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truth_n kindness_n lord_n love_a 1,686 5 9.5041 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02784 The danger of discontentment intreated of in a sermon preached at Crowhurst in Surrey the ninth of Iuly 1598. By Simon Harward. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1599 (1599) STC 12916; ESTC S112562 18,903 52

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continueth till she haue hatched her young detering all which time the Shipmen in the Sicilian Seas do feare no dangers of tempest This calme time this milde quiet and peaceable time the Lord hath graunted to vs not for a few dayes but for many happy yeeres togither We enioy that sweete blessing which was in Iurie and Israel in the time of Salomon To dwell safely euery man vnder his owne Vine and vnder his owne Figtree from Dan to Beersheba from one ende of the land to the other euen all the dayes of Salomon O that we were not become so drunkē with this our prosperitie as to forget that good Lord which hath giuen this good Land vnto vs O that we were not like Ieshurun spoken of in Deutronomie like the Horse which being fat and well fedde fedde doth spurne and flinge against his keeper nourisher O that we were not lyke the vntamed Heyfar by reason of our long running in plentifull pastures to forget to cary the sweete yoke of obedience O that we coulde make true vse of all the benefites and blessinges of our heauenly Father that the louing kindnesse of God might leade vs to repentance that we could as Samuel speaketh heere to the Israelites Feare the Lord and serue him in trueth with all our hartes and consider what great thinges he hath done for vs that we coulde Prayse the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the woonders which he dayly doth for this realme of Englande Then shoulde the blessing of God still remayne vppon vs both vpon Prince and people Then should the Lord continue his mercies in going in and out with our Armies Then should the Lord eyther make our enemies become our friendes or throughly turne his hande against our aduersaries Then should there be amongst vs euery soule duetifully subiect to the higher powers Then should we in all distresses with contented mindes cast all our care on God for he careth for vs. Then should we in hart conceiue that assured confidence trust in the goodnesse of God that we should faythfully say with Dauid If the Lord be on our side we neede not care what man can do vnto vs. Then should the Lord long prosper and euen for euer preserue that happie Monarchie vnder which we are here so peaceably gouerned and graunt vs a Kingdome of euerlastyng peace in the worlde to come Which giftes graces the Lord of Lords and King of all Kinges vouchsafe to giue vnto vs for the merites of our sauiour Christ Iesus To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost one true and euer-liuing God for all his inestimable benefites bestowed vpon vs be all honour glory thanksegeuing and prayse now for euer Amen FINIS 1. Sam. 11.12 Aug. de Ciuitate dei lib 18. Cap. 22 Iudg. 2.16.18 Iudg 8.22 Heb. 11.32 Iudg. 2.18 Iud 3 9. Nehe 9.27 Ioseph Antiq lib. 20. Cap. penult Ioseph Antiq lib. 14. cap. 10. Caluin institut lib. 4 cap. 20. sect 8. Tul. parad penult Iudg. 2.16 Psal 21.3 Prou. 8.15 Dan. 2.21 Iere. 27.6 Rom. 13.1 1. Pet. 2.13 Hieron epist 4. ad Rusticum Liu. lib. 6. Liu. lib. 22 〈…〉 lib. 6. 〈…〉 lib. 2. 〈…〉 lib. 6. Homer Psal 22 3. Psal 2 6. ● Sam. 13 11 ● Sam. 15 9. ● Sam. 22 18 ●ob 1.15 17 21. Act. 2.23 Iud. 2.18 1. Sam 7 41. ● Sam. 13 2. ● Sam. 11 7. Act. 13.21 1. Sam. 7 13 1. Sam. 8 5.20 ●oh 12 42.1 Math. 10 17. Math. 26 47 ●7 ●oh 18 31. Deut. 17 7. Act. 7 58. Act. 8 3. Act. 9 1. Act. 24.6 ● Sam. 8.20 Aug. contra Fastum Manichaeum lib. 22 cap. 75. Num. 13.3 Iosu 11. Iosu 6 6. Iudg. 4 4. 1. Sam. 3 20 1. Chro. 13. 1. Chro. 23 4. Psal 132.5 1. Reg. 2 35. 2. Chro. 8 14. 2. Chro. 14. 2. Chro. 15.13 16. 2. Chro. 20.3 2. Chro. 17 8. 2. Chro. 19.8 2. Chro. 29.1 2. Chro. 31.4 2. Reg. 23.4 1. Pet. 2.13 Rom. 13 4. Rom. 3 4. 1. Sam. 8 3 1. Sam. 2 3 4. 1. Sam. 8 2. 1 Reg 2 22 1. Sam. 8 1. Num. 13 3. Nū 13 34. Num. 14.2 9. Psal 78 18. Num. 26 64. Gen. 14 14 Iudg. 15 19. Iudg 4 13. 22. 1. Sam. 7 13. 1. Sam. 3 20 Psal 3.1 Deut. 17.15 1. Sā 8 3.11 Iuuenal satyr 10. 1. Sam. 8.18 Eccl. 10.20 Pro 21.1 Rom. 3.1 1. Tim. 2.2 Baruch 1 11 Pro. 28 2. Hose 4 1. Exod 22 28 〈◊〉 12.2 〈◊〉 21 6. 1. Sam. 12.2 Psal 81.13 Ier. 44.17 Hulric Hutten in aula Leuit. 26.19 Gen. 12.10 Gen. 26.2 Gen. 45.2 Gen 6.15 Gen. 7.11 Gen. 8.13 1. Sam. 12.24 1. Cro. 14.15 Lucian in votis Aristoph in ambus Plin. lib. 10 cap. 32. Plant. in paenulo 1. Reg 4.25 Deut. 8.14 Deut 32 15. Ier. 31.18 Rom. 2 4. 1. Sam. 12.24 Psal 107.8 2. Sam. 12.14 Pro. 16.7 Psal 8.13 Rom. 13.1 1. Pet. 5.7 Psal 118.6 Psam 21.4