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Christes miracles deliuered in a sermon. By Arthvr Dent, preacher of the word of God, at South-Shoobery in Essex.
Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.
STC 6613; ESTC S113588
in_o the_o mouth_n of_o all_o the_o false_a prophet_n although_o they_o themselves_o do_v not_o at_o that_o time_n perceive_v it_o so_o he_o possess_v man_n body_n as_o in_o the_o gospel_n when_o our_o saviour_n have_v cast_v he_o out_o of_o a_o man_n he_o straight_o way_n go_v into_o a_o hear_v of_o swine_n and_o even_o so_o he_o be_v able_a to_o draw_v man_n body_n after_o he_o we_o may_v also_o see_v his_o power_n by_o a_o comparison_n with_o the_o good_a angel_n 2._o king_n 19_o a_o angel_n of_o the_o lord_n slay_v a_o hundred_o and_o 85000._o man_n of_o zenacherib_n host_n in_o one_o night_n now_o the_o same_o power_n be_v in_o satan_n by_o his_o creation_n which_o hereby_o appear_v to_o be_v very_o great_a so_o when_o he_o carry_v christ_n body_n upon_o a_o pinnacle_n of_o the_o temple_n and_o up_o into_o a_o mountain_n to_o tempt_v he_o and_o act_v 16._o 19_o there_o be_v exoreiste_n that_o will_v cast_v forth_o devil_n in_o the_o name_n of_o jesus_n but_o the_o evil_a spirit_n in_o the_o man_n run_v on_o they_o and_o over-came_v they_o so_o that_o they_o sle_z out_o of_o the_o house_n naked_a and_o wound_v it_o be_v therefore_o certain_a that_o satan_n be_v of_o a_o wonderful_a power_n and_o that_o the_o child_n of_o god_n have_v oftentimes_o try_v both_o in_o themselves_o &_o also_o in_o other_o among_o many_o other_o i_o remember_v one_o that_o be_v worthy_a remembrance_n there_o be_v a_o man_n in_o geneva_n who_o feel_v something_o to_o fall_v out_o contrary_a to_o his_o mind_n and_o for_o diverse_a cause_n which_o be_v not_o needful_a to_o repeat_v blaspheme_v god_n &_o desire_v that_o if_o there_o be_v any_o devil_n they_o may_v come_v and_o take_v he_o away_o who_o be_v present_o in_o the_o air_n and_o never_o hear_v of_o after_o save_v only_o that_o his_o cap_n fall_v off_o his_o head_n which_o show_v that_o satan_n have_v great_a power_n this_o teach_v we_o that_o man_n must_v not_o be_v careless_a but_o must_v look_v to_o themselves_o for_o satan_n be_v a_o roar_a lion_n seek_v who_o he_o may_v soon_o devour_v watch_v therefore_o and_o pray_v lest_o you_o fall_v into_o temptation_n but_o if_o satan_n power_n be_v so_o great_a how_o come_v it_o to_o pass_v that_o many_o man_n do_v so_o well_o in_o this_o world_n i_o answer_v this_o power_n be_v bar_v and_o limit_v by_o the_o lord_n and_o that_o by_o two_o especial_a limit_n the_o first_o limit_n be_v his_o nature_n for_o he_o be_v not_o able_a to_o do_v any_o thing_n then_o that_o which_o his_o natural_a disposition_n will_v permit_v and_o suffer_v the_o second_o limit_n be_v the_o will_n of_o god_n for_o he_o can_v do_v nothing_o against_o the_o will_n of_o god._n except_o the_o lord_n do_v either_o permit_v he_o or_o command_v he_o he_o be_v not_o able_a to_o do_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o as_o it_o be_v also_o in_o other_o creature_n the_o water_n shall_v by_o nature_n overflowe_v the_o whole_a earth_n yet_o they_o do_v not_o because_o it_o be_v the_o will_n of_o god_n so_o also_o be_v it_o with_o satan_n as_o appear_v when_o the_o lord_n give_v he_o power_n of_o all_o job_n good_n beyond_o the_o lord_n will_v he_o can_v not_o go_v for_o the_o lord_n will_v not_o suffer_v he_o to_o do_v any_o thing_n to_o his_o child_n but_o only_a thâ_n which_o shall_v tend_v to_o their_o good_a ar_n thou_o in_o misery_n or_o in_o any_o dangerous_a distress_n wherein_o thou_o be_v most_o subject_a to_o the_o cruelty_n of_o satan_n be_v of_o good_a comfort_n satan_n be_v limit_v he_o can_v do_v any_o thing_n to_o thou_o but_o only_o that_o which_o the_o lord_n command_v he_o but_o may_v not_o satan_n knowledge_n and_o power_n be_v use_v i_o answer_v it_o may_v god_n use_v it_o in_o punish_v try_v and_o correct_v his_o child_n again_o the_o apostle_n use_v his_o power_n for_o they_o have_v deliver_v man_n to_o satan_n as_o paul_n do_v 1._o tim._n 1._o 20._o himeneus_n and_o alexander_n and_o as_o he_o will_v have_v do_v the_o incestuous_a corinth_n but_o may_v not_o la_fw-fr man_n use_v it_o in_o familiar_a sort_n in_o talk_v bargane_a and_o consult_v with_o satan_n no._n this_o be_v forbid_v deut._n 18._o levit._n 20._o and_o we_o be_v command_v to_o resist_v the_o devil_n and_o to_o fly_v from_o he_o we_o must_v not_o therefore_o consult_v with_o he_o he_o may_v oftentimes_o tell_v the_o truth_n but_o we_o must_v not_o accept_v it_o christ_n give_v we_o example_n hereof_o for_o he_o say_v that_o christ_n be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n which_o be_v a_o truth_n yet_o christ_n command_v he_o to_o be_v silent_a to_o teach_v we_o that_o the_o truth_n be_v not_o to_o be_v receive_v from_o he_o for_o he_o be_v the_o father_n of_o lie_n here_o than_o all_o man_n be_v forbid_v to_o seek_v unto_o satan_n to_o know_v any_o truth_n whatsoever_o and_o therefore_o hereby_o we_o condemn_v those_o that_o use_v witchery_n by_o the_o counsel_n of_o satan_n and_o in_o the_o former_a place_n the_o very_a action_n of_o consult_v with_o satan_n though_o no_o harm_n come_v thereby_o be_v flat_o death_n to_o the_o party_n i_o will_v this_o law_n be_v establish_v in_o all_o christian_a church_n than_o there_o will_v not_o be_v so_o many_o witch_n in_o that_o kind_n as_o now_o there_o be_v i_o confess_v indeed_o there_o be_v some_o which_o be_v count_v witch_n which_o indeed_o be_v not_o as_o namely_o those_o which_o hurt_v cattle_n as_o ox_n horse_n swine_n or_o such_o like_a or_o else_o child_n not_o from_o the_o counsel_n of_o satan_n but_o by_o the_o tradition_n of_o other_o woman_n by_o poison_v they_o in_o do_v nothing_o but_o use_v the_o natural_a cause_n thereof_o those_o i_o will_v have_v punish_v yet_o not_o in_o the_o name_n of_o witch_n but_o in_o the_o name_n of_o murderer_n some_o man_n think_v that_o they_o may_v over-rule_v satan_n by_o conjuration_n in_o use_v this_o preparation_n which_o be_v set_v down_o by_o some_o of_o late_a that_o they_o must_v make_v a_o circle_n and_o in_o it_o make_v triangle_n quadrangle_v and_o cross_n and_o speak_v certain_a word_n as_o say_v the_o paternoster_n and_o many_o other_o such_o like_a thing_n that_o they_o may_v call_v up_o satan_n in_o what_o shape_n they_o will_v and_o he_o will_v appear_v and_o do_v for_o they_o that_o which_o they_o desire_v but_o be_v satan_n a_o friend_n of_o they_o can_v any_o such_o thing_n make_v he_o obedient_a to_o man_n do_v thou_o think_v that_o y_o â_o can_v over-rule_v he_o by_o this_o mean_n no_o sure_o but_o he_o rather_o by_o this_o mean_n deceive_v thou_o and_o all_o that_o be_v of_o thy_o opinion_n and_o thus_o he_o deceive_v they_o that_o use_v character_n so_o there_o be_v charm_n use_v to_o get_v away_o the_o headache_a and_o toothache_n but_o do_v the_o charm_n get_v it_o away_o no_o satan_n know_v before_o that_o thy_o headache_n shall_v go_v away_o and_o therefore_o cause_v thou_o to_o use_v that_o charm_n and_o thereby_o will_v move_v thou_o to_o ascribe_v it_o to_o the_o charm_n but_o when_o satan_n whisper_v man_n in_o their_o ear_n how_o shall_v they_o know_v whether_o it_o be_v he_o or_o a_o good_a angel_n that_o speak_v to_o they_o i_o answer_v there_o be_v diverse_a manifest_a token_n whereby_o thou_o may_v discern_v this_o first_o the_o lord_n do_v not_o now_o use_v such_o mean_n to_o reveal_v his_o will_n unto_o man_n thou_o be_v therefore_o always_o to_o suspect_v it_o to_o be_v of_o satan_n second_o if_o it_o be_v a_o good_a angel_n thou_o may_v know_v by_o this_o for_o if_o it_o be_v a_o good_a angel_n it_o will_v tell_v thou_o either_o at_o first_o or_o at_o last_o what_o it_o be_v and_o for_o what_o it_o come_v and_o from_o whence_o as_o in_o time_n past_o the_o good_a angel_n show_v themselves_o to_o abraham_n and_o lot_n three_o if_o it_o be_v a_o good_a angel_n he_o will_v allure_v thou_o to_o keep_v the_o write_a word_n of_o god_n if_o he_o do_v not_o then_o suspect_v he_o the_o use_n the_o use_n of_o all_o this_o doctrine_n be_v to_o lead_v we_o unto_o god_n to_o acknowledge_v he_o to_o be_v our_o only_a lord_n and_o saviour_n and_o to_o embrace_v the_o son_n of_o god_n as_o our_o king_n in_o all_o thing_n therefore_o we_o must_v go_v unto_o he_o but_o whereas_o it_o be_v say_v how_o can_v a_o man_n that_o be_v a_o sinner_n do_v such_o miracle_n it_o may_v be_v ask_v whether_o god_n enemy_n can_v work_v any_o miracle_n i_o answer_v he_o that_o work_v be_v not_o against_o christ_n but_o with_o he_o and_o we_o see_v that_o those_o which_o endeavour_v acts._n 16._o to_o work_v a_o miracle_n can_v not_o and_o there_o be_v a_o dissension_n among_o they_o herein_o we_o see_v that_o the_o lord_n do_v so_o work_v that_o christ_n and_o his_o do_v find_v favour_n among_o their_o enemy_n and_o that_o by_o their_o dissension_n among_o themselves_o here_o we_o see_v that_o schism_n be_v neither_o a_o note_n of_o a_o false_a church_n nor_o yet_o of_o a_o true_a church_n here_o it_o be_v in_o a_o false_a church_n schism_n arise_v of_o the_o diversity_n of_o knowledge_n and_o judgement_n of_o man_n for_o all_o man_n have_v not_o one_o knowledge_n and_o judgement_n and_o all_o see_v not_o the_o truth_n and_o if_o they_o shall_v yet_o all_o have_v not_o the_o like_a yield_a affection_n thereunto_o we_o be_v therefore_o to_o prepare_v ourselves_o to_o meet_v with_o schism_n for_o it_o be_v necessary_a that_o there_o shall_v be_v heresy_n 1._o cor._n 11._o 10._o &_o that_o in_o the_o church_n of_o god_n that_o those_o which_o be_v approve_v may_v be_v know_v finis_fw-la