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Concio ad magistratum a nations honour, and a nations dishonour, or, A kingdoms prospective-glass : discovering who are the most faithful friends, and who the most dangerous enemies to the peace and prosperity of a kingdom / written by P. Fullwood.
Fullwood, P. (Peter)
Wing F2522; ESTC R7022
god_n and_o all_o good_a man_n then_o if_o any_o shall_v revive_v that_o old_a complaint_n what_o be_v the_o cause_n that_o the_o former_a time_n be_v better_a than_o these_o the_o text_n give_v resolution_n it_o be_v sin_n sin_n be_v the_o snuff_n that_o dim_v all_o our_o light_n the_o leaven_n that_o defile_v our_o passover_n and_o render_v we_o a_o proverb_n and_o a_o hiss_a and_o astonishment_n to_o all_o our_o neighbour_n nation_n round_o about_o which_o to_o prevent_v currat_fw-la paenitentia_fw-la ne_fw-la praecurrat_fw-la sententia_fw-la let_v we_o hasten_v our_o repentance_n that_o judgement_n do_v not_o overtake_v we_o before_o we_o be_v aware_a sin_n be_v of_o a_o shameful_a birth_n it_o be_v of_o the_o spurious_a race_n of_o satan_n the_o father_n be_v a_o amorite_n the_o mother_n a_o hitite_n you_o be_v of_o your_o father_n the_o devil_n and_o his_o lust_n will_v you_o do_v he_o be_v a_o murderer_n from_o 44._o john_n 8._o 44._o the_o beginning_n and_o abode_n not_o in_o the_o truth_n because_o there_o be_v no_o truth_n in_o he_o when_o he_o speak_v a_o lie_n he_o speak_v of_o his_o own_o for_o he_o be_v a_o liar_n and_o the_o father_n of_o it_o selivius_n the_o great_a turk_n upon_o revenge_n of_o his_o loss_n receive_v of_o the_o battle_n of_o lepanto_n be_v resolve_v to_o put_v to_o death_n all_o the_o christian_n within_o his_o dominion_n and_o such_o be_v the_o devil_n malice_n against_o all_o mankind_n for_o the_o loss_n of_o the_o favour_n of_o god_n and_o eternal_a happiness_n he_o seek_v the_o ruin_n and_o destruction_n of_o they_o all_o your_o adversary_n the_o devil_n as_o a_o roar_a 8._o 1_o pet._n 5._o 8._o lion_n walk_v about_o seek_v who_o he_o may_v devour_v a_o athenian_a courtesan_n boast_v she_o can_v get_v all_o socrates_n scholar_n from_o he_o and_o he_o can_v never_o recover_v one_o of_o they_o again_o such_o as_o be_v the_o scholar_n of_o christ_n school_n have_v need_n take_v heed_n they_o be_v not_o draw_v from_o god_n to_o sin_n for_o it_o be_v as_o hard_a to_o get_v out_o of_o his_o claw_n as_o for_o the_o israelite_n to_o get_v out_o of_o egypt_n bondage_n again_o sin_n be_v a_o shame_n to_o our_o profession_n religion_n never_o suffer_v great_a eclipse_n than_o by_o the_o interposition_n of_o the_o enormity_n of_o christian_n example_n be_v the_o great_a loadstone_n to_o draw_v our_o soul_n and_o of_o all_o none_o more_o prevalent_a that_o those_o that_o be_v evil_a this_o be_v the_o aggravation_n of_o david_n sin_n urge_v by_o the_o prophet_n nathan_n by_o this_o deed_n thou_o have_v give_v great_a occasion_n 14._o 2_o sam._n 12._o v._n 14._o to_o the_o enemy_n of_o the_o lord_n to_o blaspheme_v the_o enormity_n of_o christian_n be_v a_o main_a âause_n of_o the_o mahometan_a religion_n if_o the_o light_n be_v darkness_n how_o great_a be_v that_o darkness_n if_o the_o salt_n have_v lose_v his_o savour_n that_o there_o be_v little_a hope_n that_o the_o unsavoury_a life_n of_o heathen_n pagan_n or_o infidel_n shall_v ever_o be_v reform_v hell_n be_v not_o more_o contrary_a to_o heaven_n than_o such_o prodigious_a impiety_n as_o swarm_v among_o christian_n be_v to_o the_o enlargement_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o christ_n to_o purge_v out_o these_o evil_a humour_n which_o endanger_v the_o mystical_a body_n of_o christ_n let_v we_o take_v out_o the_o apostle_n direction_n let_v your_o conversation_n be_v such_o as_o become_v 27._o phil._n 1._o 27._o the_o gospel_n of_o christ_n sin_n likewise_o bring_v man_n to_o shameful_a end_n what_o become_v of_o pharaoh_n the_o tyrannical_a achittophel_n the_o crafty_a ahab_n the_o covetous_a nebuchanezzar_n the_o ambitious_a judas_n the_o treacherous_a their_o end_n be_v bitter_a as_o wormwood_n and_o sharp_a as_o a_o two_o edge_a sword_n suitable_a to_o that_o of_o the_o prophet_n thou_o do_v set_v they_o in_o slippery_a 20._o psal_n 73._o v._n 18_o 19_o 20._o place_n thou_o cast_v they_o down_o into_o destruction_n how_o be_v they_o bronght_n into_o desolation_n as_o in_o a_o moment_n as_o a_o dream_n when_o one_o awake_v which_o make_v the_o apostle_n break_v through_o the_o cloud_n of_o his_o sin_n into_o this_o emphatical_a exclamation_n o_o wretched_a man_n that_o i_o be_o who_o sholl_a deliver_v i_o from_o 24._o rom._n 7._o 24._o the_o body_n of_o this_o death_n o_o death_n how_o bitter_a be_v the_o remembrance_n of_o thou_o to_o the_o impenitent_a when_o this_o sergeant_n arrest_v they_o all_o the_o flower_n of_o their_o paradise_n fade_v away_o they_o that_o go_v out_o of_o this_o world_n without_o christ_n passport_n shall_v go_v into_o another_o world_n without_o his_o welcome_n shall_v be_v deliver_v up_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o that_o fearful_a sentence_n depart_v from_o i_o you_o curse_v into_o everlasting_a flame_n prepare_v for_o the_o devil_n and_o his_o angle_n consider_v with_o what_o shame_n and_o confusion_n of_o face_n impenitent_a sinner_n shall_v then_o appear_v before_o christ_n tribunal_n the_o king_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o the_o rich_a man_n and_o the_o 16._o revel_v 6._o 15_o 16._o chief_a captain_n and_o the_o mighty_a man_n and_o every_o bond_n man_n and_o every_o freeman_n hide_v themselves_o in_o the_o den_n and_o in_o the_o rock_n of_o the_o mountain_n and_o say_v to_o the_o rock_n and_o mountain_n fall_v upon_o we_o and_o hide_v we_o from_o the_o face_n of_o he_o that_o sit_v on_o the_o throne_n and_o from_o the_o wrath_n of_o the_o lamb_n for_o the_o great_a day_n of_o the_o lord_n be_v come_v and_o who_o may_v abide_v it_o sin_n be_v like_o a_o old_a bond_n that_o have_v long_o lyen_fw-we uncancel_v when_o it_o come_v to_o be_v call_v for_o the_o full_a will_v be_v exact_v and_o use_v upon_o use_n therefore_o very_o seasonable_a be_v that_o advice_n of_o our_o saviour_n agree_v with_o thy_o adversary_n quick_o whilst_o thou_o be_v in_o the_o way_n with_o he_o lest_o 25._o mat._n 5._o 25._o the_o adversary_n deliver_v thou_o to_o the_o judge_n and_o the_o judge_n to_o the_o officer_n and_o thou_o be_v cast_v into_o prison_n thou_o shall_v not_o come_v out_o till_o thou_o have_v pay_v the_o uttermost_a farthing_n then_o let_v we_o be_v as_o fearful_a of_o the_o commission_n of_o sin_n as_o of_o the_o shame_n and_o punishment_n of_o it_o and_o take_v heed_n of_o the_o love_n of_o sin_n as_o well_o as_o the_o commission_n of_o it_o take_v away_o the_o cause_n the_o effect_n will_v fall_v of_o itself_o this_o be_v the_o antidote_n wherewith_o holy_a joseph_n expel_v the_o poison_n 9_o gen._n 39_o v._n 9_o of_o his_o wanton_a mistress_n temptation_n how_o can_v i_o do_v this_o great_a wickedness_n and_o sin_n against_o god_n sustinere_fw-la as_o well_o as_o abstinere_fw-la be_v a_o resolution_n become_v a_o christian_n if_o the_o fear_n of_o sin_n be_v once_o lay_v aside_o we_o shall_v not_o want_v allurement_n to_o invite_v we_o to_o it_o eve_n shall_v have_v a_o apple_n esau_n a_o mess_n of_o pottage_n achan_n a_o golden_a wedg_n jonah_n a_o ship_n judas_z thirty_o piece_n of_o silver_n but_o let_v we_o say_v to_o such_o as_o luther_n do_v to_o the_o pope_n when_o he_o send_v cardinal_n to_o tempt_v with_o promise_n of_o promotion_n valde_fw-la protestatus_fw-la sum_fw-la i_o molle_fw-la sic_fw-la satiari_fw-la i_o say_v flat_o i_o will_v not_o be_v satisfy_v with_o such_o thing_n so_o i_o come_v to_o the_o three_o and_o last_o step_n of_o this_o second_o general_n viz._n the_o extent_n to_o any_o people_n sin_n be_v a_o shame_n to_o any_o people_n no_o person_n of_o what_o quality_n or_o degree_n soever_o have_v any_o toleration_n for_o sin_n nor_o exemption_n from_o the_o shame_n or_o punishment_n of_o it_o the_o revolt_a jew_n 13._o jer._n 1._o v._n 9_o 10_o 11_o 12_o 13._o have_v taste_v a_o full_a draught_n of_o god_n tender_a love_n fall_v into_o the_o praemnuire_n of_o his_o sharp_a censure_n i_o will_v plead_v with_o you_o say_v the_o lord_n and_o with_o your_o child_n child_n will_v i_o plead_v pass_v over_o the_o isle_n of_o chittim_n and_o see_v and_o send_v unto_o kedar_n and_o consider_v diligent_o and_o see_v if_o there_o be_v such_o a_o thing_n have_v a_o nation_n change_v her_o god_n for_o they_o that_o be_v no_o god_n but_o my_o people_n have_v change_v her_o glory_n for_o that_o which_o do_v not_o profit_n be_v astonish_v o_o you_o heathen_n at_o this_o and_o be_v horrible_o afraid_a be_v very_o desolate_a say_v the_o lord_n my_o people_n have_v commit_v two_o evil_n they_o have_v forsake_v i_o the_o fountain_n of_o live_a water_n and_o choose_v to_o themselves_o break_v cistern_n that_o will_v hold_v no_o water_n man_n fall_v into_o sin_n be_v like_o the_o child_n of_o israel_n go_v into_o egypt_n they_o have_v all_o the_o favour_n that_o pharaoh_n can_v extend_v to_o they_o all_o the_o