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truth_n hour_n worship_v worshipper_n 1,747 5 12.2779 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10570 A co[m]parison betwene the olde learnynge [and] the newe translated out of latin in Englysh by Wylliam Turner. Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Turner, William, d. 1568. 1537 (1537) STC 20840; ESTC S104610 49,650 118

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the necessite and nede of the church and that we maye praye together Ther must nedes be certayne dayes appoynted in the whiche whyle as the busynesse of the soule is in hande we must absteyne from prophane housholde labours Yet for all that we must take hede lest we lese and destroye mēs soules with snares of commaundemētes and take hede that we playe not the Iewes and obserue dayes as they obserued the sabbath day the feastes of the new Moone against the doctrine of the holy goost Gala. iiii as thoughe they were necessarye to be kepte for ryghteousnesse For that were to cast awaye the lyberte of fayth to turne agayn to the weake and beggerly elementes and ceremonyes and to denye Christe The Hebrues were commaunded to kepe the sabbath daye but whan the lyght came the shadow vanyshed awaye so that it is not lawfull now to ony man to orden ony lawe or make synne where scripture maketh none and leaueth the liberte Collos ii Let no mā iudge you in the parte of the Sabbath day c. Saynt Austen speaketh thus of the Sabbath day in his boke of true innocency Seyenge that the kepynge of the sabbath daye is taken away the which is shadowed by the vacacyon rest of one daye he kepeth a perpetuall sabbath daye that hauynge hope of the rest to come geueth hymselfe to holy workes doth not boast ī his own workes as though he had receaued them of none other knowlegeth that he worketh in hym the which euen in workynge is quyet at reste Therfore saynt Ierome sayeth very well that in the newe testament all dayes be equall lyke holy that euery day is the holy daye of the resurreccyon that it is lawfull to fast alwayes and to eate the body of the Lord alwayes to praye And the Apostell Roma xiiii wyll not that he shulde be rashly iudged that which iudgeth the same of euery day Those thinges that were cōmaunded or forbydden in the law as concernynge dayes meates clothynges places and persones or outwarde thynges they were ordened layd on mens neckes for the tyme of correccyon But now whan the grace of the gospell doth shyne they vanysh awaye and lyberte raigneth where by we worship God nomore with certayne dayes prefixed and with outwarde workes as the Iewes dyd but in sprete and trueth For these ceremonyes of the lawe dyd belonge to the Iewes and not to the gentyles Actu xv Ye maye se playnly Mat. xii Mar ii Luce. xiiii Ioh. v. and .ix. how that Christe the auctour of our lyberte dyd intreate the Sabbath day Therfore it were the byshoppes dewty to put downe some of those holy daies the which christen people haue no nede of the whiche geue occasyon to the people both to lese theyr monye and theyr soules ¶ Of prayer The new learnynge We must praye at certayne houres as at matynes syxt houre the thyrde the fyrst at euensonge and at suche other And it is made more conueniently in churches halowed vnto God accordyng to this sayenge Blesse the Lord in the churches c. My house shal be called the house of prayer Ther be many thinges ī the tēples which stire vp deuotiō as the maieste of the place the christned bels organes sacrynge belles syngynge waxe candels the reliques of sayntes pictures ymages halowed vestimentes the sacrament of the altare hallowed altares in the worship of sayntes banners supplications the anoyntynge of the church and the hallowynge of the same the holy water which euen the deuels be afrayed of the presence of angels for it is wrytten Genesis xxviii This place is terrible and ther is a sure promys of hearyng as it is in the thyrde boke of the kynges the viii Chapter The Lorde answered to the prayer of Salomon I haue herde thy prayer which thou prayed before me I haue hallowed this place which thou haste buylded that I may set my name there for euermore and myne eyes and my harte shal be there for euermore c. Also ther be certayne hallowed beedes and they be honge vp on the churche dores a certayne nombre of pater nosters and aues muste be kepte also ther be some prayers whiche haue pardon longynge therto Also we muste saye a pater noster euery daye to oure owne Apostles to the sayntes whiche we haue chosen vnto our selues for deuotion ¶ The olde learnynge The blessed Trinite is to be worshipped in euery place Psalm .c.iii. O thou my soule geue thankes and blesse the Lorde in euery place of his lordshippe Christe also sayeth Ioh. iiii The houre commeth now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in sprete and in trueth for verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe hym God is a sprete and they that worship hym muste worship hym in sprete and verite Where as Christ doth answer the Samaritane axynge hym of the place of prayer and sayeth Womā beleue me the houre commeth yee he sayd that the houre was euen then when ye shal nother in this moūtayne nor yet in Ierusalem worship the father .i. Timo. ii sayeth Paul I wyl that mē praye in euery place lyftynge pure cleane hādes without wrath arguynge or altercacyon Lykewyse in the .vii. chapter of the Actes where saynt Steuen checkynge the blyndnesse of the Iewes auaūcynge the temple of Salomon sayeth But he that is hyest of al dwelleth not in tēples made with handes As sayeth also the prophete Esay .lxvi. Heauen is my seate earth is my foote stoole what house wyll ye buylde for me sayeth the Lorde or what is my restynge place hath not my hande made all these thynges and all these thynges be made sayeth the Lorde On whom than shall I loke euen hym that is of an humble a lowly sprete standeth in awe of my wordes We haue the wordes of the father of the sōne of the place of prayer the which the holy goost spake shall we not beleue the sōne whom the father cōmaūded to be herde Mat. xvii And he dyd saye with an earnest affirmacyon Woman beleue me c. I knowe that ther was in the olde law the arke of the conuenaūt and the sumptuous temple of the Lorde where as the Iewes had the promyse of God .ii. Para vii Myne eares shal be lyfted vp vnto the eares of him which shal praye in this place for I haue chosen this place But what shal we do now seynge that Moses is gone which was the seruaunt of the whole house of the Lorde the sonne commeth Iesus Christ whiche is the Apostle and the byshop of our fayth cōfessiō Heb. iii. that he is com to prepare the quyck tēples of God as a byshop of good thynges for to come entrynge by a greater more ꝑfect tabernacle not made with hādes that is to say not as mās buyldynge nother by the bloud of goates calues but by his own bloud he entred once for al ī to