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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09319 The sinners safetie, if heere hee looke for assurance by Richard Barnerd ... Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1609 (1609) STC 1963.3; ESTC S1489 43,261 108

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gluttonie which who-so doth shall not inherite life In the second of Timothie 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. are reckoned vp nineteene sorts of the 2. Tim. 3. 2. 3 4. 5. Ni●eteene sorts of vngodly wicked and vngodly who will rise vp in the last daies when times shall be perillous louers of themselues couetous boasters proud cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnthankfull vnholy without naturall affection truce breakers false accusers intemperate fierce no louers at all of them which are good traytors headie hye minded louers of pleasures more then louers of God hauing a shewe of godlinesse but haue denyed the power thereof from whom such as truly professe Christ must turne away In the Reuelations 21. 8. there are eight sortes threatned with the second death and Reu. 21. 8. Eight sorts to be tormented in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Fearefull vnbeleeuing abhominable murtherers whoremongers sorcerers idolaters and lyers The spirit saith Reuelations 21. 20 None defiled shall enter into heauen But our sauiour in Mark. 7. 21. Mark 7. 21 22. are 14. 22. whereto ad Math. 15. 19 telleth vs of foureteene euils which defile a man Euill thoughts adulteries fornications murthers thefts couetousness wickedness deceipts vncleannesse a wicked eie backbiting pride foolishnes false testimonies and slaunders And therefore such shall not inherit the kingdome of God and of Christ These six be the chiefest places Sixtie and od distinct sins mentioned in six places in all the newe testament setting forth so many particular vicious persons hate ful sinnes wherein albeit in some the same be againe repeated yet in all there be distinct and seuerall in number three score and odde besides other sinnes mentioned in seuerall places elsewhere which without repenting of and forsaking depriue men of life and saluation If any of vs yet blesse our selues in our hearts hearing so plainly these things then consider what the Lord saith to such Deut. 29. 20. Great and fierce is the wrath of God against such a one Ma●ke and cōsider thou that readest presume not First he saith plainly that he will not be mercifull vnto him secondly that his wrath and his iealousie shall smoke against that man thirdly that euery curse written in the booke shall light vpon him as if the curses in the former chapter mentioned aboue forty and three were too few to plague such a presumptuous Catiffe but all the curses in the booke must light vpon him and lastly the Lord will roote out his name from vnder heauen and separate him vnto euil out of all the tribes of Israel What is this but to depriue him of the cōmunion of saincts and to pronounce sentence of damnation against him in the last day O therfore thou that hearest consider as some that haue heard it If Gods truth herein may be taken for truth with thee if the anger of God may preuaile to feare thee if the fierce-wrath of God may terrifie thee if all the curses in Gods booke denounced may worke any dread in thee hope not vainly of mercy whilst thou liuest vnrepentant of any sinne let not conceipt of pardon make thee put farre from thee the euil day for surely else in one sinne thou shalt bee punished and thine end confusion marke vnderstand and pray Ye doe The condition is if wee doe Doctrine these things not heare learne professe them doing is that which hath with God approbation after our deedes shall we be rewarded Rom. 2. 6. Math. 16. 27. 2. Cor. 5. 10. Math. 25. 35. 42. Vse Therfore let vs hope well if we be doers here is approued the reading in the exhortation make your calling and election sure by good vvorkes for the reason of assurance here is from deedes If ye doe these things that is If ye shew the fruits of these eight Christian vertues in good works ye shall neuer fall This is seriously to be noted for that most thinke to haue eternall life and yet are no doers of these things but vpon false euidences claime a right in that which without good workes they shall neuer enioy For as assurance here is vpon condition that we be doers so there is nothing otherwise approued though wee doe bring in many things to perswade Eighteene deceiue able euidēces which men presume to clame heauen by without good workes vs otherwise 1 Thou art baptised what then Neither circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but the keeping of the commandements 1. Cor. 7. 19 but a nevv creature Gal. 6. 15. 2 Thou art a hearer what of this Not the hearers but the doers of the Lavv shall be iustified Rom 2. 13. He that heareth doeth not is a foole Math. 7. 26 deceiueth himselfe ●ames 1. 22. Thou knovvest the vvil of God neuer a whit better without obedience thou shalt be beatē vvith many stripes Luke 12. 47. thou increasest thy sinne Ia. 4. 17. and the scripture saith Hee that saith hee knoweth me keepeth not my cōmandemēts is a lyer there is no truth in him Thou beleeuest so do the diuels and more also they feare trēble which thou dost not so art worse then a diuell but if thou hast faith shew it by thy works Iam. 2. 8 els its dead and thou a dry tree for the fire Thou louest God then hearken This is the loue of God that we keepe his cōmandements 1. Ioh. 5. 3. Thou hopest yet well but without cause at all for he that hath this hope in him purgeth himself as he is pure 1. Iohn 3. 3 Thou fearest God then thou must ad with Eccle. 12. 12. Salomon to it feare God keep his cōmandements for they are neuer separated Thou dost profess Christ the Lord so did the diuels but Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord lord shal enter in●o the kingdome of Mat. 7. 21 heauen but he that doth the wil of my father which is in heauē Thou canst preach a soūding brasse tinkling Cymball without workes many will say in the day of the Lord that they haue prophecied and cast out diuels yet as workers of iniquitie God will reiect them send them packing with diuels Mat. 7. 23. Thou vsest to pray but where no practise is there is but hypocrisie Let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie 2. Tim. 3. 19 else may we call but God will not heare vs. Isai 1. 15. Thou happily dost fast but it is no fast that God requireth without obedience Isa 58. 6. 7. Thou commest orderly to the Church more of fashion then of sincerity without doing Gods will God requireth it not at thine hands to treade in his courts whilst thou liuest vnreformed ●●ai 1. 12. Thou makest the house of God a denne of theeues Ier. 7. 10 11. Thou payest duely tithes and offerings and obseruest the appointed daies to keepe them holy Without subiection to Gods will and commandement he is wearied with thē he cannot suffer
life plotted by all the Nobles of Persia by an irreuocable decree cease off to pray as he was wont to doe three times a day and yet was he not as men religiously affected now are tearmed a good plain simple man one of Gods fooles of a good meaning but of no great witte for by Ezechiel the Prophet hee was called the wise Daniell Indeede he imployed not wholly his wisedome after the world as men now doe hee suffered religion to haue in him the rule which men in these daies haue least regard of Hee would not be politick to lose the peace of a good conscience which carnall men for honour and wealth care not to make shipwrack of If these examples be of no force to perswade men to thinke that wee can neuer be religious enough nor ouer-precise so wee keepe within the compasse of the word for a warrant let them consider the Lord Iesus who was without sinne vncapable of euill prone to all goodnes yet did hee addict himselfe to holy exercises praying whole nights thorow then assuredly ought we to doe much more then wee doe yea more then we can should we doe and as much as we can is too little for when we haue done all that yet still are we vnprofitable seruants For the world we thinke wee doe We keepe no measure in earthly things neuer enough to satisfie our wils or our selues in wilfull pleasures wee iudge it not amisse to keepe no measure delight draweth vs to spend much time to bee at much cost yet nothing too much nothing too deare ●ustfull appetites set vs to labour both long and tedious yet to attaine the purpose proposed we can endure the paines in a word nothing after our corruption is at any time beyond that which is meete where Will ruleth and the heart delighteth there nothing for that is vntunable nothing vnmeasurable though in superstition setting vp of Idols Israelites will giue their earerings appoint a day for cost and expenses because they will haue a golden calfe Papists practise herein doth shewe this plaine they go farre on pilgrimage they burthen themselues with infinit number of prayers they are at great cost to maintaine many Priests and many orders of their religion they night and day ty themselues to their taske thrice a weeke they fast many daies in a yeare they keepe after their fashion holie and doe striue to doe more then euer God commanded that they might merit And shall the pure religion of Christ the truth of God be held so little worth as wee wickedly should imagine that wee therein can doe too much that we may therein be too holy Surely these enemies of God this antichristian generation shall rise vp in iudgement against vs except religion be of more precious accompt we better in practise and cease to be so too too prophane as too many be whom the Lord God of heauen amend in his due time Amen To make your calling election sure THere are diuerse ends of our vertuous 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Firmam vel certam ratā vestram vocationē electionem faccre Eight ends of good workes liuing in religion To shew our loue and thankfulnesse to God in obedience to winne such as are not yet called to confirme the conuerted to stop the mouthes of the wicked shaming them by wel doing when they speake ill of vs to make our calling and election sure as the Apostle here exhorteth to assure to our selues that inward graces in vs are true and not counterfait to shew that we are truly ingrafted into Christ and lastly for the mutuall benefit one of another for our quiet peaceableness in the Church and Common-wealth These ends of good workes wee finde in the word these we acknowledge know to be attained by well liuing but that popish point of good workes wee may not approue to doe good workes to merit heauen by in any sort a deuise of man without the word It taketh away Many reasons against iustification by works from the sufficiency of Christs satisfaction it lifteth vp the heart of man in the imagination of his owne worthines it is contrary to Christs words When you haue done all you can you are vnprofitable seruants The godly are commended for good workes but not said thereby to merit rewarded they are but it is onely in mercy our best deedes are imperfect so farre as wee rely vpon workes of the lawe so farre are we accursed and haue lost righteousnes by faith in Christ before God we stād iust in Christs iustice the forme of our iustification is the imputation of Christs righteousnes or the mutuall donation and acception the giuing and receiuing of Christ Iesus betweene God in his mercie and a poore sinner by faith Our goodnes is a menstruous cloth and none wholly sanctified in perfection In Adam we lost our spirituall life In Christ and by him only and alone wee purchase our primarie happines but not perfectly till wee be in heauen in our owne persons Accursedly blinde therefore as beetles are our Antichristian aduersaries who hauing so many ends of good workes prescribed plainely by the Word yet cannot see them but haue added one of their owne against all truth against the honour of Christ yea and a mans owne saluation And thus much to preuent the aduersarie in his heresie of merit by workes of which wee had occasion to speake both from the Apostles scope vrging to a vertuous life by the argument here laid downe the gaining of assurance of saluation thereby as also from the diuerse reading of this text for in some copies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is thus To make sure by good works your calling and election and so it is in the vulgar which is commōly called Ieromes translation which may well stand with the drift of the text and truth of diuinity in this point as that very reason added to this exhortation sufficiently confirmeth Let the aduersarie peruert good things as he pleaseth veritie is warrantable Words of good workes sound well euer to religious mindes though peruerse spirits wrest them heretically to an ill end But to proceede Two generall lessons may be collected from this matter of the exhortatiō Doctrine First that it is no easie thing to be in our selues sure of our saluation and setled in the way of life because the Apostle vrgeth vs to so great diligence care and endeauour about it which if it were easie needed not Light things aske not much labour easie things are soone done and wisedome requireth not to be much about a little therefore in that whereunto the spirit presseth with such reason vrgeth with so earnest an exhortation as here there is difficultie to attaine thereunto it is not easie And for proofe of this doctrine let vs weigh I beseech you how hard a thing it is to enter How this doctrine is confirmed into the way to abide in it being entred how easie to