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A40939 Moses message to Pharoah, or God sending to the heads of England go undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, to serve Him in the wilderness, that he may do them good in their latter dayes. For Israel shall be many dayes without a king, without a priest, without an ephod, and without a teraphim, afterward they shall look [...]he Lord their God, and David their king, and shall [...]ar the Lord, and his goodness in his latter dayes, ... R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666. 1653 (1653) Wing F491B; ESTC R218272 26,840 33

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6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Heb. 10.1 ver 5 6 7 8 9 10. Isa 33.22 v. John 4.20 21 22. John 4.23 24. which was 〈◊〉 everlasting sacrifice then all the Types Figures ●●d shaddows was to be put to an end all things ●●at was contained in the first covenant both priests ●●thes sacrifices and burnt-offerings and all things ●●at was outward and carnall the Law outwardly ●●d the Judges Lawgiver and Kings for he was both ●●dge Lawgiver and King himselfe that temple ●●ich was outward was to be disannulled after that 〈◊〉 was sacrificed up and that worship for saith he 〈◊〉 to the Woman of Samaria in the 4 of John Yee ●●rship yee know not what wee worship wee know what 〈◊〉 the hour cometh and now is when yee shall neither ●●rship at Jerusalem nor at this Mount which had been ●●e chiefest places of worship but they should now ●orship at neither of them but they that worship ●●e Father should worship him nearer hand even in ●●irit and in truth and after that Jesus Christ was ●●crificed up which was the everlasting sacrifice ●●ese was all to be ended and the Apostles who ●●re made to partake of the substance of the second ●●venant which was Christ in them they went ●●th into the temple and into the synagogues to ●●aw the Jewes off from that outward worship and ●●eached the resurrection of Jesus from the dead Jonn 3.31 32 33 34 35 36 ver ●●rist was risen out of all those Ordinances they ●●s dead there was no life in them Christ which was the life of them was risen out of them the● had been a beauty and an excellency in them 〈◊〉 the time that they was commanded but now 〈◊〉 substance of them was come and the glory of 〈◊〉 Lord was departed out of them both out of the ou●ward worship and out of the outward temple a●● they was sent to declare against it and to draw●● from it Acts. 7.47 48 49. ver Steven hee went and witnessed against 〈◊〉 and said God that made the world did not dwell 〈◊〉 temples made with hands neither was hee to be wo●shipped there Act. 6.10 ●1 12 13 ●4 ver Act. 7.57 ●8 59. ●oh 10.27 ●8 29 30 ●1 ver ●on 8.59 ●er Acts 7. And they said he came to ove●turne the Statutes and Ordinances given out 〈◊〉 Moses and for witnessing of the truth was he ston●●● to death by them of uncircumcised hearts a●● eares and it is the same generation now that stone●● the servants of the Lord the stony hard hearts 〈◊〉 untaken away yet in those that either stoneth 〈◊〉 countenanceth them that doth they was yet nev●● circumcised with the circumcision made witho●● hands but are stifnecked and enemies to Jesus Chri●● Joh. 8.41 c. All that the Priest had for offering 〈◊〉 the sacrifices in the first Covenant they was to pa●● take of the things sacrificed and offered up and the● had rythes because they had no part nor portion 〈◊〉 the promised land with those tythes the poor th● widdow and the strangers and fatherless were to 〈◊〉 filled and satisfied out of them that the Lord G●● might bless them Deut. 14 ●7 28 29. ●er But when the Priests took mony 〈◊〉 what they did the Lord was displeased with the● and sent his true Prophets to cry out against the● take the tythes from the Priest and take off that oppression that is upheld by the Lawyers for the 〈◊〉 are taskemakers as the taskemakers in Egypt th●● doe burthen and oppress the Creation Undoe th● heavy burthens that the people groans under 〈◊〉 these oppressors and let the oppressed go●ree th● Lord doth require it and let there not be any want ●●member the poore that are in wants that they ●ay have food and rayment and be filled and sa●●●fied seek not your selves but the good of others ●●at the Lord God may bless you let love run ●●th to all and let it be without dissimulation and 〈◊〉 the Gospell will be preached to every Creature 〈◊〉 love is the fulfilling of the law and Jesus Christ 〈◊〉 is the love of the Father and he is the end of the ●●w for righteousness to them that believe Rom. 8.4 who walk 〈◊〉 after the flesh but after the spirit be not professors 〈◊〉 possessors If you know him he is all love and ●●rcy and bowels of compassion and he laid downe 〈◊〉 life to take away the tythes and oppression ●●low him in his example you that profess your ●●es to be Christians for he that is in Christ is a new ●ature and he that saith he is in Christ ought to ●●ke as hee walked and hee went about doing good ●●refore do good unto all by undoing the heavy ●●dens and letting the oppressed go free remem●● them that are in bonds as bound with them and do 〈◊〉 all as you would be done by or else never profess ●●e love to God and Jesus Christ for hee will call 〈◊〉 to account and workers of iniquity must de●● from his presence those that acts in un●●teousness who lives in pleasure and wanton●● pride and haughtiness idleness and ful●●● of bread which were the sins of Sodom and 〈◊〉 the sins of England forgetting the poore that are ●●ants bonds and imprisonments but the Lord is ●●ing to visit his people that are imprisoned by 〈◊〉 and will returne upon you the evill of your ●●gs for in as much as you doe it to them you doe 〈◊〉 him and see what he saith Matth. 25.41 42 43 44 45 46. in Matth. 25.41 ●● ●3 44 45 46. ver Paul who was a true Minister ●●sus Christ he was imprisoned by the Jews for ●●essing the truth and Silas was imprisoned and 〈◊〉 and John and were beaten and others were stoned for witnessing the truth by the Jews th●● were enemies to Jesus Christ and now the sa●● things is acted by the men of this generation 〈◊〉 the Priests and Lawyers are the greatest ene●● now as they was then but thus saith the Lo●● Wo unto the wicked it shall be ill with them but say●●● the righteous Isa 3.10 v. It shall go well with them Now you 〈◊〉 doth profess love to God and Christ and foun●●● be of that generation that slew the righteous bl●●● in former ages and this is the same generat●●● which kils and slayes the righteous ones in y●●● hearts and keeps them in bonds and prisons but 〈◊〉 because the seed of God is imprisoned in you 〈◊〉 you that doth so knows not Jesus Christ who 〈◊〉 Love your enemies Luke 11.46 47 48 49 50 51 52. bless them that curse you and 〈◊〉 for them that hate you and dispitefully use you nei●●● are you accquainted with the teachings of God 〈◊〉 the new Covenant of grace nor knows not God 〈◊〉 dwels in a temple made without hanns as the Ap●●● Paul did who was partaker of the new Cove●●● which was Christ in him Gal. 1.15 16. and his body was made 〈◊〉
7.8 ● 10 11 12. c. Heb. 8.6 7. c. Heb. 9.8 9. Heb. 10.9.10 so far as he followed Christ now Jesus Christ came to take off oppression from the people ●nd to undo the heavy burdens that they groaned ●nder then by the fair-sayers as those hypocrites ●re now that say and do not Jesus Christ came ●o take off that oppression of Tythes that was one ●●ing that he shed his blood for but Antichrist holds ●up which is contrary to Christ Christ came to throw down the idols temple and to throw down ●he outward worship which the Jew outwardly had ●nd to fulfill all that the law did contain outwardly ●hat he might place his law in their hearts to be ful●illed there That he alone might teach them by his Spirit without form Jer. 31.33.34 Heb. 8.10.11 Joh. 4.23.24 to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth Joh. 4. Now the false teachers in Eng●and holds up the idols temple and sits in the seat of the Scribes and Pharisees acting as in a stage●lay for money all for filthy lucre and prosesseth the Scripture to be their rule when there is not a Scripture to warrant them for any thing they do There is not a word in the Scripture for them to go to Cambridge or Oxford to be so long there to ●earn a trade of deceit to give a meaning to the Scripture to gloss them over by their humane and serpentine wisdome to deceive people with their imaginations but to the contrary for the Scripture saith that every word of God is pure and he that addeth thereto or taketh therefrom shall be reproved and found a lyar Prov. 30.5 6. and 〈◊〉 gaine see what the Lord said to Moses in Deut. 4. 〈◊〉 Ye shall not adde unto the word which I command 〈…〉 but these goes contrary to the command of t●● Lord that goes to learn deceit to add their 〈◊〉 mane wisdom to that which is truth in it self a●● the Spirit of God could not understand its own d●claration And again saith Jesus Christ I testi●● that he that addes to the word of the prophecie I w●● adde to him all the plagues that are written in the B●●● Rev. ult And again it is said that no man knows 〈◊〉 Son but the Father neither knows any man the Fath●● but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him as i● 〈◊〉 in John Then what use is all their brain-study 〈◊〉 It is all deceit dung and dirt Away with it a●●● with it the Lord is coming to burn up all dece●●● and deceivers and to scatter the proud in all their i●●●ginations Howl ye proud Priests for wo and mise●●● is your portion wo was the portion of the Scri●●●● and Pharisees that laid heavie burdens upon 〈◊〉 people as these deceivers do that deceive the p●●ple and bewitcheth them with those things wh●●● God never commanded telling the people that th●● are Ordinances of God There is not a word in t●● Scripture for sprinkling Infants and those fa●●●● Priests say that it is an Ordinance of Christ a●● they can make Christians as they say by sprinkl●●● them with a little water and so entreth them i●● Covenant so making Christians by their imagi●tions These are the false christs and false proph●●● spoken of in Scripture Now the Saints they w●●● baptized by one Sp●●● m o one body and they were 〈◊〉 of one heart and one minde There is not a word 〈◊〉 the Scripture for Tythe-mongers and false teach●●● in England to have the tenth of the yeers Incre●●●● of all things for their brain-study whereby they ●●ceive the people professing themselves to be the ●●●●sters of Christ and act altogether against Christ ●ewing themselves to be Antichrists What Scripture ●ave they to take Tythe of wheat rye and barley What Scripture have they for their rule to take tithe ●f oats pease and beans What Scripture have they ●●r their rule to take tythe of sheep the tenth lamb ●nd the tenth fleece Eze. 34 2● 3.4 v. 16 ● But as it was amongst the false ●eachers in Israel Ezek. 34. so it is with the false tea●hers in England now they teach for the fleece and ●●ed themselves with the fat but the Lord will feed ●uch with judgement 〈◊〉 ●●●se t●●●●●est th●●●●ipture 〈◊〉 Mini●●●● Saints ●●●phold 〈◊〉 not of ●●●nding ●●●●ng in ●●●mies ●●●●gn in 〈◊〉 ●●●eer What Scripture have they for ●heir rule to take tythe of hemp and flax pigs ●nd what Scripture have they for their rule to take ●ythe-apples and plums walnuts and cherries what Scripture have they for their rule to take money for ●ggs and to have tythe-geese What Scripture have ●hey for their rule to take money for the reek passing ●p the chimneys What Scripture have they for their ●ule to take a peny for a garden every yeer What Scripture have they for their rule to take money for every foal that is foaled What Scripture have they ●or their rule to take money for every cow that hath a calf and a peny for them that have none What Scripture have they for their rule to take a farthing of a shilling of servants for their wages What Scripture have they for their rule to Church women as they do and take mony for it when they have done What Scripture have they for their rule to bury as they do and take mony for it when they have done did either Jesus Christ or his Apostles that were the true Minister of the Gospel ever do so See if these be not the task-masters of Egypt there is scarce any thing but these deceivers have an end in it they are altogether for filthy lucre contrary to the Apostle to Timothy and Titus 1 Tim. 1 2 3. Tit. 1.7 ● 1 Pet 5.2 ● who were true Ministers of Christ Tit. 1.8 9 10. See who denies the Scriptures but those that deny to walk according to them in life and conversation For shame down with oppression blush for shame all such deceivers a●● upholders of the deceits and never profess love 〈◊〉 God nor Christ ●sa 33.14 ●5 for your profession is found to 〈◊〉 hypocrisie and wo and misery will be your porti●●● except ye repent give over deceiving the peop●● Down with all deceivers ●ude 11. v. false worships the gre●●● day of the Lord is coming upon them all What Sc●●●pture have these for their rule that have great su●●●● of money so much a yeer gifts and rewards as 〈◊〉 laams priests had What Scripture have they 〈◊〉 their rule that have Augmentations And what Scr●pture have they for their rule to go to law for tith●● or for any thing else that profess themselves to 〈◊〉 Ministers of Christ Neither Christ nor any that 〈◊〉 sent forth to preach the Gospel but all spoke again●● it saith Christ Whosoever shall sue thee at the law a●● take away thy coat let him have thy cloak also Matth 〈◊〉 and the Apostle who was a true Minister spoke