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The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures
Locke, John, 1632-1704.
Wing L2751; ESTC R22574
in_o their_o duty_n and_o bring_v they_o to_o do_v they_o than_o by_o reason_v with_o they_o from_o general_a notion_n and_o principle_n of_o humane_a reason_n and_o be_v all_o the_o duty_n of_o humane_a life_n clear_o demonstrate_v yet_o i_o conclude_v when_o well_o consider_v that_o method_n of_o teach_v man_n their_o duty_n will_v be_v think_v proper_a only_o for_o a_o few_o who_o have_v much_o leisure_n improve_v understanding_n and_o be_v use_v to_o abstract_n reason_v but_o the_o instruction_n of_o the_o people_n be_v best_a still_o to_o be_v leave_v to_o the_o precept_n and_o principle_n of_o the_o gospel_n the_o heal_n of_o the_o sick_a the_o restore_a sight_n to_o the_o blind_a by_o a_o word_n the_o raise_n and_o be_v raise_v from_o the_o dead_a be_v matter_n of_o fact_n which_o they_o can_v without_o difficulty_n conceive_v and_o that_o he_o who_o do_v such_o thing_n must_v do_v they_o by_o the_o assistance_n of_o a_o divine_a power_n these_o thing_n lie_v level_a to_o the_o ordinary_a apprehension_n he_o that_o can_v distinguish_v between_o sick_a and_o well_o lame_a and_o sound_a dead_a and_o alive_a be_v capable_a of_o this_o doctrine_n to_o one_o who_o be_v once_o persuade_v that_o jesus_n christ_n be_v send_v by_o god_n to_o be_v a_o king_n and_o a_o saviour_n of_o those_o who_o do_v believe_v in_o he_o all_o his_o command_n become_v principle_n there_o need_v no_o other_o proof_n for_o the_o truth_n of_o what_o he_o say_v but_o that_o he_o say_v it_o and_o then_o there_o need_v no_o more_o but_o to_o read_v the_o inspire_a book_n to_o be_v instruct_v all_o the_o duty_n of_o morality_n lie_v there_o clear_a and_o plain_a and_o easy_a to_o be_v understand_v and_o here_o i_o appeal_v whether_o this_o be_v not_o the_o sure_a the_o safe_a and_o most_o effectual_a way_n of_o teach_v especial_o if_o we_o add_v this_o far_a consideration_n that_o as_o it_o suit_v the_o low_a capacity_n of_o reasonable_a creature_n so_o it_o reach_v and_o satisfy_v nay_o enlighten_v the_o high_a and_o the_o most_o elevate_a understanding_n can_v but_o submit_v to_o the_o authority_n of_o this_o doctrine_n as_o divine_a which_o come_v from_o the_o mouth_n of_o a_o company_n of_o illiterate_a man_n have_v not_o only_o the_o attestation_n of_o miracle_n but_o reason_n to_o confirm_v it_o since_o they_o deliver_v no_o precept_n but_o such_o as_o though_o reason_n of_o itself_o have_v not_o clear_o make_v out_o yet_o it_o can_v not_o but_o assent_v to_o when_o thus_o discover_v and_o think_v itself_o indebt_v for_o the_o discovery_n the_o credit_n and_o authority_n our_o saviour_n and_o his_o apostle_n have_v over_o the_o mind_n of_o man_n by_o the_o miracle_n they_o do_v tempt_v they_o not_o to_o mix_v as_o we_o find_v in_o that_o of_o all_o the_o sect_n of_o philosopher_n and_o other_o religion_n any_o conceit_n any_o wrong_a rule_n any_o thing_n tend_v to_o their_o own_o by-interest_n or_o that_o of_o a_o party_n in_o their_o morality_n no_o tang_n of_o prepossession_n or_o fancy_n no_o footstep_n of_o pride_n or_o vanity_n ostentation_n or_o ambition_n appear_v to_o have_v a_o hand_n in_o it_o it_o be_v all_o pure_a all_o sincere_a nothing_o too_o much_o nothing_o want_v but_o such_o a_o complete_a rule_n of_o life_n as_o the_o wise_a man_n must_v acknowledge_v tend_v entire_o to_o the_o good_a of_o mankind_n and_o that_o all_o will_v be_v happy_a if_o all_o will_v practice_v it_o 3._o the_o outward_a form_n of_o worship_v the_o deity_n want_v a_o reformation_n stately_a building_n costly_a ornament_n peculiar_a and_o uncouth_a habit_n and_o a_o numerous_a huddle_n of_o pompous_a fantastical_a cumbersome_a ceremony_n every_o where_o attend_v divine_a worship_n this_o as_o it_o have_v the_o peculiar_a name_n so_o it_o be_v think_v the_o principal_a part_n if_o not_o the_o whole_a of_o religion_n nor_o can_v this_o possible_o be_v amend_v whilst_o the_o jewish_a ritual_n stand_v and_o there_o be_v so_o much_o of_o it_o mix_v with_o the_o worship_n of_o the_o true_a god_n to_o this_o also_o our_o saviour_n with_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o infinite_a invisible_a supreme_a spirit_n bring_v a_o remedy_n in_o a_o plain_a spiritual_a and_o suitable_a worship_n jesus_n say_v to_o the_o woman_n of_o samaria_n the_o hour_n come_v when_o you_o shall_v neither_o in_o this_o mountain_n nor_o yet_o at_o jerusalem_n worship_v the_o father_n but_o the_o true_a worshipper_n shall_v worship_v the_o father_n both_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n for_o the_o father_n seek_v such_o to_o worship_n to_o be_v worship_v in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n with_o application_n of_o mind_n and_o sincerity_n of_o heart_n be_v what_o god_n henceforth_o only_o require_v magnificent_a temple_n and_o confinement_n to_o certain_a place_n be_v now_o no_o long_o necessary_a for_o his_o worship_n which_o by_o a_o pure_a heart_n may_v be_v perform_v any_o where_o the_o splendour_n and_o distinction_n of_o habit_n and_o pomp_n of_o ceremony_n and_o all_o outside_n performance_n may_v now_o be_v spare_v god_n who_o be_v a_o spirit_n and_o make_v know_v to_o be_v so_o require_v none_o of_o those_o but_o the_o spirit_n only_o and_o that_o in_o public_a assembly_n where_o some_o action_n must_v lie_v open_a to_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n all_o that_o can_v appear_v and_o be_v see_v shall_v be_v do_v decent_o and_o in_o order_n and_o to_o edification_n decency_n order_n and_o edification_n be_v to_o regulate_v all_o their_o public_a act_n of_o worship_n and_o beyond_o what_o these_o require_v the_o outward_a appearance_n which_o be_v of_o little_a value_n in_o the_o eye_n of_o god_n be_v not_o to_o go_v have_v shut_v out_o indecency_n and_o confusion_n out_o of_o their_o assembly_n they_o need_v not_o be_v solicitous_a about_o useless_a ceremony_n praise_n and_o prayer_n humble_o offer_v up_o to_o the_o deity_n be_v the_o worship_n he_o now_o demand_v and_o in_o these_o every_o one_o be_v to_o look_v after_o his_o own_o heart_n and_o know_v that_o it_o be_v that_o alone_a which_o god_n have_v regard_n to_o and_o accept_v 4._o another_o great_a advantage_n receive_v by_o our_o saviour_n be_v the_o great_a encouragement_n he_o bring_v to_o a_o virtuous_a and_o pious_a life_n great_a enough_o to_o surmount_v the_o difficulty_n and_o obstacle_n that_o lie_v in_o the_o way_n to_o it_o and_o reward_v the_o pain_n and_o hardship_n of_o those_o who_o stick_v firm_a to_o their_o duty_n and_o suffer_v for_o the_o testimony_n of_o a_o good_a conscience_n the_o portion_n of_o the_o righteous_a have_v be_v in_o all_o age_n take_v notice_n of_o to_o be_v pretty_a scanty_a in_o this_o world_n virtue_n and_o prosperity_n do_v not_o often_o accompany_v one_o another_o and_o therefore_o virtue_n seldom_o have_v many_o follower_n and_o it_o be_v no_o wonder_n she_o prevail_v not_o much_o in_o a_o state_n where_o the_o inconvenience_n that_o attend_v she_o be_v visible_a and_o at_o hand_n and_o the_o reward_n doubtful_a and_o at_o a_o distance_n mankind_n who_o be_v and_o must_v be_v allow_v to_o pursue_v their_o happiness_n nay_o can_v be_v hinder_v can_v not_o but_o think_v themselves_o excuse_v from_o a_o strict_a observation_n of_o rule_n which_o appear_v so_o little_a to_o consist_v with_o their_o chief_a end_n happiness_n whilst_o they_o keep_v they_o from_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o this_o life_n and_o they_o have_v little_a evidence_n and_o security_n of_o another_o it_o be_v true_a they_o may_v have_v argue_v the_o other_o way_n and_o conclude_v that_o because_o the_o good_a be_v most_o of_o they_o ill_o treat_v here_o there_o be_v another_o place_n where_o they_o shall_v meet_v with_o better_a usage_n but_o it_o be_v plain_a they_o do_v not_o their_o thought_n of_o another_o life_n be_v at_o best_a obscure_a and_o their_o expectation_n uncertain_a of_o manes_n and_o ghost_n and_o the_o shade_n of_o depart_a man_n there_o be_v some_o talk_n but_o little_a certain_a and_o less_o mind_v they_o have_v the_o name_n of_o styx_n and_o acheron_n of_o elysian_a field_n and_o seat_n of_o the_o bless_a but_o they_o have_v they_o general_o from_o their_o poet_n mix_v with_o their_o fable_n and_o so_o they_o look_v more_o like_o the_o invention_n of_o wit_n and_o ornament_n of_o poetry_n than_o the_o serious_a persuasion_n of_o the_o grave_n and_o the_o sober_a they_o come_v to_o they_o bundle_v up_o among_o their_o tale_n and_o for_o tale_n they_o take_v they_o and_o that_o which_o render_v they_o more_o suspect_v and_o less_o useful_a to_o virtue_n be_v that_o the_o philosopher_n seldom_o set_v on_o their_o rule_n on_o man_n mind_n and_o practice_n by_o consideration_n of_o another_o life_n the_o chief_a of_o their_o argument_n be_v from_o the_o excellency_n of_o virtue_n and_o the_o high_a they_o general_o go_v be_v the_o exalt_v of_o humane_a
law_n be_v a_o law_n unto_o themselves_o which_o show_v the_o work_n of_o the_o law_n write_v in_o their_o heart_n their_o conscience_n also_o bear_v witness_n and_o among_o one_o another_o their_o thought_n accuse_v or_o excuse_v by_o which_o and_o other_o place_n in_o the_o follow_a chapter_n it_o be_v plain_a that_o under_o the_o law_n of_o work_n be_v comprehend_v also_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n knowable_a by_o reason_n as_o well_o as_o the_o law_n give_v by_o moses_n for_o say_v st._n paul_n rom._n iii_o 9_o 23._o we_o have_v prove_v both_o jew_n and_o gentile_n that_o they_o be_v all_o under_o sin_n for_o all_o have_v sin_v and_o come_v short_a of_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n which_o they_o can_v not_o do_v without_o a_o law_n nay_o whatever_o god_n require_v any_o where_o to_o be_v do_v without_o make_v any_o allowance_n for_o faith_n that_o be_v a_o part_n of_o the_o law_n of_o work_n so_o the_o forbid_a adam_n to_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n of_o knowledge_n be_v part_n of_o the_o law_n of_o work_n only_o we_o must_v take_v notice_n here_o that_o some_o of_o god_n positive_a command_n be_v for_o peculiar_a end_n and_o suit_v to_o particular_a circumstance_n of_o time_n place_n and_o person_n have_v a_o limit_a and_o only_o temporary_a obligation_n by_o virtue_n of_o god_n positive_a injunction_n such_o as_o be_v that_o part_n of_o moses_n law_n which_o concern_v the_o outward_a worship_n or_o political_a constitution_n of_o the_o jew_n and_o be_v call_v the_o ceremonial_a and_o judaical_a law_n in_o contradistinction_n to_o the_o moral_a part_n of_o it_o which_o be_v conformable_a to_o the_o eternal_a law_n of_o right_n be_v of_o eternal_a obligation_n and_o therefore_o remain_v in_o force_n still_o under_o the_o gospel_n nor_o be_v abrogate_a by_o the_o law_n of_o faith_n as_o st._n paul_n find_v some_o ready_a to_o infer_v rom._n iii_o 31._o do_v we_o then_o make_v void_a the_o law_n through_o faith_n god_n forbid_v yea_o we_o establish_v the_o law_n nor_o can_v it_o be_v otherwise_o for_o be_v there_o no_o law_n of_o work_n there_o can_v be_v no_o law_n of_o faith_n for_o there_o can_v be_v no_o need_n of_o faith_n which_o shall_v be_v count_v to_o man_n for_o righteousness_n if_o there_o be_v no_o law_n to_o be_v the_o rule_n and_o measure_n of_o righteousness_n which_o man_n fail_v in_o their_o obedience_n to_o where_o there_o be_v no_o law_n there_o be_v no_o sin_n all_o be_v righteous_a equal_o with_o or_o without_o faith_n the_o rule_n therefore_o of_o right_o be_v the_o same_o that_o ever_o it_o be_v the_o obligation_n to_o observe_v it_o be_v also_o the_o same_o the_o difference_n between_o the_o law_n of_o work_n and_o the_o law_n of_o faith_n be_v only_o this_o that_o the_o law_n of_o work_n make_v no_o allowance_n for_o fail_v on_o any_o occasion_n those_o that_o obey_v be_v righteous_a those_o that_o in_o any_o part_n disobey_v be_v unrighteous_a and_o must_v not_o expect_v life_n the_o reward_n of_o righteousness_n but_o by_o the_o law_n of_o faith_n faith_n be_v allow_v to_o supply_v the_o defect_n of_o full_a obedience_n and_o so_o the_o believer_n be_v admit_v to_o life_n and_o immortality_n as_o if_o they_o be_v righteous_a only_o here_o we_o must_v take_v notice_n that_o when_o st._n paul_n say_v that_o the_o gospel_n establish_v the_o law_n he_o mean_v the_o moral_a part_n of_o the_o law_n of_o moses_n for_o that_o he_o can_v not_o mean_v the_o ceremonial_a or_o political_a part_n of_o it_o be_v evident_a by_o what_o i_o quote_v out_o of_o he_o just_o now_o where_o he_o say_v the_o gentile_n that_o do_v by_o nature_n the_o thing_n contain_v in_o the_o law_n their_o conscience_n bear_v witness_n for_o the_o gentile_n neither_o do_v nor_o think_v of_o the_o judaical_a or_o ceremonial_a institution_n of_o moses_n it_o be_v only_o the_o moral_a part_n their_o conscience_n be_v concern_v in_o as_o for_o the_o rest_n st._n paul_n tell_v the_o galatian_n cap._n iu._n they_o be_v not_o under_o that_o part_n of_o the_o law_n which_o v_o 3._o he_o call_v element_n of_o the_o world_n and_o v_o 9_o weak_a and_o beggarly_a element_n and_o our_o saviour_n himself_o in_o his_o gospel-sermon_n on_o the_o mount_n tell_v they_o mat._n v._o 17._o that_o whatever_o they_o may_v think_v he_o be_v not_o come_v to_o dissolve_v the_o law_n but_o to_o make_v it_o more_o full_a and_o strict_a for_o that_o that_o be_v mean_v by_o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d be_v evident_a from_o the_o follow_a part_n of_o that_o chapter_n where_o he_o give_v the_o precept_n in_o a_o strict_a sense_n than_o they_o be_v receive_v in_o before_o but_o they_o be_v all_o precept_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n which_o he_o reinforce_v what_o shall_v become_v of_o the_o ritual_a law_n he_o tell_v the_o woman_n of_o samaria_n in_o these_o word_n john_n iu._n 21._o 23._o the_o hour_n come_v when_o you_o shall_v neither_o in_o this_o mountain_n nor_o yet_o at_o jerusalem_n worship_v the_o father_n but_o the_o true_a worshipper_n shall_v worship_v the_o father_n in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n for_o the_o father_n seek_v such_o to_o worship_v he_o thus_o then_o as_o to_o the_o law_n in_o short_a the_o civil_a and_o ritual_a part_n of_o the_o law_n deliver_v by_o moses_n oblige_v not_o christian_n though_o to_o the_o jew_n it_o be_v a_o part_n of_o the_o law_n of_o work_n it_o be_v a_o part_n of_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n that_o man_n ought_v to_o obey_v every_o positive_a law_n of_o god_n whenever_o he_o shall_v please_v to_o make_v any_o such_o addition_n to_o the_o law_n of_o his_o nature_n but_o the_o moral_a part_n of_o moses_n law_n or_o the_o moral_a law_n which_o be_v every_o where_o the_o same_o the_o eternal_a rule_n of_o right_n oblige_v christian_n and_o all_o man_n every_o where_o and_o be_v to_o all_o man_n the_o stand_a law_n of_o work_n but_o christian_a believer_n have_v the_o privilege_n to_o be_v under_o the_o law_n of_o faith_n too_o which_o be_v that_o law_n whereby_o god_n justify_v a_o man_n for_o believe_v though_o by_o his_o work_n he_o be_v not_o just_a or_o righteous_a i._n e._n though_o he_o come_v short_a of_o perfect_a obedience_n to_o the_o law_n of_o work_n god_n alone_o do_v or_o can_v justify_v or_o make_v just_o those_o who_o by_o their_o work_n be_v not_o so_o which_o he_o do_v by_o count_v their_o faith_n for_o righteousness_n i._n e._n for_o a_o complete_a performance_n of_o the_o law_n rom._n iu._n 3._o abraham_n believe_v god_n and_o it_o be_v count_v to_o he_o for_o righteousness_n v_o 5._o to_o he_o that_o believe_v on_o he_o that_o justify_v the_o ungodly_a his_o faith_n be_v count_v for_o righteousness_n v_o 6._o even_o as_o david_n also_o describe_v the_o blessedness_n of_o the_o man_n unto_o who_o god_n impute_v righteousness_n without_o work_n i_o e._n without_o a_o full_a measure_n of_o work_n which_o be_v exact_a obedience_n v_o 7._o say_v bless_a be_v they_o who_o iniquity_n be_v forgive_v and_o who_o sin_n be_v cover_v v_o 8._o bless_a be_v the_o man_n to_o who_o the_o lord_n will_v not_o impute_v sin_n this_o faith_n for_o which_o god_n justify_v abraham_n what_o be_v it_o it_o be_v the_o believe_a god_n when_o he_o engage_v his_o promise_n in_o the_o covenant_n he_o make_v with_o he_o this_o will_v be_v plain_a to_o any_o one_o who_o consider_v these_o place_n together_o gen._n xv._n 6._o he_o believe_v in_o the_o lord_n or_o believe_v the_o lord_n for_o that_o the_o hebrew_n phrase_n believe_v in_o signify_v no_o more_o but_o believe_v be_v plain_a from_o st._n paul_n citation_n of_o this_o place_n rom._n iu._n 3._o where_o he_o repeat_v it_o thus_o abraham_n believe_v god_n which_o he_o thus_o explain_v v_o 18-22_a who_o against_o hope_n believe_v in_o hope_n that_o he_o may_v become_v the_o father_n of_o many_o nation_n according_a to_o that_o which_o be_v speak_v so_o shall_v thy_o seed_n be_v and_o be_v not_o weak_a in_o faith_n he_o consider_v not_o his_o own_o body_n now_o dead_a when_o he_o be_v about_o a_o hundred_o year_n old_a nor_o yet_o the_o deadness_n of_o sarah_n womb_n he_o stagger_v not_o at_o the_o promise_n of_o god_n through_o unbelief_n but_o be_v strong_a in_o faith_n give_v glory_n to_o god_n and_o be_v full_o persuade_v that_o what_o he_o have_v promise_v he_o be_v also_o able_a to_o perform_v and_o therefore_o it_o be_v impute_v to_o he_o for_o righteousness_n by_o which_o it_o be_v clear_a that_o the_o faith_n which_o god_n count_v to_o abraham_n for_o righteousness_n be_v nothing_o but_o a_o firm_a belief_n of_o what_o god_n declare_v to_o he_o and_o a_o steadfast_a rely_v on_o he_o for_o the_o accomplishment_n of_o what_o he_o have_v promise_v now_o this_o say_v