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truth_n kindness_n lord_n love_a 1,686 5 9.5041 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07226 A revelation of the Revelation wherein is contayned, a most true, plaine, and briefe manifestation of the meaning and scope of all the Reuelation, and of euery mystery of the same : whereby the pope is most plainely declared and proued to bee Antichrist / by Thomas Mason ... Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1619 (1619) STC 17623; ESTC S1299 31,570 120

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by the name of Angels it sheweth that he vseth them the onely meanes to call the elect to grace and it teacheth Ministers to looke to God and his word onely for their Doctrine and hearers to receiue the word preached as of God and not of man CHAP. 4. 5. NOw this Vision concerning the present estate of the seauen Churches being ended S. Iohn is taken vp into Heauen in the spirit to receaue a Reuelation from Heauen touching the whole affaires of the Church vnto the end of the world but this was likewise directed to the seauen Churches and therefore here the spirit is said to be seuen spirits Christ is said to haue seuen hornes that is his power in euery Church As St. Paul when hee was taken vppe into the third Heauen could not vtter that which hee saw and heard there so no doubt it was with St. Iohn but this vision was shewed him for our intelligence The things in summe which hee saw was the inspeakeable glory of God and Christ all Angells and Saints praising God for their saluation and hee saw Gods anger against the damned by the voyces thunders lightenings and earthquakes which hee saw in the vision God seemes to him like a King sitting in Parliament in his chaire of estate with a Raine-bow compassing him to glorifie him his face like a Iasper stone and a Sardine But the glory of God is the truth of his promises which is signified by the Raine-bow which was giuen to certifie vs of the truth of his promise that hee would neuer drowne the World againe and the face of the Lord is his louing kindnesse vnto his children in Christ which is signified in these most beautifull stones the Sardine and the Iasper The 24. Elders are the bookes of the law and the Prophets the foure Beasts are the foure Gospells these set forth his glory and declare the truth of his promises more then the Raine-bow and the brightnesse of his loue vnto his Children more then the Iasper and Sardine stones The Elders are cloathed in white to shew the purity of their doctrine they haue Crownes to shew how powerfull they are to conuince sin and error these and the beasts are about the throne because none come to God but by them they sit as Iudges because at the ende of the world all shall bee iudged by them These comforted Saint Iohn when he wept so will they all of vs if wee seeke comfort of them and if any bee ignorant of any thing touching their saluation they will certifie vs thereof One of the foure Beasts had the face of a Man this seemeth to bee Saint Mathew because the beginning and face of his Gospell declareth the generation of the humanity of Christ from Dauid The Beast like the Eagle signifieth Saint Iohn because he mounts like an Eagle into Heauen speaking of the Diuinity of Christ the other two are Marke and Luke one like a Lyon because hee speakes more largely of the resurrection of Christ wherein he rose like a Lion from death and conquered sinne death and hell the other was like a Calfe because hee spake more largely of the offering of Christ vpon the Crosse which was prefigured by the sacrifice of Calues in the old Law Their sixe wings a peece sheweth the speedy flying of the Gospell about the world In that they are full of eyes it sheweth that by the new Testament wee may see Christ more plainely then by the old there we see but the types of him heere wee see Christ himselfe In that Saint Iohn saw thousand thousands of Angells it sheweth what an innumerable number there be the office of these bee to preserue the faithfull in this world what need we then to feare The Angell interprets the waters where the Whore sitteth Reu. 17.14 to bee people so this glassie Sea before the throne signifies the soules of the faithfull so it doth in the beginning of the 14. Chapter The faithfull of the old Testament are called Heb. 12. so great a Cloud of witnesses signifying that there was as many of them as droppes of raine in a great cloud so the soules in Heauen are called a Sea to signifie vnto vs that there bee such a number as droppes of water in a Sea according to Gods promise vnto Abraham that his seed that is the faithfull should be so many in number as the sands on the Sea shore or the starres in the Element In that it is a glassie Sea though heere afflictions may tosse our mindes as the windes the waues yet as no winde can stirre a glassie Sea so all sorrow is parted from them nothing can disturbe their mindes but they alwayes reioyce in the Lord. In that this Sea is of glasse an intire substance it sheweth how the soules in Heauen be vnited together in loue reioysing euery one at anothers saluation as at their owne In that the Sea is like Christall it sheweth how holy they are neuer offending their louing God but are all crowned with Crownes of righteousnesse In that the Angells and they did especially reioyce when Christ obtained to open the seales to shew vs this Reuelation it declareth how dearly they loue the elect vpon earth and how profitable this Reuelation is to vs. CHAP. 6. IN that one of the foure Beasts calleth Saint Iohn vnto the opening of euery seale to see what followes and his voyce was as thunder it sheweth that the way to come to Christ and to obtaine any thing at his hand is to hearken vnto the Gospell and that it is as forcible to the heart as thunder to the eares The white Horse signifieth the Apostles Preachers of the Gospell anone vpon the sending of the holy Ghost the Rider is Christ his bow whereby hee conquers the preaching of the Gospell his Crowne sheweth that the Gospell so preuailed that it got him a Kingdome In that the Apostles are called Horses it sheweth their swiftnesse in publishing the Gospell that white Horse Saint Paul what a number of Countries did he plant the Gospell in Ioseph of Arimathia and Philip brought the Gospell into England Saint Paul in the tenth to the Romanes affirmeth that then the sound of the Gospell had gone through all the earth and into the ends of the World The red Horse signifies the idolatrous Emperours of Rome which raised the tenne persecutions against the Christians the rider was the Diuell prouoking them thereto for he had permission of God to take peace from the earth and to kill with the sword and he had a great sword giuen him which sheweth that the Diuell doth nothing vnto Gods children but by Gods permission the causes why God will suffer the Diuell to persecute his children are best knowne vnto his wisdome Nero Domitius caused the first Persecution He regarded neither sexe condition or age the streets were spred with dead bodies of Christians he indeuored vtterly to abolish the name of Christians and his Successors followed his steppes for