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truth_n keep_v know_v liar_n 2,027 5 11.5863 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08541 A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seauenth of May, M.DC.IX. By George Benson ... Benson, George, 1568 or 9-1648. 1609 (1609) STC 1886; ESTC S101670 81,544 106

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such strangers in the booke of God that they knew not what was deliuered concerning the resurrection by Ezechiel vnto whom was shewed great heapes of scattered bones which the Lord yet put together and laide sinewes vpon them and made flesh grow thereon and then couered both with skinne and afterwarde breathed life into them God sayth Saint Chrysostome dealeth with the soule as a man pulling downe a ruinous house doth with himselfe hee retires himselfe into some other place least he be annoyed with dust and rubbish and returnes into it againe when it is built more firme and glorious so God giues the soule a repose in heauen it is not annoyed with the dust of the graue but at the day of the resurrection when the house is built more glorious then it was before when this mortall shall put on immortalitie then shall the soule take possession of the body againe but these things are to be scanned by faith they are out of the reach of humane reason some againe take vpon them to tell the time of the day of iudgement and grounding vpon the saying of Saint Peter that a 1000. yeares with GOD is but as one day and one day as a 1000. yeares haue set downe that after 6000. yeares should come an eternall Sabbaoth or rest Now because it is sayde for the electes sake there shall bee a shortning of those dayes therefore they affirme the time of Christs second comming shall fall out betweene the yeares 1688 and 1700. Some againe are so impudent that they venture as farre as humaine reason will leade them to prooue incongruences in the booke of GOD and some belch their impietie so openly that they would prooue in iustice in the designes of GOD as namely Machiuel who is not ashamed to say that Moses and the Israelites were as much vsurpers vpon the Land of promise as the Gothes and Vandales were vppon Christendome That desire of knowledge that like a corne of salte distempered the taste of our first parents is become an habituall saltnesse in Adams posteritie vnto which malady Saint Paul applieth a correctiue when he aduiseth men to be wise vnto sobrietie Fourthly they that know not the things that belong vnto their soules health know not what they need to know such was Ephraim in this place Semblable vnto Ephraim are many who know too much and too little too much of other mens states but too little of their owne Therefore prie not into other mens actions and wordes scoure not your mouthes vpon thē as Petilian the heretick doing gaue Saint Austen occasion to tell him that his tongue was no fanne for the Lords floore to discerne the wheate from the chaffe looke not ouer other mens hedges as they that haue tender eyes doe when they complaine that the Sunne is waterish and dimme when it is not so but themselues are weake sighted Such men as are euer commēting vpon other mens actions make the godly woe that they are constrained to dwell with Mesech and to haue their habitations in the tents of Kedar Rather turn your eyes into your owne bosomes as Christ bid them that iudged the woman taken in adulterie Iohn 8 Hee that is without sinne cast the first stone at her so they went away from the eldest vnto the least Prie not you too much into other mens estates nor too litle into your owne you haue husbandry inough at home you haue eyes looke that they bee not sweld with lust you haue hands looke they bee not hands of iniquitie you haue feete looke they bee not swift to shed blood you haue tongues looke the poyson of aspes bee not vnder them you haue members looke they bee not weapons of vnrighteousnesse But as Polo the Tragoedian acting the part of Electra vpon the stage being mournefully to bring in the bones of her brother Orestes in a pot hee brought the bones of his owne sonne lately buried that the sight of them might wring foorth true teares indeede and therefore hee might act it more famously So shall wee more truely expresse ioy in the holy Ghost and repentance for our sinnes if wee take a view of the estates not of other men but of our own soules that wil breed true ioy and true griefe indeede when we say not as the disciples saide when Christ tolde them that one of them should betray him Master is it I Master is it I but Master it is I Master it is I that haue sinned that haue committed treason against thee the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let your selues be the center of your owne circling thoughts and bend your selues to knowe those things that may serue your turns at the day of accoūt Scipio could weep when he sawe Carthage a burning because the like misery might befall Rome his natiue country But Belshazzar made not so good vse of his fathers troubles and therfore Daniel sayth And thou his sonne O Belshazzar hast not humbled thy selfe though thou knowest of al these things God shareth out his stripes vnto the ignorant and many stripes vnto thē who haue meanes to knowe and will not And therefore the Prophet Esay deliuers a burden against the valley of vision as well as against Egypt where was ignorāce Cimmerian darkenes Saint Barnard speakes of some who knowe only because they would know and that is curiositie some knowe because they would bee knowen and that is vanitie some knowe because they would edifie and that is charitie some knowe because they would bee edified and that is true christianitie That learned Father fannes away as chaffe the two former kindes of knowledge but as wheate hee preserues the two later which tend to the edifying of the soule The word of God hath flowed among you like Nilus or Gihon in the time of haruest God hath stretched out his hand all the day long his arme is reuealed the preachers of the worde haue carefully planted in this place O giue not their fruites vnto the caterpiller nor their labours vnto the grashopper not as I may bee bolde to compare it to the world not to the flesh nor the mulberie trees vnto the frost not vnto the colde numnesse of zeale of charitie Experience that hauing many relators seeth with the eyes of all the world telles vs that frustra sapit qui sibi non sapit and therefore they that know and doe not vse their owne knowledge to their owne good they fall vpon a wrong sent and runne counter after their saluation knowledge and performance should bee twinnes of one burden He that sayeth I knowe him and keepeth not his commaundements is a lier and the truth is not in him he offers no sacrifice but a lie vnto the author of truth Learne that you may knowe knowe that your selues may better yoursoules so did not Ephraim though gray haires were heere and there vpon him yet he knewe it