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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20489 Psalmes of confession found in the cabinet of the most excellent King of Portingal, Don Antonio, first of that name, written with his owne hand. Wherein the sinner calleth vpon the mercie of God for his sinne. Translated out of the Latine copie, printed at Paris by Federike Morell.; Psalmi confessionales. English António, Prior of Crato, 1531-1595. 1596 (1596) STC 690; ESTC S108316 19,806 78

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that I am whē I see my selfe estranged from thy protection and forsaken in the middest of mine enemies that fight mightely against me I wil seeke thy face O Lorde and with sighes beseech thy countenance not to leaue me nor in anger to depart from thy seruant for all mine enemies followe me as a fugitiue that they may take kill me and therefore I must seeke refuge at thy hands to whom I doe flie O my God my strength my refuge and my vertue in the day of my tribulation for as there is no Esai 45. God beside thee so also there is no Sauiour besides thee Thou therefore O Lord that knowest all my miseries and Psal 102 from whom the worke of my weakenesse is not hidden cast behind thy backe all mine offences Psal 7● and doe not remember my old iniquities but saue me Psal 50. according to thy mercie from all those that persecute me and deliuer me because there is none that can redeeme nor saue but thou O Lord who sauest all that trust in thee and Psal 71. deliuerest the poore from the mightie and from the handes of them that are stronger then he hide not therefore thy face from me O Lord neither despise me my sauing God my strength and my deliuerer for Psal 85. Psal 10. I am poore and very needie and thine eyes looke vpon the poore and if thy iustice seeke me hide me in the bosome of thy mercie wherein thou hast with long suffering borne me and inuited me to repentance for thou art long suffering patient Psal 102. and very mercifull and excellent aboue al wickednes Ioel 2. yea nothing is more proper vnto thee then to spare and haue mercie alwayes and therefore thou hast mercie on all because thou canst doe all and dissemblest the sinnes of men for repentance and thou Sapi. 11. sparest all because they are thine O Lorde who louest soules Turne therefore vnto me who am turned vnto thee deliuer mine afflicted soule frō all danger that my mouth may be filled with thy prayse and say vnto thee Blessed be Psal 123. the Lord who hath not suffered me to be deliuered vnto the teeth of mine aduersaries Except the Lorde had beene my helper they had perhaps swallowed mee quicke my soule as a sparrowe was deliuered from the snare of the fowlers the snare is broken and I am deliuered Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning c. PSALM VI. O Wretched man that I am what shall I doe for the great wilde beast hath deuoured my soule and I haue bene made a praye to the enemie he hath spoiled me of all those goods wherewith thou O Lord hadst beautified me and I am afraide to appeare naked before thee I departed rich and beautifull from thy Esai 37. Ierem. 11 Osee 5. face and went wandring after filthinesse in a corrupt way and in the wickednesse of my heart and my soule is made blacke vpon the coales and the excellent colour thereof is Thren 4. changed and I that was nourished with spices haue imbraced dung and I haue so impouerished and deformed my selfe by wearing the vile garments of sinners according to the likenesse of Adams offence as thou O Lord doest not nowe knowe me according to the image wherein thou hast created me and wilt not suffer mee as a scabbed sheepe to dwell among the sheepe of thy pasture Howe then shal I presume to returne vnto the presence of thine infinite Maiestie in whose sight Iob 15. the Heauens are not cleane being emptie vile and vncleane or howe shall I presume to communicate with thy chosen people being made foolish by offending I would hauereturned vnto thee though ashamed and afraide trusting to thy mercie for thou art a sweete father to thy sonne that is trauailing into a farre countrey but much sweeter vnto him when he returneth from a long pilgrimage But O my God I lacke the power to come vnto thee for I am kept fast bound by a most cruell robber not with strong iron but with the iron of mine owne will whereof the enemie hath made a chaine for me and bringeth my heart in hard workes and all wicked Exod. 1. slauerie to bitternesse My refuge Psal 118 is farre from me for saluation is farre from sinners and I am compelled to die in most miserable bondage vnlesse thou O Lord looking downe from Heauen doest helpe me I sticke fast in the slimie claie of the deepe and a tempest of temptations euen like the waves of the cruel sea hath ouer whelmed and crowned me so that I am in despaire of auoiding these imminent dangers vnlesse thou O God shalt take me vp for the more I endeuour to arise the more am I bruised I am both within and without troublesome vnto my selfe euery where I finde domesticall enemies that doe beate me downe I looke on the right hand and the left and I see none to whom I may safely commit my selfe but euery where feare doeth shake me and to whom so euer I come I finde not a faithfull friend how should I finde any that my selfe doe not keepe my faith giuen to my God I haue sought any to comfort me in my afflictions and calamities and there was none of all my deare Thren 1. friendes that woulde comfort me but I met with men that were too full of wordes nay dumbe rather and therefore dumbe because thy word O my God did not sound from their lips but the offence of Psal 58. their mouth the wordes of their owne lips who did condemne my wantes without compassion and triumphing ouer me did hardly and fiercely prouoke strife against me I haue often consented vnto Prou. 18. foolish deceiuers and swaruing from the right pathe I ignorantly agreed to their opinion and by little and little was by them brought to such toyes and madnes as though by the helpe of thy grace I neuer departed from the true religion yet I did beleeue many fables yet am I an vnexcusable man for that when I did knowe thee to be alwayes a God in trueth I did not worship Rom. 1. thee in spirit and trueth but changed thy trueth into lyes and serued the creatures rather then the Creatour and sought my selfe and my pleasures in corruptible things but thou O Lord my sweetenesse and my trust proceede on and as thou hast made me by true faith to acknowledge thee waken mee vp that sleepe in Psal 12. sinne and open mine eyes that I neuer sleepe vnto death Lighten kindle lift them vp Psal 83. vnto thee that in thy light they may behold thee the euerlasting light the vnquencheable light that neuer faileth the Eccle. 24. sweete and delightfull light that they may see and reioyce Sapi. 4. and couet thy light and know Eccle. 11. Psal 68. that nothing is to be