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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18078 A replye to an ansvvere made of M. Doctor VVhitgifte Against the admonition to the Parliament. By T.C. Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1573 (1573) STC 4712; ESTC S120563 333,686 231

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A REPLYE TO AN answere made of M. Doctor VVhitegifre AGAINSTE THE ADMONITION to the Parliament By T. C. ISAIE 61. ver 1. For Syons sake I will not holde my tonge and for Ierusalems sake I will not rest vntill the righteousnes therof breake forthe as the lighte and the saluation thereof be as a burning lamp● Ver. 6. 7. Ye that are the Lordes remembrancers keepe not silence and geue hym no rest vntill he repayre and set vp Ierusalem the prayse of the world The Printer to the Reader SOme perhaps will maruel at the newe impression of thys boke and so muche the more will they wonder because they shall see that with great confidence boldnes notwythstanding our most gracious Princes late published proclamation procured rather by the Byshops then willingly sought for by her maiestie whose mildnes is such that she were easyer led to yelde to the proclamation of the highest then drawne to proclaime any thing against hym were it not for the subtil perswasions and wicked dealings of thys horned generation as by their false doctrine and cruell practises is to bee seene and by the speciall motion of Gods spirite and hys protection it hath bene both attempted and ended But cease to muse good christian reader whosoeuer thou art and learne to know that no lawes were they neuer so hard and seuere can put out the force of Gods spirite in hys children nor any cruelty though it stretched it selfe so far as to sheding of bloud from which kynde of dealing the Byshops are not cleare as the Prysons in London the Gatehouse at Westminster c. can witnesse the Lord for geue them and vs our sinnes can discharge the sayntes and seruauntes of the Lord from going forwarde in that which is good For the profite therefore of the godly and their instruction haue we hazarded our selues and as it were cast our selues into suche daungers and troubles as shal be layed vpon vs if we come into the hāds of the persecuting Bishops From the which pray the Lord if it be hys will to delyuer vs if not yet that it woulde please hym to geue vs both patience to beare what so euer he shall geue them power and lyberty to lay vpon vs and constancy also to contynue in hys truth and the profession thereof vnto our lyues end Farewell in the Lord and prayse God for thys worke I. S. Faultes escaped Page 2. line 14. for arme read army pa. 60. line 30. for thys spirite read hys spirite Page 39. line 41. for when read whom pa. 39. line 47. for against them read agaynst hym Page 26. line 37. for appose read oppose pa. 23. line 31. for ioipon read loipon and for proegoron read proegoros pa. 10. li. 41. for kairoutiche read kairou tyche pa. 69. for dioceris diocesis Page 9. line 16. put a comma at speache and a full poynt at vse Page 106. line 12. for to breake read doe breake Page 118. line 31. in the ende therof adde whych thyng also M. Doctor graunteth Page 127. line 6. for I beleue read I wil beleue page 127. line 8. For the apostles read For the false Apostles page 129. line 51. for and more in the read and more to in the. Page 130. line 41. for sole meditation read sole mediation page 137. line 49. for and that it is read and it is page 138. line 4. for ingenium read ingenuum page 138. line 14. for necessary read necessarily page 141. line 15. for there is greater read there is a greater Page 142. line 32. for and other read an other page 144. line 7. for herevpon read herevnto Page 144. line 51. for celebrating in one kinde read celebrating it in one kinde Page 146. line 18. for the other vsed in the other vsed only in pa. 160. li. 23. for tute read true Page 163. line 43. for there were many read there were very many page 174. line 3. for Ambose read Ambrose page 188. line 29. for in England or in Ireland read and in England Page 189. line 8. for vicarse read vicares page 1●8 in the margent for Concil Valense reade Concil Vasense page 201. in the margent adde to that of August lib. 2. de consolatione mortuorum cap. 5. page 207. line 42. read for catexochen read cathexochen Page 205. line 21. for possessed read dysposesssed Page 210. line 46. and other thyngs and do other thyngs pa. 214. li. 15. for iabon read labon Page 215. line 20. for or so much deceyued of read or so much as deceiued A short Table of the princypall poyntes entreated of in thys boke made according to the order of the Alphabet A   M. Doctors Anacletus counterfait 92. M. Doctors Anicetus counterfait 92. There are now no Apostles 63. The churche was established in the Apostles tymes 51. Apostles appoynted no archbyshoppes but byshoppes 92. Corruptions entred into the church immediatly after the times of the apostles 96. Apparell of the mynisters 71. c. Apparell of mourners is either hypocriticall or els daungerous to prouoke excessiue sorrow 201. Archbyshops archdeacons names vnlawfull 82. c. Archbyshops names are not so auncient as they be supposed 88. c. Archbyshops and archdeacons offyces vnlawfull 83. c. Archbishops offices as they were in times past haue now no place with vs and of the small prerogatiue which they had then aboue other byshops 122. c. Archbyshops not spoken of by Cyprian nor bishops such as oures is but of S. Paules bishops 98. c. Archdeacons in times past how much they differed from oures now 96. Arguments of authority negatiuely or affirmatiuely out of the scripture good the vse of thē when they be drawne from men 25. B   Questiōs about Baptisme answered 172. c. Questiōs ministred to infāts in Baptisme 169 Crossing in Baptisme wherof it rose 170. c Basile a poore Metropolitane 94. Byshops in tymes past most vnlike oure byshops now 106. c. General faults of the Boke of cōmon prayer 131. Prescript forme of prayer at Burials inconuenient 200. Les lamenting the dead and les charges about Burials permitted vnto vs then to those vnder the law 200. c. Buryall sermons inconuenient 201. c. Buryall places where they were in the olde churches 69. C   Cathedral churches in times past those which are now greatly differ 204. Cathedral churches rightly called dens do hurt the good which they might do if they were conuerted into colledges or houses of study 205. ● ▪ Ceremonies must be tried by rules in the scripture and by which 27. Ceremonies making in the church belongeth vnto Ecclesiasticall persons 192. Difference betwene placing Ceremonies in the church which were not bes●●e tollerating those which are already placed 25. Chauncelers iurisdiction vnlawfull 188. c. Church hath not power to ordayne whether preaching or ministring of the sacramentes shal be priuate or publike 28. Church must not be framed vnto the common wealth but the
seculare rule or dominion Wherevpon we see howe that it is safe for vs to go to the scriptures and to the apostles times for to fetch our gouernmēt and order And that it is very dangerous to drawe from those riuers the fountaines wherof are troubled and corrupted especially when as the wayes whereby they runne are muddier and more fennie then is the head it selfe And although M. Doctor hathe brought neither scripture nor reason nor councel wherin there is either name of archbishop or archdeacon or proued that there may be although he shewe not so much as the name of them 400. yeres after our sauioure Christ And although where he sheweth them they be eyther by counterfait authors or wythout any worde of approbation of good authors yet as though he had shewed all and proued all hauing shewed nothing nor proued nothing he clappeth the hands to himselfe and putteth the crowne vpon hys owne heade saying that those that be learned may easely vnderstande that the names archbishop archdeacon primate patriarche be most auncient and approued of the eldest best worthiest councels fathers wryters And a little afterward that they are vnlearned and ignorant whych say otherwise Heere is a victory blowne wyth a great and sounding trumpet that might haue bene piped wyth an oten straw And if it shuld be replied againe that M. Doctor hathe declared in thys little learning little reading and les iudgement there might grow controuersies wythout all frute And by and by in saying that the archbyshops beginning is vnknown in stead of a bastard which some brought into the church that hid them selues because they were ashamed of the childe he will make vs beleeue that we haue a new Melchisedech without father wythout mother and whose generation is not knowne and so concludeth wyth the place of S. Augustine as farre as he remembreth in the. 118. epistle to Ianuarie that the originall of them is from the apostles them selues Heere M. Doctor seemeth to seeke after some glory of a good memory as thoughe he had not Augustine by him when he wrote this sentence And yet he maruellously forgetteth him selfe for he vsed this place before in hys 23. page and citeth it there precisely and absolutely where also I haue shewed howe vnaduisedly that sentence of Augustine is approued howe that therby a window is open to bring in all popery and whatsoeuer other corrupt opinions That the names of Lordes and honor as they are vsed in this realme are not meete to be giuen to the ministers of the gospell there hath bene spoken before As for Prelate of the Garter if it be a nedefull office there are inow to execute it besides the ministers whych for as much as they be apoynted to watch ouer the soules of men purchased wyth the bloud of Christ all men vnderstande that it is not meete that they should attend vpon the body much les vpon the leg and least of all vpon the Garter It is not vnlawfull for Princes to haue ministers of their honor but also it is not lawful to take those that God hath appoynted for an other ende to vse to suche purposes Thou seest heere good Reader that M. Doctor keepeth hys olde wonte of manifest peruerting of the wordes and meaning of the authors of the admonition for where as they say that the name of Earle Countie Palatine Iustice of peace and Quorum Commissioner are antichristian when they are geuen to ministers of the church whose calling wil not agree wyth such titles he concludeth simply that they say that they be altogither vnlawfull and simply antichristian As if I should reason that it is not meete that the Quenes maiesty shuld preach or minister the Sacraments therefore it is not meete that there should be any preaching or ministering of the sacraments Now letting pas all your hard words vnbrotherly speaches wyth your vncharitable Prognostications and colde prophesies I will come to examine whether you haue any better hap in prouing the office then you had in prouing the name And wheras in the former treatise of the name of the archbyshop he blew the trompet before the victory here in this of the office he bloweth it before he commeth into the fielde or striketh one stroke saying that they little consider what they wryte that they are contemners of auncient wryters that they neuer red them and that they are vnlearned which deny these things which he affirmeth Wel what we read how vnlearned we are is not the matter which we striue for The iudgement thereof is first wyth God and then with the churches and in their iudgements we are content to rest But if you be so greatly learned and we so vnlearned and smally red then the truth of our cause shall more appeare that is maintained wyth so small learning reading against men of suche profound knowledge and great reading And yet I knowe not why if we be not to idle we shuld not be able to read as much as you which may haue leisure to read a good long wryter or euer you can ryde only to see and salute your houses and liuings being so many and so farre distāt one from an other And if we be so vnlearned and holde suche dangerous opinions of Papistrie and Anabaptistry as you beare men in hand we do why do you not by the example of the ministers in Germanie procure a publike disputatiō where you may both win your spurres and such detestable opinions wyth the ignorance of the authors may be displayed vnto the whole world But let vs heare what is sayd Cyprian sayth he speaking of the office of an archbyshop c. Onles good reader thou wilt first beleue that Cyprian speaketh of an archbyshop and haste before conceiued a strong imagination of it M. Doctor can proue nothing Aristotle sayeth that vncunning Painters wryte the names of the beastes whych they painte in their tables for because otherwise it coulde not be knowne what they painte so M. Doctor mistrusting that the archbyshop will not be knowne by his description wryteth first the name of that he wil paint out Thys is it whych we striue about wherof the cōtrouersy is and this M. doctor taketh for graunted He accuseth the authors of the admonition for faulting in the petition of the principle or desiring to haue that graunted whych is denyed yet I am sure that in the whole admonition there is not such a grosse petition as thys is Where or in what wordes dothe S. Cyprian speake of the office of an archbyshop And heere by the way it is to be obserued of the reader how neare a kin the Pope and the archbishop be For this office is confirmed by the same places that the popes is the places and arguments which are brought againste hym are soluted wyth the same solutions that they vse whych maintaine the papacie For these places of Cyprian be alledged for the popes supremacye and in deede they make as