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A37463 A complaint of the false prophets mariners upon the drying up of their hierarchicall Euphrates as it was preached publickly in the Island of Garnezey before a sett order of ministers, expounding in their successive turnes the Revelation of St. John / by John De La March ... De La March, John, ca. 1589-1651. 1641 (1641) Wing D868; Wing L202; ESTC R9089 90,660 125

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mighty and great meaning indeed the King of Ashur as it is expounded in the very next words but alluding to the said Euphrates which did water the land of Assyria so hath this mysticall done to which also the same Spirit of God alludeth speaking of it in this book of the Rev. as it was shewed before so that that which the Lord said then to the said people of Judah may very fitly be applyed to the people of this land That because they had refused both in the time of King Edward the sixt and also of Queene Elizabeth * that pure river of water of life cleare as Chrystall proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lambe I meane the the true Liturgie or worship of God together with the true discipline of Christ or Church government both profered unto them then both by Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr grounded and drawn out of the doctrine of Christ of his holy Apostles as we find it expressely instituted by him saying first concerning the said Liturgie * that it is in vaine to worship him teaching for doctrine mens precepts And that all such doe onely draw neare unto him with their mouth and honour him with their lips but their heart is farre off from him Yea in so doing they do but worship that which they doe not know as he said to the woman of Samaria John 4. 22 23 24. for then was that time come of which he speaketh there when the true worshippers were to worship the father in spirit and truth for then the father did require such to worship him For God being a Spirit they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth And concerning the said Discipline observe onely these few places viz. Mat. 5. 22. and 18. verse 15 16 17 18. and chap. 20. verse 25 26 27 and 28. where is set downe the true patterne thereof I doe but name them because I intend not to speake of this now renewed as it were by him after his Resurrection as S. Luke tells us Acts 1. 3. where he shewes that Christ was seene of his Disciples and heard too as saith Saint John in his first Epistle chap. 1. verse 1. speaking of those things which did concerne the true Government of his Kingdome of Grace and that by the space of fortie dayes as he had beene with * Moses in the mountaine under the Law when he gave him the patterne of the Tabernacle of all the instruments thereof which were then to bee imployed in his holy worship then instituted by him wherin as Moses shewed himselfe very faithfull in all the house of God as the Apostle doth testifie Heb. 3. 5. the same may we say of the Apostles concerning the Govenment of this house of Christ But as the said Iewes I say did then refuse such waters so the said people refusing both the said pure and simple worship of God and true Church Discipline and preferring to it that vaine frothie pompous-humane-will worship or Liturgie of Rome some what refined I confesse but yet the very same in substance therefore did the Lord bring upon them that proud Prelaticall Hierarchicall Church governement by the meanes of it The which hath at length * broken into England especially and hath so overflowed and passed through it that it is come not only to the neck but even to the very top of the cheekes and k eares of some of the best servants of God some of them having had their eares cut with the Knife made as it were of the glasse of that * glassie sea and burnt with the fire thereof yea it had so spread out its wings that it had covered the breadth of the land becomming thereby impassable and like the raging sea that cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt as saith the Prophet Isa. 57. 20. as it proved especially when the said Christian Israel of God was ready to passe over it As the waters of the forementioned Jordan did then overflow and fill all his bankes as soone as the feet of the Priests that bare the Arke were dipped in the brinke of the waters thereof thereby to prepare the may for the said children of Israel to passe over it after the drying thereof even so did then especially that Hierarchicall powerfull tyrannicall sea flowing from that forementioned l head thereof raise to such a height of pride and inhumane cruelty that it did overflow and runne over all power and authority both divine and Humane and became thereby so intollerable that no humane creature was able to withstand restraine or resist it So that in a short time it had easily as another deluge overflowed and destroyed the whole land and by its most deadly waters of Popish and Arminians false doctrines and superstitious ceremonies killed every soule living yet in that tyrannical scalding sea according to the prophesie of Christ therein truely accomplished recited Mat. 24. 22. saying that except those dayes meaning the dayes of the great tribulatiō mentioned described by him in the next preceding words which can bee no other then the thousand two thundred and sixty dayes of this christian Churches pilgrimage through her said deseart so called Revel. 7. 17. except saith he they should be shortned there shall no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those dayes shall bee shortned As it is now manifestly come to passe by the wonderfull mercy of God who being a God * that heareth prayers as the Prophet saith hath at last * looked downe from the highest of his sanct●any and hath from Heaven beheld the earth to heare the groanings of the prisoners and to loose those that were appointed to death and hath regarded the prayer of the destitute not despised their request as it is said in that Propheticall Psalme that was then written for the generation to come and for the people which was to be created a new For he is no idle spectator of the wrongs done unjustly to his servants but rather such a one as doth usually * resist the proud Hamans of the world scattering them in the imagination of their hearts and putting downe the mighty from their seates As the most blessed Virgin Mary doth fing Luke 1. 52. 53. and as we see it already begun by the almighty power of God who hath taken in hand that proud Hierarchicall whore even in the very time when in her over-swelling pride * shee most glorified her selfe saying in her heart I sit a Queene and am no widdow and shall see no sorrow as she is brought boasting of her selfe Revel. 18. 7. 8. Whereupon the Angel denouncing her last sentence of condemnation saith of her in the next words Therefore must her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and shee shall be utterly burnt with the fire of Excommunication for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her Who therefore doth now stirre up those that
Officers the most part of them being but lawyers or laikes to use their owne terme no more then they esteeme our Church Elders to be To all which they have given as new Offices of their own moulding and humane invention so likewise new names and titles of their owne fabrication also none of them being * of the fathers planting as saith Christ And such are those of the first forementioned ranke and order as their Suffragan Bishops Chancellors Archdeacons Deanes Commissaries or Highcommissioners which sit as Judges in the said Courts and to whom that Hierarchicall power of the Pope Archbishops c. hath cōmitted the Administration of the keyes not of Christs Spirituall kingdome as Christ himselfe gave to Peter to the rest of the Apostles representing then the whole Church but of their earthly Hierarchicall Kingdomes having appointed them to bee the sole Judges in Ecclesiasticall causes and matters Then the next that follow which are of the second ranke as namely their Secretaries Dataries or Registers Advocates and Procurors occupying Ships Then follow in the last place the third and last sort of them viz. their Promooters Apparitors Solicitorus to which may also be very well added all that table of Questmen Sidemen Inquisitors Church wardens Pursivants c. all which are right Aucupes Aulae or flies of the Inquisition nay all I am sure both great and small birds of a feather and hatcht all of one damme I meane that whore of Babylon All which doe trade on the Sea or word for word as it is in the originall {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} labour the Sea Whereby the Holy Ghost al●udeth manifestly to the worke of Hu●bandry and to those that are occupied in that calling to labour the ground breaking the clods of it and cutting it with the plow A goodly metaphor indeed very well befitting and clearely manifesting the right manner of the trading of these Officers upon this seas which is also used elsewhere to the same purpose viz Psal. 129. 2 3. where the Church of God is represented complaining of her E●emies and saying Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth and yet they have not prevailed against me The plowers plo●ed upon my b●●●e they made long their furrowes by which Metaphoricall speech the cruell afflictions of the Church thus laboured or plowed up as it we●e by her Enemies are mea●t Which dealing doth very fi●ly agree to all the P●●aticall offices of those Hierarchicall Courts who plow thus the seas or peoples over which they are established when once they doe fill into their lurches or are brought under their ●yr ●●icall power even as the plowman doth the ground but not as he thereby to fit it and prepare it the better to receive the good seede that it may bring forth the more fruite to the owner but rather as the hirelings use todoe hiring the ground and wearing it with tilling till they have suckt all the fat thereof and filled their owne purses to the great prejudice and manifest dammage of the owner And thus much for the meaning of the words of this present text In the exposition whereof I have beene constrained to insist thus long because it hath beene heretofore otherwise expounded and taken in another sence by the former interpreters then I have done now being led thereunto first by the exposition that the Angell himselfe doth give to the waters or sea wherupon both the whore her selfe sitteth as it hath beene shewed out of * Revel. 17. 15. and these her Officers doe trade as also by the consideration of the type of this Church mentioned before the which I have followed from journey to journey or from one moneth to another especially in the last of the third great Period or part of her voayge through the wildernesse comparing the estate time and events of this christian Church to those of that ancient of Israel whereupon I say I I have grounded this my exposition the which neverthelesse I doe willingly and with all humility submit as I did when I first preached it in publike to the wise and charitable censure of the rest of the most faithfull and painefull labourers my fellow-brethren in the Ministerie rowing hard with us in the true ship of Christ being in the midst of those Seas tossed with mighty waves in great jeopardie that they may bring his true Disciples to the shore of heaven in drawing them out of those troublesome and dangerous hierarchicall seas whom I desire not to cast it away as a new Doctrine though it might seeme so at the first sight but to ponder it well before though they finde it clothed in a very course and homely language and yet borrowed in which having dared to walke thus farre in publike I will yet adventure a litle further observing out of this text thus expounded some few points of Doctrine the which I meane to handle as briefly as I can to apply them to some use of Admonition and exhortation And first in generall considering that all this Hierarchicall forementioned earthly power represented by the said Euphraticall Jordan and all the Officers which doe exercise or administer the same power doe proceed all of them though some more immediately manifestly then the other frō that Vniversall Papall Sea the common Mother of all the other * Harlots and abominations of the earth and that all the said Officers are thus represented unto us in this text under those foresaid titles of Seafaring men or Sailors in ships whose offices and unlawfull practises doe all issue of the same Source this I say may yeeld this point viz. that The Beast of Rome together with the false Prophet have changed Christs fishing Ship or true Church into a very Pirate Ship or denne of theeves who in stead of gaining soules to Christ doe leese them and in liew of bringing them to Heaven cause their passengers to make ship-wrack both of soule and body in hell as it appeares not only by the words of our Saviour speaking to the Scribes and Pharisies of his time the right predecessors of these both of them having beene the murthers and persecutors of Christ and his saints and saying unto them Mat. 23. 15. Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisies Hypocrites for ye compasse sea and land to make one Proselyte and when he is made ye make him twofold more the child of hell And againe speaking of them to his Disciples he saith Mat. 15. 14. Let them alone they be blinde leaders of the blind And if the blind leade the blind both shall fall into the ditch this truth is likewise manifest by that which is said in particular of their followers Revel. 1● 8. That all the names of the dwellers upon earth who should worship the Beast were not wr●tten in the booke of the Lambe sl●●ne from the foundation of the world But especially it is ●l●●re by that which is written in the next chapter viz. 14.