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A10850 The vineyarde of vertue collected, composed, and digested into a tripartite order, conteining XXXII. most excellent plants of fruitful vertue: in most beautiful and blessed maner enuironing the true elect churche of God vpon earth. Euery plant conteining this tripartite order: namely definition testimonie examples of vertue by R.R. Robinson, Richard, citizen of London.; Uvedale, E. 1579 (1579) STC 21121; ESTC S105759 48,653 138

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curiositie or vsing captiousnesse Rom. 12. Examples Our Lord sauiour Iesus Christ the sole singular patern of godly simplicitie came simply into this world borne in a simple barne or stable simply in nature was obedient to his parents simply taught and simply liued according to his teaching in whose mouth there was no guide in whose heart no deceyte neither in any externall doings any harme Mat. Mar. Luke Iohn His beloued Apostles Peter Andrew and others of simple fishermen poore vnlerned base and abiect in worldly wisedome did he traine teach and instruct with the fulnesse of the holy Ghost as well by his life and doctrine making them perfect followers of him as also worthie examples for his chosen seruants in this world whose testimonies are left vs for our worthy examples of imitation Mat. Mar. Luke Iohn Iob is commended vnto vs to haue liued alwayes iust and simple in the sight of the Lorde iust by warinesse of wisedome and simple by innocencie of meekenesse simple bicause he neuer desired to hurt any but rather to profite al men iust bicause he would not suffer himselfe to bee deceyued by any Iob. 1. Beda de templo Solemonis lib. 1. All the Patriarkes and Prophets were men of simple life and conuersation in the sight of God. S. Hierome writing de Sapientia Serpentina simplicitate Columbina hath these wordes Vse simplicitie of a Doue that thou do not deceiue or iniurie any man and haue wisdome of a serpent that thou bee not supplanted in other mens snares for otherwise in respect of offence it differeth smally but thou shalt either deceiue or be deceiued Hier. ad Rust Mona The .xxviii. Plant Sinceritie Definition SInceritie is to be vnderstoode for truth the verie bright beames of that shining Sunne which reuealeth the puritie of God and his worde and discouereth the falshood of the Diuell and his workes By which touchstone golde is tried from drosse By which fanne wheate is sifted from the chaffe and by which searce of sinceritie the sweete sauorie Cinamon of saluation is separate from the bruised barke of bitter bale by the operation of the holy Ghost which is therfore called the spirite of truth and sinceritie bycause hee is true and sincere that is agreeable vnto the will of God and the authour which first expressed the true doctrine of God enclining the hearts of men to assent and consent vnto the same true doctrine to worship the true god thereby to honour and obey the superiour powers therby to professe with the heart and confesse with the tongue all one in al worldly dealings towards all men That the name of the true and euerliuing God may in truth bee glorified That the true and sincere Church in truth may be amplified and increased That the true consolations of Christ may in our consciences truly be multiplied eternally to our saluation triumphing with Christ ouer Satan sinne and hell to rest with him in the sincere seate of celestiall glorie Testimonies In spirite and truth do the true worshippers worship the father Iohn 4. Thy worde is the truth sanctifie them in the truth Iohn 17. God will that all men shoulde bee saued and come to the knowledge of the trueth that is of the true doctrine of the true God and of the mediatour his sonne Iesus Christ 1. Tim. 2. The spirite of truth shall bring you into all truth Iohn 16. The truth is great and stronger than al things 1. Esd 4 We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth 2. Cor. 13. If you remaine in the truth of my word you are my disciples rightly and my truth shall deliuer you Iohn 8. Laying aside all leasings let euery one of you speake the trueth vnto his neighbour Ephe. 4. The Lorde abhorreth lying lippes but who so speaketh trueth shall bee safe for euer Pro. 10. Lorde who shall ascende into thy hill or who shall rest in thy holy place euen hee whose handes are innocent from harme whose heart is cleane which hath not takē his soule in vaine nor hath not sworne to deceiue his neighbour c. Psal. 23. This is our glorie onely and in this wee are glad as to witnes we take our cōscience that we are exercised in the simplicitie and sinceritie of God in this world and not in carnall wisedome but in the grace of God c. 2. Cor. 1. Examples Iesus Christ our Sauiour is that shining sonne of sinceritie which rightly calleth himselfe the sonne of righteousnesse Sapien. the light of the world Iohn 1. the way the truth and the life Iohn 14. all whose wayes as Dauid sayth are mercie and truth Psal. 25. His Apostles Prophets Patriarks Martyrs and Confessors haue preached this truth practised the same in life and conuersation suffered persecution for the testimonie thereof Iacob had this sinceritie with him when he said let vs make an altar vnto the lord bicause he hath heard me in the day of my trouble and hath bene a companion of my iourney Gen. 35 Daniel had this sinceritie of truth with him when all the wise men of Babylon were by Nabuchodonoser commanded to bee slaine then he being inspired with the spirit of truth exhorted his sociates to seeke for mercie of the Lord who reuealing a vision vnto Daniel in the night by this aduertisement of Daniel the king spared to execute his determined iudgement vpon the sayd wise men Dan. 2. When all the Disciples of Christ were altogether of one minde in praying the holy Ghost wonderfully discended vpō them taught them comforted them directed them in the truth Act. 1. 2. This spirit of sinceritie had the same Daniel in disprouing those false Gods Bel and the Dragon and in worshipping the true and euerliuing God mauger the malice of the malignant enemies of the truth Dan. 14. The .xxix. Plant Iustice Definition IVstice is one of the soure moste excellent vertues called cardinall vertues whereout flowe as from out of foure pure fountaines al the other springs of vertues albeit these foure called Cardinall vertues namely Iustice Prudence Temperance and Fortitude are so tearmed of the Latin Erymologie Cardo which is in English the hindge of a doore for as the hindge doth catie the force of the doore opening to and fro and beares the stresse of the same against all other strength so do these foure vertues euery one in his propertie cary support and beare certaine other vertues as it were imposed vpon them or rather depending vpon their force and effect As namely Cicero terming this Iustice the first Cardinal vertue sayth lib. 1. Offici That she is a great brightnesse and excellencie whereof good men are so called whose first office is to hurt no man except he bee first prouoked by iniurie Againe to vse things common for common and thirdly priuate thinges as his owne But more truely and amply in his 2. Rhetor. he sayth Iustice is an excellent qualitie of the minde to the profite of all men applyable
lowe and he that humbleth him selfe shall be exalted Luk. 7. 18. Let the meeke brother reioice in his exhortation and the rich man in his humility because hee shall away hence as the flower of the grasse Iam. 1. Haue patience when thou arte brought lowe because in the fire is Golde siluer tryed and men acceptable vnto God are tryed by the furnace of aduersities Except you be conuerted become as one of these litle ones you shall not enter into the kingdome of Heauen Whosoeuer therfore shal humble him selfe as one of these little ones shall be greatest c. Matt. 18. Examples Christe Iesus our Sauiour the syncere fountaine of humilitie admonisheth al men to learne Humilitie of him saying Learne of me because I am humble meeke of heart Matt. 11. The Angel of God said vnto Agar Returne againe vnto thy mistresse and humble thy selfe vnder her handes ▪ Gen. 16. Abraham spake humbly vnto the Lord saying I will yet speake vnto my Lord although I am but earth and ashes Gen. 18. Iacob humbled himselfe very much before his brother Esau and so pacified his wrath Gen. 33. Moyses excused himself fiue times before hee would take vpon him the leading foorth of the people which yet the Lorde enioyned him and hee was not perswaded vntil he perceiued that the Lorde was angry Exod. 3. Gedeon when the Angell said vnto him goe in thy strength shalt thou deliuer Israel humbly aunsweared Beholde my stocke is weake in Manasses and I my selfe am the leaste in the house of my father Iud. 5. Dauid beeing tryed in manifolde troubles and finding greate comforte at the hands of God thus said It is good for mee that thou O Lorde hast chastised me Psal. 119. vers 71. Note his humilitie beeing crowned king by Samuell 1. King. 17. before Saule 1. King. 19. The prodigall childe returning to his father humbled himselfe Luke 15. For other Examples looke Saule 1. King. 9. Elisius 4. King. 2. The vii Plant Patience Definition THis vertue Patience is of great excellencie amongst humane kinde and best beseeming Christians namely tending to this effect that God may bee duely obeyed in our aduersities so as we doe nothing against the commaundements of God neither doe heape vppon vs his heauy displeasure but that for Christe his sonnes sake wee shoulde acknowledge him by saith to bee pacyfied and mercifull vnto vs that wee shoulde looke for his helpe and craue his mitigation of such afflictions as he in iustice layeth vpon vs and so in this Fayth hope should patiently beare whatsoeuer burden is layd vpon vs For the word of God doth highly extoll Patience commaunds vs to vse the same promiseth Gods help and deliuerance and teacheth that the godly ones are not heere afflicted by chaunce but by the will knowledge of God not that we should perish but that we should prosper more more after perils and as Saint Paule sayth Rom. 8. beeing made like vnto the sonne of God by afflictions should with him be like partakers of eternall glory Testimonies A patient man is better then one that is strong and he that can rule his affections is of more force then one that layeth siege vnto Cities Prou. 16. The Furnace tryeth the vessel of the potter so doth the tryall of troubles proue those that are righteous Ecc. 27 Troubles worketh patience patience maketh tryall and tryal bringeth hope Rom. 5. My Brethren count it for exceding ioy when you fall into diuers temptations knowing that the tryall of your faith worketh patience and patience maketh your worke perfect that you may be perfect and vpright not fainting in any thing Iam. 1. Now therefore keepe secret thy sorowe within thee and suffer manfully whatsoeuer chaunces shal happen vnto thee 3. Esdras 10. Blessed is the man which suffereth temptation because when he shall be tryed he shall receiue a crowne of life which God hath promised vnto all those that loue him Iam. 1. ●2 Bee patient therefore one with an other and confirme your heartes because the comming of the Lord is at hand Iam. 5. Examples Our sauiour Christ Iesus the most excellent mirror of perfect patience was first tempted of Sathan Matth. 4. Despised hated and disdained of the wicked worldlings Ioh. 17. and lastly persecuted and put to death by the cursed Iewes Mar. 15 leauing vs example that we should suffer iniuryes doone vnto vs and remit the reuenge vnto him that sayth Mine is vengeance and I will rewarde againe c. Deut. 32. Isaac suffered gladly that iniury to be offered him when his Father Abraham would haue sacrifized him Gen. 22. Ioseph patiently put vppe the crueltie of his brethren when they solde him and woulde haue put him into the pit Gen. 37. 45. Moyses prayed for Mary which spake so iniustly against him by his prayer she was healed Numb 12. Dauid fleeing from the face of Absolon said patiently vnto Sadoch If I finde fauour in the sight of the Lord he wil bring me againe 2. King. 15. 16. Tobias when he became blinde shewed a woonderfull Patience vnder the Lords scourge and against the derision of his wife and his friendes Tob. 2. 3. Other notable Examples were Iob. 1. 2. The three Children in the Ouen Dan. 5. and Eleazarus 2. Machab. 6. The viii Plant Perseueration in godlynesse Definition PErseueration or continuaunce of vertuous and godly life is the limitted path of perfection which GOD requireth of all his chosen seruants which haue begun to runne the race of righteousnesse not to stay in the middest neither to start aside neither yet to looke back at any time but to goe forwardes without wauering or distrust in the acknowledgement of God and in the faith of Christe constantly and for euer so continuing vntill the very last breath of our life and not to be discouraged by any sinister chaunces or aduersities neither suffer our selues to bee seduced from so good a purpose by any maner of meanes because whosoeuer haue once tasted the comfortable sweetnesse of Gods good graces may be well assured if they continue with a stedfast faith in Christe vnto the end they shall inherite the promised rewarde euen the Crowne of life for euer Apo. 2. Testimonies My sheepe heare my voice and I giue them eternall life no man shall take them out of my hands Iohn 10. God is faithful which suffereth not vs to be tempted aboue our strength but giueth an end with tēptation that we may be able to goe thorowly with our vocatious Cor. 10. I will not leaue you destitute of comforte but I will come vnto you I will pray my Father and he shall sende vnto you another comforter euen the spirite of trueth which shall remaine with you for euer Iohn 14. My little Children despise not the correction of the Lorde nor faint not when thou art chastised for the Lord chastiseth euery sonne which he receiueth Goe on forwardes in discipline God offereth himself vnto you as to his childrē