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A62900 The principles of the Papists by which their leaders put them upon bloody and treacherous practices, plainly demonstrated by the Scriptures to be most erroneous and wicked. And a few better principles briefly laid down, for them (or others) to meditate on, tending to a peaceable life among men, &c. And also a few quæries left them last of all, to satisfie their consciences in. Partly for the sakes of those among them whose consciences have some tenderness in them, and are not quite feared: partly also for those who through ignorance are too much inclining to them. Also there may be some service of these things to others. By a lover of truth, mercifulness, plain-heartedness, humility and fidelity, W. T. Tomlinson, William. 1679 (1679) Wing T1850; ESTC R221759 49,364 105

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to God to devotion to himself to serve his own turn And 2. he thereby robs people of their deliverance from the power of Satan who rules in darkness as God rules in light And so 3. and consequently he robs people of receiving forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus for that 's the end of turning men from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God namely that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among God's sanctified ones But this will not stand with the Interest of him who seeks the glory and greatness of this World and an uncontroulable Kingdom over all without questioning what he doth and therefore Ignorance must be the nourisher of blind obedience to him which he blasphemously calls devotion to God And in this work now though he seek to be as high as Lucifer yet hath he made himself a slave to the Rulers of the darkness of this World whose principal drudge he is in labouring to keep men in darkness where Satan's power is We find in Scripture that darkness is the perishing state out of which God calls his people Eph. 5.8 Ye were sometime darkness but now are ye light in the Lord walk as children of the light 1 Pet. 2.9 Ye are a chosen generation that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Col. 1.12 13. Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who hath delivered us from the power of darkness And therefore to abide in darkness and to abide in a perishing state is all one in Scripture-language as also to be rejected of the Lord is expressed by being cast out into outer darkness 1 Joh. 2.9 10 11. He that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes And Darkness is the place where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mat. 8.12 and 22.13 Now then it is easie for any to judge whose Minister he is that hides light from men to keep them in the darkness and whose work he doth He is none of Christ's Minister nor doth his work to promote his Kingdom which is a Kingdom of light but he doth the work of the Rulers of the darkness of this World and his own work to keep men in slavery to him who seeks the glory of this World And this now is one of the stratagems of the mystery of iniquity and one principal prop of Antichrist's Kingdom and a chief guard about the Pope to let him sleep at quiet Thus the Sword or carnal Weapons of Cruelty and Ignorance and such like means are the props and guards of this Kingdom which the Papists are Subjects to and not the pure and uncorrupted Truth recorded in Scripture And therefore that some of them may deliver themselves from that mystery of iniquity if the Lord please to open their eyes is the end of my writing these things And though some expressions in this Treatise may perhaps seem too harsh to some of them yet having to deal with such bad Principles in persons who pretend to be invested with authority and power derived from Christ in the work of his Ministry and in his service I could not use easier language than I have done And as I have here manifested the destructive Principles of the Papists to be most erroneous and wicked I say the same against the destructive zeal of any professors of Christianity upon what Principles soever they go and under what Name soever they stand and likewise affirm That no destructive zeal is renewed after the image of him that hath created us and made us new creatures for as God sent not his Son into the world to destroy so he came not a destroyer but a Saviour to save mens lives Therefore would he not suffer James and John to destroy nor Peter when he drew his Sword and cut off Malchus his Ear but bid him put it up and then heal'd the Ear again which he had cut off and hath left it upon record that his Servants shall not go about that Work to root out the tares out of the field that is the World that 's a Work reserved for the Angels at the end of the World I shall now for conclusion leave a few Queries for the Papists to satisfie their own Consciences in rather than to expect an Answer to them and I desire them to be impartial while they consider them 1. Whether the Lord hath taken up an outward Succession again since he laid aside Abraham's natural Succession 2. Whether any be a true Successor of Peter or of the rest of the Apostles who doth not walk in the same Spirit and Doctrine 3. Whether Christ hath substituted a Patron of Lying Perjury Plots Conspiracies Cruelty and Murders to be his Vicar to represent him upon Earth and to be the Head of his Church and an example to the Flock And whether it be not great blasphemy to affirm it 4. Whether he be a friend or an enemy to Christ who opposes the main ends of his Coming As namely in these particulars 1. In point of Enlightning 2. In point of Innocency 3. In point of Worship First Because Christ came to enlighten the World and to bring them out of darkness but the Popes stop the light and keep men in darkness Secondly Christ came to raise up a harmless inoffensive quiet innocent people and of them a Kingdom of Peace where nothing should hurt nor destroy but the Popes bring forth a people quite contrary harmful offensive unquiet disturbers of the Civil Peace by Plots Conspiracies Murders c. Thirdly Christ came to bring forth a people that should worship God in spirit and in truth such as the Father seeks to worship him but the Pope requires such Worshippers as will stoop to his Superstitions and idolatrous Worships after the Formality that he prescribes or else they must expect an Inquisition or some other usage as bad Now consider whether he that thus opposes the Ends of Christ's Coming be not an Enemy 5. Whether he that knoweth sin aforehand and yet entices or encourages his Children into it by promising them pardon and indempnity if they do it doth not very aptly follow the steps of that old Serpent that deceived Eve who told her Ye shall not die though ye eat 6. Whether those Roman Casuists do err that say It 's no sin to swear a falshood if they have a Reserve in their mind to salve it with Or it 's the Pope that errs in promising Pardons for such Oaths so making them sins For Pardons are Relatives to Sins 7. Whether Equivocations and mental Reserves will stand as a good plea for Lying and Perjury at that day when the righteous Judge of all the World shall judge every man according to
man who had need to repent and pray God that the thought of his own heart may be forgiven him Argument 2. I come now to a second Argument against the Pope and to shew that he is no true Successor to Peter which I prove by shewing that he is not of Abraham's spiritual seed which of necessity every one must be that succeeds either Peter or any of the holy Apostles of Christ Jesus To make this clear let us take notice of these two things 1. What manner of Succession is cut off 2. What manner of Succession doth remain First What manner of Succession is cut off There was a Succession once which was lineal in the same seed outwardly and so from Abraham to Christ they succeeded one another as the Son succeeds the Father But this was cut off as the Scripture plainly sheweth Rom. 2.28 29. For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly but he is a Jew which is one inwardly Again Rom. 9.8 The Children of Promise are counted for the seed So also Gal. 3.7 They which are of faith the same are the Children of Abraham And again the Apostle speaking of the cutting off of the Jews through their unbelief shews that we who are of the Gentiles are grafted in into Abraham's stock only by faith and so by faith we stand Rom. 11.20 Well because of unbelief they were broken off and thou standest by faith be not high-minded but fear So then you see that outward succession in Abraham's line was cut off through unbelief Hence I argue thus If God hath laid aside that outward succession in Abraham's line who was called the Friend of God he will not take up any outward succession again to entail his promises upon and if succession be cut off from that natural seed for want of faith then all outward succession as from place or any other outward thing whatsoever will not hold where true faith is wanting but will fail him that depends upon it as well as it failed the Jews So then whosoever pretends a succession in Abraham's seed without which he cannot be a Successor to Peter he must establish his Succession in another thing than either in an outward seed or in place or any such like outward thing Therefore secondly let us now take further notice what manner of Succession that is which abides and wherein that is established which makes one a Successor in the seed of Abraham This doth not stand in any outward thing but in that faith which follows the steps of Abraham Rom. 4.11 12. Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness before he was circumcised as the foregoing words do shew That he might be the Father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imported unto them And the Father of Circumcision to them who are not of the Circumcision only but also walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumessed Here you may see plainly who are Abraham's Children now and so Christ's namely they that walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham and they only For it 's said Rom. 11.20 Thou standest by faith he not high-minded but fear Ver. 21. For if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee Ver. 22. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God on them which fell severity but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou also shalt be cut off So here you may see it 's plainly exprest what cuts a man off from the seed of Abraham and so from Christ and also what establishes him in that seed It is walking in the steps of that faith of Abraham and continuing in the goodness of God that establishes a man and he that continues not therein shall be cut off Now examine and apply these things to the Pope Doth he walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham Surely his works loudly proclaim the contrary If ye were the Children of Abraham ye would do the works of Abraham saith Christ Jesus Joh. 8.39 c. But now ye seek to kill me this did not Abraham Ye are of your Father the Devil and the lusts of your Father ye will do He was a Murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth That the Pope is in this murthering spirit many Nations have felt it and the Earth rings of it How many Massacres how many bloody and inhumane Butcheries have been acted under him How many private Murders and secret Conspiracies to destroy mens Lives How many stabbings and poisonings of persons of all degrees many Countreys can witness Is this to walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham Is this to continue in the goodness of God who lets his Sun shine on the good and on the bad and sends rain on the just and on the unjust The Pope doth hereby clearly manifest himself to be cut off from walking in the steps of the faith of Abraham for thus did not Abraham Or doth he continue in the goodness of God who walks in the steps of him that was a murderer from the beginning I desire you poor captiv'd Souls to consider it who are under his yoke and deceive not your selves in trusting to him for you may plainly see by his works what Spirit your Pope is ingrafted into namely into his Spirit who was a murderer from the beginning and not into his Spirit who came not to destroy mens lives but to save They who have been ingrafted into Abraham's faith and so into Christ the true seed were never such murderers and bloody creatures but merciful and tender-hearted Nay if we go no further than the common Body of the Protestants they never were so bloody to you as your Pope hath taught you to be to them When did they commit any such Massacres upon you though you have highly provoked them as you have done to them even without provocation And still you hold on to attempt the like and repent not of your wickedness which shews plainly that they have more of the true spirit and faith of Abraham among them than you have and you partake more of the spirit of him that was a murderer from the beginning which is infused into you with the Principles that you suck in from your Pope and his Church I will tell you who your Pope is by the fruits he brings forth He is a great Agent of that Apollyon that is Destroyer spoken of Rev. 9.11 Who is King over them that have power to hurt men and he is the outward head of that mystery of iniquity which was to arise and you cannot find another like him to act such horrid wickedness and yet under the pretence of Christianity as if Christ that innocent Lamb of God who came not to destroy mens lives but to save were now become a Patron to devouring Wolves Here is the mystery of wickedness shrowding it self under
he had set up when they heard the sound of the Cornet Flute Harp Sackbut Psaltery Dulcimer and all kinds of Musick nor much behind him for Fire and Faggor to devour those that will not worship with them We read but of one Furnace that he caused to be heated to burn dissenters in but they have burnt multitudes of dissenters who would not consent to their worship witness Smithfield and other places in Queen Maries days Add hereunto the many Murthers done otherways by Inquisitions and bloody Massacres her unsatiable blood-thirstiness and blood-guiltiness So that you see although the Cup of Rome's worship be a golden Cup to look at yet within it's full of filthiness of her fornication it 's full of dead mens bones and all uncleanness like the painted Sepulchres of the Pharisees Israel's worship which was of God's own appointment became an abomination to him so that his soul hated it for these two things which Rome is eminently guilty of one was Because their hands were full of blood Isa 1.13 14 15. The other was Because they had chosen their own ways and their soul delighted in their abominations Isa 66.3 Now for Rome's worship it 's of her own forming not of God's institution and for blood her hands are fuller of that than ever Israel's was and for superstitious inventions Israel cannot compare with her Therefore her worship must needs be more detestable and abominable in the sight of the Lord than Israel's was being also aggravated hereby that whereas Israel was but under types and shadows as under a Schoolmaster but she lives in the days of greater light under the ministration of the second Covenant or new Covenant which far excels the first Covenant in the glory of its light 2 Cor. 3.10 So that for her now with bloody hands and with deceitful dissembling hearts to approach to worship the Lord this must needs be an abomination Judge in your selves I desire you ye of the Romish Church what acceptance this can have with the Lord for a people that plots and contrives the subversion of Kingdoms and sticks not to poison or stab or murder those that they fear may hinder their wicked designs who barbarously massacre people more merciful than themselves who are manifested thereby to partake more of the heavenly nature than they For a people that sets up to themselves Stocks and Stones Images and Pictures in abundance and falls down before them and bows themselves to the work of their own hands and prays to them that are no Gods nor present in all places with them to hear their prayers a people that turn away in their hearts from the living God and think to make Men and Angels their Intercessors for such a people to approach before the Lord and sing forth their Anthems and Allelujahs unto God Judge ye if this worship be not abominable and like the painted Sepulchres which appear beautiful outward but within are full of dead mens bones and filthiness yea and full of dead mens blood too which cryes to the Lord under the Altar How long Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth And yet Rome would paint over all these abominations to blind the eyes of men that she may seem holy in the practice of all these things She will tell you that all these that she kills are Hereticks and it 's no sin to kill them She will tell you that she doth not worship Pictures and Images though she bow down to them but she doth it in honour to God and such like shifts and mists she casts over her actions to blind the carnal eye and leave it in a mist And therefore how fitly doth the Spirit of God meet with her jugling evasions and fixes this as one of the marks of the great Whore upon her forehead as a Name written viz. Mystery as it follows in the next Verse which comes now to be considered Ver. 5. And upon her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the great the Mothes of harlots and abominations of the earth This is the Name that the Spirit of God fixes upon the forehead of the great Whore Mystery She commits Whoredom and Idolatry in a mystery she sheds innocent blood in abundance and yet in a mystery She would not be thought to be an Idolatress nor to commit Whoredom nor to be a Murderer she would juggle you out of a belief of that which your eye sees and your ears sufficiently hear of her here is mystery indeed but it is the mystery of iniquity not the mystery of plain-hearted godliness And this Name is set in such a place that it 's easie to read it it 's set where she cannot hide it if she do but shew her face it stands upon her forehead The Front of all her Zeal carries Blood and Idolatry written in it but yet vailed and you must not believe it to be so Though you should see her prostrate her self before her Idols you must not take her to be an Idolatress though you should be attempted to be slain by her hands and though you should see many massacred round about you yet you must not take her to be a Murderer and though you should hear her Children lye to your face and prove themselves lyars by their actions yet you must not take this to be lying yea though they forswear and perjure themselves yet you must not take this to be swearing out of truth But you must take her to be a holy Mother and pious worshipper of God under Idolatry and a charitable tender-hearted Mother in the midst of Massacres and a maintainer of truth by lyes and perjury and equivocations She is an exact observer of the footsteps of her grand Champion to walk thereafter who though he be never so wicked yet you must reverence his Holiness Again Another part of her Name is Babylon the great Names of many things under the Old Testament are applied to like things under the New As Prayers and Thanksgivings are sometimes called Sacrifices and Incense New Covenant is called Mount Sion and Jerusalem c. So Babylon and Sodom and Egypt are words sometimes used to express a like people by There be three or four things remarkable in Rome for which the Name Babylon is put upon her 1. Confusion and so the word Babylon and Babel signifie for Rome hath confounded all things under the New Covenant with her traditions and superstitious inventions 2. As Babylon of old was a place of great Idolatry so also is Rome Read but the Epistle of the Prophet Jeremy to them that were captives to be carried to Babylon and you may see how like they are you may find it in the Apocrypha Baruch 6.4 5. Ye shall see in Babylon gods of silver and of gold and of wood born upon shoulders which cause the Nations to fear Beware therefore that ye in no wise be like to strangers neither be ye afraid of
his deeds And when a greater plea shall have no acceptance as namely Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works But Christ shall say unto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquity Mat. 7.22 23. 8. Whether ever the true Christian Church or any members of it standing faithful dissembled their profession by denying or swearing against their Principles in open words to save themselves thereby from men 9. Whether that be not a denying of Christ before men to deny that Truth which he hath left us to profess and hold forth in the World And whether he will not deny such and be ashamed of them before his Father You that think you are in the truth and yet deny it apply this to your selves 10. Whether they who dare not avouch their Religion and Principles before men in truth and sincerity when called to it have any Religion in them worth the owning 11. Whether a mercyless people or a more merciful people be nearer to the true Church of Christ 12. Whether a people degenerated from the true upright humble inoffensive peaceable quiet sincere holy life of Christianity and faln to Lying Treachery Plots Murders Massacres and such like evils be the only true Church of Christ And whether all others are Hereticks who shall depart from their Communion Let your Consciences speak as it will do before the Tribunal of the Lord. 13. Whether a people that make the Times perillous through their Plots Assassinations Murders Treacheries and such like evil courses although they should retain a form of godliness in outward shew be not such as are to be turned away from according as the Apostle admonishes 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5. 14. Whether a people full of violence as the old World was and as Sodom of old was a people full of Slanders and Lyes to hide their works of darkness as if they were afraid that the World should see their treacherous intents before they put them in execution Whether such a people be not well-nigh ripe for destruction These Queries I leave with you to satisfie your Consciences in if there be any fear of God remaining in them and let me entreat you not to deal deceitfully with your own Consciences which will be witness against you at the great Day when the Pope's Indulgences and Pardons will do you no good As for Answer to me in these things I cannot rationally expect any from the Scriptures of Truth for they are not contrary to themselves I know the Pope and his Romanists have one Catholick or universal Answer for all Objections Arguments Doubts Oppositions Questions c. whereby to prevent discoveries of their weakness or rather wickedness And that any one may expect that writes or speaks against their mystery of wickedness and it 's the same wherewith they have silenc'd Godfrey For they are sensible that their Cause will not abide the light and therefore they flee from that to this work of darkness to murder which they back with Lyes and Slanders And therefore let this be a Testimony to all that have any understanding That they are Children of darkness and not Children of the light for it is the testimony of our Lord himself That he that doth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God But every one that doth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved or made manifest Joh. 3. POST-SCRIPT FOr the sake of some honest-minded People ' who perhaps may think that I too much limit the Mystery of iniquity or the Great Whore or Babylon the great in seeming to fix them to any particular People to such I give this Account in short That the Mystery of iniquity and Great Whore which carries that Mystery written on her forehead and Babylon the great and such like Titles are not given in Scripture to the universal or general Kingdom of Satan but to a limited Mystery both as to time and place For 1. That Mystery of iniquity had not its rise or beginning till after the appearance of Christ in the flesh it began but to work in the Apostles days but was not then revealed openly 2. It was to follow or accompany a falling away from Christ in life and power though not in profession 3. It was letted for a time by an Enemy namely when Satan in his open hostility raged against Christianity in the persecuting Emperors and so by them letted or kept down the rising of the Mystery of iniquity until that Enemy was taken out of the way 4. It is also limited or bounded as to time of discovery and consumption and after that of rooting out for the Kings of the Earth who have given their power to the Beast and so to the Whore and so also to the Mystery for they are all linked together in a Chain they shall survive or out-live it for they shall hate the Whore and eat her flesh and burn her with fire and make her desolate Rev. 17.16 5. Lastly It is limited as to place thus far That the chief Seat of it where it is to be found is particularly described by the Angel though its influence may extend far And therefore it is not that general Dominion or Kingdom of Satan which he hath had in wicked men from the beginning and in all wicked men and shall have every where among them until the end But it is a certain circumscribed Mystery limited both as to time and place of its chief Seat though extended far for place and long for time FINIS Books Printed for a general Service BArclay's Apology for the true Christian Divinity as it is held forth and preached by the People called Quakers being a full Vindication of their Principles by Arguments deduced from Scripture and right Reason and the Testimony of famous Authors both Ancient and Modern Robert Barclay's Apology for the true Christian Divinity vindicated from John Brown's Examination and pretended Confutation thereof R. Barclay's Epistle of Love and friendly Advice to the Ambassadors of several Princes of Europe met at Nimeguen to consult the Peace of Christendom G. Fox and John Burneat A New-England Fire-brand quenched being an Answer to Roger Williams of Providence in New-England which he dedicateth to the King As also an Answer to his Appendix wherein are Testimonies of Ancient and Modern Authors concerning the Light Scriptures Rule and the Soul of Man William Shewen The true Christian's Faith and Experiences briefly declared concerning God Christ the Spirit the holy Scriptures the Gospel and Doctrines thereof with a few words concerning Conscience To which is added a small Treatise concerning evil Thoughts and Imaginations and good Thoughts and heavenly Meditations G. Keith's Quakerism no Popery G. Keith Immediate Revelation not ceased or Jesus Christ the Eternal Son of God revealed in Man revealing the Knowledge of God With an Appendix containing an Answer to some further Objections G. Keith The true Christ owned as he is true and perfect God and true and perfect Man being an Answer to a Pamphlet called the Quakers concerning the Man Christ writ by a nameless Author in Answer to a Book called The Way cast up and the stumbling Block removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion with their faces thitherward By G. Keith George Keith The way to the City of God described or a plain Declaration how any man may within the day of Visitation given him of God pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state as also how he may go forward in the way of holiness and so be fitted for the Kingdom of God Stephen Smith The true Light discovered to all who desire to walk in the day being a Collection of his Writings in a small Volume 8o Compendium trium Linguarum Latinae Graecae Hebraicae A Compendium or Abridgment of three Languages the Latin Greek and Hebrew couched and exhibited in a short and easie method for the studious and Christian Youth