Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

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truth_n king_n mercy_n throne_n 1,927 5 9.8019 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72063 A sermon preached at Paules crosse the firste Sunday after Newyeeres day, beeing the thirde day of Ianuary. 1580. By William Fisher student of diuinitie Fisher, William, student of diuinitie. 1580 (1580) STC 10920.3; ESTC S124925 28,377 84

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Secondly we must honor him the best we can This president is but meanly followed in most places in England God knowes For so far foorth as Christ will feede their bellyes they will followe him through thicke and thinne And they are so farre from honouring him at their feastes that they will not stick too say they cannot be mery at their meate when a Preacher is at their Table But there is good cause the Citie of London should become an other Thessalonica in seeking and honouring our Phisition Christ Iesus There is so much Preaching and so diligent hearing that needs there must be some following If London haue stopped her eares and shutte her doores against Christe and his messengers there were iust cause why shee should tremble and quake in the guiltinesse of her owne conscience But if shee haue played the sicke Publicane in seeking and honouring Christe her Phisition let her not faint but in the testimony of a good conscience pluck vp her harte in these dreadfull times and dayes of perill For the Lorde will be founde of those that seeke him he wil not forsake those that feare him If Sodom or Gomorrha or Samaria or Ierusalem or Antwerpe could haue pleaded for themselues no more but that they sought the Lord honored his Christ euen as sicke men do their Phisition I am sure their confusion had beene farther from them then the Easte is from the west Therfore London seek thou thy Phisition Christ Iesus beleeue in him pray to him serue him in singlenesse of heart as thou oughtest to do and he wil not deliuer his power into captiuitie nor his beautie I meane his Gospell into the enemyes hand The second part of the Answere Goe learne what that is I will haue mercie c. A good Lawyar perceiuing the subtletie of his aduersary will speake to the case and bee earnest in the matter And commonly a skilfull Chirurgian seeing the rotten flesh begin to fester and corrupt the sound will launch it too the quick Much after the same manner doth our Sauiour Christe shewe him selfe in his second answere Go learne what c. As if he should say in sharpe and rounde speech Doe you make your selues so perfect in the Scripture and yet doe you finde faulte with him which sheweth mercie to the miserable and comfortles Goe learne goe learne of the Prophet who in the person of God him selfe saith I will haue mercie c. Then shall you see that I doe nothing against the will of God I warrant you I will haue mercie and not sacrifice c. When the Lord maketh choise of mercie rather then sacrifice we haue to vnderstand that his will is that we shoulde bee pittifull one tending an others distresse and not bleare his eyes with an outward shew of godlinesse Now for your better instruction in the will of God it shall be expedient that I speak seuerally Firste of Mercie then of Sacrifice I will haue mercie c. It should bee of no small force to make vs shewe mercie and compassion one towardes another When the Lorde sayeth I will haue mercie c. For if wee bee seruaunts we must doe the will of our maister And if we be children we must obay the will of our father But alas it fareth with vs as often times with young Children the more the father doth cocker and dandle them the lesse they care for him and if he say vnto them I will haue this or that doone none so ready too bid him commaunde and doe it him selfe as his owne Children So it falleth out with vs God our heauenly Father hath blessed vs and blessed vs again and yet when he sayth I wil haue you to be mercifull and pittiful to your needy brethren like stubburne children we sit stil stop our eares as if we heard not There is no one thing so much called vpon and commended vnto vs in Scripture as mercy yet on our partes there is no one thing so little regarded He that is merciful saith the Prou. 11. wiseman rewardeth his own soule And Micheas sheweth Israel what it was that Mich. 6. the Lord required at their hands indeed bidde them first doe iustly and next loue mercie c. In the fifte of Matt. Blessed Matth. 5. are the merciful for they shall c. In the 6 of Luke Be ye therfore mercifull Luke 6. as your heauenly father is merciful S. Iames also in his 2. Chapter saieth in Iames. 2. plaine words that there shall be iudgement without Mercie too him that will shewe no mercie And all this is to stirre vs vppe and to pluck vs forewarde too shewe mercie and compassion one towardes an other And surely happy is that Christian whose faith is exercised in mercie For as the wiseman sayth Prou. 20. Mercie truth preserue the king c. His throne shal be established with mercie So al estates may be sure that mercy is one of the strongest Pillers of their health safetie And therefore I beseech you right honourable deerely beloued haue due regard of your health welfare which partly cōsisteth in mercy For this your noble citie of Lond is builded scituate vpon foure Golden pillers Iustice Concorde Sobrietie and Mercie the Foundation beeing Iesus Christe And so long as these stand and florish in London shee is safe and sure by the grace of God But if they shoulde by any meanes decay then great and woefull should bee your downefall Therefore it stands you vpon so much the more heedefully to looke about you and to preuent the worst For you haue not so many pillers to vpholde your welfare and safetie but there be as many wayes too vndermine them if that they be not the better forseene First Iesus which vpholdeth right and suppresseth wrōg wtout respect of persons may bee vndermyned and ouerthrowne through bribery For hold you the sword right honorable neuer so vpright in your hands yet if your substitutes whōe you put in trust haue their handes ful of brybes they must needes wincke at scant measures and iustifie the bagge of deceitful waigh●es and alowe of the wyne which is mixed with water and so bleare your eyes with omnia ben● and so shall Iustice bee vndermyned and fall too the ground Therefore it behoueth your Honor to be the more circumspect in appointing your Substitutes and too haue an eye too their dealing vnder you for feare of the worst Secondly Concorde which is the bond and sinewes of euery well ordered Citie may be vndermined by the roote of bitter discentiō which maketh the members of the selfe same body too iarre an● snarle one with an other is commonly found by Pickthanks and talebearers which carry speeches and reportes from partie to party of whatsoeuer they heare or see and all to feede the humors of such cancred natures as delight in debate Therefore such Merchants are woorthy of seuere punishment and to be thrust out of