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truth_n faith_n see_v word_n 4,873 5 4.1895 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67230 The antiquity of the Quakers proved out of the Scriptures of truth published in love to the papists, Protestants, Presbyterians, Independents, & Anabaptists : with a salutation of pure love to all the tender hearted Welsh-men but more especially to Flint-shire, Denbigh-shire, Carenarvon-shire, and Anglesea / by Thomas Wynne. Wynne, Thomas. 1677 (1677) Wing W3782; ESTC R26413 13,761 24

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of the Quakers but of their own Writings viz. out of both the Old and New Testament and that they were such is very evident and that the Jews and Heathens acknowledged them to be the only People to be hearkned unto is undeniable and that God not only owned such but that he required them to be such is very plain and how you will answer scoffing and taunting of them without coming under the Apostles Reflection I leave you to make your Defence Come Papists Protestants Presbyterians Independents and Anabaptists answer me a Query How came you to give credit to these ancient Quakers Writin s viz. Old New Testament and now Mock Scorn Scoff Jeer Taunt Flout and Reproach the present Quakers whose Principles and Practice run parallel with the ancient Quakers Are you not like your Fore-Fathers of old who said to Christ the Head of both the Ancient and Present Quakers that Abraham was their Father and God was their Father yet they went about to kill him but he said unto them You are of your father the Devil else you would not go about to kill me John 8.39 40 41 42 43 44. So you may see how your Ancestors owned the ancient Quakers before their time but mocked taunted jeered scoffed and persecuted the present Ones and put them to Death as witness Matthew Mark Luke and John's Narration of Christ and other Histories of the Cruel Persecutions of the Apostles by the great Professors in that Generation And so you like them profess to own the former Quakers and make their Writings the Rule of your Faith but like your Fore-Fathers that owned the ancient Quakers and persecuted the present Ones You pretend to own the ancient Quakers both Prophets and Apostles but deny scoff and persecute the present Quakers whose Faith is one with the ancient Ones both Prophets and Apostles as having Dependence on the one Foundation which it 's in vain for any to lay any other then that which is laid even Jesus Christ So the Work of the present Day all who were out of the Truth hated and sought to shelter themselves by adhereing to or owning the Work of former dayes as you may see at large how the Scribes and Pharisees adhered to Moses and the Prophets but killed Christ Jesus whom they prophesied of and so do you in words like them adhere and seem in words to own the Prophets and Christ and his Apostles but now deny his present appearance in our day and time viz. the Light and Principle of God in you which checks and reproves you for Sin Come Papists Protestants Presbyterians Independents and Anabaptists how comes it to pass that you make such a stir with the former ancient Quakers Writings and carry them about with you and keep them in your Houses and call them the Bible and the Word of God and your Rule but cannot abide the present Quakers and their Writings but are afraid to read their Writings although there be nothing in our Writings but what is largely testified of and pointed unto in the Writings of our traduced Brethren the Quakers of old And seeing you thus calumniate scoff mock and taunt the present Quakers and their Writings how can you for shame I mean you Priests of all sorts make such a Trade and Gain of the former Quakers Writings And may not I say without doing any of you Wrong that that is one great Reason why you so highly own the ancient Quakers Writings because the Trade you drive with them brings in most Gain of all Trades And is not that the Reason why you so abuse the present Quakers and their Writings because they tell you that it's Symony so to do and that you ought to preach freely according to Christ Jesus his appointment as his Apostles the then persecuted Quakers did and the present Ones now do And oh you Priests both papists protestants presbyterians independents and anabaptists when I think of you I cannot but take up a Lamentation for you for God knows that as you are a part of Mankind I love you and unfainedly desire your Welfare when I consider at what a Loss you are all about the Meaning of the ancient Quakers Writings one saying Lo this is the Meaning of it and another saith Lo that 's the Meaning and a third fourth and fifth The other is the Meaning and what 's the Reason but that you all deny to make use of the Key of David an ancient Quaker that unlocks the Mysteries of all his Brethren's Writings which the Quakers have at this day But you not having the Quakers key to unfold the Mystery you like Pharaoh of old that called his Wise Men Magicians Southsayers and Astrologers to make known the matter so I say do you you having lost the key of David a Quaker you run to your Magicians to your Schools Tongues and Languages and with them you perplex your selves as Pharaoh did and as Nebuchadnezzar did and in that nature would as of old build a Tower reaching heaven But behold you builders are confounded you magicians and schollars cannot tell the mystery nor unfold the meaning of the ancient Quakers Writings but Pharaoh's Proviso and Nebuchadnezzar's Proviso was more discreet by far then their's are who trust in you for each of you with your Tongues pretend to unfold the thing and you Bargain and make the poor blind people give you great Gifts and Sums by the year although the Mystery be not unfolded until this day And are you not they that Christ the ancient Quakers head said would come Luke 17. who would say Lo here and lo there but believe them not for saith he the Kingdom of God is within you Now if you would hut honestly consider what did and doth induce you to believe the verity of the ancient Quakers writings viz. the Scriptures the same Light wou'd induce you to believe the present Ones for it 's the same thing in you that doth assert unto you the Truth of the Scriptures as doth assert that sin is sin but although each of you before-mentioned do believe the ancient Quakers Writings yet you differ in your Faith as touching the ancient and present Quakers Principles held forth in the ancient Quakers writings and so you being wrong in the principle of your foundation or building how then is you Edifice but like to fall First It was the ancient Quakers faith Iohn 1.9 That it was the true Light that lightned every man that comes into the World But you deny it to be that true Light but say It 's the light of Nature or of a natural Conscience The ancient Quakers said Rom. 19. that Whatever may be known of God is manifest in men for God hath shewed it unto them But each of you in Contradiction to the ancient Quakers that writ so and in Contradiction to the present Ones that now write so you say That which may be known of God is not manifest within men but without them In the ancient Quakers