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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16720 An alphabet of the holy proverbs of King Salomon specially from the beginning of the tenth chapter to the end of the booke for the helpe of memorie and for a more ready finding out of any whole sentence, if onely the beginning be called to mind: with a short interpretation of the more hard prouerbs, wherein also diuers translations are compared and laied together for a further helpe to vnderstanding. Collected and set down in this order with a mind desirous to procure that these holy prouerbs might be made yet more familiar euen to children by the delight of so plaine and familiar a method. Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1596 (1596) STC 362; ESTC S112319 56,338 146

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euerlasting deliuerance from death and from all feare of death is there to be founde Who therfore shoulde not be effectually moued to enter that path and to walke constantly in it Ch. 12.28 Loue not sleepe lest thou come to pouertie open thin eyes that is be diligent in following the duties of thy calling and so be thou satisfied with breade Or thou shalt be satisfied with bread Ch. 20.13 M MAke no frendship with an angrie man neither go thou with the furious man Least thou learne his waies and receaue destruction or a snare to thy soule That is such a snare as shoulde indanger thy soule to the heauie displeasure of God Ch. 22.24.25 Many deuices are in mans heart but the councell of the Lorde it shall stand Chap. 19.21 Many doo seeke the face of the ruler but euerie mans iudgment commeth from the Lorde Ch. 29.26 Many men or thus As touching the multitude or greater parte of men euerie one maketh boast of his goodnesse but who can finde a man of faithfulnesse That is to say a man that is verie faithful indeed Ch. 20.6 Many reuerence the face of the Prince Or thus Many make sute to the prince or to him that is francke and liberally minded and euerie man is friende to him that giueth giftes Or that is bountifull Ch. 19.6 But it is contrariwise with the poore man who is cast off on all handes as it followeth in the next verse Read in A. All the brethren c. Mercy and trueth Or we may reade thus Clemency and faithfulnes preserue the kinge and he establisheth his throne by clemencie Or mercie Ch. 20.28 Much foode is in the fielde of the poore but the fielde is destroyed without discretion Or as followeth Much foode commeth to the poore by tillage but there is that consumeth himselfe through neglect of his duetie He meaneth euen some of such as haue as we speake much to take to Ch. 13.23 My sonne be wise and reioice my heart that I may answere him that woulde reproch me in any matter Ch. 27.11 Marke here how notably the good bringing vp of children pleadeth for the credit and estimation of Parents My sonne eate hony for it is good and the hony combe which is sweete to the roofe of thy mouth So know that wisdome wil be to thy soule if thou shalt finde it for there shall be a rewarde and thy hope shall not be cutte off Ch. 24.13.14 My sonne feare the Lorde and the Kinge and haue no fellowshippe with them that are seditious or loose and licentious for their destruction shall rise vp sodainlie and who knoweth the ruine of them both That is both of the inordinate and licentious themselues and also of those that shall sorte and company with them Ch. 24.21.22 My sonne giue me thy heart and let thine eyes delight in or heedefully obserue my waies For a whore is as a deepe ditch and a strange woman that is such a one as estrangeth her selfe from the holy waies of God as Chap. 2.16.17 Is as a narrowe pit Also she lieth in wait as for a pray increaseth transgressours among men To whome is woe To whome is alasse or sorrow To whome is much strife To whom is babling To whom are woundes without cause that is euen such as he may thanke no bodie for but himselfe to whom is the rednes of the eies Euen to them that tary long at the wine to them that goe and seeke after mixt wine Looke thou not vpon the wine when it waxeth red and vttereth his colour in the cuppe and goeth downe pleasantly or rather thus and moueth it selfe or sparteleth and springeth to wit in the cup as being of the right or best kinde In the ende thereof it will bite like a serpent and sting like a cookatrice or viper Thine eies wil looke vpon strange women and thine heart will speake lewde thinges And thou shalt be as one that lyeth in the middest of the sea yea as one that lyeth in the toppe of the mast That is greatly reeling and staggering too and fro They haue stricken me wilt thou say but I was not sicke they haue beaten or pummeled me but I felt it not when therefore I shall awake to wit as one haning slept away the former drunkennesse I will to it againe I will seeke it yet more Chap. A liuely description of the beastly vnsatiablenesse miserable condition of the drunken man My sonne heare thy fathers instruction and forsake not thy mothers teaching for they shal be a comely ornament to thy head and as chaines for thy necke Chap. 1.8.9 My sonne hearken vnto my wordes incline thine eares to my sayings Let not them that is the vvicked to wit by any perswasions of theirs to the contrary cause that they to vvit my wordes should depart from thine eies but keepe them in the middest of thy heart For they are life vnto those that find them and healthfull to the whole flesh of euery of them Aboue euery watch watch ouer or keepe thine heart for from it are the outgoings or issues that is the actions of life Put away from thee a froward mouth and remooue wicked lippes farre from thee Let thine eies behold the right or look right forth and let thine eie-lids looke directly before thee Ponder the path of thy foote yea let all thy waies be ordered aright or vvell setteled and stayed Turn not to the right hand nor to the left but remoue thy foote from euill That is from euery by-path of sinne Ch. 4. verses My sonne if sinners intise thee consent thou not Chap. 1.10 c. And verses 15.16 My sonne walke thou not in the way with them refraine thy foote from their path For with their feete they runne to euill and they make hast to shed blood c. My sonne if thine heart be wise my heart shall reioyce and I also that is I shall whollie or throughly reioyce euen I that am thy father yea my reines shall reioyce when thy lippes speake righteous thinges Let not thy heart be enuious against sinners but let it be in the feare of the Lorde continually Or let it imitate those that are constant in the feare of the Lorde For surely there is a reward and thy hope shall not be cut off Chap. My sonne if thou be surety for thy neighbour or friend and hast stricken hand with a stranger Thou hast snared thy selfe with the words of thy mouth thou art taken with the words of thine owne mouth To witte as it were in the net of the fouler or in the trap of the hunter Doe this nowe ô my sonne and deliuer thy selfe seeing thou art come into the hande of thy neighbour To wit of him for whome thou art become suertie for whome and by tendering of whose credit thou hast indangered thine owne selfe and standest bound to pay the debt if he neglect to doe it Goe thou humble or submit thy selfe to wit
Read more in the letter T. The wordes of Agur c. A child is knowne by his dooings whether his worke be pure and right Chap. 20.11 Or thus let euen the childe make himselfe knowne or bewray himselfe whether his worke be pure and whether it be right That is let euery one euen from his childhood auoid all hypocrisie and dissimulation acquainting himselfe to deale alwaies simplie and plainely both in word and indeed To the which ende may that also be referred which followeth in the next verse The Lord hath made euen both these the eare hearing the eye seeing Ch. 20.12 And therefore by good consequence he both knoweth howe and also vvill in time discouer and lay open all counterfet dealing A continuall dropping in the day of stormie raine and a contentious woman are alike He that hideth her that is vvhich goeth about to hide her ill quality yea though it be by vvise admonition and louing counsell hideth the winde that is he looseth his labour to vvit vnlesse God giue speciall grace and blessing for she will vtter herselfe as oile or ointment in his right hand The smell vvhereof cannot be kept in Chap. 27.15.16 A D A Desire accomplished that is the blessing desired beeing novve at hand and presently inioyed specially the spirituall graces and blessings of God in assarance of his fauour deliteth the soule but it is an abhomination to fooles to depart from euill So farre off is it from them to desire to doe the vvill of God Chap. 13.19 A discreet seruant shall haue rule ouer a lewde sonne and he shall deuide the inheritance among the brethren Chap. 17.2 A diuine sentence shall be in the lippes of the king his mouth shall not transgresse in iudgement Chap. 16.10 Or thus Let a diuine sentence or most sage prudent and sharpesighted vvisedome be in the lippes of the King that is let him alwaies haue a holie care to speake vvisely and discreetly but chieflie then vvhen he shall sit iudicially to giue sentence in vveightie causes according to that vvhich follovveth let not his mouth transgresse in iudgement Reade in A. A true vveight c. Chap. 16.11 A F A Faithfull man or as the hebrew soundeth a man of much faithfulnes or a very faithfull man shal abound in blessings but he that maketh hast to be rich shall not be innocent Ch. 28.20 A faithfull witnesse deliuereth soules but a deceiuer speaketh or breatheth foorth lies Ch. 14.25 A faithfull witnesse the hebrew is more significant as before A verie faithfull witnesse will not lie but a false witnesse will breath out lies Ch. 14.5 A false tongue that is a man of a false or deceitfull tongue hateth those whome he afflicteth or whome he woulde destroy and a flattering mouth causeth ruine Chap. 26.28 A false witnesse in heb a witnesse of false matters shall not be vnpunished and he that speaketh lies or breatheth foorth that is lightlie and vnaduisedly vtterreth lies shall not escape Chap. 15.5 And verse 9. He shall perish So also Chap. 21.28 A false witnesse in Heb. A witnesse of lies shall perish but hee that heareth that is the well aduised witnesse shall speake for euer or continually to wit with credit Affliction or rather euill followeth sinners to wit as pursuing and dogging them but that which is good recompenceth the righteous Chap. 13.21 A foole despiseth his fathers instruction but he that regardeth correction is prudent Chap. 15.5 A foole hath no delight in vnderstanding but in that onely which discouereth it selfe to his heart Chap. 18.2 A foole powreth foorth all his minde but a wise man keepeth it in till afterward or restraineth it as touching the latter part That is he reserueth it for the fittest season Chap. 29.11 A fooles anger shall be knowne in a day that is in a shorte time but he that is wise couereth shame That is hee refraineth his anger which otherwise woulde breake foorth to his shame Chap. 12.16 A fooles lippes come with strife or make strife and his mouth calleth for stripes To wit to his owne sore hurte as it followeth in the next verse A fooles mouth is his owne destruction and his lips are a snare for his soule Ch. 18.6.7 A foolish sonne is the calamitie of his father that is he is the cause of greate trouble to him and the contentions of a wife are like a continuall dropping To witte which marreth and rotteth all Chap. 19.13 A friende loueth at all times and a brother is borne for aduersitie That is to help and succour in aduersitie Or thus and a brother is borne or sheweth himselfe to be a brother in deede in aduersitie Chap. 17.17 A froward person or as the wordes of the text are A man of frowardnesse that is such a one as is giuen to much frowardnes soweth strife and a tale-teller maketh diuision among Princes or rather thus separateth a chiefe friend Chap 16.28 A G AGe is a crowne of glorie when it is found in the way of righteousnesse Ch. 1631. A gift in secret pacifieth anger and a gift in the bosome greate wrath or as the word signifieth the vehement or mightie heat of wrath Chap. 21.14 A good man getteth fauour of the Lord but he will condemne the man of wicked imaginations Chap. 12.2 Or rather thus The fauour of the Lorde preferreth or aduanceth a good man but he condemneth the wicked or mischeeuous man A good name is to be chosen aboue greate riches and louing fauoure is aboue filuer and aboue gold Chap. 22.1 or rather thus A name or fame King Salomon meaneth indeede a good name or report to wit in the church of God and among good men is to be chosen aboue greate riches and fauour that is gratious credit and estimation is better then siluer and gould A gratious woman attayneth honour as strong men attayne to riches Chap 11.16 A haughtie looke and a proude heart yea euen the light of the wicked that is whatsoeuer seemeth most excellent vnto them or hath the greatest appearance is sinne Or thus yea the enterprise or endeauour of the wicked is sinne Chap. 21.4 A I A Ioyfull heart causeth good health or yeldeth good help to the medicin orphisick whether it be bodilie or for the soule but a sorrowfull minde that is a minde or spirit crushed with sorrow drieth the bones Cha. 17.22 A ioyfull heart maketh a cheareful countenance but by the sorrow of the heart the minde is broken or chrushed as before Ch 15.13 A K A King by iudgement that is by executing iudgment mainteineth or establisheth the earth as Psa 75.3 but a man of offeringes that is receiuing giftes offered such one as counteth all fish that commes to net c. destroyeth it Cha. 29.4 A King that iudgeth the poore in truth or faithfully his throne shal be established for euer Ch. 29.14 A King that siettth in the throne of iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eyes That is God giueth a speciall blessing to such
is the meanes and instrument to giue wisedome but knowledge is not heartily imbraced vntill God by his holy Spirit doth worke a reuerend regard of it The feare of the Lorde tendeth to life or is for the maintenance and nourishment of life that is to say of spirituall life he that is once satisfied therewith shall contine we so neither shall he be visited with euill Chap. 19.23 The fining pott is for siluer that is for the trying and fining of sluer and the furnace for golde yea euerie thing according to his dignitie or answerable to that vse for the which it is praysed But though thou shouldest bray a foole in a morter amonge wheat brayed or as betweene the mil or querne stones with a pestell yet would not his foolishnesse depart from him Chap. 27.21.22 Behold therefore how deeply strongly naughtinesse is setled in our corrupt nature which can not by any meanes be beaten out but by the almightie grace of the spirit of God The foolish doe inherite follie that is they hold is reioyce in it as in an inheritance but prudent men make knowledge their crown Chap. 14.18 The foolish make a mocke of sinne or rather as followeth Sinne or giltines of sinne is a meane to set fooles at one or to bring thē into a fooles paradice as one would say but among the righteous that which is acceptable to wit that which God alloweth worketh content and agrement among them Chap. 14.9 The foolish man wil beleue euerything but the prudēt man will consider his steps Ch. 14.15 The foolishnesse of a man peruerteth his way and his heart fretteth against the Lord. Reade in A. As well c. Chap. 19.3 The froward in heart findeth or attaineth to no good thing and he that hath a naughtie tongue or is guilefull and craftie in his tongue that is he who hath a glibbe tongue to carie matters this way and that way to serue his owne turne he shall fall in euill Ch. 17.20 The fruite of the righteous is the fruit of the tree of life and he that winneth soules is wise Or thus For he being wise instructeth soules To vvit in the way of life and saluation Chap. 11.30 The G THe gathering of treasure vvorde for worde the vvorke of treasures that is about the gathering of treasure by a deceitfull tongue is as vanity tossed or driuen to and fro they seeke death To wit which seeke riches so Chap. 21.6 The glorie of God is to hide a thing but it is the honor of kinges to search out a matter The heauens in height and the earth in deepnesse the heart of kings cānot be searched out Or there is no searching out of them Ch. 25.2.3 The first of those prouerbes which the men of Hezekiah king of Iuda copied out The good man shal giue or deliuer ouer his inheritance to childres children that is God wilso blesse his posterity And the riches of the sinner are laid vp for the righteous C. 13.22 The H THe hand of the diligent shal beare rule but the idle or deceitfull hand shal be vnder tribute Chap. 12.24 The heart knoweth the bitternesse of the owne soule that is of it selfe and no strange thing shall intermingle it selfe with the ioye thereof That is as enery man is affected either vvell or ill so he liketh or disliketh keepeth or shunneth company c. Chap. 14.10 Reade the 9. verse The foolish make a mocke of sinne c. This seemeth to render a reason of that The heart of him that hath vnderstanding seeketh knowledge that is it continueth in seeking but the mouth of sooles is fed with foolishmesse Chap. 15.14 The heart of man purposeth his waie but the Lord doth direct or order and dispose his steppes Chap. 16.9 The heart of the righteous studieth or meditateth what to speake but the mouth of wicked men belcheth out that is rudely and rashly babbleth out euill things Ch. 15.28 The heart of a wise man guideth his mouth wisely and he addeth or furthereth doctrine by his lippes Chap. 16.23 The hart that is declined or he whose heart is turned backe shal be satiate with the own waies but a good man will depart from him That is he wil be shie of his company Ch. 14.14 The hope that is deferred maketh the heart to faint but when the desire that is the thing desired commeth it is as a tree of life Chap. 13.12 The house of the righteous hath much treasure or strength that is it is firmely established but by the reuenewes of the wicked man his house is disturbed Chap. 15.6 The house of the wicked shall be destroyed but the tabernacle of the righteous shall flourish Chap. 14.11 The I THe instruction of a wise man is as a welspring of life to turne away that is it teacheth vs to turne away or depart from the snares of death Chap. 13.14 The K Hhe kings heart is in the hand of the lord as the riuers of water he turneth it whithersoeuer it pleaseth him That is he maketh it saile as it were a stil flowing streame to strue his owne most holy purpose coūsell in all thinges Chap. 21.1 The kings wrath is like the roaring of a yong Lyon but his fauour is like the dew vpon the grasse Chap. 19.12 The L THe labor of the righteous tendeth to life that is to the necessary cōfortable main tenance of life in the feare of God but the reuenews of the wicked to sin That is they are consumed to serue their wicked lusts Ch. 10.16 The liberal person in heb The soule of blessing that is he that is hartily beneficial shal haue plenty in Heb. shall be fat i. shall prosper and he that watereth abundantly shal poure forth the more In Heb shall cast forth that is God vvill blesse him with such increase that he shall be able so to doe Chap. 11.25 The light of the eies reioyceth the heart and good hearing that is the hearing of good things maketh the bones fatte Chap. 15.30 Reade the next verse in T. The eare c. The light of the Lord is the soule of man Or rather thus The soule of man is as a light or candle of the Lord that is which the Lord hath lighted and set vp in him wherewith he that is to say man searcheth all the bowels of the bellie That is by the light of his vnderstanding he findeth out verie secret thinges Chap. 20.27 This may be more particularly referred to the king of whome we reade in the 16. verse next before Reade in A. A. wise King c. The light of the righteous shall reioyce that is it shall be bright their prosperity and happinesse shall be glorious but the candle of the wicked shal be put out That is all their pompe shall vanish come to nothing Ch. 13.9 The lippe of trueth that is vvhich speaketh the trueth is established for euer but a lying tongue indureth but a moment Or while I might neuer so