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truth_n hour_n worship_n worship_v 1,875 5 9.5128 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03896 Newes from Rome concerning the blasphemous sacrifice of the papisticall Masse with dyuers other treatises very godlye [et] profitable. Hurlestone, Randall. aut 1550 (1550) STC 14006; ESTC S104348 30,125 110

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Aluta I thynke they condempne not the moderate vse of suche thynges but they moderate superfluitie Curi No they affyrme that God is worshyped nothynge at all by suche thynges What wyll you heare the trewe worship of God out of the gospel Iho. 4. The owre shal com sayth Christ when you shal worshyp the father neyther in the mountayne nor at Hierusalem you worshyp you cānot tell what we worship for saluation comyth from the Iewes but the houre shal come is nowe when the true worshipers shall worship in spirite trueth wolde god thys thynge chaunced not both to the thy sacrificers that Christe speakyth heare of the Iewes that is they wot not what they worship for seyng they binde the worshiping of god as they did to places tymes and sett houres I am afraied yt maye be aplied against them the which Christe aplied vnto the Iewes Aluta But the Iewes and the Christeanes be not a lyke that which ys spoken of the Iewes can not be aplied vnto the Christiāes Curi But what if they place the Iewes that is if for inwarde worshipe they folow carnal worship as the Iewes did must they not be here reproued and it is true that you saye the Iewes and the Christianes be not a lyke for the Iewish worshiping of God for the most parte was carnall whereas on the contrarie Christiās must pray worshyp God in spryte truth The sprite for the most part in the scriptures is contrarie to the flessh hipocrisie to trueth Nowe seing Christ takith from the Iewes spirite and trueth and giuith them to his Christianes it aperith that in that people was nothing but carnal worshiping and if you excepte a fewe euen were hipocrisie or elis he wold haue sayed as the Iewes haue prayed hitherto in spirite and trueth so my disciples shall praye here after wherfore wete you nowe that they worship god aright whiche feare him as the child the father trust vpon him caule vpon him caste on him al the care of this wreched lif the which worship afterwardes foloith almoste in dede to the poore Aluta As thoug god liked carnall thinges not the Iewissh seremonies for the worde knit with them and the commandment Curi Yes they pleased god but then only when faith was with them for what so euer she doth must nedes be acceptable vnto god because she alwayes eyeth hys worde and cōmādmēt but if ther were no faith it is manifest that those sacrifices were hated of god so muche they were from pleasing of him haue not all the prophetes in maner cōfessed this same Psal 50. Dauids sayenge is yf thou woldest haue had sacrifice I had gyuen the it for thou wylt not be delited with hole brent offe rynges The sacrifice to God is a lowely spirite thou wylte not despyse oh God a contryte and an humble harte Moreouer adde hyther that of Esaye Esa 1. Wherfore bringe you to me the multitude of sacrifices I am fylled with the hole burnt offrynges of youre rāmes and with the fatte of your fatlynges and desyred not the blood of youre oxen lambes and goates when you came to se my face who required this of you to treade myne aultares You se how boldly the prophetes reiecte the carnal worshyp cōmaunded by the law What thynke you they wolde say yf they lyued now of our worship ynges whiche haue not the wordes on theyr sydes and are mens mere dreames Aluta what worshyp then aloweth he Curi Althoughe this thynge were shewed afore and as it were by a lanise in fewe wordes yet out of the selfe same prophetes whom we sayde before set naught by this carnall worshyp it shall be manifestly declared you The psalme writer beynge aboute to shewe the trewe worshipinge of God sayth that he shall dwell in his tabernacle Psal 14. whiche walketh without spotte and worketh iustice Aluta What calleth the prophete there to walke with out spot Curi Who soeuer hathe goten a contrite spirite and beleueth suerly vpon Christ walketh without spotte for she as Peter wytnesseth in the actes purifieth our hartes on that sorte that we maye be ryghtfully nombred amonge those of whom it is spoken in an other place of the foresayd psalmes Psal 112 blessed are the vndefyled in the waye which walke in the lawe of the lorde for he feareth God trewly trewly trusteth God finally trewly worshypeth God Aluta What calleth he to worke rightuousnes for I thinke the prophete discenteth not from hymselfe as whiche alytle before ascribed as you saye ryghtuousnes to fayth no sayth the same cōsisteth by workes Heare I kyll you with youre owne darte Curi I said that to walke without spot is the same that to beleue because that faythe onely obtayneth the cleanes of the harte for Christes sake that cleanes I meane which is most frutfull of good workes he therfor workyth rightuousnes which by the outwarde innocēcie of life and by doīg good alwayes to his nighbour declarith his faith openly for that trust can not be true if it worke not and aplie hir selfe holy to hir brethernes profites Moreouer seyng the scripture requirith not only the rightuousnes of the hearte but also outwarde rightuousnes as a witnes of faith it is necessarie that with inwarde cleanes we couple outwarde that is the workes of loue after thys maner to walke with out spotte must be aplied to faith to worke rightuousnes to the outwarde comendation of loue Esa 2 what saye you that Esaye saithe thes thinges be so be ye wasshed sayth he be ye cleane take ye awaye the naughtines of youre endeuours from my sight giue ouer troublyng learne to doo well seke for iugemēt amēde the troubled iudge the fatherles helpe the wydowe Fyrst of all the prophete commaūdeth that we become cleane from the fylth of our synnes and from all vncleanes Then that we hyn der no mā oppresse no man brefely that we be wel and trewly myn deo towardes all men The fyrste parteineth to fayth for we can not be wasshed from the acustomed fylth of synne but by fayth The other to loue that the sence maye be This is the very and trewe worshyp of God yf a man feare God truste of God confesse that Christ is verely in the father and the father in Christe call on God aright thanke god aright and finally loue his neighboure as him self Aluta Whie then do ye Lutheranes condemne all ceremonies all outward worshipyng of god Curi Nothinge lesse so that they be taken onely for an introducciō and fyght not with the gospell This is my mynde that nothyng ought to be in more estimacion amonge vs then feare faythe and loue After that ones we haue obtayned these thynges we maye gyue our iudgement of the ceremonies not leauynge the worde an ynch besides thys I disalowe not in the church a decent vse of clothes vessels and such other thinges so that we be not persuaded that we gett goddes fauour by those