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truth_n kindness_n lord_n love_a 1,686 5 9.5041 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10295 [The perfect pathway to salvation] R., James (James Rowbotham), attributed name. aut 1590 (1590) STC 20579.5; ESTC S112957 50,554 348

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thing as thou requirest streightly that I should beléeue without doubting so wouldest thou that in all my deedes I should come vnto thee as to a father and make my mone without distrust of being heard in thy good time as most shall make to my comfort Loe therefore to thee déere father I come through thy Sonue our Lord Mediator aduocate Iesus Christ who sitteth on the right hand making intercession for me and pray thee of thy great goodnesse and mercy in Christ to be mercifull vnto me that I may feele in deed thy sweet mercie as thy Childe The time O deere father I appoynt not but I pray thee that I may with hope still expect and looke for thy help I hope that as for a little while thou hast left me thou wilt come and visite me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue need by reason of my great misery Thou art wont for a little season in thine anger to hide thy face from them whom thou louest but surely oh redermer in eternall mercies thou wilt shew thy compassion For when thou leauest vs oh Lord thou doest not leane vs very long neither doest thou leaue vs to our owne losse but to our Iuere and aduantage Euen that for holy spirit with bigger portion of thy power and vertue may lighten and theere vs that the want of feeling to our sorrow may be recompensed plentifully with the linely since of hauing thee to our eternal ioy and therefore thou swearest that in thine euer lasting mercie thou wilt haue compassion on vs Or which thing to the ende we might be most assured thine oth is to be marked for thou saist as I haue sworne that I will neuer bring any more the Waters to drowne the world so haue I sworne that I will neuer more be angrie with thee nor reprooue thee The Mountaines shall remooue and the Hils shall fall downe but my louing kindnesse shall not mooue and the band of my peace shallnot faile thee Thou saiest thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer Déere Father therfore I pray thée remember euen for thine own truth and mercies sake this promise and euerlasting couenant which in thy god time I pray thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to be the only true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer that I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may bee holy in thy sight through Christ that I may alwaies not only striue against sinne but also ouercome the same dailie more and more as thy children doe aboue all things desiring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy Kingdome the doing of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c. through Iesus Christ our redeemer Mediatour and Aduocate Amen A Prayer for delinerance from sinne and to be restored to Gods grace and fauour againe O Almightie and euerlasting Lord God which hast made heauen and earth and all things therein contained Ourcomprehensible vnitie O alwaies to be worshiped most buissed Trmitie I humbly beseeth thee and praye thee by the assumption and crucified human●●●e of our I orde Irius Christ that thou wouldest inclide and howe downe the great depth of thy deitie to the bottomelesse priormy vriticie Driue from me all kinde of vice wlikeduesse and sinne and make in me a cleane heart and renew in me a right spirice for thy holy names sake O Lord Iesus I beseech thy goodnesse for that exceeding great loue which drew thee out of thy Fathers bosome into the wombe of the holy Virgine and for the assumption of mans nature wherein it hath pleased thee to saue me and to deliuer me from eternall death that thou wouldest draw me out of my selfe into thee my Lorde God and grant this my loue mya recouer again to me thy grace to increase and make perfect in me that which is wanting to raise vp in me that which is fallen to restore to me that which I haue lost and to quicken in me that which is dead and should liue that so I may become can ormable vnto thee in all my life and conuersation thou dwelling in mee and I in thee my heart being soupled with thy grae and setled in thy faith for euer O thou my God ●oo●e ●nd set at libertie my spirice from al inferiour things gouerne my soul● and so work that both in soule and bodie I may be haly and liue to thy glorite world without ende Amen A Prayer necessart to be sayd at all times O Bountifull Lord Iesu● O sweete Sauiour O Christ the soune of God haue vittie vpon me mercifullie heare mee and despise not my prayerse Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redcemed me from the hondage of sinne death and hell neither with gold nor si●u●r but with thy most pre●●us ●oote once off●●ed vpon the Crosse and th●●● owne blood shed once for all for my ransome therefore cast me not away wham thou by thy great wisdome hast made bespise mee not whome thou hast redeemed with such a precious treasure nor let my wickednesse destroy that which thy goodnesse hath builded now whilest I liue O Iesus haue mercie on me for if I dye out of thy fauour it will be too late afterward to call for thy mercie whilest I haue time to repent looke vpon me with thy mercifull eyes as thou diddest vouchsafe to looke vpon Peter thine Apostle that I may bewailmy sinfull life and obtaine thy fauour and dye therein I reknowledge that if thou shouldest deale with me according to very iustice I haue deserued euerlasting death Therefore I appeale to thy high throne of mercie trusting to obtaine Gods fauour not for my merttes but for thy merites O Iesu who hast giuen thy selfe an acceptable sacrifice to the Father to appease his wrath and to bring all sinners truly repenting and amending their euil life into his fauour againe Accept me O Lord among the number of them that shall be saued forgiue me my sinnes giue mee grace to leade a godlie and innocent life graunt me thy heauenly wisdome inspire my hart with faith hope and charitie giue me grace to be humble in prosperitie patient in ●duersitie obedient to my rulers faithfull vnto them tha● trust me dealing truel● with all men to liue chast●●e in wedlocke to abhorre adulterie formcation and all vncleannesse to doe good after my poer to all men to hurt no man that thy name may be glorified in me during this present life and that I after ward may obtaine eneriusting life through the mercie and merites of thy passion So be it A Prayer for the vvrote congregation of Christ. SHew thy selfe goutle and gracious O Almightie God towards thy beloued Church for thy exceeding great glories sake and mercie most magnificent that we may be miraculously deliuered from the horrible fardle and cruell bondage of our deadly sinnes who haue hetherto been bondslaues to the flesh and wretched
forgiue rich in louing kindnes towards such as call vpon thee and exceeding mightie in thy works aboue all Gods wilt not despise vs in so great distresse and tribulation Thou art most puissat thou shewest wonderfull things thou art God alone Teach vs therfore thy perfect waies cause vs to walke in thy blessed truth cal backe our wandring hart vnto thee that it may stand greatly in feare of thy holy name Thou verely hast nobly made vs partakerse of thy excellent merey but for asmuch as we were very vngratefull the hostes of the vngodly are risen vp against vs and the forefrone of cursed mens battailes haue a●●aulted vs who neither regar●e thee at all nor make any account o● thy most blessed name pure doctrine indeuoucing al only by their most lewd practises thorow the same meane to destroy at one push both the true worshinping of thee and our Soules also Seeing that therefore thou art a very mercifull God long suffering of great loue and truth to trust vnto haue an especiall regarde vnto the childrē of thy louing promise be fauorable strengthen and defende them aduaunce thy banner to our saluation so that the cruel aduersaries may be confouded and that all may right well see and euidently perceiue thee onely to be our most good and louing God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer for the prosperous successe of Christs kingdome against the enemies thereof OVR daily petition is O Almightie God that the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christ may be augmented appeare at length to bee most perfect which thing we now also desire verie instantlie in our heartie praters and humble supplications Be alwaies mindfull thereof O good God of his fat and most pleasant obsation which he made for vs vpon the altar of the Crosse and graunt that by the triumph of his most perfect victorie and conquest we may take both Saluation and delightfull pleasure Although we deny not but that the same shal come to passe without our desarts who haue through our manifold wickednesse offended thee very many and infinite waies yet for thy tender louing mercies sake put them to shame and confusion that repose all their trust in Charets horse and worldly power but raise and lift vp to saluation such as are wholy bent to depend vppon thee and bowe downe thy mercifull and fauourable eares to heare the feruent prayers and petitions which we make vnto thy diuine maiestie for the mightie enlarging of our Lord Iesus Christs kingdome through the same Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it A Prayer for comfort in persecution WEe perceiue most mercifull mighty God that not onely Antichrist but also the power and strength of the whole world conspireth against thee and against thy Christ which thinke thy Gospell and the redification of thy Church to be an intollerable bondage and hard yoke Wherefore they labor by all meanes possible to breake asunder the societies and congregations of the faithful and cast away all discipline But for asmuch as thou sittest in heauen and art not ignorant what the diuell and wicked flesh goeth about laugh thou to scorne their vaine counsels bring their purposes to naught let them feele thine anger to be kindled against them and make them astonied at the fiercenesse of thine indignation so that they may not be able to destroy thy Church ouer whom thou hast appointed Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour that in it he might raigne by the word and Spirit with inuinsible might and power Wherfore grant vnto vs although vnworthie and shrinking children such faith and constancie that we may find him also confesse him to be our onely King and that we may nothing doubt but that wee bee his nation people and heritage being most assured of this that he is of such strength and power that with his word more strong then yron he is able to destroy whom he wil and breake them in peeces like earthen pots Therefore O God turne the Kings and Princes of the world vnto thee that they may be wise and vnderstand wherby they may vnfeinedly acknowledg imbrace and kisse the Sonne least when his anger shall once be kindled they perish and be destroied for euer And when it shall bee thy good pleasure make them blessed for euermore which commit thēselues to thy gouernance 〈◊〉 protection So be it A Prayer for a true Subiect AS it is thy godly appointment O Lorde God that some should beare rule in this world to see thy glory set forth the common peace kept so it is thy pleasure againe that some should be subiects and inferiours to other in their vocation although before thée there is no respect of persons And forasmuch as it is thy godlie will and pleasure to appoint and set me in the number of subiects I beseech thee to giue me a faithfull boedient hart vnto the higher powers that there may be found in me no disobedience no vnfaith fulnesse no treasons no falsehood no dissimulation no insurrection no commotion nor conspiracie nor any kinde of rebellion in word or deed against the ciuil Magistrates but al faithful obedience quietnesse subiection humilitie and whatsoeuer else becommeth a subiect that I liuing here in all lowlines of mind may at the last day through thy fauor be lifted vp into euerlasting glory where thou most mermcifull Father with the Son and the holy Ghost liuest and raignest very God for euer and euer Amen For Fathers and Mothers THe fruite of the wombe and the multitude of children is thy gift and blessing O Lord God giuen to this end that they may liue to thy glorie and to the commoditie of their neighbours Forasmuch therefore as thou of thy goodues hast giuen me children I beseech thee giue me also grace to traiue them vp euen from their cradles in thy nurture and doctrine in thy holy lawes and blessed ordinances that frō their very young age they may know thee beleeue in thee feare loue and obey thee and dili\gently walke in thy commandements all the daies of their life vnto the praise of thy glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it Of Children THou hast giuen a commandement in thy lawe O heauenly Father that Children should honor their Fatherse and Mothers I most humblie beseech thee therefore to breath thy holie spirit into my breast that I may reuerence and honor my Father and Mother not only with outward iestures of my bodie but also with the vnfeined affections of my heart loue them obey them map for them help them and doe for them both in word déed whatsoeuer lieth in my power that thou seeing my vnfeined hartygoodwil towards my parents maist become my louing heauenly Father and number me among those thy children whom from euerlasting thou hast appointed to be heires of thy glorious kingdome through thy welbeloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Of Householders TO haue children and seruants is thy blessing O Lord but