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truth_n keep_v know_v liar_n 2,027 5 11.5863 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06966 Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. By Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1541 (1541) STC 1739; ESTC S109665 42,752 126

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Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt ioyfull lately set forth to the great cōsolacion ▪ cōforte of all christen mē By Theodore Basille ✚ Roma 10. ¶ O how beautyful are the feete of thē which brīg y e glad tydīges of peace shewe good and mery newes Ioan. 7. ¶ My doctryne is not myne but his that sent me If any man wyll do his wyll he shall knowe of the doctryne whether it be of God or whether I speke of my selfe ▪ He that speaketh of him selfe seaketh his owne prayse But whosoeuer seketh his prayse y t sent hym he is true no vnryghteousnes is in hym Ioan. 8. 〈◊〉 that is of God heareth the wordes of God Ioan. 18. Euery one that is of the truth heareth my voyce ¶ To the ryght worshypful Maister George Pierpount Theodore Basille wissheth continual health and prosperous felycite IF wyth studious attēt myndes we reade y ● moost sacred scriptures markyng wel such thīges as make to our informacion learnynge erudicion ●n●●ease of deuyne knowledge we shal easely without any difficulte perceaue that among al other vertues fruytes of y e spirite Christe ●ur LORDE Sauiour exhortethe ●s vnto none so moche as to loue ●harite In thys thynge sayeth he ●hal al mē know that ye are my dys●iples yf one of you loue another ●s though he should say other mēs ●eruaūtes are knowē by theyr maysters cognisaūces I wil also y ● you whych are my disciples be knowne by my cognisaunce in lyke maner whych is loue comminge oute of a pure herte and a good cōsiēce and a fayth not fayned And as Christ hym selfe dyd inculke beate in nothyng so moche as pure loue and feruēt charite so dyd the Prophetes Apostles in al theyr sermons wrytinges aboue all thinges exhorte men to mutual loue yea y t vnfayned as we maye se in theyr prophecies Epistles in somoch that S. Paule sayth that though he could speake w t the tonges of mē aungles yet had no loue he were euē as soūdyng brasse or as a tinglyng cymbal And though he could prophecie vnde●stond al secretes al knowledge and had al fayth so that he coulde moue moūtaynes oute of theyr places had not loue he were nothīg And though he bestowed al his goodes to fede the poore yea though he gaue his body euen to be burnt yet had no loue it profyteth hym nothynge The excellencye of thys christen loue muste nedes be great inestimable seynge that w tout it no thing is acceptable in the syght of God though it be iudged of the world to be a worke of neuer so hye and singulare meryte Of this loue christ dyd prophecy that it shoulde waxe colde in y ● hartes of many nowe these last dayes that wickednes should abound 〈◊〉 plentuous Certes accordyng to hys prophecy whyche euer is true ●n asmoche as he is the selfe trueth ● cā not lye is it come to passe For ●f we consyther wel the maners of ●●en at thys present we shal w tout ●oubte easely perceaue that thys chrystē loue towarde God and our neyghbour reygneth but in the hertes of a few And that they haue no thynge lesse than that true workyng fayth which the holy scriptures cōmēd so hyghly in euery place For the christen fayth worketh by charite sayeth saynt Paule Nowe in asmuch as the fayth wher of so many hoste nowe a dayes worketh not this charite or loue in them it is manifest an euident argumēt that theyr fayth as S. Iames calleth it is a dead fayth y e is a fayth in name but not in dede Yf there were true liuish fayth thā would it worke loue in theyr hertes both toward God theyr neighboures Agayne if ther were such a law as is the fulfyllynge of the loue than wold it whan tyme requireth and an occasyon is gyuen shewe forth it selfe by eternall operacyon Who can iustly affyrme y ● he loueth God yet worketh not his wyll nor yet walketh not in y e waye of hys moost godly cōmaundementes he y ● sayth I knowe hym kepeth not his cōmaundement sayeth saynte Ihon is a lier the trueth is not in him But he that kepeth his worde truly in him is y e loue of God perfecte Agayne thys is y e loue of God that we kepe his cōmaundementes Beholde S. Ihon sayth that the loue of God is in none but in them only whiche do his wyll Neyther do Christes sayenges dyffer from this If ye loue me sayeth he kepe my cōmaundemētes He that hath my cōmaundementes kepeth thē he it is that louethe me If ony man loueth me he wyll kepe my word He that loueth not me kepethe not my wordes If ye kepe my commaūdementes ye shall abyde in my loue Ye are my freendes yf ye do theyse thynges y ● I cōmaunde you Christ sayeth here playnely that whosoeuer hath an herty precordial loue toward hym kepeth his cōmaundementes but yf any do the contrary surely he loueth not christ How than may theyse men be recounted iudged to loue Christ whan they go not about to fulfyll one poynte of his worde Hys worde is that they shoulde loue him w t all theyr herte mynde soule strēgth but in y e stede of him they loue them selues theyr carnall pleasures wordely vanyties the ende wherof is dampnacion His word is that they should honour reuerence Gods moost holy blessed name but they omittynge the iuste honour of it blaspheme it rayle on it wickedly sweare by it to y e great defasynge of gods glory so muche as lyeth in theyr power For thorowe theyr wickednesse the name of god is styl blasphemed railed vpon euel spoken of as the holy scriptures saye Yf christen princes do not shortely fynde some remedy to exyle banysh thys moost detestable haynous abhomynable maner of swearyng out of theyr realmes Certes it is to be feared yea we may be certayne that God wyl powre out vpon vs his vengeaūce plage vs greuously although we haue not wanted nor yet dayly do dyuers tokens of hys fearce anger toward vs yet do we not repēt amend God is a ryghteous iudge God is euer threatenyng Yf mē wyll not turne he wyll whette hys sweard bend his bowe and make it redy He wyll prepare him the weapons o●●ath orden his arrowes to 〈◊〉 Agayne his worde is that they shoulde sanctify the Sabboth day that is so to temperate thēselues abstayne from wycked lustes that they maye quietly mediate in gods lawe read the holy scriptures giue them selues to deuyne contēplaciō talke of serious matters praye to God for grace gyue hym thanckes for his benefytes visyte the sycke cōfortles continually be gyuē to the