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A sermon preached at St. Martins in the Fields, on November the fifth, 1678 by William Lloyd ...
Lloyd, William, 1627-1717.
Wing L2709; ESTC R20333
and_o favour_n he_o knight_v many_o of_o they_o and_o even_o one_o digby_n that_o be_v afterward_o in_o this_o treason_n this_o gunpowder-treason_n be_v encourage_v or_o at_o least_o hasten_v by_o those_o mean_n i_o speak_v in_o the_o very_a word_n of_o that_o king_n say_v he_o 253._o the_o papist_n themselves_o grow_v to_o that_o height_n of_o pride_n in_o confidence_n of_o my_o mildness_n that_o they_o do_v direct_o expect_v and_o assure_o promise_v themselves_o liberty_n of_o conscience_n and_o equality_n with_o my_o other_o subject_n in_o all_o other_o thing_n when_o they_o find_v that_o king_n james_n be_v not_o for_o downright_a toleration_n than_o they_o be_v for_o his_o blood_n nothing_o will_v satisfy_v they_o but_o his_o blood_n and_o not_o only_o he_o but_o the_o queen_n and_o his_o child_n 224._o i_o speak_v the_o word_n of_o his_o majesty_n proclamation_n and_o of_o the_o act_n of_o thanksgiving_n upon_o this_o day_n the_o king_n the_o queen_n the_o prince_n be_v all_o at_o one_o thunderclap_a to_o be_v send_v to_o heaven_n together_o oh_o barbarous_a and_o horrid_a and_o execrable_a cruelty_n how_o can_v it_o enter_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n but_o by_o the_o instigation_n of_o the_o devil_n to_o do_v such_o horrid_a thing_n as_o they_o have_v design_v to_o destroy_v their_o own_o prince_n the_o anoint_v of_o the_o lord_n his_o gracious_a queen_n their_o hopeful_a child_n their_o whole_a parliament_n with_o they_o and_o god_n know_v how_o many_o more_o that_o shall_v come_v within_o the_o reach_n of_o that_o blow_n the_o innocent_a with_o the_o guilty_a yea_o all_o innocent_a for_o there_o be_v none_o guilty_a of_o any_o thing_n but_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o their_o religion_n be_v according_a to_o scripture_n only_o it_o be_v against_o the_o popish_a tradition_n as_o the_o scripture_n itself_o be_v the_o scripture_n be_v against_o those_o popish_a tradition_n what_o then_o if_o other_o do_v what_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n do_v muât_o they_o be_v such_o arrant_a jew_n to_o kill_v they_o for_o this_o yes_o and_o that_o with_o the_o same_o colour_n of_o duty_n and_o religion_n it_o be_v resolve_v 503._o to_o be_v lawful_a to_o be_v laudable_a to_o be_v meritorious_a or_o as_o my_o text_n say_v a_o good_a service_n a_o acceptable_a sacrifice_n to_o god_n i_o know_v how_o they_o that_o come_v after_o do_v endeavour_n to_o excuse_v this_o and_o shall_v lay_v open_a their_o excuse_n more_o full_o elsewhere_o i_o shall_v only_o at_o this_o time_n desire_v you_o to_o think_v what_o they_o can_v say_v for_o themselves_o and_o much_o more_o for_o the_o author_n of_o this_o wickedness_n what_o they_o first_o say_v be_v that_o the_o author_n do_v not_o come_v of_o themselves_o but_o be_v draw_v into_o it_o they_o be_v indeed_o lead_v into_o this_o wickedness_n by_o their_o religion_n they_o act_v according_a to_o their_o conscience_n as_o the_o jew_n do_v in_o crucify_a christ._n they_o be_v draw_v in_o by_o none_o but_o their_o spiritual_a guide_n by_o their_o own_o high_a priest_n and_o their_o ruler_n by_o the_o pope_n and_o the_o govern_v clergy_n for_o the_o minister_n of_o state_n who_o they_o now_o charge_v with_o this_o there_o be_v no_o ground_n for_o such_o a_o charge_n but_o his_o vigilance_n there_o be_v not_o the_o least_o intimation_n of_o any_o other_o in_o those_o day_n both_o they_o that_o die_v and_o they_o that_o survive_v accuse_v none_o but_o themselves_o leave_v no_o shadow_n of_o gild_n on_o any_o other_o but_o what_o then_o be_v they_o rash_o draw_v into_o it_o nothing_o less_o it_o be_v a_o deliberate_a plot._n it_o be_v begin_v and_o carry_v on_o with_o great_a consultation_n it_o be_v some_o year_n in_o contrive_v before_o it_o be_v to_o be_v put_v in_o execution_n but_o it_o be_v manage_v only_o by_o a_o few_o desperate_a man_n that_o be_v thrust_v upon_o it_o with_o some_o great_a provocation_n that_o be_v a_o second_o excuse_n but_o for_o the_o provocation_n take_v it_o in_o the_o king_n be_v own_o word_n 225._o there_o be_v no_o foreign_a grudge_n nor_o no_o inward_a whisper_n nor_o discontent_n that_o be_v any_o way_n appear_v before_o this_o plot._n for_o their_o condition_n the_o chief_a actor_n in_o it_o be_v man_n of_o great_a estate_n and_o spend_v many_o thousand_o of_o pound_n in_o it_o and_o be_v able_a to_o have_v spend_v many_o more_o for_o the_o number_n i_o believe_v the_o design_n itself_o be_v know_v to_o few_o but_o that_o there_o be_v a_o design_n be_v know_v to_o many_o more_o king_n james_n himself_o tell_v we_o so_o 291._o a_o great_a number_n of_o my_o popish_a subject_n of_o all_o rank_n and_o sort_n both_o man_n and_o woman_n as_o well_o within_o as_o without_o the_o country_n have_v a_o confuse_a notion_n and_o obscure_a knowledge_n that_o some_o great_a thing_n be_v to_o be_v do_v in_o that_o parliament_n for_o the_o weal_n of_o the_o church_n though_o for_o secrecy_n sake_n they_o be_v not_o to_o be_v acquaint_v with_o the_o particular_n but_o perhaps_o those_o many_o be_v of_o the_o more_o ignorant_a sort_n that_o be_v draw_v into_o it_o for_o want_v of_o knowledge_n nay_o they_o know_v as_o much_o as_o they_o general_o care_v to_o know_v they_o understand_v the_o mind_n of_o their_o governor_n concern_v this_o matter_n their_o spiritual_a governor_n be_v the_o chief_a man_n in_o it_o themselves_o 273._o garnet_n the_o very_a chief_a man_n be_v the_o provincial_n of_o the_o jesuit_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o order_n be_v the_o chief_a instigator_n who_o not_o only_o consult_v and_o contrive_v but_o form_v prayer_n for_o this_o purpose_n and_o use_v they_o in_o their_o several_a congregation_n for_o the_o good_a success_n of_o this_o business_n these_o be_v again_o the_o word_n of_o king_n james_n in_o his_o book_n 291._o but_o it_o will_v be_v say_v the_o catholic_n ever_o since_o have_v disow_v it_o i_o think_v and_o doubt_v not_o many_o of_o they_o do_v from_o their_o heart_n but_o i_o assure_v you_o it_o be_v disow_v by_o not_o many_o of_o the_o govern_v party_n some_o of_o the_o traitor_n themselves_o confess_v their_o gild_n at_o their_o death_n digby_n three_o of_o they_o and_o no_o more_o the_o rest_n justify_v themselves_o and_o stand_v in_o it_o to_o the_o last_o 291._o some_o of_o they_o refuse_v to_o ask_v any_o pardon_n for_o it_o one_o of_o the_o jesuit_n hall_n say_v it_o will_v have_v be_v commendable_a if_o it_o have_v be_v do_v a_o lay-gentleman_n winter_n say_v even_o at_o his_o suffering_n he_o hope_v their_o son_n will_v grow_v up_o to_o revenge_v their_o cause_n one_o of_o they_o grant_n be_v advise_v to_o repent_v of_o that_o sin_n answer_v cheerful_o he_o be_v satisfy_v it_o be_v far_o from_o be_v a_o sin_n nay_o that_o he_o trust_v the_o merit_n of_o that_o undertake_n will_v ample_o suffice_v for_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o his_o sin_n thus_o they_o think_v what_o other_o do_v it_o appear_v after_o their_o death_n some_o of_o their_o leader_n be_v yet_o esteem_v no_o less_o than_o martyr_n in_o their_o church_n and_o those_o principle_n by_o which_o they_o go_v be_v yet_o the_o very_a catholic_a doctrine_n i_o know_v or_o believe_v at_o least_o they_o be_v detest_v by_o some_o member_n of_o that_o church_n but_o they_o be_v as_o bold_o and_o as_o strenuous_o assert_v by_o the_o head_n of_o that_o church_n and_o by_o all_o the_o principal_a member_n they_o do_v real_o that_o which_o christ_n foretell_v some_o will_v do_v in_o future_a time_n upon_o the_o account_n of_o religion_n they_o will_v say_v he_o put_v you_o out_o etc._n etc._n the_o more_o evident_a this_o be_v in_o they_o the_o strong_a motive_n it_o shall_v be_v to_o we_o both_o to_o zeal_n for_o our_o religion_n at_o all_o time_n and_o now_o especial_o to_o thankfulness_n to_o god_n for_o this_o deliverance_n for_o our_o religion_n we_o know_v it_o be_v from_o the_o god_n of_o truth_n and_o they_o as_o far_o as_o it_o differ_v from_o we_o be_v from_o the_o father_n of_o lie_n and_o they_o take_v his_o way_n to_o maintain_v it_o if_o fraud_n and_o violence_n be_v of_o the_o devil_n which_o they_o be_v as_o sure_a as_o truth_n and_o goodness_n be_v of_o god._n bless_a be_v god_n for_o our_o religion_n for_o give_v it_o for_o keep_v it_o from_o all_o danger_n and_o especial_o from_o this_o he_o deserve_v no_o other_o mercy_n that_o be_v not_o thankful_a for_o this_o lord_n we_o deserve_v none_o at_o all_o we_o deserve_v nothing_o but_o judgement_n we_o be_v below_o even_o the_o least_o of_o thy_o mercy_n it_o be_v for_o thy_o mercy_n sake_n for_o thy_o own_o sake_n that_o thou_o do_v this_o oh_o never_o let_v it_o be_v forget_v in_o our_o day_n never_o let_v it_o be_v remember_v or_o think_v of_o but_o with_o thanksgiving_n to_o our_o god_n and_o as_o the_o high_a motive_n upon_o earth_n to_o those_o way_n that_o be_v please_v in_o his_o sight_n to_o a_o zeal_n for_o his_o truth_n to_o love_n and_o unity_n among_o ourselves_o to_o true_a holiness_n in_o all_o our_o conversation_n and_o have_v this_o experience_n of_o god_n care_n for_o his_o church_n in_o these_o kingdom_n let_v we_o learn_v by_o this_o to_o trust_v he_o with_o it_o on_o all_o other_o occasion_n we_o have_v a_o great_a occasion_n at_o present_a and_o god_n know_v what_o we_o be_v like_a to_o have_v more_o let_v we_o trust_n in_o he_o that_o as_o he_o have_v do_v so_o he_o will_v still_o deliver_v we_o but_o withal_o let_v we_o keep_v his_o way_n and_o not_o follow_v our_o adversary_n in_o they_o it_o be_v proper_o their_o way_n to_o kill_v man_n for_o religion_n god_n forbid_v we_o shall_v follow_v they_o in_o it_o but_o for_o those_o other_o thing_n in_o which_o they_o give_v we_o example_n for_o zeal_n and_o activity_n and_o undefatigable_a diligence_n as_o they_o be_v they_o in_o a_o ill_a cause_n so_o in_o a_o good_a they_o may_v and_o aught_o to_o be_v we_o and_o in_o these_o if_o we_o can_v outdo_v they_o yet_o for_o shame_n let_v we_o not_o be_v outdo_v let_v we_o not_o as_o perhaps_o we_o be_v too_o apt_a to_o do_v so_o much_o rely_v on_o our_o cause_n as_o to_o think_v that_o we_o need_v not_o defend_v it_o last_o let_v we_o follow_v our_o endeavour_n with_o our_o prayer_n to_o almighty_a god_n that_o be_v deliver_v from_o the_o hand_n of_o all_o our_o enemy_n we_o may_v serve_v he_o without_o fear_n that_o have_v escape_v the_o great_a cruelty_n on_o this_o side_n hell_n we_o may_v at_o last_o escape_n that_o too_o and_o that_o live_v and_o die_v in_o the_o communion_n of_o his_o church_n we_o may_v be_v partaker_n of_o his_o kingdom_n in_o life_n everlasting_a finis_fw-la vers._n 1._o matth._n 15._o 16._o 16._o sir_n everard_n digby_n digby_n king_n james_n work_n pag._n 253._o 253._o king_n james_n work_n pag_n 224._o 224._o thu._n hist._n tom._n 4._o p._n 1206._o e._n king_n james_n work_n pag._n 503._o 503._o king_n james_n work_n p._n 225._o 225._o king_n james_n work_n pag._n 291._o 291._o king_n james_n work_n p._n 273._o 273._o ibid._n p._n 291._o 291._o winter_n rockwood_n and_o digby_n digby_n king_n james_n work_n pag_n 291._o 291._o hall_n hall_n r._n winter_n winter_n grant_n