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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08665 The pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis. by T. Peend Gent. With a morall in English verse; Metamorphoses. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus. English Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.; Peend, Thomas. 1565 (1565) STC 18971; ESTC S119425 13,725 48

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SCylla Daughter of Nisus kynge of Megaris Whyche for the loue of Minos then besegyng the Cytie of Megaris she brought to hym a purple heare which she cut of from her fathers heade And that heare being on hys heade he could not be ouercome and by lyke destenye w t the heare he loste hys kyngdome And Minos dyspysed her for her mischeuous dede And tyenge her with a corde to the ende of hys shyp he hanged her in the water MInos begotten by Iupit●r in the likenes of a white Bull on the fayre Europa daughter to Agenor kyng of Phaenicia And for his iustyce is fayned of the Poets to be a Iudge in Hell ADonis A yonge man of passing bewtye whom Cinaras kynge of Phaenicia made dronke by polycy of hys doughter a Nurce ●egat on his owne doughter M●rrha whom Venus loued Hippolitus Sōne of Theseus duke of Athens by Hippolite Whom when hys stepmother Phaedra could not winne to her lust she accused him to Theseus as thoughe hee woulde haue oppressed her by force Thes●us then trustynge hys wyfe to much desyred hys father Aegeus a God of the Sea that he wolde kyll hys sonne Wherfore when Hippolitus dyd ryde in a Charyot by the Sea syde Aegeus sente out certaine monsters of the Sea called Phoces wherwith his horses afraide brake the Charyot and rente hym in peces But at the requeste of Diana Goddesse of Chastytie louyng her chast knight Hippolitus Aesculapius the fyrste that inuented Physyke restored hym to lyfe agayne MEnelaus Sonne of A●reus brother to Agamemn●n and kyng of the Cytie of Sparta VVlcane Sonne of Iupiter Iuno whyche being borne ill fauored and liked not Iuno he was cast into the Ile Lemnus who are being noryshed wyth Apes he became lame of one foote therby And he is fayned to be the god of fyre and the Smyth to make thunder boltes for Iupit●r Whych askyng to marrye Minerua Iupiters doughter and Goddesse of wysdome he was denyed Wherfore Virgill 〈◊〉 * The Gods wolde not vouchsafe that hee shulde at theyr table fyt And to her bed the Goddesse shee wolde neuer hym admyt But afterwarde thys gay Squyer maried to Venus when he had taken her a bed wyth lustye Ma●s the god of batayle He had framed such fine chaynes to bynde them that they could not get a sunder tyll he had brought all the Gods to laugh at the game PAsiphae Wy●e of Minos kynge of Creta whych loued a stowte Captayne called Taurus and conceyued by him the cruel and deformed Minotaurus whō for his fiercenes and ill shape the Poets fayned to haue bene halfe a man and halfe a bull therfore was enclosed in a Laberinthe made by the co●ynge Dedalus and theare fed wych fleshe of men HEro A mayden of synguler bewtye of the Cytye Sestos in ●ellespont LEander A yonge gentleman of the Cyty Abidos whych a great Ryuer dyd deuyde from Sestos who are he was wonte to swym by nyghte to hys louer Hero and so at laste was drowned PIramus A yonge gentleman of Babylon whyche loued Thisbe THisbe A mayde of synguler bewtye whyche when shee loued P●riamus excedyngly And they were kept a sunder by their parēts yet o●e night they escaped out and had agreed before to haue met vnder a tree without the towne Thisbe commynge thyther fyrste seinge a Lyon dyd flye into the wood her rayle beynge fallen of the Lyon 〈◊〉 it in peces Piramus commynge after fyndynge the cloth ren●e thoughte that Thisbe had bene denoured of some beast and so 〈◊〉 hym selfe Whyche when Thisbe returnynge agayne dyd see shee kylled her selfe wyth the same swe●de OReste● Sonne of kynge Agame●●ion Whyche ●lew hys mother Clitemnestia because that shee for loue of Aegisthus had slayne hys father And he maryed H●rmione And after being 〈◊〉 hys most faythful frend Pylades kepyng him he came into the country of Tauric● Where accordyng to the custome he shulde haue bene slayne and sacryfysed But being knowen of hys syster Iphigenia hee slewe the kynge Thoas and escaped with hys syster And after had hys wyttes perfecte agayne HErmione Daughter of Menelaus and that Helen so renowmed for her bewtye Whych being a gerle was marryed to Orestes And when kyng Pirrhus sonne of the valyante Achilles had marryed her afterward Hermione by letters requyred him humbly to claime his right and delyuer her And so Orestes slew Pirrhus receyued Hermione agayne HIacinthus A yong man of passynge bewtye MArs God of warre and sōne of Iupiter and Iuno THeseus Sonne of Aegeus kyng of Athens of Aethra doughter to Pytheus kyng of the Cytye Troezen A puyssante knyghte whych dyd many greate feates a●d aduentures As Hercules dyd Being but a yonge man he foughte wyth Hercules against the Amazones warfull women He slew Creon kynge of Thebes which suffered not mē slaine in warre to be buryed He slew Minotaurus and deliuered hys coūtrey from the trybute of fourtene noble chyldren euery nyne yeres sent to Creta to be slayne for that the Cytyzens of Athens had slaine Androgeus sonne of Minos kynge of Creta Hee slewe a monstrous Bull whych had spoyled the coūtrey Attica He slew ●eyron and Procustes robbers And afterwarde wyth his faythfull freind Pirithous he wente to Hell to fetche Proserpina whom Pluto had stollen from her mother C●res Goddesse of corne and Queene of Sicilye But Pirith●uis beynge slayne by the three headed Hounde Cerberus Porter of Hell Theseus was kept in prison theare tyll he was delyuered by myghty Hercules ARiadne Doughter to Minos king of Creta whyche by a botom of thred taught Theseus to come out of the Laberinthe after he had kylled her brother Minotaurus She forsoke her countrey and folowed hym whom he lefte in the Ile of Naxus ▪ So Bacchus the God of wyne tooke her to wyfe And Venus gaue her a crowne wheron Bacchus se● nyne starres fyred it in the skye And so the starre is called the Gnossian crowne PHaed●a Doughter of kynge Minos and Pasiphae wyth her syster Ariadne dyd flye her countrey with Theseus and became hys wyfe after he had forsaken Ariadne ADelasie Doughter and onelye chylde of the Emperour Otho the thyrde so excedynglye she was enamoured of the most valiant Aleran sonne of a Duke of Saxony that she procured hym pryuelye to conuey her awaye whych by the helpe of an old lady her nurce he brought to pass● And afterwarde beinge robed of suche money as they had prouyded they lyued long in a woode and made coles for theyr lyuynge and bare hym seucn sonnes theare and afterwarde by the valyante feates of her eldest sonne they were knowen to the Emperoure ▪ and so had hys fauoure agayne and enioyed the Empyre after hym IVliet A noble mayden of the Cytye Ve●ona in Italye whyche loued Romeus eldest sonne of the Lorde Montesche and beinge pryuely maryed togyther he at last poysoned hym selfe for loue of her she for sorowe of hys deathe slewe her selfe in the same Tombe wyth hys dagger ▪ TIresias An olde Prophet of the Cytie Thebes in Boetia a countrey in Attica And is nowe called Vanda●ia DIana Daughter of Iupiter and Latona and sy●er of Apollo is called goddesse of hunting and Chastytie is the Moone also NYmphes were maydens which folowed Diana and worshyppyng her did lyue solytarye in woodes by ryuers sides and other pleasant places to auoyde companye And cheifly vsed huntyng to subdue the tedyousnes of tyme. ACteon Sonne of Aristaeus by A●tonoe daughter of Camus buylder of the Cytye Thebes whych after he had bene a hunting came by chaunce to a secret wel or spryng where he saw Diana naked wasshyng of her selfe Wherat shee takyng displeasure turned him into a Harte and so as he wold haue returned home he was rente in peces of his owne hoūds Ouid Epist. Acteon once ●vnwyttyng did Dian● naked ▪ see Wherfo●e vnto his Houndes shee made Him then a praye to bee ¶ All whych was ●ained for that he had spente hys substaunce and vndone him selfe by hun●ynge and kepyng of houndes GYsmonde Onelye daughter of Tanc●ede kyng of Sa●e●ne which loued a seruaunte of her fathers beinge taken in adultery together in a Caue in the grounde the kinge caused her louer Guistarde to be hanged therfore and sent his harte vnto her ▪ whych imbracynge it layd it on her breste agaynste her owne hart and dranke a cuppe of poyson immedyatly wherof dyenge shee desyred that they myghte be buryed together FINIS ¶ Faultes escaped In A. the .6 page in the margent for Gaminides read Ganimedes In the same page the .7 lyne for Narsisus read Narcissus In A. the .7 page the .19 line for worthy warke read worthier warke In A. the .12 page the .25 line for how read now In A. the .14 page the 13. line for the read that In the same page the .14 line for weakyng read weaklyng In B. the fyrst page the .16 line for springlinges read striplinges In the same page the .27 line for into worlde read into the worlde In B. the .4 page the .22 lyne for the Poet thus dyd tell reade the Poet trueth dyd tell In B. the .6 page the last vers for Sylla read Scylla In B. the .15 page the 21. lyne for aduenters read aduentures In C. the .12 page the 15. line for Antonoc reade Autonoe In the same page the same lyne for Camus read Cadmus ¶ Imprinted at London in Fletestreat beneath the Conduyt at the sygne of S. Iohn Euangelyste by Thomas Col well Herm●s and Aphrodite Andrognus ●amini●es sonne ●f Trois 〈◊〉 ynge of ●roye Adonis ●●nne of Mirr●a 〈◊〉 her 〈◊〉 ●in●ra● Venus Mercurie Phaebus Narcissus Phrigian Cupide Eccho Ioue Iuno Medea Hipsiphil Iason Demophō Dido Aeneas Helena Paris Sapho Phaon Biblis Scylla M●nos Adonis Hippolitus Menelaus Vulcane Ne● deus hunc men sa Dea nec dignata cubili est Pasiphae Hero Leander Piramus Thisbe Orestes Hermione Hiacinthus Mars Theseus Ariadne Phaedia Adelasie Iuliet Tiresias Diana Nymphes Acteon Inscius Acteon vidit sine veste Dianā Atque suis canibus ▪ c. Gysmond