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truth_n kindness_n lord_n love_a 1,686 5 9.5041 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00930 The conduit of comfort Containing sundrie comfortable prayers, to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. By Abr. Fleming. Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1624 (1624) STC 11037.5; ESTC S120667 45,799 367

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increase the same making thy glory the marke wherat to direct all my doings and thy word the rule to kéepe me within the compasse of thy will O Christ heare me O heare me sweet Sauiour which art the Well of life whereof whosoeuer tasteth hee shall neuer see Death Heare me O gracious Redéemer and let me féele inwardly the fruits of my faithfull prayer Amen A Prayer for Loue and Vnitie with all men To liue in loue all men among Giue grace O Christ to old and young LOrd Iesus thou Patterne of true and vnfeined loue yea of loue leading to life euerlasting without whom there can bee no loue or concord amōg men I beseech thee to heare the prayer of me thy poore seruant and that which I aske in spirit vouchsafe to giue me of thy free mercy And because loue is the fulfilling of the Law and the seale of saluation to the consciences of all Christians Furthermore for so much as thou hast commaunded vs to doe good to all men which cannot be vnlesse loue be the lampe to giue vs light I beséech thée to fill my heart with that loue yea to poure that loue abundantly into the hearts of all both old and yong that we may first and principally loue Almightie God the Father thée O Christ the Sonne and the holy Ghost with such a loue as is loath to turne the fauor of God into displeasure his gentlenesse into rigour his mercy into iudgement and his forbearance into vengeance Secondly to loue my Soueraigne Prince whom I am bound in conscience to obey to loue my superiors to loue mine equals to loue mine inferiors to loue mine enemies Finally to loue all and hate none that by this meanes I may dwel in God the Fountaine of loue who of méere loue for the saluation of the soule of man sent thee O my Sauiour into the world to suffer death vp on the crosse euen in the face of his enimies and persecutors Grant this O Christ to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all praise and glory for euermore Amen A Prayer for the hearing and true vnderstanding of the word of God To heare thy word and liue therein Vs to renew O Lord begin LIghten my heart O Lord GOD with the lampe of thy holy and blessed word which is the weapon of euery true Christian souldier and the sword of the spirit to cut off all the temptations of the Diuell the world and the flesh if it be vsed according to thy wil O Lord which art the giuer and author of the same And for so much O Lord as thy worde is the rule whereby wée are bound to direct all our doings and the square whereat to frame the whole course of our life I beséech thée to circumcise my heart that all carnall cogitations and thoughtes expelled and driuen out I may betake my selfe wholy vnto the reading hearing studying folowing of thy word which is the food of our soules the comfortable bread which killeth hunger and the pleasant drinke which quencheth thirst not the hunger thirst of the body against the which it hath pleased thée to prouide most healthfull remedies but the hunger and thirst of the soule which are no way else asswaged but by the vertue and heauenly working of thy word This word O Lord vouchsafe to make florish and fruitifie in vs that thereby wee may bée wonne to the worshipping of thée in true feare vnfained faith and perfect holinesse of life through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen A Praier to God for forgiuenesse of manifold and grieuous sinnes My heart vncleane Lord circumcise And make my soule thy sacrifice IN sinne O Lord was my conception in sinne my education in sinne the whole course of my life Nothing is cleane and vnspotted in mée nothing is sound nothing perfect nothing holy nothing sanctified I am full of sinne and iniquitie my thoughts desires are attainted with sinne my labours and handy works are defiled with wickednes my words and communications are tempered with the leauen of iniquity my hart is corrupt putrified there is nothing sound in me but all mine entrails are infected and poysoned with sin the high way to euerlasting shame death and condemnation O miserable wretch that I am to whom shall I run for succour To whom shall I make my sorrowes knowne Before whom shall I powre my plaintes Art not thou the Samaritane which with the oyle of mercie souplest my festered woundes Art not thou the good Sephearde which bringest home the straying Shéepe to the shéepefold Art not thou the good Captaine which fightest in defence of thy Souldiers O yes Lord thou art euen he and doubtlesse had not the oyle of thy mercy healed my filthy Botches had not thy hand fetcht me home to the flocke had not thy loue and grace ouer shadowed me in danger I had rotted in my filthinesse I had perished in my wandering and I had béen vtterly ouerthrowne in combate O Lord my God circumcise my heart and clense it from all euill thoughts deuises imaginations consentes to sinne Sanctifie my soule renew my spirit and garnish mée with the garment of regeneration that I may become a swéete smelling sacrifice before thée a sacrifice of acceptable incense a sacrifice of holines righteousnes so shall I prayse thée in the assemblie of the iust extoll thy glorious name among thy people Amen A Prayer for to be setled in the Truth Thy Truth send downe Lord from aboue And giue me grace the same to loue ACcording to thy louing kindnesse O Christ heare the praiers of thy seruant that request which Hope inboldeneth mee to make vouchsafe in mercy to grant And because the Deuill is the father of all falshood and lying and thou the fountaine of all truth and righteousnes as thou saiest of thy selfe I am the Way the Truth and the Life therefore I beseech thee O gracious God Sauiour to plant in me the Trueth without the which all entrance into heauenly ioy is stopt vp to banish out of my heart which by nature is a nest of wickednesse all maner of sinne resisting the Truth And for so much as Truth is a pearle of price and a Iewell of great value to the godly the ornament of the faythful and the treasure of the true Christian therefore I beséech thée O Christ giue me grace to thirst after truth to hunger after the taste of that heauenly foode that my desiring soule may be succoured my longing heart refreshed euen with the fulnes of the same And wheras by nature we are bōdslaues of sinne and by that meanes vtter enemies of truth we beseech thee notwithstanding to make vs partakers of mercy and not of iudgement remembring that thy death and bloodshed paid the price of redemption for all mankinde Thou God of truth heare my prayer and let the suite of me thy poore Seruant come before thy presence and that which I haue asked with