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truth_n keep_v know_v liar_n 2,027 5 11.5863 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19551 A sermon of sanctification preached on the Act Sunday at Oxford, Iulie 12, 1607. By Richard Crakanthorp Doctor of Diuinity. Crakanthorpe, Richard, 1567-1624. 1608 (1608) STC 5982; ESTC S109018 32,903 41

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suppose no man so blind as not to perceiue nor so maleuolous as with thanksgiuing not to acknowledge And for my owne part I suppose and dare confidently auerre that neuer was this Iland in any age so abundantly I say not furnished but euen blest and beautified not onely with the substance but with the ornaments also of all learning as in this our age and in the two most happy raignes of this and our late both most renowmed and incomparable Princes since those darke mistes of superstition and Idolatry haue beene dispelled and abandoned Now this I pray with the Apostle that yee may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement but my speciall prayer for you is the same which our Apostle heere vseth that both yee your selues and all your learning and studies may be sanctified vnto God That yee would ioyne as S. Peter exhorts with your knowledge temperance with temperance patience with patience godlinesse with godlinesse brotherly kindnesse with brotherly kindnesse loue for if yee doe these things yee shall neuer fall Esteeme all other k●●●ledge yea all things els whatsoeuer with the Apostle but as losse and dung for the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus our Lord euen this practicke knowledge of which Saint Iohn testifieth He that saith he knowes him and keepes not his commandements is a lyar and the trueth is not in him and of which our Sauiour saith This is eternall life to know thee to be the onely very God and him whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. And seeing sanctitie and holinesse is both the badge and cognizance of Gods children and seruants the end of their vocation and calling the onely meanes to make all other gifts of God to be true blessings vnto vs without which they are indeed blessings in themselues but to vs they shall be turned as the Prophet saith into cursings I conclude this my exhortation vnto you with those fewe but most effectuall words of the Apostle Follow peace with all men and holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord. And this be spoken of the first point namely the subiect of the Apostles praier which is sanctification and holinesse God sanctifie you The second point which I proposed was the author and worker of this sanctification and that is heere set downe to be God himselfe God sanctifie you for whence els can any sanctitie or holinesse proceed but onely from him who is first of himselfe and essentially holy yea as S. Austen shewes euen holinesse it selfe and therefore called the holy one of Israel of whom the Seraphins sing holie holie holie is the Lord of hosts and then is effectiuely holie as causing and working holinesse in others as himselfe doth often witnesse I the Lord doe sanctifie you whom the Apostle calles the Father of lights that is of all shining vertues and the spouse in the fourth of Canticles the fountaine of gardens because from him alone doth spring and issue all those odoriferous graces and gifts of pietie which are more pleasant vnto God then are all the beddes of of myrrhe and spices of whom S. Austen most truely saith Quantacunque bona quamuis magna quamuis minima esse non possunt nisi ab ●o a quo sunt omnia bona Euery good gift and euery perfect gift commeth from aboue euen from the father of light Now as God worketh in vs this sanctitie and holinesse so is he the onely worker and sole agent therein without any helpe furtherance or cooperation of our selues of our free will or of any power or facultie that is in man for the naturall man perceiues not the things that are of God neither can he for they are euen foolishnesse vnto him and the wisedome of the flesh is enmitie with God and of our selues we are not sufficient to thinke any thing that belongs to pietie and Gods seruice as S. Austen expounds it but all our sufficiencie is of God And most cleerely Philipp 2. It is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deed to which purpose S. Austen excellently saith in his Ench●●●●d L●urent 32. cap. Nolentem praeuenit vt velit volentem subsequitur ne frustra vel● God at the first by his preue●●ent grace doth worke this in vs to be willing and after with his subsequent grace he accompanies vs that being willing we should not will in vaine And againe in his booke De grat lib. arbitr and 17 chap. Vt velimus sine nobis operatur cum autem volumus sic volumus vt faciamus nobiscum cooperatur God without vs or any helpe or worke of ours doth make vs willing and he doth cooperate worke with vs when we are made willing It is most sure indeed as he saith that it is we that will when we are willing but it is he that makes vs to be willing of whō it is said The will is prepared of the Lord. Velle currere meum est sed ipsum meum sine dei semper a●xilio non orit meum saith S. Ierome ad C●esiph To will is mine to worke is mine but euen this that is mine without Gods speciall and continuall helpe cannot be mine All which S. Austen fully expresseth in the place before alledged Sine illo vel operante vt velimus vel cooperante cum volumus ad bona p●etati● opera nihil valemus Without Gods operation to make vs willing and cooperation when we are willing in the good actions of piety we are neither able nor willing to worke any thing This the Scripture further to declare teacheth vs that the vnregenerate man is dead in sinne and trespasses And most significantly is he said to be dead in sin for though it be most true that by the transgression and fall of Adam the naturall faculties of mans minde are not extinct nor abolished yet are they so exceedingly maimed and weakned thereby that they which were before naturales potentiae as the Logicians call them that is naturall powers and abilities are now by reason of that originall transgression of our nature become in man naturall impotencies and debilities And they which in the integritie of mans nature had strength and power both to will and to performe the works of pietie and grace are now in the infirmitie and corruption of the same nature disabled wholly to the works of grace and retaining onely an ability to the works of nature to all and euery action of piety and grace are as the Apostle after him S. Austen teacheth wholly dead and quite lost in this state no more able to will or mooue to any action of grace then is a dead man in nature able to will or mooue to any action of nature For which cause the Scripture calles our conuersion vnto God sometimes a resurrection from death sometimes a new creation in Christ but most vsually a new