yet respectively and for conscience sake towards God as Magistrates Parents husbands c. 3. The Lord himselfe is to be feared yea this is such a grace that it characters out a righteous man Acts 10. 2. Who shunnes evill and doth good Iob 1. 8. Who delighteth in Gods Commandements Psal 112. 1. Who succours the persecuted Saints 1 Reg. 18. 3 4. Who honoureth God Mal. 3. 16. Is obedient to the Lord Gen. 22. 12. And hath true faith Heb. 11. 7. 1. Feare Gods judgements so as to avoid them 2. Feare we sinne so as to flee from it 3. Feare man for the Lords sake so that we may be carefull to obey him loath to offend him Rom. 13. 7. 4. Feare we the Lord so as to be loath to displease him by sinne in respect of his great goodnesse and mercies and for love we beare to righteousnesse Psal 130. 4. But feare not the wickeds feare Isa 8. 12 13. sc their Idols and Devils with a distrustfull feare withdrawing the heart from God and his promises Feare not dangers death creatures tyrants want c. Math. 10. 26. 28. 31. viz. Immoderately faithlesly Feare not such a feare which troubleth the conscience so as to hinder the operation of salvation and worke of the Holy Ghost Feare not touching the pardon of your sinnes for Christ hath satisfied for them Feare not death for Christ hath plucked out its sting Feare not Sathan for Christ hath vanquished him Feare not condemnation for there is none to them which are in Christ Feare not you little flock you having fellowship with Iesus Christ the Sonne of God but be you comforted and encouraged you having interest in that society which affoords such plenty of consolations and comfortable blessings that I need not say behold I have shewed you by cleare demonstrations and infallible proofes that this is the most beautifull most honourable most sure most rich most joyfull and the most peacefull society that is what can I therefore say more for thee O sweet communion as Isaac said to Esau of Iacob Behold I have given to him for servants all his brethren with corne and wine have I sustained him and what shall I now do to thee my sonne Gen. 27. 37. Neither shall you need to question like Esau Hast thou but one blessing O my Father Ver. 38. and say hast thou but sixe blessings O lovely societie there belonging to it such plentie of consolations that could I live the age of Methuselah had I a heart and head furnished with the wisdome and ingenie of all learned men should I spend all that time and those onely supposed endowments in finding out and had I the tongue of men and Angels to expresse the numberlesse transcendent excellencies of this communion yet could I not be able to delineate the incomparable and blissefull felicities thereof Howbeit give me leave to cheare and refresh your soules with some few of the many millions of gladsome rayes which streame and flow from this Sunne of righteousnesse Are we in league and communion with Christ Iesus Then he loves us with all those loves which are most ardent and excelling Consol 1. he loves us with the love 1. Of a Master for we are servants 2. The love of a King for we are his subjects 3. The love of a brother for we are his brethren Heb. 2. 11. and sisters sc By profession and affection Math. 12. 50. 4. The love of a friend for we are his friends Luke 12. 4. Iohn 3. 29. 15. 15. 5. The love of a childe for wee are his mother Marke 3. 75. Being neare and deare to him as mothers are to their children bearing and conceiving Christ in our hearts as mothers do children in their womâes Gal. 4. 19. 6. The love of a father for we are his children 7. The love of a husband for we are his spouse 8. The love of himselfe for we are his members Then which what love more free more tender so great and during Then which what better honour What greater happinesse then to have such love of such a Saviour Who loving us so entirely will surely pardon our many sinnes 2. Passe by our frailties and infirmities 3. Shelter us against the wrath of God 4. Defend us safe against the malicious attempts of Sathan 5. Provide all necessary good things 6. And hereafter crowne us with immortall and unspeakable glory Have we fellowship with Christ Iesus Then we are surely Consol 2. justified Iustification being an action of the Father absolving a believing sinner from his sinnes and from the whole curse due to his sinnes and accounting him just in his sight and accepting him to life everlasting freely of his owne mercy through the perfect obedience and sufferings of Christ imputed to his faith unto the everlasting praise and glory of the mercy justice and truth of God Rom. 3. 24 25. Being justified freely of his grace c. Iustification is the office of Homil. of sal D. 3. God onelâ and is not a thing which we render to him but which we receive of him not which we give to him but which we take of him This is a benefit of benefits whereupon our salvation doth depend for whosoever shal be saved must be justified All graces are present in him that is justified yet they Hom. sal D. 1. justifie not altogether Now as the finall cause of justification is Gods glory and our owne salvation 2. The instrumentall is faith within and the Gospell without 3. The efficient is Gods free grace 4. So the matter is Christ our Redeemer 5. And the forme is the imputation of our sinnes to him and his justice to us As our sinne being imputed to Christ made M Burton pag. 66. him become sinne for us even so are we made the righteousnesse of God in him that is by imputation of his righteousnesse which righteousnesse of Christ imputed to us is no more inhaerent in us to our justification thou our sinne imputed to Christ was inhaerent in him to his condemnation Therefore all Gods Elect being joyned to Christ and having an heavenly communion with him being in themselves rebellious sinners Gods enemies and firebrands of hell by meanes of Christ Iesus with whom they have fellowship must needs be accepted of the Lord as perfectly righteous before him being justified by faith in him Rom. 3. 28. Not that faith doth justifie in regard of it selfe either because it is a grace for although it is an excellent vertue yet it is imperfect and mixed with unbelâefe 2. Nor in regard it is the worke of God in us for then all graces might be meanes of justification as well as it 3. Nor as it containes other graces in it for then it should be the principall part of our justice But in respect of the object thereof Christ Iesus whom faith apprehends as he is set forth in the Word and Sacraments We are justified by the act of M. Burton Truths triumph
Majestie and Lords of the Parliament Pag. 216. Lawes therefore saith he are in these loose dayes most requisite to set bounds unto our backe and belly which are even mad with vanitie Whole bookes might be written of our metamorphoses both of diet and apparell And not to flatter you we are the most infamous changelings that are in the world prodigall yea prodigious are the expences that our Nation is at to make it selfe the by-word of other Nations 3. What and if many ignorant and unacquainted in the wayes of righteousnesse consider onely the cariages and conversations of erring men making their thwart and crooked by-paths the rule and square of their imitation deeming their condition safe enough if they can warrant their wayes by the practises of men especially of Preachers thinking themselves to be as good Saints as need be if they can but say such Preachers who are learned men are usurers or drunkards or swearers c. aswell as we they allow of this and that although so much abhorred of the preciser sort and practice the same and therefore we both may and will And will you be covetous cursers of Gods people because the Prophet Balaam was so Will you be trecherous betrayers of the Sonne of God and incarnate Devils because the Apostle Iudas was so Will you be Apostaticall worldings because Demas a Preacher was so Is this to imitate Christ To be as he was in this world To be followers of Paul as he was of Christ But all examples are written for our learning True Yet Ob. An. Ob. Answ not for our observation and imitation But are not the examples of men to be imitated I say not so If pismires if locusts and such like creatures much more is man for imitation so be these examples are followed 1. With choyce selecting those of pious and godly men 2. With judgement imitating the holy ones of God First In their ordinary not extraordinary actions sc such which were done either 1. By singular commandement as Abrahams offering his sonne Gen. 22. 2. By extraordinary instinct as Phinees Num. 25. And Eliah 2 Reg. 1. 10. 3. Or by miracle as Peters walking upon the water 4. Or by custome of countrey as fashions in apparell Zeph. 1. 8. Secondly in their vertues onely not in their vices We must be followers of Saint Paul so of other the Saints of God as they were of Christ 1 Cor. 11. 1. Thirdly with limitation sc as this imitation may stand with our callings and Gods commandements Yet all you who already are ingrafted into this unparalel'd communion and you which desire admittance into the same do you imitate Christ Iesus punctually and precisely in those forenamed particulars living godlily after the rule of Christ suffering patiently after the example of Christ Which if you do you must of necessity resolve 1. To abominate and abandon sinne kill and crucifie the lusts of the flesh and all carnall corruptions 1. There being no agreement twixt light and darknesse 2. God not abiding Sathans image upon his coine 3. There being no possibilitie of serving such dissenting masters 4. These all much disagreeing from our glorious patterne they being the workes of the Devill which hee came to destroy 2. To make progresse in piety and grow in grace For 1. Babes in Christ must grow 1 Pet. 2. 2. Gods Spirit cannot be idle but causeth the just like the shining light to shine more and more unto the perfect day Prov. 4. 18. 3. Christianity is a race wherein they must run 1 Cor. 9. 24. Wherein not to goe forward is to goe backward And Non progredi est regredâ 4. Christ our patterne increased in wisdome and stature and in favour with God and man Luc. 2. 52. 3. To endure confiscation of goods like those Heb. 10. 34. Defamation of your credit like those 1 Cor. 4. 9. 13. And the losse of life like many thousand Martyrs for Christs sake He endured them all for us we must suffer them all for him Luc. 14. 26 27. And do not reply like the fleshly Capernaites this is a hard saying who can beare it For to suffer the spoyling of these not long lasting transitorie trashy riches to have in heaven a better and an induring substance is no losse but extraordinary advantage To be disgracefully derided and shamefully reproched by men blinded by the God of this world out of their wits starke fooles and of a brutish nature for the confession of Christ and his truth and to have an honourable esteeme from the worlds Creatour the Elects Saviour the Saints Sanctifier the glorious Guarders of Gods Iewels and all Gods people is not any disparagement but great renowne To endure Martyrdome or to suffer death for the Faith of Christ be it after the most ignominious and opprobrious manner and with the most hellish and horrible tortures Sathans agents and himselfe can invent and inflict is pronounced a blessing by the Spirit of Truth Rev. 14. 13. That I may perswade you to this imitation of Christ Iesus I will propound some few sc three inducements or allurements There is nothing more equall just or convenient then for Mot. 1. Christians to imitate Christ He is our unerring King Maister Head and Husband we his subjects servants members and spouse and can any thing better beseeme us then imitation He our Captaine and Commander we his souldiers and is it not reasonable that we should follow him Ioh. 10. 4. Such interest he hath in us that he may justly challenge that of us all which Abimelech commanded his souldiers Iudg. 9. 48. What you have seene me do make hast and do as I have done Other conformity is dangerous and hurtfull Be it to that cunning tempter malicious accuser of the brethren adversary Devill in any his workes Be it to sinne the cause of Devils hell and all judgements and the fore-runner of Damnation Be it to those stigmaticall impes and agents of the Devill who are of their Father Sathan and will do his workes Be it to the world it being enmity to God and not to be beloved of the Saints 1 Ioh. 2. 15. And conformity to it being forbidden Rom. 12. 2. And I thinke most men will conclude that such conformity is dangerous if not damnable Be it to the Saints in such things wherein they have swerved from this heavenly patterne and even this conformity is unallowable and abominable Nothing more commodious and gainefull then to imitate Christ 1. How can they go astray who follow Christ which never did amisse 2. How can they walke in darknesse who follow the true light Ioh. 1. 8. 3. How can they be deceived who follow Christ the truth 4. How can they misse of heaven who follow him which is the way Ioh. 14. 8. 5. How can they wander who follow Christ the light to guide them the way to conduct them and the truth to direct them 6. How can they displease God who imitate his Sonne in whom
he is well pleased 7. By this imitation we the members shall please our Head we the subjects shall content our King we the sheepe shall delight our shepheard 8. By this conformity we are assured that we are predestinated Rom. 8 29. 9. And ascertained that we shall be glorified for if we beare the image of the earthly we shall beare the image of the heavenly 1 Cor. 15. 49. 10. Be we followers of Christ who if we hunger is our Celestiall bread if we thirst is the water of life Be we as he was in this world this imitation being a forcible meanes to obtaine an infallible demonstration that we have and a necessary duty which we owe for this lovely and desireable fellowship with Gods Sonne Iesus Christ. CHAP. IX The second Marke and Duty Such must have faith who have fellowship with Christ DEsire we fellowship with Christ Iesus We must have 2. Marke Duty faith Not the worldlings fancied faith which he suckt from his mothers brest believing ever since he was borne Nor his painted fruitlesse faith he believing as well as the best yet abhorring or not loving or little or no whit regarding the Word preached prayer and other sanctified meanes whereby faith is begotten and increased He believing yet living prophanely or at the least onely civilly Which is not a true faith That faith which brings forth evill Hom. of sal E. 1. workes or no good workes is not a right pure and lively faith but a dead divellish counterfeit and fained faith They that Ibid. E. 1. continue in evill living have not true faith Lively faith is not without hope and trust in God nor without the love of God and of our neighbors nor without the feare of God nor without desire to heare Gods Word and to follow the same in eschewing evill Hom. of faith A 1. and doing gladly all good works But the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ Iam. 2. 1. The faith of the Elect Titus 1. 1. That faith of which Salvian speakes Quid est igitur Fides opinor fideliter hominem Christo credere 1. fidelem esse hoc est fideliter Dei maiâdata servare Salv. lib. 3. p. 60. saying What is faith therfore I think for a man faithfully to believe in Christ i. to be faithfull i. to observe Gods Commandements faithfully That faith 1. Which is of a growing and thriving nature from faith to faith Rom. 1. 17. 2. That two-handed faith which by confidence the one holdeth the Lord and receiveth good and by love the other imbraceth the brethren and doth good Gal. 5. 6. 3. That faith which yeelds obedience to Gods Commandements even the most repugnant to flesh and bloud by this Abraham left his country and offered Isaac Heb. 11. 4. That faith which doth instrumentally justifie Rom. 5. 1. And sanctifie Acts 15. 9. This is the faith we must have if we would have interest in this happy association 1. By this faith we are built upon the foundation and coupled to the Corner-Stone Christ 2. By this faith we are married to our Husband 3. By this faith we are ingrafted into the Vine Christ Iesus Eph. â 17. 4. 13. So that 1. As by the mortar the stones cleave to the foundation so by this faith which is like a strictive mortar we are cemented and united to Christ 2. As by the nerves or sinewes the parts receive sense motion yea and life from the head so by this faith we receive quickening and vitality from Christ as the members from the Head Ioh. 1. 16. Gal. 2. 20. 3. As by the true love-knot the husband and wife are made one flesh so by this faith we have spirituall familiarity with Christ as the wife with the husband Rom. 5. 1. Heb. 11. 6. Faith is the hand of the soule which applyeth the sacrifice M. Burton Truths triumph over Trent cap 7. pag 99. of Christ for sinne it is the hand which puts on the robes of the righteousnesse of Christ our elder Brother upon us Faith is the ligament or sinew which fasteneth and uniteth every faithfull member to the Head Christ Iesus Faith is the life of our lives Pag. 100. and the strength of our soules 1. This is that prevailing Champion which quencheth the fiery darts of Sathan Eph. 6. 16. Overcommeth the world 1 Ioh. 5. 4 5. Prevaileth with God and is overcome of nothing not by carnall sense not by humane reasons not by bitter tortures Heb. 11. 35 36 37. 2. This is the mother and fountaine of all good gifts the originall of justice beginning of devotion the head of sanctitie Fidet est origo institiae sanctitates caput devotionis principium Religionis fundamentum Chrysost Ser. de fide Tom. 4. pag. 574. A. M. Burton pag. 198. cap. 12. Pag. 201. and foundation of Religion Prayer is the proper worke of faith Rom. 10. 14. Confession to salvation is the speech of faith Rom. 10. 10. Good works of all sorts are the fruits of faith Faith gives life and being to every grace forasmuch as every grace is radically in faith because where faith is Christ is Holy faith is the foundation whereon all graces are built the ground whereon they grow 3. This is that so necessary grace that whosoever wants it 1. Hath no spirituall life with Christ the just living by faith Rom. 1. 17. And by the faith of the Sonne of God Gal. 2. 20. Neither is he a true Christian he wanting that whereby Christ dwels in the heart Eph. 3. 17. Neither can he do any good thing without this all being sinne Rom. 14. 23. And unpleasing to God Heb. 11. 6. 4. This is that which mounts and elevates a man into so high and honourable holy and happy condition that he hath such heavenly priviledges and transcendent prerogatives as to be Gods Sonne Iob. 1. 12. Christs and his Fathers friend to be a free Denison of heaven as to come to Christ to go to God to hasten to heaven to be inseparably inserted and indissolubly compacted into this incorporation with Iesus Christ of incomparable value and ineffable excellencies Is faith so preciously excellent 1. Why O you sonnes of men do you so much sleight it and neglect it 1. As not to labour at all for it 2. Or lesse then for temporary fading favours you 'le ride and run farre and neare toyle and travaile early and late for health and sanity of your bodies for increase and augmentation of your substance for food to eate and clothes to put on but so carelesly and negligently for this that were your endeavours no more earnest for bodily health death so dismall would soone smite you for food and rayment your tender backs and pampered bellies would quickly beshrow you for worldly wealth beggery so base would out of hand overtake you 3. Or more regardlesly then for any thing of base esteem in regard of it you take not cattell for your use at a venture but
c. Cap. 5 pa 5. 60. faith relatively to the object Christ not for the act of it Faith justifieth not by the act believing but as the instrument in applying the object which is Christ as the hand is said to heale Ibid. pag. 80. onely by applying the medicine or to enrich by receiving a treasure or to feed by putting meate into the mouth as we say a child c. It is Christ that is the Authour and matter of our justification it is Christ who applyeth the same unto us as for faith it is but an instrument to apprehend and a hand to receive Christs benefits for ours Or as Paraeus briefly saith Faith justifieth instrumentally the blood of Christ meritoriously Feâes iustificat orgââcè sanguââ Christi meritoriè Pataus in Rom 3. faith doth not apprehend these by power from it selfe but by vertue of the Lords covenant so that Christ and his merits are the believers not simply because he believes but because he believes upon precept and promise the Lord promising to impute the righteousnesse of his Sonne to us for our righteousnesse if we believe This faith layes hold upon Christs painefull sufferings sufficient for all the sinnes of all men and so freeth the believing sinner from the guilt and punishment of sin and from eternall damnation It layes hold upon the perfect obedience of Christ in fulfilling the Law hereby curing his owne actuall disobedience of the Law and applyeth the perfect holinesse of the humane nature of Christ whereby he is accepted as perfectly righteous of God and by this his originall corruption is healed 1. Are they happy whose sinnes are pardoned as indeed they are for when sinne is pardoned such debts and trespasses are forgiven which we could never pay nor any remit Qui solus mundus est mundare praevalet immunda Greg. Papa in Iob 14. 4. Nee homo nec Angelus Aug. Agricola non vitis efficlum Ad solam Triuitatem pertinet Idem Tom. 9 in Ioan. 15. pag. 444. save the omnipotent Iehovah Isa 43. 25. Nor any make satisfaction for and purge out except the Lord Iesus and that with his owne bloud 1 Ioh. 1. 7. When sinne is pardoned such spots and blemishes are forgiven which made us and our best actions loath some unto God Isa 1. 14. 15. And guilty of eternall damnation Rom. 6. 23. Is remission of sins such a favour that it hath for its efficient cause God only and his beloved Sonne Christ Iesus Isa 43. 25. Rom. 6. 25. Its moving cause the meere mercy truth and promise of God Eph. 1. 7. It s meritorious cause the death of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. And its finall Gods glory Ier. 33. 8 9. And the sinners salvation then they must needs be happy whose sinnes are forgiven Psal 32. 1 2. Rom. 4. 7 8. 2. Are they happy who being sinners are notwithstanding accounted righteous by the righteousnesse of Christ imputed as they must needs be for by this righteousnesse of Christ we are made the righteousnesse of God 2 Cor. 5. 21. The whole obedience of Christ with the merit thereof eternall life is made ours as if we had done the one and deserved the other yea by this we have store of supplies for all our wants We are poore Christ is our riches we are naked Christ is our garments we are blind Christ is our eye-salve Rev. 3. 18. We are deformed Christ is our beauty Rev. 19. 8. 3. Are they happy who being enemies to God by reason of sinne are made friends to the Lord they being reconciled to God by Christ having their sinnes done away and themselves arayed with the perfect righteousnesse of Christ as they needs must for what greater misery then to be at enmity with the Lord And what greater felicity then to be in league with God Rom. 8. 31. For if God be for us who can be against us 4. Is peace with God a great favour as it is it costing the bloud of Christ to make it Col. 1. 20. It passing all understanding Phil. 4. 7. And being a fore-runner of that perfect rest and joy the Elect have in heaven 2 Pet. 3. 14. 5. Is it a great favour to be Gods adopted children as it is intruth the Lord hereby taking us into his owne family and accepting us as his owne children not because he wanted an heire he living and reigning for ever not for want of children for he had a naturall Sonne not because this Sonne was unfit to inherit he being as fit as his Father But of his meere grace and bounty we being by nature children of wrath disobedience and the Devill This being such a blessing that by vertue of this we are made Christs brethren heires Gal. 3. 18. Heires of God joynt-heires with Christ Rom. 8. 17. Of Gods kingdome Iam. 2. 5. By vertue of this we are Lords over all creatures save Angels we have them to guard us and all things working for our good This is such a favour then which God could not have bestowed upon us a greater * Pluâ est cum Paulus ait heredes nos esse coheredes Christs quam si mille mundos nedum coelum terram cum omnibiâ bonu noâ reipsa ââ atârâum ãâ¦ã siâ osâsse ãâã in Rom. 8. 17. It is more when Paul saith we are heires and co-heires with Christ then if he had affirmed that we should indeed enjoy for ever a thousand worlds not onely heaven and earth with all good things therein If it was no small preferment for David to be sonne in law to Saul 1 Sam. 18. 23. Then what preferment is it to be the Lords adopted children * Quid ãâã ãâã conserra potest An non excellentior Majestaâ est esse ãâã Dei ãâã silium potentissina Monarchae ãâã terra Hoâ beneficio nihil ãâã est vel excellentius ârentius in Isa 38 What may be compared to such dignitie Is it not a more excellent prerogative to be the Sonne of the God of heaven then sonne of the most potent Monarch upon earth There is nothing more high or surmounting this benefit This is such a favour that a reverend Divine saith thus of it * M. Greeneham Aphorismes As farre as the spirit is above the flesh God above men heaven above earth eternity above time so farre is the new creation above the old This is such a blessing that Saint Iohn cals all to admire what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sonnes of God 1 Ioh. 3. 1. 6. Is hope of the glory of God an extraordinary benefit as it is for by this with patience we looke for the accomplishment of all good things By this we undergoe afflictions with a contented mind By this we being inwardly cheared and caused outwardly to confesse the same to the glory of God encouragement of the Saints amazement of wicked ones and strengthening of our selves to continue against all discouragements and