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truth_n father_n true_a worshipper_n 2,259 5 11.6610 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01083 A godly and frutefull sermon, made at Maydestone in the county of Kent the fyrst sonday in Lent, in the presence of the most reuerend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury. &c. / by M. Thomas Cole scholemayster there, againste dyuers erronious opinions of the Anabaptistes and others. Cole, Thomas, d. 1571. 1553 (1553) STC 5539; ESTC S124208 30,464 70

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A GODLY AND FRVTEFVLL SERMON MADE ●t Maydstone in the county of Kent the fyrste sonday in Lent in the presence of the most Reuerend father in God THOMAS Archbishop of Canterbury c. by M. Thomas Cole scholemayster there againste dyuers erronious opinions of the Anabaptistes and others ❧ LONDINI ANNO DOMINI M. D. LIII A SERMON MADE AT MAYDSTONE THE FYRT sonday in Lente the yeare of oure Lord 1552. in the presence of the most reue rend father in God Thomas Archby●shop of Canterbury c. by M. Thomas Cole schoolemaister there agaynst dyuers errours of the Anabaptistes and such sectes where soeuer they be as in christen religion call theym selues Brothers and Systers and dyuide theym selues from other christian people Audite coeli percipe auribus tuis ô terra quoniā Dominus loquutus est WHo dooth not meruayle or counte it a thing very straunge that a mortall man of the generation of Adam conceyued in synne borne in wyckednes brynge no creatour but a creature yea dust and ashes shuld so boldly speak vnto al states and degrees of men commanding them to heare Some peraduenture do not only meruayle but accuse the Prophet that he should say being but a man Audite quoniam Dominus loquutus est But deere christians meruail not neyther charge you gods elect prophet with any euel or breache of ciuilitie least happely in faultyng them whom god sendeth vnto you with the worde of reconciliation ye procure to your selues the same rebuke whych our Sauiour Christ gaue to the catchyng Phariseis namelye Quare vos malum cogitatis in cordibus vestris For although Esay spake woordes Math 9. Marc. 2. Luc. 9. of commandyng and of auctoritye yet hee spake theym not of hym selfe neither in hys owne name but in the name of the lyuynge god which called him to be his prophet and made hym a messaunger vnto the people to call them to the obedience of the fayth Seynge therfore that almighty God the lorde of all creatures sent him to speake vnto thē he gaue him power to say Audite and seing he sent him not to speake his owne wordes but the wordes of God he also gaue hym power to saye Quoniam Dominus loquutus est For as the penne is the instrument that formeth the lettre whereby the mynde of the writer doth appeare vnto them that read it not through the pen only but by the writer that vseth the pen euen so the prophet Esay al thei that haue the ministery of the word of god are but the instrumēts which god vseth according to his godly pleasure to make his wil to be knowē vnto the hearers Which cōmeth not of thēselues but of god which speketh in them Dauid not forgetting that he Psal 45 was the instrumēt of god although called to the dignitie of a prophet vnable of himselfe to set forth the inestimable riches of Gods wisdom wtout the aide of his holy spirit said Lingua mea calam us scribae velociter scribentis S. Paule wel remēbring that y● ministratiō of the word was honorable whereof God had made him a chosē instrument on the other side not forgetful howe lytle he had deserued at the lords hands such a promocion whan he heard the people of Corinth fallen into such a phrenetical contention that thei wold as mē do now a daies either cōmende or lothe the word for the instrument sake bicause he wold not haue thē to regard his person but almighty God that spake in him Therfore to declare him self to be but an instrumēt to set forth y● glory of God he sayd Quid igitur est Paulus Quis ●utem 1 Cor. ● ▪ Apollo nisi ministri per quos credidistis et ut cuique dominus dedit Ego plantaui Apollo r●gauit sed Deus deditincrementū Itaque neque qui plantat est aliquid neque qui rigat sed qui dat incrementum Deus Esay vpō like consideraciō entendinge to drawe the Israelites from the deceauable affections of flesh and bloud vnto the worthy receiuyng and reuerent embrasyng of the woord of lyfe that they shuld not thynke on the person but on the Lorde that spake in him sayed Audite coeli percipe auribus tuis ô terra quoniam Dominus loquutus est The lyke mynde ought to be at this daye in all them that either preache or heare the woord of the Lord that the preachers may acknowledge themselues to bee but instruments and the hearers to seeke nothyng in them but god speakyng in them the wordes of eternall lyfe Now therfore that almighty God speaketh by his instrumentes the true preachers of his word thorow the operation of his holy spirit which in times past spake immediately from himself by the patriarkes and prophetes to the world Let vs giue eare with diligence that we may vnderstand his heauenly mynd and beware that we despise not neglect and abandon this high treasure of the wisedome of god the word of faith although it seeme to come from a base poore instrument but hartely receiue it ioyfully accept it obediently folow it and faithfully persist in it to the ende that the may reape with great comfort thie promise of God Qui perseue● auerit vsque in finem hic saluus erit For Math. 24. Mat. ●● without doubt god wylleth his word spoken by those whō he choseth to this sacred function to be receiued with lyke worthynes and estimacion euen as though hee spake it him self And therfore he sayth Qui uos audit me Luc. 10. Ioan. 14. Marc. 6. Math. 10. audit qui uos spernit me spernit As the mouth of the kinges embassadour is for the time he speaketh the woordes of the kyng the verye mouthe of the kynge so the mouth of the preacher speakyng syncerely the woorde of God is the mouth of god for the time he preacheth And therfore the Prophets whā they had spoken to the people vnto whome they were sent the mynd and woord of God they for the moste parte concluded their matters with these wordes saying Quoniam os Esa 1. Domini loquutum est Wherfore as they that despise the kinges emdassadour lytle regard or esteme the kyng so lykewise they that despise the true preachers of the worde of god as much as in them lyeth despise god Now derely beloued christiās although Esay speaketh not vnto you but a synful man one vnwoorthy to beare Esayes bookes after hym either for the dexteritie of life that was in hym eyther for the deepe knowledge in the mysteries of God yet bycause it hath pleased oure heauenlye father to call me at this tyme to this place truely wythout couloure to speake hys truth and nothing but hys truthe I shall defyre yow in the name of God to dee dylygent hearers Wherefore hopyng to haue you lyke attentiue nowe as the true worshippers of God were in Esayes time I vse the same introduction to my matter as Esay did saiynge vnto you as he