wheras y ● wicked are altogether carelesse and contēptuous nothing lamenting their iniquities or crying to thee heartily for mercy and pardon Amongest whom wee are rather to be placed than amongest thy childrē for that we are so shamelesse for our sinnes carelesse of thy wrath heaping dailie sinne vpon sinne so that the measure hath ouerflowed and ascended vp to heauē brought thy heauy plagues vpon vs which are but earnest for geeater to ensue therefore to vs pertaineth shame and nothing else is one but confusion What shall we doe what shall wee say who shall giue vs penitēt harts who can open our lippes that our mouthes might make acceptable cōfession vnto thee Alas of our selues we cānot think any good much lesse wish it and least of all we it As for Angels or any other creatures they haue nothing but that which they haue receiued and they are made to minister vnto vs. So that where i● passeth the power of the maister the minister must needes want Alas then what shall we doe Thou art holie and we vnholie thou art good and wee nothing but euill thou art pure we altogether impure thou art light and we most darke darkenesse howe then can there be any agreement betwixt vs O what now may we do Dispayre No. for thou art God and therfore good thou art mercifull and therefore thou forgiuest sinnes with thee is mercie and propitiation and therefore thou art worshipped When Adam had sinned thou gauest him mercy before hee desired it wilt thou deny vs mercy which now desire the same Adam excused his fault and accused thee but we accuse our selues and excuse thee and shall we be sent emptie away Noe founde fauour when thy wrath abounded and shall wee seeking grace be frustrate Abraham was pulled out of Idolatrie when the worlde was drowned therein and art thou his GOD onely Israel in captiuitie in Egypt was graciously visited deliuered deare God the same good Lord shall we alwaies be forgotten Now often in the wildernes didest thou deferre spare thy plagues at the requestes of Moses whē the people themselues made no petition to thee and seeing we not onelie now make our petitiōs vnto thee through thy goodnesse but also haue a mediatour for vs farre aboue Moses euen Iesus Christ shall wee I say deare Lorde depart ashamed So soone as Dauid said I haue sinned thou diddest forthwith answere him that he should not die thou hast takē away his sinnes and gratious God euen the selfe same God shall not wee not we which now with Dauid gladlie confesse that we haue sinned shal we I say not heare by thy good spirit that our sinnes bee pardoned O graunt that with Manasses wee may finde fauour and mercie Remember that thou hast not spared thine owne onely deare Sonne Iesus Christ but giuen him to die for our sinnes to rise for our righteousnesse to ascend for our possession taking in heauen and to appeare before thee for vs for euer a high priest after the order of Melchizedech that through him we might haue free accesse to come to thy throne now rather of grace than of Iustice Remēber that thou by him hast bidden vs aske promised that we sho●lde receiue saying Aske and yee shall haue seeke and yee
vertue may lighten and cheere vs that the want of feeling of our sorrow maye to recompensed plentifully with the liue y ● sen●e of hauing thee to our eternal ioy therefore thou swarest that in thine euerlasting mercy thou wilt haue compassion on vs. Of which thing to the ende we might bee most assured thine oth is to bee marked for th●n say●st● As I haue sworne that I will neuer bring anie more the waters to drowne the world So haue I sworne that I wil neuer more bee angrie with thee nor 〈◊〉 thee The mou●t● 〈◊〉 shall 〈◊〉 the hilles shall fall down● but my louing kindnesse shall not mooue and the bond of my peace shall not faile thee Thus saiest thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer Deare Father therfore I praie thee remember euen for thine owne trueth and mercie sake this promise and euerlasting couenaunt which in thy good time I may thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to bee the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer that I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may bee holie in thy sight through Christ that I may alwaies not onely striue against sin but also ouercome the same dayly more and more as thy children do aboue al things des●ring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will heere on earth as it is in heauen c. throguh Iesus Christ our redeemer mediator and aduocate Amen I. B. A praier against our spirituall enemies the diuell the world and the flesh O Lorde God the diuell goeth about like a roring Lyon seeking whome hee may deuoure the flesh lusteth against the spirite the worlde perswadeth vnto vanities y ● we may forget thee our Lord God so for euer ve damned Thus are we miserably on euery 〈◊〉 befet and ●e●●eged of cruell a vnrestful enemies and like euerie momente to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power against their tyrannie Wee therefore poore and wretched sinners despayring of our owne strength which indeede is none most heartily praie thee to indue vs with strength from aboue that wee may bee able through thy helpe with strong faith to resist Sathan with feruent praier to mortifie the lustes of the fleshe with continual meditation of thy holie lawe to auoide the foolish vanities and transitorie pleasures of this wicked worlde y ● through thy grace wee beeing set at libertie from the power of these our mortall enemies may serue thee heere in true holinesse and righteousnes and after be partakers of the euerlasting ioyes prepared for thy children which as they are great and vnspeakeable so are there fewe that doe inioy them For straite is the way and narrowe is the gate that leadeth therunto and few there be that find it Notwithstanding O God thou hast a litle flock to whom it is thy pleasure to giue that ioyfull kingdome whose names are written in the booke of life Make vs therefore of that nūber for Iesus christes sake place vs amongest those thy sheepe which shal stand on thy right hande to receiue that blessed inheritaunce and dwel with thee for euermore A prayer for present helpe in tentation DEare father to whom it is more easie to doe all thinges then for mee to thinke anie one goodthing Loe doe thou but speake a worde and thy deadlie sicke seruaunte my sonle shall be made whole Helpe O Lorde for the great mercy sake for thy trueth sake and for thy deare sonne Iesus Christs sake set thy sterngth suffice against my weakenesse and the holy-spirit against my sinfull flesh and olde man Thou art faithfull O Father who hast promised that I shall not bee tempted further than thou wilt make me able to beare Giue nowe therefore thy grace and strength vnto thy seruaunt that I may with a strong faith in thy in fallible trueth promised mercie vanquish and subdu whatsoeuer rebelleth against thy most blessed will Preserue and keepe holie my soule and bodie and let them not bee defiled and made a dangeon of diuels wicked spirits through delectation in sinne Behold deare Father the postes thereof are sprinkled with y e precious bloud of thy deare son and of thy great mercy that are made the temple and tabernacle of thy holy spirit Shall nowe alas the Diuell the worlde or the flesh plucke from thee that thing which presently cryeth to thee with assured tr●st in thy promised helpe Nay father but graunt that I may by thy mightie power turne al their crafts decrits and raging assaultes vnto the increase of my faith and that by experience of thy fatherlie assistance in this my present temptation I may with assured hope and trust in thy readie helpe and comfort ouercame my saide enimies heereafter in like assaults prayse thy holy name for the victory through Iesus Christ our Lord. My sonne if thou wilt come into these rule of the Lorde stande fast in righteousnes feare and prepare thy soule to tentation Eccles 2. Remedies against sinfull motions and tentations First remember that sinne is so hainous a thing that God by his iustice might worthilie damne thee for the same and is therefore to bee abhorred as a sweete poyson a flattering death destruction of the soule which woulde cut thee off from God thy Sauiour and make thee a bondslaue to Sathan thy deadlie enemie Auoide therefore euen at the first the occasions thereof betimes quash out the braines of the childrē of Babylon against the hard stones whiles yet they bee young and weake least when they be growne elder stronger they dash thee to peeces And for remedie against the same flee vnto God who commandeth thee to call vpon him in thy troubles and promiseth to deliuer thee and wil not suffer thee to be further tempted than hee will make away out whereby thou shalt escape and doubt not but he that causeth thee to hate the sinne which thy nature is to loue will deliuer thee also from the daunger thereof and make thee to triumphouer Sathan to his confusion to Gods glorie and thy great comfort which are causes that our tender louing father sendeth tentations vnto vs he that is not tempted what is he Nowe after thou hast obtained the victory remember two thinges first to giue most heartie thankes to God for his grace and assistance whereby thou hast ouercome and bee not vnthankefull in anie wise and then that hee who continually goeth about like a roring Lion seeking whome he maie deuoure wil not be long or farre away from thee but will attempt againe the same or as euill waies to ouercome thee Watch therefore and praye A prayer for the auoiding of Gods heauie wrath and vengeance for our sins OH Lord God strong and mighty great and feareful which dwellest in the heauens and workest great wonders we thy miserable children heere vpon
to resist to whom it belongeth iustly to punish sinners and to be mercifull vnto them that truly repent we confesse thou doest most iustly punish vs for vnto haue u●●ously finned against thee and wee acknowledge that in punishing vs thou doest declare thy selfe to be our most merciful father aswell because thou doest not punish vs in any thing as we haue deserued as also because by punishing vs thou doestcal vs and as it were drawe vs to increase in repentance it fayth in prayer in contem●ing of the world and in heartie d●●●ing for euerlasting life thy bless●● presence 〈…〉 therefore gracious 〈…〉 Lorde thankefully to acknowledge thy great mercy which hast thus fauourablie dealt with vs in punishing vs not to our confusion but to our amendement And seeing thou hast sworne that thou wilt not the death of a sinner but that hee turne and liue haue mercie vpon vs and turne vs vnto thee for thy dearelie be oued Sonne Iesus Christs sake whom thou wouldest should be made a slayne sacrifice for our sins thereby declaring thy great and vnspeakable anger against sinne and thyne infinite mercy towardes vs sinnefull wretches And for asmuch as the dulnesse blindnes corruption of our hearts is such that we are not able to arise vp vnto thee by faithful and heartie prayer according to our great necessitie without thy singular grace and assistaunce graunt vnto vs gracious Lord thy holy and sanctifying spirite to worke in vs this good work with grace to weigh and cons●●r the neede and greatnesse of that we doe desire and with an assured faith trust that thou wilt graunt vs our requestes because thou are good and pracious ●uē to young Raunes calling vpon thee much more then to before whō thou hast made al things yea and hast not spared also thyne than deare Sonne because thou hast commaunded vs to call vppon thee because thy throne wherto we come is a throne of grace and mercie because thou hast giuen vs a mediator Christ to bring vs vnto thee beeing the way by whome we come being the doore by whom we enter and being our head on whom we hang and hope y t our poore petitions shall not be in vayne through him and for his names sake Wee beseech thee therefore of thy rich mercie wherein thau art plētifull to al them that call vpon thee is forgiue vs our sinnes namely our vnthankefulnesse vnbeleef self loue neglect of thy worde security hypocrisie cōtempt of thy long suffering omission of prayers doubting of thy power presence mercy and good 〈◊〉 towardes vs vnsensible of thy grace ●●●patience ●c to this thy benefit ofim correcting vs adde thy gracious gift of repentance sayth the spirit of prayer e the contempt of this worlde and heartie desiring● for euerlasting life In due vs with thy holy spirit according to thy couenant and mercy a●●el to assure vs of pardon and that thou 〈◊〉 accept vs in thy fauour as thy 〈◊〉 children in Christ for his sake as to write thy same in our hearts 〈◊〉 to worke in vs that wee may nowe begin and go forwarde in beleeuing ●uing fearing obeying praying hoping a seruing thee as thou doest require most fatherly most iustire of vs accepting vs as perfect in thy light through Iesus Christ our lord ●men A Praier of the afflicted for the profession of Gods worde O Gracious God which seekest almeanes possible how to bring ●y children into the feeling and ●re sence of thy mercie and therfore then prosperity wil not serue then ●ndest thou aduersity graciously cor●ting them heere whom thou wilt 〈◊〉 elsewhere to liue with thee for●er we poore wretches giue hūble ●aises thanks to thee y t thou hast ●●ched vs worthy of thy correctiō at 〈◊〉 presēt hereby to worke y t which 〈◊〉 in prosperity liberty did neglect For the which neglecting and many other our greeuous sinnes whereof we now accuse our selues before thee Most mercifull Lorde thou oughtest most iustly haue giuen vs ouer and destroied vs both in soule body But such is thy goodnes towards vs in Christ that thou seekest to forget all our offences and as though we were far otherwise than we bee indeed thou wilt that we should suffer this crosse now layd vppon vs for thy trueth and Gospels sake and so be thy witnesses with thy Prophets Apostles Martyrs and Confessors yea with thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ to whome thou doest now heere beginne to fashiō vs like that in his glorie we may be like to him also O good God what are we on wh● thou shouldest shew this great mercie Oh louing Lord forgiue vs our vnthankefulnesse and sinnes Oh faithfull Father giue vs thine holie spirite nowe to crie in our heartes Abba deare father to assure vs of our eternall election in Christ to reueale more and more thy truth vnto vs to confirme strengthen and stablish vs in the same that wee may liue die in it as vessels of thy mercy to the glorie and to the commoditie of thy Church Indue vs with the spirite of thy wisedom that with good conscience we may alwaies so aunswere the enimies in thy cause as may turn to their conuersion or confusion and our vnspeakable consolatiō in Christ Iesus for whose sake wee bes●●che thee hence foorth to keepe vs to giue vs patience and to will no otherwise for deliuerance or mitigation of our misery than may stand alwaies with thy good pleasure and mercifull will towards vs. Graunt this deare father not onely to vs in this place but also to all others elsewhere afflicted for thy names sake through the death and merites of Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen I. B. A praier to God the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost O Almighty and euerliuing God the eternall Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which of thy vnmeasurable goodnes hast opened thy self vnto vs and with a loude voyce hast saide of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde Heare him O maker and pr●seruer of all thinges with thy coeternall sonne our Lorde Iesus christ which raigneth with thee and was manifested in Ierusalem with thy holie spirit which was powred vpon the Apostles O wise God mercifull Iudge and mightie Lorde which hast saide As truelie as I liue I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he should conuert and amēd which also haste saide Call vppon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee haue mercie vpon vs for Iesus Christes sake whome thou wouldest of thy meruailous incomprehensible counsai●e shoulde be made for vs a staine sacrifice mediatour reconciler and peacemaker to the ende that thou mightest sh●we ●hine exceeding great wrath against 〈◊〉 and thine in estimable mercy towards mankind Sanctifie illuminate our hearts and soules with thy holy spirit that wee may trulie ●eleeue in thee call vpon thee bee thankeful vnto thee and obedient 〈◊〉 thy holy will Defende gouerne ●nd cherish thy church as thou hast
greeuously tormented in sundry places for the true profession of thy holy Ghospel who in their extreme necessities cry for comfort vnto thee Let not thy long suffering O Lord be an occasion either to increase the tyranny of thy enimies or to discorage thy children but with speede O Lorde consider their greate miseries and afflictions Preuent the cruell deuise of Hamon stay the rage of Holophernes breake off the counsel of Achitophell Let not the wicked say Where is now their God Let thy afficted flocke feele present aide and releefe from thee O Lord looke down vpon them with thy pytiful eye from thy holy habitation sende terrour and trembling among their enemies make an ende of their outragious tyranny beate backe their boldenesse in suppressing thy truth in destroying thy true seruants in defacing thy glorie and in setting vp Antichrist Let them not thus proudly aduance themselues against thee and thy Christ but let them vnderstande and feele that against thee they fight Preserue and defend the Wine which thy right hande hath planted and let all Nations see the glorie of thine annointed Amen A prayer to be saide before the preaching of Gods worde ALmightie God and most mercifull father whose worde is a lanterne to our feete and a light vnto our steppes we most humbly beseech thee to illuminate our mindes that wee may vnderstand the misteries conteined in thy holy lawe and into the selfe same thing that wee godly vnderstand we may be vertuously transformed so that of no part wee offend thy diuine maiestie through Iesus Christ our Lord. An other IN this great darknes of our soule● O Lord thou shinest diuers waie● vnto vs by the light of thy grace but in nothinge so effectually as in the preaching of thy worde Greate is the Haruest as thou thy selfe hast saide and the workmen are few The greatest part of men are ignorant wrapped in miserable blindnesse and fewe there bee that teach thy worde truely and as they ought Wee beseech thee therefore to sende foorth woorkemen into thy haruest Sende ●eachers O Lord which are taught of thee and instructed by the spirite of godly wisdome and vnderstanding which by their preaching will ●eeke not themselues but thee because they are godly and can so doe because they are wise vnderstand ●iue to the preacher of thy wor●e are present out of the treasures of by wisdome that which hee may ●●wre vpon vs to our saluation and ●●to vs giue thy grace holy spirite O Lord so to heare and to receiue thy worde that the good seede which falleth vppon vs bee not choked with thornes or withered away with heate or deuoured by the foules of the aire but may grow vp in a good-grounde and fructifie with greate increase A prayer to be sayde after the preaching of Gods worde ALmightie God and most mercifull Father wee heartely beseech thee that this seede of thy worde no● sowen amongest vs may take such deepe roote that neither the burning heate of affliction or persecuti●e cause it to wither neither the th●●●nie cares of this life doe choke it be that as seede sowen in good ground it may bring foorth thirtie sixtie 〈◊〉 an hundred folde as thy heauen●● wisedome hath appointed And ●●●cause wee haue neede continually to craue many thinges at thy hands we humbly beseech thee O heauenly father to grant vs thy holy spirite so to direct our petitions that they may proceede from such a feruent minde is may be agreeable to thy most blessed will And seeing that our infirmitie is such that wee are able to doe nothing without thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with howe manie and ●reate tentations wee poore wretches are on euery side compassed and inclosed let thy strength O Lorde ●ustaine our weakenesse and assist vs with thy grace that wee may be fafe●pre serued against all the assaultes 〈◊〉 Sathan who goeth about like a ●aring Lyon seeking to deuour vs. Increase our faith O merciful Father that wee doe not swar●e at a●etime from thy heauenly worde Augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keeping of all thy commandements that no heardnes of heart no hypocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor intisements of the worlde doe drawe vs away from thy obedience And seeing the times are dangerous wherein wee liue let thy fatherly prouidence defende vs against the violence of all our enimies and specially against the furious rage of that Romish Idoll enimie to thy Christ Furthermore for as much as by thy holie Apostle wee bee taught to make our prayers and supplications for all men wee praye not only for our selues heere present but beseech thee also to reduce all such as bee yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnesse and error to the pure vnderstanding of thy heauenly trueth that wee all with one consent and vnitie of minde map worship thee our onely God and sauiour Wee beseech thee also most decare Father for pastors and ministers to whome thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holy worde and charge of thy chosen people that both in their life and doctrine they may bee founde faithfull setting onely before their eyes thy glorie and that by them all poore sheepe which wander and goe astray may be sought out brought to thy fold Againe that it woulde please thee to deliuer thy church from such idle ●h●pe heardes wolues and hirelings ●s seeke themselues and their bellies and not thy glorie and the safegarde of thy flocke Moreouer because the heartes of ●ulers are in thy handes wee make our praers vnto thee for all Princes and Magistrates to whome thou ●ast committed the administration of iustice especially O Lord for the Queenes Maiestie that it woulde please thee to Indue her with thy plentifull grace and principall spirit that she may with a pure faith acknowledge Iesus Christ thy onely sonne to bee King of all Kinges and gouernour of all gouernours euen as thou hast giuen all power vnto him both in heauen and earth and so work in her heart that shee considering whose Minister shee is may heartely seeke and zealously promot● thy true honour and glorie carefully trauelling to bring thy people comemitted to her charge and yet remaining almost in all partes of this Realme in miserable blindenesse and darke ignorance to the true knowledge of thee ruling guiding them as shee is taught and commanded by thy holy worde Also wee beseech thee to indue all such as are in any authoritie vnder her with thy grace and holie spirite that they may bee found vpright and faithfull in their calling fauoureres and furtherers of thy holy Ghospell maintainers defenders of the true Preachers and Ministers thereof such as in singlenes of heart wil seeke not themselues but thy glory and the comm●●tie of thy people And for that wee bee all
members of the mysticall bodie of Christ Iesus wee made out requestes vnto thee O heauenly father for all such as are afflicted with any kinde of crosse or tribulation as war plague ●●mine sicknesse pouertie imprisonment persecution banishment or my other kinde of thy rooddes whether it be griefe of bodie or vnquiet●es of minde that it would please thee to giue them patience and constancie till thou sende thein full deliuerance out of all their troubles Finally O Lord we most humbly beseech thee to shewe thy great mercie vpon our brethren which are persecuted cast in prison and dayly condemned to death for the testimonie of thy trueth and though they be vtterly destitute of all mans aide yet let thy sweet comfort neuer departe frō thē but so inflame their harts with thy holy spirit that they may boldly cheerefully abide such trial as thy godly wisedome shall appoint so that at length aswel by their death as by their life the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ may increace shine throughall the worlde In whose name wee make our humble petitions vnto thee as he hath taught vs saying Our father which art c. A praier to be said before the receiuing of the communion O Father of mercie and God of al consolation seeing all creatures do acknowledge and confesse thee to be their gouernor Lord it becommeth vs the workmanship of thine own hands at al times to reuerence magnifie thy godly maiestie First for that thou hast created vs to thine owne image and stmilitude but chiefly because thou hast deliuered vs frō that euerlasting death damnation into which Sathan drew mankind by the meanes of sinne from the bondage whereof neither man nor Angell was able to make vs free but thou O Lord rich in mercy and in●●nite in goodnesse hast prouided our redemption to stand in thine onely wel beloued sonne whom of verie ●oue thou diddest qiue to bee made man like vnto vs in all things sinne excepted that in his bodie hee might receiue the punishment of our transgression by his death to make satisfaction to thy iustice and by his resurrection to destroy him that was the author of death and so to bring a gaine life to the worlde from which the whole ofspring of Adam was most iustly exiled O Lorde wee accknowledge that no creature was able to comprehende the length and breadth the deepenesse and height of that thy most excellent loue which mooued thee to shewe mercie where none was deserued to promise and giue life where death had gotten victorie to receiue vs into thy grace when wee could doe nothing but rebell against thy Maiestie The blinde dulnesse of our corrupt nature will not suffer vs suff●●antly to weigh these thy most amp●● benefites Yet neuerthelesse at the commaundement of Iesus Christe our Lorde wee present our selues to this thy table which hee hath left to bee vsed in remembrance of his death vntill his comming againe to declare and witnesse before the worlde that by him alone wee haue receiued libertie and life that by him alone thou doest acknowledge vs to be thy children and heires that by him alone wee haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone wee are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his Table and with whome wee haue our conuersation presently in heauen and by whome our bodies shall be raised by againe from the dust shall be placed with him in that e●dlesse ioye which thou O Father of mercie hast prepared for thine elect before the foundation of the worlde was laide And these most inestimable benefites wee acknowledge and confesse to haue receiued of thy free mercy and grace by thine onely beloued son Iesus Christ For the which therefore we thy congregation moued by the holy spirite doe render to thee all thanks praise and glory for euer and euer A thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the holy Communion MOst mercifull father wee render vnto thee al praise thankes honour glory for that it hath pleased the of thy great mercies to grant vnto vs miserable sinners so excellēt a gift and treasure as to receiue vs into the fellowship and companie of thy deare son Iesus Christ our lord whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs hast giuen him vnto vs as a necessary foode and norishment vnto euerlasting life And now wee be●●ech thee also O heauenly father to grant vs this request that thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthie benefits but father imprint and fasten them sure in our hearts that wee may grow increase daily more and more in true faith which continually is exercised in all manner of good works and so much the rather O Lorde confirm vs in these perillous daies ●ages of Sathan that wee may constantly stand and continue in the confession of the same to the aduancement of thy glorie which art God ouet all thinges blessed for euer A lamentation of a sinner afflicted in conscienc●●● his offences IN the midde st●● the desperate assaultes of my soule the intollerable heauinesse of my minde hath hereto fore LORD cried as shrill in thine eare as though I had shriked and with lamentations cried out saying Helpe helpe me my God my creator my most prouident keeper euerlasting defender for beholde I perish On this occasion Lorde when heauinesse of minde did heeret ofore assault mee I remembred that thou haddest many times set before mine eyes the wonderfull greatnesse of thy most tender loue towardes mee by the great multitude of thy benefites powred upon met which benefites euerie of thy workes as they came before mine eies gaue mee iust occasion to be mindfull of Would not thought I if I had in any manner any ●●●race at al would not such loue brin●● nowe into my heart a wonder●●●●electation ioy and comforte in God for the same● And againe coulde such delight in Gods sweete mercie and tender loue towards mee if I were not as euil is a cast-awaye that were none of Gods children bee without loathing of my sinne and lust and desire to doe Gods holy will And these thinges thought I fie vpon mee vnthankefull wretch are either not at all in mee or else in deed so coldly and stenderly that they being truely weighed and compared to right cousnesse are more vile than a filthy cloth starched in corrupt bloud O thought I Iain afraid I haue deceiued my selfe for thy seruantes at all times I trowe f●●● otherwise than I now doe the fruit● of thy spirit as loue ioy peace such like But my loue alas towardes thee what is it my ioy is not once almost felt of mee for my very soule within mee as Dauid in his heauinesse said refuseth comfort and fareth as though it did vtterly despaire what peace
the multitude of thy tender mercies Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauell and forgiue mee my sinnes Remember not the offences of my youth nor my rebelliōs against thee For if thou Lord shouldest marke our iniquities Lord who should bee able to stand in thy sight Seeing thou hast found iniquity euen in thine Angels the heauens are not clean in thy sight much more is man abhominable filthie which drinketh iniquite like water Notwithstanding thou hast said O lord that as the reghteousnes of the righteous man shal not saue him whensoeuer he offendeth so shal not the wickednesse of the wicked man hurt him whensoeuer hee forsaketh his wickednes and turneth to thee For thou knowest thine owne handie work thou remēbrest what wee are thou seest that we are but weake and feeble flesh Looke not therefore vpon my sinnes O Lorde but looke vpon the face of thine annoynted For he hath borne our iniquities he hath ca●ried our sorrowes Hee was wounded for our transgressiōs he was broken for our iniquities the chastisemēt of our peace is laid vpon him He gaue his bodie to be beaten and his cheekes to bee stricken he bare y ● sinnes of manie and prayed for the offenders He came to bring glad tidings to the poore to bind vp y e broken hearted to preach liberty to the captiues to cōfort them that mourne in Sion and to giue vnto them beauty for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for y e spirite of heauinesse that they might be called trees of righteousnes the planting of the Lord. For his sake therefore O Lorde be mercifull vnto me and saie vnto my soule behold I come to thee thy health and thy saluation A prayer for the true knowledge and vnderstanding of the worde of God LEt my praier come before thee O Lord giue mee vnderstanding according to thy worde Blessed art thou O Lord teach me thy statutes That with my lips I may declare all the iudgements of thy mouth That I may delight in the way of thy testimonies aboue all riches That I may meditate in thy precepts and consider thy waies That I may take pleasure in thy statutes and not forget thy word Be good vnto mee thy seruant O Lord y ● I may liue keep thy word Open mine eies that I maye see the wonders which are in thy lawe I am a stranger vpon earth notwithstanding hide not from mee thy commaundementes For my hart languisheth with the desire that it hath to thy iudgments Thy testimonies are my delighte and my counselles I will praise thee with an vpright ●●art when thou hast taught mee the ●udgmentes of thy righteousnesse Shewe mee thy waies O Lorde and teach me thy paths Leade mee foorth in thy trueth and each mee for thou art my God and ●y saluation in thee doe I trust al the day long Make mee vnderstand the way of ●hy preceps and I will consider thy ●onderous workes Thy handes haue made mee and ●ashioned mee giue mee vnderstan●ing that I may learne thy commandementes That they which feare thee seeing mee may reioyce because I haue trusted in thy word Shewe the light of thy countenance vpon thy seruant and teach me thy ordinances Thou art good and gracious therefore according to thy goodnesse teach me thy statutes O Lorde of whose goodnesse the earth is ful teach me thy ordinances O lorde I beseech thee accept the sacrifice of my lippes and teach mee thy iudgements The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlasting graunt me vnderstanding and I shall liue Deale with thy seruaunte according to thy mercies and teach me thy statutes I am thy seruant graunt mee vnderstanding that I may knowe thy testimonies My lips shall shewe foorth thy praise whē thou hast tanght me thy statutes My tong shall talke of thy word for al thy commandements are righteous For in thee is awel of liuing waters aud euer flowing in thy light shall wee see light A prayer for the leading of a godly life I Crie vnto thee with my whole heart heare me O Lord guide ●e that I may keepe thy statutes I call vpon thee saue mee that I may keepe thy testimonies Let my prayer bee directed in thy ●●ght as incense the lifting vp of ●y handes as an euening sacrifice I haue gone astray like a loste ●eepe seeke thy seruant for I doe not forget thy commandements Teach me thy way O Lord that I may walke in thy trueth knit my heart vnto thee that I may feare thy name Let thy louing kindnes come vnto mee O Lorde and thy saluation according to thy promise Let my heart be vpright in thy statutes that I be not confounded Oh that my waies were so directed that I might keepe thy statutes Then shall I not bee confounded when I haue regarde vnto all thy commandements I made my supplication in thy presēce with my whole hart be mercifull vnto mee according to thy promise Guide mee O Lorde that I may consider my waies and turne my fee● into thy testimonies Wherewith shal a man redresse his waies In taking deed therto according to thy word Teach me O Lorde the may of thy statutes that I may keepe them to the ende Giue me vnderstanding that I may keepe thy law yea that I may keepe it with my whole heart Direct me in the path of thy commaundements for therein is my delight Turne away mine eies that I regard not vanitie quickē me in thy waie Stablish thy promise to thy seruaunt whereby he may be taught to feare thee Direct my steppes in thy worde and let not iniquity haue dominion euer me Let not the foote of pride come against me let not the hande of the wicked moue mee Gather not my soule with the sinners nor my life with y e bloudy men Let my foote stand in vprightnes that I may praise thee O Lorde in the congregation Let not the word of trueth depart out of my mouth for I trust in thy iudgements Set a watch O Lorde before my mouth keepe the dore of my lips Let not mine heart bee inclined to euil to worke wicked workes with them that worke iniquitie Teach me good iudgment knowledge for I do beleeue thy commandements Staie my steps in thy pathes that my feete do not slide Stablish mee in thy promise that I may l●ue and let me not be disappoynted of my hope Staie thou me O Lord I shal be safe and I will delight continually in thy statutes O God create in me a pure heart renue a right spirit within mee Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from mee Restore me to the ioy of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free spirite Let me heare thy louing kindnes in the morning shew mee the waye that I should walke in for in thee is my trust
Apostle S. Paule with more consolations in Christ than he felt sorrowes and terrors in the world haue mercie vpon mee a most miserable vile and wretched sinner which now draw neere the gates of death deserued both in soule and bodie eternallie by reaso● of my manyfolde horrible olde and newe transgressions which to thine eies O Lorde God are open and knowen Oh bee mercifull vnto mee and forgiue mee for the bitter death and bloudshedding of thine onely sonne Iesus Christ And though thy iustice do require in respect of my sinnes that nowe thou shouldest not heare mee conteraning thy dailie callinges yet let thy mercie which is aboue al my workes and wherewith the earth is filled let thy mercy I say preuaile towards me through the merits and mediation of Christ our fauiour for whose sake it pleaseth thee to bring me foorth now as one of his witnesses and a recorde bearer of thy veritie and trueth taught by him to giue my life therefore of which dignitie I do acknowledge deare God that there was neuer any so unworthie and unm●ete no not the thiefe that hanged with him on the crosse I humbly therefore pray thee that thou wouldest accordingly aid helpe and assist me with thy strength and heauenly grace that with Christ thy Sonne I may finde comfort with Stephen I may see thy presence and gratious power with Paule and al others which for thy names sake haue suffered afliction and death I may 〈◊〉 present with mee thy gratious 〈◊〉 that I may by my death glorist thy holy 〈◊〉 set forth and retifie thy veritie comfort the hearts of the heauie confirme thy church in thy truth conuertsome that 〈◊〉 be conuerted 〈◊〉 so depart out of this 〈…〉 where I do nothing but dai●e heape 〈◊〉 vpon 〈◊〉 and enter into the fruition of thy blessed mercie whereof howe giue and increase in me a liuely taste 〈◊〉 and feeling where through the ter●our of death the tormentes of 〈◊〉 the paines of ●●me the dartes of Sathan and the dotours of hell may neuer ouercome 〈◊〉 but may be dri●en away through the working of y ● most gratious spirit which now 〈…〉 me withall y ● through the samespirit I may offer as now● I 〈◊〉 readie to doe in Christ and by him myselfe wholy soule and bodie to be a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable in thy sight deare father whose I am and al waie● haue beene euen from my mothers wombe yea euen before the worlde was made to whome I commend my selfe faith name familie and friendes countrie and all the whole Church yea 〈◊〉 my verie enimies according to thy good pleasure beseeching thee intirely to giue once more to this Real me of England the blessing of thy word againe with godly peace to then teaching and setting foorth of the same O deer father now guide me to come vnto thee so purge and purshe me by this fire in Christes death passion through thy spirite that I may be a bu●nt offering of sweete 〈◊〉 thy sight which liuest and raignest with the sonne and the holy 〈◊〉 now 〈◊〉 euermore world without 〈◊〉 Amen The Letanie O God the Father of heauen haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen c. O God the sonne redeemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the sonne redeemer of c. O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the father and the sonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy Ghost c. O holy blessed glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neither take thou bengeance of our sinnes spake vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloude and be not angry with vs for euer 〈◊〉 Spare to good Lord. From all 〈…〉 from sinne from the crafts and assaults of the deuill from thy wrath and from euerlasting damnation Good Lord deliuer vs. From blindnesse of heart from pride vaine glory and hypocrisie frō 〈◊〉 hatred and malice and all 〈…〉 Good Lord deliuer vs. From fornication and all other 〈◊〉 sin and from all the deceits of the world the flesh and the diuell Good Lord deliuer vs. From lightning and tempest from plague pestilence famine from batt●l murther from soda●ne death Good Lord deliuervs From all sedition and priuie conspiracie from all false doctrine and herisie from hardnesse of heart contempt of thy word commandement Good Lord deliuer vs. By the misterie of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and circumcision by thy baptisme fasting temptation Good Lord deliuer vs. By thine agonie and bloudy sweat by thy crosse and passion by thy glorious resurrection and assention and by the comming of the holy Ghost Good Lord deliuer vs. In all time of our tribulation in all time of our wealth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lord deliuer vs. We sinners do beseech thee to heare vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Church vniuersally in the right way We beeseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to keepe strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnes and holines of life thy seruant Elizabeth our most gracious Queene and go●ernor We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to rule her hearte in thy faith feare a loue and that she may euermore haue affiance in thee and euer seeke thy honour glorie We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to be her defender and keeper giuing her the victorie ouer all her enemies We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to illuminate all bishops p●stors Ministers of the church with true knowledge vnderstanding of thy worde and that both by their preaching and liuing they may set it forth and she in it accordingly We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to endue the Lorde of the councell and all the nobilitie with grace wise dome and vnderstanding We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse keepe the Magistrates giuing them grace to execute iustice and to maintaine trueth We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse keepe all thy people We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue to all nations vnitie peace and concord We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue vs an heart to loue and dread thee and diligently to liue after thy commandements We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue all thy people increase of grace to heare meekely thy worde and to receiue it with pure affection