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A69250 Newes from France containing tvvo declarations of two new conuerts from the Church of Rome to the reformed churches of France: the former made by Master M. du Tertrf [sic], Lord de la Motthe Luyne, late preacher amongst the order of the Capucins vnder the name of F. Firmin, &c. at Saumur on the 27. of May last: the latter by the Marquise Boniuet, Lord of Creuecœur, &c. at Rochell on the seuenth of August last. Both translated out of the seuerall French copies into English by E.M. of Christ-Church in Oxford. Whereunto is added an English letter sent from Paris by an English gentleman to his friend in England, touching the late surprisall and imprisonment of the Prince of Conde, which happened on the 22. of August last.; Declaration and manifestation, of the chiefe reasons and motives of the conversion of Master M. du Tertre, Lord de la Motthe Luyne. Bonnivet, Henri Marc de Gouffier, Marquis de, d. 1589. Declaration de Henri-Marc de Gouffier. aut; Meetkerke, Edward, 1590-1657, attributed name. 1616 (1616) STC 7372; ESTC S117179 43,123 84

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beholden and indebted to them whence it is not very hard to consider acknowledge and iudge whether the true humilitie which is essentiall to Christianitie and so beseeming it yea the fairest and richest ornament of a true beleeuer can be in them who not onely maintaine and wilfully defend such a doctrine but doe glory therein and doe oppugne and persecute euen to the fire and bloud those which on the contrary forsaking themselues and all that can come from their owne strength and merits haue no other refuge prop foundation and assurance for their eternall saluation then in the meere bountie grace mercy and free pardon of God in Iesus Christ his Sonne his merit and intercession Hee should neuer haue done that would relate shew and set to view all the abuses and errours touching the points of faith necessary to saluation Gather only and iudge out of that little which the shortnesse of the time this discourse giues me leaue to speake whether the first ground and foundation of saluation premised and supposed to wit a true faith and beleefe in Iesus Christ such as the Scripture declareth and requireth of vs is and can bee found in your Church in which is taught and preached a doctrine so diametrally contrary and opposite to it yea against all reason and whether I haue had iust cause and occasion to withdraw my selfe from thence and you also are bound to doe the like in case that you and I desire to worke out our saluation But that which is worse and more to be lamented euen with teares of bloud if it were possible is that for the most part amongst those of your Church there is no more any faith or law or God or religion at all but by a lamentable euent permitted notwithstanding by Gods prouidence for the iust punishment of their deserts are fallen into a grosse ignorance of matters of God I will not say into Atheisme and is fulfilled in them compleatly and in all points that which the Apostle S. Paul hath sometimes spoken of the Gentiles Pagans and Idolaters in the first to the Romans namely that hauing knowne God they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull but became vaine in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselues to be wise they became fooles and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to a corruptible man c. And who then would not withdraw himselfe from men so blinded and giuen ouer to errour and the darkenesse of ignorance Now if their faith be such or for to speak aright more properly their vnbeliefe so great what can bee hoped and looked for of the other I meane of the manners of their life indeede it is very likely that such as is the doctrine such will be the life and manners namely peruerted and corrupted c. And this is it which now in order I am to shew to you and set to your view Let vs begin with charity the loue and affection towardes God and our neighbour the true ground of all Christianity and the second firme and assured foundation of eternall saluation as wee haue said and declared before As for the first the true testimony the certaine and vndoubted proofe thereof amongst many that might be giuen and alleaged is an heartie and louing zeale and affection to his honour worship and seruice and to the true obseruing of his lawes and ordinances and the entire and perfect fulfilling of his holy will as farre as our weakenes and frailtie can suffer vs and the estate and condition of our corrupt and infected nature can permit and beare it If you loue mee saith our Sauiour speaking of this loue to his Apostles and Disciples and to vs in their persons and in the 14. of S. Iohn keepe my commandements He that hath my commandements and keepes them hee it is that loues mee And this hee repeats many and diuers times and amongst others that well beloued and fauoured Disciple in the second Chapter of his first Catholike Epistle confirmes it He that keepes his word the loue of God saith he is truely accomplished and perfected in him As on the contrary the true and infallible signe of the want the defect of the loue of God is not to care for to keepe and obserue his lawes and precepts as besides reason it selfe which is cleere and plaine for it our Sauiour in the same place before alleaged of the Euangelist Saint Iohn doth say Hee that loueth mee not saith he doth not keepe my words and the same Saint Iohn in the fore-cited places He that saith I haue knowne him and yet doth not keep his precepts and commandements he liar and the truth is not in him As for Gods honour worship and seruice it is double and of two sorts externall outward and of the body such as he prescriheth vnto vs in his word namely that Liturgy or outward and publike seruice wherewith hee will be honoured euen publikely in his Church consisting of the duties of piety and the externall actions of religion which doe shew and testifie some humilitie deiection submission affection and acknowledgement of the minde towards his diuine maiesty Internall inward in the soule and inmost part of the minde by a true acknowledging of his immense and infinite excellence perfection and greatnesse and of the sundry and innumerable obligations wee owe him with an humble submission a most deiected humilitie and low deiection before his supreame maiesty honouring adoring fearing respecting cherishing and louing him with all the strength and power of our soules the faculties of our mindes and the affections of our hearts as our onely blisse and chiefe master and Lord from whom we hold by meere dependance and free bountifull and liberall communication all what wee are what wee haue and what wee can at any time challenge looke and hope for both in this life and in the other referring in the meane time and giuing ouer our selues and all what belongs to vs or concernes vs our liues persons goods health honours affaires and other the like wholly to his diuine prouidence to the end that he may do with them as he shall thinke fitting and according to his pleasure and sacred will as belonging wholly to him with a true confidence certain firme hope and an vndoubted assurance of his diuine goodnesse infinite mercy and promises of saluation and this is the chiefe honour worship and seruice that God wishes desires and demaunds of vs as sheweth very wel the Sonne of God himselfe Iesus Christ our Sauiour answering to the question of the Samaritan woman The true worshippers saith he shall worship the Father in spirit and truth and such are those he desires demands and seekes after And hee giueth the reason thereof Because God is a spirit therfore his worship ought to be spirituall internall and in the truth of the heart answerable to his nature by so much more noble
God and in your presence with a solemne oath and protestation that I will say nothing but the truth I beseech the diuine goodnesse to assist you with his grace and heauenly light to make you know clearely both the one and the other I doe pray with all my heart and with as great affection as I am verily and shal be all my life notwithstanding this change and alteration of religion and departure from you and your society company Sirs Your most humble inward and affectionate for your good and saluation Dela Motthe Luyne From Saumur this 27. of May 1616. A DECLARATION and manifestation of the chiefe causes and motiues which haue moued and induced Mr. M. de TERTRE Lord de la MOTTHE LVYNE to withdraw himselfe from the Romish Church Directed to those of the Church of ROME THe most cleare actions of men euen of the most famous and illustrious in vertues perfections and most commendable qualities are subiect to shadowes and their workes exposed to the foolish and rash examination search censure and iudgement euen of the common people When you heard of knew and saw my departure God knowes what sinister opinions I ran into in regard of many amongst you some taking my designe to be but a lightnesse inconstancie and inconsideratenesse of minde others thinking it to haue proceeded from a matter and occasion of disquietnesse and discontent receiued from them from whom I am departed others from a desire of greater libertie and more licentious life and many other the like but all in generall esteeming it a manifest disloyaltie and notorious treacherousnesse to your societie and company I could neuer haue thought and yet lesse beleeued that the actions of a worme of the earth of one so poore and wretched as I am should haue beene gathered vp with such a throng but sithence that by the manifest prouidence of God they are fallen into this debate I am most willing and content to render and giue an account of them as S. Peter commands me or rather Iesus Christ who would disclaime me before his heauenly Father if I did not confesse him in the truth ingenuously before men I sweare therefore and protest before the most holy Trinitie to whom al things are knowne and manifest which soundeth my very reines which seeth and pierceth euen to the inmost and most secret part of my heart and thought of my soule that this my change hath no other aime and tends purely and simply to no other end then to the glory of my God and the assurance of my saluation for which two things I doe not nor will euer refuse in regard of men either shame or confusion or pouertie or dishonour or martyrdome whatsoeuer though armed with the most cruell and sensible prickings of all the punishments and torments that at any time were felt by any reasonable creature And if I haue any other intent I pray my God that hee will make an exemplary vengeance of my hypocrisie and punish and chasten me most seuerely if he knoweth and can finde out that I speake not the truth and that my words doe disagree and differ from the thoughts of my soule and feeling of my heart I am now come to the 32. yeare of mine age or thereabouts and though it hath beene with much paines wearisomnesse and trauell partly in my studies and partly in my other publike or priuate businesses yet I doe not thinke thankes to Gods bountie that I euer did weare in my countenance and forehead any marke whatsoeuer which might make mee blush for shame or hinder mee from going with my head lifted vp aloft I haue not lost with that little experience which I haue gotten in the world the desire of going on and ending my life in the same bed of honour and state of innocencie for to prostitute that so lightly which I haue kept and maintained so dearely and with so much care And how weake soeuer I am in body and minde yet the lightnesse inconsideratenesse and inconstancie which some closely obiect vnto me and reproach mee withall hath not as yet God be thanked so farre possessed my braines as that any one should haue seene from thence to issue the effects of follie and I hope that his goodnesse will not derelinquish or leaue me to that wretched and lamentable extremitie As for the matter and occasion of discontent which some others produce and lay abroad I should be to blame and should lie if I should complaine thereof it being true and I must needs auouch and confesse it ingenuously that I haue beene but too much beloued cherished and honoured in that state wherein I was and as much or more aduanced then I could haue desired wished or challenged hauing beene put to the studie of Philosophie and Diuinitie euen sooner then their customes statutes and ordinances could well allow of and permit hauing also beene made Priest precisely at the time permitted and appointed and eftsoones admitted and preferred to the office of preaching which I haue begun to exercise from my 25. yeare and alwayes since continued at Burges Bloys in this City Tours Angiers Chasteaugontier Laval Mayenne le Man 's Alenson Rhedon and other such like wel knowne townes of France with all kinde of contentment and satisfaction thanks be to God being welcome to all and vnderstood by euery one As for the libertie and a more licentious life which others last of all doe obiect vnto me God knowes and is my record and experience also can witnesse it and giue an assured proofe thereof that I haue had nothing lesse in my minde and thought then that but rather on the contrary it was the desire of a more retired solitary peaceable and quiet life and for to put an end to those poastings and vagaries which are ordinary and essentiall to men of that estate and condition who like Daedalus his images are in a perpetuall stirring motion and agitation But if that had beene the cause I neede not to haue come out from thence where I was such occasions and opportunities offering and presenting themselues daily vnto me as well as to others yea a thousand times more if I would haue taken and accepted them as well as they But God by his infinite goodnesse and mercy hath kept and preserued mee euen against these encounters wherein the strongest and perfectest in shew haue shamefully yeelded and foulely fallen I would not therefore so play with my selfe and and out of an humour as it were change my Religion if that I had not some sound cause and ground for it it being otherwise very easie for me if I had willed to keepe my wonted manner of life and to keepe my selfe so doing from so many blowes of the tongue from wry lookes from pricking suspicions which I haue in truth to the quicke felt and doe yet feele in good earnest But there is no remedy I must resolue with my selfe to swallow downe by little and little this cup of
his sacred and spotlesse flesh vpon the altar of the Crosse as a pleasing sweet smelling and acceptable sacrifice to his diuine Maiesty iustly prouoked against vs for our crimes and offences for to asswage and appease him to reconcile vs with him to deliuer and set vs free from the power of the Diuell and from the writ whereby wee were bound ouer to euerlasting paines torments of hell and to bring vs againe gloriously to the happy fruition of the kingdome of heauen In the Ps 65. Esa 33. in the first of S. Peter 23. to the Rom. 3. Heb. 10. and a thousand the like Hence it is that he is called and stiled by the same Apostle our Saluation Redemption Sanctification c. For to offer vnto him I say according to the forenamed duty and office of the High-Priests prayers supplications and requests continually to intercede for vs and to stand vs in stead of an Aduocate towards his diuine Maiesty Ier. 30. Zachar. 1. Rom. 3.5.8 Ephes 2. Hebr. Ioh. 4. This he doth effect and accomplish very faithfully and will continue so to doe vnto the end and consummation of the world Now your Church doth take from him and carries away the one and the other of his charges and offices after many waies and manners but especially in two First when as she presumes to reiterate this Sacramēt doth fondly imagine that she offers vp again euery day at the Masse the body of Iesus Christ for the sinnes and saluation of the liuing dead by meanes wherof the anger and wrath of the eternal father is asswaged and appeased and men find and obtaine mercy so that with you the Masse is a propitiatory and impetratorie sacrifice Whence it followes plainely that that first oblation and sacrifice of our Sauiour made on the tree of the Crosse by the effusion of his precious and diuine bloud was not sufficient but wholly imperfect as the Apostle to the Hebrewes 7.10 argueth and gathereth very well from the ancient sacrifices of the old Law the which because they had not the force and efficacy fully to wipe away sinnes were therefore reiterated many and sundry times but the sacrifice of the Sonne of God hauing had that vertue power and efficacy hence it is that it ought in no waies to be reiterated and offered vp againe hauing beene more then able and sufficient euen the first time to blot out and to quit the sinnes of the whole world yea of a thousand worlds if so many there had beene This notwithstanding your Church denies by those pretended imaginary vnbloudy as she calls them oblations and sacrifices which she repeateth euery day shewing enough thereby that shee doth not beleeue the first to haue beene sufficient impairing in this manner the authority credit and dignity of this only High-Priest according to the order of Melchizedeck Read I beseech you and take paines to consider heedfully the 7.9 10. of the Epistle to the Hebrewes and you shall see more cleerely how your faith and beliefe in this matter and doctrine of your Church is farre different and contrary to that of the Apostle Saint Paul and of the first beleeuers of the primitiue Church Secondly shee taketh from him the office and charge of mediatour c. when as to his disparagement she sets and appoints almost an infinite number betweene God and men the Virgin Saint Peter c. the which she commands to be called vpon and teaches that reciprocally they vnderstand our prayers and make intercession for vs to his diuine Maiesty c. Now if this were true it would follow thence by a necessary consequence that Iesus Christ our Sauiour were not alone the only and sufficient Mediatour Intercessour and Aduocate for men towards his Father which not only is most false but altogether blasphemous directlie against the Scriptures in the fore-alleaged places to the Hebrewes 7. and 10. and a thousand other the like all which I omit of purpose as also a more ample proofe of this truth because the time vrges me and the shortnesse of this discourse forces compels mee to passe it by in silence and to come to the third thing which I haue said is to bee considered in Iesus Christ our Sauiour to wit his singular and not to bee equalled benefits and graces and fauours which so louingly hee hath communicated vnto vs and wee haue receiued from him in so great abundance that so I may shew and make plaine vnto you how your Church and your Prelates and Doctours and you with them doe likewise erre and faile greatly and fouly therein and in the humble hearty and louing acknowledgement which we ought to haue towards that bountifull Lord. His offices are many and in a great number as I haue said yea almost infinite and hee would neuer haue done that will recount them and stand vpon each of them in particular but they may all notwithstanding be reduced to these two specials and particulars which he hath purchased vs by his death and passion and merited by the effusion of his precious bloud our Iustification and Sanctification which God promiseth to his people in that new couenant which he foretelleth by Ieremy 31. and 32. that hee was to make with them rehearsed by the Apostle to the Hebrewes 8. and the 10. Behold saith the Lord I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Iuda a new Couenant which is this I will put my Law in their vnderstanding and will write it in their hearts there is sanctification and I will forgiue their vnrighteousnesse and I will remember their iniquities and sinnes no more There is Iustification The first then of these benefits is our iustification which is the meerely free remission pardon which God giues vs of all our offences and sinnes witnesse S. Paul Rom. 4. who following Dauid Psalm 32. doth place the iustification and happinesse of man in this remission as also Dauid denounceth the happinesse and blisse of that man to whom God imputeth righteousnesse without workes c. This pardon is gotten and deserued for vs by the merit of Iesus Christ our Sauiour in as much as he offering himselfe for an offering and sacrifice of good and sweet sauour to his Father on the tree of the Crosse hee hath thereby fully satisfied his diuine iustice for all our sinnes as S. Paul teacheth vs Rom. 3.23 and 24. Being iustified freely c. and S. Iohn in his first generall Epistle 1.7 The bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne And in the second chapter verse 2. For he is the propitiation for our sinnes This benefit of iustification is communicated by God through the free imputation of the merits of our Sauiour to the true beleeuers apprehending and receiuing them through a true and liuely faith working by charitie as the Apostle teacheth vs to the Rom. 3.28 Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of