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A64730 Cosmography and geography in two parts, the first, containing the general and absolute part of cosmography and geography, being a translation from that eminent and much esteemed geographer Varenius : wherein are at large handled all such arts as are necessary to be understand for the true knowledge thereof : the second part, being a geographical description of all the world, taken from the notes and works of the famous Monsieur Sanson, late geographer to the French King : to which are added about an hundred cosmographical, geographical and hydrographical tables of several kingdoms and isles of the world, with their chief cities, seaports, bays, &c. drawn from the maps of the said Sanson : illustrated with maps. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667.; Blome, Richard, d. 1705.; Varenius, Bernhardus, 1622-1650. Geographia generalis. English. 1682 (1682) Wing V103; ESTC R2087 1,110,349 935

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above almost maketh up and moderateth them To wit in the Regions of the Northern Temperate Zone it is Spring and Summer the Sun going from Aries by Cancer to Libra because then he is more near them Then the Sun going from Libra through Capricorn to Aries it is Autumn and Winter But in the Southern Temperate Zone the matter is contrary neither can those other causes altogether disable the force of this first and induce a new course of the seasons and be able to alter the times as in the Torrid Zone 2. Yet those Seasons of divers places vary so that in one place there may be more Heat or Cold or Rain than in another although the places lie in the same Climate but yet they cause not the Winter to be changed into Summer or Summer into Winter A Rocky Marshish and Maritim Land findeth somewhat another degree of heat or cold than Vallies or a Chalk and Maritim Land 3. The places in the Tropicks for the most part in the Summer have an excessive heat others a Pluvial Season so that they almost approach to the nature of the places of the Torrid Zone So in the part of the Kingdom of Guzarat lying without the Tropick at the same time the wet and dry months are observed which in the part lying beyond the Aequator the Summer is changed into a Pluvial Season yet then there is greater heat than the dry part of the year where they have a moderate cold and in truth in the places of the Temperate Zones we judg the Summer and Winter not from the drought and rains but from the heat and cold Now in the Coasts of Persia and Ormus there is so great heat without Rains in the Summer by reason of the vicinity of the Sun rhat both the Men and their Wives ly in Cisterns full of Water The like heat is in Arabia The Regions of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea are called the coast of Barbary Throughout all Barbary the middle of October being past Showers and Cold begin to increase and in December and January the cold is perceived more intense and that only in the morning and withal so remiss that the Fire is not desired February taketh away the greatest part of the cold from the Winter but yet it is so inconstant that sometimes 5 or 6 times in one day the Air changeth In the month of March the North and West Winds blow violently and cause whole trees to be vested with blossoms April giveth form almost to all Fruits so that the entrance of May and the end of April is wont naturally to produce Cherries In the middle of May they gather Figs and in the middle of June in some places are ripe Grapes Of the seasons of the year of Barbary the Figs or Autumn are gathered in August and there is no greater plenty of Figs and Pears than in September There is not so great intemperies of the year in those places but that the three months of the Spring are always temperate The entrance of the Spring that is the Terrestrial not the Celestial is as they reckon on the 15th of February and the end the 18th of May in all which time the Air is most grateful to them If from the 25th of April to the 5 of May they have no Rain they esteem the same as ominous They count their Summer even to the 16th of August at which time they have a very hot and serene Air. Their Autumn from the 17 of August to the 16 of November and they have that for two months to wit August and September yet not great That which is included between the 15 of August and the 15 of September was wont to be termed by the Antients the Furnace of the whole year and that because it produced Figs Pears and that kind of Fruit to maturity From the 15 of November they reckoned their Winter which they extend to the 14 of February At the entrance of this they begin to till their Land which is the plain but the mountainous in the month of October The Africans have a certain perswasion that the year hath 40 very hot days and on the other side so many cold The Opinion of the Arabians days which they say begin from the 12 of December They begin the Aequinoxes on the 16 of March and on the 16 of September Their Solstices on the 16 of June and the 16 of December The end of their Autumn all their Winter and a good part of their Spring is full of violent Winds accompanied with Hail Lightnings and dreadful Thunders neither is there wanting in many places of Barbary an abundance of Snow In Mount Atlas 7 degrees distant from the Tropick of Cancer they divide the year only into two parts for from October even to April they have a continual Winter and from April again to October they have Summer In this there is no day in which the Mountains tops glitter with Snow The seasons of Numidia In Numidia the parts of the year swiftly pass away for in May they reap their Corn in October they gather their Dates but from the middle of September to January a violent Frost continueth October abstaining from Rains all hopes of Sowing is taken from the Husbandman the same hapneth if that April produceth not Pluvial Water Leo Astricanus remembreth many Mountains of Snow in Africa not far from the Tropick of Cancer Of China The North part of China although no more remote from the Aequator than Italy yet it hath a cold more sharp for great Rivers and Lakes are congealed up with Frost the cause of which is not yet sufficiently known except we should refer it to the Snowy Mountains of Tartaria not far remote to the avoyding of which cold they abound with the Skins of Foxes and Scythilian Rats New England New England although it lie in 42 degrees of North Latitude and therefore no more removed from the Aequator than Italy yet in the month of June when Sir Francis Drake was there the Air was so vehement cold that he was compelled to sayl back to the South for the Mountains were then covered with Snow The cause is the Frigid temperature of the Earth being Stony The seasons of Aegypt In Aegypt which is bounded with the Tropick of Cancer the Spring and Temperate Season of the year is observed about January and February The Summer beginneth with March and April and continueth June July and August The Autumn possesseth September and October The Winter hath November and December About the beginning of April they Reap their Corn and presently thresh it After the 20 of May not an Ear of Corn is to be seen in the Fields no Fruits on the trees On the Ides of June the inundation of the Nilus beginneth The seasons in the streights of Magellan In the Streights of Magellan and the adjacent Regions although they be no more distant from the Aequator than our parts
not a long distance from the shoars which subsidency or sinking continued for many Ages at length caused Isles therefore in the middle of the Ocean are few Islands 1. Because that place is more remote from the shoar than that any of the eaten off parts should be carried thither 2. Because that the commotion and force of the water is greater there which moveth the earth of the Channel or rather promoteth the depth than suffereth Islands to be generated there 3. Because there are no Continents there therefore neither can troops or heaps of Islands be according to the first mode by which we have shewed such heaps of Isles to be produced yet in times past when that the middle of the Ocean was not where 't is now it is not unlikely that such Isles were here and by degrees were swallowed by the Ocean OF Absolute Geography SECT V. Containing an explication of the Atmosphere and the Winds In three Chapters CHAP. XIX Of the Atmosphere and Air. Proposition I. From the parts of the Earth as well dry as moist or from the Earth and Water vapours and fumes do continually exhale into that space which is about the Earth THE Cause is twofold first the Celestial heat of the Stars especially the Sun and Moon Of vapours and fumes The other is a Terrestrial heat or subterranean or rather terrestrial fire or which is admixed with the parts of the earth For we see that almost all bodies the least fire being moved towards them send forth a fume Seeing therefore that both the Celestial and Terrestrial heat is naught else but a certain fire therefore it is also necessary that vapours and fumes should be advanced by it from the parts of the earth So the truth of the Proposition is evidenced à priori Experience also confirmeth the same For those that travel in the night time especially when the Moon shineth and that towards the water discover many vapours to wander and be advanced about the Superficies of the earth Also it is vulgarly known that in the day the Sun doth raise many vapours also when that a mist ariseth upwards which is a certain token of rain to follow Proposition II. The Atmosphere is a space about the whole earth in which the exhalations raised from the earth are always present And it is uncertain whether that anything or body else be contained in it besides these exhalations It is also taken for the exhalations themselves about the whole earth There is no small controversie amongst modern Philosophers Of the Atmosphere concerning the body which consisteth about the earth For many Mathematicians of sound knowledge determine that there is nothing besides exhalations elevated from the earth and therefore they take the Atmosphere and Air for one and the same and immediately after the Atmosphere place the Aetherial substance But other Philosophers suppose that besides these exhalations in the space about the earth that there is a certain peculiar and simple body which they call Air although that they freely grant that exhalations may be changed into Air and contrariwise into clouds and thick vapours The same Persons after this Air even to the Lunary Orb place another subtile thin body different from the Aether which indeed they tearm Fire but they confess that it is less properly done and that it doth not agree with our fire for it is a calid substance not burning dry and very subtile not to cause the refractions of the rayes of the Sun and Stars which yet they will have to be done in this Air. Those being well considered these two opinions of the Philosophers seem rather to differ in words than in matter it self For as for the Air because that they grant it so gross that a refraction of rayes may be made in it and that it may be generated from exhalations by a light mutation the Air seemeth nothing else but a subtile exhalation although it was not exhaled from the earth As for the Sublunary Fire when that they confess that it is so improperly tearmed but they affirm that it is so tenuous that it causeth no refraction of rayes this seemeth little to differ from the Aether We affirm therefore that the Atmostphere and Air are a body about the earth on which the rayes falling are refracted laying aside the controversie whence this body hath its original which definition agreeth with the former For neither is it likely that any exhalations can be elevated from the earth so subtile that they should cause no refraction or impediment to the luminous rayes proceeding from the Aether yet if that such be granted we cannot know their Altitude and whether that they be excluded from the Atmosphere which yet if that any one will sharply urge supposing that the little fires or rayes cast from the Sun on the earth again recoil to the Sun he will not deny but that the latter definition is commodious Therefore the Atmosphere and Air are naught else but a contexture of many small bodies which adhere to the earth as a down or wool circumvesteth a Peach Proposition III. Sometimes more sometimes lesser exhalations are drawn from the earth especially in divers places Of exhalations The cause is 1. The various elevation of the Sun above the Horizon or depression beneath it 2. The diversity of the age of the Moon and its elevation above the Horizon 3. The rising and setting of the other Stars and their constitution above the Horizon 4. The diversity in the parts of the earth them selves for watery and humid places do more easily send forth vapours than earthy and dry Proposition IV. The exhalations which constitute the Atmosphere are of a divers kind especially in sundry Regions viz. watery saltish earthy sulphureous spirituous The sensible compounded exhalations or parts of the Atmosphere are divers viz. mixed of simple particles Of the exhalations which constitute the Atmosphere The cause is because that in the parts of the earth such bodies are of a divers sort and are advanced by heat some more easily and other some with greater difficulty Concerning the earthy particles some one may doubt because that those are scarcely apt to be elevated 1. By reason of the smalness of their dusts which are light seeing that gravity is an affection of compacted bodies 2. By admixture of sulphureous particles which violently carry those earthy ones with them Moreover that there are sulphureous particles in the Air is proved from the fiery Meteors Lightnings Thunder and the like yea a sulphureous odor or scent after Thunder and Lightning manifestly asserteth the same As for the watery parts we ought not to question for saline and spirituous exhalations by reason of their tenuousness are easily exhaled from the earth Little Animals generated in great number and abundance in the Air confirm the same The Aristotelians divide exhalations into two kinds to wit vapours and fumes Vapours are generated of water and easily return into the same again Fumes
the Pole that the longest day of one place exceedeth the longest day of the Vicine place which is more nigh the Aequator every where equal in excess or that the longest day equally may encrease Of Parallels between the Aequator and the Pole these Parallels shall not equally be distant one from another viz every vicine Couple but these which are more remote from the Aequator shall have a less distance than those more near the Aequator The truth of this Proposition is shewed from the precedent for if these Parallels should be equally distant from one another viz. every two Vicine the quantity of the longest day in these Parallels would not Augment by an equal encrease as we have here shewed And it is now laid down that the places or Parallels so taken equally encrease that the longest day may equally increase in them wherefore every two Vicine or near Parallels shall not so equally be distant one from another but many Parallels being taken from the Aequator towards the Pole on this condition that the longest day may equally encrease These Parallels shall not be equally distant from one another but the distance of the third from the second shall be lesser than the second from the first that of the fourth less from the third that of the fifth lesser from the fourth and so forwards Corollary and because that many of the Climates are so taken that the longest day in the final Parallel of the Climate exceedeth the longest day of the begining at the Climate by half an hour it followeth from this Proposition that the Climates more remote from the Aequator are less broad or more narrow then these more near the Aequator and therefore the Latitude and Magnitude of the Climates decreaseth towards the Pole Hence it cometh to pass seeing that the Climates at length would become very narrow towards the Pole if that the same excess should be kept viz. the excess of half an hour so that Geographers define the bounds of the Northern Climates not by half an hour but first by whole hours and then by whole daies Proposition XI The number of the hours of the longest day being given in any place or Parallel of the Earth to find the Latitude of the place or Elevation of the Pole of this Parallel and to exhibit the Parallel it self in the Globe or to exhibit those places where the longest day is so great For the finding the Latitude of a place c. The longest day in all Northern places is when the Sun is in the first Degree of Cancer Let the place of the Sun of the longest day be brought to the Meridian Let the Index be brought to the 12th hour of the Horary Cycle let the Globe be turned until the Index shew that hour of the Cycle from which the given number of the longest day is denominated and then let the point of the Tropick in the Meridian be noted Then let the first degree of Cancer be brought to the Oriental Horizon and the Meridian in the Crena be so moved to the Pole Elevated or depressed until the other noted point of the Tropick be in the Occidental Horizon but so that the first degree of Cancer be yet in the East which being done number the Degrees of the Elevation of the Pole For that is the sought for Elevation or Latitude of the Parallel which you shall find in the very Globe it self if you number so many Degrees in the Meridian from the Aequator towards the Pole and a Chalk being applyed you may turn round the Globe to the term of the Numeration For the described Parallel is that which is sought The Probation of the Method is easie Proposition XII The number of some days being given to find out the Latitude of the places or Parallels and to exhibit the place of the Frigid Zone on the Earth when the Sun for so many days setteth not and for so many more ariseth not Further concerning the Latitudes of places Let the number of the daies be divided in half and let so many Degrees be numbred in the Ecliptick from the first Degree of Cancer as that divided or half number is or as many Unites as this hath the Numeration may be made from both parts of this begining Let the term be be noted with Chalk if the daies be more than thirty the number of the Degrees must be taken lesser than an Unite Then let this noted point be brought to the Meridian and let the Degrees interrupted between that and the Pole be numbred For these are the sought for Elevation of the Pole or Latitude of the places wherein so many daies as are given the Sun setteth not and in so many daies riseth not You shall find the very places and Parallels in the Globe if that you number the found out Latitude from the Aequator towards the Pole in the Meridian and design the Parallel by Chaulk applyed to the Term. For this is that sought for and it containeth all the places sought for For the Demonstration of this Solution let the Pole be Elevated for the Latitude of the places found out and it will be manifest that the noted Degrees of the Ecliptick about the first Degree of Cancer set not beneath the Horizon but remain above it The Sun therefore passing over these points of the Ecliptick setteth not now he passeth through these points in so many days as are given as is apparent by the connstruction After the same manner we shall shew the truth of this Solution concernig the daies in which the Sun doth not arise at all in the places Parallel found Corollary It is easie therefore to find the Elevation of the Pole of those places or Climates which lie in the Frigid Zone where the longest day encreaseth not by hours but by a number of whole daies Proposition XIII To frame or compose a Table of the Climates Of the making a Table of the Climates This is called a Table of Climates in which at the beginning middle and end of every Climate the Elevation of the Pole or Làtitude of the Parallel and the very quantity of the longest day is found noted as also the interval of the Climates or distance of the Parallels The Construction is easie for from the order of the Climates the quantity for the longest day for the beginning middle or end of every Climate is found by adding ¼ of an hour to twelve hours by a continual Succession Then from the quantity of the longest day of every Parallel is found out the Elevation or Latitude of the Pole of every one of them according to the XI Proposition Lastly you have the interval or Latitude of the Climates if you take the Latitude of the beginning Parallel from the Latitude of the ending Parallel All these being noted in the Table we shall have a Table of the Climates which I have hereunto annexed A Table of the Climates and Parallels Climates
again opposite four days of the year in two of which the Sun shall obtain a middle distance from the place given if therefore the place given be North take two of those four days whereof one happeneth between the 21 of December and the 21 of March this shall be the entrance of the Spring the other between the 21 of September and the 21 of December this shall be the entrance of Autumn But if the place given be South from those four days you must take the day between the 21 of June and the 21 of September for the entrance of the Spring and for the beginning of Autumn that which happeneth between the 21 of March and the 21 of June The beginning of Winter shall be the 21 of June if the place be South but if North the 21 of December 3. If the place given be between the Aequator and the eighth degree of Latitude it shall have two Summers and two Spring seasons besides Autumn and Winter except peradventure we will cast away that second Spring which is intermedial between the two Summers as we said in the end of the preceeding Proposition and attribute a continual Summer to that time which if you do we must act no otherwise with the given place than in the former Mode If we will attribute two Summers and two Springs to it as the definitions of Summer and Spring accurately observed do require we shall first act by the first Mode as in the former Theorems viz. we shall find the entrance of Summer and Winter and except the four days of moderate distance found in the Table of those four those two which we advised to take in the former Mode for the entrance of the Spring and Autumn here again we shall take on the same conditions but of the other two days that only which is proximate to the day of the Summer shall be taken For this will shew the end of the Summer and the beginning of the second Spring but for the day of the second Summer another day of the three remaining shall be taken in that Area from which the beginning of the first Summer was taken viz. that which is distant by an equal number of days from the 21 of June and the 21 of Capricorn if the place be South the first day of the Summer So the days shall be found in which the Summer the Spring Autumn and the Winter do begin and end in the places of the Torrid Stone Proposition V. In the places in the temperate and frigid Zones the four seasons of the year are almost equal or consist of an equal number of days But in the places of the Torrid Zone they are unequal Neither are only the times of the divers seasons unequal but also the time of the season in the divers places of the Zones is unequal The seasons of the year in the places in the Temperate and Frigid Zone are equal 1. For the places of the temperate and frigid Zones what I have said is easily demonstrated For seeing that the Sun in every time of those four quarters of the Year runs through three Signs therefore the times of the Spring Summer Autumn and the Winter shall be equal or of equal days except some days viz. five in which the Summer and four in which the Spring of the Northern places exceed the Autumn and the Winter but in the Southern places it is otherwise for Autumn and Winter exceed the Spring and Summer which as we have shewed before proceedeth from the excentricity of the Sun 2. In places lying under the Aequator there are two Summers as also other Seasons but hoth short as also both the Springs viz. each Summer and each Spring hath only 32 days which is 64 days but the Autumns and Winters are longer viz. 55 days which is 110 days 3. In the places of the Torrid Zone by how much the less they are remote from the Aequator by so much the more they have the longer Summer the less Winter and more or less moderate Autumn and Spring for in places not remote above 10 degrees from the Aequator the Summer continueth six Months Now the greatness of the Summer Autumn Winter and Spring is known by the preceeding Proposition What hath hitherto been said is only to be understood concerning the Celestial Seasons that is those which depend on a Celestial Cause or from the access or recess of the Sun for from this alone cometh not light heat and cold as we have said in some places before therefore we shall consider the other causes in the following Propositions Proposition VI. In places of the Tornid Zone as the Sun by day is very near the Vertex so on the contrary by night he is beneath the Horizon Of the Motion of the Sun in places of the Torrid Frigid and Temperate Zones and very much removed from the Vertex of those places so that those places by night lye almost in the middle shadow of the Earth neither can the Air possibly any wayes be warmed by the Suns rayes by frequent reflection In places of the Frigid Zone as the Sun by day is not very nigh the Vertex so by night he doth not profoundly remain beneath the Horizon but for the greatest part of the night doth so turn round beneath the Horizon that many rayes from him by reflection do penetrate into the Air. In places of the Temperate Zone as the Sun by day cometh to the Vertex of those places by a moderate Vicinity so by night by an easie distance he is depressed beneath the Horizon so that some rayes at least are in the Air. To shew this by the Globe first let the Pole be elevated for some place scituated in the Torrid Zone or rather let the Pole be placed in the Horizon it self that the places of the Aequator may be in the Vertex of the Horizon or that the wooden Horizon may become the Horizon of the places of the Aequator then consider the depression of the Parallels which the Sun describeth by his circumrotation beneath the Horizon and the truth of the member of this Proposition will appear Then let the Pole be elevated for the places of the Frigid Zone or let the Poles be placed in the Vertex of the Horizon and the Parallels of the Sun beneath the Horizon from the first degree of Libra to the first of Aries being considered it will again be manifest that they are very little depressed below the Horizon And so we have shewed the second member or part of this Proposition Lastly let the Pole be elevated for the Latitude of any place scituated in the Temperate Zone and the depression of the Parallels beneath the Horizon again being considered the third part of this Proposition will be proved Proposition VII A place being given in the Globe and the day of the year to find the Longitude of the Crepusculum or Twilight in the place given at the day given That time is