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truth_n jerusalem_n spirit_n worship_v 3,034 5 9.5572 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11555 The true image of Christian love An excellent, learned, and very comfortable treatise, meete and necessarie for these dangerous days: wherein men are growen so disobedient to God, so vndutifull to their Prince, and so vnchartiable to their neighbors. Written in Latin by Adrian Sauorine a Dominican Frier, and translated 50. yeres ago by an English obseruant frier named Richard Rikes, [and] now truely conferred with the auncient copies, and published by A.M. one of the messengers of his Maiesties chamber.; Ymage of love Ryckes, John.; Savorine, Adrian, attributed name.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; Gough, John, fl. 1528-1556. 1587 (1587) STC 21801; ESTC S101945 42,798 120

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In vestitu de aurato circundata varietate In apparell goodly guilt set about with diuersity of orient colours and precious stones of vertues and gifts of grace with borders and hemmes of gold In thys Image shoulde all zealous affected soules that be the true and faythful spouses of Christ haue theyr glory and delyght and not in paynted clothes or carued and grauen Images set about with diuersity of byrdes beastes and foules which is but a grosse and coloured deuotion or more aptly to speake a meere fond and foolish superstition and let them haue such delight who féele no taste of glory and comfort inwardly in theyr soules by testimonye of a good conscience such as haue no zeale to perfect méekenes and feruent loue of God and cannot ioy or delight themselues but onely in earthly and transitory thinges But you that be Kinges and Noble mens sonnes and daughters yea all we that professe the glorious and triumphant name of Christe Iesus should principally haue our glory inwardlie and from the very harte In fimbriis aureis circumamicta varietatibus In hemmes and borders of gold that is to say godly and continual perseueraunce in true loue and patience which is true gold indeede surely approoued and tryed in the fire of trouble and aduersity apparelled and clothed round about with colours of diuers vertues so conueniently and so religiouslie set in order in the hart as one setteth forth another meruailous gloriously and the beauty of one increaseth by the noble vertue of the other and that beautie which nature it selfe affoordeth it is of so little splendour and orient appearaunce in sight as beeing placed among the other rich vertues it seemeth a thousande times more goodlie and precious Put diligence to obedience and nothing can be more pleasant let meekenes be ioyned with chastitie and nothing is more splendaunt vnite patience with pouertie and nothing canne bee more delectable running coupled with lowlines and gentlenes what is more beautifull set Iustice and mercy together and what better company benignitie placed with magnyficence is a royall pearle in the eye of the beholder sadnes or grauity dooth meruailously well and discretion mixed among all these maketh the whole vesture goodly sure and profitable And aboue all these is the rich gylt garment that I did speake of namely godly wisedome which is not in gesting riches pleasure and honours but in setting them at naught and despysing both them and all other earthlie thinges It is in compunction of hart and zealous contrition for our sinnes and offences in daily exercise of godlie and charitable works and in continuall meditation and contemplation of immortall and heauenly thinges in study of holie Scripture the lawe of God and to frame our life and conuersation thereafter The hemme of this vesture is perseuerant loue according as Saint Paul sayth Finis praecepti est charitas de corde puro et conscientia bona et fide non ficta The end of the commaundementes of God is charitie or perseueraunt loue comming from a pure hart and a good conscience and from a fayth vnfayned this is the extreame parte of godly wisedome wherein is sette great plentie of precious stones and Iewels the xii articles of y e fayth the seauen gifts of grace and many other inestimable treasures The white kercher vppon the heade is sure hope made by the workes of cleannes and deedes of pyttie and whited with the dewe of grace from Heauen aboue Loe thus haue I heere discoursed the habite and ornaments of thys Image of Loue occupy the eyes of our mindes in beholding these varieties and you that bee the very Temples of God set vp therein the Altare of your harts and there make your sacrifice and prayers for euen nowe is the time that Christ spake of to the Woman of Samaria saying Mulier crede mihi quia veniet hora quando neque in monte hoc neque in Ierosolimis adorabitis Patrem Vos adoratis quod ●●scitis nos adoramus quod scimus quia salus ex Judaeis est Sed venit hora et nunc est quando veri adoratores adorabunt Patrem in spiritu et veritate Nam et pater tales quaerit qui adorent eum Woman beleeue me the houre commeth when yee shall neyther in thys mountayne nor yet at Ierusalem worshyp the Father Yee worshippe yee wot not what wee knowe what wee worship for saluation commeth of the Iewes But the howre commeth and nowe it is when the true worshipper● shall worship the father in spirit and trueth for such the father also requireth to worship him that is not after the outwarde obseruaunces as the Iewes did that kept the outward obseruaunces of theyr lawe in sacrifices and prayers with theyr mouthes but their hart and loue was farre from God therefore hee lothed and despised their sacrifice saying 〈◊〉 mihi multitudinem vict●●arum vest●●rum pl●●us sum c. What shall I doo with your diuers sacrifices I am full of them I require them not of yours but a louing and a contrite hart he neuer despiseth and that is the sacrifice which he requireth Howe this Image of Looue is to bee honoured Chapter 11. WEe haue deliuered vs in manie and sundry places of Scripture that God regardeth not the outwarde appearaunce of man but looketh earnestly on his inward behaui●r whervpon it is said in the Prophet Samuell Nec iuxta i●●uitum 〈◊〉 ego indica 〈◊〉 enim vidit as quae parem 〈…〉 cor For God see●th not as man seeth for man lookketh on the outwarde appearaunce but the Lord beholdeth the hart and iudgeth thereafter Againe Non secundum visionem indicabit neque secundum auditum aurium argu●● c. And he shall iudge not after the outward seeing of mans eyes nor after the hearing of the eares but after the very right and after the thought and intent of man Therefore if a man take héede and be wary what he doth in the sight of man much more ought he to be careful what he doth in y e sight and presence of almighty God When the body is clothed in a religious vesture we thinke it well and as beseemeth but what doth it help or auaile if y e mind beare stil a secular and sinful habit after the manner and fashion of the world such kéepe silence outwardly séeme in the eies of men as saints but let them looke that the mind with in be at rest from vaine thoughts and not cloyd or choked with worldly imaginations els all their holines is to smal purpose In the material Temple we knéele and stoupe lowe to the ground but what doth that profit vs if in y ● inward temple of our soule we stand sturdily vnreuerently against God and our superiors in disobeying his or their commandements Some fast and abstaine from many thinges which are good and of themselues doo not defile man but shoulde they not rather