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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68150 A briefe discourse of the scriptures Declaring the seuerall stories, liues, and deaths, of the fathers, from the Creation of Adam, vnto the death of Ioseph: very necessarie to be read and practised, for easie vnderstanding of the Scriptures in a short time. Hayne, Thomas, 1582-1645, attributed name. aut 1614 (1614) STC 12975; ESTC S115174 75,069 130

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ascending and descending vpon the Sonne of man In this vision of the Ladder we see the whole Mediation of Christ is shewed to Jacob And if we duely consider it there could not be a fitter Similitude in the whole course of Nature to represent the Mediation then the Ladder for euen as in a Ladder if two or three Steppes be broken the Ladder is to no vse seeing we can neither ascend nor goe downe by it euen so the whole Mediation is so vnited knit togeather that by despising any one part wee bereaue our selues of the benefite of the whole After that Iacob was come to Haran hee serued Seauen yeares for Rachel Laban giueth him Leah and deceiueth him and vseth this excuse That it was not the vse of the Countrie that the younger should be serued before the elder Leah is sayd to be Contrite Heere we may see what it is to enioy the truth of Gods Religion and to worship him truely Leah committeth a great sinne and though God make her fruitfull yet this euent excuseth not the fault before committed Shee knew very well that she could not enioy saluation by staying with her Father and we are to make the best collection of the actions of the best Women and therefore no doubt the zeale that she had to know God made her to venture so farre No doubt this was a great sinne and yet a farre greater to haue been marryed to an vnfaythfull Husband for thereby there was no hope left for saluation And wee see that Christ chooseth to come of Leah by Iuda rather then of Rachel God himselfe onely knoweth how farre he will pardon so great offences Then hee serueth Seauen yeares for Rachel Leah is fruitfull shee hath Reuben and saith The Lord hath Looked on my tribulation Then she conceiued and bare Simeon and saith Because the Lord Heard that I was hated therefore he hath giuen me this Sonne Shee conceiued againe and bare Leui and sayth Now my Husband will be Ioyned vnto mee therefore she named him Leui Ioyned Then she bare Iuda and sayd Now will I Prayse the Lord. The Heathen by the light of Nature will confesse that the Lord looketh on their tribulation and helpeth them that he heareth their hatred and reuengeth it But they cannot for all these benefites prayse the Lord Therefore she as a Prophet knowing that Christ should come of Iuda Pray seth God for so glorious a blessing Then shee left bearing for a time Rachel giueth Bilha to Jacob she beareth Dan Iudgement and sayth God hath giuen Sentence on my side Afterwardes Nepthali Wraftling Leah doth the like and giueth Iacob Zilpha who beareth Gad a Companie and Asher Happy Leah after beareth Isachar Wages or Reward then Zebulon God hath giuen me a goodly Dowrie and last Dina a Daughter Iudgement So God shewed iudgements to the Sichemites for rauishing of her Fourteene yeares after Ioseph Encrease is borne A rare man and we commonly see that rare men haue great expectation before their birth After this Iacob like a good Philosopher enricheth himselfe by vsing Roddes of diuers colours Ioseph in Egipt vseth a kind of pollicie to take away the Landes from the people and to bring them to the King These actions at the first might seeme vnlawfull because the cause is hid from vs though afterwardes the purpose of God appearing they are approoued Iuda borne his father Iacob being 87. yeares old HEe was the fourth Sonne of Iacob his mother nameth him Prayse God Whereby it appeareth that she looked for Redemption by Christ respecting the Promise concerning the Seed of the Woman to be accomplished in him It could not so haue appeared by naming Ruben Simeon or Leui for a wise Philosopher might haue giuen those names But Iuda contayning a name of heauenly comfort sheweth a spirit gouerned by the holy Ghost Iacob goeth from Laban Gen. 31.17 WHere he had bin twentie yeares two seuens a sixe in which number is contained the Creation and the Sabaoth And as any one may gather closely expressed seuen yeares plentie and seuen yeares dearth As he returned from Laban he feared his brother Esau But the Angell of God met him to comfort him therefore he calleth the name of the place Mahanaim that is Gods Hoste This Campe of Angels is repeated in the Song of Songes and applyed to Christ as the companie of an Armie So Dauid likewise affirmeth that the Angels of God doe pitch their Tentes about them that feare him When Absolom is destroyed Dauid and his Campe were at Mahanaim the place where the Angel mette Iacob Wherein we are to learne that God so disposeth the actions of his elect that hee regardeth their goinges out and their commings in and marketh all their Paths that whether they be at home with their Father or abroad among Strangers they are shadowed vnder the defence of the most High whose dwelling is in eternitie After this he wrastleth with the Sonne of God that is in likenesse of the same nature which he afterward tooke vpon him vntill the breake of the day and would not let him goe till he had blessed him Therefore hee called him Israel a Conquerour This is expounded in Oseas By his strength he had power with God To shew that as he had power with God so he should preuaile with men Then hee erected an Altar there and called it Penuel for sayth hee I haue seene Ged face to face This storie of Iacob is repeated in Iohn 1.47 where Christ sayth to Nathaniel Behold a true Israelite in whom there is no guile Nathaniel is called the true Israelite in that hee acknowledged Christ to be the Sonne of God which hee might know by casting Daniels Seauens Afterwardes hee is reconciled to his brother Esau and beyond Iordan hee dwelt neere Sichem where Dina is deflowred Er Onan Selah borne Er Onan were married to Thamar committed grieuous sins before God and therfore he destroyeth them Ioseph is sode into Egipt when he is 17. yeares old so long was he nourished at home of Iacob IOseph Dreameth that the Sunne Moone and eleuen Starres worshiped him Gen. 37.9 meaning his Father Mother and his eleuen Brethren of whom in the creation the twelue Signes in the Zodiacke had a full reference shewing thereby that God in his Counsell at the Creation had a great regard to the number of the Sonnes of Iacob which were to be borne more then two thousand yeares after He hath the like regard at the confusion of Tongues in setling Canaan and his eleuen Sonnes in a soyle which Iacobs sonnes should afterwards possesse For declaring this Dreame the poyson of the Serpent possessing his Brethrens heartes they were mooued with enuie and sold Joseph into Egipt Iuda caused him to be sold to saue his life but Iudas Iscariot that is which falleth away for reward sold Christ to loose his life Math. 26.15 Iacob deceiued his father Isaacke with a Kidd Gen. 37.31 When Ioseph is
Father without Mother when Abraham met him fiue ages after Babels building Abraham being aliue he was vnknowne of his owne kindred Hee had no end of life in the old world for hee liued through the Flood and no beginnig of dayes in the new world Christ in respect of his Godhead had no Mother and in regard of his Manhead he had no Father Surely our men be very vnaduised that because Caluin and a few Gretians doe stagger in this opinion whether Sem should bee Melchisedech therefore they will not admit the truth hereof as though they should be a rule of truth vnto them But to answere them first the consent of all the Iewes is that Sem is Melchisedech and if he be not then let vs see what inconueniences will follow First hee must be a godlier man then Sem that crosseth Sems blessing Blessed be the God of Sem. Besides it stands not with Religion that any man should bee rare in the highest degree no prophecie going before it to warrant his rarenesse But this is the cause why men be deceiued The Grecians erre in this and are the cause why others haue erred It was not possible for them to know the truth thereof for the Iewes appoynted by Ptolomeus Philodelphus to translate the Bible seeing there was such difference of the birth of men after the Flood both in comparison with those before the Flood and those after that their story might not be flouted of the Egiptians adde of purpose 1500. yeares to the Fathers after the Flood for seeing Terah begot Abraham at 130. And because Sem begot Arphaxad at 100. yeares old to euery one where wanteth an hundred they put in an hundred as Arphaxad liued 35. yeares and begot Selah They translate Arphaxad liued 135. yeares and begot Selah and so in the rest by which reckoning Sem is dead before the time hee should meete with Abraham Saint Ierom accquainted with the Hebrewes dealings knew that their consent was that Sem was Melchisedech and so he affirmeth Besides it is not likely that any of Chams house should be like to the Sonne of God being a cursed generation Againe if it be obiected that Moses doth not call Melchisedech Sem and therefore it is likely hee was not Sem this obiection is thus answered Moses penneth his storie short because he knew all the Iewes were acquainted therewith And as for the Author to the Hebrewes setting him downe to bee without Father without Mother we must consider in what sence meaning he speaketh for seeing it is added by Moses in Melchisedechs storie that he was king of Salem and it is not possible for a king to be borne without Father without Mother and it was neuer the meaing of the holy Ghost to crosse the course of the creation therefore we must looke for some other exposition then that which the bare litterall sence will afford vpon the first sight This therefore is the Author to the Hebrews meaning He was now to call to the Iewes minde one who in their storie was a figure of the Messias Now seeing Christ the Sauiour of the world as he was God had no Mother and as he was man no Father therefore to make this plaine that is to make Melchisedech a figure answerable to this truth he so speaketh of him as if he were without Father or Mother because he resembled the Sonne of God Now the author to the Hebrewes might verie safely vse this kind of speaking For Sem being borne before the Flood and in Abrahams time being a Grandfather of eight degrees must needes be thought to Abrahams Souldiers to bee without Father without Mother who had neither beginnig of daies nor end of life So that a souldier of Abrahams campe might aske some one of Canaan Good-man of Canaan who is this goodly Old man with a hoarie beard Hee would answer thus Hee is called the Iust King and his Towne is named the Quiet towne For when all the other Kings his neighbours are at variance he onely liueth in peace And when Elam ouercame fiue Kings no man offered him any violence We haue in euery Village a seuerall God but he sacrificeth to the God as he sayth that made vs them And marke what I shal tell you When he offereth an Oxe or a Ramme to his God which he saith made the heauens and the earth fire commeth from heauen to consume it and hee seemeth to be so strong that none of vs shall liue to see his dayes In this respect therfore the Author to the Hebrewes affirmeth that he was without father without mother who hath neither beginning of dayes nor end of life For in proper sence it cannot be true Ismael borne his father Abram being 86. yeere old HEe was borne of Hager an Egiptian whom Sara gaue to Abraham because her selfe was barren When Ismael was thirteene yeares old as Gen. 17.25 Abraham tooke Ismael and euery man child among the men of his house and circumcised the fore-skin of their flesh the same day as God had commanded which ceremonie of Circumcision continued vnto Christ but since his death it is abrogated with the rest of the Ceremonies of the Law and is of no force vnto saluation as Gal. 5.3 I Paul testifie that if yee be Circumcised Christ shall profite you nothing at all for whosoeuer is Circumcised is bound to keepe the whole Law And as many as are iustified by the Law are fallen from Grace for in Iesus Christ neither is Circumcision any thing worth nor vncircumcision but Fayth which worketh by loue as Abok 2.4 The iust shall liue by his Fayth The day of Circumcision was the eight day the seale was answerable to Baptisme Wee haue no speciall storie of eight to bee compared with this but the eight that were saued in the Arke The ceremonie of the day is answerable to the number of the persons and the seale it selfe answerable to the waters of the Flood to the which answereth Baptisme which now saueth vs. Ismael had twelue sonnes and one daughter Iacob had twelue sonnes and one daughter Ismael was answerable in outward blessinges to Isaack and Iacob but not in spirituall for hee was borne after the flesh and although he were the sonne of Abraham he was not the sonne of Abraham as it is written They are not all children because they are the seed of Abraham But in Isaacke shall thy Seede bee called that is they which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seede In the Bible there are two Ismaels the one an Egiptian by the mother the other by the father The one of Abraham by the mother the other of Abraham by the father Both these were enemies to the true seede of Abraham This Ismael flouted the promise in Isaack the other Jsmael killeth Godoliah he being left a Gouerner of the seed of Isaacke Ismael was vpon euerie mans head and euerie man