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An easie entrance into the principall points of Christian religion verie short and plaine for the simpler sorte, and may soone be learned of them, if they haue any care (as all ought to haue) of their saluation. By I.G.
Gibson, John, fl. 1579-1599.
STC 11832; ESTC S114026
¶ AN EASIE ENTRANCE INTO the principall points of Christian Reââââ⦠verie short and plaine for the ãâã âââte and may soone be lea ãâ¦ã if they haue any care ãâã ãâã âââ¦ght to haue ãâã ãâã âââ¦uuation ⪠By I. G. Hebr. 5. 12. When as concerning the time ye ought to bee teachers yet haue ye neede againe that we teach you what are the first principles of the word of God ⪠and are become such as haue neede of milke and not of strong meate Iohn 3. 12. If when I tell you earthly thinges ye beleeue not how should ye beleeue if I shall tell you of heauenly thinges ¶ IMPRINTED AT London for William Norton 1579. To the Reader I HAVE endeuoured gentle Reader to set downe the principall pointes of Christian Religion in as plaine sorte as I coulde possible for their sakes especially whose capacities are small and memories vnable to coÌtaine much If I haue attained that whiche I attempted that is to say their profite I haue my desire If otherwise ⪠then although my worke deserue noâ prayse which if it did were due onely to God yet my will desireth pardon whiche I doe not doubt to obteine at thy handes seeing I seeke nothing but thy aduauntage The excuses that are dayly made for ignorance while one layeth the fault in his want of time an other in his simplicitie and want of capacitie and others in want of memorie c. did much moue me to trie what I coulde doe to doe them good although I am not ignorant that others also haue gone about the same But such is the dulnesse of our dayes and so hard is it to be both short and yet playne in so great matters that it is well if eyther their or my labour or all that we all can doe may bring men forwarde in the faith If wee misse this yet because wee meane it he that is not vncharitably suspicious will not thinke the labour superfluous If this come to the hands of such as are already past such A. B. Cees ⪠let it not offend them that children are ledde though they beeing men can goe alone And let them leaue this eyther to children in yeares or in knowledge whiche must of necessitie be trained vp in this or such short and plaine sorte if they will profit as I pray God they may and wee all euerie day increase in knowledge and growe in the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ who euer preserue you to whome be prayse in the Church through all generations for euer * â * AMEN The Lawe Minister Parishioner WHat Religion doe you professe P The Religion of a true Christian M. Wherein consisteth chiefly the Religion of a true Christian P. In the true vnderstanding and profitable vse of the ten commaundements the Articles of faith the Sacramentes and prayer M. Rehearse first the ten coÌmandemeÌts P. The same which God spake c. M. What doeth God chiefly require in these commaundements P. That I should loue him with all my heart with al my soule and with all my strength and that I shoulde loue my neighbour as my selfe M. Howe is God loued P. By obeying perfectly those commandementes which teach our dutie towards him M How many are they P. Foure in the first table M. What dutie teacheth the first ⪠P. That I should alwayes worshippe feare and loue this true and liuing God aboue all things trust in him only pray and giue thankes to him alone And neuer by these meanes to worship or serue any creature in his presence M. The second Exod. 20. 4. 5. 6. P. That I should not imagine him to be like any thing that I sée or knowe in the whole worlde nor worship him in or vnder anye image or likenesse of anye thing but in spirite and trueth as hée hath commaunded M. The thirde Exod. 20. 7. P. That I should not abuse his name any kinde of way much lesse by false or vaine othes but beeing lawfully called to an othe then to sweare truely by him onely and at no time by any creature and to vse his name alwayes to his honour and glory M. The fourth Exod. 20. 8. 9. 10. 11. P. That I and all mine cease from al bodilie labour and wéekely trauayle and come to Church to heare the worde of God and receiue the Sacramentes and pray together with the whole Congregation and that my familie and all my cattell may by the same reste bée refreshed M. And howe shall we loue our neighbour P. By kéeping perfectly those commaundementes which conteyne our duâie to him M. Which are they P. The other sixe in the second table M. What meaneth the fift beeing the first of the same P. That I shoulde loue reuerence obey and helpe my natural parentes and all my superiours and gouernours of the Church and common wealth and at no time resiste or dispise their authoritie M. The sixt Thou shalt do no murther P That I shoulde not kill nor hate in my hearte nor reuyle any with my tongue but helpe saue and kéepe their liues as much as I am able M. The seuenth Thou shalt not commit adulterie P. That I should not commit the déede in bodie nor lust after it with any in my heart but vse all meanes to kéep and declare my selfe sober and chast M. The eight Thou shalt not steale P. That I should not take away the goods of any other by deceite or violence nor in my heart desire the same but restore to euery man his to giue to them which néede to be content with mine owne M. The ninth Thou shalt beare no false witnesse against thy neighbour Exodus 20. 15. P. That I should not hurt any with my tongue by false witnesse backbitings slaunders or flattering nor without cause suspect euill of any but vse my tongue to further and profite them in whatsoeuer I am able M. The tenth Thou shalt not couet Exodus 20. 16. P. That there should not be in me any motions or desires to any sinne but that I shoulde be without all sinne and holy in my whole soule and bodie M. Are you able then thus to kéepe these commaundementes P. No verelie M. Where is the faulte P. In my corrupt nature which is enimie to all righteousnes M. Who corrupted your nature P. Adam by his trangression foââod created it good M. Séeing then we cannot choose but breake them what is the punishment of our sinne and transgression P. The curse of God vpon bodie and soule to euerlasting death M. If we kéepe some will he not beare with vs for the rest P. No but accurseth vs if we continue not in all things in them to do them M. Is he not then mercifull P. Yes but this Lawe is the rule of his iustice and teacheth vs what we are bound to do and not what he will forgiue